How to add a language bar to Windows 7. What to do if the language bar is not displayed (disappeared)

Active users of the operating system from Bill Gates probably stumbled upon the fact that the language bar in Window 7 is not displayed.

Why this happens is a good question, but most likely it will not require an answer if you know how to eliminate this defect.

The easiest way to solve the problem

There are many options for why the language bar can disappear, and the most popular of them is the malfunctioning of one or several applications at once.

This method is used by most users who are trying to fix the language bar error. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • In the lower right corner of your screen, find the Start tab.
  • Click on the line “Control Panel”.
  • Find the line "Change keyboard layout" and click on it.
  • Click on the Regional and Language Options pop-up window.
  • Find the Keyboard Language tab and click Change Keyboard.
  • In a new window “Languages ​​and text input services”.

Advice! If, after all the settings, the language bar still does not appear on your screen, then check how many languages ​​are active on your computer. The algorithm of actions will be useless if only one language is active.

You can check the number of active languages ​​as follows:

  • Go through the two steps of the above algorithm again;
  • Find the General tab.

It is inexplicable, but true, users of the Russian-language version of Windows 7 noted that it is the language bar with the Russian language that disappears most often. Why it turns out this way and whether it is true is unknown.

But you can experiment yourself if you set the layout for English or any other language.

Restoring Task Scheduler on Windows 7

The language bar on Windows 7 has one main difference from the same Windows XP - the task scheduler is responsible for launching the language model in this case.

If this program is not launched, then the language panel will not be displayed, respectively. This can be traced as follows:

  • Find and open the “My Computer” shortcut on your desktop.
  • Find the "controls" tab and click on it.
  • Then on the right side of the list you will find the line “Services and Applications”. Select the "Services" icon.
  • In the pop-up window on the right, see the “Task Scheduler” service.
  • After opening the service, make sure it displays a working status. We also advise you to specify the automatic startup type.
  • If the service displays the “Manual” startup type, then double-click the right mouse button to change it to “Automatic”.
  • The last step is to restart your computer and check for the language bar.

Consider the option when all the settings are in order, however, the language bar is absent on the monitor screen.

Most likely, the fact is that the task is disabled inside the service itself.

  • On the monitor screen in the lower right corner, click on the "Start" line.
  • Then, in the search engine enter the word "Task Scheduler".
  • Find the line “Task Scheduler Libraries” and click on it.
  • Then, specify two commands at once, one after the other: TextServicesFramework and MsCtfMonitor.
  • On the command MsCtfMonitor, you need to right-click twice so that the line “Enable” appears and then click on it.

Advice! Note the status of the MsCtfMonitor command. If the line already indicated “Enabled”, then the reason for the absence of the language bar is something else.

Please note that not every computer has the MsCtfMonitor service installed. Without it, returning the control panel to its place is unlikely to work. You can independently create this program according to the following algorithm of actions:

  • Download the program for free and unpack it;
  • Open the downloaded file;
  • In the main menu on the right, find the TextServicesFramework section;
  • Click on the TextServicesFramework section by double-clicking the right mouse button to open the “Import Task” tab;
  • Double-click the left mouse button to click on the downloaded file;
  • Click on the task and then restart your computer to make sure the language bar is back in place.

Using the registry to repair the language bar

If none of the above methods helped you, then it makes sense to check the system registry for serviceability. Earlier Windows operating systems differed from the seventh themes in that the language bar could be controlled using ctfmon.exe.

But in this case, it may also be appropriate. Download the program and then unpack it. If you have any problems with the work, then proceed as follows:

  • To start the system registry, enter the combination "Win" + "R". Then enter the command “regedite”.
  • Next, click on the line.
  • Then, on the empty right side, right-click to bring up the “New” line. Name it CTFMON.EXE.
  • Click on the title with the left mouse button to access the link C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ ctfmon.exe ".

If you strictly followed the algorithm of actions, then try restarting your computer and check if the language bar appeared.

Troubleshooting via Punto Switcher

If none of the above methods helped you, then as a last resort there is always a solution that has already helped users of the Windows 7 operating system more than once.

This can be done using Yandex, or rather, using a program from its developers - Punto Switcher.

To be precise, the essence of this program is not to return the language string to the monitor screen, but to replace it if necessary. In Punto Switcher, you can switch from one language to another.

After the "Settings" mode appears in the main menu, click on it to switch to "Keyboard Language". The problem has been resolved. Simply put, you downloaded an analogue of the language bar in the absence of the original.

Advice! The program includes over a hundred languages. So that you do not have to constantly waste time looking for the ones you need, pick up a few that you will use most often, for example: Russian-German-English.

How do I restore the language bar?

If the language bar is gone, there is no need to despair, it can be restored.

For Windows XP

So, the first method is the easiest and most logical, you probably have already done it yourself, but just in case we give it:

1. Just try rebooting. It's just that Windows OS “glitched” as usual and the language bar disappeared due to an error in the operation of some program. Did not help? We read on.

2. Right click (right mouse button) on taskbar - Toolbars- Check the box. Has the panel appeared?

If there is no such line? Then read on.

3. Control Panel- - tab Languages- button More details- tab Parameters(most likely already open) - press the button, if active - check the box Display the language bar on the desktop.
Later Apply - OK... If the language bar does not appear, go to step 2. If it doesn’t appear again, restart your computer and do step 2 again. Was the Language bar button from step 3 unavailable? In this case:

4. Control Panel - language and regional standards- tab Languages- button More details- tab Additionally- check mark Turn off additional text services included? Take it off. Now switch to the tab Parameters, the button must be active and then step 3.
After that, as a rule, you need to reboot and the language bar will appear. If it doesn't appear, do step 2.

For Windows 7

1. Press the button Start - Control Panel - Regional and Language Options.
2. Open the tab Languages ​​and keyboards
3. In the tab Languages ​​and keyboards open up

4. In the window Text Input Languages ​​and Services choose
5. Check the items Pinned to the taskbar and Display text labels in the language bar and press Apply and OK.

The language bar should now appear in the tray.

If the language bar is visible, right-clicking the mouse will bring up the settings menu to change settings such as position on the taskbar or vertical instead of horizontal

If you want the icon to always be present, then you need to change the settings in Taskbars.
Right-click on the taskbar and select Properties.
Find the Notification area and click Tune.
We put a daw Always show all icons and notifications on the taskbar - OK.

Successful work for you!

In any operating system, it is a universal tool for switching the language and keyboard layouts. However, on Windows systems, the icon representing the language currently being used in the system tray often disappears. How to install the language icon on or return the missing panel itself will now be considered. To carry out such operations in the system itself, you can use several simple techniques.

Default language bar settings

In general, absolutely in all versions of Windows, the language bar is in an active state, so you do not need to apply any specific settings or change parameters.

True, sometimes some users wonder how to install the language bar on the taskbar additionally. It is not clear only why to do this, because in the system itself it is provided from the beginning. However, this can be done by installing a special program to automatically change the language. Most of these software products embed their own icon into the system.

But what to do when the standard system settings have disappeared? This is what will be discussed now.

How to set the language to the taskbar automatically?

Please note immediately that the short-term disappearance of the language icon and keyboard layout in the system is possible. Such a situation can be observed, for example, at the moment of launching some resource-intensive application. This is fine. The icon itself, like the panel, will be restored automatically after the completion of loading executable files and program components into RAM, the load on which reaches a peak at a certain moment, and Windows is simply trying to free up system resources. But after all, some applications or viruses can block the language bar, and sometimes users, without knowing it, simply turn it off.

So, when asked how to set the language bar on the taskbar, the simplest solution is to check its settings in the regional and language section, which is located in the "Control Panel".

Here we are interested in the tab of languages ​​and keyboards, in which we need to select the item to change the keyboard, then go to the settings tab of the panel itself and make sure that opposite the docking line in the "Taskbar" there is a mark about use. It is also necessary to enable the option of displaying text labels. If you apply other settings, the panel itself may be hidden or, even worse, be located in an arbitrary location on the screen, so access to it may be difficult, if only because the user simply does not pay attention to where it is in the given moment.

How to get a missing language bar back in Windows 7: checking the scheduler service

These were the simplest settings any user should know about. But they do not always give a positive effect.

Another solution to the problem, how to install the language bar on the taskbar, if it disappeared for some reason, can be diagnostics of the so-called task scheduler. You can check it in the services section by calling the appropriate editor using the services.msc command in the Run console (Win + R). You can act differently, using the administration section for access, called from the menu of the right click on the computer icon.

In any case, you need to double-click on the service name and on the general parameters tab and make sure that the automatic startup type is set.

Autorun settings

Sometimes the problem of the disappearance of the panel and the icon may be that the element itself is disabled in autorun. The easiest way to view all the services launched at the time of system startup is through the configuration. You can enter the settings through the msconfig command in the Run menu, and then select the appropriate tab. In Windows 10, you can also get access through the standard "Task Manager".

Here you should pay attention to the ctfmon process, which is responsible for displaying the panel. If it is inactive, you just need to put a tick on it, after which you will need to perform a complete reboot of the system.

Checking system registry keys

Finally, the solution to the problem of how to install the language bar on the taskbar may be to change some values ​​of the registry keys.

First, we call the editor (for this, use the regedit command in the Run menu), and then select the HKLM branch, in which you need to sequentially go down the directory tree and find the Run folder there. On the right side, we find the ctfmon.exe key (if there is none, you need to create a String Value string parameter and give it an appropriate name). Next, we either check or write the full correct path to the file with its name (this is the System32 folder in the Windows directory on the system disk).

Instead of an afterword

That's it for considering the language bar. Basically, all of the above settings, in fact, duplicate each other. Which of them to apply, everyone decides for himself (what is more convenient or simpler). On the other hand, issues related to viral exposure were not considered here. Troubleshooting this type of problem requires a completely different approach. But everything that has been submitted for the consideration of users will help in any case. The option of activating the process in the system registry can be considered ideal, since other methods sometimes may not work (for example, if there are software conflicts in the system itself.

However, through the right-click menu on the taskbar, if you select the panels section, you can create your own panel and include language layouts there.

What to do when the Windows 7 language bar is gone, how to restore it and not let it disappear again? Let's figure it out, and also consider what it is.

Not all users switch the language on a computer using the Ctrl or Alt + Shift hotkeys. Many people need a language bar for this. And to see what language is currently chosen for entering text is extremely necessary for working with text documents and during correspondence. This item is usually displayed on the taskbar, although it can be floating (placed on the desktop). If it is on a desktop, then the language panel must be minimized by clicking on the button of the same name at the bottom right. After that, she will take her place.

You can return the language panel to Windows 7, which is not present on the desktop either, in the following ways ":

  • through the corresponding element of the "Control Panel";
  • using the registry editor;
  • adding a link to the file responsible for the function in autorun;
  • via the command line.

How can you restore the language panel in the "Seven" without resorting to tricks like launching the command line? We carry out the algorithm below.

  1. First of all, open the "Control Panel" through "Start", "Explorer" or in another way.

  1. In the panel, click on the "Language, Regional Standards" icon, if the elements are displayed as icons.

Another option to get into the required window is to execute the "intl.cpl" command in the Win + R command interpreter or in the "Start" search bar.

  1. Switch to the "Languages ​​and Keyboards" tab.

Also, this window is opened by the command "control intl.cpl, 2".

  1. Click on the "Change keyboard ..." button.

  1. In the lower part of the window called "Installed Services" we look to see that the system has at least two languages ​​(Russian and English, for example).

As you can see, this is the problem, and to solve it we need to add one more language. The next steps should be followed by those who do not have the required language on the taskbar. If everything is in order here, go to step 9, which shows how the language bar is restored in Windows 7.

  1. Click on the "Add" button.

  1. Find the required section, expand it and then click on the "Keyboard" element.

  1. We mark the added language with a checkbox and close the window with changes to the system.

  1. Click on the name of the second tab.

  1. Here you need to put a switch next to the satisfying option:
  • "Placed anywhere on the desktop" - allows you to display a floating window on the desktop or dock it;
  • "Pinned to the taskbar" - the corresponding icon will return to the taskbar near the clock;
  • Hidden - this option is most likely activated, so the element is not displayed.
  1. Click "OK" to save the new settings.

In the "General" tab (section "Default input language") you can set the language that will be used for entering text in the system as standard.

The "Switch keyboard" tab allows you to customize the combinations of buttons that change the keyboard layout, as well as set their combination to select a specific language.

If necessary, an item can be positioned anywhere on the taskbar, including between the Start button and shortcuts, and pinned there. If, after restarting the computer, the language bar is again not in its usual place, then the source of the problem lies in a different plane.

Registry editor

You can also enable the display of the language bar, which for some reason disappeared, by directly editing the registry key responsible for displaying it.

  1. We open the registry editor by executing the "regedit" command in the search bar or in the Win + R command interpreter.

  1. Expand the branch with global configuration parameters and go to the "Software" section.

  1. We go to the address: "Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion". Here you need to find the "CTFMon" key or make sure it is absent.

Most likely it is not there - we correct the situation.

  1. Using the context menu, call the "Create" command and select the parameter type as "String".

  1. We replace its name with "CTFMon", although it doesn't matter what it will be, the main thing is the meaning.
  1. By means of the context menu of the element or by double-clicking on it, open the editing dialog.

  1. Enter the value as "% windir% \ system32 \ ctfmon.exe" and click "OK".

After rebooting, we check the effectiveness of the work done.

For a beginner, to return this interface element to its place, you can perform the above algorithm without the registry editor.

  1. Go to the directory "% userprofile% \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Startup".

  1. Call the shortcut creation command through the context menu of the free area of ​​the window.

  1. Click "Browse" and set the path for storing the ctfmon.exe file - usually it is "C: \ Windows \ system32 \ ctfmon.exe", but to avoid the situation when the system volume is not the C: \ drive, enter "% windir% \ system32 \ ctfmon.exe "and click" Next ".

  1. Enter any name for the shortcut and click "Finish".

As a result, we will have a shortcut to launch after the start of the operating system of the program responsible for alternative input methods and the language panel, in particular.

Command line or interpreter

The easiest way to perform the procedure is through the command or search line "Start" or the command interpreter (consider it as an example, because the fastest).

  1. Press Win + R and enter the following line REG ADD HKLM \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run / v CTFMon / t REG_SZ / d% windir% \ system32 \ ctfmon.exe / f then press Enter or click "OK"

This will create a string parameter "CTFMon" with the value of the path to the ctfmon.exe file in the registry key specified after the "ADD" command. If this entry exists, it will be overwritten without prompting. In general, everything is the same that was done through the registry editor, only much faster.

Video how to restore the language bar

The video shows how to quickly return the language bar to Windows 7 using the first method.