Project on the topic of bacteria enemies or friends. Creative work "bacteria enemies or friends"

They are small and invisible. Among them are friends and enemies. They are the oldest inhabitants of our planet. They are always everywhere. Show them with your kids and they will always wash your arms before meals! Only before bedtime do not show!

Microbes (The correct name is microorganisms) - the name of a collective group of living organisms, which are too small to be visible to the naked eye. Their size is less than 0.1 mm.

Microorganisms live almost everywhere where there is water, including hot springs, the bottom of the world ocean, as well as deep inside the earth's crust.

The most generally accepted theories on the origin of life on Earth argue that the microbes were the first living organisms that appeared in the process of evolution.

Most microorganisms are useful for a person. Thus, many bacteria and mushrooms decompose the corpses of animals and remnants of plants return to the atmosphere carbon in the form of carbon dioxide, and in the soil - nitrogen in the form of mineral nitrogen compounds available plants. Without the implementation of these complex processes, life on Earth would have become impossible in microorganisms.

Some bacteria penetrating the roots of plants, come with them in the Commonwealth. For example, nodule bacteria supply bean plants nitrous food by air nitrogen. There are various microbes in the human body. In large quantities they are on the skin and mucous membranes. The same microbes live on the skin of a person as in the environment: various cocci, fungi, sticks. The number of microbes on the skin varies depending on its hygienic content. The less often it is washed, the greater the microbes on it. Considering this, you must follow the cleanness of the hands.

Staffo, pneumatic and streptococci constantly live on the nasophack mucosa. For the vital activity of microorganisms a good medium is a raid on the teeth, the remains of food between them. Abundant development of microbes in the mouth leads to a rapid decomposition of food residues, while accumulating chemical products This collapse, which destroy the enamel of the teeth (caries). Therefore, it is so important to systematically brush your teeth, rinse your mouth after each meal.

In the intestine of a person also lives microorganisms. They can be useful and can adversely affect. Microbes of lactic fermentation, inhabiting in the intestines, synthesize vitamins, proteins that are absorbed by the organism; Separate carbohydrates with the formation of lactic acid, thus creating conditions unfavorable for the development of concrete microbes. The soil for the development of the latter may be poor-quality food, long-term reception of monotonous power, overeating. Thanks to the activities of microorganisms, kefir, cheese, oil, wine, beer, bread and bread dough are preparing. Mold fungi for the preparation of antibiotics (penicillin, streptomycin, etc.) is widely used.

Microorganisms under the influence of various factors ambient can be modified. Thus, under the action of the temperature factor, the solution of some salts, sulfamide preparations, antibiotics, ultraviolet radiations of the microbes change their shape, the ability to paint, the formation of flagella, dispute, capsules; The structure of the nuclear apparatus changes, the enzymatic activity of microbes. Thus, the external factors of impact on microorganisms can lead to mutation, i.e., a resistant hereditary change in properties.

The ability of microbes to change allows scientists to obtain highly efficient live vaccines from weakened microbes.

Below photos of microbes. Rather, as is true in the comments - (thanks for attentiveness!), Not all of them are microbes. There are insects. Unfortunately, microbiology and entimology are not my horse, but the pictures are successfully scary, so the sin does not show.

Click on the drawing to zoom in it.

Meet - Bacteria

Some of them make up 90% of the cells of your body. The body of a person is a house for trillion forms of life: from the intestinal stick, which with the help of three of his flavors quickly swims by the intestines, to Salmonella, which, being the cause of food poisoning, nevertheless can live on the skin without any harm for him.

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1. Computer image of bacteria (blue and green) on human skin. It can find many types of bacteria, especially next to the sweat glands and hair follicles. Usually they do not deliver trouble, although some can cause acne. Bacteria are dangerous only in the case when penetrated through the skin, for example, through a wound or cut.

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2. Each person lives from 500 to 1000 different species bacteria. Over time, they are becoming about 100 trillion - ten times more than cells from which the organism of an adult is.

Computer image of Helicobacter Pylori - bacteria living in the stomach. Because of them can develop ulcer or stomach cancer.

SPL / Barcroft Media

3. Lecturer from the Cork Institute, Dr. Roy Saletor, says: "Only in the intestine of a person contains 2 kg of bacteria. In essence, we are only 10% people, the rest is microbes. "

Computer image of chains of Streptococcus Pneumoniae bacteria. These gram-positive oval bacteria are one of the causes of pneumonia. Although sometimes they live in the body, not harm, the bacteria of Streptococcus Pneumoniae can cause an opportunistic infection of the lungs.

SPL / Barcroft Media

4. The news that the numerical advantage of the bacterium in the human body is 1:10, may be frightened, but Dr. Slator claims that they are useful - without them a person could not survive. "The interaction of" Bacteria "is for the most part symbiotic. In exchange for food and shelter, bacteria help us with digestion, vitamin production, and also support our immune system. They also protect us from pathogens infections, so-called bad bacteria, "he says.

Computer image of intestinal bacteria inside the intestines. They can cause a bacterial diarrhea.

SPL / Barcroft Media

5. Schematic representation of bacteria of a variety of coccobs on the cell surface.

SPL / Barcroft Media

6. Computer image of the finishing of the colorful bacterium. Such bacteria includes intestinal wand and salmonella.

SPL / Barcroft Media

7. Computer image of floating bacteria.

SPL / Barcroft Media

8. Electronic microscopic image of Helicobacter Pylori bacteria.

SPL / Barcroft Media

9. Computer image of a wildcake bacterium.

SPL / Barcroft Media

10. Helicobacter pylori.

SPL / Barcroft Media

11. In addition to the intestinal sticks and salmonella there are many other rodged bacteria. These, for example, are equipped with flagellas that allow them to move.

SPL / Barcroft Media

12. Computer image of Enterococcus Faecalis bacteria. They relate to so-called supernofects (bacteria, resistant to antibiotics at some stages of development).

SPL / Barcroft Media

13. Computer image of Helicobacter Pylori bacteria in the human stomach. They cause gastritis, as well as one of the most common causes of the stomach ulcers. Also, Helicobacter pylori can become the main or secondary cause of the stomach cancer, since their presence increases the risk of tumors in it.

MUNICIPAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "Main secondary school named after Akademik A.F. Trewnikova S.Pavlovka" of the municipality "Baryshsky district" of the Ulyanovsk region.

Research project

Performed:class 5 student

Nikitina Alena Leader:

biology teacher

Kuzina N.M.

2014-2015 year



    Main part.

    collection and analysis of information on the project





Studying labels on packages of various products (kefir, yogurt, sour cream), I found that they contain bacteria.

Then I thought, and all the bacteria are harmful to humans. So born subject My project "Bacteria. Enemies or friends? "

Starting work on the project, I put forward hypothesis The fact that bacteria can be both harmful to humans and useful.

purpose My project: confirm or refute the hypothesis.

In the course of the project, I set the following tasks:

    explore the references on the topic of the project

    conduct mini-study

Methods of work:

    work with literature and Internet resources, collecting materials on the topic;

    observation and experiment;

    meeting and consultation with a medical worker;

    iznost schoolchildren questioning;

    comparison of research results;

Estimated results:

    i recognize whether all the bacteria are dangerous for a person;

    i will know which bacteria are "friends" of a person;

Main part collection and analysis of information on the project

Starting a study, I began to reflect and remembered how we act in the lessons when something needs to know. I set a goal and began to look for a way to find out whether all the bacteria are harmful to humans.

1 way - Ask adults. To get an answer to your question, I decided to turn to my mother. She said that bacteria are like harmful, which cause many human diseases, and useful, without which a person cannot live.

2 way - Contact literary sources and Internet resources. Turning to these sources, I found a lot of interesting and useful on the topic.

Bacteria (Dr. Greek - a wand) - the kingdom of microorganisms, most often unicellular. Currently, about ten thousand types of bacteria are described and it is assumed that there are more than a million.

The study of bacteria is engaged in the microbiology of bacteriology. Bacterymen, alongside, were among the first living organisms on Earth, appearing about 3.5 billion years ago. For the first time, the bacteria saw in an optical microscope and described in 1676 Dutch Naturnist Antoni Van Levenguk. Like all microscopic creatures, he called them "Animalkuli".

The name "bacteria" was introduced by Ereenberg Christians in 1828. Louis Paster in the 1850s laid the beginning of the study of physiology and metabolism of bacteria, and also opened their pathogens.

The overwhelming majority of bacteria are unicellular. In the form of cells, they can be spheroid (cocci), rolling-shaped (bacillos, clostridium), convulsions (vibrines, spirillas, spirochetes).

The size of the bacteria averages 0.5-5 μm. Bacterymen are much smaller cells of multicellular plants and animals. The thickness of them is usually 0.5-2.0 μm, and the length is 1.0-8.0 μm. To see some forms of barely allows the resolution of standard light microscopes (approximately 0.3 μm), but also known views of more than 10 μm and width, also exiting the specified frames, and a number of very thin bacteria can exceed 50 microns. A quarter of a million medium in the magnitude of bacteria will fit on the surface corresponding to the pencil point.

Bacteria is much in the soil, at the bottom of the lakes and oceans - everywhere where organic substances accumulate. They live in the cold when the thermometer bar slightly exceeds the zero mark, and in hot acid sources with a temperature above 90 C. Some bacteria carry a very high salinity of the medium; In particular, these are the only organisms found in the Dead Sea. In the atmosphere, they are present in water drops, and their abundance there usually correlates with dusty of air. So, in cities, rainwater contains much more bacteria than in rural areas. In the cold air of the highland and the polar regions, they are not enough, however, they are even in the air at an altitude of 8 km.

In the human body, several trillion cells and more than 100 trillion bacteria five-person. The total weight of bacteria living in the human body is 2 kilograms.

In the mouth of a person about 40,000 bacteria. Fortunately, 95 percent of them do not pose a danger.

In the human body live lactobacteriums of bifidobacteria. They appear in our body from the first infant years and remain in it forever, complementing each other and solving serious problems. Lactobacteriums of bifidobacteriivat in complex reactions with other microorganisms, it is easily suppressed by putrid and pathogenic microbes. As a result, lactic acid is formed, hydrogen peroxide is natural internal antibiotics. Thus, lactobacilli raise, restore the body's protective forces and strengthen the immunity.

The useful functions of the lactobacilli first noted the Russian scientist Ilya Ilyich Zamenikov. The idea of \u200b\u200busing fermented milk products to normalize biochemical processes in the intestines and nutrition of the body as a whole belongs to him.

But there are others - pathogenic or pathogenic bacteria. They are able to penetrate the tissue of plants, animals and humans and distinguish between substances that depress the protective forces of the body. There are a number of other human diseases of bacterial origin (bacterial pneumonia, tuberculosis, cough, abdominal typhoid, dysentery, cholera, etc.). People's pathogenic bacteria wait everywhere. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands before eating and after a walk, as well as after visiting the toilet.

Bacteria cause damage to food. Therefore, to prevent damage to food products, a person creates conditions under which bacteria significantly lose the ability to quickly reproduce, and sometimes die. Widespread methods of struggle Bacteria are: drying fruits, mushrooms, meat, fish, grains; their cooling and freezing in refrigerators and glaciers; Marining products in acetic acid; Soldering. When sickling cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, sauming cabbage due to the activities of lactic acid bacteria, an acidic medium, inhibiting the development of bacteria, is created. This is based on canning food. To destroy bacteria and conservation of products. pasteurization- heat up to 65 ° C for 10-20 minutes and sterilization method - boiling. High temperature causes the death of all bacterial cells. In addition, in medicine, food industry, agriculture for disinfection, i.e., for the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, iodine, hydrogen peroxide are used, boric acid, mangartageous potassium, alcohol, formalin and other inorganic and organic matter.

The role of bacteria in the biosphere is large. Due to their livelihoods, the mineralization of organic substances of dead plants and animals occurs. Simple inorganic compounds formed at the same time (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, etc.) are involved in the overall cycle of substances, without which life would be impossible on Earth. Bacteria along with mushrooms and lichens destroy rock rocks, thereby participating in the initial stages of soil formation processes.

Bacteria play a positive role in human economic activity. Local bacteria are used in the preparation of a variety of dairy products (sour cream, prostrochashi, oil, cheese, etc.). They also contribute to the preservation of products. Bacteria are widely used in modern biotechnology for industrial production of dairy, oil, acetic and propionic acids, acetone, butyl alcohol, etc. In the course of their livelihoods, biologically formed active substances - antibiotics, vitamins, amino acids. Finally, bacteria are an object for research in the field of genetics, biochemistry, biophysics, cosmic biology, etc.

Having studied various sources, I was convinced that all materials confirm the hypothesis of my project that bacteria can be both harmful to humans and useful.

Mini - Research

Having received information that bacteria are harmful and helpful, it became interesting for me to look at them. To do this, I decided to conduct an experiment.

Description of the experiment.

In order to create a nutrient medium for breeding bacteria, I took a saucepan, put it on the stove and brought water to a boil. Added a broth cube and a sugar spoon. Boiled this mixture for a few minutes. He took off the saucepan from the fire and gave her to cool. Bouleon I brought to the class. In each of the previously cooked vessels poured the same amount of broth. Then, one of the vessels coughed, to the other put his finger, and did not touch the third vessel.

Sticker "Do not drink!" On each vessel warned everyone that the experiment is underway. Wrapped the vessels by plastic film and put them in a warm place so that they do not interfere with anyone.

After some time, I checked what was happening with the broth. The liquid in the vessels was poisoned and began to make an unpleasant smell, which is a confirmation of the fact that it is bacteria.

After that, I took a few drops of liquid and tried to consider bacteria with a magnifying device - magnifier. But it did not lead to positive results - Bacteria I did not see. Then I decided to resort to the help of another device -Mikroscope.

With a two-shifted increase, I managed to consider bacteria in all containers. I drew attention to the fact that the most bacteria was in the vessel in which I lowered my finger. This once again confirms the fact that bacteria dwell on our hands. And the least of all bacteria was in the third vessel. I would like to note that I was surprised by a small amount of bacteria in all containers, although they were in warm place for several weeks. I think this is due to preservatives in the bouillon cube (substances that allow products not to deteriorate for a long time). I became interested to know if these substances do not allow bacteria to multiply, whether they can be useful for a person. But this is already the topic of the new project.


After I met information about bacteria and held my own mini-research, it became interesting for me to find out how much the guys who learn with me are owned by this information. 20 students of our school were interviewed. The survey included questions about bacteria and their meaning in a person's life.

After analyzing the results, I learned that:

    know about the existence of bacteria -18 students;

    know that bacteria can cause various diseases man -20 students;

    20 students know that not all bacteria are harmful to humans;

    20 students, i.e. All students know that bacteria live in the human body, 16h. - believe that they help to digest food and restore the protective forces of the body;

    many guys know that a person uses bacteria in economic activity.

Most of all I was pleased that almost all the guys would be interested to get acquainted with the booklet, in which information about bacteria would be presented.


Working on the project, I learned that bacteria live everywhere. They are playing positive role In man's economic activity. Local bacteria are used in the preparation of a variety of dairy products (sour cream, prostrochashi, oil, cheese, etc.). They also contribute to the preservation of products. Bacteria are widely used in modern biotechnology for industrial production of dairy, oil and acetic acids, acetone, butyl alcohol. In the process of their livelihoods, biologically active substances are formed - antibiotics, vitamins, amino acids.

Negative role belongs pathogenic or pathogenic Bacteria. They are able to penetrate the tissue of plants, animals and humans and distinguish between substances that depress the protective forces of the body. Known a number of other human diseases of bacterial origin (bacterial pneumonia, tuberculosis, cough, abdominal typhoid, dysentery, brucellosis, cholera)

therefore hypothesis The fact that bacteria can be both harmful to humans and useful, fully confirmed.

Goris Tsagan Namuraevna

An educated person should not be proved that ignorance is harmful to health. Reasonable learns all his life and tries to avoid the disease, seeks to be healthy, slim, beautiful. However, most people do not even realize that the cause of many of their illness is often not observing ordinary hygienic standards. Thousands of people get to the hospital bed only because they did not wash the hands before eating or after walking on the street. And not only a personal business - I washed my hands or did not wash. The pathogens of intestinal infections are striking not one person, under the threat of his loved ones and acquaintances. Unfortunately, there is no possibility to calculate how many hundreds of thousands or even millions of people saved their health such a simple prevention measure like washing hands. But there are other instructive data: microbes placed on purely washed skin, mail is dying completely for 10 minutes. Microbes placed on 10 minutes per contaminated skin are stored in 95% of cases. Of course, it is not necessary to remember the results of research whenever you wash. Most people have a habit of washing, become a skill. To protect yourself from microbes, you need to comply with the rules of personal hygiene, you should not have unwashed fruits and vegetables and, of course, do not forget to wash your hands more often. After all, our health seems to depend on such a simple procedure. Remember! Very important remedy for all diseases - good health. A strong, hardened person will better cope with any infection, cold and heat. And to the weak, wizard, any rhir sticks.

Be yourself good Dr. Aibolit!


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Microbes are friends or enemies? Topic and Next:

The purpose of my work is: to find out if microbes really exist and they are so terrible for a person. Tasks: - to study the literature on microbes; - to conduct a study of microbes in the bacteriological laboratory; - Analyze the effect of pathogens and useful microbes on the human body.

The subject of the study was: microbes and bacteria, and an object of research: elementary school students.

Hypothesis I think the cause of the disease is harmful microbes; There are useful microbes.

Who are microbes? Microbe is a terrible harmful animal, insidious and, most importantly, schox. Such a animal will fall into the stomach, and lives calmly there. It climbs, and where he wants, walks through the patient and clicked. He is proud that there is so much trouble, both runny nose, and sneezing, and sweat.

In 1865, Louis Paster first put forward the theory that the causes of the disease are microbes. And today we know that the microbes are the most dangerous enemies of man.

There are some seats where the concentration of microorganisms is especially high. This is keyboard and computer monitor, TV screen, cell phones, carpets and pales, dirty hands, fruits, vegetables and much more.

One of the easiest ways to hit microbes to our body is our dirty hands. "Drying Hand Disease" - so do not accidentally call dysentery. Dirty hands threaten and abdominal typhoid, hepatitis, cholera. Thousands of people get to the hospital bed only because they did not wash the hands before eating or after walking on the street.

How many times a day do you wash your hands?

Do you often have a stomach hurt? ?

Is it possible to get sick if you do not wash your hands?

To finally find out if microbes really exist and are they so terrible for us, my mother and I decided to go to the laboratory that is in the hospital of our village. Research part

I decided to take an active part in the study of these microbes. The study lasted several days. On the first day - took a smear with my hand and made sowing of the primary material.

Then we leave all this for 24 hours in the thermostat, at a temperature of 37 degrees.

On the second day we consider under the microscope grew by microbes.

Growing microbes transform to the nutrient medium and again put in a thermostat for 24 hours at a temperature of 24 degrees.

On the third day, the grew up microbe check for sensitivity to antibiotics and learn what antibiotic this microbe is treated.

And again our microbe will put 24 hours in the thermostat at a temperature of 37 degrees.

For the fourth day, we saw the result - staphylococcus grew.

And this means that there is a huge number of microbes on the dirty hands, which accumulate on their hands, together with particles of the earth and dust. I scratched a dirty hand - and here, please, the eye turned red, began to root, get to disappear. And if dirty hands climbed into the mouth or grabbed a clean apple - I need to wait for no time today, so tomorrow. Sometimes, looking at the hands, it seems to us that they are clean. But the bacteria are very small, you will not see them without a microscope. Therefore, you always need to wash your hands!

Microbes are our friends!

Experience: Useful use Microorganisms on the example of yeast, and my mother and I knew two portions of the dough from flour, water, salt, sugar.

We knew one portion without yeast. In the second portion, we added yeast. Formed small buns. We marked the dough without yeast, we marked the toothpick.

A bun from the dough without yeast is very small we baked these buns The second bun turned out to be magnificent. And what about?

This is how this "boiler" looks like a taste - tough, not tasty cut buns with a knife The second bun turned out lush, fragrant, very tasty

In the course research work I came to the conclusion that the world of microbes is interesting and diverse! Among the microbes there are our friends and enemies. To protect yourself from harmful microbes, you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene, there are washable fruits and vegetables and, of course, do not forget to wash your hands more often. After all, our health seems to depend on such a simple procedure. Useful microbes help us to be healthy and do not give harmful bacteria to harm to man. output.

The relevance of the project is the relevance of the project. The earlier the child is formed by the conscious need to take care of his health, the healthier will be every particular person and society as a whole. Most schoolchildren know very little about their body, the peculiarities of its structure and functions, health as the main value of man. Because of the lack of elementary medical knowledge, a young man makes many mistakes. Unfortunately, very often these errors become fatal.

Problem and problematic issues Problem and problematic issues The problem arose during the hygiene procedures, when there were hands before lunch, the question arose: "We are told, you need to wash your hands before eating, and then there are many microbes on them." We have become wondering. What is this microbes? What can they harm us? How do they come from? Are all microorganisms bring harm to man? It became interesting for us. What is this microbes? What can they harm us? How do they come from? Are all microorganisms bring harm to man?

Project tasks: Project tasks: to obtain some ideas about microorganisms, about their properties (grow, multiply, feed, breathe); find out that microorganisms are useful and harmful; Teach children to receive new knowledge using a microscope; Test to understand the value of the careful attitude towards your health; get acquainted with simple ways Combating pathogenic bacteria.

Brief Abstract Project: Brief Abstract Project: The project is aimed at forming a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. During the project, children learn how harmful bacteria get into the body, think about the question of how to maintain health. Make up the rules for preserving health. It will observe the rules of personal hygiene. Teach cooperate in the team, team. Will get the skill work on the Internet

After completing the project, students will acquire the following subjects of subject: to carry out personal hygiene rules; Determine the belonging of bacteria to the kingdoms of wildlife Personal universal learning activities: educational - cognitive interest in the new educational material and ways to solve a new task; Knowledge of basic hygienic standards and orientation for their implementation; Installation on healthy image Life Regulatory Universal Training Actions: Take and Save educational task; Plan your action in accordance with the task and conditions of its implementation, exercise final and step-by-step control on the result; adequately perceive the assessment; To make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion on the basis of its assessment and accounting of the origin of the errors.

Cognitive universal learning activities: search for the necessary information to fulfill learning assignments using educational literature, encyclopedias, reference books (including electronic, digital), internet; allocate essential information from texts; carry out an analysis of objects with the allocation of significant and irrelevant features; Conduct a comparison, classification according to the specified criteria; establish investigative connections; Communicative universal training actions to focus on the partner's position in communicating and cooperation; negotiate and come to a general decision in joint activities; monitor and evaluate the actions of the partner;

The name of microorganisms (microbes) occurred from the Greek words microson-small and bios - life. The name of microorganisms (microbes) occurred from the Greek words microson-small and bios - life. Microorganisms include bacteria, yeast, microscopic mushrooms and algae. What is microorganisms? What is microorganisms?

Some microorganisms cause food poisoning. Even a small number of microbes that fall into our organism can cause serious diseases. Even a small number of microbes that fall into our organism can cause serious diseases. In the surrounding medium: air, soil, there are many microbes, and they fall into our body. In the surrounding medium: air, soil, there are many microbes, and they fall into our body. Is it possible to destroy these microbes? There are harmful microbes that cause different diseases.


What does this experience show us? Experience 3 has opened us beneficial features yeast. Yeast - perform the necessary work. What important work are they busy? But what: they produce carbon dioxide and the dough rises, becomes lush. Microorganisms are our assistants.

What conclusions can be made? While in our body, useful microbes help him be healthy and do not give harmful bacteria to harm to man. The world of microbes is interesting and diverse! Among the microbes there are our friends and enemies. We put out the material in the encyclopedia of Moydodyra, where we explain how to take care of your health. Be healthy!