How to return the language bar on the computer. How to restore the missing language bar

One of the most important tools for working with text is the language bar. How to restore it in case of loss? In this case, all the necessary functions remain available, however, when switching layouts, it is not visible which of them the user is working at at a particular time. You can return the panel using system tools.

Application responsible for displaying the language bar

One of the system applications of Windows OS is Ctfmon.exe. It is it that is responsible for the fact that the language bar disappears. When this program is running, the panel in question displays information about the language and layout used.

The application is launched using a special registry key.

The first way to restore the language bar

To do this, you need to use the control panel. Below is a step by step guide on how to get the language bar back.

In the control panel, click on the "Language" icon. Then go to the "Advanced options", there is a check mark "Use the language bar". It is also placed opposite the item "Use ... if it is available."

Its parameters are configured:

  • pinning to the taskbar is selected if its presence is necessary in a constant mode;
  • for users working with multimedia content, the place on the monitor is important, so they can make this setting hidden.

The second method is how to restore the language bar

It can be used in the event that the method described above did not work.

If the language bar is missing, you need to check the startup settings. If it is not there, then you need to add it by correcting some entries in the registry. You need to run regedit through the command line or by pressing the Win + R hotkeys and typing this word in the window that appears.

A transition is made to the HCU branch, then Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. In the right field, the context menu is called and a string parameter is created. It is given an arbitrary name. The following value is entered so that there is no situation when the language bar is not displayed: ”ctfmon”=”CTFMON.EXE”. The quotation marks shown are entered along with the text.

After the steps taken, you may need to reboot the OS.

Using these two described methods, you can answer the question of how to restore the language bar in relation to the considered OS versions Vista, 7, 8.1.

Starting the Task Scheduler

In the OS in question, system failures sometimes occur. As a result, some system services that are responsible for certain actions may be disabled.

Below will be discussed how to return the language bar using this method:

  • the context menu is called from the "My Computer" shortcut, "Management" is selected there;
  • in the sidebar of the window that appears, go to "Services and Applications", then to "Services";
  • the "Task Scheduler" is found in the list, which is double-clicked on;
  • a window will open in which the following parameters are set: startup type - auto, status - in progress; then the computer restarts.

After loading the OS, the language bar should be in its original place.

Running ctfmon.exe on Windows XP

In the initial NT version of the OS in question, you can run this program in other ways. It should work so that there is no situation when the language bar is not displayed.

The context menu is called on the taskbar, in it you click on the "Task Manager". In the window that opens, go to the menu "File" - "New Task". The name of the program is entered, the entered changes are confirmed.

Windows OS is susceptible to viruses and inept user actions, as a result of which the system file of this program could disappear. In this case, the installation disk with the OS is inserted into the drive, a command line opens, in which the following text is entered: scf /ScanNow, after which the scan is expected to finish.

Using this method, you can restore all previously deleted system files, including the one that interests us. In addition, if the language bar has disappeared, you can download its file from the Internet or from another computer that has the same OS installed.

In most cases, this is enough to return the language bar to its place.

Control Panel Method in Windows XP

Here you need to click on the icon "Language and region. Standards. There - the transition to the tab "Languages". Click on the "Details" button. On the "Parameters" tab, we check the presence of at least two languages. If there is only one, then you need to add at least one more by clicking on the button of the same name.

In the "Input Language" that appears, one of them is selected, which we may need, and in the lower field, the layout corresponding to this language is selected. In the "Parameters" at the bottom, click on the "Language Bar" button. Here you need to check the box next to the item "Display the language bar on the desktop." We confirm the changes made.

In this case, if the language bar disappeared before carrying out these actions, after they have been carried out, it should appear in its original place.

Method with the registry in Windows XP

It is carried out in the same way as described earlier. The only difference is that the value is C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe. The same value can be entered in newer versions as well. After that, a reboot is carried out, and the language bar is in its rightful place.

Bringing back the language bar in Windows 10

First you need to try to enable the language icon on the taskbar. To do this, open the "Parameters" of this OS and go there "Personalization" - "Taskbar" - "On / off system icons", after which the list contains the "Input indicator", which is set to on.

How to bring back the language bar in this OS using the control panel? Go to it in "Language" - "Advanced options" - "Switching input methods". Here you check the box next to "Use ... if it is available", after which you go to the "Parameters".

The following points are noted here:

  • display text labels;
  • pinned to the taskbar;
  • display additional icons.

In addition, in this version of the OS, the panel in question can be restored through the registry in the same way as the method described above.


When answering the question of how to restore the language bar, you need to proceed from the fact that it is restored by system means, mainly using the registry editor or a simpler way, using the control panel settings. You can also use the task scheduler.

Sometimes, when we need to switch the keyboard layout, we find that the language switcher panel is not there.

Let's bring this icon back.

For Windows 7.

We try to click on the taskbar at the bottom with the right button and in the Panel item find the Language bar.

there was a panel - then everything is OK.

In this version, everything is much simpler. The developers have finally simplified the process of returning the socket to its place. Click the "start" button, select "Control Panel". We are looking for the item "Change keyboard layout ..."

In the next window, in the "Languages ​​and keyboards" tab, click the "change keyboard" button

In the next window, on the "Language Bar" tab, we see several options for the location of the language bar. Select "Pinned to the taskbar" and click OK.

Everything, the panel is in place.

If after the manipulations nothing has appeared, try first removing the icon (as described above) and then restore it again.

If this does not help, try starting the panel manually. To do this, in the menu Start-Run or Start-Search (or the WIN-R combination), run the command ctfmon

If the panel appears - add a shortcut to call autoload.

To do this, launch the registry editor by running the command regedit in the Start - Search line.

After starting the registry editor, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

And there create a string parameter (Edit-Create-String Parameter), which we will call CTFmon.

Then, right-click on it, select "Edit" and enter the value "C:\Windows\System32\ctfmon.exe" there.

We save, close the editor and try to reboot.

For Windows XP:

Let's try the easiest way. Right-click on an empty area of ​​the bottom panel (on which the Start button is). Select Panels - Language Bar.

If the panel is in place, great. If the panel appears, but somewhere at the top - scroll the page a little lower and you will find how to put it in place.

If there is no such item, the panel did not appear - read on.

We go into the control panel and find the very last item Regional and Languages.

On the "Languages" tab, click the "Details" button

In the next window, click the "Language Bar" button.

If the "Language Bar" button is inactive.

Go to the "Advanced" tab and uncheck the box "Turn off advanced text services" and be sure to click Apply.

After that, we return to the "Options" tab and see the already active "Language Bar" button. We press it.

And in the window that appears, check the box "Display the language bar ..."

Click OK a couple of times and look for the panel that appears with the language switcher. It usually flies up to the right. In the upper right corner we find it. And press the little dash button.

The panel returns to its rightful place.

How to restore the language bar?

If the language bar is gone, do not despair, it can be restored.

For Windows XP

So, the first method is the easiest and most logical, you probably already did it yourself, but just in case, we present it:

1. Just try rebooting. It's just that Windows OS, as usual, "bugged" and the language bar disappeared due to an error in the operation of some program. Did not help? Read on.

2. RMB click (right mouse button) on taskbar - Toolbars- Check the box. Panel appeared?

If there is no such line? Then we read on.

3. Control Panel- - tab Languages- button More- tab Parameters(already open most likely) - press the button, if active - check the box Display the language bar on the desktop.
Then Apply - OK. If the language bar does not appear, go to step 2. If it does not appear again, restart your computer and go to step 2 again. Was the Language bar button from step 3 not available? In this case:

4. Control Panel - language and regional standards- tab Languages- button More- tab Additionally- check mark Turn off advanced text services enabled? Take it off. Now switch to the tab Parameters, the button should be active and then step 3.
After that, as a rule, you need to reboot and the language bar will appear. If it doesn't appear, go to step 2.

For Windows 7

1. Press the button Start - Control Panel - Regional and Language Options.
2. Open a tab Languages ​​and Keyboards
3. Tab Languages ​​and Keyboards open

4. In the window Text input languages ​​and services select
5. Check items Pinned to the taskbar And Display text labels in the language bar and press Apply And OK.

The language bar should now appear in the tray.

If the language bar is displayed, right-clicking can bring up the settings menu to change settings such as position on the taskbar or vertical instead of horizontal

If you want the icon to always be present, then you need to change the settings in Taskbars.
Right click on the taskbar and select Properties.
Find the notification area and click Tune.
We put a daw Always show all icons and notifications on the taskbar - OK.

Good luck with your work!

This element allows you to quickly switch between keyboard layouts. Even those users who are used to switching using the keys, all the same looking at the monitor, are looking for it visually.

If the Windows 7 language bar is missing, this brief instruction will help. Let's start with its definition. The language bar automatically appears on the taskbar near the system tray when typing services are started, for example, manual input recognition, layout, etc. This panel is needed to quickly change the typing language or keyboard layout. It is possible to place it on the desktop in any place convenient for the user. Usually located in accordance with the default settings of Windows 7 at the bottom-right, near the tray.

But sometimes she disappears. A possible reason for not displaying may be a virus program that has infected the computer, or it disappears as a result of the System Cleanup Wizard (therefore, you should work with optimizers carefully, with knowledge of the processes it performs). Of course, switching between languages ​​can be done by simultaneously pressing Alt / Ctrl + Shift on the keyboard. But, not seeing the currently used language settings on the screen, this is not convenient.

Restoring the language bar

Recovery in Windows 7 is performed by a variety of methods. All of them will restore the display of the disappeared icon, depending on the reason that caused it to disappear. There are the following methods to enable its display, we will give, starting with the simplest:

Using normal Windows 7 features

After completing the above steps, the icon that has disappeared will be displayed.

In the absence of a positive result, it is recommended to activate the language bar by an alternative method.

Using the Windows 7 Scheduler

The main functional difference between the language bar in win 7 and previous versions of Windows is that it includes the Windows system scheduler.

This scheduler is responsible for starting the ctfmon.exe process that manages it. The missing icon is possible due to problems starting this service.

To determine if the scheduler service is running correctly, do the following:

Using the Windows 7 Registry

This method is already more complex. This method also requires that the ctfmon.exe utility be included in the autorun system. Before starting work, determine the presence of this file. Location in Windows 7 in the C:\Windows\System32 directory. If not, you should copy from any other computer that has a working Windows 7.

The culprit for the disappearance of the icon are viruses, as well as various failures in the system, however, sometimes the owner of the personal computer inadvertently removes the language indication by transferring it to the desktop. In this case, you just need to use the drag-drop method to install it in its original place.

These techniques will help if the language icon from the monitor screen disappeared in Windows 7.

How lucky are the majority of people living abroad - they do not need to worry about switching languages ​​from Russian to English and vice versa, because their main language is English. But in Russia the situation is not so happy, on various forums on the Internet, users are increasingly writing that they have lost the language bar in Windows 7, and they do not know how to return the language bar to its place. Well, I will try to answer this question as briefly and clearly as possible.

In fact, the procedure for returning the language bar back to a prominent place in the tray is usually simple, but there are situations when you have to go a little deeper into the system settings. Traditionally, I will reveal to you several ways how this can be done, from which you yourself choose the most convenient and fastest for you. It is worth noting that if the easiest way did not help, in your opinion, then you need to use all that are described in this article.

Fast decision

Method one. It implies the return of the language bar through another panel - "Controls". Let's do some simple steps with you: let's go to the Start menu, Control Panel. Now click "Regional and Language Options".

If the "View" option is selected as "Categories", then we are interested in the item: "Change the keyboard layout or other input methods", which is located in the "Clock, language and region" section.

Go to the "Languages ​​and Keyboards" tab, then click the "Change Keyboard" button.

As soon as we went there, firstly, on the “General” tab, we make sure that there are two languages, for example, Russian and English. If there is a desire to add, or for some reason one of the two above was not in the list, click on the “Add” button of the same name and, in fact, select the languages ​​\u200b\u200bthat we need to work on the computer. We confirm the actions, but we are not in a hurry to leave, because we still need to check the "Language Bar" tab.

There should be a checkmark next to the "Pinned to the taskbar" option. Now you can click the "OK" button to confirm your actions.

If the language bar is not displayed anyway, then proceed to the next method. It consists in restoring the language bar using the task scheduler in Windows. To go there, you need to follow the following path: right-click on the icon on the desktop "Computer" (if it is not there, we find the same word in the "Start" menu), select "Management" (here it should also be noted that you must be logged in with an account that has administrator rights).

In the list on the left is the item "Services and Applications", and in it the sub-item "Services".

Once this is done, we look on the right side of the window, among the huge number of services, for the one called "Task Scheduler".

If it is stopped, start by clicking on the "Start" button. Also check that it starts automatically, if it is "Manual", then select "Automatic".

Now we press "OK". If everything is correct, restart the computer and rejoice, because everything should start functioning!

Making changes to the registry

All the steps above may not solve the problem, but how to restore the language bar in other ways? This time, the Windows system registry will help us, but I immediately warn you that if you try this particular method to return the language bar, be extremely careful and follow the exact instructions I described. If you change or remove an important setting for Windows, the system may become unstable or not boot at all.

Now we will add the language bar utility to startup. If the windows 7 language bar is gone, then this method must be done! First, try downloading the file. . Then unzip the archive and run the file. Messages will appear, everywhere we agree with the changes - by clicking on the "OK" button. In the event that it was not possible to do this, then we do it manually.

Next, we go along the following path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. After that, in the right part of the window, right-click on an empty space, select "Create" - "String parameter".

We give it the name "ctfmon.exe".

Then double-click on it with the left mouse button. An input field appears, you need to copy this line there: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe, after which we save the changes by clicking "OK".

After that, restart your computer, otherwise the steps above simply won't apply.

Temporary solution to the problem, but with the result

I decided to tell this method at the very end, although it could have been written at the very beginning of the article. Read on why. What to do if the language bar disappeared in Windows 7, but none of the above still worked? Third-party software will help us, which itself will be able to launch its own interface, which will display the language bar. For this function, of course, the well-known Punto Switcher program is suitable for everyone. After installing this program, you will have an icon of your keyboard layout in the tray. That is, we actually did not solve the problem, but as you understand, we need to look for a way out, and this program just helps us in this.

Users who have not used it may not like it, as some of its settings may seem very intrusive. But do not forget that the program contains settings that you can easily customize for yourself.

Downloading and installing it is easy. To download the program go to . Click on the right "Install", the program is downloaded, but not installed.

After downloading, install the program.

Advice. If the program does not start (not in the tray), then you need to restart the computer. This usually helps, you may need to reinstall the program - which happens very rarely.

Another small nuance. If you just saw that the language bar is not visible and immediately got on the Internet on how to restore the language bar, then you can try restarting your computer.

On that note, I say goodbye to you! All the best!