If the child fell ill on the exam. What can be used during the exam? Who checks work? How objective is the assessment

For strollers, a single state examination did not come up with sanctions

The same "Troika" or "Five" in different schools hides a different level of knowledge. And entering the university, the applicant may and at all get a "deuce", although it really wrote to the firm "four". First go their own. In order to avoid such "misunderstandings" in the country, the third year in a row is experimenting with the exam. MK publishes answers to the head of Rosobrnadzor Victor Bolotov on the most "hot" questions of graduates.

- How long is it allocated for the exam and are interruptions allow during the exam?

There are no breaks. If there is a need to exit the audience for obvious reasons, then this is possible only accompanied by the organizers. The length of the exam in mathematics and literature is 4 hours (240 minutes), in physics - 3.5 hours (210 minutes), in Russian language, biology, geography, chemistry, social studies, history of Russia - 3 hours (180 minutes), foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(in Moscow - English) - 167 minutes.

- What to do if caught incorrect task?

If you are sure that the question is incorrect, it is necessary to immediately contact the subject commissions of the subject of the Russian Federation and to appeal the content. If the marriage of the compilers will be established, then all the guys will receive a score for an incorrect task. In addition, if someone from the audience prevented you, you can immediately make an appeal against the violation of the exam procedure. Appeal is served only on the day of the exam at the point of it. If you do not agree with the marked mark, then the appeal must be submitted within three days from the next day after the official announcement of the results. Appeals are treated for two or three days after applying.

- Is it known in advance, for what point the participant of the exam will sit in the audience?

The distribution of the participants of the EGE in the audiences in the audiences is made automated one and a half hours before the exam.

The exam is estimated on a 100-point system. How will they recalculate in schools? For each region, your range of recalculation or is there any single one?

Every year after eMEE We collect statistics in all regions and determine the borders of the "Two", "Troika", "Four" and "Five". Based on this school certificates, appropriate estimates are exhibited. As for the highest school, it can have its own recalculation scale. It is clear that the requirements for mathematics on Mehmate and mathematics requirements in a construction university can be different. For Mehmat, the border of the "five" - \u200b\u200b90 points, for the construction university there may be 50 points. We look at the level of execution of examination work. For example, we believed that for the Troika, it is necessary to make such a task, and it was fulfilled only 5% of children. We understand that our specialists were mistaken, considering it easy, and we need to reconsider what tasks are necessary for the "Troika". And vice versa: It was believed that this is a task for excellent students, and 90% of children were performed, therefore it is obvious that it goes into the category of trees. I am very simplifying the situation, it is a whole science and theory, but I thought I tried to tell. Universities with EME estimates two problems. The first - borders "Troika". The prigarent man received the Troika. University, a clear case, does not want to be filled with only children with benefits. In the past year, the universities tried to play in the last year: if you are disabled, then you have a three of 50 points, and if not, then 40 points. This is a violation of the law, and we are punishing these universities. The second - the borders of the "fives". If I put a low border of the "five", then I will have a contest among the medalists, and if I will, I will not have medalists in general. And the exam showed that 80% of children who went to medals actually possess their respective knowledge, these are strong girls and boys. We give the following hint universities: we write how many children scored from 90 to 100 points, it is only a few thousand in Russia - elite.

- Is it possible to renounce a single state examination?

Recalling the USE on the basis of unsatisfactory assessment is impossible. But the result received on the exam will not pursue you all my life. The validity period of the USE certificate is defined until December 31 of the current year, so you can re-pass entrance exams next year in the form in which they are conducted by the selected university.

- Is it possible to refuse to pass the exam?

It depends on the rules that are adopted in the subjects of the Federation. For example, in Moscow - purely voluntarily, but in St. Petersburg for the third year there is no voluntariness, there everyone will pass the exam in Russian.

- What if the schoolboy fell ill on the day of the exam?

There is a backup day. If a person is hurting and in a reserve day, then it may not take any exam, but the exam in the traditional form. No sanctions against those who want to escape under the pretext of the disease from the exam, we do not accept.

Schedule of the exam in Moscow

And what about the certificate?

With the difference of annual marks and marks on the exam in one score in the certificate they put higher. If the difference between them is more than one score, between them calculate the arithmetic average - this is the total assessment. In this case, rounding is made in the direction of a higher score. If a graduate gives a written exam in the Russian language and literature and the exam in Russian, the total mark in the language certificate is set as the arithmetic average of all three marks (annual in Russian, esshone and marks for a written exam in Russian language and literature). When rounding, the fractional part is discarded if it is less than 0.5, and rounding is produced in the direction of a higher score, if the fractional part is greater than or equal to 0.5.

In the case of the graduate of the written exam in the Russian language and literature in the form of an essay (presentation) and the exam in the form of the EEG, the final mark in the literature certificate is exhibited as an average arithmetic annual mark on literature, marks on the literature obtained from the results of the Russian written exam Language and literature, and marks for a single state exam in literature. When rounding the average arithmetic outcome mark on literature, the fractional part is discarded if it is less than 0.5, and rounding is produced in the direction of a higher score, if the fractional part is greater than or equal to 0.5.


For Muscovites, no news - the metropolitan universities take the history exam only in the form of an exam.

Studies conducted in Tomsk revealed that pulse, pressure, etc. During the exam, comparable with indicators on the usual exams. Do not worry!

At the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements of Rosobrnadzor, an expert council has been created, which will follow the quality methodical manuals On the exam and give them a special vulture. Educational materials Without the FIPI FIPI is announced outlawed.


Prepared hundreds of test options. When they are distributed, time zones are taken into account. Call friends by Far East And ask for answers is useless, you will have another set of tests.

The ege promise to make mandatory for everyone in 2008.

By 2010. year of ege Even nine-graders will be passed. With the results of these tests it will be possible to flow into colleges.


Take a passport, a black gel handle, as well as a passport, and registered by the head of the general education institution.

At the same time you can grab:

To physics - an unprogrammed calculator,

In chemistry - an unprogrammed calculator, a table of Mendeleev, solubility tables of salts, acids and bases in water and an electrochemical row of metal voltages.

The use of all other materials is prohibited.

Is there any form of passing exams other than the exam?

In accordance with the current legislation in the field of education, a graduate 11 (12) -th class for obtaining a document on education (certificate of average (full) general education) is obliged to pass the state (final) certification in the form of a single state exam For two mandatory subjects - Russian language and mathematics. In addition, there is a different form of passage of state (final) certification - the state graduation exam (HBE). It is entitled to pass Exams in the form of HBE only some categories of graduates: graduates of educational institutions of a penal system and graduates with disabilities. For these categories of graduates, a combination of different forms of state (final) certification is allowed (i.e. a graduate can pass, for example, Russian, chemistry and biology in the form of an exem (for admission to a medical university), and mathematics - in the form of HBE (t. To. This exam is not required for admission to university)).

How does the exam differ from traditional exams?

A single state exam is carried out according to the whole country schedule and a single rules. The unity of the exam is also in the fact that it is at the same time graduation from school and introductory to institutions vocational education. In addition, there are special forms to design responses to tasks and standardized examinations, which are called control measuring materials (KIM).

Where can I get acquainted with the examination materials for which the exam is held?

Kim are being developed by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurement (FII). On the website of the FII (http://www.fipi.ru), the official information portal EGE (http://ege.edu.ru) presents demonstration versions of Kim, starting since 2004. CIM demonstration options are not used in exams, but they have a similar structure, the number of tasks, the level of complexity. Acquaintance with demulsions helps graduates to prepare for the exam. Preparation for the USE must be carried out using tutorialsdeveloped with the participation of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FII). With a complete list of such benefits can be found on the FII website.

Are kima distinguished, which are used in the main deadlines, from the kim used on the exam in additional terms in July?

All the kima is manufactured in such a way as to ensure the multivariates of the sets of individual exams. At the same time, the kim is formed on the basis of the federal state educational standard of medium (full) general education. The content of the kim is regulated by three documents: the codifier of the elements of the content of the kimov, the specification of the exam and the examinity of the exam. Thus, the approximate structure, the form and content of kimov are predetermined and cannot be changed arbitrary manner. The tasks of the CIM of the Unified State Exam on the maintenance and types of activities are the same in all terms.

What questions you need to answer, what tasks (tasks) must be solved when implementing the exam? And how many tasks are present in the test for each category A, B, C?

Since the exam is not only a graduation from school, but also introductory to the university exam, its purpose is the selection among graduates of the most prepared to continue learning in the university. In this regard, the structure and content examination. In addition, in addition to the basic level tasks, there are tasks of an increased and high level of complexity. The tasks of the increased and high level of complexity allow you to allocate from the number of the most prepared. The exam for each subject includes tasks of three types: "A" - tasks with a choice of response from the proposed options; "B" - tasks with a brief answer; "C" - tasks with a detailed answer. As for the number of tasks, it contains different quantities of type "A", "B" and "C". Total number Tasks in the examination options according to different subjects are not the same and determined by the specifics of the subject.

How long does the exam continue?

The duration of exams on individual subjects is established annually by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In 2013, the length of the exam in mathematics, physics, literature, computer science will be 3 hours 55 minutes; in Russian, history, social studies - 3 hours 30 minutes; According to biology, geography, chemistry, foreign languages \u200b\u200b- 3 hours. It is necessary to know that the duration of exams does not turn on the time allocated to preparatory activities (Instructing participants of the USE, opening special delivery packages with examination materials, filling in registration fields of the EGE blank). EGE for all subjects begins at 10:00 local time in all subjects Russian Federation.

What to do if the child lost his passport on the eve of the exam?

Do not worry and come to the exam. The identification of the graduate personality will be identified at the examination point, i.e. The head of the item, together with the accompanying child, the teacher of the school will be drawn up with the necessary protocol confirming the identification of the personality of the learning, and the graduate will miss the audience. In parallel, it will be necessary to submit documents for the restoration of the passport.

What if in the pass to the child, the child has errors in filling the surname, name, patronyony or passport data?

If the graduate found it to the exam, then to correct the data it is necessary to go to school. If immediately before the exam (already in paragraph), then you must correctly specify the data in the registration form and ask the organizers to make changes to the database. If errors are detected in the transmission protocol, it is necessary to inform it through the need to change in the database before the certificate of the EGE results are printed.

How many times can the child come from the audience in the toilet, given that the exam passage is a stress situation for him?

In the documents regulating the implementation of the exam, the number of exits in the sanitary room is not agreed. Thus, if necessary.

The child is half a day. Can I take with you on the exam water, food?

It is not forbidden to take water to the exam and food. But breaks for eating on the exam are provided only for children with disabilities. Therefore, the rest of the categories of graduates is advisable to limit both water and, for example, chocolate.

Tell me that a graduate can take with me for exams?

In the examination item, the participant of the EE must come with a passport, skipping and gel (capillary) handle with bright black ink. It is necessary to know that the EEE in mathematics is allowed to use a ruler, in physics - a ruler and an unprogrammed calculator, according to chemistry - an unprogrammed calculator, in geography - a ruler, a transporter and an unprogrammed calculator.

What is forbidden to graduates on the exam?

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the Procedure for EEG, the participants of the EGE are prohibited from to have and use the means of communication and electronic computing equipment. In addition, during the exam, the graduates are not entitled to communicate with each other, freely move through the audience and PPE, use reference materials and additional devices and materials, except those permitted on separate exams. When establishing the fact of availability and (or) use by graduates of communications and electronic computers during the exam during the exam or other violations of the established procedure for conducting the EEG, they will be removed from the exams, and their results are canceled by the decision of the State Examination Commission without providing the rights of transactions in the current academic year. In addition, for the participants of the USE, which violated the procedure for conducting state (final) certification or posted in the Internet, an administrative responsibility was established under Art. 13.14 and art. 19.30 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Who has the right to control the exam?

All those appointed by the order of the Department of Education and Science Lipetsk Areas, organizing an exam in the exam in the exam, namely the authorized representative of the State Examination Commission, the head of the item, the organizers in the audiences and on the floors should ensure compliance with the procedure for holding the EGE. In addition, it is envisaged in the paragraphs of the examinations of public observers and those entrusted to draw up protocols on administrative offenses and attract graduates who violated the procedure for the exam, administrative responsibility.

Can I, a graduate parent, see how the exam is held?

In accordance with the Regulations on the Public Observation System, graduate parents can endure the status of a public observer if they are not employees of the education system. Parents wishing to act as public observers on the exam, no later than two weeks before the date of the exam should apply to the management of education and science of the Lipetsk region with a written statement. However, the graduate parents may not exercise public observation in the point of examinations in which his child's exam or a close relative.

What if the child has become bad during the exam? After all, poor well-being can affect the results of the exam.

In this case, the graduate should contact the Cabinet of Medical Aid, which is equipped in each PPE. The health worker will fix the fact of circulation, if necessary cause ambulance. The organizer in the audience in the form of the participant of the EEG will make the corresponding marks that he has not completed the execution of examination work. The graduate will be registered in the database of the participants of the EGE on other times (reserve or additional days) provided for by a single schedule.

What if the child gets sick on the day before the exam or on his day?

A graduate who missed the exam because of the disease, on recovery presents a medical certificate to school. And the school must promptly transfer information to the Department of Education so that the graduate was registered in the database of the EGE participants to pass the exam at other times provided for by a single schedule. If a schoolboy has health problems during the state (final) certification and it does not recover before it is completed, he can only take a certification next year.

I would like to know if a graduate is required to take the exam on the choice?

Not necessary. To get a certificate about the average (full) general education, it is necessary and enough to pass two mandatory exams - Russian and mathematics. But if a graduate plans to enter the university, he must pass the exam on the options for the choice, which will allow him to enter the institution of secondary and higher vocational education (in the form of an exe, you can pass exams for 12 options for choosing: physics, computer science and ICT, chemistry, biology, geography, social studies, history, literature, foreign languages \u200b\u200b(English, French, German and Spanish)).

How to determine what to take exams on options for choosing?

Until on March 1, graduates must submit statements to participate in the EE, indicating the list of objects, which are planned to pass exams. In accordance with the procedure for holding the EGE after March 1, the change in the statements specified in the statement on general education subjects is possible only if there is a good reason (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documented). Every year (until February 1), universities and dusses on official sites and information stands place the receiving rules and indicate a list of entrance tests that need to be held on a specific specialty (preparation direction). Upon admission to the university, it is necessary to have results for at least three exams from the list of entrance examinations approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. This document shows all areas of preparation (specialty), which can be obtained by higher vocational education, and items that must be passed for admission to this or that direction of training (specialty). For any direction of preparation, you must pass the exam in the Russian language and the profile subject. Thus, future specialists in the field of international relations must be submitted to the admission committee of the university, the results of the Russian language, history and foreign language or social studies (on choosing a specific university), and future child doctors - the results of exams in Russian, biology and chemistry or physics ( Also on choosing a particular university). For admission to some universities it is necessary to pass four EGE, and to some go through additional entrance tests. Do not forget about such an opportunity to enter universities, like participation in the All-Russian schoolchildren's Olympiad and in the "university" Olympiads. Upon admission to the institution of secondary vocational education (technical schools, colleges), the results of two EGE are needed, one of which is Russian, the second - in accordance with the list of entrance tests, a specific DRA.

What is the trend in the trend of selection of objects for the exam?

Answering this question, we will not serve the actual selection of graduates of examinations. Let's give a small analysis of the current situation. If mathematics, physics and informatics are more common in the list of entrance tests, less often - geography, biology, chemistry, social studies, the number of graduates of 2013, focused on technical specialties, is significantly lower than the application for universities, and the frequency of selection by graduates, for example, Social Studies are significantly higher, and therefore, inconspicuousness with the needs of universities and the labor market.

What to do if the Dates of the exam on the subjects of the subjects coincide?

In this case, the schedule of exam is provided for reserve days. If you rent a large number of items on the choice (more than 8) and do not fit in the main deadlines (taking into account the reserve days), then you may be allowed to pass the remaining items in an additional time (in July). But is it worth "spray"?! We analyzed the results of the EG graduates of the past years, revealed during the analysis: if the graduate was defined exactly and in advance with the choice of profession, it was purposefully preparing for the exams, which he should be given to admission to the selected university (i.e. by 3 or 4- Well), its results turn out to be higher than the results of graduates who are preparing for the EE 2 or more subjects.

You can not come to the exam, to participate in which he was signed up, but it was not needed upon admission?

In this case, the graduate has the right not to come to the exam on the items.

How many universities can you apply?

The graduate is entitled to apply and participate in contests at the same time as five universities in three areas of training (specialties). At the same time, the incoming entitled to file such a statement simultaneously to various forms of obtaining education, as well as at the same time as budget and non-budget places.

Explain who and how checks the answers to the tasks of the ege?

Answers to tasks "A" and "B" are verified using special computer programs at the Federal Testing Center (Moscow). Checking the answers to the tasks of the type "C" is carried out by subject commissions, which include the best teachers of schools and teachers of universities in the region. Subject commissions take into consideration of impersonal copies of the EGE blanks with responses to the tasks of the type "C". Answers to the participants of the exam on tasks with an expanded response are checked by two experts. According to the results of the inspection, the experts independently expose points for each answer. In the case of discrepancies in points exposed by two experts, a third expert is assigned. Directly upon completion of the processing and verification of the examination works of the EE participants, the results of the formation of forms, as well as the results of checking the answers to the tasks of the type "C" are sent to Moscow to the Federal Testing Center, which conducts a centralized test of the examination works of all participants of the USE. In order to increase the objectivity of verification of examination works, an interregional cross-check can be carried out.

How and who is the appeal?

The participants of the USE are given the right to appeal two types: about the violation of the established procedure for holding the USE and disagreement with the scores. Appeals are not accepted on the content and structure of KIM, as well as on issues related to the violation by the participant of the EGE established requirements for the implementation of examination work. An appeal of violation of the procedure for holding the EGE is submitted to the authorized representative of the GES on the day of the exam at the EGE paragraph; Appeal of disagreement with exposed points - the director of the school, who transmits it to the conflict commission. This is necessary for 2 working days from the date of the official announcement of the results of the EGE. Please note that, according to the results of consideration of the appeal, the number of points exhibited can be changed both towards zoom in and up to the reduction.

Who is the legal representative of the child on appeals? Is a legitimate representative of a child who has a notarized power of attorney from his parents, for example, a teacher or tutor?

Civil law identified categories of persons who can represent a minor or incapacitated citizen: parents, guardians, adoptive parents, trustees, as well as persons who carry out the patronage of an adult capabilities, which, for health, cannot exercise their rights. Other persons cannot represent the interests of the child on appeal.

If the child does not have time to rewrite the answer from the draft. Will it be considered when evaluating work?

Chernovikov are not part of the examination kit and when evaluating the graduate's work is not considered. The graduate should be able to work in the set time mode. In each audience, there are hours for which you can control the time remaining until the end. In addition, the organizers in the audience 30 minutes before the end of the exam report graduates that half an hour left before the end of the exam.

What is primary and test points of EGE?

Primary score is a preliminary score of the EGE, which is obtained by direct summation of the number of correct answers. Each completed task of the USE is estimated by a certain number of points. Test points differ from the primary points. The primary scam points are transformed into test using the scaling technique. Thus, test points are final scores based on the results of the EGE, which are exhibited by a roller scale as a result of the scaling procedure that takes into account all the statistical materials obtained in the framework of the exam. The minimum number of points for each subject is set annually.

How to be if the child did not score the minimum number of points when passing a mandatory exam?

If the graduate on the exam in Russian or in mathematics does not overcome the minimum threshold of points, then it will be given a chance to recall the exam in one of the reserve days. If a graduate is re-obtaining an unsatisfactory result, he will be issued a certificate of training in an educational institution. If the study received a poor result on two mandatory exams, then the right to re-pass the state (final) certification this year he will not be and also will also receive a certificate of training in the school set. None of the Higher Educational Institution, nor in the establishment of secondary vocational education with his help will not be taken. A year after graduation, the graduate will be able to try to pass the exam again and get a certificate of average (full) general education. But on the basis of the main general education (ie, 9 years of education) he can study in professional school or technical school (college).

Is it possible to recall the exam on the items on the choice if the result is obtained that the student does not suit?

Recreasing the exam in the options for the choice in the current year is not provided.

Does the exam results affect the certificate?

From the successful examination of the exam in two mandatory subjects (Russian language and mathematics) depends on obtaining a certificate: a graduate should have the results of the exam in Russian and mathematics not lower than the number of points established by Rosobrnadzor. In 2013, the decree of Rosobrnadzor established the minimum number of points in the Russian language - 36 points, in mathematics - 24 points.

Do the points received on the exam affect the evaluation in the certificate?

The number of points received by a graduate on the USE does not affect the marks that will be put into the formation document (as they do not affect and receive the gold or silver medal "for excellent successes in the teaching"). In the certificate of average (full) general education, the final marks are set on a five-point system. They are defined as the arithmetic average annual graduate marks for 10 and 11 (12) classes and are set to certificate to the integers in accordance with the rules of mathematical rounding.

Where do you receive a certificate of the results of the exam? Who can get a testimony instead of a graduate?

The evidence of the results of the EEE is issued in the educational institution to the participant of the exam in person or parents (legal representatives) on the basis of documents certifying their identity, or the person authorized by the participant of the USE, on the basis of the prescribed proxy.

Tell me, the evidence of the results of the EGE is perpetual?

Not. The validity period of the certificate expires on December 31 of the year following the year of obtaining it. For persons held military service on call and dismissed from military service, it is permitted during the year after dismissal from military service upon admission to institutions of higher and secondary vocational education to use the results of the EG held throughout the year before calling for military service.

Last year, the reception of documents in the university has already begun, and the evidence of the results of the EGE graduates has not yet been issued. Maybe this situation is repeated this year?

This situation may repeat, but do not worry if, during the submission of an application to the university, you will not have a certificate of the results of the EGE. When submitting documents, the applicant in the application indicates information on the results of the USE, and the admission committee of the university is obliged to check the results of the USE through a unified federal information system.

How to submit documents to university?

The procedure for submission of documents can be found directly in the educational institution. Reception of documents for the first course begins no later than June 20 and ends on July 25th.

Tell me, are the benefits of victory in the Olympics in the universities?

It depends on the level of the Olympiad. Victory in the city or regional Olympiads do not give benefits upon admission to the university. Winners and winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren are accepted without introductory tests in state educational institutions of secondary vocational education and in state and municipal educational institutions of higher professional education for training in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the Olympiad profile. At the same time, a mark "Excellent" is set to the certificate for a general educational subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. The winners and winners receive a state diploma, which indicates the name of the Olympics on the subject. It should be submitted to the university when submitting documents to confirm its benefits. Upon admission to university / DSUs, the specialty is not by the profile of the Olympics, the result of the Olympics is counted as 100 points on the subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. It is important that outside the competition, using the benefit of the winner or the winner of any Olympics, you can enter only one university or a DRP to one direction of training (specialty) corresponding to the Olympiad profile. In other higher educational institutions, winners and prize-winners of various Olympiads will be able to participate in the competition on the general basis. The results of the winners and prizes of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren are unlimited.
The results of the winners and winners of other schoolchildren's olympics (including the "university") are taken into account only when entering the university / DSUs. At school, the state (final) certification for the winners and the winners of other Olympics is undergoing in general reasons. By decision of the university / Dusza, winners and prize-winners Olympics of schoolchildren at admission are eligible for one of the following benefits:
o Be enrolled without entrance tests in the specialty, corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad
o be equivalent to persons who scored 100 points on the exam on the subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad
o be equivalent to persons who have successfully passed additional introductory tests of the profile (when entering universities), creative and (or) professional focus on the subject corresponding to the Olympiad profile, in the manner determined by reception Commission.
These benefits are valid for 1 year from the date of approval of the lists of winners and the winners of the Olympics of schoolchildren.

Will urban trial will be held?

Answering the question about rehearsing the exam, we note: in the city of Lipetsk, traditionally on mandatory subjects (ie, Russian language and mathematics) rehearsal testing are carried out by independent educational institutions. Citywide rehearsal testing will be held in mid-March on objects of selection of graduates. The citywide rehearsal testing is organized to work out the technology of the exam, and not to identify the level of graduate training. However, educational institutions should sum up the qualitative results of the participation of graduates in urban rehearsal testing and bring them to the attention of graduates, parents.

May 28, the first testing of the main eSE EGE: in geography and computer science. We noted important items that need to be remembered a few days before exams.

Come on the criteria

Suppose the exam because you do not know what conditions the answers are evaluated - it's a shame. Carefully read the criteria to all tasks for each subject. You can do this on the FII website at the end of the demonstration options and materials for experts.

If so far, some of the criteria are incomprehensible, in no case ignore them. Specify their value from the teacher or look at the preparatory materials on the FII website.

Decide several options

Useful practice to find topics that remember not well. Examine them from scratch is unlikely to succeed, but if you urgently need to remember the formula or read the story, it's still not too late.

Options need to be addressed as an exam, without being distracted by a cup. Put the timer at the time of the exam duration and remove the prompts. So you will learn how to sit on tasks and feel time.

Fill the Blanches

Before exams, you will explain the rules for filling the blanks, but the confused mind of an agitated graduate can give to the external signals. Bring the filling of the forms to automatism in advance.

Here are a few rules for filling the forms of EGE:

  • You can only write with a black capillary or gel handle, you cannot use the corrector.
  • All numbers and letters must comply with the fact that they are depicted at the top of the registration and answers number 1. Be sure to practice writing them and not to break into the uppercase letters!
  • In no case do not make any extraneous inscriptions and marks on the form.

Detailed rules for filling the Blanks of the EGE.

Prepare stationery in advance

Scary Son of Graduate: You are in a hurry for the exam, on the way you need to find a store or newsstand with stationery, and there, as it has called, a huge queue. Or you took with you only one handle, which stopped writing testing. It would seem that a trifle, and stress causes a colossal, it will prevent focus on the exam.

Prepare all the stationery you need in advance, and on the evening, put them in a folder or a bag that take with you. Remember that "I will get early and buy everything on the way" will not work.

Mode before exam

The exam in all subjects begins exactly at 10:00, it costs to place at 9:00. A week before the exam, put your schedule in order: go to bed and get up before, so you will not be late for the exam.

Popular questions

  • What if I changed my mind?

You can calmly not appear on the exams that have changed my mind, no sanctions are provided for this. The main thing, remember: basic mathematics and Russian language - basic, to go for them.

  • What can you take with you?

You can take water in a transparent bottle without a label, if there will be no cooler with water on the floor at the expense. You can not take food with yourself if the exam lasts more than four hours, students are obliged to feed.

For some items you can take special tools:

  • on mathematics - a simple line without reference information;
  • to physics - a ruler and an unprogrammed calculator;
  • in chemistry - an unprogrammed calculator;
  • on geography - ruler, transportation and unprogrammed calculator.

An unprogramble calculator only performs simple arithmetic and trigonometric calculations, cannot act as a means of communication, database storage, does not connect to the Internet.

Telephone, tablet, cheat sheets can not be taken. If they are noticed, they will ask you to leave the exam, the results do not count. Russian language and mathematics can be rented this year, the selection exam is only in the following. It is better not to take risks, it is not a fact that you use the phone or crib, but their concealment will add extra stress.

  • What to do if sick?

If you are sick on the exam day, you can recall in reserve days. The disease will have to confirm documented, certificate from the doctor. In this case, warn the class teacher and ask relatives to attribute a certificate on the day of delivery on the appointed point of the exam.

It became bad during the exam - refer to the health worker. If you can't continue to write a test, you will be sent home, you can recall in a reserve day.

Success on exams graduates! Those who are coming next year, we offer

In reserve Week from July 8 to 15. Specialists of the regional Mindreat and the City Administration for Education Affairs answered "AIF" to the most common issues of graduates and their parents.

1. What if sick on the day of the exam?

You need to call the one who accompanies you and report, why didn't you come, "said the head of the department of state final certification of the Ministry of Education and Science Chelyabinsk region Veronica Kostromzova. - In most cases, this person is a cool leader. Call your doctor, he will give a certificate and you will be right in connection with the valid reason for the pass to pass the exam on another day, provided for by a single schedule. On points it will not affect.

2. How to be if the exam on general subjects Rent in one day?

The choice of items is done until March 1, - answers Veronica Kostromzova. - Schedule to this time is already known and about the fact that the exams are surrendered in one day, we learn marching. The student is granted the right to choose which exam he will pass on the main day, and what to the backup. If the student chose a lot of objects, it takes all the days of a single schedule, and the exam that has not entered the days presented may be commissioned in July.

3. If you get "Nesud" on the subject "Optional", will it be possible to recall the exam this year?

It is impossible to restore this year there is no object "on the choice", only mandatory, about takes Veronica Korromots. - If the student did not score the minimum score in Russian or mathematics, then one two times can be rented. If he received two times "deuce" one of the mandatory items - then the ability to revoke only the next year.

Do school marks affect the certificate?

And the items "optional" do not affect the receipt of the certificate, affect only the possibility of entering the university. And there, if you have a two, then you do not enter the selected specialty.

4. What can be used during the exam?

IN Federal Law There is a ban on the use of communication and computing equipment on the exam, - the Deputy Head of the Department for Education Affairs of the Chelyabinsk Larisa Manneck is responsible. -And in the order that regulates the schedule is written for each item that can be carried. For example, on the ege of mathematics, it is allowed to use a ruler, in physics - a ruler and non-programmable calculators, in chemistry - only a non-programmable calculator, in geography - a ruler, a transporter and non-programmable calculator. As for mobile phones, they either stay at home, or before the beginning of the exam, they are centrally rented in the bag (usually seal in the file and tape). There was a situation where the child wrote an exam and at the exit from the audience he fell a phone. As a result, the result is canceled.

5. How many times can you get out of the audience during the exam?

We do not limit children in this, there are different situations. - The chief specialist of the department of state final certification of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk region Irina Gaja is responsible. - How much baby needs, so much it comes out. Points for this are not removed. The output mark is still done, but once, despite their number. But leaving, the student is putting working on the table of the organizer every time, and does not leave on the desk.

6. How many days check exams?

Four days is given to the processing of results in the region and four days on federal level. - Replies Veronica Kostromzova. - Therefore, mass exams: Russian, mathematics are eight days.

7. Where and what time frame to learn the results?

There is a schedule when the results will come after each exam, - answers Larisa Manneck. It has been posted on the website of the Ministry of Education (website MINOVER74 - Activities tab - "General Education" - GIA (State final certification) - Grade 11 - EGE, there is information on specific subjects).

Faster the entire exam results can be found on the Internet, and then in an educational institution. But according to tradition, the results will be recognized in educational institutions. Last year, the Internet was already connected to information on the site www.ipk74.ru - this is a regional resource. To see your results, you need to enter passport details. This year, another site www.ege.edu.ru was connected - a general portal, the result is recognized by the pass number (about 16 characters).

6. If the testimony of the exam has lost ...

You need to come there, where you were given it, i.e. to school and write a statement - replies Irina Gazh. - The school appeals to the district government, and those to the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education and Science will call to the Federal Testing Center, order duplicate evidence. The evidence is restored within one or two weeks. In the event of a disappearance, you do not need to worry, you can order a duplicate and at the same time come to university with documents and say about the results of the USE. The university still checks the results on a single e-database and confirms them himself.

7. Does the exam results on evaluation in the certificate and receiving the medal?

If the results of the main exams: "Russian language" and "mathematics" - below the minimum point and did not save, then the certificate will not be issued to him - warns Irina Gazh. - The number of points received on the USE is not translated into the assessment, and therefore, it does not affect the estimates in the certificate. Only if it is not "twos". If the student goes to a gold medal and scored only on one point more than minimal, he is still issued medal.

8. How can I apply?

For 2 days after receiving the result, you can file an appeal - answers Veronica Kostromzova. "You need to go to school where you study, to write a statement in two copies: one give the school, I leave myself second. The appellate commission appoints the date of consideration, prepares the work and reports when you can come for the result. A child can come alone, with a parent or legal representative (guardian). On the Appeals Commission, the child is provided with all the work, which is discussed with experts, and shall be shared. Conflict (attestation) Commission of the Region - final instance.

On the parental meetings You probably have already told many times about the fact that there is nothing fate of the results of the exam in the life of a person. You do not know the mantra that the future of your child directly depends on each score obtained on this most important from the exams. You are terrible called to treat him with all seriousness and not relax. And, of course, you were asked to convey it to your children.

Of course, the delivery of the EGE is a serious thing. So serious as the delivery of any other exam. Do not need to penetrate high-speed reasoning about its exceptional significance. And completely no need to once again remind of this child: Believe me, he hears daily about it from teachers.

Better remember how our own graduation, and then entrance exams. There was no terrible abbreviation then, but there were no exams, and in the amount there were no less, but sometimes more than that of the current applicants.

The form has changed, but the final exams, as before, do not go beyond the school program.

At your time they coped, your child will cope and not exactly stupid you. So tell him.

11 years of school - greater stress than ege

A person who for most of his life daily made homework, read, solved, argued, taught by heart and passed from class to class, knows enough to cope with the latest school exams. To the one who wrote so much test work And never died on them from fear, there is nothing to fear for the exam. Compared with 11 years of apprenticeship, stress from several hours of final exams is such nonsense!

Tell your frightened child, that from the promised program "Heavily in teaching is easy in battle" is finally the one part that is about "easily".

The more I find out, the less I know

"I do not know anything!" "It is precisely to this conclusion that your graduate comes in the preparation process and inevitably flows into despair. Tell him that he is not the first one who understood it, and that Socrate also came to mind such a thought. Praise the child for the correctly noticed dependence and explain that every new knowledge opens to him the prospect of new uncharted areas, which is why the illusion of the insignificance of their own knowledge arises.

The one who stands at the foot of the mountain sees only one mountain, while the other mountains rising on her vertex sees.

At the same time, remind the child that in front of him is not worth the task of embraced immense - you just need to remember key things from the school program. It is to remember, and not to learn. All that he "teaches" now, he taught over the past 11 years.

Plan b

Stronger than the exam, scares only the prospect of passing it to low scores that are not enough to enter the desired university. As you know, fear of failure is terrible than the failure itself. Best medicine From the alarm of such a kind is the visualization of the worst version of the development of events.

Try at first for yourself, and then together with the child to imagine that for some kind of mystical reasons he failed the exam and dreams to him in the coming year does not shine. Think of several options for further actions, and there are really a lot of them. This is a university easier, and secondary special education, and self-education, work, and various courses, and a lot more.

It is very important that your child understand: the failure of the exam in no way puts the cross on his dreams of the future, but only makes the way to them a little more winding.

The exam can be rented

And this is the most important thing that you need to remember about the exam.

Those who were not lucky enough to get a satisfactory score in Russian or mathematics may re-pass these items on additional days left to retake. In case the student has not passed both mandatory objects, it is possible for the autumn of the same year.

If it does not work with the second attempt, you can repeat the next year. Graduates who received on the exam above the minimum number of points, but wishing to improve their results, can also revoke exams for the next year.

Even the worst the result of the ege It is not a sentence, if desired it can always be corrected.

Repeat it more often, at least about yourself. Your calm and confidence will help your child much more than horror stories about forever ruined life and wipers career.