The road to the father's house summary. Sparrow K.D.

By the century-old anniversary of Konstantin Dmitrievich countrymen of the writer decided to lay a kind of tourist path to the places in which the Kursk character of a person who told people the truth about the war and life was laid.
Sergey Yesenin said that only he had the right to be called a real poet, who had a small homeland. Add: hereby prose - too. And about their small homeland, they tell their poetic language. Consecrated by the power of real love and the true talent of the place, which, in general, a lot on the expanses of the immense our country, are magically transformed and over the course of decades they attracted uncontrollably to themselves lovers of the living Great Russian word.
The small birthplace of Konstantin Dmitrievich Vorobyva, the village of Lower Reutcan, is lit by such a "never swept the sun." He lived there is not so for many years, but these are the most important years in a person's life when his character is laid.
No wonder Sparrow said: "Childhood is a staff with which we are going to life." He left from there with an invaluable cargo. In a letter to the director of the Nizhnerout School, Nikolay Efimovich Vorobyev, written on April 11, 1969, Konstantin Dmitrievich confesses: "I retained everything to the village that you should keep a person who loves his homeland - her appearance, odors, paints, images of people." And these memories

supported a courageous man on his difficult path. They helped create a visible, recognizable image of a piece of deep Russia.
When you read Vorobyeva, constantly meet in his works of memories of specific places of the Medvensky district. In the Scent Anniversary of the Writer, we decided to lay the Tourist Tourist Vorobyov. He called one of his books "Road to Father's House." Here and the tourist trail we gave the name - "Road to the father's house Konstantin Vorobyva". We invite you to go with us on it.
The one who travels to Sparrow in the Nizhny Reutcan should look carefully on this "a large semi-satiest village, sunken in rye and plum gardens." So describes his sparrows in the story "How much in rikita joy" and it also recognizes that from there was carried out the same "never swelling the sun, a river, tight a bumblebee in blooming acacia, the smell of surcials and mint in foreign gardens and gardens." Nizhny Reutuca he replaced the poetic name Rakitita not by chance. When in 1977, the 60th anniversary of Konstantin Dmitrievich was celebrated here, his sister M. D. Vorobyov came to the meeting from Moscow. She recalled that Rakiti grew near their house. It was about them who thought the writer when he worked on the story "how much in rushy joy." During the occupation of the lower reuting, the trees were destroyed by the fascists. And in the September day of 1977, guests of the holiday again wondered this part of the village.

"The banks of the river thickets of Ivova dense, huts drown in the gardens" - familiar Kursk landscapes

And, of course, those who are going to worship Vorobyev, you have to walk along the street of Lower Reuttsa - Solkovka, where the writer was born. Previously, it was designated as Selo, was a separate settlement. In Wikipedia, it is even stated that according to the same data, Vorobiev was born in Lower Reutse, in the other in Solkovka. If the lower reality, he replaced the Poetic name to the story, then the silk is repeatedly unchanged in the works of our countryman.
Here is the story of "Gus-Swans": "Silkking ... Two hundred white hut two pans crumbled over the river ... ... and around - the boundless ocean of bread, trembling blue of a sultry chamber ...

In the story "killed near Moscow" at the time of the fight with the fascist tank, the main character "painfully acutely felt the presence of his childhood here": Silkking, where he was drinking; Mad Hollow ...
We continue our unusual excursion. Here we have Vorobyeva's house: "And the hut stood. As drawn. As then. How constantly in my memory. Huts are always similar to the owner ... " This is a quote from the story "How much in rushy joy."
In several works, Vorobyev talks about the weekdays of rustic schoolchildren with reliability showing that it is based on a specific basis. So not to transfer us another place. The Lower Reuters has preserved the buildings of christmas and Zemstvo schools. They conducted classes after the revolution. But there was not enough places. Another building was built. Now it remains only in the photo. In his place is the current Nizhnerouth School.
A winding tourist trail leads us to the site special. In the story of "my friend Momich" Vorobiev writes about the tragic events from the Temple of John the Forerunner. A cross is knocked down from him, and a little later, I am killed by the aunt Friend. And here Sparrow speaks of really existed: the temple of John the Forerunner acted in Lower Reutice.
Not once Sparrow writes about mad hollow. Here is the "Legend of my peer", first printed in the newspaper Soviet Lithuania. It ends like this: "Then, years later, Aleshka realized that in life it was impossible to go somewhere all time, because then nothing to live with the memory. It can be seen, so behind him remained sad no longer the yard and a stabulous tramp Merin, a staggered garden and mysterious maddle-hearted hollow ... ".
"But where is this" mysterious mad hollow "? - We asked the Nizhinshauts. - Is it there? The teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Nizhnerout School of School Elena Nikolaevna Ragulin with his students "Passed stitches-tracks" Vorobyov. She led us to a mad hollow, showed where Ustignin Log is located. In sad thoughtfulness, we stood at the place where Kopani were before the war. It was in such a pit that I was flooded (drowned) Grandfather Aleshka Yastrebov from "Legend of my peer".
Interestingly, the fact that those mentioned by Vorobyev in "How much in rikita joy" settlements, which were taken by a movie, - Solomykovo, Rozhnovka, Spassky - there really exist. Facts from the book and the biography of the writer are echoing. After graduating from a seven-year school, Vorobev entered the agricultural machinery in Michurinsk. Two years later, he returned home and six months with a film traveled around the area. Probably, it was then that he studied him so well that the name had retained in memory for life. And then he was fifteen years old! But I did not forget anything, I did not lose his life on difficult roads.
In the story "It's we, Lord! .." We found a Medven village - Aksenovka. In the story "Damn Finger" - our village of GaHOVO. In the story "My friend Momich" - Lipovets, Gostomle. In "Tale of my peer" - Safonovka. The whole map of the Medvensky district!
Another place on our tourist trail is the Nizhinsteutchan House of Culture. In July 1984, at the initiative of the steering wheel of the district of G. P. Okorokova, Vorobyov Museum was opened in it. The widow of the writer, Vera Viktorovna, handed over to the museum Desk Konstantin Dmitrievich, sofa, chair, manuscript page, photos, a trophy typewriter, on which our courageous countryman wrote a story "This is us, Lord! ..". Later these things got "Restress" in Kursk, but the museum exposition in the reading room of the Nizhinshaut-School library has been preserved.
Not to dismiss literary pilgrims and meetings with the district center - Medvenka. I wonder how the facts from the fate of the writer himself were stirred in passages from literary works. In 1935, he began writing poems, articles, and from August of the same year he began to work as a literary instructor in the Medvensky newspaper. From the editorial office, Vorobyov was fired, putting him in blame that he read the work illustrated by portraits of the royal generals - "Patriotic War of 1812".
Today, the unfair person does not find it related to the sparrow place. Medveni Kravoyed V. A. Zvyagin told us that before the war, the editors were located in the house of the priest. The house was rebuilt, and now it is a private ownership. In 1988, a memorial plaque appeared at the new building of the district newspaper: "In the Medvensky district newspaper, in 1935 he worked as an employee writer, our countryman Konstantin Dmitrievich Vorobyev. Briefly and clearly. For residents of the Kursk region, this is all said: a real writer and man, the pride of the native land.
Come to the homeland of Konstantin Dmitrievich, and we are all together we will pass this tourist path.

Olga and Natalia Artemov,
p. Medvenka.

An abstract classes: "The road to the father's house"

Software tasks:
1. To form knowledge of children about our country and a small homeland.
2. To clarify the knowledge of children about the country's symbols: flag, coat of arms, hymn, the symbolic color value and images in it.
3. Develop attention, speech, the ability to listen to comrades and adults.
4. Brief feelings of love, pride for their country and native land, desire to take care and guard her.

5. Conduct work on enrichment and clarification of the dictionary.

Preliminary work:
1. Reading and memorizing poems about the Motherland.
2. Consider the flag and coat of arms of the Russian Federation and the village of Bachatsky.
3. Instrueming the anthem of the village of Bachatsky.
4 conversations and exercise on the state symbols of the Russian Federation, about the homeland, city, kindergarten.
5. Audio recording: The Anthem of the village of Bachatsky, the song "From which the homeland begins."
6. Photos depicting the sights of the city of Moscow, president.

Visual material: Political and administrative map of Russia, the stand of the symbolism of Russia, the stand of the symbolism of the bacha duster, the layout of the bacha coal cut, the layout of the processing factory of the Bachatsky cut.

Organizing time.

Hello, the sun is golden!

Hello, blue sky!

Hello, free breeze!

Hello, Little Dubcom!

We live in one edge

I welcome you all!


The introductory part.

Children go to a group to the music, searmed on chairs.


Guys, close your eyes and imagine:

The sun shines brightly, blowing a light breeze.

We inhale its cool air.

We are good and nice.

We want to live in peace with nature.

And we will protect everything alive with friends.

And now open eyes.

Educator. Tell me, what should be done in order to keep our native nature so that it always remains clean and beautiful? (Children's responses).


Listen to the poem "What is the homeland begins"

(tells Bogdan)


What is the saying about this poem? What do you think is homeland? (children's responses)

What is the name of our country? (Children's responses).

Russia is a large country, beautiful, hospitable.

People of various nationalities live in Russia

Can you tell me, how do people live in our country? (Children's responses).

Reply to Dasha Trifonova:

What nations only do not
In the country of Our Great:
Like a motley sunny bouquet,
Kalmyki and Chuvashi,
Tatars, Komi and Mordva,
Bashkirs and Buryats -
Let's just say good words
Anyone will be happy.

Main part.

Educator. Guys, I suggest you mentally go on a journey through our country - Russia (a map of Russia is hanging on the board).

Tell me, what countries differ from each other? (Children's responses).

Educator. What do you think is anthem?

Children . This is the main song of the country.

Educator. When is the anthem of Russia fulfilled? (Children's responses).

Educator. That's right, in solemn cases, as a sign of respect for the country.

Educator. What can be said about the coat of arms?

Children. A double-headed eagle is drawn in red, which looks in different directions of light. (Symbol of wisdom and fearlessness). Inside depicted Horseman George Victorious on a white horse that kills a black dragon. As the people say, "good wins evil."

Educator . Look at the flag what can be said about him? (Child response)

Educator. Russian flag tricolor. What colors are the flag of our country? (Children's responses).

Educator. That's right, each color has its meaning and now Vova Beck will tell us.

Three flag strips are no accident:
White strip - peace and purity,
Blue strip is the color of heaven,
Elegant domes, joy, miracles,
Red strip - feats of soldiers,
What is stored from enemies from enemies.
He is the country of great the most important sign -
Valorous three-color Our Russian flag!

Educator. And also the guys each country has its own capital. And how is the capital of our homeland called? (Children's responses).

And here is our first stop, the city is the hero of Moscow.

Moscow The largest city of our country in it lives 12.330 thousand people. Many different attractions in Moscow, and the most important is the Moscow Kremlin, the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation.

Educator: We continue your journey. Now we will fly by plane over the expanses of our country.

(The sound of the aircraft sound sounds.)

If long for a long time

On the plane we fly.

If long for a long time

On Russia to watch us

Then we will see then

And forests, and cities,

Ocean spaces

River ribbons, lakes, mountains ...

We will see the distance without the edge,

Tundra, where always winter,

And then you will understand what

Our homeland is big,

An immense country.

Educator. Guys look at the map, this is what a huge territory is our country. And it has a place and our small homeland. What is a small homeland? (Answers).

Educator. That's right, our area, city, the house in which we were born, the street, kindergarten, our parents, friends are our small homeland.

Educator. What do you call our small homeland? (Children's responses).

Second stop Kuzbass.

In what area do we live in? (Children's responses).

And the capital of Kuzbass? (Children's responses).

Who manages in our Kemerovo region? (Children's responses).

What is the name of the governor of our region? (Children's responses).

And what is all united by all? (Children's responses).

What are the inhabitants of our village? (Children's responses).

And the next stop is the village of Bachatsky.

Final part.

Educator . P. Bachatsky is located in Belovsky district. What is the name of the head of our city Belovo? (Kurunov Alexey Viktorovich)

Educator. Guys, I want to tell you a very interesting story. Once, a long time ago in the area, the so-called "Kulikovka", where the very first settler was Kulikov Alexander Gavrilovich (he built his first home), our village originated. There were no such beautiful and large houses at that time, but there were only dugouts. This guys have long been in the past. Thanks to our parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Now we live in a modern beautiful settlement, which belongs to the city of Belovo.

What is the name of the head of the city of Belovo? (Children's responses).

Educator . Right Kurnos Aleksey Viktorovich)

I suggest you along with our guests to go to our local lore museum.

Fizminutka: (Pronounce words, according to movements - on the way to the museum)
We go around the city (marching),
We sing a song (shaking your head to the right and left, singing: la-la-la).
We are walking down Street (marching),
Legs smoothly raise (delayed socks each leg).
Do a step - once, two,
Swim hands - three, four.
Turned head (in any direction),
Hands up and legs wider.
Jump together high and run on the spot easily.

Educator. Guys, who knows what a museum is? The museum is a room where monuments, objects of material and spiritual culture are stored. In the museum behave calmly, talk to a whisper, listen carefully and do not interrupt.

Our bacha coal incision is one of the largest in Russia, the oldest incision of Kuzbass. Coal is mined here (more than 9mln tonn). For coal mining use many different equipment. What do you think, what?

(Breastanoan - borehole burst for running explosives; bulldozers - coal layers protect; graders - road machinery, clearing the roads; excavators - ship the breed, coal; carbon and carbon carbon; Belarus - breed; firewater waters - watered roads, knocking dust; -zima).

What is the way coal mining? (Explosive). After the explosion, the loose rock is exported and then coal.

Guys, and this is what? (Layout of the processing factory)

How does it work? (Coal enters the open warehouse, then it enters the main workshop on the ribbon conveyor. It is clean, crushed, cleaned from dirt. Then it falls into the warehouse of finished products. Next is sent at the place of destination in the railway wagons).

Guys, and you know that we have our boss on the village is Fomicheva Anna Ivanovna. What do you think she does? (Follow the order, cleanliness of the village, places our village).

And what sights are in our village? (List)

We still have their own anthem.

We will return to the group now and fulfill it for our guests.

(Children under the phonogram performed by the anthem of the village of Bachatsky).

The final part.

Educator. Did you like to travel through our country? (Children's responses).

Which of the stops you remember most? (Children's responses).

Will you stay in the village when growing up? (Children's responses).

Educator . The occupation is completed, thank you all for your attention.

Literature: O.V. Dybina, "Introduction to the subject and social environment, preparatory for school group." Textbook for kids, Vladimir Stepanov "My Motherland".

Soviet literature

Konstantin Dmitrievich Vorobyov


Vorobev, Konstantin Dmitrievich (1919-1975), Russian writer. Born September 24, 1919 in p. Nizhny Reutuca Medvensky district of Kursk region. in a large peasant family. He graduated from a rural school-seven-year, cinechanics courses. In 1935, he became a literary consultant to the district newspaper of the city of Medvenka, where since the age of 14 published essays and poems. As a literary consultant worked for a long time: the poem to the death of Kirov was excluded from the Komsomol and soon fired. The reason was found by his book about the Patriotic War of 1812, which party ideologues considered the testimony of "adolescence to the royal generals."

In 1937 he moved to Moscow, graduated from the evening school and became an employee of the factory newspaper. Being at the urgent service in the army (1938-1940), collaborated in the army newspaper. Upon returning from the army, for some time he worked in the newspaper of the Military Academy. M. V. Frunze, was then aimed at studying in the Higher Infantry School. In 1941, Vorobyov, together with other Kremlin cadets, defended Moscow. Under the Wedge, he was captured and found himself in the fascist concentration camp in Lithuania. In 1943, fled from the camp and organized a partisan group, which then entered the large partisan compound. In the same year, being in the fascist rear, Vorob'ev wrote his first story the road to the father's house (publ. In 1986, under the name, we, Lord!). The story describes the terrible events that had to survive the author: the fascist shy, the concentration camp, the shootings of comrades.

After the liberation of the Soviet Army, Siaulia Vorobiev was appointed in this city by the headquarters of the Air Defense. Demobilized in 1947, until 1956 he worked in Vilnius shopping organizations, wrote prose. His first tale of Lenka (1951) was published in the police newspaper. In the stories of the late 1940s - the beginning of the 1950s and in the story of one breath (1948), it was mainly discussed on weekdays of the Lithuanian village.

After entering the light of the first collection of stories, Snowdrop (1956), Vorobyov became a professional writer, but soon for material reasons was forced to find a job - until 1961 he managed the Literature and Art of the Soviet Lithuania newspaper.

In the early 1960s, a story that brought Vorobyev's fame was published: a legend of my peer (dr. Name Alexey, Alexei's son, 1960), killed near Moscow (1963), Creek (1962). The action of the Tale of the Tale of my peer took place in the 1920s and 1930s in the Russian village. The main characters - Grandfather Mitrich and Aleshka-Satrosenok - became witnessed the tragic slick of peasant life.

The story was killed near Moscow became the first work of Sparrow from the category of those who were called the critics of the Lieutenant prose. Vorobev told about the "incredible Javi of War," which he himself witnessed during the fights near Moscow in the winter of 1941.

The tragedy of the main character of Testing a cry - the death from the explosion of his beloved girl - became a symbol of the tragedy of the whole generation, whose youth coincided with the war. Manera, in which the story of Vorobyeva, who followed her, was written, critics called "sentimental naturalism."

In the works of the mid-1960s, Vorob'ev sought to tell the "truth about the death of the Russian village". This desire was embodied in the possessions with how much in risk joy (1964) and my friend Momich (1965). Due to non-compliance with the official ideological settings, the story of my MomCh during the life of the author was not fully published; The abbreviated option was published under the name of the aunt of Frihrich (1967). Hero Tale How much in rocket joy all his life vinged himself for what was written by him, a clergyman, a newspaper note was the reason for the arrest of his native uncle. Many years later, Uncle and the nephew met in the Stalinist camp, in which the former Selor came after the fascist captivity. Vorobyov conducted an important idea for him that the tragedies of the village, wars and captions had common roots: the destruction of the moral and social foundations of life under Stalin. The heroes of the "Lieutenant" and "village" Agens of Vorobyov, as well as his stories (German in Valenki, 1966, ear without salt, 1968, etc.) After terrible tests, they were capable of spiritual takeoff, through spiritual pain they came to Qatarsis. Vorobyev sought to ensure that the ability to save the spiritual take-off in itself and the heroes of its works, the action of which occurred in the modern reality, "the Giant ... (1971) came on top of them ... (1974). The writer understood that the heroes of these leads live during when "did not become personality, individuality," and their moral task is complicated. Shortly before death, the writer worked on the novel of the cry, which was supposed to become a continuation of the story of the same name. Deciding his plot, he wrote that it was "just life, just the love and dedication of the Russian man Earth's earth, his prowess, patience and faith." Vorobyev died in Vilnius on March 2, 1975. Awardly awarded Alexander Solzhenitsyn's premium (2000).

Konstantin Dmitrievich Vorobyov was born on September 24, 1919 in the village of Lower Reutuca in Russia in a large family. At the end of the seven classes at school entered the courses of film mechanics. In 1935 he was taken to the district newspaper to the post of a literary consultant, where he began to publish his literary works.

For the work of "Kirov's death" was excluded from the Komsomol rows, and for the storage of the forbidden book "War of 1812" was fired from the newspaper. In 1937 he moved to Moscow to her sister, he entered the evening school and got out to work as secretary of the factory newspaper.

From 1938 to 1940, the military service was held, where he was actively collaborated with the army newspaper. Since 1941 he worked as a literary editor in the newspaper of the Military Academy, from where he was sent to undergo training in the Higher Infantry School. The lieutenant in the company of the Kremlin cadets defended the approaches to Moscow, but was captured. For the next two years, Konstantin Dmitrievich spent in Lithuanian concentration camps, from where he fled in 1943 and created his partisan group, which a little later joined the Lithuanian partisan detachment.

After the liberation from the fascist invaders of the city of Siauliai was appointed here by the head of the air defense headquarters. In 1947, he was demobilized and moved to Vilnius, where he wrote a lot and worked in trade until 1956. Then Konstantin Dmitrievich accepted the decision to quit the office very much prevented him to do his work, but very soon he realized that they would not live for a fee for a long time, and soon settled the head of the Literature and Art of the Soviet Lithuania newspaper.

Since 1961, he received universal recognition to the Writer for the publication of a large number of excellent ages and stories. On March 2, 1975 Konstantin Dmitrievich died in Vilnius, and the Last Prize Solzhenitsyn writer was awarded in 2000 posthumously. In 1995, he was reburied by his wife in the Kursk Memorial of the fallen during the Great Patriotic War.

Story Guerisana

TO Ovenly, heroism was needed and to those who were brought to the rear by the plane. But still, he acted according to plan for him by other people. Such had a weapon, and the food in your pocket, and the instructions in the head - where to go to the rear and with whom there is a confluence. I got to the rear of the prisoner, and even in addition hardly wounded. And no indication that and how I have to do with you in such an individual misfortune, did not have. As for to finish yourself, the possibility was, but with such a work of the escorter and themselves managed well. In a word, I was not in a hurry and I see now that I did it quite right.

In captivity, I got under Volokolamsky in forty-first, and although it took sixteen years since the sixteen, and I stayed alive, and the family spread all this, but I didn't know how I was in captivity - I do not know how I do not have Russian words for this. No! And I do not know other languages \u200b\u200b... Therefore, if you do not mind, I will start right away from how I escaped from the captivity.

Our camp was located under the city of Siauliai in Lithuania, - after, where fate brought me! Due to the sameness (the right hand took the right hand in a battle under Volokolamsky), the Germans never drove me to work in the entire winter. And the point here was not in pity they had to me, but in my unsuitability. Well, yes hell with them. In the spring there was an application and me. It turns out that in the camp was another twisted without hand, and too without basic. One good May morning was abandoned by our numbers with him, gave us a German into the surviving hands on a large knife, like Tesaca with a slaughter, became himself three steps from behind and drove someone in the forest of a kilometer for four from the camp. The day then turned out - just like our, Oboyansky. Green, sunbread, the grass on the side of the road is inappropriate ... My partner turned out to be a man weak. We moved away three hundred meters from the camp, he removed his dirty pilot from his head, put the face of the breeze - and how to sleep with tears!

What? - I ask. And he can not express words. Roars - and that's it. I think: Strestil, Milyaha, decided that the fascist leads us to death, and it was visible, I did not understand that the prisoners did not drive for the shooting. I began to explain it to him, and he says:

Yes, I'm not because! Do you hear that in the sky is done? Larks feel? They sing Russian voices. Exactly like in our Tambov region ...

Well, here we are conqueir with a butt as possible - we are closely concerned about the conversation ... I feel sorry for him, bastard, it became air ... the words of our comforting each other. Well, yes, damn with him. We suffered and not, they were demolished and this, and after half an hour came to the forest.

Since I, of course, touched the Lithuanian forests especially, and now I will only say that not the forest, and the miracle spread there people! For several kilometers, they stretch in different directions and, by the way, everything is growing in them as well as in Russia: pines, oaks, ash, maples ... and even the flowers are the same. Maybe you accidentally sign a spring flower "Baranchik"? Curly such, yellowish, on a long leg? In childhood, we ate them with yellows, because the taste of them looks like ice cream. Here these are "Barans" I saw at once, as soon as we came to the forest. With hunger, they seemed to me not that ice cream, and ... like bread! We fell on them with our own partner, and the German ...

Well, what could he come up else? Beat, of course. "DAS East Deutshe!" - screaming. German, then "Barans".

Okay. He became a butt to explain to us what we should do. It turns out that birch rods cut and fold in a handful. For what they needed the fascists - I won't do the mind. Whether on rugs, or on the pancake, so that football is sweeping up, or for bath brooms.

At this place, I want to linger in order to give you better to explain to you how my thought appeared with me. Of course, I always thought about it - both afternoon and at night, and in a dream and in reality. But then, in the forest, the solution is ripe for me completely from all sides, and not because only the conditions of the area have introduced. Not. The point here was in the other, in the fact that the German was afraid of us, that's what!

The first sign to this was the one that he stopped us almost on bare clearing. On it, maybe there was only three birch bushes Yes one stump oak ... And the second sign is our partner a monorary. That is two hands for two. So, still in the camp, German sat somewhere a timidity about to go with prisoners in the forest, and us, such, he chose intentionally. It is clear now? And in war, and in general in life, it always turns out like this: the enemy is a coward - I am a lot!

Here you go. I defined the convoir remote to us - further birch bushes either step, I sat down on an oak stump and snapped onto the Garmoshka some kind of German twist. And we cut yes dating. Partner in one bush, and I am in another. Knives, as I said, were big and sharp. Shawn one twig - she is on the side. Stop two immediately - the same. So two hands for such work seems to be or not required. "Is it really, I think, not enough for me to my left-handed in order for the main thing? Is it really not enough for him? "

With a partner, I decided to talk about it carefully, hints. But as soon as it came up to him and saw his eyes, so I understood everything: he thought the same thing as I ...

It turns out that this case cannot be hidden by people from each other. The mortal determination is that. In man, then all the lack of it, and the eyes of someone are expanding. And this is surprising - more interesting? Then the person and even pulls out ... Well, in one word, the partner correctly understood me and said just:

Come on!
But one thing to solve the task of his head, and another - to perform it with his hands. Yes, one more and moreover - left. And the main question was stuck in how to come to the conversion. Closely. And so that he does not see your face, because otherwise he guess for ten steps! Moreover, he sits on the onset and is afraid of such results for himself ...

All this we looked in one second, - in such an atmosphere, the balls in the head work great, - and they decided that: to transport the sliced \u200b\u200brod to the conversion. I am my portion, and my own partner. But move apart. First - I, and he is a little behind. We came up with this why. First, the Convoir will weaken the vigilance, and, secondly, our persons will hide them ...

Oh, and for a long time I walked through this clearing - that is, from bushes to a convector. As if Syznova was experiencing an hour for his captivity his own, because he came up with all in front of me as in the movie ...

And when I got and put a rod from the enemy feet, then it was weakened that I almost fell away ...

Here I will stay again for a minute, and that's why. You see if an escaler did not help me then, maybe nothing would be, because faith out of me. But he pushed me with his boot. Pushed and shouted:

Give East Venig, - that is, there is little, it means.

Stop! - I told him and did not hear my voice - one Sip was out. But on this push to me, everything was returned to me all that in the bushes worried ...

Well, I think you are not interested in listening to the details, as I traveled it. Now I have been changing myself - where then the power took me. After all, I rearranged a little legs, and then ... it means that Silenka was independently burned in my hand specifically for this incident, and I did not know about it. It was possible and used to create something in this ...

After that, we grabbed a rifle from our former convoir and rushed into the depths of the forest. They moved from all his might - then run, then step, or even crawling, because the urine was not enough, and the fear was enough, the Germans could pass the chase with dogs.

But everything cost. Under the evening, a small river switched and got out on the other shore of a kilometer over two above the place where they descended. This is in case of a dog chase to linger the trail.

Only then we decided to relax and deeper to get acquainted with each other.
"Here," I say, "Sidorchuk, and our capture ended." Now we are with you, you can say, Soviet partisans.

It is possible that, - answered Sidorchuk, - Only I, - says, I can not imagine how we will be with you to partition with one rifle and with a pair of hands for two? ..

Something and came to me the idea to appoint yourself to the commander. You see, the point here left not to the position, but in need. Some of us, nevertheless, it was necessary to become elders to make decisions, and to another to perform them and smaller talk. I decided to wear a rifle myself, although we could not shine from her without a friend, one of us had to substitute a shoulder for the trunk.

All this I told Sidorchuk. He paused a little, and then asks:

What kind of troops are you in prison?

In artillery, - I say.

I thought so...

Why? - I'm interested.

And because you used to fight because of the shelter. So now you say because of me shoot. It seems like because of the gun shield ..,

Well, I say, - the shield of you is the same as from my ex-hand of Homes, it is first. And secondly, we will shoot, in the case of which, in turn. I'll hide you hide. I agree?

Tom and agreed.

At night we came to the forest farm. Poor such, from all sides the winds outdoor, and so we wanted to eat that already hurts it! Here, perhaps, spoke to the long hunger strike in the camp. And perhaps, the fact that we felt the right moment to get food. It is difficult to establish now that it was the main reason.

We did not come close to the khutor, were afraid. And at the same time, to get away from him, too, could not. I then accepted the decision - to go to one of us in intelligence. The decision, of course, is very correct, but instead of acting safely and immediately appoint Sidorchuk to it, I began to "vote":

Who will go? - I ask him.

It is probably that I, "he says, - because there is no one more. You are the commander ...

I see - he says this, and he has a hurt in our position - the thing is bad. Of course, I guessed what's the thing: Sidorchuk was offended by the fact that I myself appointed myself as a commander, you see? But the headquarters did not have it with him to approve me in this position. How, I think, will not comprehend this?

Immediately I decided to go myself, but then I thought that through such a soft act, I could completely lose credibility in the eyes of the subordinate and then it would be even worse.

Parisan Sidorchuk! - I said. - Go now on the farm. Separate the situation. And if nothing is suspicious there, return back.

And if notice? - Sidorchuk sewnly.

Anyway, come here, - I say.

In general, I sent him, and he himself began to wait for the report. It has passed, maybe not less than an hour. There is no sound. The moon is only glowing and the stars shine, and Sidorchuk is not all and no. I have become very worried and assume trouble, but at that time he seemed completely from the opposite side.

Here I must inform you about dairy bidons. In Lithuania, our pots are not accepted under milk, for this they have white tin bidonts in fashion in the fashion in the side, so that the sucks are visible. Here with such exactly Bidon and returned from the intelligence of the farm Sidorchuk.

On, getting cold, "says, and from the most unbearable taste of cream, that even in five steps heard.

Where did you take it? - I ask.

And in the well, - reports. - On the rope was launched there, cooled ...

Ta-Ak, I say. - So, the first our action with you in the rear at the enemy began with theft of dairy inventory from the civilian population?

I ask for Sidorchuk, and myself, by the way, try to remove the cover from the bidon. That is, it is not possible to try, but quite the opposite. I just can't do anything with you, "so I wanted to pour from there at least half a cup!

I saw me a position, otherwise it would not be squeezed. It turns out that the mind also comes to a person along with the appointment to the post, but, of course, not to any ...

For a long time to delay you at this place, I will say briefly: on this night we looked at three more farms, besides that, and everywhere we took us as our brothers, - they fell to the poor. By the morning, we so loaded the stomachs that it was already absolutely impossible to go, and there everyone would like.

But good without bad it happens. From unemployed with meat and because of the previously drinking cream Sidorchuk snapped. It is clear, of course, than, and such a disease in our position with him - you won't come up with: it was necessary to sit instead of moving.

At dawn somehow, I brought it to the forest wilderness and defined in the bushes of the hazel, and I myself went away a little away. And only removed a rifle from himself and wanted to lie down, I look - it suffers past two, and such an inhuman species that I guessed, who these people whose and where ...

You see, we and Sidorchuk and themselves were afraid of Farming with their indispension - before you brought us in the camp, but such as these, I saw forwards for all my captivity. One hair to the shoulders, forehead with a good cavoon, and face - with cucumber: dried, and instead of shirts - a bag with a German eagle, imagine? The second is also far from joyful outdoor. The gymnaster without sleeves, the face is a solid peel of dried blood, the very same thing is short and thin, well, straight incubator chicken! But both are still kept in the hands of naked. Live, it means, they still want and even going to defend ...

I did not quite rightly with these people. It can be said, even bad. You see, instead of referring to your living brothers-Slavs (and this, by the way, on the one hand, I had something like that) and in human mind to ask them what and how, I began to shoot with them formed interrogation, and even With different hints there - why, they say, alive remained, but as it was possible for you to surrender, when you all whole and according to the charter it is not provided.

Self? Okhemel - and that's it! And the reason was hiding in weapons. In a rifle, which I kept knew and stroked my hand: it was up to such sizes, it was my importance that I could not speak in a different way! .. ..

Okay. Our people, as you know, are for internecine insults and forgetful and soul to each other are departed. I also used it later and forgot, - I had to live together! But first I still removed the interrogation with them. And I found out: the surname of what was in the bag - Klimov, call Sergey, and at the patronymic of Andreevich, the year of birth is nineteenth, unhealthy, lieutenant. Captured fell in forty-first subskini, wounded in the leg. The second, which was without sleeves, also turned out to be a commander, by the name of Voronov Ivan. They were in the officer camp under Riga, fled from Echelon a day ago and, except herb, nothing else ...

After their interrogation, I told about our escape from Sidorchuk, and although in actions with a conversion I completely missed the lack of my right hand, so the load turned out for two whole, my result was all the same strong: Klimov hugged me and even cried. I then could not resist. For the first time, in all the time, Nesterpimo was for himself and for all of us such, missing ...

By the way, Klimov turned out to be a peasant narrowish. I immediately noticed when I gave it a bread for two. From the view of the village rustic rorornov, AH jumped, and Klimov traveled him a piece with Gulkin's nose, handed him as his own, and he also ordered:

Eat not immediately. Rye bread. Clear?

Clearly, - answers the crows, and at the very poor, the voice is torn.

On the same day, I had a disagreement with Klimov about partisans. He did not recognize them in any way. That is, I did not believe that they would mean anything in the war with the Germans.

Well, I say, "in the war, they may not really mean, but in the extermination of individual fascists the role is still playing.

Perhaps, "says," but the Germans need to loud on all the rules of the strategy on the front, and not to play with their riding on country roads in the rear. Clear, Comrade Kurochkin?

I was silent because I felt my weakness in the war words, but about the partisans remained with his personal opinion.

By the evening, Sidinochuk fleecely, and we moved fourwise by direct course east, to their own. This ended my seniority, despite the rifle. The eldest, as you know, is always the one who turns out to be ahead, and we have the heads of Klimov. The raven walked behind him, then I already, and the closing Sidorchuk, because he had to linger even at times.

That's right, I learned how the person is complex mechanics! I understood it on myself, because I walked midnight and I thought everything: "And on what foundation of Klimov was captured? Who sticks to whom we are to them or she to us? Who has a weapon - they have or from us? " Do you understand? This means that my personal interests have stood like before Sidorchuk. Self? But it was this comparison that I calmed down. It turns out that Huda without good does not happen ...

Oh well. In the morning, at sunrise, we met the highway, and only we gathered to cross it, as the lightweight appeared. He was a kilometer from us for a half, or even further, but we still ... rushed back, yes, so that the meters stopped in two hundred and then through all three hundred and road ...

Now it's hard to say who ran first. I think that all at one time, because neither the front, or the rear we did not have.

Then, after a few hours, each of us understood, why it happened to us. That is, why we were then such ... The point here is more important than you can immediately think about us. The point is not in the fear of death was not in personal cowardice, but in the other - in captivity our curse, the terrible memory of which we still wore with you ... Eh, it's hard for me to explain it to you, well, yes you will understand everything yourself Further events.

We climbed after that in the forest deafness, do not look at each other, silent and immediately on the bushes - it seems to sleep, and what there was there, to hell, sleep was! So, the removal of your own eyes. And I lay down the face, I watch the membrane in the grass, and I calm myself with the fact that I throw blame for this road flight on others, and mostly on Klimov. Miscellaneous sewed to him, and then I justified the sameness ... But then I still understood the general cause of my sluggishness and decided that with both hands I could, would run even shiber, it would be something else ... And I wanted to swing Just wielding yourself the last words, but to beat it right, although for what exactly I did not know exactly. From the insult, of course, and maybe from shame.

Klimov lay from me meters in five, and here I hear - he whispers such a terrible swearing that now the ears were called b! "Stop, I think, it means that people we have not missing, since we feel a collective pain from our inability. So, we are born to Syznov for the host life on this thorough light of the world! .. "

That's where I turned my soul to something good to myself, and Klimov spread this my joy on all of us four. You see, he crashes to me, looked at the rifle and although he was silent, but I already knew what he wanted. I knew exactly because it was exactly what he wanted, as it turned out.

Take, "I said. Just said and said. He grabbed the rifle, checked the cartridges and also me almost one word:

I'm alone I will go.

No, - I say. - It is necessary to all together. For the eye we need. Or maybe it will happen to help you.

True, "says." It is necessary for everyone!

And we came to the highway at the very place where they escaped. Klimov lay down in the bushes, hugged the rifle and quiet. I am noticed nearby, the rest also disguised in different places and began to wait. Oh, and heavy moments we then lived! Here, after all, not only one enemy slept. Here we kind of appointed the first meeting with ourselves, that is, with such as we have not been, but have to become, understand?

Waiting for an hour and a half and still waited, - the truck seemed! Indoor, padded and black, like my camp winter, and rushing, dog, so that already stones on the highway buzz. And then imagined me that no strength would delay him and do not kill with the road!

The sun beat the truck in the ass, and therefore the windshield looked at us clearly, "three sites in the cockpit: one in a cap, and two so. Of course, we knew who their caps were wearing, and now I see how Klimov began to pour the trunk of the rifle to the right, to the officer, and it is necessary to left, to the shocheer!

In the shaved leisure! - I shouted, but here such a roar was formed that I was probably closed from the inadstanness, because I lost a truck. As if the broom bold him from the road! As if he fell without fire and smoke! It turns out that he flew to the shot through a cuvette and bushes in the forest and so walked about the ash that the cab was found in one place, and the rest of the Shaban was in another. Slops! This is his own speed contributed - and damn with him!

Well, briefly touched trophies. Two of the three fascists were still alive, but not long. Behind the Branca, as established, the officer was sitting: she was arranged in the right side of the cabin, which was confused, and Klimov saw her correctly. From weapons, we captured two automaton and one pistol. Well, of course, two hours fell, as we needed them, cigarettes, lighters and other different things, in the war role did not play. By the way, the whole body was scored by the soldiers' outfit, but more than four sets we did not need, and the rest ... where it was to do it! We set fire to it, it's clear that the war!

If only you have seen how we left this joyful place! Voronov got a machine gun, and so he carries it to him in his arms, then presses to face, but how to fall - then in laughter, then in tears! Klimov first swore at him, and then approached and let's kiss in the top, because the raven came to him to the shoulders only. Well, looking at them, and Sidorchuk were choking ...

The halter we staged kilometers for ten of the highway and the first debt was changed, because the need for this wasleated unbearable for two reasons - from insects and from their camp, if he was cursed three times! Here we again made one thing we needed, completely without claiming, but as a general desire: they folded the camp rag in one bunch and silently set fire to it. Voronov just did not lose and when he fielled the bag of Klimov, she closed on it from the machine, for which he received a belling from us. For cartridges, of course, not for action.

In the evening I repeated the conversation with Klimov about the partisans.

Well, - I ask, - whether only driving on country roads can sit down the partisans or and another to do something?

Silent, but I look at me somehow in a new way.

But not only this event on the highway led us later to the partisans. Soon appeared to the other impetus, and he consisted in a bad relationship to us. To the form of our, German. You will come to the farm, and the owners - and especially, of course, women - immediately in crying, and even in Rugan, and although they did it with a secret and in their own language, but it was not easier for us: neither for you former food, neither lead ! Therefore, I had to declare directly from the threshold - they say, we are Soviet!

A, Milicia, we ask, - and the like, including the scrambled eggs. This position of the fool could only be unclear. So, the population, less, is understandable, fists and some others, could provide us with a full guarantee for the partition, and the terrain for this in Lithuania is better not invent!

All this we, of course, noticed, but moved still to the East, because the goal we had one now - to break through the front to your own. It should notify that by force we poured not by day, but by the hour, because they ate continuously. Let's go a little bit - and let's throw Syznov. So everything proceeded with us normally, except for one thing: they did not know what was going on on the front and where he was stuck.

Here you go. For the fourth night after we were enhancing, a non-delicate shower broke out, and although in the sense of security, it did not interfere with us, but by the morning we achieved before the legs could not rearrange. And we see: the horse on the riser graze, it means that we think the housing should be there, and exactly - soon the barn seemed to be in the forest, and in it, the straw, which we needed. I drove into it and quietly hardened. Voronov had to stand the first hour to stand. And he, and sit down after us, because, even though not the head fell into a straw, but only on the neck, but also, of course, smallest.

In the barn, it turns out, the master's chickens rushed, and in view of the fact that the rain has long stopped and his sunshine looked out, they came there for their business. And the places are busy?

How much they kicked up - it is unknown, because we woke up not through them, and from the unbearable female cry: the hostess came to clarify the reason for chicken excitement and first-in-mind it came across the head of Voronov without any torso! And his personality was far from normal due to the rigorous skin. In addition, the raven sleighs. Then happened this: as long as the woman was fighting in the submerged, and we stretched out of straw, a man of ten male and female came to the shed, - it turns out that we got not on the farm, but in the whole forest village! .. Well, it's hard to say, now it's hard to say, Good or bad we did then with these residents, but because our plans did not include a common acquaintance from the whole village, Klimov attached a German and how to cry:

Age! RAUS, - that is: "Let's go home, otherwise it will be bad!"

It is clear, who are where, and we are in the forest. And only moved away from Pollipalometer, we look - the person overtakes us. Over the face like an old man, and the legs are pretty even frisky. Since he once again called us "comrades" and was still published removed the carriage, we suspended.

What is your business? - We ask. And he:

Comrades! We are waiting for you for a long time and even looking for you! It is almost in pure Russian pronounces, and in fact, and in fact, the eyes are fun.

You, grandfather, mistaken, - it's Klimov to him, - we are not at all the "comrades" ... "Well, in a word, again, about the fact that we are Germans.

What are you there Germans! - Laughs old man. - I recognize the Russian man for a kilometer. Do not be afraid, I, - says, is yours.

They have been afraid of us, - answer, - but why are you "your own" - we are unclear.

Because it is not clear to you, I, perhaps, I can't do someone, "the old man was offended." In my cellar, the Red Army people live. Two. The wounds were delayed, so define them to themselves, otherwise I am no longer able to ...

Self, what suspicious frankness pushed? Yes, I even demanded that we wait until the night, because during the day it is impossible to get out of the two from the cellar, - in the village, they say, the people are all.

Well, what was done? It is impossible in all not to believe people! We were consulted and decided: wait to darkness, but only elsewhere, and the old man just in case did not let go.

But he did not conceal any trick and with the onset of the evening really delivered to the appointed place of the forest of two of our countrymen - one by the name of Kalitin, and the other seems to be fritis. They did not imagine anything special, because no captivity was seen or the real front: they were pointed on the second day of the war under the city of Panevezys and predicted in this village. So there were no fighting experience nor the malice, but in view of the fact that the case is hiring, we, of course, took them, and the old man thanked the fact that they promised him the government award immediately after the war ...

In such a composition of days, after seven, we were safely reached by Dvinsk, and when I managed him by the party, it happened to us the highway and again early in the morning. I still do not understand what way and way this road was similar to the one on which we dodged the first truck, remember? Well, just like poured. The same lowland, the same trees, the same dormant - well, all exactly in-point! And either from a good morning, or from last good luck, but only such a confidence that covered us and the desire to try the happiness of Syznov, that we were sitting in Kuvet without unnecessary conversations, and then lay down in the bushes.

I seem to have not reported to you that I wore a gun, because it could use it without any help. Sidorchuk rifle, and klimov and crows - automata. When we were attached for the sake of business in the bushes, Klimov ordered to transfer the weapon from Sidorchuk kalitin, - a two-way, which means. And only they managed it as the hiking Germans were hung on the highway. Although they were far away, we still saw a lot of them, platoon, maybe. And a little crawling.

To be shorter, I will tell you one thing: if it really turned out to be Germans - we still wouldn't move from the place, because in sight of each other it was impossible to get up and ... to run away. Legs because they did not move, but the languages \u200b\u200bdid not turn to a joint conversation about it ...

But then there were completely different people. Our prisoners ... do not go, and there are four in a row brawing, and each of the Kirk or shovel on the shoulder. And everyone, as it should be a man in captivity: Sintels without hlystics, on the legs - who have one shoe, who has half, who has nothing at all, and all of them on one person turned the camp, only their eyes stayed with everyone .. .

Yes ... I'm just a snack, and then I will continue. By the way, matches some went lately ... smoke from them, stench ... vision only spoil!

Here you go. Go in the amount of eight rows. The convoy consists of four car gunners - one front of the column, one behind, and two on the sides. Do you think about security? No, quite sufficient for thirty-two prisoners, whatever nation they have been. I myself, one year after this case, drove four gendarmes and, despite my consent, they went like a cute ... The captivity itself plays the entire role, and then other troubles are weakness in the legs, the wait is more convenient than this, the moment Fear and different things there.

Even before the approach, the prisoners were full for us, we were distributed like this: Klimov took the front aversion, rear crows, and we are a sidewall. Without actions, only the one was hiding from us for the column. Yes, anyway. He then had to be even worse from the shovel and the calls.

Works with these conversions came out for two minutes. The most difficult thing came when former prisoners learned who we were. You see, throw up the silenk is not enough, so they will feed a person five to each of us and can not get a clutch from excitement. And they were still early to rejoice, because neither we nor they themselves knew what to do next and how to be.

Judge yourself. Go through the entire enemies of the rear and the front with such a naked oral at six cars and one rifle with a gun - a fool's business: or you will overcome in a bitty battle, or again you will be in captivity without the last hand, the devils would take it! It is also not possible to distribute to small groups - also not a reason: everyone doesn't have a weapon, the sight of the guys is broken, everyone wants to eat, like from the gun, it means that they will be climb not only in the farm, but also in the village, and there they are any snotty maltition.

All this we discussed together with Klimov, because although he was now the actual commander; But I respected me strongly as the group of the band, and secondly, for the first rifle, and for that birch coneer. Well, what's right, then right.

What makes the decision, Comrade Kurochkin? - he asks.

I do not know yet, Comrade Klimov, - I confess, and on the one side I am experiencing pride in myself, and on the other hand I think: what to solve.

So we did not come up on this day, but moved from the highway for all the rules of the war. That is, we are with Klimov ahead, our "gods" are in the middle of the ravens with Sidorchuk from behind, and Kalitin with Zharikov in lateral security. No conversation, no noise - nothing! Only the forest is noisy yes birds are different. And here you go - you go, and when you look like, you will think: Pugacheva - and then, probably, the business was more decent ...

In front of the evening, we were deliberately climbed into the swamp, and Klimov sent me with a group of our guys in a farm for dry soldering, because some of the raised reached the handle at all.

After a meal and rest, we moved the same order, and in the morning they arranged a big habit, and there Klimov ... Restored all military ranks to us. You see, you were, say, until the captivity sergeant - they remained. That is, he began again. Was a soldier - be it to the end!

Well, he invented about the restoration, right, because we immediately and immediately turned into a real platoon, crashed to the offices and appointed commanders. By the way, I became Deputy Climova on all issues, crows - for intelligence and combat part, and the rest - to whom it was laid.

Then we collected the Council - I, Klimov, Voronov and the commander of the first branch of Kalitin - and decided to temporarily do not go east for the reason that the forests began to smash and enlarged villages. We needed to first arm and unwind, and after thinking already about the front of the front with all platoon. To this end, we rushed with new forces, but not back and not forward, but in the side, in Belarus ...

Who knows him, why we were lucky: whether from our personal malice, and maybe because of the silence of the rear Germans, because at such a distance from the front they were still afraid of something, but only did not go through the day so that we would do the truck, but then two.

And now an amazing thing! The more good luck we had, the less joy was. Unclear? No, everything is very simple. Joy is good when the reason for her see and appreciate their people. And if they do not see, they believe it at a distance. Alone, our joy seemed to us ... boring.

You see, you will pass, it happened, kilometers fifteen from the place where different debris from the truck will be attended, you will sit under the bush, and you think: "Well, well. Here you have finished off three shoes. She will not reach the front and she will not take one hundred and fifty deaths there, because it lay in her one hundred and fifty shells to the Gaubice ... Maybe I saved that night one hundred and fifty kids from orphanhood and one hundred fifty women from widowhood! Immediately, it seems to be straightened and rectifies the soul in you and reflects there something - I speak now, not for yourself, as in the camp! We defeat him, sober, be sure to doct, and that's how you reach this place - to victory, so and stop!

After the war, the questionnaire immediately needs. And there will be one small question - was it in captivity? At place, this question is only for the answer in one word: "Yes" or "no". There is no space for the mention of the truck from under the shells and for the report on the death of you. There you only need one thing - "yes" or "no"!

And to the one who will give you this questionnaire, it doesn't matter that you did in the war, but where you were! Ah, in captivity? So ... well, what it means - you yourself know. In life and in truth, such a position was to be quite the opposite, but also you! ..

In a word, these dums were sitting in each of us, whether you are with one hand or even without both. The graph remains a graph for any. But nevertheless, none of us has a call about this conversation. They were silent, and did the right thing, because the devil knows what such frankness could lead to.

Long it will be a song, if I start telling you about everything that it was on this road with us ... Therefore, I will say in short: Exactly in three months we joined the red trading to the big partisan detachment, and immediately they wanted to disband us. But when we lined up with five hand machine guns, with twenty-three machines, yes with rifles, grenades and guns, - the command of the squad left our platoon in such a composition, in which he was, just called we became the sixth separate partisan group ...

About how we acted until the arrival of your army, I will tell another time. Yes, it, I think, and no matter. It is important that we not only were alive, but also to the human system entered. It is important that we again turned into fighters, and we remained Russian people in the camps ...