What a minimum calories per day for weight loss. Daily calorie rate for man (women, men, children)

At the beginning of the 20th century, the American doctor named Lulu Hunt literally turned the world of nutrition, offering the use of the term "calorie" to determine the energy significance of the products.

Surely everyone modern man familiar with this expression. Everyone heard that calories can not only be used, but also count. Consider this topic more. Let's figure out what it is, how much calories need a person per day. We find out how to count them and why do it.

So, calorie is a measure of energy. To live, move, breathe, a person consumes the power he gets with food. Calculation calculation involves determining the amount of energy that is necessary for life and accounting for this value in the daily diet.

For the average person, the calories consumed per day vary from 1800 to 3,800 kcal. This is a very large interval. Before starting to calculate the energy content in food, it is necessary to find out what amount it spends your body daily.

For each individual, the calorie consumption rate is different. This value is determined individually depending on the floor, weight, growth, level of physical activity, age and other features. For example, a high man running on the construction site, you need more than 4,000 kcal per day. A thin woman who is engaged in mental labor is enough to use 1400 kcal per day. At the same time, for pregnant and lactating ladies, individual norm increases by about 1.5 times.

Calorie calculation methods

In order to mostly determine its daily need for calories, you can use an online calculator or one of the two generally accepted formulas.

  • Calculation of Miffelin - San Schera. This formula is currently recognized as the most reliable.
    • Women's formula: 10 x weight + 6.25 x growth - 5 x age - 161;
    • The formula for the strong half of humanity: 10 x weight + 6.25 x growth - 5 x year + 5.

They allow you to calculate the amount of calories that spends the body on the basic metabolism. You can see the daily rate of a particular person by changing the resulting result on the physical exertion. This value is 1.2 with the minimum level of activity, 1.9 - with a maximum characteristic of athletes. With an average load, it is approximately 1.4.

  • Calculation by Harris - Benedict.
    • Formula of fair sexual sex: 655,1 + 9,563 x weight + 1.85 x height - 4,676 x age;
    • Male representatives: 66.5 + 13.75 x Weight + 5.003 x height - 6,775 x age

The result should also be multiplied by an indicator of activity.

Please note that in both formulas, weight calculation is carried out in kilograms, growth in centimeters, and age in years.

For the most accurate and rapid result, you can always use special programs or calorie calculator that are available on the Internet and are based on the same formulas.

How to lose weight using calorie count

To save weight, it is necessary to consume exactly so much calories as the body consumes. And if you are striving for weight loss, you need to eat about 20% less daily need. With this condition, weight loss will be carried out gradually, without harm to health.

The best results can be achieved if you diversify your diet as much as possible with fresh fruits and vegetables. It is useful to make food fraction and eat small portions with an interval of about three hours. Additional regular physical exercise Even more will bring the desired result.

Slimming with the help of calorie count has several nuances with which it is necessary to reckon, if you really want to achieve a tangible effect.

  • The human body is capable of consulating, fats and proteins. It is necessary to take into account the following. Prudant nature fats can postpone that, in fact, with them and occurs, but the reserve storage of proteins and carbohydrates is impossible in large quantities, so they go into consumption. Therefore, it is better to eat food containing the latter.
  • If you rarely eat, the body begins to demand nutrition and make strategic reserves, which is why it is recommended to eat often and slightly.
  • The main objective of the calorie calorie calculation is consuming a smaller amount of energy than is spent daily. Therefore, it will be useful not so much reduction of the eaten as much as the load increase.
  • Should not be very sharp and significantly reduced the daily rate of energy consumed (especially a man), otherwise the body will begin to resist motor activity In order to save energy costs. After all, hunger is stress. To improve performance, it is necessary to regularly use healthy vegetative food and get enough sleep.
  • If possible, use the calorie calculator calculator and the food diary. This will greatly facilitate the procedure and make it more interesting.
  • Consider calories and limit your diet with comfort. Try to diversify your nutrition, make it tasty so that the system is in habit and become the norm. Otherwise, after 2-3 months of exhausting starvation and calculations, all the dropped kilograms will return to their places.

Calorie calculator calculator

For those who decided to sit on a diet or simply monitor weight with the help of calorie control, there is a lot of opportunities to simplify this process. For example, you can install a special program on a computer or phone. In such applications are contained:

  • information on the number of calories in various products;
  • diary of consumption and consumption of energy;
  • calculator to determine the individual daily rate.

It is quite possible to record all this data on paper. True, in this case, it will be necessary to further look for information about the calorie content of products.

At first, it may arise the need to weigh portions, but in a month of the regular calculation of the eaten and spent calories, the need for constant control will disappear. Having received basic information about the energy value of the products, it will be possible to do it almost "on the eye". It is very convenient to use a calculator that allows you to calculate not only the daily needs in calories, but also identify individual, water, vitamins and microelements.

Using a similar calculator and filling the food diary, in 1-2 months you can develop a habit of healthy rational nutrition. In addition, the process of calculating calories will turn into an occupation not only useful, but also very fascinating.

It is well known that regular consumption of calorie food leads to an increase in weight. Therefore, everyone who follows the figure and adheres to the recommendations of nutritionists, it is necessary to know their daily calorie consumption rate to preserve the existing weight, or to reduce it.

Many women, supporters of various diets, with distrust refer to calorie counting, as a slimming method. However, it is this technique that allows you to lose weight in a natural way, without any harm to health. Unlike diet, especially mono diets, the reduction in the day consumption of calories does not have a negative impact on the body and does not lead to a violation of food behavior.

How to use this weight reduction technique, how many calories do you need a woman for weight loss per day? Let's talk about it more on the site "Popular about health":

How much calories need to preserve normal weight?

Generally accepted, the so-called averaged norm, which is used when calculating caloric content - 2000-2500 kcal per day, for an adult.

With a decrease in calorieness up to 1200-1500 kcal, weight loss begins. Many women just this quantity is enough to maintain their usual weight and do not feel feelings of hunger.

However, if you regularly visit the gym, or are engaged in daily active physical labor, this quantity may not be enough and the feeling of hunger will regularly pursue.

Therefore, for each person there has been its daily rate and it depends on many factors that should be taken into account:

Age. It is known that with age decreases the speed of metabolism and for normal functioning the body requires less food, and extra kilograms go slower.

Floor. Nutritionists note that a woman in the day for weight loss calories is required less than men. However, it is also necessary to take into account that hormones in the female organism reduce the intensity of weight loss. Men lose weight faster.

Body type. It is known three types of physique - endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomorphic. Depending on this, the individual weight loss scheme is being developed - the intensity of training, a suitable diet, which together will accelerate the burning process of fats.

The degree of training. As you know, physically active people rarely have excess weightThey have a more developed muscular mass than those who move little. They have higher metabolic rate and fat is increasingly increasing.

What is the daily calories for women?

There are common daily norms that are used to compile a daily diet, as applied to the female floor. For example:

At the age of 20-30, with a sitting lifestyle, recommended, approximately 2000 calories per day.

Persons whose physical activity begins in the afternoon, the recommended norm is 2200 kcal.

Those women who are physically active all day are constantly "on the legs" must consume 200 kcal more.

Aged 30 to 50 years - daily consumption should be reduced to 2000 kcal, since the women of this age spend less calories per day than young people. However, at the same time, as we have already talked, you need to take into account the type of physique, weight and physical activity.

To calculate an individual consumption rate, you need to find out your own basal metabolic rate. It is denoted by the BMR abbreviation and means the amount of energy that is necessary for the body when it is at rest. After all, approximately 60% of the food consumed during the day goes to ensure the basic functions of the body. So, just having calculated this index and you can appreciate how much a kcal woman should be removed from her diet.

Calculation of the indicator BMR for women:

To the unchanged digit 447.6 add: 9.25 multiplied by weight in kg. We add to the resulting digit: 3.1 multiplied to growth in cm. Even add: 4.3 multiplied by age in years.

The value that you succeed, multiply by the ratio of your degree of physical activity:

With a low-effective, sitting lifestyle - 1.2;
- with a light, low degree of activity (from half an hour to 1 hour of ordinary household activity every day) - 1,375;
- with a medium degree of activity with several occupations for the week in the gym - 1.55;
- with high household activity and daily visits to the gym (training at least 1 hour) - 1,725.
- For athletes and people with very high physical activity - the coefficient will be from 1.9 to 2.5.

The figure obtained in the end shows an approximate daily amount of calories that you need to maintain normal weight.

For weight loss, you need to reduce their number by 10-20% of the calculated daily rate. However, it is impossible to reduce to the level of less than 1200 kcal. Otherwise, negative consequences for the body may arise.

If you reduce the daily rate from the calculated on 500, lose, approximately 500 grams per week.

If you combine both ways, we will lose even faster. However, beware of the rapid weight loss - more than 1 kg per week. It may be unsafe for the body, in particular for the heart. Be healthy!

To lose weight and maintain weight in the norm, you need to calculate the daily calorie rate, which can be obtained with food person every day.
Using our calculator, you can easily calculate how many calories are needed per day with your height, weight and level of physical activity. The calculator will allow to calculate the daily calorie rate for women and men in two formulas:

  • The formula of Harris-Benedict, which was bred in 1919;
  • And the modern formula of Miffline-San Schera, which has been used since 2005 and is recommended by the American Dietary Association (Hell).

And also, how many calories are needed on the day a person with your level of physical activity to maintain body weight.

How many calories do you need a person a day to lose weight?

For weight loss, you need to spend more energy than to receive, that is, that the amount of calories entering the body with food is less than the calculated daily calorie rate.

But that the body does not turn on the hazard signal, you can not cut the calories too much. To calculate the daily demand in calories for weight loss possible:

  • Relieved from the resulting value of the daily rate of 200-500 kcal or, more precisely, to reduce it by 10-20%.

Features of the calculation of the daily rate of calories

The daily calorie rate differs significantly for men and women. The calculation of the perfect figure should take into account a wide range of factors. The final indicator for each person will be its own, individual. First of all, it is recommended to take into account:

  • man age;
  • his lifestyle;
  • the degree of daily activity.

The last indicator is especially important, it is formed not only from sports, but also walks, doing business at work and solving household tasks, including ironing linen, manual washing, repair of equipment or washing dishes.

Daily calorie rate for men

It is believed that the daily calorie rate of men is somewhat higher than that of women. To calculate the daily calorie rate for the male representative, it is necessary to take into account his lifestyle and age.

Daily calorie rate for women

The calculation of the daily rate of calories for women is carried out by a special way. To understand what power and amount of energy is needed by a lady, you can use the table below. It takes into account not only age, but also the degree of daily activity in the same way as in the table for men.

The calculation of the daily rate of calories for women largely depends on their own relationship to body weight. If a person tries to build a diet so as to lose weight, he should consume less calories. When the mass, on the contrary, it seems insufficient girl, it is recommended to include in daily menu Food rich in calories.

Muffin Jaore

To find out what is the calorie rate per day, many use the Madfin Jeor formula, derived in 2005. The scheme of Miffline-San Jeor, as it is also called, is the basis of modern calorie calculators. It is believed that it allows you to get the most accurate and correct results. The formula allows you to calculate how many calories spend a man per day.

Formula for men: 9.99 x Weight per kg + 6.25 x Height in cm - 4.92 x age + 5

Formula for women: 9.99 x Weight per kg + 6.25 x Height in cm - 4.92 x age - 161

Due to the calculation of the norms of the required calories per day, you can find an approximate number of calories, which ensures the maintenance of the initial body weight. For this, the figuer obtained by the formula must be multiplied by the CFA (physical activity coefficient). You can find this number in the table shown below.

It should be borne in mind that the result of the calculation for such a calculator correctly "works" only for people over 18 years old.

Formula Harris-Benedict

The formula of Harris-Benedict allows you to accurately calculate the number of calories you need per day.

The calculation is extremely simple: basal metabolism (BMR) x Active metabolism (AMR).

If the magnitude of the AMR can be taken from the table above (the AMR unit should count the same as the CFA), then basal metabolism will have to calculate each person individually.

BMR formula for men: 447.593 + (9.247 x weight per kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) - (4.330 x age in years).

BMR formula for women: 88.362 + (13.397 x weight per kg) + (4.799 x height in cm) - (5.677 x age in years).

So, what gives the calorie rate per day by Harris-Benedict? Obtaining exact digit Kcal allows you to adjust the diet. If there is a desire to dial a lot, then more food should be eaten. When it is planned to lose weight, it is necessary to include a set of products with smaller calorie in the menu than the result obtained. To preserve weight, you need to stick to the obtained limit.

Formula ketcha-macardla

It is worth notifying right away that not everyone should use this option, because he is based on the dry muscular mass, not on weight. It does not take into account the energy spent during the day. That is why complete people will not be able to achieve accuracy and adjust nutrition as recommended.

Data obtaining is made according to a single scheme for men and weak floor representatives.

The result is compiled as: 370 + (21.6 x body weight in kg)

Formula V.

The calculation of the necessary caloric content of WHO is based on the use of the body area.

To make an optimal diet, it is worth using the formulas listed below.

For men from 18 to 30 years: (0.063 x body weight in kg + 2.896) × 240 × kf;

For men from 31 to 60 years: (0.484 x body weight in kg + 3.653) x 240 x CFA;

For men from 60 years and older: (0.491 x Weight per kg + 2.459) x 240 x CFA.

For women from 18 to 30 years: (0.062 × Weight in kg + 2.036) × 240 × CFA;

For women from 31 to 60 years: (0.034 x Weight per kg + 3.538) x 240 x CFA;

For women from 60 years and older: (0.038 x weight in kg + 2.755) x 240 x CFA.

CFA is used from the table above.

The use of one or more formulas and follow the results will help to achieve ideal proportions and the desired figure.

How many calories do you spend on the day?

We all know that a person on a day should use a certain amount of caulories. How many exactly - depends on a number of factors: sex, weight, physical activity and even profession. In this article, we will look at how many calories you need a woman to like, stay in your weight or recover without harm to health.

Why is it important how much calories per day need a woman

For health it is equally harmful and excess, and lack of challenging diet. And excessive fullness and excessive thinness do not paint a woman, photos of patients with anorexia or monstrously complete people cause about the same feelings. In all, it is important to observe the measure, including, in limiting the nutrition of the diet. Often, women in pursuit of slimity are forgotten: an excessive limitation of the catering system of the system can entail the processes of much worst than a few extra kilograms.

There is a border, the transition for which threatens the abnormal functioning of the organs, the wrong course of the most important processes in the body. This is not to mention that a sharp decline in food calendar will lead to the accumulation of the energy body obtained with food, the future. And refund to the previous one, let the normal (not elevated) challenge, will return the dropped kilograms, taking with them some new ones. That is why it is important to comply with the rate of challenge and if desired to lose weight, and if you wish to recover, and if it is satisfied with your own weight.

Average caloric calories for women

At the time of absorption of food, a lot of energy is distinguished, which will be required throughout the day. How energy will be consumed, depends on the lifestyle. With a sedentary lifestyle and at the same time increased calorie content, energy begins to accumulate in the body, turning into fat. On the contrary, the lifestyle is active, and the nutrition of a small manner: a slimming will begin. It is considered: for the normal functioning of the body, the caulientation must be at least 1,200 kilocalories.

General formula

To maintain the work of the body, you need to choose first. There is such a concept as a "basic energy consumption". Means the calorie consumption per day on the functioning of the body, provided that the person does nothing all day. A person uses calories more: it will fulfill. This basic level is calculated by the formula:

655 + (9.6 x body weight) + (1.8 x height) - (4.7 x age) \u003d?

When calculating the weight is taken in kilograms, and growth in centimeters. We substitute instead of x your own parameters

Based on the data on the formula, calculate your base level. When adding energy spending on various activities (work, sports, travel, homework), we get an answer to the question "How many calories per day should use a woman."

As you can see, the caller depends on the age, in the early years, the man needs more energy. Once and for all, it is impossible to calculate its calorie norm, otherwise, if in 45 years old adhere to the norm you calculated for 33 years, extra kilograms will accumulate. And you are lost in guess: how do you get that it is not more, but getting better? ..

It is easier to calculate how much a day the calories is necessary to a woman, nutritionists brought another formula. No longer necessary to calculate how much energy is spent on various activities. In the formula below, the averaged parameters will show no base level of energy consumption, but a common one.

How many caulders need a woman a day

For calculating calorie consumption, every age has its own formula.

18-30 years: (0.062 * m + 2,036) * 240

31-60 years: (0.034 * m + 3.54) * 240

61 years: (0, 04 * m + 2.75) * 240

  • 1.1 at low physical activity
  • By 1.3 with moderate
  • By 1.5 with a rather active lifestyle.

It turns out the dates of the diet that needs to be observed to preserve its weight. If you want to reduce or reduce weight, in m put the desired weight. Before that, do not forget. Under an active way of life, not only regular sports, but also professional activities are implied. So, how much calary per day you need a woman depends on the profession. It is clear if the profession implies frequent movement, long standing or active physical work, lifestyle is considered active.

If you want to lose weight, do not reduce the dates of the diet sharply. You need to do it gradually, by 200 cyllary per day. But do not lower the daily calorie consumption of less than 1300. Let better slimming It will take place slower, but safer for health. In addition, the excessive reduction in calorie content will lead to decay of forces, deterioration of mood, problems with appearance. The main rule of successful weight loss - a woman should eat the caulories a day less than spending.

We compile a diet in accordance with the caloric rate

It is necessarily important when the diet is generated for the attacking of the menu so that it is balanced. And during the attack, the body should receive the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Better do focus on protein foodnot to exclude completely from the feed system fats, carbohydrates.

We make a balanced menu at the time of the attack: In the diet, we include fruits, dried fruits, cottage cheese with estimate, porridge for breakfast, make a sufficiently rich dinner, consisting of the first and second dishes, choose a light dinner: seafood, baked fish, low-fat meat.

The basis of the vital activity of the human body is food. When entering and assimilating food, energy is released, which is further spent on maintaining the functions of all organs and systems.

Energy is consumed even when a person sleeps because the heart and other organs continue to work properly. From what food and in what proportions we use depends on the health, body weight, appearance, activity and even emotional background.

Each product has its own energy value measured in the Kcal. One kilocaloria is 1000 calories. Calculation of energy value is carried out for every 100 grams of food eaten. General rulewhich is adhered to nutritionists - energy consumption should be equal to its arrival.

Excess calorie leads to replenishment of a fatty depot and a body weight set, respectively, a lack of energy provokes stock consumption and weight reduction.

How many calories do you need to use a woman on a day?

Daily calorie rate for a woman is somewhat lower than for men. This is due to various physiological processes flowing in the male and female organism, as well as the physical activity of weak and strong sex.

The average rate of the daily energy value of the WHO diet according to WHO is 2000 kcal. With age, metabolism slows down and the body requires less food, so the caloric content of the diet of the young lady and the elderly ladies having the same height and weight will differ significantly.

To make a diet, taking into account the peculiarities of your body, as well as complaining with existing chronic diseases, experts recommend contacting a professional nutritionist. An experienced doctor will help you choose the desired set of products, advise the culinary methods for processing and the optimal power mode.

Agree that a hundred-year-old woman having gastritis with increased acidity is unlikely to suit fruit diet with the predominance of citrus fruits that can afford young beauties. A young athlete consuming calorie on simulators several times a day is contraindicated with a low-carb or a wasteless diet, designed to reduce the mass of the body of middle-aged women.

Calorie consumption rate per day for women

Scientists have developed many formulas for calculating the caloric content of the diet, taking into account biometric indicators, age, type of activity and activity, in one degree or another of the accuracy of the outstanding result.

The average rule says - every hour the body consumes 1 kcal on maintaining vital activity. That is, multiplication of body weight for 24 hours and is average The required energy value of the incoming food.

For example, a person with a mass of 75 kg should consume 1800 kcal. However, to obtain more accurate indicators, not only the floor, grew, weight, age, but also a human activity is taken into account. In order not to go into the complexity of the calculation on various formulas (by the way, the main of them are considered: the formula of Miffline - Single Smera, the formula of Harris-Benedict, the WHO formula (the World Health Organization), the Macardl formula), we give the average calorie recommendations for the diet for Women depending on the lifestyle:

Labor women should follow the following digits of daily calorie menu:

  • age from 18 to 25 years - 2000 kcal;
  • 26-45 years - 1800 kcal;
  • after 45 years - 1600 kcal.

Women medium activity requires higher performance:

  • 18-25 years - 2200 kcal;
  • 26-45 years - 2000 kcal;
  • 45 and above - 1800 kcal.
  • 18-25 years - 2400 kcal;
  • 26-45 years - 2200 kcal;
  • after 45 years - 2000 kcal.

Or use the simple calorie consumption rate table for women.

Table calories for women by weight and age
Weight height18-35 years old36-55 after 55.
45 kg1760 1570 1430
50 kg1860 1660 1500
55 kg1950 1760 1550
60 kg2050 1860 1600
65 kg2150 1960 1630
70 kg2250 2050 1660
75 kg2400 2150 1720

No matter how much weight loss techniques would have existed, the most effective was the diet based on the decrease in the calorie content of the diet. If you spend more energy every day than it comes from outside, there is no weight loss inevitably - do not deceive nature.

According to the reviews of experienced nutritionists, safe and harmonious weight loss will provide a decrease in regulatory caloric content for 200-500 kcal. That is, an active woman at the age of 33 years old should be the menu of 1700-2000 kcal, and a five-year-old housewife - 1200-1400 kkal.

Some nutrition systems recommend slideishing ladies to reduce the diet to 1200-1500 kcal, regardless of the kind of activity. Such calorie is suitable only to women leading sitted image life ( office workers, headings, seamstresses, writer, etc.).

A sharp decline in incoming energy for the ladies engaged in sports and leading healthy way of life is unacceptable, as it can provoke significant failures in the work of the body.

High physical activity on the background of a low-calorie diet can slow down the metabolism, lead to a failure menstrual cycle, break the work of the heart and blood vessels, reduce immunity.

Doctors do not recommend a decrease in the energy value of the menu below the level of 1200 kcal. Less a calorie daily diet, abdicated for a long period of time (over the week), is not able to provide a female organism necessary for the main functions of energy and can cause disorders in the work of cardiovascular, hormonal, endocrine, immune systems.

At the initial period of pregnancy, the menu energy value should be about 2500 kcal, and in the last trimester - about 3200 kcal. Hormonal restructuring and ensuring the fetus by all the necessary nutritional elements are required to be carried out at the expense of a full and diverse nutrition.

Compliance with the principles healthy nutrition will help a woman feel young and desirable at any age. A competent diet taking into account the calorie content of the used products and the physiological characteristics of the female organism is the path to health and longevity. Beauty to you and grace at any age!