Character features of a man who hate women. List of negative character traits of man and how to fix them negative character traits examples

January 17, 2018 Recruitors often ask for candidates to list their shortcomings. The purpose of this issue is that HR-Specialist understand how much a potential worker is self-critical, whether he appreciates himself and is able to perceive criticism. The applicant may independently indicate its negative sides in the summary, however, not forgetting to make accents on their skills and skills. In this article we will tell you how to properly present our negative qualities in the summary and give visual examples, but about everything in order. To start, consider the basic rules for filling out the disadvantages section.
If the employer poisoned to you by mail or suggests fill before meeting a questionnaire questionnaire from the company, then there will probably be the matter of weaknesses there. In no case should not put a fiber. If this section is present in the questionnaire, then this item is interested in the employer unequivocally. Digger in this case will be regarded as the inability to soberly assess and high self-esteem. Also, it is not necessary to get involved in fuel, filling this section. Remember that shortcomings can be your advantage. For example, the inability for an accountant is undoubtedly a plus. But for sales manager apparently minus. Please note that your adequacy, self-criticism and truthfulness is estimated, and not how many flaws are available. Examples of unwanted personal qualities in summaries of the names that specify exactlyOften late; enjoy gambling; availability harmful habits (Alcohol, smoking, etc.); often distracted; I work only for salaries; I love to start the service novels; Lena; Zhadnichu; quick-tempered; passive; envious; unwitched; I often feel indifferent to what is happening around, I like to live in your world. Disadvantages that can not play in your favor:PEDANTIC; individualism; self-criticism; sense of self-esteem; hyperreactivity; modesty; infractiveness; conceit; rectinity; vanity; self-confidence; excessive demanding; painstaking. Reading those or other disadvantages. After that, the features of the character that you will not prevent or will help in your future work. Successful Disadvantages for Summary:Inability to respond to rudeness to rudeness; increased demanding to others; the tendency to make a decision, focusing on his own opinion; the reluctance to come in favor of others; I can not always define my thoughts; inclined to reflection; I trust people, sometimes too; I spend much time on the assessment His actions and actions; I can pass through the work and forget about the break; I miss all the situations through myself; I do not know how to swear; I do not know how to lie. Neutral qualities:Fear of insects, snakes, mice and other livers; fear of aircraft; lack of experience (for those who start a career or changes the scope of activity); age (for people over 40 years old); love to make purchases. The knowledge of the negative qualities of a person in the summary should not Contribute to your kind of activity or cast doubt on your professionalism. So, for example, to get the job of the seller of the consultant, you can specify: reliability (is a plus when working with clients); excessive scrupulousness (will be a plus when working with money); an overvisory sense of responsibility (usually Sellers are financially responsible for the goods, and this "disadvantage" is simply necessary for a good sales; excessive love of communication (an important moment in working with customers, which is also a positive "shortcoming" for retail.) Negative qualities for an accountant may be as follows: Difference people and love for the facts (or rather to numbers); discharge from disorder (everything should be on their places Ah and only so); slowness (when working with large sums, it is not worth a hurry); excessive attention to trifles or pedantry.

Often you can hear the statement that the character is given from birth. What if a person was born? In fact, this is a myth. Character features are formed throughout the life from early childhood. The content and combination of these traits affect the social environment, life circumstances, culture and tradition of society.

Congenital features of psyche or also affect the warehouse of character, but this influence is not absolutely, and indirectly interacting the person and society. Human nature as if polished by society. Therefore, with age, the character may change - some features become brighter, more distinct, while others are muffled, go to the shadow.

About a person whose character traits appear brightly and impose a print on all his behavior, they say that he has a strong character. Larcticity is manifested in the impermanence, the instability of the personal qualities that make up the warehouse of character. For example, when a person manifests himself as a narcissist tyrant, and at work - like a coward and swing.

Thus, the character is a multi-colored mosaic, from the individual elements of which there is a unique image of a person. Speaking about the formation and development of character, they mean individual features, important, meaningful to the existence of a person in society. And in each society in various historical epochs, it can be completely different identity qualities.

Character features and their classification

Anyone has many qualities and properties, features of the nervous system, physiology, emotional and motor sphere. We are all very different, but not all manifestations of our nature are related to nature.

What is the character trait

The trait of character is not just one of the many qualities of a person, it is characterized by a number of features:

  • stability, consistency;
  • manifestation B. different types activities and spheres of life;
  • communication with motifs and identity values;
  • influence on the formation of stereotypes of behavior and habits;
  • social conditionality, that is, communication with the norms of behavior in society.

The presence of such sustainable features allows predicting human behavior. Having learned the character of your partner, you can say with confidence how it will do in one way or another. This greatly facilitates people's communication.

Classification Damn

The qualities of the personality that make up the warehouse of her character, a huge amount, and a simple listing would take too much time and place. Therefore, since the time of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, these qualities are trying to classify, highlighting the main ones.

For example, the Austrian doctor and the naturalist of the beginning of the XIX century F. Gall, developing phrenology (science, allowing to describe the character of a person in the structure of its skull), allocated 27 basic properties that make up the personality warehouse. They included the reproduction instinct, the need for self-defense, love for offspring, etc. Currently, no innocent instincts nor the physiological features of a person do not have a relationship, although to a certain extent can affect its warehouse.

After a gall, the attempts to make a classification of character traits were undertaken repeatedly, but all the time it turned out that some features did not fit into this classification.

Currently, it is customary to divide the types of character, but their spheres of manifestation. Traditionally, 4 groups of such features are allocated:

  • Manifestations in relation to other people: individualism and collectivism, indifference and sensitivity, politeness and rudeness, goodwill and, falsity and truthfulness, etc.
  • Manifested in relation to themselves: demanding, self-criticism, self-esteem, etc.
  • Manifested in relation to the case: initiative and passivity, laziness and hard work, organization and inorganization, perfectionism, etc.
  • : perseverance, perseverance, determination, independence, willingness to overcome obstacles and its own weakness.

But this classification is also not complete, since it did not include such individual features of a person who characterize his attitude to things: accuracy and slightness, thrift, tackle, etc.

Excessive accentuation of individual character traits

A variety of character features, mixing, form that unique alloy, which is called a unique person. If some features or a group of loved ones are overly dominated, as if they are pronounced to the fore, breaking the harmony of the image, they speak about. For example, a pronounced need to be always in sight, love for "showing", obsessive sociable and the desire to openly disrupt generally accepted norms of behavior talking about the demonstrative type of accentuation. And excessive aggressiveness, non-abruptness, a tendency to scandals and hysteries - signs of an excitable type of accentuation.

Psychologists assess the accentuation as some "ugliness" of character. Even if positive features are distinguished, human behavior often becomes unacceptable, uncomfortable for others. So, with overly, before fanaticism, a neat person is difficult to coexist, and exaggerated cheerfulness and sociability are very tedious.

As already mentioned, each era imposes a comfacing for socially significant character traits. Thus, in a society oriented on individual success, the most important positive qualities will be considered dedication, initiative, hard work, independence, self-sufficiency up to individualism. And in society, where collectivism and the ability to subjugate their desires are considered to be the main values \u200b\u200bof the requirements of the team, individualism is rejected and believes. But still, undoubtedly, there are general positive features associated with universal values. These include the following:

For example, in certain situations, every person may experience, but it still does not speak of his cowardice if he is able to overcome this fear and indecision. Each time he experiences a tendency to laziness, the question is how bad is preventing a person to live normally and develop. The same can be said about the man and specialism. It is impossible to love all people with a scope and without parsing, but if this feature is strongly expressed, a person can turn into a real monster. Generosity is good quality, but this does not mean that a person should distribute all his property.

There are qualities that can be estimated and both positive, and as negative depending on the degree of severity. And it is not always noticeable when, for example, persistence turns into stubbornness, and the desire to protect itself and loved ones in aggressiveness.

The main criterion that allows us to find out the ratio of negative and positive traits In your character, is the attitude of the surrounding people. Socium is a mirror in which your true appearance reflects, and should be closer to him.

Each girl has an ideal of a young man. But there are certain male qualities that should be from any guy. Some features of nature allow it to make the right decisions, quickly achieving the goals set, be able to communicate with people of different ages and social status, behave adequate in any position and appreciate your family and children.

Every woman wants to love her sincerely. The girls are looking for such a man who could support in difficult moments, be near, when it is necessary, to choose suitable consolation words and compliments. First, the representative of the beautiful floor takes care of what the impression she produced on the chosen. And then trying to find positive qualities in it.

List of main features of the character of the ideal partner in terms of women:

  • generosity;
  • sense of humor;
  • restraint;
  • honesty;
  • accuracy.

First of all, the girls pay attention to the main quality - the generosity of the man. This applies not only to gifts and dinners in the restaurant. If the guy does not regret free time and is ready to sacrifice the meeting with his friends for the sake of a romantic evening with loving womanit can already be called an ideal option.

A sense of humor belongs to decent qualities of men. The ability to cheer in a tense situation has always been valued with beautiful floors. But rough jokes and sarcasm are not popular among women. Honesty is one of the most important qualities, because no one wants to be deceived. Sincere partner will always share its experiences and will tell the whole truth.

In relationships are important and accuracy. A man must be neat and well-groomed. Nobody will like the sludge in dirty shoes and mint clothes. At least a guy you need to shave, wash your hair and put your costume. This concerns I. family life. A real man will not scatter dirty clothes and leave behind the unwitted dishes.

Quality of perfect guy

This man can be recognized in actions, and not words. Such a guy will definitely fulfill what he promised. He is serious and responsible, but knows how to relax and have fun. From a young man with such character comes optimism that they are infected by others.

List of major male qualities attracting attention:

  • equilibrium;
  • confidence;
  • independence;
  • dedication;
  • kindness;
  • sociability;
  • fidelity;
  • romantic.

One of the indicators of masculinity is physical strength. It is important that the guy can protect his beloved. The balance and self-confidence say that in an extreme situation, the young man is not confused, and will act. A man, rolling the hysteria and arranging scandals, is unlikely to love women. Confident guy immediately impresses the ladies, it gives a feeling of stability and reliability.

An independent man knows how to plan his affairs, effectively manages the workers and free time. He will be able to solve difficult problems, is not afraid to take responsibility. Only a purposeful guy becomes successful. The ability to set new planks in front of them and achieve them - a valuable figure. Even in the event of a crash of plans, a man must remain cold-blooded and not to give up its goals.

The kindness lies in the manifestation of mercy and compassion. A good attitude towards children and animals says that the guy has reached inner harmony and is ready to create a family. The sociable person has many friends and acquaintances who will not leave in difficult times. With such a man will not be boring, because he can support any conversation.

Most women are afraid to change. For them, important quality guys is loyalty. If the young man does not flirt with his friends, does not hide his phone, gladly introduces a girl with his friends and relatives, he is seriously configured. In such a man, a woman sees the future husband, she will not be afraid to give birth to children from him.

Representatives of weak floor can not live without romance. They require their chosen plates under the moon, compliments, dinners for candlelight and cute gifts. It is truly important for women, because such signs of attention are perceived as an expression of sincere feelings.

Negative traits

Woman repelled unpleasant character traits. Although in the first days of dating, a man is trying to make a favorable impression and put himself in the best light, with a closer communication, the girl will understand that this pretendation. But often, representatives of a strong floor hide their true essence to the wedding itself, then begin serious problems in family.

Negative qualities that guys may possess:

  • irresponsibility;
  • laziness;
  • coarseness;
  • greed;
  • braveless;
  • impassable;
  • no goals.

The unwillingness to take responsibility will lead a man to the fact that he will not be able to advance through the career ladder, does not want to make children or at least pets. All problems a woman will have to solve the most. The lazy person will find 100 reasons, just to do nothing. He will be bad to fulfill his work, refuses to take homework and help the girl.

Roughness usually manifests itself after several years spent together. Partners are bored with each other, disappears tenderness. But there are men who behave cruelly always with everyone. At first it can attract a woman, but later will become its main fear. A rough guy is able to even beat the girl and his children, because he considers them just adjective to himself, and not individual personalities.

Greed is visible immediately - a man cannot pay for dinner in the restaurant, asks for money on a taxi, comes for a birthday without a gift, never gives flowers. If this characteristic coincides with the guy's behavior, then it is better to leave it right away. After all, in family life, a man will save on all - food, clothing, passage, spouse and even children.

Silent people go from one dependence under another. Usually, chopping guys live for a long time with their parents, and then looking for a wife like a mother. They do not have a personal opinion, desires, dreams, which man inherent with character.

Unbalance will later turn into frequent outbreaks of aggression and even physical violence. The inability to restrain the emotions will adversely affect family life. And the lack of dedication inhibits the development of both partners. If a man does not want to develop and achieve new heights, then the woman will stand still, as she is not for whom to have to be improved.

Three main advantages

Although women have ideal male images are different, there are qualities that each in their chosen one would like to see. These are the three most important advantages of this man:

  • reliability;
  • call of Duty;
  • generosity.

The strongest side of any guy is reliable. A woman is subject to emotions, she can be upset and rejoice several times a day. That is why a man is considered in the family of an equilibrium point. He directs his chief, smoothes sharp drops of her mood, soothes hysterics, does not allow scandaling due to nonsense. A reliable person will help, even if offended by a girl.

You can notice this quality from the first date. A man will take the initiative - will choose a route of walking, a dish in a restaurant, but it will be reckoned with the opinion of the companion. He will always warn about departure and important matters, will answer all the questions you are interested in, fulfilling these promises.

The sense of duty is considered an old-fashioned concept, but women continue to appreciate it today. Love makes men to make good actions. At the same time, they show care of those with whom they have tied their lives. But with the relatives of his wife, the guy can make up not the most pleasant relationship, here and it is necessary to have a sense of duty. Thanks to him, a young man behaves decently and smoothes conflict situations.

Genhams sometimes consider weakness. And in fact, this concept is a description of the internal force. Such men never offend weak and defenselessThey will take care of them. Conflicts are allowed with supervisory officials for the defense of justice and their own right. But to hit, offend, in any way to humiliate the weak animal, a woman or child a generous guy simply will not be able.

The character of a good husband

Being a good father and husband is easy. It is enough to take care, attention and are not afraid of responsibility. You will have to spend a lot of time with your family, so the children and the spouse should be protected and protected.

A girl is easy to determine whether its chosen one is for the role of the future husband. It is enough to pay attention to his communication with different relatives - mother, father, sisters and brothers, as well as with friends and colleagues. Resulting attitude towards parents speaks of good education, the presence of family values \u200b\u200band the ability to respect the elders.

Friendly communication with sisters and brothers indicates prudence, equilibrium and calm. And if you follow the attitude towards nephews and other kids, you can see what a man becomes. If he smiles at the sight of a child, he does not refuse him to play, and with his children the guy will spend a lot of time.

Dislike for babies, irritation due to their balobiness indicates a person who is not ready for family life and children. A good attitude towards his wife's relatives speaks about the desire to strengthen relations. And the manifestation of gratitude for the care is the qualities of a strong and attentive guy.

Some qualities of men regardless of external view and the material situation attract women. And the arrogant handsome hands with indiscrect wealth are often arrogant and selfish. It is difficult to determine the character of a young man at once, but at first meetings you can see the most outstanding features.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, there are no ideal people, and each of us has both positive and negative character traits. However, the paradox is that the same personality for someone can be a model of "the right" qualities, and for others - not the best representative of humanity. In this article you will learn what it depends on and in what situations is manifested.

What is positive and negative qualities of a person

The nature of any person has both positive and negative sides, but noteworthy the fact that in different situations the same quality can carry a different promise and perceived differently. For example, consider such a feature as a pedantic. Probably, many have such colleagues or you yourself are pedantically approach your professional duties. Of course, this trait of character is often very appreciated by the authorities, putting the example of other employees, and not in vain - thanks to her, the employee is able to achieve high results and improve company performance. Of course, in this case, the mentioned quality is considered as favorable.

At the same time, imagine a man or woman with pedantic inclinations at home. Often, other households suffer from this feature of nature, considering it extremely negative and complicating life. The home pedant is tirelessly following the order, demanding that others adhered to, despite fatigue, lack of time and other factors. If the remaining family members are not prone to the manifestation of this feature, then in the house, for sure, conflict will occur regularly.

List of human positive qualities

It is quite expected that completely different qualities are valued in different areas of life. Consider them in more detail by groups.

Positive qualities in relation to society


Surely, everyone is nice to each person when they relate to him, and if this quality is pronounced in you, then, apparently, you make a pleasant impression on others.


Wonderful quality, thanks to which you can find an approach to almost anyone.


Many people want to be interested in their problems and sincerely sought to take part in their decision. Of course, society appreciates such people.


Especially appreciated in managers, teachers, doctors and many others.

Positive features manifested in labor


A person who applies maximum efforts to make his job well, for sure, will reach this goal.


The one who possesses persistence will surely not quit the case halfway, even if something he does not hold something with him.


Such a very ambiguous quality can be very helpful in labor - a person who works not "on the machine", but trying to delve into the details of his activities, clearly reaches a more impressive result.


If a person neatly performs his work, then, for sure, he will not have to redo it, unlike many of those who do not have this feature.


If you are accustomed to look at life with optimism, and look for advantages in its manifestations, then, most likely, you live easier than many others.


The one who has been accumulating the resentment and discontent for several years, will not be able to gain peace of mind, unlike the removal person.


A person who is open to other people and for the whole new, more often acquires true happiness in life than those who try to get angry from the world.


Of course, a non-conflict person is much easier to build relationships with people than conflict.

Positive qualities for women

A woman can perform in a few roles, and for each of them there are their priority sides.

  • Wife: Care, decency, loyalty, light temper, kindness, sensuality, cleanliness.
  • Mother: Speedness, caring, kindness, sensitivity, patient.
  • Friend: Paturalness, initiative, optimism.

In general, there is no single image of an ideal woman. Someone believes that the woman should be an ambitious, independent, active, while others are convinced that the "real woman" characterize such features as fasciance, meekness.

Positive traits of the nature of a real man

For the long-established social concepts, the "real man" should take place as the miner, as well as a caring and loving husband and father. When most women describe the perfect man, it is often possible to hear such epithets: kind, generous, active, faithful, family, gentle, passionate, cheerful, caring, erudite, persistent, sexy, neat, enterprising, and so on.

When it comes to a man, as a father, then as a positive characteristic, attentiveness, kindness, caring, sense of humor, patience and other are mentioned as a positive characteristics.

A good worker must have hard work, punctuality, diligence, collectivism, and so on.

List of human negative qualities in groups

Negative character traits in relation to society


When a person thinks only about his own well-being, and often reaches him at the expense of others, it is a good meeting on the part of society.


People who show an unfavorable attitude towards others often receive a similar reaction from them.


If a person behaves dishonest towards others, it is unlikely that he should hope for a benevolent attitude towards himself.


Rough representatives of society rarely find a common language with other people, which subsequently does the most effect affect their lives.


Fucks possess charisma and charm only in some novels and films about love - they usually try to avoid them in real life.

Negative character traits manifested in labor


If you are the owner of this quality, then surely it does not lead to your bosses or colleagues.


Here and so everything is clear - the lazy man rarely demonstrates wonders of working capacity, and has time to go much less than most others.


The one who casually does his job is unlikely to make it really good.


Very negative not only for labor, but also for many other spheres of life.


Naturally, a person who works slowly is not the most desired candidate for most employers.

Character traits in relation to life


A person who does not seek something to achieve in life, and increasingly allowing his affairs on a sidier, rarely gets something really worth something from destiny.


Perhaps there is nothing surprising in the fact that the one who exhibits breathlessness towards the world around the world, prefer to be avoided.


When a person is closed, he deprives himself joys to communicate with many interesting personalities, as well as many discoveries that could significantly decorate his life.


The one who often envies others is more focused on someone else's life than their own. As a result, it turns out that my own life seems to pass by.

Negative features for a woman


With such a woman, it is almost impossible to build a harmonious family, and in a career and friendship, this is manifested extremely negative.


It may manifest themselves both in the conduct of life and in appearance.


Probably, many had "pleasure" to communicate with such women, and communicating with them clearly did not leave positive emotions.


Many women themselves suffer from this feature of their own character and force to experience negative emotions around.


Negative qualities of a real man


Increasingly, in various forums, you can meet messages from women who are sincerely outraged, believing that this is one of the most unpleasant male traits. However, in friendship it is found in the bayonets.


A trait that will not lead to anything good in relationships, not in a career.


With such a man, it's quite difficult to build a family, but there is nothing about career accomplishments.


Of course, no one will like a man who is able to raise his self-esteem only due to the humiliation of other people.


It may be about married infidelity and not only. Also, the trait can manifest itself in friendship and work.

List of positive qualities of a person for a resume

By drawing up a resume before the interview, it is important not to forget to specify your positive qualities - it is this graph that can be decisive at your reception to work.

What good qualities should focus

So, studying your resume, the employer, hopes to see the list of your personal advantages in it, which will have a positive will affect not only at work, but also on the atmosphere in the team. What traits will give him to understand that you can deal with you? First of all, it is, of course, communicability, After all, a person who is capable of finding a common language with other people will clearly not pump the situation among colleagues. Also do not forget to mention about conscientiousness, reliability, optimism, responsibility, accuracy - All this, for sure, will be approvingly meeting in a new position.

Professional positive qualities

Of course, when applying in any organization, you will need to mention, not only about personal characteristics, but also about the qualities that you need any good professional. It can be about such features as oratory and organizational abilities, discipline, punctuality, scrupulousness, stress resistance, fast learning, high performance. If you have any professional awards or diplomas, certainly, specify this in the summary - for sure it will be you only in plus. In the event you are talking about creative workthen you can mention such quality as creativity.

List of negative personal qualities for resume

However, when applying for a job, it is worth considering that some qualities may not like your employer, despite the fact that in other areas of life they can have a positive effect. An example can serve emotionic - Your young man can be delighted with this feature, but it will not at all cause optimism from your potential boss if you are applying for a cashier or waiter. In the piggy bank of negative personal qualities for a resume can be reached shyness - She can be mounted with many people, but will be completely inappropriate in some posts. Also in different ways can be interpreted and such a feature as independence - Some employers will perceive it simply as the inability to work in a team.

In addition, in some organizations, you hardly play your hand straightness - Sometimes it borders with the lack of a feeling of tact, ignorant, and just undesirable in certain situations and, especially in the service sector. Think well before specifying in a resume such as quality as principle - It is also far from priority for many tenants and causes obvious alertness on their part.

What qualities the features of character should be mentioned at the interview

Many applicants, getting to the interview, make one common mistake - they voiced only their positive qualities, making it clear that they do not have flaws. Of course, it is unlikely that at least one employer will believe that this is true - he may come to the conclusion that you are lying or not able to give yourself objective assessment. That is why when it comes to shortcoming, mention such qualities that specifically in this organization will be perceived approvingly. You can tell the employer that you consider your negative quality what you often attach attention to small things - if you apply, for example, on a vacancy of a doctor, then, of course, such a revelation will be perceived positively.

In general, think what a negative feature will be loyally perceived in the institution, whose employee you want to become. And of course, do not forget about the features that are valued almost everywhere: performance, friendliness, optimism, sense of humor, responsibility, self-control and others. Of course, try not to make reality or subsequently, when taking a job, at least strive for the specified qualities, if you really do not possess them.

Good afternoon, dear readers! The main features of the character of a man define his behavior in society, a team, family and in general, in handling women.

Therefore, I want to talk about what they happen. So you can do right choice, and were also information about the fact that next to such a person can expect you.

Positive features

The image of a real man usually includes

  • Confidence in yourself without waiting for approval. He simply acts as he considers it necessary for the benefit of himself and his loved ones;
  • Unbeatable will. It is almost impossible to break and beat off his hunt. Transfers all the difficulties as regular phenomena of life;
  • Strength of mind. If something does not want to do, but you need to - can take yourself in hand and completed the started;
  • Frankness. With him, you can talk about anything for souls, it will not be cut;
  • Honesty. Such a person will not betray, will not lie under any circumstances;
  • Hardworking. He loves to work, he does not need to ask for help many times. Since it makes everything immediately as soon as he sees the need for this;
  • Good sense of humour. It has fun, easy and easy. In the company, people, as a rule, are always in the spotlight;
  • High level of intelligence. This is an educated person who knows what and when to talk and do, but at the same time he does not boast by his skills;
  • Equilibrium. It is almost impossible to remove it, it is able to relate to any tests. Even when it feels full internal devastation, it does not lose common reason;
  • Restraint. In extraordinary situations, it does not go to insult and cry, it is confident that everything can be solved in the framework of the conversation by choosing the optimal solution for all parties;
  • Indement. Next to him every woman feels safe, as for an inconibrated support, regardless of any circumstances;
  • Independence. He does not wait for approval and teams from others, no one blames and relies in life only on himself;

And a bit more

  • Holds his word. People close to him know exactly what if he promised, it will be necessarily executed, and in the shortest possible time;
  • Respects someone else's opinion. If it contradicts his own glances, does not upset about this and knows that everyone has the right to be different;
  • Dedication. Always knows what he wants and how to achieve it;
  • Sociability. Open to communication, both with loved ones and acquaintances and other people's people. Therefore, with him without fear, you can go to unfamiliar companies;
  • The ability to make important decisions. Does not expect advice, and it makes decisions, even if not very confident in his choice;
  • Stress tolerance. Ready to difficulties and unexpected turns of fate, taking it as proper. And reacts to such events accordingly;
  • Bravery. If inside it feels hopelessness and fear - does not sow panic, but continues to move on;
  • Fidelity. If he fell in love with real, then this is forever, despite the lightning number of beauties, he will be a faithful one only girl;
  • and originality. It is distinguished by the ability to surprise close and friends with unexpected decisions;
  • Initiative. Enthusiasm is taken for any business and necessarily brings it to the end;
  • Accuracy. Manifests itself in everyday life, in clothing, in statements;
  • Openness to a new one. It understands that each of us is imperfect. And that we have to grow where it is therefore tirelessly working on their development;
  • Skill forgive. He knows that no one is perfect, so it can forgive if a person was wrong and sincerely repent of this.

By the way, if you wonder how much you correspond to the image of a "real man", you can pass. Having answered questions, you will receive not only the complete interpretation of the results obtained, but also individual recommendations that will help cope with their limitations.

Negative traits

Since ideal people do not happen, let's figure it out in what negative character traits can meet among guys. It is only important to understand that they are present in each of us.

Therefore, they should be taken not as bad, but as those on which you can work to move into life, realize your dreams and desires.

List of negative character traits

  • Egoism. Often confidence in yourself goes hand in hand with egoism. At the first acquaintance of this imperceptibly. We take weeks, and then months, and in certain situations, a person makes it clear that in the first place for him - he and his interests. With such people, over time, it becomes hard to communicate, say, find compromises, and the "pink glasses" girls fall after many scandals, reproaches and proofing their rightness.
  • Envy. This quality is manifested when a young man notices that someone has something better than him. As a rule, envy is closely connected with anger, because it is someone "rigged". And even if it is not so important, it will not be possible to leave the poor mood.
  • Irresponsibility. Sometimes hardworking and responsive good guys may be irresponsible completely, in any field of vital activity. For example, at work, they are glad and painstakingly perform any instructions of the authorities, and before everything concerns domestic worries, they have no matter. They often behave as if there are no problems at all. Although their close people can not find the place at this moment. Trying to find optimal ways out of the current situation. They can also remain unemployed for a long time, as they believe that they cannot find a decent place. And financial questions at this time remain on the shoulders of relatives.

And a bit more

  • Greed. In an effort to earn a lot of money for family and loved ones, such men may not notice how they turn into greedy and petty. Sometimes the situation comes to the fact that he limits not only herself in spending, but also close. Therefore, any entertainment, no pleasant speech can go and speech. The situation is increasing, with it and the level of emotional stress, and then, most likely, quarrels and parting will be followed.
  • Emotional instability. Such a man is interesting in communication, but for a relaxed family life is not intended. He can upset several times over the day, beware, and then behave, as if nothing had happened. It will easily laugh any, but it is worth something, even some little things, to go not according to his plan - and he comes into rage, can be boiled, offended and even hit. It is dangerous to join any discussions.


As mentioned, we are all not perfect. Even the best at first glance people may be unsolved in certain situations.