Exceptions. How to add a program to exclusions How to add an application to an exclusion xiaomi

The new kernel uses the exception mechanism ( exceptions).

Exceptional situation(in which an exception may be thrown) - an atypical situation in which it makes no sense to continue the execution of the basic algorithm.

Examples of

If the user submitted a form with an empty field Name then this is not an exceptional situation. This is a common expected situation and should be handled accordingly.

If, when calling the API method to change the infoblock element, an empty was specified id element, this is an exception. It is not expected and there is no point in continuing to change the item.

If the method expects id user, and you are passing a string, then this is an exception, since the method does not know what to do with the string in this case.

If the method Getlist takes filter timestamp and the developer wrote tymestamp then this will be an exception.

Exception hierarchy

All D7 exceptions inherit from the built-in PHP class \ Exception which has been present in PHP since version 5.1. This class has methods that are not overridden. getMessage (), getCode (), getFile (), getLine (), getTrace (), getTraceAsString (), as well as an overridden method __toString ().

There is a concept of a hierarchy of exceptions. It is needed so that you can handle them (exceptions), see which of them worked and, depending on this, take some action. The general scheme of the hierarchy is as follows:

  • \ Exception
    • - base class of all system exceptions
      • - base class of all file I / O exceptions
        • - exception when deleting a file
        • - no required file
        • - an exception when opening a file
        • - not the correct path
        • - the file is not open
      • - error in configuration
      • - security error
        • - exception of signature errors.
      • - base class of exceptions associated with incoming method parameters
        • - the parameter must not be empty
        • - parameter out of range
        • - parameter of not valid type
      • - base class for DB exceptions
        • - connection exception
        • - an exception when executing a request
      • - called if the functionality is not supported
      • - called if the functionality should be supported, but not yet implemented
    • - an exception is thrown when the properties of the object are not valid.
    • - throws an exception when the object does not exist.
    • - an exception is thrown if the object cannot be created.
    • - bootloader exception

Bitrix \ Main \ SystemException is the base class of all system exceptions, from which all other exceptions are inherited. This class overrides the constructor of the \ Exception system class. If the system class receives a message and an error code as input:

In Bitrix Framework, this is done in this way:

/ ** * Searches connection parameters (type, host, db, login and password) by connection name * * @param string $ name Connection name * @return array | null * @throws \ Bitrix \ Main \ ArgumentTypeException * @throws \ Bitrix \ Main \ ArgumentNullException * / protected function getConnectionParameters ($ name) ()

Ignoring exceptions

Sometimes it is necessary that the error that has occurred does not interrupt the script execution. An example of such an implementation can be seen in the product itself in the form of the work of the administrative page of the CDN module.

If CDN is enabled, information about traffic consumption is displayed at the top of the page. This is implemented in the code like this:

$ cdn_config = CBitrixCloudCDNConfig :: getInstance () -> loadFromOptions (); $ APPLICATION-> SetTitle (GetMessage ("BCL_TITLE")); require ($ _ SERVER ["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]. "/ bitrix / modules / main / include / prolog_admin_after.php"); if (is_object ($ message)) echo $ message-> Show (); if (CBitrixCloudCDN :: IsActive ()) (try (if ($ cdn_config-> getQuota () -> isExpired ()) $ cdn_config-> updateQuota (); $ cdn_quota = $ cdn_config-> getQuota (); if ($ cdn_quota -> getAllowedSize ()> 0.0 || $ cdn_quota-> getTrafficSize ()> 0.0) (CAdminMessage :: ShowMessage (array ("TYPE" => "PROGRESS", "DETAILS" => "

".GetMessage (" BCL_CDN_USAGE ", array (" # TRAFFIC # "=> CFile :: FormatSize ($ cdn_quota-> getTrafficSize ())," # ALLOWED # "=> CFile :: FormatSize ($ cdn_quota-> getAllowedSize () ),)). "

Avast (Avast) - a popular antivirus thanks to the functional free version. However, any programs are not infallible, and Avast sometimes makes mistakes by deleting or adding "clean" files that are not infected with a virus to its blacklist. Just for such cases, the developers came up with a list of exceptions. Users can add some files to it if they are sure that they definitely do not contain virus components. In this case, Avast ignores files and programs from the list during scanning, without unnecessarily deleting them. Let's take a look at how users can add files to the exclusion list.

Why add files to Avast's exclusions

Sometimes the antivirus unnecessarily deletes files or adds them to the "sandbox" - an internal isolated environment in which the program runs with significant restrictions. Most often, this problem occurs among fans of pirated video games. Avast considers files that break the game's security system to be viruses. Also, the antivirus can delete some files of programs that work directly with the system (such utilities as cleaning and optimizing the Windows registry, for example). Accordingly, the antivirus interferes with the operation of a number of programs by deleting harmless files. In such cases, you should add files to Avast exclusions.

Be careful! If you add a really infected program to the exceptions, then nothing good will come of it. The computer will become vulnerable to virus attacks, and the antivirus will stop paying attention to the file. You should only add a file from a reliable source to the exclusion, which you can unconditionally trust, and only if it is really necessary.

Step-by-step instructions for adding a file to the exclusion list

How to make antivirus ignore a folder or site

You can add to exclusions not only a single file, but also an entire folder. For example, if you want to add a program or game to the exception (although antivirus rarely places all files in the sandbox at once), you need to write the folder address, and after the name add a backslash and an asterisk - "*", that is, you should get something like " С: UsersAdminProgram1 * ".

You can also add the URL of a site to the exception if Avast persists in preventing you from downloading something from it.

  1. To do this, go to the "URLs" tab.
  2. We register the URL.
  3. If you need a specific file, then write its full address (http://yandex.ru/some_page.html).
  4. If this is an entire site or a site category, then the logic is the same as with folders: add an asterisk. Only with a regular slash - for example, http://yandex.ru/*.

Advanced settings

The settings window contains tabs in which you can add files to the exceptions for the DeepScreen and Enhanced Mode. This can be useful, especially for novice programmers. DeepScreen almost always blocks the launch of programs written with its own hand in the Visual Studio programming environment. Therefore, it is worth taking apart these two modes:

  • DeepScreen is an intelligent system that allows Avast to recognize viruses in a timely manner. If this mode is enabled, the antivirus scans running processes at the system level. And if one of the processes starts performing suspicious operations, then DeepScreen puts the process files in the sandbox. This is a very useful and necessary function, but sometimes it makes mistakes. If DeepScreen blocks the programs you need, just add them to the exception for DeepScreen.
  • Strong mode is a very strict blocking scenario. Any suspicious programs that want to perform any action with system files and settings fall into the sandbox. Since this mode is unreasonably strict, only beginners and inexperienced users should turn it on. However, the mode has its own list of exclusions, to which you can add the desired programs or files.

Video instructions for working with the program

It is important to be able to use the antivirus exclusion list, because any program is imperfect, and even more so an antivirus program. Trying to protect the computer, Avast, like a good mother, sometimes goes too far and considers quite harmless files to be a virus. But you should be careful when using the list of exclusions. If the file suddenly really turns out to be a virus program, you will open the way for it. So think twice before adding anything to your antivirus exceptions.

Attention! The settings described below are available on every Xiaomi phone, but depending on the model, their location may be slightly different. But if you do not fulfill them, the phone will not record calls. If you have any difficulties, please contact us, we will help.

  1. Open in the list of programs Security (or Security Center)> Permissions> Autostart Control. and turn on the CallsOnline application. Also, in some firmwares in the same security center, you need to allow the application to record calls.
  2. Open the phone settings, then Advanced. Choose a section Battery and performance and a) find the menu Background mode... Install restriction level Standard... Next press Applications, then to CallsOnline and assign it No restrictions... b) On the menu Energy Saving> Select Apps No restrictions... c) In the menu Application Activity (Application Selection) click on Calls Online and select No restrictions. d) If you did not find such settings in one of these menus, look through the rest of the submenus. One of them definitely has it.
  3. We also recommend that you additionally pin the application so that it does not exactly close when you manually start the application cleaning procedure by the phone user. While on the phone's desktop, press the touch button to open the list of running applications (usually the leftmost button on the front side of the phone), then pull our application down, then click on the lock (the Pin button).

Meizu smartphones

  1. Open in the list of programs Security (or Security Center), in the tab Permissions enable autostart of our application. Also in the tab Energy saving we need to allow our application to run permanently in the background.
  2. Go back to the phone's desktop, open the list of running applications (pull the screen up from the bottom), hold down our application so that the lock icon appears in the header (on some models, you need to pull the application down instead of holding it).

Asus smartphones

  1. If the phone has a system application Auto start manager / mobile manager / or similar, open it, in it, allow the autorun of our application. Also, enable background work and disable power saving for our application (if there are such settings).
  2. If the phone has a system applicationMobile dispatcher, open it, go toStartup manager, there allow our application to Autostart.

If you use the cleaning / acceleration function, then be sure to add our application to the list of exclusions (protected applications) in the same place in the Mobile Manager, otherwise, after acceleration / cleaning, the application will be stopped by the phone!

Lenovo smartphones

  1. Some models come preinstalled with the SecureIT application. If there is one in the list of programs, open it, and in the Speed-up section add our application to the list of shutdown exceptions.
  2. Some models come with the Lenovo Power (or Power / Power Manager) app preinstalled. If such an application is installed, you need to turn off power saving in it, and also allow our application to work in the background all the time.

Fly smartphones

  1. Go to the phone settings in Power saving (or battery / power manager, etc.) and turn off power saving, if enabled.
  2. Some models come with the Clean Master app preinstalled, which interferes with the normal operation of other apps. If such an application is installed, you need to allow our application to work permanently in it (add to the exceptions). If you experience problems with the operation of our application, we recommend uninstalling Clean Master.

Smartphones ZTE

  1. If a proprietary ZTE application is installed on the phone Mi-assistant(another name Assistant), then open it, then Acceleration> White list, include our CallsOnline application in it. Next, click on the settings icon, and there Startup applications. Turn on our application if it was turned off (if it is already turned on, leave it as it is).
  2. If your phone is preinstalled with an application 360 security, open it, then click on the menu Settings, in the section Acceleration and energy saving click Favorites, add our application there. Or you can simply uninstall this 360 security if you are not using it.

LeEco smartphones

  1. Open the built-in app Phone manager.
  2. Click on Energy Saving Management, Further Application protection- add CallsOnline there.
  3. Exit to the main menu and press Security and privacy, Further Autostart control and add our application there.

Nokia smartphones (for phones with Android version up to 8.1)

After installing our application on your phone, open it, and in the settings set the Recording Mode to MIC.

TP-Link smartphones

After installing our application on your phone, go to settings phone, then item Battery, Further:

  1. Turn off power saving mode if enabled.
  2. Click on Application standby management, add the CallsOnline application there (allow it to work in standby mode).
  3. Click on Power saving mode for applications, there remove all restrictions for our application.

Other manufacturers / total

1. Go to the phone settings in Power saving (or battery / power manager, etc.) and turn off power saving if it's on.

On some phones, there may be a separate system application for setting energy saving, in which you also need to turn everything off.

2. Some smartphones may have a system application called Security / Permissions / Application Manager or similar. If there is such an application, open it and give all permissions to our application (autostart, work in the background, call recording).

3. On some phones, various applications for optimizing / cleaning memory, etc. may be installed. These applications usually interfere with the normal operation of call recording applications, so you need to uninstall these applications or configure them correctly.
Check that everything works

you can close the application - it will remain running in the background. Those. the application does not need to be kept open all the time or to run it yourself. Also, the application does not need to be launched on its own after restarting the phone. it will start automatically.
If you still have questions or if something does not work out, you can always contact our customer support service.

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Adding the selected application to the Windows Firewall exceptions list is standard procedure on Windows computers. Performing this operation implies the availability of administrator access to system resources.


To perform the procedure for adding the selected program to the list of exclusions of the Windows firewall in the XP version, open the main system menu by clicking the "Start" button and go to the "Settings" item. Expand the Control Panel link and go to the Windows Firewall tab. Select the "Exceptions" tab of the dialog box that opens and click the "Add program" button.

Highlight the required application in the list (when the program is displayed) and confirm the execution of the selected action by pressing the OK button. Use the "Browse" button if the required application is not in the list and specify the path to the executable file of the selected program. Use the "Open" command and save your changes by clicking OK (for Windows XP).

Call the main menu of Windows version 7 by clicking the "Start" button and go to the "Control Panel" item. Expand the System and Security link and expand the Windows Firewall node. Select the section "Allow programs to run through Windows Firewall" and open the link "Allow another program ..." Select the required application in the directory or use the "Browse" button to specify the path to the executable file of the selected program. Save your changes by clicking OK (for Windows 7).

An alternative method to accomplish the same procedure is to use the netsh command in the firewall context to change Windows Firewall settings. Please note that in some cases the General tab may be inactive. This means that changes to the firewall settings are prohibited by Group Policy, or there are insufficient user rights to perform such an operation. It should also be remembered that the firewall program is not enabled by default in Windows Server 2003.

Administrators can manage corporate apps on users' Android devices without affecting their personal data. For example, you can:

  • create whitelists of recommended applications that will be available for installation;
  • automatically install the required set of applications for work;
  • manage system applications on corporate devices.

How the whitelist works

You select apps from the Play Store in the Google Admin Console and whitelist them that users see on their devices.

Whitelisted apps are managed by an organization, so when an employee leaves, these apps are removed from their device along with the corporate account. They can also be removed if the device is lost or stolen. Some Google mobile apps, such as Gmail and Google Drive, are already whitelisted.

How to separate personal and corporate apps

Work profiles are available in.

Step 1.Open the Android app whitelist

Step 2. Create a whitelist

How to add an application

The app will appear on the whitelist almost immediately, but users will be able to install it from the corporate Google Play or from the "For work" tab in the Play Store only after the next synchronization with the Google mobile device management system. Applications installed outside of corporate Google Play and from the For Work tab cannot be managed.

How to uninstall an app

After removing an application from the white list, it will become inaccessible to users in the corporate Google Play and on the "For work" tab in the Play Store. If the user has already installed the application, it is not removed from their device. Users who have not yet installed the app removed from the whitelist can still download it from the Play Store, but in this case, it will not be managed.

You will receive confirmation that the selected application has been removed from the whitelist.

Note. You cannot remove Google Apps Device Policy from the whitelist.

Step 3. Manage whitelisted applications

How to manage app settings


How to confirm new permissions

By whitelisting an Android app, you can control its access to data on behalf of users in your organization, that is, grant it specific permissions. For example, an app might need to access contacts or the location of a device. Users can change the permissions you have given after installing the app on their device.

After updating a whitelisted app, it may need new permissions. Apps that need to update permissions are marked with in the Admin Console. To approve a permission update request:

How to manage dynamic permissions

Some Android device apps ask the user for permission at runtime. For example, an app might request access to a calendar or device location. You can specify how individual application requests for such permissions are handled. These settings take precedence over the device-specific dynamic resolution settings.

How to create managed configurations

To use this feature, you need to enable. Not available in G Suite for Education.

With managed configurations, you can automatically configure applications for an organizational unit or user group. You can create multiple managed configurations for the same application and apply them to different groups and organizational units. To create a managed configuration, follow these steps:

Step 4. Provide apps to specific users

How to add users to the application distribution list

Version comparison

  1. Open the Android app whitelist following the instructions above.
  2. Select the app you want to make available.
    The Application Distribution screen shows the departments and user groups to whom the application is currently available.
    Advice. To see a list of applications available only to a specific user or group, select an organizational unit, a group, or a specific person in the filter settings on the left side of the page. You can also filter out only public or only private apps.
  3. To make the app available to other groups, click Add.
  4. Please select one of the options below.
    • To share the application with an organizational unit, click on the left side of the screen Organizational unit and select the department name from the list.
    • To share the application with a group, click on the left side of the screen Group and start typing its name, and then select it from the list.
  5. Click on Continue.

  6. Configure application preferences for an organizational unit or group and click Save.
    You can:
    • immediately automatically install the application on users' devices;
    • prevent users from deleting the application;
    • Allow users to add app widgets (if any) to the home screen.


How to remove users from the distribution list of an application

This feature is available in the G Suite Business and G Suite Enterprise packages. Version comparison

Note. Changes on users' devices usually take a few minutes to take effect, but sometimes it takes up to 24 hours. If you do not specify an organizational unit or group, the application will be available to all users of the top-level organization.

How to prevent users from installing non-whitelisted apps

To use this feature, you need to enable.

Users can download apps from the Play Store. At the same time, applications added to the white list are available on the "For work" tab. To prevent users from installing apps not on this list:

Note. Changes on users' devices usually take a few minutes to take effect, but sometimes it takes up to 24 hours.

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