Original Gefest slabs from the Republic of Belarus. Rating of the best gas stoves with a gas oven Gas stove hefest oven notation

Gefest Gas Stoves: Full Size

Before going directly to the company's products, let's just say a few words about its history. In fact, despite the Latin letters in the brand name, this manufacturer is purely Russian. And to be absolutely precise - it was purely Soviet, and at the present time - Belarusian-Russian. Plates are manufactured by the UE "Gefest-Tekhnika" company, which is a part of the JV OJSC "Brestgazoapparat" holding. True, she has been doing this for a very long time - the first batch of plates left the assembly line back in 1958.

Not everything and not always in the history of the company's development has been smooth. There have been ups and downs. But today the holding has firmly taken its place in its market niche. Its products are budget plates of good enough quality for a wide range of consumers.

Today we will talk about Gefest gas stoves - they are the ones that occupy the leading place among the company's products. In general, all Gefest gas stoves are divided into two large groups: with a table size of 60x60 cm and 50x57 cm.First, let's turn to 60x60 cm gas stoves.

At the moment, the company produces nine series of plates of such dimensions. These are: Gefest 1200 C, Gefest 1300, Gefest 6100, Gefest 6300, Gefest 6500. Of course, plates of other series can also be found on sale - but you need to understand that these are warehouse leftovers being sold out, and the models themselves have already been discontinued.

Gefest 1200 C series

Within the framework of this series, only two plates are now being produced: Gefest 1200 C and Gefest 1200 C K60, the first of which is made in white, the second is made of stainless steel with a glass lid. Actually, this is where all the differences end. All other parameters of the models are absolutely identical.

What functions is this series endowed with? In fact, everything is pretty good: electric ignition of the burners of the table and oven with a ignition button on the panel, gas control of the oven, a mechanical timer, a grill burner coupled with an electric spit and a thermostat. The oven is quite voluminous - 63 liters, the weight of both stoves is only 46 kg. Traditionally, like almost all Gefest models, there are adjustable legs and a drawer underneath.

As for the cost, Gefest 1200 С is on average estimated at about 10,500 rubles, and Gefest 1200 С К60 - at 13,500 rubles.


Today the company produces only one plate of this series - actually. Compared to previous models, this one has become a little lighter - with a usable oven volume of 63 liters, it weighs only 44.5 kg. This is largely due to the sufficient poverty of functions and capabilities: there is no electric ignition of the oven, there is no grill burner and, accordingly, there is no spit; there is also no thermostat. And the price for this model is appropriate - around 9,000 rubles.


There are two models in this series: and K19. The first is made in white, the second is in brown (this is the only difference between the models). The volume of the oven remained the same - 63 liters, but the weight decreased again - already 43 kg. These stoves got rid of the last "excess" - a mechanical timer and are among the most budgetary of the company. Minimum functions and maximum functionality - this model will be especially interesting for ascetics in everyday life. The average cost of this kitchen assistant is about 7,500 rubles.


In this series of plates there are already more - as many as four models:, K2, K8, and K19. In the production of these models, the company has come close to the absolute minimum of functions, which is possible. They have no electric ignition, no drawer, no adjustable legs. And the K8 model does not even have an oven light. What is left? Gas control of the oven, stamped oven guides and its own thermal indicator. The most expensive stove is K2, about 8500 rubles. - made in white and with a glass lid. The cheapest is K8 (about 7,000 rubles), completely white.

Gefest 1300 Series

On this series, the company decided to finish with minimalism and start completing the stoves with various functions and features that make life much easier for the hostess of the kitchen. True, only one plate is included in this series:. It is made in brown color, the weight and volume of the oven are similar to the Gefest 1200 C models (63 l, 46 kg). What is the difference between the models? There are no stamped oven guides, but the electric ignition of the table and oven burners is built-in. Therefore, in order to ignite the stove, you do not need to press any buttons - you just need to turn the knob. Everything else for the series is identical: oven gas control, mechanical timer, thermostat, grill burner and electric spit. Accordingly, the legs and the drawer are present.

As part of this series, the company decided to rely on the unusual appearance of the unit. In this regard, all three manufactured models are very memorable: two - with a marble-like pattern (- on a gray background, - on a brown one) and one monotonous gray. The weight of the hobs has grown noticeably - already 51 kg with the same oven volume. The company decided not to introduce new functions and left absolutely the same as for Gefest 1200 С.

Thus, by purchasing such a designer stove, we will have: electric ignition of the table and oven burners (ignition button on the panel), gas control of the oven, a mechanical timer, a grill burner (with an electric spit) and a thermostat. Naturally, the leveling feet and a drawer for storing pans are still there. The fundamental difference between this series is that the plates do not have top covers. So if your kitchen has a rather small distance to the hood, then this is your option.

Gefest 6100 Series

Creating this series, the company behaved like a real Stakhanovite - it released no less than twenty models! All of them are conditionally divided into four groups:, Gefest 6100-02, and.

(black) and (brown) differ from their older brothers in three ways. Firstly, it is an electronic timer (though not multifunctional), secondly, an electric ignition built into the handle, and thirdly, gas control of burners and a table and an oven. Both models will cost within 14,700 rubles.

Gefest 6500 Series

In this series, the manufacturer decided not to deviate from the planned action plan and released two groups of models, each of which included a black and brown plate. However, unlike the previous series - without a glass cover. Moreover, all these models have no cover at all. This gives originality to the design, but does not protect against oil splashes that tend to appear during frying. As for the functionality, it completely repeats Gefest 6300: Gefest 6500-02 are similar to Gefest 6300-02, Gefest 6500-03 - Gefest 6300-03.

This is where Gefest runs out of full-size gas stoves. In the next article, we will turn our attention to their miniature brothers and sisters - to gas stoves with a table size of 50x57 cm.

Today, any kitchen is equipped with household appliances that make it easier for the hostess to prepare food, and the stove takes the main place. Prices for similar imported products are high, so pay attention to the products of the Minsk plant: the Gefest gas stove is in no way inferior in functionality and reliability to foreign counterparts, and in terms of reliability it gives a head start.

It is no secret that many of our compatriots still use old similar products that they acquired back in the days of the USSR - they serve for more than 30 years, practically requiring no repair, well, if only you replace the light bulb in the oven lighting. To understand what are the advantages of products from the Republic of Belarus, just read our article.

The joint venture JV OJSC "Brestgazoapparat" (hereinafter BGA) has existed for almost 67 years, today the products are sold under the Gefest trademark, since several enterprises: BGA, Gefest-tekhnika and Gefest-quartz have merged into a single limited liability company GEFEST Belarus. Today, the company has more than 200 models, as well as modifications of floor plates, about 60 options for ovens, 50 - built-in kitchen units.

During the period of productive activity, more than 30.5 million different modifications of stoves have been put on sale: gas and gas-electric, free-standing and built-in versions, as well as exhaust systems and air cleaners for them, table stoves. Thanks to a wide range of models for each category of Belarusian production, consumers can choose an option that suits them.

Models under the Hephaestus brand have long won a leading position among the Russian consumer and in the former CIS countries. The quality level is no worse than foreign counterparts: the products of the Minsk plant have a European-level quality certificate for electric stoves. Hephaestus products are marked with an international quality certificate according to the system of international standards ISO-2000, ISO-9001.


The model range of GEFEST products belongs mainly to the economy class and is designed for the general population, but has a number of advantages:

  1. Multifunctionality. Each model has its own individual capabilities, but most of them are equipped with an oven and grill, as well as electric ignition, convection and lighting.
  2. A wide assortment implies the presence of household appliances, the characteristics of which differ significantly. For example, the volume of the oven varies from 42 to 50 liters, the dimensions can be standard 600x600 mm or narrower, for small-sized apartments a two-burner stove with a small oven is produced. Even outdoor enthusiasts have not forgotten - a special model Hephaestus tourist with an original body.
  3. Safe operation - almost all models are equipped with a gas control system that turns off the blue fuel supply when the flame blows out, but only for the burner in the oven with a grill.
  4. Pricing policy is democratic. The cost of budget models starts from 8 thousand rubles, while they have the same functions and high durability as more expensive products.

The Hephaestus gas stove with an electric oven or a gas oven is no different in its technical parameters from its foreign counterparts, but in terms of price-quality ratio, durability, ease of use and simple maintenance, it has no competitors.

Positive and negative qualities

Judging by the reviews of real users, the Belarusian plates have mostly positive, sometimes even laudatory reviews:

  1. In the first place, of course, is the cost, which differs significantly from other models, but there are some nuances: in many stores, products under the Hephaestus brand have different prices. For example, the Polyus store, Moscow, sells the 3200-06 model at a price of 10.5 thousand rubles, and in the Comp.You store - already 13.5 thousand rubles, the difference is 3 thousand within the same city. Therefore, those users who are touching about their budget should first find an option with a more affordable price.
  2. Small width. The standard is 60 cm, but there are many models with a minimum size of 50 cm that fit perfectly in the kitchens of small-sized city apartments - this is already a clear advantage.
  3. The grate over the burners - as a rule, it is made in a budget version of metal, not cast iron, but, despite the fact that it weighs less, it does not slip on the hob and does not bend under the weight of pots, as is the case with Chinese counterparts.
  4. The Republic of Belarus, as a producer of GEFEST gas stoves, has made sure that all regions of Russia are covered by service centers. Therefore, in case of repair, users will not have problems with component parts.

Of the shortcomings, consumers note that on some models there is no:

  • a thermometer in the oven;
  • lights inside the oven.

A large color gamut of models abounds in such rather easily soiled coatings as gray, black or metallic - even drops of water are immediately noticeable on them, therefore the stove requires constant maintenance, but other decisions of the external design do not cause any complaints.

How to choose

If you correctly choose the model you need, then a unique assistant will appear in the kitchen, which will allow you to quickly and efficiently prepare food for the whole family, controlling and changing the temperature regime as desired. Hephaestus products are gas or electric, simple and unpretentious in everyday life, the device of the stove is identical to its class.

To choose the right stove, you need to know some subtleties.

Dimensions (edit)

These dimensions are selected according to the kitchen room: the standard height of the plates is 850 mm, the depth and width vary from 500 to 600 mm, the hob is produced with the following parameters:

  • 500x500 mm;
  • 500x600 mm;
  • 600x600 mm.

These dimensions fit perfectly into any interior of the kitchen space.

Attention! When installing the hob, think about a new exhaust system.

Hob design

These surfaces are made of high quality heat-resistant steel, but modern progress allows them to be made from other components:

  1. The standard is the usual white or brown enamel panels.
  2. Stainless steel, matte or polished, looks stylish and effective, quite durable and wear-resistant.
  3. An innovation that has appeared relatively recently is glass ceramics in dark tones, only elite ones are produced in white.

Size and number of cooking zones

This is at the discretion of the hostess - it all depends on the number of eaters and the regularity of cooking. Standard - 1 small, 1 large and 2 identical, for a large family there are huge models with 6 burners, for a family of two there is a stove for 2 burners, and a tabletop will fit for the country.

Oven selection

Here it is already for your taste - some housewives buy a gas model, but without an oven, and separately purchase an electric oven. The standard version offers an oven with temperature variations and a grill, which almost completely simulates cooking meat on a fire, and also saves energy, unlike the electric version.

The gas control system monitors a steady combustion, and the electric ignition makes it easier for the user to turn on the burner. The door is equipped with double or triple heat-resistant glass, so burn injuries are excluded.

It is rather difficult to choose the best option among the abundance of models, but if you study in advance the description and the main characteristics of the model on the Internet, consult with friends who have already updated the kitchen stove for a long time, this will greatly facilitate the task. Gas equipment repair specialists advise buying Gefest gas stoves, manufactured in the Republic of Belarus, since they are rare guests in service repair centers.

Top Models

for tourists

  • Budgetary
  • Economical
  • Compact

  • Not found

A unique tourist model at a price of 1.0 thousand rubles, power 1.05 kW, enamel coating, runs on liquefied gas methane or propane, pressure 30 mbar, dimensions 170x195x95 mm. Mechanical control, rotary knob, shaped grate made of solid steel above the burner, weight 1 kg.

There is no doubt - the product is very necessary, many say, they say, why is it, you can cook everything on the fire. But if the weather is lingering, then with such a baby food is prepared very quickly, because it is no different from a standard burner on the stove at home. Economical gas consumption: a compact canister is enough for you to cook food 6 times, so you are insured against the whims of the weather.

gas stoves

  • There is gas control
  • Convenient
  • Easy to clean
  • Large
  • No thermometer

The average cost is 17.9 thousand rubles, dimensions 600x600x850 mm, weight 44.5 kg, automatic ignition of the hob, as well as ovens with a volume of 52 liters, there is a display, clock, timer, grill with a spit. Mechanical control - rotary switches.

Pros: modern design, excellent functionality, gas control, cast iron grate, electric ignition takes some getting used to: when you turn the knob, you need to drown the switch and hold it for a few seconds. The oven works perfectly, the grill is just a miracle, golden brown and everything else, only there is no thermometer.

  • Budgetary
  • Precise thermometer
  • Good thermal insulation of the oven
  • There is gas control
  • Easy to operate
  • Not found

The model is sold at an average price of 9.06 thousand rubles, total power 7.25 (1-3.05, 2x1.75, 1-0.7) kW, dimensions 500x570x850 mm, weight 38 kg, oven - gas, volume 42 l, no convection and lighting.

Excellent price-quality ratio, nice design, the burners are arranged according to the classical scheme, the oven has a fairly accurate thermometer - very convenient, high-quality coating of the hob and the inside of the oven, gas control everywhere, excellent thermal insulation of the door. No comments.

  • Good build
  • There is gas control
  • Rich equipment
  • Multifunctional timer
  • Oven preheats evenly
  • Not very accurate thermostat

The average cost is 18.7 thousand rubles, a gas oven of 52 liters volume, electric ignition of burners and burners is automatic, it operates when the gas supply is turned on with a rotary knob, dimensions 500x585x850 mm, weight 38.5 kg, grill with a spit included, plus lighting ...

Excellent equipment, high-quality assembly, there is an oven timer, excellent coating - convenient, quick to clean, cast-iron grate. Gas control, metal pan drawer, quite roomy. The timer sound is quiet.


  • Budgetary
  • High-quality assembly
  • Simple and convenient
  • Not found

This model, at a price of 3,150 rubles, looks like an ordinary tabletop, only of a large size, the number of burners is standard - 4 pcs. 1.7 kW each, dimensions 500x520x127 mm, weight 6.2 kg. Working panel - enamel, 24 months warranty.

An excellent acquisition for a summer residence - easy to operate and maintain, soundly made, well-equipped: a hose with clamps, nozzles for the main connection and under the cylinder liquefied gas, plugs. Well-thought-out ergonomics, considering the price, this is the best offer; for a year and a half of operation, no negative qualities were found.

  • Budgetary
  • Compact
  • The kit includes a set of nozzles for liquefied and natural gas
  • The fire is well regulated
  • No piezo ignition

The average cost is RUB 1,700, dimensions 500x374x110 mm, weight 3.7 kg, 2 burners, gas pressure 30 mbar, strong grate, legs for level adjustment. Durable enamel coating of the operating panel.

An excellent offer for a family of retirees. It can be used in the country for bottled gas, but it means connection to the main gas pipeline, even the jets are included. Price-quality is above all praise, 2 liters of water boils in 10-11 minutes. No comments.

  • High-quality assembly
  • Long service life
  • Quiet operation
  • Easy to clean
  • Not found

The average price in stores is 3.4 thousand rubles, for 4 burners, white color, dimensions 500x520x127 mm, weight 6.2 kg - excellent for transportation to any place of installation. Powered by mains and liquefied gas, durable enamel makes cleaning easier.

Simple maintenance, convenient use, the tiles are solidly made - some kind of miracle, as in the days of the USSR. An acquaintance commandant in a student dormitory said that the same tiles were installed in the kitchen: despite the barbaric attitude of some residents, it endures all adversity, works like a Swiss clock.

electric stoves

  • Rapid heating
  • There is convection
  • Beautiful design
  • The light in the oven does not turn off during cooking

The average price is 17.3 thousand rubles, a sound timer near the oven with a volume of 52 liters (two independent), dimensions 600x600x850 mm, 47.8 kg, a reinforced type grill with convection, a spit included, there is a backlight. The total power of the hob is 7.7 kW, for the oven - 5.2 (upper heating element 0.8, lower and grill 1.2 each, ring -2.0) kW.

The plate is of excellent quality, I was pleased with the non-staining brown color. A special surprise is the oven for two sections, you can bake meat and bake pies at the same time, since the smells do not mix. Or roasting poultry on a turbo grill and roasting meat in a sleeve is a double benefit. Each hotplate can be changed in the event of a burnout, not the entire hob.

  • Interesting design
  • Rapid oven heating
  • There is a timer
  • Many functions
  • Not found

In Moscow, this model can be purchased at a price of 28.3 thousand rubles, dimensions 600x600x850 mm, weight 48 kg, 2 years warranty, hob -

glass ceramics, power 7.8 kW. Oven 52 l, with grill, convection, timer and spit.

The original design, advanced functional features, there are several modes for the oven plus a grill and a skewer for barbecue. The hob has two extension burners - very convenient. The oven heats up quickly and bakes everything well. No complaints.

  • Two Years Warranty
  • There is a grill
  • Thin metal

The average cost is 13.07 thousand rubles, switches are mechanical rotary type, standard dimensions, weight 39.8 kg. Oven 52 l, two sections, you can cook two different dishes, grill available, lighting. The stove has a classic design, supports intuitive operation, and complements any kitchen interior.

Great design, nice and non-marking color. The quality of cooking in the oven is above all praise, the set includes a grate, two baking sheets. The hob has a 130 mm high splash guard.


  • Stylish design
  • There is gas control
  • Quality materials
  • Dual oven light
  • Multifunctional
  • Marking surface

The brightest model in the collection of the Minsk plant at an average price of 22.3 thousand rubles, a gas hob, an electric oven of 65 liters, multifunctional, 8 operating modes, a timer, a grill with a spit, a built-in clock on the display, standard dimensions, weight 49 , 7. The hob and the front are tempered tinted glass. 4 burners with a total power of 7.6 (2x1.75, 1-1.0, 1-3.1) kW.

The design is excellent, the stove looks stylish and expensive, all surfaces are easy to clean. The electric oven is a miracle of technology, you can cook small sausages and suckling pig. The baked goods are awesome and the smell is throughout the house. Electric ignition and gas control are convenience of use and reliable safety. I was pleased with the double illumination in the oven.

  • Electric ignition
  • Multifunctionality
  • Reliability and durability
  • Possible incorrect operation of the timer

The average cost is 19.4 thousand rubles, a 52 liter oven is electric, a grill and a spit in addition, convection, an automatic ignition at the hob, standard dimensions, weight 43.5 kg. There is a timer for the oven.

Quite reliable household appliances, everything works exclusively, you have to get used to the auto-ignition: when turned on, press it all the way and hold it until the fifth click (a kind of protection against child interference). A strong grate, and the whole structure is made reliably, the oven can be disassembled for washing. Hephaestus products are always at their best.


The products of the Minsk plant have always been in high demand, because these models were distinguished by unique reliability and could work without repair for up to 30 years or more. The build quality is quite high, the functionality is not inferior to foreign counterparts, and the price is very democratic.

Controlmechanical, switches: rotary, display, timermechanical, switches: rotarymechanical, switches: rotarymechanical, switches: rotarymechanical, switches: rotary, sound timermechanical, switches: rotary, display, timermechanical, switches: rotarymechanical, switches: rotary, display, timermechanical, switches: rotary, timer
Electric ignition- hob + oven- - - - - - hobhob
Electric ignition typeauto- auto- - - - - - autoauto
Pricefrom RUB 21,600from 8600 rub.from 18,000 rubles.from 3600 rub.from 1600 rub.from 3500 rub.from 15500 rub.from 28 700 rub.from 13,000 rubles.from 23800 rub.from 23300 rub.
Where can I buy

The rating of the best gas stoves with a gas oven was compiled taking into account the reviews, popularity and rating of models among buyers on the Yandex.Market website and will give a confident answer to the question: "Which gas stove is better in quality."

10. Hansa FCGW51020

Average price: 15 300 rubles.

The 2016 rating of gas stoves with a gas oven opens with an inexpensive model made in Poland. From the amenities: auto-ignition of burners, quick heating and a thermostat in the oven. You can also remove the inner glass in the oven and wash it separately.

Minus: no oven auto-ignition.

9. Gorenje G 51103 AX

Average price: 28,500 rubles.

The convenient grill of the hob will allow you to put even small-diameter dishes on the fire. There is a thermostat in the oven, auto-ignition and burners, and an oven. The removable bottom of the oven makes it easy to keep it clean.

Minus: When the oven is running, the entire stove heats up.

8. GEFEST 1200C

Average price: 13,000 rubles.

An inexpensive Belarusian-made stove, large enough - 60 by 60 cm and an oven with a volume of 65 liters. Classic design, coating - white enamel, judging by the reviews, very resistant. Powerful burners (quick-action burner - 3.05 W, imported counterparts - 2.6 W), electric ignition, oven thermostat, gas grill.

Negative: no gas control on the hob.

7. GEFEST 5100-02

Average price: 15 500 rubles.

Slightly more expensive version of the previous model, slightly smaller (50 to 58) sizes. Of the differences: there is a sound timer. And a great oven with no trays fiddling around.

Minus: the timer can be set for no more than 20 minutes.

6.DARINA AS GM521 001 W

Average price: 6,500 rubles.

The cheapest in the rating two-burner gas stove of Russian production with an unexpectedly large oven with a volume of 45 liters.

Negative: throttle control works very well, so you have to hold the buttons for a long time. No auto-ignition.

5. GEFEST 1500

Average price: 19,000 rubles.

The fifth place in the rating of gas stoves with a gas oven is occupied by the GEFEST 1500. It has a nice and unusual design: the side panels and the work surface (tempered glass) are decorated in marble. Large oven (65 l), timer, thermostat, electric ignition and burners, and ovens, grill, spit, oven lights.

4. GEFEST 6100-04

Average price: 19,900 rubles.

In addition to the standard set for Belarusian stoves, the 6100-04 model has a display, a separate timer with programming each burner separately, a barbecue grill (in addition to a spit), a gas grill burner at the top of the oven.

Disadvantages: only one baking sheet included.

3. Gorenje GI 52329 AX

Average price: 34,000 rubles.

Stainless steel cover, cast iron grates, large bottom drawer for dishes, several different trays included, display, timer, excellent oven with temperature control, lighting and good thermal insulation. Handles for switching on without gaps where dirt could get clogged.

Minus: the ignition is not constant, but discrete, so you need to get used to it.

2. GEFEST 3200-06

Average price: 10 600 rubles.

And in second place in the top 10 gas stoves with a gas oven is a simple, reliable and durable model. Serious malfunctions rarely happen, and if something suddenly happens, then spare parts are everywhere and they are cheap. Electric ignition is mechanical, so the stove practically does not need electricity at all. A handy little thing: adjustable legs.

Minus: No auto-ignition of the oven, burners of the same size. And the stove is small - 44 liters.

1.DARINA 1D1 GM241 018 W

Average price: 12,300 rubles.

Which gas stove is better to buy? Reviews of 2016 on Ya.Market provide an answer to this question. The title of the best gas stove with a gas oven is given to a stove from a Russian manufacturer - DARINA 1D1 GM241 018 W, recognized by visitors as the best in terms of price / quality ratio. The stove has an automatic ignition of burners, a grill, an oven light. All four cooking zones have a special economy mode. The removable door makes it easy to clean the oven.

Minus: when using the oven, the stove gets very hot. Electric ignition is not provided in the oven.

A gas stove is a household appliance that is created today by many well-known and not-so-famous brands. We will offer you our rating of gas stoves, but first, we will tell you what to consider when choosing. Therefore, before you go to the store, decide for yourself: what model of the stove do you want, what technical characteristics should it have?

First: attention to functionality

Any household appliances should be chosen wisely. The technical characteristics of gas stoves are the first thing you should pay attention to. Firstly, it is good if your stove is equipped with a system, for example, Gas Control. Its purpose is to prevent gas leaks from occurring. The system works automatically, blocking the gas supply if the flame suddenly goes out. As a rule, such systems are equipped only with hotplates, an oven or hotplates with an oven - it is preferable to choose the second option.

Another useful option is the electric ignition system: it will appeal to families with small children, since it is safer for them to turn on the stove without using matches or a lighter. The best gas stoves are equipped with conventional or automatic electric ignition: in the first case, you need to turn the lever and press the button, in the second, just turn the lever. It remains only to choose which way it is more convenient for you to turn on the gas.

Second: we select the size

When choosing a gas stove, it is imperative to take into account its dimensional characteristics. In order for the technique to fit well into the kitchen, you need to measure the available space in advance. As a rule, modern manufacturers offer slabs of the following sizes:

  • 50 x 50,
  • 20 x 60,
  • 60 x 60.

The rating of gas stoves of compact models includes products of the brands "Darina", Indesit, Deluxe, Ardo. First, they won't take up much space in the kitchen. Secondly, as a rule, such models can be purchased for up to 8500 rubles.

The bestsellers in the size range 50 x 60 are models of gas stoves of the brands "Hephaestus", Gorenje, Electrolux, Ricci. True, their purchase will cost an average of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. The most expensive models are 60x60 cm - brands such as Gorenje, Bosch, Ardo, Indesit are represented in this group. various - from 13,000 rubles to 25,000 rubles,

Third: additional features

Of course, reliability and functionality are two parameters on the basis of which gas stoves should be chosen. Which is better? The reviews of many buyers boil down to the fact that the emphasis should be placed on such important details as the number of burners and their size, the features of the hob, and the parameters of the oven. For example, the gas pressure and the power of its supply depend on the diameter of the nozzle supplying a mixture of gas and air to the burners. Most often, buyers choose stoves with four burners, which differ in power.

As for the hob, it is made of enamelled or stainless steel. Models with a glass-ceramic hob look original and stylish, which are distinguished by minimal heating capacity, ease of maintenance and a variety of colors.

Gas stove rating: models up to 8000 rubles

Among the models of the most affordable price category, the following brands can be attributed:

  1. The cheapest gas stoves are offered by the Belarusian company Cesaris - they can be purchased for an amount of 5300 rubles. Despite the availability, the models of this brand are of high quality, functionality, and reliable performance. The distinctive features of the technology include a classic design, enameled surfaces, easy to clean, and a well-thought-out security system. These models can be safely included in the rating of gas stoves in an affordable price segment.
  2. For just 6700 rubles, you can purchase a Gefest gas stove, model "Brest PG 3200-08 K 79". Reviews indicate that it attracts attention with unusual color schemes, compactness and safe operation.
  3. GN 470 W-E Gorenje is one of the available models, which can be purchased for an average of 8,000 rubles. This home appliance has a classic design with a control panel and an enamelled hob. The features of the model are in standard sizes and compactness, thanks to which the stove will easily fit into any room. The oven has a volume of 56 liters and runs on gas. True, the oven does not please with a variety of heating modes. Caring for the product is simple, since the inside of the oven is specially coated with EcoClean self-cleaning enamel.
  4. When choosing the best gas stoves, pay attention to the DeLuxe brand products. For 7000 - 8000 rubles, you can purchase a reliable and easy-to-use stove with enameled gratings and an enamelled oven coating. It comes with two baking sheets. The oven is large enough - 53 liters. There is an additional drawer for dishes, and the legs are adjustable for the convenience of using equipment.
  5. For a reasonable cost of up to 8,000 rubles, many companies of gas stoves offer their products. For example, for 7,500 rubles, you can purchase a Hansa FCGW 51003 Integra stove, which features an enamelled work surface and an economical gas consumption mode. gas type has a volume of 58 liters, the model is equipped with a grill rack and baking sheet as accessories. Among the interesting functions and options are the presence of recipes on the oven door and equipping with the Cool front system.
  6. Another interesting model is Beko CG 41001, which can be purchased for an average of 7,600 rubles. Its difference is in mechanical electric ignition, gas-type oven; the volume of the oven is 51 liters. Additional options include the "minimum fire" function and protection against accidental activation. If the price is affordable, this model can be safely included in the quality rating of gas stoves.
  7. At a super price (7,600 rubles), you can purchase a slab of the famous Romanian brand Zanussi ZCG 55 IGW. The main features of the model include the presence of electric ignition of the burners by pressing a button, gas control of the oven, which also has an impressive volume of 61 liters. The inner surface of the hob and the door are easy to clean as they are covered with an easy-to-clean enamel. There is a hole through which steam is discharged.

The category of slabs costing from 9,000 rubles includes a huge number of products of various brands that have different equipment. We will describe the gas stoves most popular with buyers. Which is better? Reviews will help you make the right choice.

Bosch: quality for all time

The products of this brand are considered one of the most popular among buyers, which is explained by the high quality and thoughtfulness of each model. These gas stoves are ideal for allowing you to create culinary wonders in your kitchen. All models are offered in several modifications:

  1. Gas powered top and gas oven.
  2. Gas powered top and electric oven.
  3. Gas-on-glass hob.

Gas stoves of this brand are equipped with various functions, thanks to which the operation of the products is safe and convenient. The most voluminous ovens have exactly the models of this brand, while they are covered with special enamel, which is distinguished by shock resistance and resistance to acids and various chemicals. The presence of the EcoClean system is a guarantee that the oven will clean itself even during cooking. Some Bosch ovens are equipped with an active air circulation system, and among the new products that will surely be included in the rating of the best gas stoves in 2015, we can mention the models equipped with the CookControl system. Its feature is the ability to program the preparation of various dishes from meat, vegetables, making the cooking process even easier and more convenient.

Bosch HGG 233127 R: 18,700 rubles

This gas stove from the Bosch range is distinguished by its electric ignition by means of a button, steel integral grilles, a gas control function and a gas oven. The volume of the oven is 63 liters, while the oven operates in two modes - bottom heat and grate. The hob is equipped with a glass lid, it has a sound, the door glazing is made of three-layer glass. The reviews note that the main advantages of this model are the wide hob, quick ignition of the burners, and the presence of removable guides. On the other hand, it is noted that the hob gets very hot when the oven is running and the integral grates and burner of the grill have not been modified in terms of design.

The Bosch HGG 343455 R gas stove costs almost 33,000 rubles, and for this money you will get a powerful device with a self-cleaning oven. The distinctive features of the model include:

  • various operating modes: bottom heat, grill, electromechanical spit;
  • double-layer glazing of the door;
  • the presence of thermoelectric protection against gas leakage;
  • the presence of a composite lattice made of cast iron on which the dishes are stored;
  • child lock function.

Electrolux: savings in everything

Gas stoves of this brand cost from 11,000 rubles, while you will receive modern, convenient and stylish household appliances that will delight you with efficient and economical operation. Among the various models, you will find the best gas stoves. The rating of products of this brand is constantly growing, because the manufacturer is improving its equipment, offering innovative solutions. Some models of stoves are coated with a special compound that provides convenience and ease of cleaning.

The cheapest model - Electrolux EKG 951102 W - costs 11,200 rubles. You will receive equipment, the work surface of which is made of high-quality enamel, and the design of the burners is distinguished by thoughtfulness. Gas oven with a volume of 53 liters. As additions, we can note the presence of a grill, a skewer. Saaya expensive model - Electrolux EKG 961300 X - costs 31,490 rubles. The working surface is made of stainless steel, there are rotary switches, the grilles are made of cast iron. The oven is spacious (61 l), while it operates in three modes: bottom heating, grill and grill with a spit.

Hansa: for any wallet

This brand should also be included in the rating of gas stove manufacturers offering products in various price segments. If you are looking for gas stoves that are affordable, comfortable and at the same time aesthetically pleasing in terms of design, take a look at Hansa products. All models are distinguished by a modern and thoughtful appearance, while the design is classic. Convenient and functional technology is easily adjusted and regulated in terms of power. In addition, the manufacturer offers a large selection of models that differ in design. These stoves will definitely fit into any kitchen!

If you want to save money, pay attention to the Hansa FCGW 51003 Integra model, which will cost you an average of 7450 rubles. The working surface is made of enamel, and the special EcoGas system allows you to efficiently use gas. True, this model does not have an electric ignition function. A roasting rack and baking tray are available as accessories.

The most expensive model in the Hansa line is FCGX 51029, which costs 20,490 rubles. Its working surface is made of stainless steel, equipped with rotary switches, there is a gas control of the burners and cast iron grates. The oven is gas powered.

Indesit: variety of models

One of the brands that is always heard is Indesit. In fact, the company offers such a wide range of plates that each buyer can choose an option to suit his needs. Models of this brand are available with various types of hob (gas or electric burners or a combination thereof), as well as with various operating modes. Stylish design, interesting solutions and excellent operational properties - all this distinguishes the gas stove created by the Indesit brand. Rating, reviews - all this is a great opportunity to study the features of each model.

The cheapest model - Indesit KNJ 1G 27 (W) / RU - will cost 8,800 rubles. The working surface of this stove is made of enamel, the type of oven is gas with a volume of 50 liters. There is no electric ignition in this stove. One of the expensive models is Indesit I6GG1G (X) / RU, which costs 17,000 rubles. The work surface of this household appliance is made of stainless steel, while the burners can be controlled using rotary switches. The oven has a volume of 58 liters, while the model is equipped with an electric ignition for both the oven and the grill. There is a mechanical timer that will notify you of the end of the cooking process with a sound signal.

Gefest: quality gas stove

The 2013 ranking included the models of this brand as the most stable in terms of quality and affordable in terms of price. The manufacturer strives to create products that will be as accessible as possible to the modern consumer. A wide assortment and price range is a guarantee that everyone will be able to choose an option according to their capabilities. The cheapest model of this brand is the Gefest plate (Gefest) Brest PG 3100-08 K 70, which costs about 7000 rubles. Among the more expensive models, one can note Gefest (Gefest) PG 6300-03 SD1A, which costs a little more than 16,000 rubles.


What are the best gas stoves? The rating that we have compiled in this article on various characteristics will help you make the right choice. Before making a purchase, study the features of each manufacturer, evaluate the range of its offers and think over your budget. This holistic approach will help you make the right choice. The functional features and the degree of equipment of each stove are special, and this must also be taken into account when choosing. And the variety of the price range is a guarantee that you can easily select the option that fits perfectly into your kitchen.

A beautiful, comfortable and functional gas stove is a great solution for any kitchen, especially if it is chosen wisely.

Choosing a gas stove with a good oven is often complicated by the large number of offered models and a lot of different functions. It is important here not only to determine the budget, but also to pay attention to many criteria.

What should you pay attention to before buying in order to get a good stove? Here are the main selection parameters:

  1. Hob cover. It can be enamel, stainless steel, tempered glass or glass ceramics. To this day, enamel remains the most budgetary and widespread. It can be of different colors, but apart from beauty and cheapness it has no merits. Enamel is very difficult to clean, scratches, chips form - in general, it quickly loses its appearance. Stainless steel is stronger, better cleaned, but very moody - you have to wash it after every touch of your hands. Glass ceramics are considered the best today. Easy to clean, durable, perfectly flat. This material is always used in induction electric cookers. But, firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, if the liquid gets under this coating (through the board), then it’s gone. Especially if hit by switches or touchpad.
  2. The presence of electric ignition. Since we are talking about gas stoves, the best one should undoubtedly be equipped with this function. But auto-ignition is also different - mechanical, automatic, only stove or stove + oven. The mechanical method involves the use of both hands - including the gas, you need to press the ignition button. The automatic one starts when you turn the gas supply control knob.
  3. Gas control. This feature will protect you from explosions and poisoning. A temperature sensor is installed on each hotplate. While the flame is burning, the temperature is kept high. As soon as the fire goes out spontaneously (a draft, for example, blew out), the sensor is triggered and the gas supply is shut off.
  4. Oven lock. An irreplaceable thing in the houses where children live. A subtle lock makes it possible to lock the door during cooking.
  5. Camera backlight. Available on almost all models. Allows you to monitor the preparation of the dish without heat loss (without opening the door).
  6. Thermostat. Function for the thrifty. Maintains a certain temperature, reducing the gas supply if necessary. With its help, you can use fuel more economically.

Now, having figured out the main characteristics, you can take a closer look at specific models.

Rating of budget gas stoves

The best in 2019 among the inexpensive ones is perhaps.

Available in only one color - brown.

The set includes a drawer for dishes and a baking sheet. Two-year warranty.

The volume of the oven is 44 liters. It also has a gas control system.

Mechanical control, coating - enamel.

Among the advantages are:

  • gas control in the oven;
  • ease of use;
  • there is a turbo burner (powerful - 3050 W, for quick boiling);
  • a drawer for dishes;
  • an oven temperature sensor is installed.

The disadvantages include the following positions:

  • no electric ignition;
  • there is no gas control on the burners;
  • there is no convection.

In general, a good model for its 8,000 - 9,000 rubles. Due to the color chosen by the manufacturer, it looks unusual and expensive.

Next model.

You can only meet in white.

One year warranty.

A gas control is also installed in the oven; both the sensor and the oven itself cope with the task. The stove is compact enough. The set includes two baking trays (enameled and aluminum) and nozzles for connecting a gas cylinder. A great option for single or small families (couples). There are two gas burners on the hob.

Positive traits include:

  • ease of use;
  • compact, ideal for small kitchens.

To negative:

  • no electric ignition;
  • no gas control of burners;
  • lack of convection;
  • no oven light.

In general, at a price of 6 - 7 thousand rubles, this is a good option. It is a pity that there is no drawer for dishes, but this is not so critical.

Now let's look at the model that took third place in our ranking.

It is presented in two colors - stylish black and classic white.

The manufacturer's warranty is one year.

As with previous models, there is nothing special or fancy. Gas control only in the oven, mechanical control.

A drawer for dishes is available. It is possible to adjust the height of the stove (especially useful if you have a non-standard headset).

From the pros:

  • oven gas control;
  • the oven bakes well;
  • height adjustment;
  • chrome grille;
  • two colors to choose from (black is 1000 more expensive).


  • no gas control of burners;
  • no electric ignition;
  • there are no bars for small dishes on the burner grill (a Turk, a ladle and others simply fail).

If you do not like to brew coffee in a Turk, this model is fine.

Let's summarize our short review. The Belarusian Gefest plate was recognized as the best of the budget models. Here, the guarantee is greater, and everything is thought out conveniently. Especially in comparison with the other two participants. So the user sympathy prize went to the good old Belarusian brand.

Rating of the best gas stoves with a gas oven

We present to your attention a couple of the most worthy representatives of this segment.

Model comes first.

Made in true retro style - cast iron grates and cream-colored enamel surface.

The manufacturer's warranty is one year.

Enamel, with proper care, will retain its visual characteristics for a long time. The grates of this slab are durable, do not bend or peel off.

User safety is well thought out - full gas control will prevent liquid fuel leaks.

Automatic ignition, does not require two free hands.

There is convection, which allows you to forget about the under-baked centers with burnt edges. The oven does its job perfectly.

Summarize. Pros of the model:

  • full gas control;
  • durable grilles;
  • convection;
  • grill;
  • automatic electric ignition.
  • according to users, the knobs get very hot during oven operation.

The price of such a model in different stores and regions varies from 26 to 36 thousand rubles.

The model deserves a silver medal.

A two-year warranty is common practice for this manufacturer.

Work surface material - high quality enamel. Four hotplates, one of them for quick heating. Also in the oven there are wire guides and a kebab maker.

The list of functions includes a grill (spit included), full gas control, automatic electric ignition, timer, display, clock.

  • many useful functions;
  • cooking timer (at the end of the time, the stove will turn off on its own);
  • safety.
  • the oven preheat temperature indicator is missing.

The cost of the model is around 20,000 rubles.

Both applicants proved themselves worthy in the homes of buyers. Which one to buy is up to you. Each has pros and cons, significant for some, but little things for others. Both stoves will delight consumers in 2019.

The best combined plates

It is this type of device that combines reasonable economy (gas burners) with ensuring the highest quality of cooked food (electric oven).

This time the device is in the lead.

Let's immediately highlight the advantages of the model:

  • 2 year warranty;
  • 5 operating modes of the oven (heating, grill, turbo grill, defrosting, hydrolysis steam cleaning);
  • automatic electric ignition;
  • cast iron grill;
  • full gas control;
  • convection;
  • soundproofing;
  • thermal insulation.

Users did not find any visible shortcomings, but they noticed a lot of advantages. The price of a functional assistant is from 30,000 rubles, but it is definitely worth it.

Of the minuses, only manual electric ignition, that is, push-button.

Of the advantages, it can be noted:

  • a large number of modes for the oven;
  • delayed start;
  • timer with sound signal.

That is, this model is inferior to the previous model only on one point.

Well, the bronze medalist of this rating closes our review -.

It should be noted once that for its cost (about 33,000 rubles) this is an excellent combination of price / quality.

Pros of the model:

  • cast iron grates;
  • there is a high-power express burner;
  • there is a mini-burner of minimum power;
  • timer;
  • there is an electric ignition;
  • there is gas control;
  • convection;
  • grill.

Cons, of course, are also present - electric ignition from a button. But there is a height adjustment, which is also quite important.

In general, this model can quite adequately compete with the rest in this rating.


Which stove to buy is up to you. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. We hope that our article will at least somewhat ease the problem of choosing a device.

Choose wisely, cook with pleasure!