Chemistry Presentation Water Use. Presentation of chemistry "Chemical and physical properties of water"

Slide 2.

Goals and objectives

  • Develop a set of computer slides for demonstration at chemistry lesson in grade 8
  • Consider the main physical and chemical properties of water, the composition of the water molecule
  • Explore additional material on the topic
  • Show the value of water in nature, for a person, the most interesting areas of water
  • Explore the material of multimedia tutorials for chemistry
  • Slide 3.

    Water in nature

  • Slide 4.

    Aggregate water states

    The only substance in nature, which exists in three aggregate states:

    • liquid state
    • solid state
    • gaseous condition
  • Slide 5.

    Water molecule

    Each water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom interconnected by chemical bonds.

    Oxygen atom + hydrogen atoms \u003d water molecule

    Slide 6.

    Physical properties of water

    Water aggregate states:

    • Liquid (water)
    • Solid (ice)
    • Gaseous (pairs)

    Physical properties of water:

    • without color, without taste, odorless, transparent
    • it has weak electrical conductivity
    • t kip \u003d 100 OS, T pl \u003d 0 OS
  • Slide 7.

    Water - solvent

  • Slide 8.

    Chemical properties of water

    1. The interaction of water with active metals

    • 2NA + H2O \u003d 2NA OH + H2 (sodium hydroxide)
    • Li + H2O \u003d Li OH + H2
    • K + H2O \u003d Kon + H2
  • Slide 9.

    2. The interaction of water with non-metals

    • C + H2O \u003d CO + H2 (Water Gas)

    4. The interaction of water with acid oxides

    • CO2 + H2O \u003d H2CO3 (coalic acid)

    3. The interaction of water with major oxides

    • Na2O + H2O \u003d 2NAOH
  • Slide 10.

    Cycle of water in nature

  • Slide 11.

    Water value for man

    Directly in the form of free liquid (different drinks or liquid food) an adult middleweight consumes about 1.2 liters of water per day (48% daily norm). The porridge contains up to 80% of water, in bread - about 50%, in meat - 58-67%, fish - almost 70%, in vegetables and fruits - up to 90%

    Slide 12.

    Basically, the water is excreted from the body through the kidneys, on average 1.2 liters per day - or 48% of the total volume, as well as by sweating (0.85 L.- 34%). Part of the water is removed from the body with breathing (0.32l per day - about 13%) and through the intestine (0.13 l - 5%).

    Slide 13.

    Daily need for water

  • Slide 14.

    Water - fuel

    The scientific fiction future is slowly, but it is rightly pierced into our homes. And now you can easily acquire a clock that get electricity to work from ordinary water.

    How do these miracle work? Inside there is a converter, which "extracts" electrons from fluid molecules, and works as a fuel cell for hours. Water consumption is very small. It is reported that one tank refueling is enough for "a few weeks" uninterrupted work.

  • Multimedia Tutorial "Chemistry" Grade 8, m., Enlightenment, 2002
  • Educational collection 1C "Chemistry for all-XXI", M., 2004
  • View all slides

    Slides: 12 words: 1330 Sounds: 7 Effects: 130

    Water. Water in nature. Water is a very common substance on Earth. Physical properties of water. Clean water is a colorless transparent liquid. Chemical properties of water. Water molecules are highly resistant to heating. Interaction. C + H2O \u003d H2 + CO. Write breeding. - Water.ppt.

    Water lesson

    Slides: 17 words: 830 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Secure knowledge about the composition, structure and properties of water. Show that water is a unique natural connection. Expand knowledge about the role of water and solutions in the nature and life of people. Touch the environmental and moral problems of water protection. Lesson Plan: Legends of Water. Many of the deities were born in water or could walk on the water. Could and drown, destroy anything. Opening history. June 24, 1783 Lavoisier and Laplace. Synthesis of water from "fuel air" (hydrogen) and "defluminated air" (oxygen). Lavoisier. Experiments on water decomposition. 1785 Lavoisier and less. Installed the composition of water: 85% oxygen and 15% hydrogen. - water lesson.ppt.

    Water chemistry

    Slides: 18 Words: 629 Sounds: 0 Effects: 46

    Goals and objectives. Water. Chemical and physical. Properties. Water in nature. The only substance in nature, which exists in three aggregate states. Liquid state. Solid state. Gaseous condition. Oxygen atom. Hydrogen atoms. Water molecule. Aggregate water states. Physical properties of water. (Water). Solid. (Ice). Gaseous. (Couples). Liquid. Water solvent. 1. The interaction of water with active metals. Chemical properties of water. Cold air. Warm air. Couple. Ice crystals. Water drops. Cloud is transferred. Air flow. Precipitation. Rain. Snow. Grad. - water chemistry.ppt.

    Chemistry water

    Slides: 8 Words: 404 Sounds: 1 Effects: 1

    Integrated project "Water, water, circle water". The authors of the project. Project time: 1-3 training quarters. The fundamental question is what the uniqueness of water? Problem questions Where is water in nature? What chemical properties are characteristic of water? What aggregate states are characteristic of water? How, by the state of coastal vegetation, determine the quality of water in the reservoir? What features are characteristic of the Moshalya River? What is the value of the river for the village of Tulinovka? Academic subjects. Geography Chemistry Biology Physics Ecology. Educational topics inland waters of Russia. Solutions. The solubility of substances in water. - Chemistry water.ppt.

    Water substance

    Slides: 23 Words: 527 Sounds: 3 Effects: 124

    Water is the most amazing substance on the ground. Is any water useful? Work in groups of water! The subject of the chemistry performers "theorists" -punning groups 29 -PKD. It has color; It does not have colors. It tastes; There is no taste. Has the smell; There is no smell. Transparent; It is not transparent to turnover; Does not possess fluidity. Has a form; It does not have forms. Long retains heat; Quickly cool down. Dissolves sand and chalk; Dissolves salt, sugar. Conducts electric current; does not conduct an electric current polar; Not polar. Water is a source of life. The subject of biology, the basis of the ecology performers "Environmental" - a group of 28-PKD. - Water.PPT substance

    Water as a substance

    Slides: 13 Words: 803 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Water. Content. The composition and structure of the molecule. Methods for determining the composition of substances. Water in nature. Water purification methods. Physical properties. Chemical properties. Application of water. What is water? The water molecule consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. There is a covalent polar connection between atoms. The molecule has an angular structure. Methods for determining the composition of the substance. Water is the most common substance on Earth. She filled with rivers, seas, oceans, lakes. Couples of water are contained in the air. Water is contained in organisms of animals and plants. Under certain conditions, it is found in all three aggregate states. - water as a substance.ppt

    Water is a substance

    Slides: 26 Words: 918 Sounds: 0 Effects: 15

    Water is a unique substance of nature. Water. Theme lesson. Water distribution. Hydrosphere - an aqueous shell of the Earth. Rivers, lakes, atmospheric moisture. Water in human body. Methods for determining the composition of water. The composition of the water molecule H2O is a molecular formula. Physical properties of water. Water features. The water has a very high specific heat of the vaporization. High heat capacity. Chemical properties of water. The reaction of water decomposition. Photosynthesis. Circulation of water in nature. Pollution of the World Oil Oil. Hydroelectric power station. - Water is a substance.ppt

    Water purification

    Slides: 12 words: 504 Sounds: 0 Effects: 11

    I. General recommendations II. Water purification 1. Boil 2. Filtering 3. Disinfection IV. Depriction of water 1. Freezing 2. Distiller V. Conclusions. I. General recommendations. Search for a water source is one of the main tasks. You can produce water with moisture capacitors, polyethylene bags. Do not drink sea water or soap water. There is snow it is useless. Water purification. 1. Boiling (10 min.). Water purification 2. Filtering. 3. Disinfection. Water desalination 1. Freezing. Ice, if not all water has frozen, fresh source water. Water desalination 2. Distiller. How much water is a person to drink a day? - Water purification .ppt.

    Water settling

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    Water purification at home as a vital necessity. Adjusting the procedure for conducting: poured into one amount of tap water. Cut the cloth to avoid falling into the water of foreign impurities. The precipitate is different in color saturation and by quantity. After settling, water should be boiled. (Part 2). Boiling procedure: pouring water from the crane on the species is made transparent. Boil water. When heating water changes the color on the yellow (loss of iron salts). With increasing temperature, water acquires a redhead. After boiling water, a duration of at least 5 minutes I spend upholding. - Water settling .Ppt

    Water in human life

    Slides: 28 Words: 1027 Sounds: 0 Effects: 134

    Integrated lesson in chemistry and geography. "Water is the basis of life on Earth." You can not say that you are needed for life! You yourself life! You fill us with joy, which is not explained by our feelings ... You are the greatest wealth in the world ... "Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The structure of water molecule. Physical properties H2O. Hydrosphere. Fresh water. Salty water. Water in the atmosphere. Water sushi. Glaciers. The groundwater. Lake. Rivers. Swamps. The scheme of the world cycle of water. Baikal. Decomposition (electrolysis) of water. The length of the river is 3530 kilometers (before the construction of reservoirs - 3690 kilometers). Of the 100 cities of the country with the most polluted atmosphere 65 are located in the Volga basin. - water in human life.ppt

    The role of water in the human body

    Slides: 35 words: 2951 Sounds: 0 Effects: 232

    The role of water in the human body. What is water. The role of water. The role of water in the human body from the point of view of physics. Heat capacity and thermal conductivity. The heat of evaporation and cooling of the body. The role of water in the human body from the point of view of chemistry. Anion. Chemical composition water. Inorganic compounds. Lead. Negative effects of substances on the human body. Iron. Positive effects of substances. Potassium. Balance. Water standards. Water. Mineral complex. Water purification. The role of water in the human body from the point of view of biology. The amount of water. Blood. Life process. - the role of water in the human body.PPTX

    Mineral water

    Slides: 12 words: 536 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

    Mineral water value for man. Mineral waters are most often underground, less often superficial. Underground waters are divided into therapeutic and dining rooms, therapeutic and dining rooms. Various soil layers serve as a kind of filter. The effects of mineral waters are very diverse and affects all organs and systems. It would seem that it may be easier - minerals and gases dissolved in water. Otherwise, you can get an action inverse to therapeutic. What is common to "Bon Aques" and "Borjomi"? Almost nothing. The second is to therapeutic and table, it is impossible to overdo it. -

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    "Water ... You have no taste, no color, no smell, you can not describe - you enjoy you. You are not just necessary for life, you are life itself. You are a deity, you are perfection, you are the biggest wealth in the world "Antoine de Saint - Exupery

    The purpose of the lesson: consider the spread of water, study the composition and structure of the water molecule, physical and chemical properties, consider ecological problemsassociated with water pollution. Theme lesson: "Water"

    1. Water distribution. Water is the most common mineral on the ground. Almost ¾ surface globe covered with water forming the ocean, sea, rivers and lakes. A lot of water is in a gaseous state in the form of vapors in the atmosphere, in the form of huge masses of snow and ice is lying round year At the tops of high mountains and in polar countries. Natural water There is no absolute clean. Rain water is the most clean, and sea water contains the most impurities.

    97% - sea water 3% - fresh water glaciers 79% underground water 20% of rivers, lakes, atmospheric moisture 1%

    Water in the human body without water. A person can live only 3 days, while without food 30-50 days. In different human bodies, various seal shares are contained: the vitreous body of the eye - 99% of the blood plasma - 92% of the brain - gray substance 83%, white substance is 70%; Kidney - 82% Heart - 79% Light - 79% Muscles - 75% spinal cord - 74.8% leather - 72% Liver -70% Skeleton - 46% Dental enamel - 0.2%

    Liquid water filled with the world ocean, surface water sushi and groundwater solid ice can be seen in the form of snowflakes, and in the form of an inlet of water vapor is part of the atmosphere 2. The physical properties of water water - liquid, without color, taste and odor. At 0 s turns into a solid state (ice), with 100 s piping and goes into a gaseous state (water vapor). Water is the only substance that occurs on Earth in all three aggregate states.

    3. The structure of the water molecule. H 2 O M \u003d 18G / mol task. Calculate the mass fractions of the elements in water. W (n) \u003d 11% W (o) \u003d 89% water - complex substance, hydrogen oxide, molecular structure, covalent polar communication.

    Structure of water molecule. The water molecule is polar, is a dipole about N H + -

    Association of water molecules (H 2 O) X, where x \u003d 2,3,4, etc. By virtue of the high polarity of water molecules is a universal solvent, it is well soluble with ionic compounds and substances consisting of polar molecules.

    Water is one of the most reactive substances. + Acid oxide \u003d acid 1. Support + main oxide \u003d soluble base 4. Chemical properties of water

    Water - as an oxidizing agent: 2. Resears with active (alkaline and alkaline earth metals) Na + H 2 O \u003d? Demonstration of experience in heating is possible the interaction of water and with less active metals, for example with magnesium. Mg + H 2 O T ° C?

    Water - as a reducing agent 3. Intelligence with such an oxidant as fluorine (water is on fluorine). 2 F 2 + 2H 2 O \u003d 4HF + O 2

    At t \u003d 2000 ° C or when passing electric current Water decomposes on simple substances - oxygen and hydrogen 2 H 2 O 2N 2 + O 2 5. Supply react with some salts, forming crystallohydrates. Cuso 4 + 5 H 2 O \u003d Cuso 4 5 H 2 O 4. Reactive water decomposition: email. current

    Minute psychological unloading. Compilation of synkievine in working notebooks. Sinwen will consist of 5 lines. In a word (name noun), express the topic of today's lesson. Choose this word 2 adjectives. Select to this word 3 verbs. Make a phrase in which the significance of this word will be reflected. Select the synonym for this word.

    5. Circulation of water in nature. Water reserves remain unchanged for billions of years, because Water performs a permanent cycle. Underground Water Water Epiphany Loss of precipitation Loss of precipitation evaporation of water condensation

    World Ocean Pollution Oil

    It is difficult to imagine the field of human activity, where water would not be applied hydroelectric power station Agriculture Engineering construction in everyday life

    6. Security water resources. Natural water does not happen absolutely clean, it contains impurities: soluble and insoluble substances. The quality of drinking water is legally determined that drinking water coming to the consumer should be enjoyable in organoleptic terms and safe for health; The content of impurities in water should not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations.

    Water treatment scheme

    Water consumption in the world (in m3 per person per day)

    Dough Answers option -1 Option -2 2, 3, 2, 4, 4 2, 2, 4, 3, 2 Key to the quality assessment of the test of test: "5" - 0 errors; "4" - 1 error; "3" - 2 errors.

    Conclusions: Water is the most common substance on Earth. Water is found in nature in all three aggregate states. The relationship between atoms in the water molecule covalent polar. Water has weakly pronounced redox properties. Water decomposes under the action of electric current or at t \u003d 2000 ° C.

    Properties of water

    Slides: 31 Words: 746 Sounds: 0 Effects: 32

    Water. March 22 - World Wide Resources Day on the UN Calendar, Water Day. Aquarium, water area, watercolor. Study of water properties. View from space. How much water on our planet? Water refers to the number of substances most common in nature. No. 4 Chemists-experimenters solubility depends on temperature? What other solubility depends? Special properties of water. Chemical properties of water. The interaction of water with ordinary substances. 1. Water reactions with metals. A piece of lithium tape is taken. Note that the conditions are common. 2. Water reactions with non-metals. And non-metals can exhibit hydrogen gas from water vapor. - Water properties .ppt.

    Water and its properties

    Slides: 25 words: 878 Sounds: 0 Effects: 86

    Amazing properties of water. ... Everything is well in nature, but water is the beauty of all of nature! S.T.KSakov. Why exactly water? Water is an amazing chemical compound studying not only by chemists, but also by physicists. The structure of water molecule. The most simple adopted today model of water molecule - tetrahedron. In fact, single water molecules at normal temperatures do not exist. There are several hypotheses describing the structure and properties of water associates. However, a single understanding has not yet been achieved. Properties of water. Anomalous thermal properties of water. Distribution of temperatures in the reservoir. - water and its properties .PPT

    Properties of substances of water

    Slides: 21 words: 1063 Sounds: 0 Effects: 128

    With in about y with t and in about d. Water is very important in the life of plants, animals and humans. The origin of life on Earth is obliged to water. Water is the most common substance on Earth. Water molecules are detected in interstellar space. Water does not smell, colors and taste. Water is very difficult to oxidize, burn or decompose into composite parts. Water is a chemically resistant substance. Water is a universal solvent. Water is very unusual in its physicochemical properties. Many properties of water anomalous. The location of molecules. Slender rows. Closed. Spacious. Water has an abnormal density. - Properties of substances water.ppt

    Amazing properties of water

    Slides: 13 Words: 340 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Amazing properties of water. Water around us. Physical properties of water. Boiling and freezing temperatures. Heavy water. Deuterium. Dry water. Nanotube water. Water behavior. Studies Masaru Emoto. Many secrets. - amazing properties of water.ppt

    Physical properties of water

    Slides: 20 Words: 735 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Physical properties of water. Introduction What is water? All earthly substance ... it is imbued with and covered. " Water is the most famous and most mysterious of all fluids that exist on Earth. Four elements of Aristotle. Earth fire air water. The dependence of the density of water from temperature. The density of water in the range from 0 to 40c rises. The dependence of the specific heat capacity from temperature. But water and here behaves especially. The dependence of the temperatures of boiling and freezing from molecular weight. At what temperature water boils? Water boils at 1000c. Water for chemical composition can be called oxygen hydride. - physical properties of water.ppt

    Chemical properties of water

    Slides: 16 words: 972 Sounds: 0 Effects: 56

    Anomalous properties of water. ... but we do not know the analogue of the water yet ... to prove the uniqueness of water as a chemical. Find out the reasons for the uniqueness of water as a chemical compound. Theoretical (analysis of articles, publications.). Project Goal: Research Methods: Research Objectives: Purpose of Research: To familiarize yourself with the structure of the water molecule. Find out the influence of hydrogen ties on physical properties water. Hypothesis: fundamental question. Major Lie ordinary water? Water is the most common inorganic connection on our planet. The total water supply on Earth is 1359000 m3. - Chemical properties of water.ppt

    Physical and chemical properties of water

    Slides: 15 words: 811 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Physical and chemical properties of water. Objectives lesson. Equipment. The physical process occurs when water purified. Most of the impurities are contained in water. Distribute the proposed substances. Vinegar, salt, chalk, rust. Physical properties of water. Place the record of the chemical properties of water in the form of a generalizing table. Chemical properties of water. Reaction reaction. Connection reactions. Reaction decomposition. Complete tasks yourself. - Physical and chemical properties of water.ppt

    Hardness of water

    Slides: 20 Words: 486 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    What can do tough water. Rigid water. Rigidly called water containing excess calcium ions. Norm. When using rigid water, problems occur. Skipping layer thickness. Law of Joule Lenza. Ways to eliminate stiffness. Ion exchange method. Funds for preventing the formation of scale (water-making). Means for water softening. Facilities for descaling. Everything is connected with everything (one of the four laws of Commoner). - Water rigidity .ppt.

    Water - solvent

    Slides: 17 words: 433 Sounds: 0 Effects: 28

    Water is a solvent. Magnificent solvent. Solubility. The content of the dissolved substance. Let's experience experience. Salt dissolved in water. Empty glass. Transparent glass. Sugar was dissolved in water. Taste after filtration. Let the mixture stand out. Water color. Sand. Stir in a glass with water a teaspoon of clay. Clay did not dissolve in water. Content glasses. - Water - solvent.pptx

    Water during freezing

    Slides: 14 Words: 752 Sounds: 0 Effects: 16

    Anomalous properties of water during freezing. Studying the causes of changes in water density. Anomaly of water. Structure of water. Hydrogen bond. Crystal cell Ice. The magnitude of voids. The results of the experiment. Clusters. Changing the volume of water. Temperature. Formation of clusters. Research results. - Water during freezing.ppt

    Memory of water

    Slides: 10 Words: 568 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Scientific substantiation of water information memory. The basis is based on the tetrahedron (the simplest pyramid of four corners). 1988 - Experiments of the French immunologist of Dr. Jean Benvienist. The order in which single molecules are located, and there is a memory. Transfer throughout the chain. Hypothesis of information memory Zenin S. V. Two types of memory: primary memory appears after a disposable information impact. The structure of the main liquid crystal carrier of information in the water Martin Chaplin. Giant Ikosahedron consists of 13 and smaller structural elements - information carriers. - water memory .ppt.

    Magic power of water

    Slides: 14 Words: 610 Sounds: 0 Effects: 51

    Magic power of water. Water ended with soul in many cultures of the world. Water. The composition of the water. Properties of water. Maximum density. Chemical composition of water. Energy water. The water cycle. Healing properties of water. Removing stress. Chender information. Water suitable for drinking. - Magic power of water.ppt


    Slides: 6 Words: 63 Sounds: 0 Effects: 17

    Laboratory work. The task. Equipment. Fluids: oil, water. Body: Iron, Tree, Plant, Glass. Observation. The oil is wetting. Everything is wetted. Water wetted. Output. Wetting depends on body material. The oil is wetting on the plant and on the tree. Water wetted on the glass. Water and oil are wetted on the gland. -

    Water types Water on Earth can exist in three main states of liquid, gaseous and solid and acquire various forms that can simultaneously adjourn each other. Water pairs and clouds in the sky, sea water and icebergs, mountain glaciers and mountain rivers, aquifed layers in the ground. Water is able to dissolve many substances in itself, acquiring one or another taste. Due to the importance of water, "as a source of life", it is often divided into types on various principles.

    According to the peculiarities of origin, composition or use, they allocate, among other things: soft water and hard water in the content of calcium and magnesium cations for molecule isotopes: lightweight water (according to the composition almost corresponds to normal) heavy water (deuterium) heavy water (tritium) thawed water Freshwater Rain Water Sea Water Underground Water Mineral Water Brasswater Water Drinking Water, Tap Water Distilled Water and Deonized Water Waste Water Storm Water or Surface Water Deckless Water and Living water Types of water from fairy tales (with fabulous properties) Holy water A special type of water according to the religious doctrine of polyvoda structured water The term applied in various non-academic theories.

    Physical properties of water in normal atmospheric conditions retains a liquid aggregate state, while similar hydrogen compounds are gases. This is due to the special characteristics of the aligning atomic molecules and the presence of connections between them. The hydrogen atoms are attached to the oxygen atom forming an angle of 104.45 °, and this configuration is strictly saved. Due to the high difference in the electronegateness of hydrogen atoms and oxygen, electronic clouds are strongly shifted toward oxygen. For this reason, the water molecule is an active dipole, where the oxygen side is negative, and hydrogen is positive. As a result, the water molecules are attracted by its opposite poles, and form a polar bonds, which requires a lot of energy. As part of each molecule, the hydrogen ion (proton) does not have internal electron layers and has small sizes, as a result of which it can penetrate into an electronic shell of a negatively polarized oxygen atom of the adjacent molecule, forming a hydrogen bond with another molecule. Each molecule is associated with four others by means of hydrogen bonds, two of them forms an oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. The combination of these bonds between water molecules polar and hydrogen and determines the very high temperature of its boiling and the specific heat of the vaporization. As a result of these bonds in the aquatic environment, pressure occurs in thousands of atmospheres, which explains the cause of difficult water compressibility, so with an increase in atmospheric pressure on 1 bar, the water is compressed by 0.00005 shares of its initial volume.

    In the lace as if trees, bushes, wires are dressed. And it seems a fairy tale, and all this is just water. Easy ocean wide and quiet pond creek, waterfall cascade and fountain splashes and in essence, this is water. High oxen raising, raging sea water, and drowning, and destroyed, playing, large sea ships. Here, the white fellow snow fell on the ground ... and the time will come - everything will melt, and there will be simple water. A.Fet.

    The structures of water and ice among themselves are very similar. In the water, as in ice, the molecule is trying to set up in a certain order to form a structure, but the thermal movement is hampered. When the transition temperature in solid state, the heat movement of molecules does not prevent the formation of the structure, and the water molecules are ordered, during this volume of voids between molecules, the total water density falls, which explains the reason for the lower water density in the ice phase. When evaporated, on the contrary, all ties are torn. The bond breaking requires a lot of energy, which is why the water is the largest specificity among other liquids and solids. In order to heat one liter of water for one degree, it is necessary to spend 4,1868 to J. Energy. Thanks to this property, water is often used as a coolant. However, the specific water heat capacity, in contrast to other substances, is inconsistent: when heated from 0 to 35 degrees Celsius, its specific heat drops, while other substances it is constant when the temperature changes. In addition to the high specific capacity, water also has large values \u200b\u200bof the specific heat of melting (0 ° C and 333,55 to J / kg) and vaporization (2250 K j / kg [)

    Water also has a high surface tension among liquids, yielding only mercury in it. The relatively high viscosity of water is due to the fact that hydrogen bonds interfere with water molecules to move with different speeds. At similar reasons, water is a good solvent of polar substances. Each molecule of the soluble substance is surrounded by water molecules, and a positively charged area of \u200b\u200bthe soluble molecule is attracted by oxygen atoms, and negatively charged hydrogen atoms. Since water molecule is small in size, many water molecules may surround each soluble substance molecule. This property of water is used by alive creatures. In a living cell and in the intercellular space, solutions of various substances in water are involved. Water is necessary for the life of everyone without exception of unicellular and multicellular living beings on Earth. Water has a negative electric potential Surfaces.

    Pure (not containing impurities) water is a good insulator. Under normal conditions, the water is poorly dissociated and the concentration of protons (more precisely, H 3 O + ions) and hydroxyl ions HO is 0.1 μmol / l. But since the water is a good solvent, these or other salts are almost always dissolved in it, that is, there are positive and negative ions in the water. Thanks to this, water conducts electricity. Water electrical conductivity can be determined to determine its purity. Water has a refractive index n \u003d 1.33 in the optical range. However, it strongly absorbs infrared radiation, and therefore water vapor is the main natural greenhouse gas that meets more than 60% of the greenhouse effect. Due to the large dipole moment of molecules, water also absorbs microwave radiation, which is based on the principle of operation of the microwave oven.

    Water is the most common solvent on planet Earth, largely determining the nature of earthly chemistry as science. Most of the chemistry, in its origin as science, began according to the chemistry of aqueous solutions of substances. It is sometimes considered as ampholite and acid and the base at the same time (Cation H + Anion OH). In the absence of foreign substances in water, the concentration of hydroxide ions and hydrogen ions (or hydroxony ions), PK A OK. 16. Water is a chemically rather active substance. Strongly polar water molecules solvate ions and molecules, form hydrates and crystalline hydrogen. Solvoliz, and in particular hydrolysis, occurs in a living and inanimate nature, and is widely used in the chemical industry.

    Water reacts at room temperature: with active metals (sodium, potassium, calcium, barium, etc.) with halogens (fluorine, chlorine) and intermediate compounds with salts formed by weak acid and weak base, causing their full hydrolysis with anhydrides and carbon halogenants and inorganic acids with active metal-organized compounds (diethyl offshink, Grignar reagents, methyl nodium, etc.) with carbides, nitrides, phosphide, silicide, hydrides of active metals (calcium, sodium, lithium, etc.) with many salts, forming hydrates with borants , silanes with keten, not up to carbon oxide with noble gases, water reacts when heated: with iron, magnesium with coal, methane with some alkyl halides The water reacts in the presence of a catalyst: with amides, carboxylic acids with acetylene and other alkins with alkins with nitriles

    Biological role Water plays a unique role as a substance that determines the possibility of existence and the very life of all creatures on Earth. It serves as a universal solvent, which occurs the main biochemical processes of living organisms. The uniqueness of the water is that it dissolves quite well as organic and inorganic substances, providing high speed of leakage chemical reactions And at the same time, sufficient complexity of the resulting complex compounds. Thanks to hydrogen bonds, water remains liquid in a wide range of temperatures, and exactly which is widely represented on the planet Earth currently.

    Interesting Facts * On average, plants and animal organiser contains more than 50% of water. * As part of the water mantle of water is made more than the amount of water in the ocean. * With an average depth of 3.6 km, the world ocean covers about 71% of the surface of the planet and contains 97.6% of well-known global stocks of free water. * If there were no depression and bulges on Earth, the water would cover the whole land, and its thickness would be 3 km. * If all the glaciers were melted, the water level on Earth would rise 64 m and about 1/8 of the sushi surface would be flooded with water. * Sea water with its usual saline 35 freezes at a temperature of 1.91 ° \u200b\u200bC. * Sometimes water freezes at a positive temperature. * Under certain conditions (inside nanotubes), the water molecules form a new state at which they retain the ability to flow even at temperatures close to absolute zero. * Among the fluids existing in nature, the surface tension is inferior only to mercury. * Water reflects 5% of sun rays, while snow is about 85%. Under the ocean ice, only 2% of sunlight penetrates. * The blue color of pure ocean water is explained by selective absorption and scattering of light in water. * With the help of water drops from the cranes, you can create a voltage of up to 10 kilovolt, the experience is called "Kelvin's dropper". * There is the following saying using the W 2 O Formula: "My boots flow H 2 O". Instead of boots in the saying can participate and other breathing shoes. * Water is one of the few substances on Earth, which are expanding when moving from the liquid phase to solid (except for water, this property has bismuth, gallium, lead and some compounds and mixtures). * Water can burn if it is placed in the atmosphere with fluorine, sometimes even with an explosion. In this case, oxygen is released. * It is widespread that it is unwanted to mix boiled water with a non-joyful, allegedly use of such water can cause diarrhea. * Water is the only substance that can be on Earth in three aggregate states.

    Main indicators of quality drinking water Organoleptic turbidity chroma taste smell chemical pH permanganate oxidation overall water rigidity Mineralization (dry residue) Pavor's phenolic index and other content of anions (nitrates, nitrites, sulfates, cyanides, chlorides and hydrocarbonates) Aluminum, barium, beryllium, boron, iron, cadmium, manganese, copper, molybdenum, arsenic, nickel, mercury, selenium, lead, strontium, chromium and zinc bacteriological overall microbial number Common oliform bacteria radiological

    Type of water Source water Water after cleaning Starting Total hardness f about Nach, MM-EQ / L Carbonate Tube W K, MG-EQ / L Uncontrolled hardness In H, MG-EQ / l pH softening na-cationing softening n-cationing desalination by serial n-cation and he-anionation residual overall rigidity f about Ost, MEK-eq / l pH residual overall rigidity f about Ost, MEK eq / l pH remain-exact common tight Well on Ost, MEK-eq / l Alocitation (acid) PHPH water supply water 2,52,10,46,50,056,60,032,50,02-7 "Raifsky source" water bottled drinking 3 , 83,20,66.60,056.70,033.00,0,02-7 Water of the artesian well 7.06,01,07,30,067,50,043,60.04-7 Water p. Volga 8,471,47,50,067,60,054.00.05-7

    Message Take care of water in late XIX. at. The townspeople had enough one and a half bucket of water per day - and on washing, and even on fires. The current norm is over 18 buckets, i.e. 220 liters. In fact, we do not fit into this rule, spending buckets per person. The reference 12-liter bucket of a mesmer jet fills in a minute. You stood under the shower of 5 min- 60 liters. Water was ran into the sewer. This is more than enough to carefully wash the elephant. The rod thick with a match of a liter can be filled in 3 minutes. This experiment allows you to establish that per day from a faulty crane breaks at a minimum. There is a commodity opinion that the industry spends the lion's share of water. In fact, 150 m, cotton fabrics are 1 taled for 1 tons - 1000 m, daily, plants and factories take only a quarter. The same amount goes to dining rooms, kindergartens, hospitals. The rest is in residential buildings.

    But it is not difficult to save water without any hygienic damage. Let's say the teeth after cleaning can rinse from the glass, closing the crane. Savings - 5 liters. Waters for one person cleaning. When shaving, you can, instead of opening a crane with hot water, Pour, as in an old, water from the kettle in a glass, it will take 5-10 liters on the shave, and only 0.2, and shaving millions. The hostess believe that the underwear should be ringed after washing in running water. Of course, so underwear is faster, since the gradient of the concentration of the washing powder on the surface of the underwear and ishing it is greater than in the non-inflexible, and therefore, the diffusion rate is greater. But the water consumption is great. Modern detergents are washed out of clean linen and after it goes in continuing water. Changed water, underwear can be crazy. By the way, in washing machines, the underwear is also used in other waters, and not in running water. Wash dishes best in the sink with two branches and plugs for drain holes. You can also wash vegetables.

    Creative pause Compilation of synkievine in working notebooks. This is a Japanese word, which means literally translated by the emotional attitude. Sinwen will consist of 5 lines. 1) In one word (name noun) express the topic of today's lesson 2) Choose to this word 2 definitions 3) Select to this word 3 verbs 4) Make a phrase in which the significance of this word 5) will be reflected in synonym for this word. 30 Test (differentiated) 1) Water in nature occurs: a) in liquid form b) in solid form c) in a gaseous form g) all previously listed 2) in a liquid form it covers: a) ½ earth surface b) 3 / The earth's surface of the Earth c) 1/5 of the earth's surface of the Earth d) 1/6 of the earth's surface 3) To obtain pure water dissolved in it, the substances are removed: a) distillation b) rendering in) filtering d) peeling

    4) Determine the equation of the reaction, where water acts as an oxidizing agent: a) 2 K + 2N2O 2 KO + H2 B) F2 + 2H2O 4HF + O2 B) P2O5 + 3H2O 2H3PO4 g) H2O 2H2 + O2 5) Determine the reaction equation where water It acts as a reducing agent: a) H2O + CE2 HCE + HCEO b) 2H2O + 2NACE CE2 + H2 + 2NAOH c) H2O + CA Ca (OH) 2 + H2 g) SO3 + H2O H2SO4 6) Water reacts with all substances set: a ) N2; Na b) Na2O; SiO2 c) SO3; Ca d) p2O5; s

    7) The main water pollutants are: a) pathogenic viruses, helminths, viruses b) compound of non-peroxy Mtalles c) organic substances, mineral approval g) all previously listed 8) Fresh water has: a) 97% b) 50% c) 3% d) 2% 9) carry out chemical transformation: H2 x1 Ca (OH) 2 x2 x3 1) O2; H2O; CACE2 2) O2; H2O; AGCE 3) H2O; CACE2; AGCE

    Test Option 1 A1 Most of the impurities are contained in water 1. Rain 2. Sea 3. River 4. The spring A2 in water does not dissolve 1. CUSO4 2. NaOH 3. AGCl 4. KNO3 A3 The interaction of SO3 oxide with water is formed by 1.H2S 2. H2SO4 3. H2SO3 4. SO2 A4 to the physical properties of water does not refer 1. Density 2. Color 3. Smell 4. Ability to decomposition A5 The degree of hydrogen oxidation in the H2O molecule