Why is the girl dating someone else? How to return a girl without requests and humiliation: the secret of working with emotions

Hello it's again Lesha Doc.

In this article, I will help the guy figure out his difficult situation that happened to him! And I will also reveal the topic, which sounds like this: “ The girl you love is dating someone else»

By the way, if you want your favorite girl right now, then

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If you have a question for me, then write, I I will answer you personally. In the topic of girls, I have been giving advice for 9 years, the experience is huge. (all confidential). Copy from here to yourself my mail below and write.

My personal mail: [email protected] (everything is free)

And here is his letter:

Hi Lesha. Fire site. Here is my story:

Dating a girl for 2.5 years. We've been dating for 1 year. At the moment we do not live together, but for periods of 2-3 days together. I'm 26, she's 30.

On Sunday they were supposed to meet and go to see her clothes in the store. Prior to this, we discussed that we would first call and decide where we were going. After 2 hours we call up, but instead I hear the phrase: “ Come there, I'm already going there«.

I am outraged. I said I'll think about it. She hung up, didn't call back. I thought that if things were like this, and she was trying to tell me where to go, then I would go to the garage to mess around with the car, and let her buy clothes for herself.

2 hours later he calls back and asks where I am. Said in the garage. She dropped the pipe again and began to send SMS with inadequate messages that I didn’t care about her, I completely gave up on her, which I promised again and didn’t do, and so on. Didn't react. An hour later he called back 2-3 times, he hangs up the phone.

We didn't talk on Monday. On Tuesday, I called for her, as usual, without a prior phone call, and went to work. She's cold. I'm trying to find out what's wrong, even more cold. Drove to work, dropped off.

In the evening of the same day, after work, I call her to take her out for a walk, she says, what sits in a cafe eats that after that he was going for a walk and that he would not be able to meet me now. I am surprised. Didn't ask questions. I wished you bon appetit and hung up.

Closer to the night already she called. Asked who she was with said that with a guy. I tensed up. She said that on Sunday, when we did not meet, that she was very hurt by all the thoughts that I was the last goat and got drunk. Wrote to a friend to pick it up...

As a result, everything merged into the problem of not living together and a number of unresolved problems. She issues an ultimatum or I solve the issue of accommodation or there is no continuation of the relationship, which is already tired and tired.

She mentioned that on that date the guy told her right away that he liked her and offered to live together. Needless to say, she doesn't know this guy very well.. They play basketball together and he tries to hit on her. In a series of scandals, she said that the boy, like a man, didn’t mean anything to her, that he was fat and not attractive, but she liked that he was chasing after her.

Today I’m calling her again to ask what time she is freed after work, she said she doesn’t know. He told me to pick it up when he was done. As a result, I ignored it, and as it turned out, went to the movies with a new boyfriend who randomly waited for her at work. She told me about tomorrow that she was going to hockey with him and almost out of town to nature ...

In fact, the girl is in my card. Lots of common hobbies and interests. I have been thinking about permanent residence for a long time, and started looking for an apartment before the scandal... But what if the girl you love is dating someone else?

So let's take a look at this situation.

What can be said about the girl and her actions.

The main root of her inappropriate behavior is that she urgent need to get married and no one takes it.

Now many unfeminine girls live a completely relaxed life. They think that they have a lot of time and youth will be eternal. Therefore, many girls from the age of 20 do not seek to build relationships and think about marriage. Instead, they study until the age of 22, while they weed out all the guys because of their studies or just have fun with them, and then build a career, and this can be done endlessly. Naturally, if you are building a career, then you again have no time for relationships with guys.

As a result, at the age of 30, a girl understands that her youth is starting to fade, and the guy who would marry her does nothing for this and continues to waste her time.

Now back to our girl.

She has exactly the same situation, because of her entertainment and career, she wasted all her best years in vain, and now she urgently needs to get married or at least live with someone in a civil marriage in the same apartment. Plus, the girl's parents constantly ask her the same questions " When will you get married? And she can’t answer anything, and it annoys her even more.

And she throws all this irritation on our guy, who neither sleep nor spirit knows anything about what is going on in her soul. And in order to open the guy's eyes, the girl takes tough measures, plus does it with great disrespect and indifference to the guy.

She doesn't listen to him, doesn't tell him anything, and starts dating another guy, who will gladly take her to his home and live happily ever after with her, and since he is a losharik, it will not be difficult for a girl to promote him to a wedding in a very short time.

What can be said about the guy.

On the one hand, the guy is well done, respects himself, can fight back, does not follow the girl's lead, but on the other hand, from the very beginning it was clear that it would not be possible to meet with a 30-year-old girl for years, since she no longer has time for all this nonsense.

And if you're not ready for the wedding and you just want to date for years, then you need to look for a youngster, who has plenty of time and energy, and not a mature girl, who already has blood from her nose to give birth, since she is already an old maid.

With such a 30-year-old girl, everything needs to be done quickly. I met, lived together for six months, realized if she suits you and if so, then you just have to propose to her. If you hang noodles on her for years, then she will merge and quickly find a replacement for you, even if she does not like this replacement, since her beauty is not eternal.

What conclusion can be drawn from all this?

If you are not ready for a quick marriage and children, then you do not need a girl who is already about 30 years old and above. Such a girl will not wait for years for your decision, since she does not have time at all.

What do we have to do?

If you understand that she suits you, then you can propose to her today, and she will be happy to tears and at the same moment she will forget about the other guy.

If you are not ready for this, then let her go and look for a youngster who you will hang noodles on for years.

This article is only a small part of what is on my site, there is a lot of useful and practical information on this and other topics of interest to you. You can immediately successfully use this information in practice with girls without wasting your time.

Now I have 2 sites - a site and 4mentv.ru. And every week I I add new articles to these sites that are useful to you, therefore, in order not to miss them, add these sites to your favorites and visit them periodically. Now there are about 450 articles and 70 videos on 2 sites on topics that are interesting for you.

Articles by Lesha Dok (on the website 4mentv.ru)

By the way, if you want to get a guaranteed girl from scratch, then go to my new website

Click: Guaranteed to get a girl for a relationship

If you have a question for me, then write, I will answer you personally

My personal mail: [email protected] (everything is free)

What the guys say about the articles:

“Lesha, from the moment I started reading your articles, I have changed my life a lot. If you apply your advice, then not only relationships with girls change, but in general the whole life. Now I live like a MAN, and the girls feel it))”
Egor, Moscow

“Thank you so much, Lesha!!! The advice from your articles is useful, they change their own psychology and attitude towards the world and towards girls. Now everything in my life has changed dramatically. Thankful to you!"
Maxim, Ukraine

“Alex, thank you so much for what you do. You help people find each other, while breaking all the stereotypes of the behavior of guys with girls. After your advice, it becomes easier to communicate with girls and live in general. It turns out that everything is simple!)
Kostya, Minsk.

Hi, this is Lesha Doc and in this article I will answer the question of a guy who got into a difficult situation

The subject line of his letter is: "Ex-girlfriend is dating someone else"

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I will answer you personally.

My personal mail: [email protected] (everything is free)

Here is his letter that he sent me:

Hello Leha. I recommend you to all my friends. Situation: Met a girl, we work together I'm 32 she's 34. Looks good - takes care of herself, she is always neat and well-groomed. According to the Virgo horoscope, I am cancer, they lived for about six months, it didn’t work, I went to my parents, I don’t have my own home yet.

At first, when we lived, there were constant demands and complaints about everyday life to me - it’s not like that, it’s not that, in short, I was constantly dissatisfied with something. After these same six months of cohabitation I was able to mentally overcome her quite a difficult character to fall in love with yourself.

I’ll step back a little - I liked her very much - somehow I didn’t dare to communicate closer before, well, plus many afraid of her at work, allegedly for a very, very evil character.

Well, we have now parted completely, about six months have passed, my initiative for parting has accumulated inside me, you can see her bitchiness towards me, although they have changed, but my once strong feelings for her faded. Now normal friends - we communicate at work, without any claims to each other, parted on a positive note.

After parting I helped her around the apartment for a long time in terms of minor repairs, something like a husband for an hour, did a lot of things, gained some experience, often heard compliments from her in terms of the work done, and naturally there was quite constant sex, where would it be without him. As a result, our difficult relationship lasted for about 3 years.

Recently, I could not resist and went to visit her, one might say he asked for it. I didn't have a girlfriend for a couple of months., she agreed, although with surprise, but she was pleased.

Had quality sex a couple of times. Then for some reason I sharply arose, as it were, anew feelings for her- how it was before, or maybe habit, maybe proximity influenced - I still don’t really understand myself.

I don’t know if it’s stupid or not, but we agreed with her when we parted that if one of both has a person on the horizon - we talk without any secrets adults are, after all, people.

I go from work and watch the picture - my ex is walking in an embrace with a guy, I caught up with a quick step to make sure that I greeted her normally and went on. For some reason, my legs buckled at that moment from what I saw - I did not show it.

The next day, as if nothing had happened, she calls me, how, they say, are you doing - at first I controlled myself, then broke down and said that she was wrong- it was more decent not to stir up on the sly, but simply to say it like it is, the reaction would have been, I think, easier - all the more so there was an agreement.

Although I understand that we are no one to each other. She says it's just a friend- escorts home and if someone appears at her place, I will be the first to know. And there is nothing like that! Then it turns out that they had seen this type a couple of times before - she didn’t tell me anything about it, and then it turns out that I also drew myself.

I don’t understand, please explain to me who is slowing down, who is wrong in this situation, me or my ex, and what should I do correctly if my ex-girlfriend is dating someone else?

So let's take a look at this situation.

I can say right away that even though the boy says, that he does not like her and he is absolutely in a drum In fact, this is far from being the case.

Why is that?

Yes, because the boy does not know how to get acquainted, which means will not be able to quickly find a replacement this girl, which is why he goes and makes repairs to her, communicates with her on the sly, and deep down he hopes that she will return to him again and they will create a serious relationship.

And even if a girl directly tells the boy that she is dating and sleeping with another, he will still run around her and humiliate herself, will wait for her to break up with her boyfriend and call him again.

In fact, I really feel sorry for these guys, because with such a mindset and psychology, he will always kowtow to a domineering girl who will wipe their feet on it.

What can be said about the girl?

A girl with a masculine character who likes weak and driven guys as they can be easily manipulated and controlled. And, therefore, they can be used for their own selfish purposes.

For example, the boy will make repairs to her apartment for free, plus give her sex(sometimes) when she needs it, but there is no one in mind.

Naturally, once she finds herself a boyfriend, she will merge this poor fellow. The girl will remember him only when she needs some kind of emergency help, if at that moment her boyfriend is busy.

So, I answer the question What if an ex-girlfriend is dating someone else?»

This means that you can dry the paddles, since you have already been flushed down the toilet.

And here you can go in several ways:

  1. Keep humiliating yourself and expect her to come back to you after having sex with another
  2. Start working on yourself and find yourself a worthy feminine girl who will appreciate and respect you.

This article is only a small part of what is on my sites, they contain a lot of useful and practical information on this and other topics of interest to you. You can immediately successfully use this information in practice with girls without wasting your time. Now I have 2 sites this is lesha-dok..

Click here for more articles on this topic

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What to do if you do not have a good job, but you need it now?

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If you have a question for me, then write, I I will answer you personally. In the topic of girls, I have been giving advice for 9 years, the experience is huge. (all confidential).

My personal mail: [email protected] (everything is free)

What the guys say about the articles:

“Lesha, from the moment I started reading your articles, I have changed my life a lot. If you apply your advice, then not only relationships with girls change, but in general the whole life. Now I live like a MAN, and the girls feel it))”
Egor, Moscow

“Thank you so much, Lesha!!! The advice from your articles is useful, they change their own psychology and attitude towards the world and towards girls. Now everything in my life has changed dramatically. Thankful to you!"
Maxim, Ukraine

“Alex, thank you so much for what you do. You help people find each other, while breaking all the stereotypes of the behavior of guys with girls. After your advice, it becomes easier to communicate with girls and live in general. It turns out that everything is simple!)

If you're trying to get your girlfriend back but she's already started dating someone, then this is definitely for you. Moreover, I will show you how this new guy will help you get your relationship back.

By the way, I'm the author of the program. I have already helped many people to rekindle their relationship and rekindle their former passion with their ex. I should note that this is primarily for those whose relationship broke up no more than a year ago. In principle, even if you broke up more than a year ago, you can still fix it. But I will talk about this another time. And today we will talk more about those who broke up with a girl recently.

In most cases, your ex's new boyfriend is a replacement for an old relationship. Actually, there is such a term - “substitute relations” is called. This is a quick replacement for an ex-boyfriend in order to overcome the sadness and loneliness that girls and women usually experience as a result of a breakup.

Do not forget that parting is always a lot of stress.

And breaking up with someone can be much more difficult than being abandoned. So even if your girlfriend was the initiator of the breakup, she feels no better than you. And do not forget that her heart is also broken, and she is going through the same thing as you.

Let's think about what is the most effective and easiest way to survive a breakup and the depression that it leads to? Choose interesting activities for yourself, keep yourself busy and ... find someone new!

So if your girlfriend started another relationship immediately after your breakup, then most likely this guy is just a way for her to get distracted and move on. And believe me now or not, this relationship can be good news for you and help you get your loved one back.

It’s only natural if you have a question: “how the hell can this new idiot of hers help me get my beloved back?”. The answer is very simple. Since this guy is just a replacement for your ex (they probably met somewhere in a nightclub or bar), this relationship is not serious. And, most likely, they do not dine by candlelight in a small Italian restaurant. They are held together by physical attraction, and that is not a fact.

Yes, I understand that it's not very pleasant to hear that your ex is dating someone for sex, for example. But this is good news for you, because, most likely, they do not have much in common, and, moreover, there is no connection that was between you. Scientists have proven that most "substitute relationships" last no more than 3-4 weeks. Of course, this is not an axiom, but this is usually what happens. And this means that the relationship of your ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend will soon come to an end.

And when they part, she will have to face loneliness and depression. And the person who helped suppress all this and not think about you will no longer be around.

By the time she starts to feel it all, you'll get over it and be on your way to recovery. After all, while she was running away from feelings of loneliness, you learned to deal with them. And this so-called "replacement" only slowed down her recovery process, and after breaking up, she will return to the same emotions that she experienced when she broke up with you.

And now that her "substitute relationship" is over, it's time for you to act. And since she is now depressed, feeling lonely, spending a few weeks with a guy who may not be your match at all, you will start to look more attractive in her eyes.

So, your ex is vulnerable right now and is looking for an opportunity to ease the heartache associated with failures on the personal front (especially after these "substitute relationships"). You just have to help her recover from all this.

Just don't mention this fleeting attraction of hers and don't say that you want to be together again. Just communicate casually. Like friends or old acquaintances.

Your goal is to remind yourself that you are still that good guy that you enjoyed spending time with and let her know that getting you back would be a very winning choice. Especially if she wants to quickly recover from everything and heal mental wounds. And all she needs to do is get back to you.

It goes through many trials, and only morally strong people do not give up and adapt to the circumstances, correct their mistakes and agree to the partner's conditions. Two are to blame for parting, but a woman does not always go to reconciliation, so the responsibility falls on the shoulders of a man. If you were the first to take the initiative and start thinking about how if she fell out of love, consider the nature of the quarrel and try to understand if everything is really that bad or there is a chance to return the relationship.

Calm, only calm

In the most difficult life situations, you need to learn to control your actions and not go for stupidity. Quarrels happen very often, but you should not grieve for a long time and try to harm yourself. Many guys, not knowing how to get the girl back if she has fallen out of love, begin to abuse alcohol and tobacco in anguish. This is only a temporary relief, and alcohol will not help solve the problem, but will contribute to the development of chronic forms of certain diseases. In this case, the guy may not even dream of healthy children in the future. Very often, young people after the departure of their girlfriend try to commit suicide. Such decisions are made in a stressful situation quickly and thoughtlessly, so the number one rule is to wait and only then act.

The biggest mistake a couple makes after breaking up is blaming, insulting and getting revenge. In a fit of anger, it is easy to hurt a dear person, but whether he will forgive it after reconciliation is a dubious question.

Act with your mind, not your heart

There is a good reason for ending a relationship, but not always one person is ready to take the blame. You should not take the first step without considering all the positive and negative sides. When the mind is dominated by the heart, the beloved begins to seem too perfect. Before you start developing a plan for how to return love, think about it, is it really the one with which you want to spend the rest of your life? If a person is good and reliable, it is urgent to make attempts to reunite, but when there have been betrayals or other unpleasant scenes on the part of the beloved, it is better to forget about her and start looking for a new ideal.

stay friends

Even after the strongest quarrel, you should not lose sight of the girl. Feelings cannot fade away in an instant, and your task is to rekindle them again. You should not constantly disturb her with calls and messages, track her down at home and control in other ways, but non-binding courtship or help will always be pleasant. The best way to get your beloved girl back is to remain her friend and be ready to support at any moment. Women often have unreasonable sadness and they need a reliable adviser, and knowing her character, she will cope with this best of all.

The fair sex loves attention even from unfamiliar people, and the winner is always the one who finds herself in a difficult period for her in time. Do not allow strangers to approach your beloved, but keep your distance.

Make her come back

While the relationship is on standby, you should not torment yourself with thoughts about her. Men are more secretive in their emotions, and even in stressful situations, it is necessary to maintain composure. The main thing is to relax and find another hobby: go in for extreme sports, join a sports section or spend more time with friends. During this period, you should not puzzle over how to return the girl's feelings, but on the contrary, be happy without her. Even if you suffer a lot without your beloved, do not try to show your emotional state to her and others: such behavior will cause pity, and the image of a strong guy will go out overnight.

Women, as a rule, are great owners, and as soon as they find out that a former friend is in a good mood, they will rush to do everything possible until a rival appears. You should not deliberately catch the eye of your beloved and try to look for a replacement for her. The jealous woman is more resourceful than you expect, so she can secretly observe your actions and draw appropriate conclusions.

How to get a girl back if she fell out of love and left for another

It is the reason for the separation of many couples. When an extra person appears, it can be difficult to decide whether to give him a chance to show himself in the best light or to reject him altogether. Women are looking for a "male" who will be able to feed the whole family in the future. If a guy appears better than you, do not rush to go to war with him. Stay in the background and observe his habits, study the tactics of behavior and try to identify his shortcomings. Now you need to start acting - to pay off and change for the better. Positive changes will not go unnoticed, and there is a chance to return the girl who stopped loving you, given the previous communication experience. The heart yearns for new knowledge, but soon returns to what has already been explored, and for sure an unfamiliar person will quickly get bored with her.

Understand the reason and reconsider your behavior

Two people are always to blame for a breakup, but the fair sex is usually unwilling to admit their mistakes. Until you have a plan on how to get the girl back if she has fallen out of love, start analyzing the situation on your own - there is no need to rush here. Remember all the minutes spent together and consider each of your actions: what was done wrong, under what circumstances did your significant other begin to feel sad or nervous, did you express reproaches. Perhaps the cause of resentment is your inattention or excessive obsession. Wait until your beloved stops being nervous, and enter into a frank dialogue with her.

Caring, understanding and the ability to be responsible for one's actions are the best male qualities. Let the girl know that you are ready to change for her sake, and try to act, and not make empty promises.