Tarot fortune telling online prediction. Free fortune telling with tarot cards online

Location and date of origin tarot cards shrouded in legends, fables and speculation. Someone says that Tarot originated in ancient times in Egypt, others consider it their homeland Tarot India, and still others claim that it was the Arab East. One legend even says that great cards Tarot this is not just a playing and fortune-telling instrument, it is a kind of way of exploring and understanding the world for people living and inhabiting the Earth, left as a gift by an more ancient race that long ago disappeared from our planet. Many scientists agree that most likely Tarot originated in the era of the mystical and cruel Middle Ages, and got their name from the river flowing near the Italian city of Palemo Tarot. At the same time, traditional symbolism tarot cards has its roots in much more ancient cultures, namely it was borrowed by the authors of maps in ancient religions and sources. Standard Tarot deck presented in the form of 78 cards, divided into two groups:

    Major Arcana- trump cards, consists of 22 cards

  • Minor Arcana- four suits, 56 cards, 14 cards of each suit: Wands, Pentacles, Cups and Swords.

Each suit begins with an Ace, followed by a two, three, four, and so on up to ten. Of course, there are also figure cards, which include the King, Queen, Knight and Page. Major Arcana- these are 22 images, at first glance in no way suitable to each other in meaning. In this scenario beautiful pictures Each time they draw us a unique and interesting story that has an interpretation and tells us the past, present and future in a person’s life. Experts in fortune telling by cards Tarot they write that the Major Arcana indicate a person’s long life journey from the moment of his birth to old age. The images on Tarot cards take into account the characteristics of human life with its joys, discoveries, grief, problems, flights and sharp falls. Specialists thanks Major Arcana not only talk about specific future events, but also model all sorts of changes in human life. Minor Arcana- these are 56 cards divided into four suits: cups, pentacles, swords and wands. Each suit of the Minor Arcana is divided into 10 number cards and 4 figure cards. Number cards for fortune telling allow you to display various events in a person’s life, relationships with others, the state of feelings and spirit. Figure cards - also known as Knight, Queen, King and Page - contain a set of various human character traits. Figure cards in certain combinations are interpreted by fortune tellers as a person’s moral experiences or manifestations of his feelings. Sometimes a Knight, Lady, King or Page will be able to point to a person they have identified and tell about his intentions towards the fortuneteller. Each suit tarot cards also has its own symbolic meaning. The suit of Wands (aka Staves) symbolizes the passionate, unshakable element of Fire. Fourteen cards of the suit of Wands in fortune telling characterize the level of creative abilities and the ability to use them to solve life's confusions and problems. Cards of the Wands suit indicate that the person is very purposeful, and also full of optimism and enthusiasm. However, common sense at this moment may refuse him.

The suit of Cups (aka Cups) symbolizes the fickle element of Water. During fortune telling, cards of this suit tell about a person’s emotionality and interpersonal relationships. The Suit of Swords symbolizes the element of invisible, fast, but quite perceptible by the soul and body of Air. This suit reveals the characteristics of the intellect, and a sword, sharp on both sides, is an excellent confirmation of the duality of the human mind: a sharply sharpened blade of the mind is capable of solving the most complex problems posed by life, but inflexible steel can inflict a wound. Fourteen cards of the suit of Swords characterize mental abilities, the ability to think logically and construct situations. The suit of Pentacles (Coins) personifies the element of the ancestor of the Earth. The Pentacles cards show the connection of all five senses with the body and spirit. They are related to work and money. When fortune telling, fourteen cards of the suit of Pentacles reveal a person’s ability to sense perception and indicate future problems. This suit also indicates whether a person has a penchant for farming.

Good evening!
I have a strange one life situation... it so happened that three men are seeking my favor and I like all three... I understand that I need to make a decision, but I don’t understand who I should choose. What do the cards say about this?
Choose 1st? No empress
Choose 2nd? Yes peace
Choose 3rd? No star
Should I keep the three of them? No judgment (somehow I think that if I can’t choose, maybe these aren’t feelings at all)
Should I wait for another really important milestone in my life? Yes peace
Thanks for the help!

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Nothing serious will happen with the first one. If you want to get married, this is not for him. You can start with the second one new life and she will be pleasant. The third one seems to be pursuing you for the sake of sport, he has no plans. He may attract, but this is all only external, feigned.
You can choose the second one or wait for a more interesting option; the universe will provide it to you more than once.
Best regards, Veronica [email protected]

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Hello! I fell in love with a girl and we were in a relationship but now we are separated. Is there a chance to start again?

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Good evening, I have a question. A man borrowed money from me and now he won’t give it back. He says that he has a good deal now and the money will come a little later. I asked if he now had the amount to give to me or if he wasn’t lying. Knight of Pentacles, King of Swords, 10 of Cups. I really ask for help. I understand that he’s not lying, there will be money, he really did something with the King of Swords, but I didn’t understand at all about the 10 cups.

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Good day, dear Oracle! We really need your help. I have something going on at both jobs.
Should I quit my job at R? 8 of Swords. Jester. 8 Denariev.
Should I stay in R for now? Queen of Swords. 4 Cups. 8 Denariev.
What happens if I quit my job at R? Hanged. 6 of Wands. Emperor.
What won't happen if I quit my job? 4 of Swords. Justice. Knight of Cups.
Will I be able to find a new main job before May? Devil. 9 Cups. 10 Cups.
How long will I work for O? Hanged. 2 of Swords. Tower.
I am somewhat confused, I don’t understand what is the best thing to do.

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Hello dear experts, please help me understand the cards drawn to the question “Will A. write to me in the next two weeks?” 6 cups; additional cards 7 swords; Hermit I will be very grateful)

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Hello Oracle,
Will I meet my man?
2 denarii. Ace of Wands. 2 cups
Thank you!

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Many thanks to your site, I’ve been with you for more than five years... I rarely visit, but I’m always on point. All the best to you and prosperity...

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Hello Oracle. Help me read what the cards say to my questions. We are not in a relationship, but we have to spend a lot of time together. I would like to understand what is happening.
What does he feel for me? Chariot, Queen of Pentacles, Hermit
How to treat me? Star, hermit, check-in
What does he think to do about me? Jester, 2 cups, 4 cups
What is he deceiving me about? Sun, 6 of Cups, 5 of Pentacles (deceives in its good attitude? And what's wrong with money?
How will our relationship develop in the near future? Peace, sun, 9 of cups
What does he expect from me? Empress, 10 swords, 8 swords (I'm not free)
Should I write to him myself? King of Wands, 6 of Swords, Queen of Wands

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Hello Oracle!
I asked if the relationship with the man would be restored? Chariot, 10 denarii, 9 denarii
Quarreled over contact is in progress very hard.
Help me understand what the cards answered.

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Good time! Dear tarot readers, please decipher the layout.
I met a man from Europe in the North West. An active correspondence ensued, I liked it. He wrote a lot and often. We went to Viber, and then everything somehow withered. Do not understand why
1. Why did you keep silent? King of Denarii
2. Are you disappointed in something? Ten Denarii
3. Will there be a sequel? Three of Cups
4. What does he want from me? Emperor
5. What is its essence? Three of Cups
6. He has perspective Serious relationships? Moon
7. How does he feel about me? Priestess

Thank you very much in advance!

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Hello Oracle!
How can I get over a breakup with a man, what is the advice of the cards?
Star.8 of Pentacles. 8 cups. Justice.10 denarii
Thank you,!

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Hello Oracle.
Please look at what the cards say.
Is he cheating on me? 2 of wands, king of swords, 4 denarii
What are your plans for me? Ace of denarii, justice, star
We quarreled, I made a secret pocket, and what is hiding there - the Queen of Wands, why the devil.

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Dear Oracle! tell me how our relationship with our beloved man will develop - emperor, empress, justice.

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Dear Oracle! Please tell me what you see! Help out, as usual))). What is he planning for her? 9 Denarii, 8 Swords, Queen of Swords (she is the Queen of Denarii)
What will really happen between them in the near future? 2 Swords, 6 Denarii, King of Wands
How does it affect our relationships? Queen of Cups, Ace of Denariev, Emperor
Jack of Wands, Empress, 7 of Cups
How does his sister affect our relationship? 6 of Cups, Lovers, Queen of Wands (this is my element)
Should I fear her as a rival in the near future? Ace of Cups, 9 of Wands, Priestess.
Should I be afraid of other women? 4 Denarii, 10 of Wands, Jack of Denarii
Will our relations improve in the near future? Priestess, sun, Wheel of Fortune. The last question mainly concerned whether we will now devote more time to the spiritual sphere, joint “outings”, leisure time, etc. quarrels, etc. We don’t, it’s just that our relationship is a little one-sided.

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*Where is the Jack of Wands, Empress of the 7 of Cups - question How does his sister influence his attitude towards her (this other woman)? Because there are suspicions that she is persuading him to leave me and be with the one because... she is her friend.

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Hello Oracle!
Please help me with the interpretation of the cards.
I told my friend that I want a child.
How did you perceive it? Nine of Wands
What decision will he make (agree)? Tower, sun, four of wands
Thank you.

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Judging by the cards, he took this as an attack literally or internally and was ready to defend himself, maybe it took him by surprise. A positive decision, but it should have a touch of sharpness and surprise for him or you.

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Hello, dear Oracle!
Below you answered me that the man is upset that he cannot take everything he wants and is weighing - and +.... He wants me to separate from my husband, he insists... but I am not yet motivated on his part)))
Yesterday we met, very joyfully, warmly, as always in our rare meetings, maybe even hotter))) He’s generally in Lately He has become closer, more attentive, I feel he is trying, he has become more invested emotionally, but we rarely see each other 1-2 times a month, the rest is SMS and phone.
I asked for cards
With what thoughts did I go to the meeting yesterday - magician
How do you feel after meeting 8 of Wands?
What are the plans for our relationship - Ace of Wands.
You, Oracle, are a real balm for the soul! rџ?Ѓ Even when I hear from you, it’s not exactly what I want))) I just take it into account and work in the direction you give. Treat again, if it’s not too much trouble!)))
Thank you for your work!!!

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Dear Oracle, tell me your opinion, the situation is this: there is a pause with a man, a conflict due to his passivity and rare meetings. I asked the cards: “What does a man want to do towards me?” The Empress fell out. What do you think this would mean? Thank you!

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Hello dear Oracle!
Tell me the answer to this question: it’s my birthday very soon, will my MCH show himself on this day, we are in a quarrel, and perhaps even completely separated - death, 9 swords, sun
How will the birthday go, no plans and no money (- jack of denarii, 4 of wands, 6 denarii
Thank you in advance.

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Hello Oracle! Tell me what you see? They communicated with the man well (not in a relationship), in a friendly way. I see that his ardor has cooled. And somehow everything comes to naught. Can't we do anything?
What does he think about me? Queen of Pentacles, Jester, 7 of Cups
What feelings does he have? 2 of Pentacles, Peace, Emperor
What goals does he have for me? Tower, 6 of Pentacles, Priest
What actions will there be? 5 of Cups, Page of Swords, Priest
What kind of relationship will there be in the next month? Page of Cups, 5 of Wands, Queen of Swords (my element)

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Dear Oracle, can I send you your email, I really want a personal consultation))

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Only for you, and, only today - give me your e-mail, I will send my mail to you...

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Hello Oracle. A not quite standard situation happened to me, I want to fight in it, it’s important to me. We work together with a man and started dating. Both are free. He is secretive, reserved and strange. He was almost planning to marry me, but this is incomprehensible to me, because... We've been communicating for 1.5 months. But that’s not the point, it’s the lack of sex (sorry for writing specifically). I spend the night with him, we hug, kiss and that’s it. I asked what was wrong, but nothing clear. The last time, I just left, it was just some kind of humiliation that I can’t explain, but I felt as if I was forcing him to do this. An absurd situation for me. After that he didn’t call or write, and neither did I. We don't talk at work either. So what's the deal? Help me fight.

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1-what does he think about the situation? death, empress, 5 swords
2-what does it feel? hermit, 10 denarii, horseman of wands
3-what do you intend to do? king of denarii, queen of swords, ace of denarii
4-why didn't we have sex? Horseman of Swords, Jack of Swords, 4 of Wands
5-does he have problems in the male area? king of wands, 8 denarii
6-what does he want from me? 2 denarii, queen of wands, 10 of wands
7- how should I behave? court, queen of swords, horseman of cups
He is Capricorn, I am Taurus
Appreciate your comment

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