Do men need to face face care? How should a man who should care for his beloved woman Should a guy care for a girl

It turns out that there is a huge number of men who believe that to care for girls below their dignity. And that their thin soul and the tremessal soy must appreciate and without it. At the same time, they do not want to get a hundredkilogram Matron as a girlfriend for 40 types of "selegum trader from the market" on the contrary, everyone wants to closely have a young, beautiful and sexual creation, desirable and with the chef's deposits. A look at the problem sounds like this:

"Personally, it seems to me strange to spend money on the girl, because it means that she is not with me because I am so gorgeous and like me, but for money that I can not do not humiliate my male dignity"
Suppose on a moment that someone besides mom and you, the most hypothetically, can calculate you with navel of the Earth. But as this unfortunate girl should appreciate your advantages, if you feel sorry even in a cafe sick with her and chat for a glass of tequila? Are there such girls who are thrown on you on the street with screams "Ah what man?"

In response to these arguments, supporters of the "free approach" say the following:

The case is not at all money. Just when you start to seek a woman by costs, you already put yourself in a unwinning position. It is beginning to feel like a hostess. And refuses from one pleasure of failure. Just because he sees that you need it. To feel your power.

Of course, the share of truth is there. By the way, because of the fear to give a woman to feel his power, men die not only financial spending. They save on the expression of feelings. They try to make the girl at all know what she likes it. What often leads to a paradoxical result, namely: not being confident in the feelings of a man, the girl just begins to meet with another, which does not save on the words of love.

Female look at the problem: the girl does not conduct a subtle analysis of those deep psychological reasons that forced the gentleman not to spend on her. Her diagnosis is simple: the young man of Zhadalad. This is already a good reason not to have a business with him. Again, in the host of the girls there may be one, really blinded by love for this character to such an extent that she does not need hiking in a cafe, in cinema, gifts.

Isn't it strange that the feelings of this hot fan are rarely rarely rated on dignity and almost always communication of the economical man with it turns out to be short?

But it will be worth noting the other: in each business need a measure. And if the girl is waiting for the beloved - a student or a manager with a salary in five hundred dollars of gifts for a thousand dollars, then our look turns towards emancipated Europe, where the girl pays for itself everywhere: in the cinema, in a coffee shop, in family life.

The period that determines the quality of further harvest is the flowering of grapes. It is very important to prevent complications in this phase of cultural development. And if there is no possibility to influence the weather conditions, then what depends on the hands of the grapeter, it is necessary to do.

When grapes blooms, the temperature conditions, the level of humidity, and the care of the culture of the culture are of great importance. Ideal weather conditions for this phase are air temperature of about 25-30 ° C and moderate drought.

When it blooms this garden plant, it depends on the region. Typically, the process begins at the end of May. Blooming badly affects the cooling.

At a temperature below 15 ° C and a high humidity indicator, the flowering of grape culture occurs, the pollination at the same time is inactive, and, as a result, a very small number of prizes are formed.

An equally important place is taken by a sufficient amount of nutrient elements in the ground near the bush. Poloes are a bit formed. If the soil is poor, marking, respectively, will also be rare. The presence of winds also negatively affects the culture, as they can disrupt the wounds and flowers from the stem.

Interestingly, the flowering time of grape falls for the period from 7 to 11 am. This means that the flowering process does not occur around the clock. Over the rest, only individual flowers can bloom. Pollination takes place during the week.

During this period, the flower brightens and becomes wet. After the pollination passed, he dries out and getting started to form.

Important!The feature of the vineyards is that even under ideal weather conditions, only half of all flowers fertilizes. In case the rain passes, pollination is only 10–20 %.
Read also about growing such grape varieties: "Annie", "Blagovest", "Jupiter", "Viking", "Rochefort", "Vodogray", "Gala", "Monarch", "Lyandysh", "Chameleon", "Rumba ", Sofia, Lancelot," Fun "," Lydia "," Annie "," Laura "," Kesha "," Veles "," Talisman ".

Preparation for flowering

Grapes before flowering must be prepared so that the process is as fruitful as possible. For this spring, a number of preparatory activities are held:

  • Formation of bushes. At this stage, it is necessary to cut extra green parts. It is also worth conducting a garter of young shoots, which spring really needs a framework. As for more adult shoots, they should also be inspected and adjusted by their placement if necessary. It is important to ensure a comfortable position of the plant so that the sun has access to the clusters. In addition, it will be more convenient for the gardener to care for the vineyard.
  • Watering. Grapes in the spring season really need regular irrigation. By providing him, it is possible to avoid manifestations in the future cracks on berries, when there will be rainy days. Highly good option Will perform spraying by a boric solution, which will be very positive to the plant and will definitely affect the qualitative development of grape culture.

  • Care of infloresions. This procedure usually concerns those grapes that are fruit by large clusters. The essence lies in the fact that on the shoots that the fruits will be fruitful leave only one, the most promising cluster, and the rest are manually removed. Thus, you can save the vineyard from excess loads.
  • Protection against pests and diseases. To do this, it is necessary to make a vineyard about 3-5 days before the flowers will be blown in culture. You can use the preparations "Topaz", "Decis" and "Ridomil Gold". It is enough to dilute them with water and completely spray a bush.

Preparation procedures are completely simple and do not occupy a lot of time, but will definitely be positively affected by the yield of this culture. Did you know? In Spain and Portugal, there is a New Year's custom, according to which it takes at the last minute of the outgoing year there are berries of grapes. At the same time, 12 grapes are eaten by each flock of chimes and 12 desires are taken in parallel.

Caring for grapes during flowering

Immediately during the blooming of flower, care must be as scrupulous and thorough. Pollination and laying of the crop occur now.

What do we have to do

Vinogradar can carry out additional pollination by the artificial method. To this end, for a week, two short flowering phases, it follows 2-3 times along the vineyard and sharp movement to shake the wire serving a frame for a grape vine.

Such shaking pollen should be carried out in the morning when Rosa is already coming down. These uncomplicated manipulations can increase yields by 15-30%.

Important! During fog, dew and rain doartificialpolling is impossible.

Quantity, and most importantly, the quality of the brushes can be enhanced by introducing additional nutrient elements into the soil. 4-6 days after the flowers are started to bloom, you can enter a complex potash-nitrogen fertilizer. For example, you can apply "Komba b", which has a considerable amount of boron in its composition.

If another drug is selected, the boron must be added separately, since it affects the formation of pollen and the velocity of the flowers.

There are also a number of plant care processes that at this stage can be harmful to the vineyard.

  • Water blooming grapes No need, since high humidity will adversely affect pollination.
  • It is not recommended to engage in this phase. earthworks - Poppinch soil, she is quicted. Better, if necessary, do it near grapes after flowering.
  • Chemical treatment in order to combat pests and protection against diseases, too, at this stage should be carried out.

Did you know?Grapes are famous medical properties. In medicine, even the concept of "ampelotherapy" was introduced, which means "grape treatment". At the same time, not only berries, but also juice, wood, leaves and other parts of the plant are used.

Duration of the flowering phase

How long grapes blooms, very much depends on the weather. About it takes 1 week. If the air temperature drops to 15 ° C and below, the process can stretch for 2 weeks. In a temperate climate, depending on the variety, grapes blooms at the end of May or early June.

Caring for grapes at the stage of its flowering is not at all time-consuming even for a beginner in the field of viticulture. But these uncomplicated manipulations will quite positively affect the quality and number of future harvest.

The problems of sex relationships have always worried both men and women. Let's try to figure out a purely male question, respectively, we will look at the given topic from the man. Should a man take care of a woman? Do I need to care for girls? What kind of courtship will bring a man?

In order to answer these questions, you must first figure out how general a woman chooses a man. I think it will not be a revelation for anyone if I say that women first look at appearance Men. And it is quite normal. What we call beauty is a health indicator. From an ugly man or women, ugly children will be called, so we all always look at a more attractive partner. Women also pay attention to clothing, which is an indicator of material wealth of a man.

If you have passed an external check, then the most interesting starts. Men in the eyes of women are actually divided into 3 gender:

1. Highrant - successful men who have achieved a lot in life, which are popular with other women who cannot be controlled. Famous football players, politicians, top-firms managers and so on.

2. Mid-web - Men's Men. A man earning 40-100 thousand rubles per month (calmly), having several women with which you can regularly protect the need, but which you can drive under the heel. 3. Low-edged - garbage men who earn 10-20 thousand rubles that do not have a regular woman and prospects. For sex, they can be used under the heel and do anything with them. Modern slave.

If the first women are ready to run crowds, then from the second they are waiting for caresses, and others, even after caressing, do not let themselves. Moreover, thirdly sex is in principle impossible. Women turns from such men.

If you see that a woman is not interested in you, do not continue communication with her. She took you as a low-edge or medium and is not interested in relationships with you. Clearing will mean only the waste of money, time and other resources.

Of course, it's a shame that a woman, as you think, it is inadequately appreciated. However, it is not necessary to be offended, because she assesses you at the instinctive level. The assessment is most likely objective, so offend only on yourself.

If a woman is interested in relations with you, then follow the principle of proportionality. That is, if she prepared you borsch, you can incur her handbag, hold the door or feed your hand when you need. In this case, the courtship will be positive for both of them.

I would like to warn all men from one-sided courtship. That is, from such courtesies when you are doing more clearly for your chosen than it for you. Most likely, in this case there is only one interested party - you. Rove this relationship as soon as possible. After all, the girls like caleting and many of them will freeze you for years, giving a ghostly hope for sex and in general to relationship with you, and everything will end with Franza.

There are decents that will not accept your courtesies and tell about what shines nothing to you, but their minority. Do not build illusions, do not waste yourself in vain. Stop relationships and self-improvement, Practice Pickup. If you every day you will get better and better, then the day will come, when almost any girl can not resist you.

Typically, parents do not pay too much attention to the dairy teeth of their chad. They believe they will fall out. And in vain! You need to take care of the teeth even when the first tooth is cut, but much earlier.

Health of dairy teeth

At age 12-13, the child will pass full replacement dairy teeth for permanent. Therefore, many parents, given the temporary stage of the first teeth, do not give them due value. Meanwhile, the milk teeth form the correct (or incorrect) location of future constant teeth. Also, thanks to the dairy teeth, the kid not only chews food, but also learns to talk.

Dentists argue that the child's teeth need to pay attention even before they began to rub off. Around the fourth month of pregnancy, the embryo begins to be laid the basis for future teeth - the mineralization of dairy cutters occurs. And on the eighth-ninth month - mineralization of molars (indigenous teeth, which serve for primary mechanical processing of food) and premolars (two teeth in an adult, located on both sides of jaws with fangs in front of large indigenous teeth). Therefore, it is very important that pregnant consuming enough products rich in calcium content: milk, seafood, vegetables, fruits. It is worth refrain from taking antibiotics tetracycline group during this period. They, combined with calcium, can transfer an unsightly greenish or brownish color to the future teeth.

Take care of healthy teeth of children should be started as early as possible. And if there are any deviations in the process of formation of dairy teeth, consultation with the dentist will be relevant and useful. After all, it is necessary to understand that with dairy teeth (although they are temporary) the child will live at least six years, while they are permanent teeth for replacing. And if the disadvantages of the wrong development of dairy teeth do not eliminate in time, this will certainly affect the constant teeth.

When the first teeth appear

When, if everything is normal, the child needs to wait for the first tooth? The following formula was derived from dentists: in 7 months there should be one tooth, at 8 - two, at 9 - three. But clearly this process begins with the fifth month. It is expressed by an abundant salivation, because at that age the baby still does not know how to swallow saliva. But nature thus prepares the baby to chew solid food. Baby becomes restless, sometimes the process of teething is caused by a slight increase in body temperature. Parents to reduce gum irritation must provide their child with special chewing items. They are sold now in pharmacies in a sufficient assortment.

It happens, although it is very rare that the child is born, having one or two teeth. This is a painful problem for the mother during breastfeeding. Usually, such "rapid" teeth have to be deleted. Tooth too late the appearance of teeth - it happens in infants weakened and premature, it can be a sign of Rakhita. But before "beat the alarm", the newly-made mom and dad should ask her parents, grandfathers and grandparents about when they had the first teeth. After all, experts are noticed that the delay in the appearance of dairy teeth also has signs of heredity. In addition, you should pay attention to where the teeth begin to cut into:

  • First, from 6 to 9 months, the first lower cutters appear.
  • At 7-10 months, the first top appears.
  • At 9-12 months, lower cutters appear and the second side tops.
  • From year to 19 months - the first top along with the bottom edged teeth.
  • 15-20 months - the upper fangs teetrate.
  • 16-22 months - the lower fangs are broken.
  • From 20 months to 3 years, the second bottoms appear together with the upper indigenous teeth.

Thus, a total of 20 dairy teeth should already appear to the three-year-old age. If there is a deviation from of this order Dental teething is worth paying a pediatrician's doctor.

Caring for the first teeth

The chest child is not yet able to independently do in his mouth with a toothbrush. Therefore, many issues of care for the first teeth. This is a long process. At the initial stage, this is parental care: after the teeth have cut, they need to wipe the moistened gauze twice a day. Subsequently, it must be replaced by a special brush planted on a finger, with a small amount of toothpaste applied to it. Then you can gradually entrust the child to enjoy a dental brush, designed specifically for children.

As for the toothpaste, it should be exclusively children's. And this is not some empty whim - dental children's pastes are manufactured taking into account the thin layer of dental enamel and developed swallowing reflex in children. That is, in such pastes smaller abrasive components that have less damaged enamel. In addition, there are no components whose hit in the child's stomach would be undesirable. Council to parents: if all 20 dairy teeth cut through their child, we must take a dentist twice a year in a year. It will be the best key to healthy teeth and a magical children's smile.

Each of us is beautiful in its own way and this is a fact, but it is important to be able to emphasize this.

To always remain attractive, causing admiration for others, you should remember several important rules for care.

Why is it necessary?

Before we proceed to a gradual discussion of all the components of a well-groomed girl, let's define why it is so important. The truth is that many of the wonderful sex representatives of their parents from childhood have not attracted their attention to their own, because of which their personal and self-esteem suffers in the future. But this does not mean that nothing can be corrected, the main thing for itself determine the advantages of changing the usual behavior. First, remember: care for your appearance is already a manifestation of yourself, and this is the first stage on the way to give this love to others and take it from them.

Secondly, after watching daily and evaluating the attention of others to their person, you yourself will not notice how your mood rises. In addition, some procedures performed in cosmetology salons themselves contribute to the development of "hormones of happiness" (endorphins).

Thirdly, only cautious by me, feels like a woman: flirty, and simply charming, which is not allowed to doubt numerous, especially from representatives of the opposite sex.

With such a woman, they always want to enter into relationships, because in addition to just a beautiful companion, they estimate the possibility of similar concerns about them, let it know in the initial stages of acquaintances.

Also, you should not forget that the saying "meet on the clothes ..." invented not in vain, and in any case, the first impression of all people develops precisely on the basis of the appearance of the interlocutor. Clean skin, hair, well-groomed hands and an outdoor clothing - will always attract more positive attention to you, rather than their absence.

Do not forget that the same timely cleansing of the face or skin of the whole body is capable of making it attractive on long years, so the girl who is caring for themselves, and then a woman, even retirement will feel an interesting surrounding, which I want to live.

Well, finally, any girl in the future will become a mother, which means the reference for his children. For boys, Mom, who constantly monitors, will be a benchmark when choosing a wife, well, and girls simply show an example, how to properly care for themselves to always remain irresistible. With proper upbringing, small princesses from childhood get used to a pleasant component of care.
In addition to children, her husband draws attention to the well-kept type of woman, because long family relationships Do not mean that there will be no problems between spouses. Any man is nice when there is a beautiful and attractive wife next to him, so for the sake of maintaining strong relationships you should spend money on cosmetic or hike in the gym.

What if not happens?

Well, suppose you have already clearly understood why you should always stay beautiful and attractive, but how to make yourself keep track of yourself if you are not accustomed to use, visiting a manicure salon or regular epilation?

For a start, try to focus on sensual pleasure: choose cosmetics with pleasant, interesting textures or just beautiful jars and vials.
For example, the fascinating aroma of the shower gel will make hiking in the bathroom very relaxing, and you do not want to refuse to meet the next meeting "with him" even after a hard work day. Try to surround yourself with such small baits, and you yourself will not notice how you will begin to rejoice in each application or taking a bath.

Simplify the greater task of care for your body can be broken down into several stages. For example, you do not need to think how to use a means for demacidation, tonic or night cream, whose application will probably take no less than half an hour.

You will not apply them all at once (any means must absorb), and therefore you do not have to sit behind the mirror between the battle hour, and even after work. Made several important affairs (for example, included a washing machine) - they cleared the face with Tonic, caused and run into the kitchen.

We finished the case there, you can again run into the bathroom and apply serum, leaving it to absorb through dinner. In the end, it will remain only to take advantage of the cream almost before the very sleep, for example, for watching your favorite movie.
If these tricks are not enough for you and you still do not know how to convince yourself to regularly care for yourself at home, then just buy more expensive cosmetics . One thing is to send a long-term storage of the budget version of the cream, and completely another to spend money on the expensive care agent.

Lotion or tonic for a round sum will simply "shout" from the shelves about its importance, without giving the owner to forget about them.

Important! If you have spent money on expensive cream, then no longer save it, because there will be no benefit from this, all waste will be in vain.

Starting regularly care for me, look more often in the mirror, admiring the result, so you will only convince yourself of the need to continue the entire course of the events. However, it is important not to relax in this matter, because the good skin condition does not mean that it will remain forever and you no longer need to strain.
Another very much good source Positive motivation is the surroundings of a girl / woman. When you constantly hear compliments to your address, then good figure, I want to save smooth skin or a new haircut longer, so as not to deprive yourself of all praise.

Paying proper attention to these minor recommendations, you yourself will not notice how the topic of care will no longer have torturing "as a break of laziness" or "where to start procedures", and all the events held will be accompanied only by a positive attitude.

Basics of proper care

Body care is too wide concept, so it is important to consider the individual components: due attention to, body, hand, etc.


The first rule of a well-groomed girl is no "fat head." This means that if you need to wash in a day or every day, it is worth doing this precisely with such a frequency so that the hair is always clean.
The second thing to be remembered when caring for hair is the regularity of the staining process. Painting the hair once, you are obliged to follow their growth, as the resulting roots (more than 2 cm) spoil the appearance of any woman or a girl. And, of course, much in the harmonious image depends on the correctly selected.

Of course, this is a matter of taste, but do not forget that it should maximize your face form. In addition, in choosing the length of the hair, it is worth listening to the opinion of the French: the older the woman, the shorter there should be a hairstyle. Try using styling to emphasize your facial features.

Did you know? In the times of the era of the opposition, for clarifying their hair, Venice used horse urine, while many other europeans pulled out the first rows of hair to create a high-forehead effect.


Unfortunately, not all girls, even at a young age, can boast of perfect skin of the face, but not yet invented powder, which would completely hide frank negrimity.
All irregularities, pimples, extended pores or pigmentation, under the thick layer of cosmetics are still overlooked, and if they manage to hide them, then your face will no longer have a natural look.

To get rid of the upcoming problems, it is important to clean in advance, toning and moisturize the skin, and do it all on a regular basis. Be sure to make it regularly and protect your face from the effects of the rays, which will help to cope with sunny and.

It is also worth considering the rules. Choose cosmetics that can emphasize and not hide your positive features, And before applying it, always use a washbasin (it is better to choose the option with a note "for tender skin", "without fragrance").

Try to create a form of daytime freshness using only natural tones when applying makeup. To do this, first use the tone tool to align the tone of the skin (or BB-cream hiding pigment stains and improve the skin tone), then apply a blush to the cheekbones and finally cover the eyelashes ink.

You can also add a colorless lip gloss.


Your individual care plan for one day should include the corresponding manipulations with the body.
The most elementary is daily, and in summer it is useful to wash off sweat and dirt twice a day. Be sure to use washcloth and shower gel at every bathing, and 1-2 in a few days can be supplemented with scrub.

The last remedy is better than others clean and tones the skin, giving it velvety and silkiness. Do not forget about applying, which will help keep skin clean for a longer time.

If you do not use wax or other cosmetics to remove unwanted vegetation from the body, then visiting the bathroom, once a few days it is worth removing it using an ordinary machine.

At a minimum, take care of the absence of hair on the legs and armpits, since these zones (especially in the summer) are most striking.


You should not make your hand care for the last place, even if you don't stand in line to kiss them.
The rough skin remaining after the recent homemade hassle and non-baking manicure is always well noticeable, they seem to shout about their hostess.

We are not talking about long nails and acidic varnish, but a classic manicure, with the removal of the cuticle and the moisturizing of the skin of the hands you need to do no less than once in 10 days. If the varnish tears on one nail, then it is worth removing it and from all the others, and not try to paint this particular one.


Beautiful female legs have always been the subject of admiration for the majority of men, so they should look like the appropriate. The removal of hair, of course, is an important component of the care of them, but far from the only one.
With each convenient case, try at least a little to hold the legs above your head so that they rested, and there are no varicose "meshes" or "stars".

When choosing shoes, pay attention to the models with the heater, let it be only a few centimeters in height. Ballets, uggs or, of course, practical and comfortable, but on any girl will look more feminine and attractive.

Be sure to pay due attention to your heels.

The problem of holopal, coarse and dry skin on the feet, unfortunately, is not uncommon, so cautiously bye, pay attention to this issue. If taking a shower, you regularly use pimples, and then further feed the skin with cosmetic oils or cream, then you will not have a similar problem.
The main thing is to fulfill all the indicated activities on a regular basis, and not on the case of the case.

Pedicure deserves separate attention, but if you do not want to visit cosmetic centers, then at least regularly clean the nails and sign them so that they always look neatly.

Clothing care

Even in the absence of significant financial support, try to always dress with taste.

The woman who really follows itself must be a "basic wardrobe", consisting of black trousers, a small black dress, a white shirt, a jumper with a V-neck, cashmere coat, a pencil skirt, several pairs of different shoes and jeans, and You can experiment further, complementing these basic elements of clothes with bags, scarves, jewelry, hats and gloves.
When choosing the components of the wardrobe, be sure to pay attention to and its color palette. Each girl should determine the colors that she go, and those that need to be avoided.

For a start, take a look at the veins located on the inside of the wrist: if their tone is closer to blue, then your skin rather has a cold subtone, and if they are greenish - warm.

In the first case, the things of silver, blue, gray, light green and other "cold" colors are ideal, and in the second it is worth giveing \u200b\u200bpreference to golden, bright green, red and other warm tones.

As for the choice of type of figure, in any case, try to emphasize its advantages. That is, with a pear-shaped dress up blouses with ruffles or patterns, which will help make focus on the top of the body.
For "hourglass", dresses and sweaters, emphasizing the waist, are suitable, while "inverted triangles" will go more pants and multi-layer skirts that attach the amount of thighs. The girls with the type of the figure "Rectangle" will look great in short skirts and dresses that emphasize the beauty of the legs.

Do not forget about sports activities

In addition to beautiful clothes and care for their skin, it is also important to pay attention to her tightness.

Find your perfect weight value, eat well and try to devote at least 8-9 hours per day. Well resting, you can go and actively, which will give you more energy for everyday affairs.
Ideally, it is desirable several times a week to visit the gym, but if you can't afford to spend money on it, then at least walk more and perform static exercises at home. In addition to improving the condition of your body, you raise yourself the mood and increase self-esteem.

So, having learned how to care for ourselves, to always look attractive and well-groomed, it remains only to configure yourself to regularly fulfill all the requirements, and very soon you will begin to notice the admiring views of others.