Research Live and Dead Water. Research work "Live and Dead Water: Myth or Reality Project Work on Living and Dead Water

Municipal budgetary educational institution

lyceum S. Dolgrukovo in D. Kathers

Dolgorukovsky District

Lipetsk region


"Live and Dead Water"


Khokhluishin Vladimir


Ryazantseva Larisa Nikolaevna

2017 year

Content research work

1. Introduction. ......... .. ............................................................... ... 2-

2. Basic part .......................................................................

3. Meeting of the study ................................. .. .......5 - 8

4. Results of the study ...................................................... ..

5. Conclusions. ............................................................................ ..... ... ...... 14-15

6. Conclusion ................................................................................ ...... .. 15-16

7. Literature list ................................................................ .16

8. Appendices ............................................................... ........... 17- 23


Almost every of us in childhood read fairy tales, which speak of a "alive" and "dead" water. And when I read these lines in the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", then I had an interest and, I really wanted to know if there was a living and dead water in fact? If it exists, what does it represent? What is its feature? Under what conditions is water becoming alive or dead?

For the human body, water is significance in second place after oxygen. She happens to be necessary component The functioning of all organs of the human body. Water contributes to the digestion, blood circulation, the withdrawal of slags and the absorption of vitamins. It is also necessary to maintain the normal temperature of the human body. A person needs to know what water has a beneficial effect on the body, and which perhaps is even harmful. If there is live and dead water, then what opportunities she will give a man.
I suggested that there is live and dead water and it has unusual properties.
purpose of work
Study unusual properties Live and dead water.
Objectives of research

    explore the theory of selected questions in popular science literature, publications and Internet articles;

    determine the hydrogen indicator of PN of different water samples;

    conduct experiments to study the properties of water on plants;

    make conclusions for research.

Methodology for research

Object of study: water.

Subject of study: pH (hydrogen indicator) of different water samples and its effect on the plants.

Research methods.


    Study of encyclopedic literature on the topic;

    Search for information on the Internet.


    Water sampling for research;

    Chemical experiment: determination of the hydrogen indicator of each type of water using indicators;

    Biological experiment: influence different species Water to the germination of seeds and the development of plants.

    Analysis of the experimental results.

Results of research

A. Theoretical research methods In the process of studying the theory, I found information about living and dead water.
Everyone is aware of the existence of the Dead Sea. Why is it so called? Maybe because in it the water is dead? In the Dead Sea can not be drowned, even if it is strongly wanted, because it is very salty, the water of this sea is much heavier than the ordinary sea water by an average of 25%. It is impossible to drown in such water - the human body is easier for it. There man feels like a float.

In this sea there are no fish, no plants, only some types of bacteria. The name "Dead Sea" does not justify itself, as the water of this sea has miraculous properties. There are medicinal dirt in the sea rich in minerals and organic components, its medicinal water and charges the body with vital energy.

The search for information led me to interesting information. I learned that people living in the north, as a rule, are very healthy people, because they drink talu water. This pure snowpody has a beneficial effect on living beings. Interesting the fact that in the Arctic, microorganisms are particularly growing at the edges of the melting ice. According to the theory of Academician V. I. Petrika from St. Petersburg, the reference of water is a thawed glacier water, which is born in the mountains, it is called sampled water. The structure of the opposite water is as close as possible to the structure of water in the body. Valenny angle in reference water is 108 0 In the structure of this molecule, there is a "golden proportion" law on which the entire universe is built.According to Petrik's theory, such water is suitable for the human body, it is alive. To preserve the main structure of water, which planet gave birth to, Academician Petrik invented a nanoscarbon filter, which cleans any water and makes it alive.

I also learned that there is so-called heavy (deuterium) water D 2 O. Instead of hydrogen, there are atoms of deuterium in it, that is, heavy hydrogen, in whose kernel, in addition to the proton, neutron also includes. At a concentration of 35%, with respect to ordinary water, Heavy water causes the death of living organisms, and in smaller acts in oppressing. Such water can be really considered dead water.

B) practical research methods

So what water can be called live or dead? For the experiment, I took different water:
-The test (plumbing)

- Distilled;

-Snow (Talua);

-Salted (8% solution of table salt based on tap water).

An important characteristic of water is an acid-alkaline balance (pH). The pH is a hydrogen indicator that characterizes the concentration of free hydrogen ions in water. The pH is from 0 to 14, where 7 is a neutral indicator, less than 7 acid medium, more than 7 alkaline. Living water It has an alkaline reaction, it has pH \u003d 7 and higher, this alkalinity is not felt. The reaction of dead water is acidic, pH ˂ 7 and below.

The chemical experiment was as follows:
Determined the pH of water using indicators: methylovo and lactum.

Raw (water supply) water has pH \u003d 7.2, weakly alkaline;

Boiled pH \u003d 8.3, medium is weakly alkaline;

Distilled pH \u003d 6,2 weakly acid;

Snow (fresh melt) pH \u003d 6.9 neutral;

Salted (the solution was prepared on the basis of water raw water) pH \u003d 7.4, the medium is weakly alkaline.

According to Japanese researchers, drinking water with pH above 7 increases the life expectancy of the population by 20-30%. Water with a value of the PH scale above 7 and negative ORP (redox potential) is called "alive" or activated.

Conclusion: With the help of a chemical experiment, I proved that the composition of water differs in the hydrogen indicator. Indicators were used to determine the hydrogen indicator: methylovory and lactium. Living water (with pH\u003e 7) This is raw, salty, snow, boiled, and dead (pH<7) – дистиллированная.
Results of biological experiment I I decided to study the influence of different water samples on the germination of floral culture seeds "", The development of leaves and the formation of the roots of the repfate onion. I sowed the seeds of the velvetsev and sowing with different water. In a cup with different water, put onions for germination.

The seeds were raised better than snow, boiled and distilled water. The seeds were watched watered by tap water, and single seedlings were walked by salted water.The results of the experience of seed seeds for the fifteenth day: shoots are flooded with snow, boiled and distilled water grow and develop. Weaker shoots that are poured by tap water.There are no shoots that are poured by salt water, those seeds that were crushed at the beginning of the experience almost all died.

Bulbs were taken for the extension of the same size and 12 days were broken.

INdistilled water at the bulb weak root system - the length of the roots of 1.7 cm. Inboiled the root system is good, the roots with a length of 4.5 cm.INraw water water root system at Luka is very weak, the water is muddy, has a specific smell, the bow buys. Core length-1.2 cm.In snowy water sustainable roots, smooth, length of about 3.4 cm. Onion feathers appeared. INsolenoy water root system is absent.The results of the experiment showed what the most advanced root system in the bulbs, standing in boiled and snowy water. Salted water was not suitable for germination in this case.Salted water for plants is dead, they die.

I found interesting information about the influence of living and dead water on the plants.

1) she with timulates the growth of plants.If we water the plants "alive" water according to the following scheme: 2-3 irrigation with ordinary water once - "alive." As a result, the plant becomes larger, form more stocks, they are less ill. And medicinal plants most often require dead water.

2) accelerates seed germination.
If before planting, to withstand the seeds for 10-15 minutes in the "dead" water, and immediately before landing in the soil, soak seeds in the "alive" water "Fortress" (pH \u003d 10.5-11.0) and to withstand the day, then seeds Better germinate and give sustainable shoots.


When the oxygen is dissolved in water between its molecules, hydrogen bonds increase, with the result that water is absorbed by plants worse than degassed water in which hydrogen bonds are somewhat weakened. An example of degassed water can serve fresh thawed water, boiled, distilled. Fresh melt water is absorbed by plants and animals better than old melt water. Not because in the fresh melt water, some desires remained, and simply because of a small dissolution in it in it, as a result of which hydrogen bonds in it are slightly weakened. Therefore, water degassed as a result of boiling is better absorbed and looks like biologically active. Even when dealing with pure distilled water, in which no mineral substances are practically dissolved, it cannot be said that there are no other substances for the properties of this water - the same dissolved gases. It is also known that with an increase in hydrogen bonds between water molecules, it is worse in the mineral substances (and in our body, water is primarily a solvent), and is worse absorbed by the body. Scientists have found an explanation to the phenomenon of melt water - in it, compared with the usual, much less impurities, including isotopic molecules, where the hydrogen atom is replaced by its heavy isotope - deuterium. Thala water is considered a good folk agent to increase the physical activity of the body, especially after the winter hibernation. Rural residents have long noticed that animals drink this water; Once on the fields begin to go snow, domestic cattle drinks to muddy water from the puddles. In the fields where melting water accumulates, harvest is richer.


Water can be different. We are accustomed to evaluating the water of all over two indicators - purified, not purified and drinking, not drinking. In the usual life of this is quite enough, but water has much more parameters, the understanding of which can improve well-being and extending life.Why do we get sick and older? One of the reasons is the unsatisfactory quality of water, which we use throughout life. The water we drink does not meet the requirements of our body. As a result, we are rapidly losing moisture reserves. By the age of 70, the body loses about 30 percent of intracellular and extracellular water. As a result, the acidification of the body tissues is occurring, which leads to diseases and aging. In addition, modern person reduces water consumption to a minimum, often instead of water we use coffee, tea, a lot of soda, alcoholic beverages, not to mention fruit juices and milk. Or, which meets much more often, we do not drink a sufficient amount of fluid, because of which the body is dehydrated.

Living water, or catholic, is an alkaline solution and has the strong qualities of the biostimulant. PH live water can vary from 7.1 to 10.5. Living water activates all the biological processes of the body, improves appetite, metabolism, improves overall health, it quickly heals various wounds, including stomach ulcers, burns. Live water justifies its name everywhere. Even dried flowers come to life if they put them in a vase, filled with live water. In agriculture, live water is an indispensable assistant. Watering with this water repeatedly increase the harvest of berries and fruits. By the way, the plants on the windowsill, also acquire "live" power under the influence of spraying and irrigating living water.

Dead water, or anolyte, is an acidic solution and has strong bactericidal properties. Its acidity on the pH scale ranges from 2.5 to 6.5. Although dead water has bactericidal properties, it is an excellent disinfector. Dead water is successfully used to disinfect linen, dishes, bandages and other medical materials, as well as premises. Dead water is an unsurpassed medium. The rinse of the throat will quickly relieve such water from not pleasant symptoms of influenza and ORZ. Daily washout of dead water will save you from acne and redness on the face and make the skin healthy and elastic. Dead water is widely used in alternative medicine, lowers blood pressure, soothes the nerves, improves sleep, reduces the pain in the joints of the hands and legs, has a solvent action, destroys the fungus, heals a whole quickly. It is useful to rinse the mouth after meals - they will not bleed gums.

Output: My hypothesis was not fully confirmed: Live and dead water exists, but each of them has its unusual properties. In this case, the epithets "Live" and "Dead" no more than metaphor.

V. A. Mezentsev. "Encyclopedia of Miracles", M. Knowledge, 1983

2. "Komsomolskaya Pravda", release from February 5-12, 2009

3. Alekhin S.A., Baybekov I.M., Garib F.Yu., Gitelman D.S. Live water - myths and reality. "MIS-RT", 1998

4. "Activated water: myth or reality?", Ashbach D.S., M., Mosizdat, 1997

5. Lectures of Academician V.I. Petrika "Nanotechnology of the XXI century in water purification", M., Science, 2009


Topic: Source of life "Live" and "Dead" water. Slide №1
Relevance: Slide number 2
For the human body, water significance ranks second
after oxygen. It is a necessary component
the functioning of all organs of the human body. Water promotes
digestion, blood circulation, the withdrawal of slags and the absorption of vitamins. She is
also necessary to maintain normal human temperature
body. A person needs to know what water has a beneficial effect on the body,
and what perhaps it is even harmful. If there is live and dead water, then
what opportunities she will give man.
Objective work Slide number 3
Study of unusual properties of alive and dead water.
Objectives of research
explore the theory of selected questions in scientific literature,
publications and article articles;
get live and dead water experienced way;
carry out experiments to study the properties of water to germinate;
Make conclusions for research.
Object of research: water.

Water is the basis of life on our planet. Covering two thirds of the surface
earth, water affects practically all the processes that occur on
our planet. Of all the water resources of the Earth, only 2.5% fall on
fresh water, most of which are 70% concentrated in the Ice Polar
zones, glaciers. It is freshwatened that are subjected to intense
exhaustion, since for a person they have the greatest practical
Water is necessary in industry. It serves as a source
electricity. The largest consumer of freshwater is
agriculture. Currently, land irrigation is spent
4200 km3 water per year. In this case, ¾ is lost irretrievably.
Today, humanity is concerned about the quality of water current from our
cranes. Water from the crane at best suitable for bathing bath and washing
dishes. Water contains a mass of impurities: rust, heavy metals,
chemical impurities, calcium and magnesium salts and other chemical compounds.
Purity of water and quality are inextricably linked with our health. For
human body water is the second substance after
oxygen. For the year, man on average drinks 750 liters of water, organism
consists of 70% water.
Water is also a kind of aging indicator. Water juice of life
so said Leonardo da Vinci. Child body from birth to one year old
age contains 80 85% water. Upon reaching 18 years of water
decreases to 6570%. And in old age up to 25%. Slide number 4.
Many scientists tend to think that in providing the body
high-quality water and in the amount required for the normal process

the metabolism is the secret of the extension of youth. Therefore B.
last time, humanity actively revives interest in water purification,
water that we use should be useful, at least not harmful.
Our task to find out whether there is really living and dead water,
and that she represents. Usually mention of "alive" and "dead"
water in everyday life is a smile. After all, it seems fabulous and
unreal, amazing. Therapeutic properties of this water opened in 60
the years of the last century in the USSR. It turned out that the liquid obtained by
electrolysis possesses incredible medical properties and can be treated
various diseases. Such a liquid was divided into two types and
received titles: Anolich and Catholol. And together these liquids got
name - activated water. And in the literature the name is dead and live
The role of water.
The most enriched liquid organ in the human body is the brain.
The lack of water strongly affects the work of the whole organism and organs.
As a rule, to maintain the water balance, a person must drink
about 2 liters of water per day. But any liquid is useful for the body?
Approximately 70% of all fluids in the body is: blood, lymph. All this
constitutes an internal system that has redox
recovery potential. This is the condition of the body when all organs
perform your functions in the usual condition, contributing to the exchange of substances.
Normally, the oxidizing balance should be weak
negative, i.e. Alkaline, with potential differences - 70 mV. Liquids
entering the body, also have their own slide number 5
oxidizing agent potential. From this state depends on how
just the body will assimilate these liquids. The stronger the difference in
the oxidizing substitutional potential of the body fluid and

incoming water, the longer time and energy will require the body for
its processing under its normal
oxidizing agent potential. As a result of transformation
fluids organism spends so much energy that puts under the other
organs, manifolding them.
Ordinary tap water has oxidizing
the potential is an average of about + 400 mV, and getting into the blood gradually
"Kills" the body and brings 90% of the disease, because Blood cells have
negative charge 100mv. The same forces will be required to organism for
processing such a large barrier in oxidizing agent
the potential of the liquid from +400 mV to - 70mV. And so many times can happen
failure to work organs at this time.
Why do the mountaineers live for a very long time? They breathe clean air, they drink
spring water, the oxidizing agent potential of which
+30 mV to + 70mV. This difference is small that the body does not spend a lot
efforts for its processing. About the same redox
recovery potential have fresh juices. Their OVP
about +30 to +50 mV. If you leave the juice for one day, then its OVP
it will be about +50 to + 100mB.
With constant reception of tap water, which is potential
+ 250mv and higher. This water does not restore, is not alive and cannot
oxidizing the bacterium for its killing, it is "non-fat" water. That's what is happening,
when such water gets into the blood. Gradually leads to the fact that
erythrocytes can stick together, the borders of the mercated cells cannot get into
capillaria forming thrombosis leads to the blockage of veins, headaches.
Slide number 6.
Live water in our time is used as drinking already in many countries
world. Thanks to its oxidizing agent potential, this

water is an incredible antioxidant compensating for negative

Properties of alive and dead water.
What is dead water?
Dead water is a positively charged acid solution,
having strongly pronounced bactericidal properties. This looks like
liquid as simple water, but has a smell of acid, and the taste is sour and a little
knitting mouth. Its acidity is approximately from 2.53.5 mV.
Is of its bactericidal properties, dead water has a strong
disinfectant property. With this liquid you can
disinfect dishes, clothes, etc. Dead water is excellent
a means of cold. Thanks to this fluid, it can be reduced blood
pressure, soothe nerves.
The shelf life of dead water is quite large. It can be stored in closed
vessel about two weeks.
Dead water takes away electrons and electrical charges
+ 800mV and higher. Slide number 7.
What is live water?
Live water - has a negative potential, it is an alkaline solution,
having strong properties of the biostimulator. Taste this water is slightly
alkaline, but the same transparent as the usual one. Living water has

acidity about in the range from 8.510.5 m B. Properties of the biostimulant
live water allows you to perfectly restore the immune system
the organism has the strong properties of the antioxidant. Live water improves
overall health improves digestion and has many useful
impacts on the human body and does not have side effects on
But live water has a very short shelf life. It can be used
only for the first time two days, in a closed vessel.
Living water has an electrical charge from 300mB to +50 mV. Slide number 8.
Live and dead water is the result of electrolysis of the usual water supply
Electrolysis - the selection process on electrodes of substances associated with
oxidative Restaurants: Slide No. 9
1 Tatode: 2H3O + 2E- \u003d H2 + 2H2O
ADD: 4OH - 4E- \u003d O2 + 2H2O
The physicochemical composition of water varies due to the electrolysis of water,
electric current changes its internal structure, electric charge and
promotes erasing of harmful environmental information. After
electricity processing Water is divided into two fractions that
possess healing properties. Live water has a negative
potential, has an alkaline structure. Dead water has
positive potential, has a sour structure.
In the process of electrolysis, harmful impurities are removed and chemical
compounds, pathogenic bacteria, microbes, fungi. Slide number 10.

How to make live and dead water? Slide number 11.
This is a simple device. For the manufacture, a glass liter can be taken,
the fabric is poorly transmitting water, made of fabric bag, fixed
pouch to the bank. Two wires fixed on an insulator, 4 cm from each other
place into the jar, one wire is fixed in the bag, the other in the bank.
The resulting electrodes are connected to the DC source with
12 V voltage (battery). Water is poured into a jar and a bag,
food is included. Slide number 12.
The device works 3 minutes. After that, dead and live water is ready.
In the bag, the positive electrode makes dead water, and in
glass jar negative electrode, got live water. Slide number 13.
Based on obtaining activated water, an experiment was carried out by
soldering onion. Bulbs were taken for the extension
the same size and germinated 13 days.
In the crude water tap water of the root system, there is no, turbid water with
mold, has a specific smell, the bow buys. Slide number 14.

In distilled water at the bulbs, green feathers appeared, very
good root system - length 7 cm, width 4 cm. Sustainable roots,
smooth, long. Slide №15
In alkaline (alive) water, roots are stable, long, several sprouts:
length 9 cm., Width 2 cm. Slide №16
The results of the biological experiment showed that raw water was
not suitable for extinguishing onion, as there have had many harmful impurities.
Alkaline water justified its name "alive" in it well
the roots and leaves of the onions were formed.
The molecular composition of tap water and
vibrant water through an electronic microscope, and the slide shows that
tap water contains a lot of alien impurities, and live water

the composition of water is clean. Slide number 17,18.
Live water can be obtained easier and non-hazardous way.
Transferring water from one aggregate state to another: from liquid in
solid. Slide №19
Take water boost, with the process of information that
contained water erased. Cool water, pour into the container, put in
freezer chamber for several hours. Then the resulting ice put under
a severe stream of warm tap water, while getting rid of muddy
mid, containing harmful impurities and deuterium dangerous to humans.
Slide number 20.
And remains 100% distilled, purified (live) water, by structure
identical water in our body. Slide №21
When using such water, the pores of the face are cleared, problems disappear
pimples, wounds heal.
As a result of electrolysis, the resulting "dead" water was used for
rinsing the throat with ENT disease, for 3 days of throat disappeared, because
this water has a strong bactericidal property. Slide №22.
We offer you a table for the use of activated water.
Slide №23, 24,25
The use of "alive" and "dead" water for the treatment of a number of diseases:

p / P.
represent. glands
Procedure carried out
Within 5 days 4 times a day
in 30 minutes Before eating
0.5 cup "F" water
Joint pain
hands and legs
For 3 days 5 times a day
after eating ringed the throat "M"
water and after each
rinse drink 0.25
glasses "F" water
3 times a day before meals
take 0.5 cup "M"
water for 2 days
Within 4 days a day
take 4 times 0.5 cup
water. Moreover, in the 1st day
only "M", and in the following
34 days you
there is a mucus, no
desires often
urinate on 8e
tumor day
reduced B.
first day, on 3
day disease
Pain stops
in the 1st day

closed meadows
Purulent wounds
Smell of foot
"F" Water.
Within 2 days
apply compress K.
water-flimbed "M"
Within 12 days in the morning
rinse the crack "M" with water,
and then apply tampons
with "w" water, changing them as
During the day take 2 times
0.5 cup "M" of water
During the day 2 times
take 0.5 cup "F"
Wrench to rinse "m" with water, and
after 35 minutes, mix "F"
water, then 56 times a day
wet only "w" water
Drink 0.5 cup "M" of water
For a day 8 times
rinse the nose and mouth "M" with water,
and at night drink 0.5 cup
"F" Water
Wash with warm water legs
wipe dry, moisten "M"
water, and after 10 minutes "w"
water and give dry
Rinse the oral cavity "M"
water for 510 min.
Drink 0.5 cup "F" Water
For 2 days, drink 4 times in
day of 0.5 cups after eating
"F" Water
Warm up "m" and "w" water to
3740 "S and on the night Drain
"M" with water, and after 1520 min.
happens in
for 2 days
cracks are healing
for 23 days
Within 56.
day occurs
Pain is passed
3050 min.
During the day
influenza disappears
Nasty smell
The pain disappears
After one
procedures Colpit

Hygiene face
Lishe, eczema
Washing hair
Swollen hands
Cut, injection,
Cold Neck
drain "w" with water.
The procedure to repeat 23 days.
In the morning and evening after
wash wipe face
i downloaded "M" with water, then "w"
For 35 days
arrested plot of wasting
"M" with water and let dry,
after which 56 times a day
washing "w" with water. (In the morning
match "M", and after 1015 min.
"W" water and another 56 times "w" in
Wash your head with shampoo
wash out, moisten the hair "M"
water, and after 3 minutes "f"
If there are water bubbles
they must be pierced,
arrested plot
"M" with water, and after 5 minutes "w"
water. Then during the day 7
8 times wet "f" with water.
Procedures to hold 23 days
For 3 days take
water but 4 times a day for 30 minutes.
before meals: 1 day "m" water
0.5 cups; 2nd day 0.75
glasses "m" of water, 3d day
0.5 cup "F" water
Drink 0.5 cup "M" of water,
if for an hour diarrhea not
terminated, procedure
Rinse the wound "M" with water and
gang out wound
Make a compress
moistened in warm "m" water and
drink 4 times a day at 0.5
glakana before meal
dandruff, acne,
face becomes
Cured for 3.
5 days
dandruff, hair
become softer
Burns are healing for
23 days
Tumor subsides
no pain
Abdominal pain
celebration stops
cut 2030 minutes
Rana heals B.
for 12 days
Rana heals B.
for 12 days

26 Expansion of veins,
bleeding out
For a day 3 times before
meal to drink 3/4 cup "F"
The pain passes B.
within a day
sometimes after 2040.
Rinse swollen I.
bleeding parts of the body
"M" water then moisten
a piece of gauze "f" water and
attach to swear
veins of veins. Inside
take 0.5 cup "M"
waters, and after 23 hours. to begin
reception of 0.5 cup "F" water
with intervals 4 hours 4 times in
day. Procedure Repeat B.
for 23 days
"F" live water. "M" dead water

Many people suffer from incurable ages or severe diseases.
Activated water is capable of replacing a whole pharmacy. But unfortunately
businessmen issued this water for the negative liquid not to lose

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" 512 February 2009, pp 89
Physics, textbook 10 grade, G.Ya. Myakyshev, Education 2011 g
Chemistry. Grade 9 textbook, O.S. Gabrielyan, M. Drop 2002
Lecture of Academician V.I.Petric "Nanotechnology of the 21st century".
"Directory - a hospital for folk and alternative medicine", Tula
Ariel 1993.
Slide number 22.
1. The state of the topic, the purpose of work.
2. Introduction

3. The role of water.
4. Water properties.
5. Experiment.
6. The use of "alive" and "dead" water for the treatment of a number of diseases.
7. Conclusion.
8. References.
municipal budgetary educational institution
secondary school №38
g. Shakhty Rostov region

346527, Mine, Rostov region, ul. Voroshilova, 9a.
Project work
"Source of life -" Live "and" Dead "
Performed students 11 "b" class:
Shemyakina Marina
Melnikova Maria
Khodorich Anastasia
Project Manager:
teacher Physics - Aksenova Elena Borisovna

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Buryatia


Republican scientific and practical conference of educational primary classes with OVD

Research (project)

on the topic: "Live and dead water. The power of a word"

Direction: Plant world and animal world.

Belkov Vova, Student class 5


Leader:Ushakova Valentina Nikolaevna,

primary school teacher.




Introduction ..........................................

Objectives and objectives………………..

Stages of work on the project…….

Research methods ...............

Hypothesis ...... ..

Review of literary and information sources ......

Experiments Masaru Emoto ......... ..

Experiments Gennady Cheurina ............

Getting "live and dead water" ............

Experiments with geranium sprouts .................

Conclusions ………..

Applications .........

Chapter 1. Introduction.

Not far from our school there is a church. We are trying our teacher to walk there for all the great Orthodox holidays. She tells us a lot about icons, about the holy people and their exploits, about God's Word and Holy Water.

When she told us about the strength of the word and the power of holy water, that they have magic properties, we were wondering, and how does it work?

Valentina Nikolaevna explained that every word has its own strength, and can influence everything that surrounds us, including water. We first heard about Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto. The studies of which show that water is capable of absorbing, storing and transmitting human thoughts and emotions, as well as the fact that the words that have been told on the water can affect a person who will drink it and on the plant that will water this water. And their condition, their health will depend on the words that have been told on this water, depending on which words will it be bad or good?

We were interested in the idea of \u200b\u200bobtaining "magic" water. And we decided to check its strength on plants. Is that really true?

The theme of our study: "Live and dead" water. The power of a word".

Subject of study : Water.

Object of study : The influence of the "live and dead" water on the plants.

    1. Purpose of the study : Prove the influence of the word strength on everything alive, on the example of the effects of water on plant growth.

Based on the purpose of the project, we setobjectives of research :

    Explore the literary and Internet resources on this issue;

2. Get the "live" and "dead" water;

3. Investigate the influence of the "alive" and "dead" water on plants (geranium);

    1. Stages of work on the project.

Together with the teacher, we accounted for stages of work on the project.

1 Stage - Search :

Visit a children's library;

Reading and analysis of literature (encyclopedias, reference books, etc.);

Stage 2 - Analytical:

Selection of the necessary information on the topic of the project;

Data processing;

3 Stage - Practical:


Registration of the collected material;

4 Stage - Control:

Analysis of completed work;

Drawing up presentation;


1.3. Research methods: Studying and analysis of literary and other sources, practical (research) work.

    1. Hypothesis: Words that have been said to have an impact on the growth of plants.

Chapter 2. Review of literary and information sources.

Water is something so simple that we rarely stop in order to think about it. Despite the fact that we drink her, we wash it, we are preparing food on it every day throughout life, few people pay time to serious reflections on the water. But probably there is nothing more mysterious than simple water.

In search of information about the water and the effect of water on the growth and development of indoor plants, we read a lot of reference literature, encyclopedias on botany, books about the water, visited the Children's Library, viewed sites on the Internet, talked with adults.

A few weeks later, we learned a lot of interesting things about the water, its properties, found out how to get "live and dead" water at home and how it affects the growth of indoor plants.

It turns out that water for indoor plants, as well as for a person, is one of the most important components.

    1. Experiments Masaru Emoto

Japanese researcher Dr. Masar Emoto in his book called "Messages of water ", i described my observations for several years. About how the water crystals studied, their change under the influence of the environment, music, words. Scientist explored what influence words are affected. In his experiments, he wrote words on sheets of paper and attached them to water test tubes, and after the impact of words, he frowned and photographed. Photographs of such words as an "Angel", "Love" - \u200b\u200bare distinguished by an exquisite ornament. The crystals turned out beautiful, harmonious, symmetrical. It is quite the opposite influence of words with a negative color - the phrase of the type "I will kill you", "You are a fool." The frozen water has a dim view, and in the form of its crystals resemble an image of a metal rock.

The word "angel" gave rise to a ring of small graceful crystals, and the word "devil" - a threatening appearance of bloating.

When the water was shown offensive words, the crystals were not formed. Words "I'll kill you!" They gave rise to something similar to a person with a weapon in his hands.You are a fool (Japanese)

You are a fool (in English) you are fighting me. I'll kill you! (in Japanese)

What is the conclusion? Water can remember words, phrases and even emotions?

But after all, our body is 70% consists of water. Yes, and can not without water. Masar Emoto experiments clearly prove that negative emotions affect its structure, carrying out further ties can not be doubted that such changes in the human body and plants invariably lead to the emergence of various diseases.

Here is another example from the book Masaru Emoto: we showed the water of the inscription "Thank you" in different languages. In all cases, it turned out beautiful, completed crystals

Thank you (Japanese)

Thank you (in English)

Thank you (in Chinese)

Thank you (in German)

Thank you (in French)

Thank you (in Korean)

2.2. Experiments from Gennady Cheurin.

The Ural scientist Gennady Cheurin recently came to even more striking conclusions.

He claims that the abnormative vocabulary actively affects the human body, over time, grip is all alive. Ceurine's hypothesis: "On the influence of the abnormative vocabulary on the psycho-physiological state of living organisms" was checked by several research institutes - the metropolitan center under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, technical universities in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Barnaul. And it was possible to prove the theory!

Together with colleagues, scientists in the laboratory for the purpose of the experiment watered wheat grain with different water: one water heard only abusive words, and the other water is only prayers. As a result of the seeds that watered the first water, only in 49 cases out of 100, the same, that was watered with water conspired by prayers, germinated in 96 cases. All this once again proves the negative impact of foul language on human health and others.

A lesson that we can extract from this experiment is thatwords possess strength.

Chapter 3. Getting the "live and dead water" of water.

Based on the experiments of Masaro Emoto, we decided to cook the "live and dead" water in the class with the guys.

From the read books found out that there are several ways to get it, but we decided to take the simplest and affordable method for us. To do this, they took two identical bottles. The first signed - "live water", and the second - "dead". Water for the first bottle, we "manufactured" in two ways:

1. They gained water in the temple after the service,

    They gained water from under the tap at school, and they told her good words ("Thank you", "we love you", "love", "God", "Happiness", "Sun", "Angel", "Peace", "Health", etc.) or included music (classic, merry).

In the water in the second bottle, we spoke bad words ("evil", "Devil", "Damn", "Fool") and even Matishchina, especially when conflicts arose with other guys or we were offended by their teachers and educators. We sent water in a bottle with the inscription "Dead" Water His insult, anger, hatred.

Chapter 4. Experiments with Gerani's processes.

We had experience "the influence of good and coarse words for Gerani's processes."

The purpose of our experience : Check how good and rude words affect Gerani's growth.

The course of experience: We planted two of the same geranium process in two identical pots.

Twice a week for two months, we watered one of the "live water" process, and the other - "Dead".

In the course of the experience, the same conditions were observed: the temperature regime and the amount of water.

What did we see? The sprout, which watered the "living" water, grew faster, his leaves of Green and new, and sprout, which watered the "dead" water, sick and a jelly.

But if the mother words have such a strong effect on water and plants, then what happens to our organism? But in his life, we almost every day we feel the negative energy of these words.

About their action and itselves is not difficult to guess. Yes, and studies have shown: a parangious word leads to genes of genes, like radiation irradiation.

So modern genetics of P.P.Goryaev, G.T.T.T.Thetynya created equipment that converts words to electromagnetic oscillations. Current studies conducted for 3 years have shown that if a person uses or hears the swords daily, its chromosomes (Figure No. 1) change the structure, the so-called "negative program" begins to be produced, aimed at self-destruction, which is certainly transmitted to descendants.

Figure No. 1. Change chromosomes under

the effects of electromagnetic oscillations.

Another group of scientists under the leadership of Doctor of Biological Sciences I. B. Belyavsky seventeen years has been engaged in a problem of foul language. They proved that the avid mothers live much less than those who do not sprievitize, because age-related changes are very quickly associated in their cells and various diseases appear.

Unfortunately, the foul language negatively affects not only the health of those who swear, but also those who are forced to listen to curses. But our ancestors knew that evil words kill. It is not by chance that the curse struck to death. And the word resurrected the dead, healed patients.

Thus, once again it was proved that in a bad word lifting a huge devastating force. Communication leads to:



    genetic changes;

    decline in immunity;

    nervous disorders;

    heart attacks;


    stomach ulcer.

Chapter 5. Outcome. Conclusion.

Our experiments have shown that plants (Gerani's proceedings) responded to words spoken by water.

Famous studies of Masar Emoto, prove that pronounced words affect the structure of water, and since our body is about 70% of water, then these studies can be considered proofnegative influence of a mesh word on human health andpositive Influence of good and love.

Other studies of the Urals scientist Gennady Cheurin, conducted on plants, proved that the abnormative vocabulary gradually ruins all living things, and praise, good words, prayers gives life and strengthen human health, and have a positive effect on plant growth. Doctor of Biological Sciences I. B. Belyavsky proved that people who are all the time and live less than those who never use grave words.

On the example of the "live and dead" water and its influence on the life of plants, we have proven the power of the word. And also, they came to the conclusion that each person can influence both their lives and the world around the world with the help of a word. From this it follows: we can make the world around us better. I suggest you take the first step: Let each of you write on the flower petals of the word that transmit your feelings. In continuation of the experiment, we put them next to bottles of water for watering sprouts.

We wish you more often listen to your speech and to the speech of other people. And you will begin to understand how important it is to say good words. Gradually, you will become the owner of your word, and life in general.

I want to finish your speech by a poem:

When you want to pray the word,

My friend, think - do not rush.

It happens that severely

It was born with warmth of the soul.

They can joy add

And joy to poison.

They can melt ice in winter

And the stone in the crumb to split.

It will give, Ile robbing.

Let Nahnarok, let him joke.

Think, how would they not hurt

Who listens to you.

Kalmykova V., Grewvina E., Bauer P., Borodovitsyn I., Fedorova K.

Educational and research work presented at the annual urban conference of research and project work "Idea Fair", won 3 place



1) I loved Mikhail Põhk, the Bogatyr Obony, the beauty of Avdota Likhovyudyevna, who appeared in the image of a white swan. They lived in the soul, but the troubles: Avdota dies, and her spouse her nasal makes messenger to bring the underground and living water to revive Avdota.

We all read fairy tales about living and dead water. In Russian fairy tales, the negative heroes are deceived, the cunning kill good, positive heroes. To correct this injustice, the people came up with live and dead water .. not everyone knew where this water is located: only wizards, wise elders and a gray wolf.

It was hard to get it, far beyond her.

But the water was worth it: if you pour bloody wounds with dead water, they stopped bleeding. After that, it was necessary to sprinkle, the deceased hero, living water, returning his life.

A.S. Pushkin in the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", in which the plots of Russian folk fairy tales are used, here as described the use of living and dead water:

"... and became an old man over the knight

And froze dead water

And wounds shone in the VIG,

And corpse wonderful beauties

Flushed; then water to the anima

Hero old man sprouted.

And cheerful, full of new forces,

Life awake young

Ruslan rises ... "

According to some scientists, fairy tales have a real basis. So a fairy tale is a lie or in it really hidden a hint of existing facts in nature?

We decided to find out:

Are there any live and dead water or this is a folk fiction?

What properties is such water?

Can a modern person find and use fabulous water to appoint?

Water is one of the most mysterious substances on Earth. It can glow in the dark, do not freeze at temperatures close to minus 100 degrees,

To give her power to give the vitality to the animal and the plant peace, and sometimes take it away.

Even a person by 80 percent consists of water.

We believe that water has the magic properties and our ancestors did not Lukvali, constituting the work of folklore about living and dead water.

In our work, we used the following methods

Study of fairy tales of different peoples and scientific articles

Putting experiences

Search for information on the Internet


Before starting work, we conducted a survey of students, parents and teachers of the gymnasium. To the question: "What do you think there are live and dead water?" Interviewed by the answers: exists -%, exists only in fairy tales-%. "What kind of water can be called alive?" - spring-%, mineral-%, holy -%, Tluu -%.


Our group was engaged in the study of various works, which mention live and dead water. In the legends of the ancient Rome, Babylon describes the meaning of water in various rituals. In the Babylon of a person's unworthy buried with the words: "Let God deprive you of the heir, watering water" and, on the contrary, the hero who died in battle, "must reclux in paradise, drinking live water " In Greek myths, Titans received eternal life from the sources of immortality.

After reading the Russian fairy tales, we learned that our ancestors saw in the water. Human start: water-mother, they said. The ancestors believed that the properties of living water had

water spring, having sinking her, people become painful and face, and soul. In silence, surrounded by nature, far from noise, the water became quiet, beautiful, useful, and therefore - alive. Such a spherian key was to dwell Mermaids.

But to find a spring with clean, living water to us, urban residents, as hard as both fabulous heroes.

We decided to find out what properties can live water. In the medical directory, we found a mention of living and dead water: Live - Enhances Immunity, increases performance, restores the body from the inside, dead - heals cuts, relieves inflammation., It is used in medicine for processing bandages. But how to get it?

We came to the rescue of science chemistry. Chemistry teacher Inna Viktorovna Zhilkina showed us how to get such water using an electric current. This method is called - electrolysis. We needed a vessel with water and a drug for electrolysis. When we missed the current, the water particles were divided into positive and negative. With the help of a special partition, they can be separated from each other: negative particles have all the properties of living water, and positive - dead.


This method of obtaining alive and dead water seemed difficult to us and we decided to explore

talu water. It turns out that melt water has a composition similar to the composition of a human cell. People, constantly drinking meltwater, live much longer, more raise, they are more active. It is important to correctly use Tluu Water: freeze water in a closed vessel during the day, in the evening to defrost naturally and drain without precipitation. And here is a glass of live water, which can be maintained in a beautiful form. This method does not require us the cost of time and money.


Is it possible to use mineral water to "revive" the organism? From the encyclopedia, we learned that healing properties were attributed to mineral water. People knew how to be treated with water drowning from the depths of the earth.

Still in ancient Rome, the terms with mineral water were known. They were treated with a cold, rheumatism. Used it in ancient Greece, Assyria and in Russia.

With Peter the first, the first sources in Karelia were opened, and then in the Caucasus. Many of them consider holy., Healing the soul and body.

Interestingly, what kind of water - live or dead flowing from the crane in the apartment? Where does she start starting and how comes to us? Workers "Vodokanal" told us that the water we wash and use as a drink, these are the water of the Akhtuba River.

But her live qualities leave to desire the best. Water is chlorized, cleaned, heated. So it turns out that the water goes to us is not dead yet, but already barely live. Such water needs to calm down, restore it in filters. Then it will benefit the body.

So, it means, the living water is not so much in nature? Is it possible to revive dead water?

It turns out that it is done very easily: even a child. Scientists have proven that water can exchange energy. Put a glass of water to the palm of the left hand, and the palm of the right hand is placed at a distance of 5-10 cm from the surface of the water. After 5 minutes you will feel the pressure - a glass of living water, strengthening the body. And if we change your palms, we will get dead water, healing wounds.

And it is possible to revive water and awarded it with healing qualities with words. Yes, do not be surprised!

Finally, scientists have discovered the fact that our ancestors have been known long ago: water is a small computer: it has a memory, absorbs and transmits up to 70% of the information, reacts to the words and thoughts of man. Our great-grandmother and great-grandfathers were needed by these evidence, they also knew what miracles could be created with the help of thought and water.

The most lively water is holy, conspired by prayers. Good words restore water cage, and evil-destroy. This is how the cells of water are changed from different words.

Therefore, it is necessary to drink water with good thoughts, not to speak at the table of evil offensive words.

In addition, the tradition of the distant past came to us after swimming, rinsing the child, sentenced: "Like a goose water, so with a child thin!", After all, the water is blossoming not only dirt, but also bad energy.

Even scientists cannot answer this question. They believe that with the first whistle of the kettle, we get robustly alive and dead water. And one cannot split this mixture yet.

Abroad, boiled water is revived by ice cubes. Strange: tea with ice, ice coffee.

And our group explored the ecology of living and dead water. What do you think can live water become dead? Sure! Studying folklore, we made conclusions about what good relations with the water were our ancestors, and how far to such relations to us. Well, for example, who is today asking for permission from the water to drink her and thanks, got drunk? Therefore, water on the planet used to be crystal clear, as well as the thoughts of people. In the Bible, it is not in vain about Jesus Christ, which walked around the water. It is said that water, like a mirror, reflects the soul of man. Today's condition of water resembles an ecological catastrophe. Ingrown ponds and lakes, dirty water cubic meters, discharged in the river - all this ruins the fabulous properties of water. Magic water is becoming less and less on the planet. By destroying the water, we will kill a fairy tale in reality.

Having done our work, we learned:

Our ancestors were right, telling about the existence and properties of living and dead water.

Now we know what water you need to drink to promote health, and what to use for wound healing

We learned to revive water

Learned about the traditions and customs of the Russian people and the peoples of other countries

We decided that we would take water and try to restore spiritual connection with water sources.

Thanks for attention.

Tupikova Maria, student 7 V, Kovaleva Rimma, student 7 in Maura Sosh number 8. Ts.L. Kunikova Municipal Education City - Resort Gelendzhik

Design work in which a method for obtaining water with different properties with electrolysis is considered in detail, a chemical analysis of liquids is carried out, as well as biological experiments on the germination of bean seeds and bulbs.



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Municipal autonomous educational institution "SOSH No. 8" them. Ts. L. Kunikova Municipality City - Resort Gelendzhik. Design work on the topic Live and Dead Water - Myth or Reality Performed: Tupikova Maria, student 7 V, Kovaleva Rimma, student 7 in Scientific Officers: Teacher of Biology Gorpenko L. A., Teacher of Physics Merchalev E. Yu

Hypothesis. We suggested that there is a "live" and "dead" water, which has different properties and can be obtained in laboratory conditions. The purpose of the work: the study of the properties of "alive" and "dead" water. Tasks for research: to explore the literature on this topic; get live and dead water experienced way; Conduct chemical expertise; conduct biological experiments; Make conclusions for research. Object of study: Water water, "live" water, "dead" water. Equipment: Distant electric current source, connecting wires, two stainless steel plugs, two vessels with the same amount of tap water, two bulbs, bean seeds, universal indicator paper, soap solution, tubes, alcohol.

The Experiment of the Japanese Emoto Masaru Emoto took three cups with water and poured rice there, pasted a piece of paper on each cup with a certain inscription so that the inscription was directed towards the cup. On the first piece, he wrote "I love you," on the second - "I will kill you," I did not write anything on the third, and every day I told every cup of words that were written on her label. Result. In a month, according to Emoto, water and rice, which were in the first cup, were covered with a thin layer of "beautiful" mold and smelled malt or honey, in the second - completely covered with mold and became unpleasant to smell, in the third cup "the purulent process" began "in the third cup happening. We are looking for an answer in another. But at the same time, his experience ever never repeated anymore. This did not prevent Emoto to create an international corporation trading with structured water with positive information. What is it charged there and is charged? Many bought saying that they really felt better. But suddenly this placebo effect? There are a lot of questions. And most likely, living water is worth looking for all the same here.

Opinions What represents live water? Structured water. Silver water. Ocagnetic water. Water with good information. Holy water. Biologically active water. Water with minerals. Melt water. Water from artesian wells and sources, springs. Cathodic water. What is dead water? Water without minerals. Water with bad memory. Water that has passed through the pipes with straight corners. Unstructured water. Silver water. Passive water. Water from the swamp. Anodic water.

Installation for obtaining "live" and "dead" water

Results of the Chemical Examination 17.02.2016 Water Characteristics Water Water Live Water Dead PH Wednesday 6 8 4 2. Smell without Smell Overthener has a weakly expressed smell of acidic iron (iron oxide) 3. Turbidity transparent transparent, has a bluish shade transparent, has a golden shade of 4 . There is no sludge in the form of white flakes in the form of brown flakes 5. Stiffness rigid average stiffness soft 6 pickling (evaporation of precipitate) without a precipitate is present present

Characteristics Water Water Water Live Water Dead PH Wednesday 5 6 6 2. Overlook Oversight Has Lucky Symbodied Out Of Summary 3. Turbidity Transparent Transparent, has a bluish shade transparent, has a golden shade 4. There is no sludge in the form of white flakes at the bottom In the form of brown flakes at the bottom 5. Stiffness rigid soft soft 6. Soleweer (evaporation of precipitate) without precipitation is present presents the results of a chemical examination 19.02.2016

Biological experiments landed bulbs and bean seeds 17.02.2016. Sanding bulbs and bean seeds 24.02.2016.

Received "live" and "dead" water in laboratory conditions. Water has different properties that disappear over time. Conclusion Recommended: At the initial stage, for the extension of seeds, use the "dead" water, and hereinafter - "live". Recommendations water information from the Internet Chemical expertise Color the smell of pH Color the smell of the pH "Live" colorless odorless 8.5 - 10.5 has a bluish shade odorless 8 "dead" colorless odor of 2.5 - 3.5 has a golden shade weakly pronounced The smell of acidic iron 4

Thank you for your attention!