Used as raw materials. Accounting, movement and write-off of materials at a manufacturing enterprise

Accounting for inventories at enterprises of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the Accounting Regulations "Accounting for inventories" PBU 5/01, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of June 9, 2001. No. 44n.

Assets are accepted as inventories:

Used as raw materials, materials, etc. in the production of products intended for sale (performance of work, provision of services);

Intended for sale;

Used for the management needs of the organization.

Figure 1.2.1 shows the grouping of inventories.

Figure 1.2.1 - Types of groupings of inventories

Finished products are part of the inventories intended for sale (the end result of the production cycle, assets completed by processing (packaging), the technical and quality characteristics of which correspond to the terms of the contract or the requirements of other documents, in cases established by law).

The goods are part of inventories acquired or received from other legal or natural persons and held for sale.

The accounting unit for inventories is chosen by the organization independently in such a way as to ensure the formation of complete and reliable information about these stocks, as well as proper control over their availability and movement. Depending on the nature of inventories, the order of their acquisition and use, a unit of inventories can be a stock number, batch, homogeneous group, etc.

In the production process, materials are used in different ways. Some of them are completely consumed in the production process (raw materials and materials), others only change their shape (lubricants, paints), others - they enter the product without any external changes (spare parts), the fourth - only contribute to the manufacture of products, not are included in their mass or chemical composition.

According to the official definition, material resources are assets (property):

a) used as raw materials, materials, etc. in the manufacture of products, the performance of work and the provision of services intended for sale;

b) used for the management needs of the organization.

From this definition it follows that material resources are used, as a rule, as objects of labor in the production process. They are entirely consumed in each production cycle and completely transfer their value to the cost of products manufactured, work performed, services rendered.

For the proper organization of accounting for inventories, scientifically based classification, assessment and selection of a unit of account are important.

Based on the above, in table 1.2.1, let us consider in more detail the grouping of materials depending on their purpose and use in the production process.

Table 1.2.1. Types and essence of materials


Raw materials and basic materials

The objects of labor from which the product is made and which form the material basis of the product

Supporting materials

Materials used for air. on demand and basic materials or for service. and care of tools

Floor. own production.

Materials, pros. certain stages of processing, but not a finished product, i.e. constitute its basis

Returnable waste

Remains of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and other types of material resources formed in the process of manufacturing products (works, services), which have completely or partially lost their consumer qualities and therefore are used with increased costs or are not used at all for their intended purpose

Container and container materials

Items of labor used for packaging, storing and transporting materials and products.

Subdivided into economic (heating of residential premises), technological, motor

Spare parts

Serve for the repair and replacement of worn parts of machinery and equipment

Construction Materials

Materials used in construction and installation work for the manufacture of building parts, for the erection and decoration of structures and parts of buildings and structures, as well as material values ​​for the needs of construction

These classifications are used to construct synthetic and analytical accounting.

However, this grouping is not enough for comprehensive control over the state, movement of materials, therefore, within each group, material values ​​are further subdivided into types, varieties, brands. In addition, as already noted, it is important to determine the unit of accounting for material values.

Accounting for inventories establishes that an item number is selected as an accounting unit, which is developed by an organization in the context of names and (or) homogeneous groups (types), i.e. every kind, grade, size of materials.

Therefore, it is necessary to classify materials for each: name; mind; size; grade; brand; profile, into which the above groups are subdivided.

Nomenclature- a systematized list of names of materials, semi-finished products, spare parts, fuel and other material values ​​used in this enterprise.

The document "Nomenclature of material assets" must contain the following information about each material:

1. Technically correct name;

2. Full description (brand, grade, size, unit of measurement, etc.);

3. The nomenclature number is a conventional designation (unique) that essentially replaces the listed characteristics.

The inventory price of each type of materials is indicated in the nomenclature, then it is called the nomenclature-price tag. The nomenclature-price tag is intended for rationing, planning and accounting of inventories.

Thus, a clear classification (grouping) of material values ​​according to certain characteristics and the choice of an accounting unit are necessary for the timely and correct organization of accounting for inventories, both in the warehouse and in the accounting department.

For the correct organization of accounting for inventories, scientifically based classification, assessment and selection of a unit of account are important.

Production stocks are divided into several groups that allow you to determine the place of these stocks in the production process: raw materials and basic materials, auxiliary materials, purchased semi-finished products, returnable waste, fuel, containers and container materials, inventory and household items.

Raw materials are the original product that has not undergone primary processing. It includes products from the mining industry (ore, coal, gas, etc.) and agricultural products (milk, seeds, sugar beets, etc.). Basic materials are products of the manufacturing industry obtained during the processing of raw materials (metal, sugar, etc.). Purchased semi-finished products or semi-finished products of our own production are materials that have passed certain stages of processing, but have not yet become finished products. Auxiliary materials serve to impart certain qualities to the created product (paints, varnishes, etc.). They can also be used to ensure normal conditions for the production process (lighting, heating), maintenance of production equipment (lubricants and cleaning materials), etc.

Recyclable waste - materials left over after use that have completely or partially lost their original consumer qualities (scrap metal, scraps of fabric). Due to the peculiarity of their use, fuel, containers and container materials, spare parts are separately distinguished from the group of auxiliary materials. Inventory, tools, household accessories are considered not as objects, but as means of labor. This determines the peculiarities of not only the organization of their accounting in the process of procurement and putting on the balance sheet, but also the repayment of the initial cost. They are used as a means of labor for no more than 12 months or a normal operating cycle if it exceeds 12 months (inventory, tools, etc.)

This classification of inventories is based on their nomenclature - a systematized list of material assets developed by the enterprise based on industry characteristics and the established practice of their accounting. It provides for groups within which individual names of materials are indicated by brands, sizes, grades, under a certain code (cipher) and in the appropriate unit of measurement.

The code assigned to a specific name of materials is its stock number. It is assigned when this material is accepted for accounting and consists of seven or eight digits: the first two are a synthetic account, the third is a subaccount, the next one or two are a group of materials. The remaining two or three numbers reveal additional features of the characteristics of this type of material.

The specified classifications of inventories are used to construct synthetic and analytical accounting, as well as to compile state statistical observation (report) on balances, receipt and consumption of raw materials and materials in production and operational activities.

Assessment of material assets is carried out as follows: inventories are accepted for accounting at their actual cost. The actual cost of inventories purchased for a fee is the amount of the organization's actual acquisition costs, excluding value added tax and other recoverable taxes.

The actual costs of acquiring inventories include:

Amounts paid in accordance with the contract to the supplier (seller);

Amounts paid to organizations for information and consulting services related to the acquisition of inventories;

Customs duties;

Non-refundable taxes paid in connection with the acquisition of a unit of inventories;

Fees paid to the intermediary organization through which the inventory was purchased;

Costs of procurement and delivery of inventories to the point of use, including insurance costs. These costs include, in particular, the cost of procurement and delivery of inventories;

The costs of maintaining the procurement and warehouse division of the organization, the costs of transport services for the delivery of inventories to the place of their use, if they are not included in the price of inventories established by the contract; accrued interest on loans provided by suppliers (commercial loan); interest on borrowed funds accrued prior to acceptance for accounting of inventories, if they are attracted for the acquisition of these inventories;

The cost of bringing inventories to a state in which they are suitable for use for the planned purposes. These costs include the costs of the organization for processing, sorting, packing and improving the technical characteristics of the received stocks, not related to the production of products, performance of work and provision of services;

Other costs directly related to the purchase of inventories.

General business and other similar expenses are not included in the actual costs of acquiring inventories, unless they are directly related to the acquisition of inventories. The actual costs of acquiring inventories are determined (decreased or increased) taking into account the amount differences arising before the acceptance of inventories for accounting in cases where payment is made in rubles in an amount equivalent to an amount in foreign currency (conventional monetary units) ...

The actual cost of inventories also includes the actual costs of the organization for the delivery of inventories and bringing them to a condition suitable for use.

Assessment of inventories, the cost of which upon acquisition is expressed in foreign currency, is made in rubles by recalculating the amount in foreign currency at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in effect on the date the inventories were accepted for accounting.

Determination of the actual cost of material resources written off for production is allowed to be made by the following methods of inventory estimation: at the cost of each unit; at the average cost; at the cost of the first purchases in time (the FIFO method is a method of accounting for inventories, according to which inventories are recorded in monetary terms at the price of the first batch of these goods received.

The first and second methods of assessing material resources are traditional for domestic accounting practice. During the reporting month, material resources are written off for production (as a rule, at discount prices), and at the end of the month, the corresponding share of deviations of the actual cost of material resources from their cost at discount prices is written off.

With the FIFO method, the rule is applied: the first batch for receipt - the first for expense. This means that no matter which batch of materials is released into production, materials are first written off at the price (cost) of the first purchased batch, then at the price of the second batch, etc. in order of priority until the total material consumption for the month is received.

The use of these methods for assessing material resources orients the enterprise towards organizing analytical accounting of materials for individual parties (and not only for types of materials). You can estimate the materials consumed by calculation using the following formula:

P is the cost of the materials consumed;

He and Ok - the cost of the initial and bed residues of materials;

P - admission for the month.

Evaluation of inventories at the end of the reporting period is made depending on the accepted method of evaluating inventories at their disposal (except for goods recorded at sales value).

Along with the determination of a fixed discount price, it is very important to establish a unit of accounting for material assets. Each type, grade, brand, size of materials can be such a unit, i.e. each item number, each batch, homogeneous group, etc. The unit of accounting for material values ​​is chosen by the organization independently. It must ensure the formation of complete and reliable information about inventories, proper control over their availability and movement.

Thus, inventories are accepted for accounting at their actual cost. At the same time, the determination of the actual cost depends on the order of receipt of stocks in the organization, namely: the acquisition of inventories for a fee, the production of the organization on its own, making a contribution to the authorized (pooled) capital of the organization, by receiving a donation under a donation agreement or free of charge, in as a result of the disposal of fixed assets and other property received as a result of operations under contracts providing for the performance of obligations by non-monetary funds. At present, Russian legislation does not provide for the revaluation of material assets accounted for in assets in circulation.

In accordance with the Regulation on accounting "Accounting for inventories" (PBU 5/01 dated 09.06.01), assets are accepted for accounting as inventories (MPZ):

  • used as raw materials, materials in the production of products intended for sale, performance of work, provision of services;
  • used for the management needs of the organization;
  • intended for sale.

The MPZ includes the following groups of current assets:

  • materials - part of the inventories, which are objects of labor, provide, together with the means of labor and labor force, the production process of the organization, in which they are used once. They are entirely consumed in the production cycle and completely transfer their value to the value of the products produced (work performed, services rendered);
  • inventory and household accessories - part of the inventories used as means of labor for no more than 12 months or a normal operating cycle if it does not exceed 12 months;
  • finished goods - part of the inventories intended for sale and which are the end result of the production process;
  • goods - a part of inventories purchased from legal entities for the purpose of their sale or resale without additional processing.
  • correct and timely documentary registration of all operations for the movement of material assets;
  • control over the receipt and procurement of material assets;
  • control over the safety of material values ​​in places of their storage and at all stages of processing;
  • systematic control over the identification of unnecessary and unused materials, their sale;
  • timely settlement of accounts with suppliers of inventories.

Assessment of inventories

For the correct organization of accounting of inventories in organizations, a nomenclature-price tag is being developed. Nomenclature - a systematized list of the names of materials, spare parts, fuel and others used in a given organization. Each name of materials is assigned a numerical designation - a nomenclature number.

In the nomenclature-price tag, the valuation price and the unit of measure for materials are indicated.

According to PBU 5/01, inventories are accepted for accounting at their actual cost, which includes the amounts of actual costs associated with their purchase and delivery.

The actual costs of acquiring inventories (MPZ) include:

  • amounts paid in accordance with the contract to the supplier (seller);
  • amounts paid to organizations for information and consulting services related to the purchase of inventories;
  • customs duties ;
  • non-refundable taxes paid in connection with the purchase of inventories;
  • remuneration paid to the intermediary organization through which the inventories are purchased;
  • costs of procurement and delivery of inventories to the place of their use, including insurance costs;
  • the costs of maintaining the procurement and warehouse division of the organization, the costs of transport services for the delivery of inventories to the place of their use, if they are not included in the price of inventories established by the contract;
  • the costs of bringing the inventories to the state in which they are suitable for use for the planned purposes;
  • other costs directly related to the purchase of inventories.

The actual cost of inventories during their manufacture by the organization itself is determined based on the actual costs associated with the production of these inventories.

The actual cost of inventories contributed by the founders as a contribution to the authorized (pooled) capital is determined on the basis of their monetary value, agreed upon by the founders (participants) of the organization.

The actual cost of inventories received by the organization under a gift agreement or free of charge is determined based on their current market value as of the date of acceptance for accounting.

The actual cost of materials can be calculated only at the end of the month, when the accounting department will have the components of this cost (payment documents from suppliers of materials, for transportation, handling and other expenses).

The movement of materials occurs in the organization on a daily basis, and documents for receipts and expenditures must be drawn up in a timely manner. Most organizations maintain current records at fixed discount prices. These can be average purchase prices.

If purchase (contractual) prices are used in the current accounting at the end of the month, the amounts and percentage of transport and procurement costs are calculated to bring them to the actual cost.

There are the following methods of accounting for production stocks:

  • quantitative-sum;
  • using the reports of financially responsible persons;
  • operational accounting (balance). The most progressive and rational method of material accounting is operational accounting. It assumes keeping in warehouses only quantitative and varietal accounting of the movement of materials and is carried out in materials accounting cards (form M-17). The accounts department opens the cards for each stock list number of the material and transfers them to the warehouse manager against receipt.

As materials arrive at the warehouse, the storekeeper writes out a receipt order and registers it in the material accounting card in the “Arrival” column.

On the basis of expenditure documents (limit fence cards, requirements), the material consumption is recorded in the card.

In the card, after each entry, the remainder is displayed.

The storekeeper submits primary documents to the accounting department in a timely manner and draws up registers for the delivery of documents for the receipt and consumption of materials (form M-13) indicating the number of documents, their numbers and groups of materials to which they relate.

As of the first day of each month, the financially responsible person transfers the quantitative balances from the cards to the balance sheet of materials (form M -14).

This statement is opened by the accounting department for a year for each warehouse. It is stored in the accounting department and issued to the storekeeper the day before the end of the month.

The accounting employee checks the correctness of the entries made by the storekeeper in the material accounting cards and confirms them with his signature on the cards.

The basic principles of the operational accounting method of accounting are as follows:

  • efficiency and accounting accuracy of quantitative accounting in the warehouse using material accounting cards, which are maintained by financially responsible persons;
  • systematic control by accounting employees directly at the warehouse for the correct and timely documentation of operations for the movement of materials and keeping inventory records of materials; granting accountants the right to check the compliance of the actual balances of materials with the data of the current warehouse accounting;
  • accounting of the movement of materials by the accounting department only in monetary terms at discount prices and at the actual cost in the context of groups of materials and places of their storage, and in the presence of a computing unit - also in the context of nomenclature numbers;
  • systematic confirmation (cross-verification) of warehouse and accounting data by comparing balances of materials according to warehouse (quantitative) accounting, estimated at accepted accounting prices, with balances of materials according to accounting data.

Synthetic material accounting

The receipt of materials in the organization can occur for various reasons and is reflected in accounting by the following entries:

  • purchased from suppliers: D-t 10 K-t 60 - for the purchase price, D-t 19 K-t 60 - for the amount of VAT;
  • from the founders as a contribution to the authorized capital: D-t 10 K-t 75/1 - at the agreed cost;
  • free of charge from other organizations: D-t 10 K-t 98/2, subaccount "Gratuitous receipt" - at the current market value as of the date of acceptance for accounting

When using gratuitously received inventories for production needs (D-t 20, 23, 25, 26 K-t 10), at the same time, the other income includes the cost of the materials used and is reflected in the accounting by posting: D-t 98/2 K-t 91;

  • waste from scrap: D-t 10 K-t 28;
  • waste from liquidation of fixed assets (at current market value): D-t 10 K-t 91.

Goods are issued from the warehouse for various purposes and are reflected in the following transactions:

  • for the manufacture of products: D-t 20, 23 K-t 10;
  • for the construction of fixed assets: D-t 08 K-t 10;
  • for the repair of fixed assets: D-t 25, 26 K-t 10;
  • side sale

Accounting for the sale of materials is kept on account 91 "Other income and expenses". The account is active-passive, does not have a balance, in terms of economic content, it is operational and effective.

The debit of account 91 reflects:

  • actual cost of sold materials: D-t 91 K-t 10;
  • the amount of VAT charged on the sold materials: D-t 91 K-t 68;
  • expenses for the sale of materials: D-t 91 K-t 70, 69, 76. The credit reflects:
  • proceeds from sale at selling prices, including VAT: D-t 62 K-t 91.

By comparing the turnovers on account 91, the financial result from the sale is determined.

If the debit turnover is greater than the credit turnover (the debit balance), we get a loss. It is debited to account 99 "Profit and Loss" by posting: D-t 99 K-t 91.

If the debit turnover is less than the credit turnover (credit balance) - write off by posting: D-t 91 K-t 99.

The chart of accounts of accounting is provided for account 10 "Materials" And subaccounts.

Organizations engaged in the production of agricultural products can open separate sub-accounts for account 10 for accounting for seeds, feed, pesticides, and mineral fertilizers.

When posting special equipment and special clothing received to the warehouse, the following entries are made in the accounting records: D-t 10/10 K-t 60 - for the purchase price, D-t 19 K-t 60 - for the amount of "input" VAT.

The transfer of the specified material assets into operation is executed by wiring: D-t 10/11 K-t 10/10.

The actual cost of the materials consumed is recorded in order journals 10, 10/1 in correspondence: D-t 20, 23, 25, 26, 08, 91 K-t 10.

Accounting methods for procurement of materials

In accordance with PBU 5/01, materials are accepted for accounting at their actual cost.

The formation of the actual cost of materials can be carried out in the following ways:

  • the actual cost is formed directly on account 10 "Materials";
  • using accounts 15 "Procurement and purchase of materials" and 16 "Deviation in the cost of materials."

If the organization keeps records of the procurement of materials on account 10 "Materials", then all data on the actual costs incurred during procurement are collected on the debit of account 10 "Materials".

This method of forming the actual cost of materials is advisable to use only in organizations that have:

  • a small number of supplies of materials for the period;
  • a small range of materials used;
  • all data for the formation of the cost of materials, as a rule, come to the accounting department at the same time.

If the accounting for the procurement of materials in the organization is carried out in the second way, all costs associated with the acquisition of materials, based on the settlement documents received by the suppliers, are recorded according to the debit of account 15 and the credit of accounts 60 "Settlements with suppliers", 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors" and others: D-t 15 K-t 60, 76, 71.

The posting of materials actually received at the warehouse is reflected by the entry:

D-t 10 K-t 15 - at discount prices.

The difference between the actual cost of the acquisition and the cost of the materials received at accounting prices is debited from account 15 to account 16 "Deviation in the cost of material assets":

D-t 16 (15) K-t 15 (16) - the deviation of the accounting price from the actual cost of materials is reflected.

When using the second method of accounting for the organization's procurement, the current accounting of the movement of materials is carried out at discount prices.

Use account 15 to account for procurement operations or keep it immediately on account 10 "Materials" - the organization itself decides when choosing an accounting policy for the coming year.

Typical operations for accounting for the procurement of materials on account 10 "Materials"
P / p No.Content of operationsDebitCredit
1 Reflected the purchase cost of materials based on the invoice and invoice of the supplier10 60
2 VAT included on capitalized materials (transportation costs, remuneration of an intermediary organization)19 60 (76)
3 Reflected transportation costs for the purchase of materials (based on the invoice of the transport organization)10 76
4 Reflected the costs of paying for the services of the intermediary organization (based on the invoice of the intermediary)10 76

Accounting for transport and procurement costs

Transportation and procurement costs(TZR) are included in the actual cost of materials. These include the cost of purchasing materials, except for their purchase cost.

On a monthly basis, the accounting department determines the amount of transport and procurement costs, which is the difference between the actual cost of materials and their cost at the accounting price.

The amounts of transport and procurement costs are distributed between the consumed and remaining materials in the warehouse in proportion to the cost of materials at the discount prices. For this purpose, the percentage of transportation and procurement costs is determined, and then multiplied by the cost of materials consumed and remaining in the warehouse.

The percentage of transport and procurement costs is determined by the formula:

(Amount of supplies at the beginning of the month + Amount of supplies for the received materials for the month) / (cost of materials at the beginning of the month at the book price + the cost of materials received during the month at the book price) x 100%.

Transportation and procurement work is recorded on the same account as the materials (account 10), on a separate subaccount.

The amounts of transport and procurement costs for retired, expended values ​​are written off to the same accounts as the expended values, at discount prices in correspondence:

D-t 20, 25, 26, 28 K-t 10 TZR

If the organization uses account 15 to record operations for the procurement of materials, then the amount of the deviation of the actual cost from the accounting price is taken into account on account 16 "Deviation in the cost of material assets".

The calculation of the percentage of deviations of the actual cost from the book price of materials is carried out in the same manner as for transport and procurement costs.

The amounts of deviations accumulated on account 16 are debited in the prescribed manner to the debit of production accounts: D-t 20, 25, 26, 28 K-t 16,

D-t 20, 25, 26, 28 K-t 16 - in case of excess of the discount price over the actual cost of the reversal entry.

Accounting for materials in accounting

There are several methods of analytical accounting of materials in accounting: varietal, accounting method by item numbers and operational accounting (balance) method.

Varietal method. For each type and grade of materials, the accounting department opens cards for quantitative and total accounting, in which, on the basis of primary documents, the operations of receipt and consumption of materials by quantity and amount are recorded. Analytical accounting in accounting duplicates warehouse accounting on material accounting cards. At the end of the month and on the date of the inventory in the cards, the totals of receipts and expenditures for the month are calculated and the balances of materials are determined. Based on these data, turnover sheets of analytical accounting are compiled, which are opened for financially responsible persons. The total data for all turnover statements of analytical accounting must coincide with the turnover and balances on the corresponding synthetic accounts.

Method of accounting by item numbers. Primary documents on the receipt and consumption of materials go to the accounting department, here they are grouped by item numbers, and at the end of the month, the total data on the receipt and consumption of each type of material is calculated and recorded in the turnover sheets in kind and in monetary terms for each warehouse in the context of the corresponding synthetic accounts and subaccounts.

More progressive is the operational accounting (balance) method of accounting for materials. With this method, at least once a week, the accounting employee checks the correctness of the entries made by the storekeeper in the material accounting cards and confirms them with his signature on the cards themselves.

At the end of the month, the warehouse manager transfers the quantitative data on the balances to the first day for each stock list number of materials from the material accounting cards in the material balance sheet (balance sheets).

In accounting, the balances of materials are taxed at fixed accounting prices and their totals are displayed for individual accounting groups of materials and for the warehouse as a whole.

With the balance method of accounting, the primary documents on the movement of materials received by the accounting department after their verification and taxation are laid out in the control card index separately for income and expense in the context of warehouses and nomenclature groups of materials. The filed filing cabinets of documents are compiled group turnover sheets in sum terms for each warehouse.

The data of these statements are reconciled with the value data of the balance sheet and with the totals of entries in the synthetic accounting registers.

When using computers, all the necessary registers for the balance method of accounting for materials (group turnover lists, balance sheets, balance-collation) are compiled on machines.

The main register for analytical accounting of the movement of materials in the accounting department is statement No. 10 "Movement of material assets (in monetary terms)". The statement consists of three sections:

  1. "Movement in off-site warehouses (at discount prices)";
  2. “Received at off-site warehouses and the balance of the enterprise at the beginning of the month (for synthetic accounts and accounting groups) - at book prices and actual cost”;
  3. "Consumption and balance at the end of the month (at accounting prices and actual cost in the context of accounting groups of materials)".

Statement No. 10 allows you to:

  • control of the safety of materials at the places of their storage;
  • accounting of receipts and balances of materials in the context of synthetic accounts and groups of materials (at accounting prices and actual cost);
  • accounting for the actual cost of the final consumption of materials.

Statement No. 10 is filled out on the basis of registers of delivery of documents, bills of materials movement, production reports of workshops, invoice requirements.

Accounting for Goods Receipt and Accounts Receivable

Production stocks of materials are replenished through their supply by supplier organizations or other organizations on the basis of contracts.

Suppliers, simultaneously with the shipment, issue to the buyer settlement documents (payment request, invoice), consignment note, receipt to the railway bill of lading, etc. Settlement and other documents are sent to the buyer's marketing department. There they check the correctness of their filling, their compliance with the contracts, register them in the register of incoming goods (form No. M-1), accept them, that is, they agree to payment.

After registration, payment documents receive an internal number and are transferred to the accounting department for payment, and receipts and consignment notes are transferred to the forwarder to receive and deliver materials.

From this moment, the accounting department of the organization has settlements with suppliers. As the cargo arrives at the warehouse, a receipt order is issued, then at the register it is submitted to the accounting department, where it is taxed and attached to the payment document. As the bank pays for this document, the accounting department receives an extract from the current account on the write-off of funds in favor of the supplier.

If signs are found that raise doubts about the safety of the cargo, the forwarder, when accepting the cargo in the transport organization, may require the cargo to be checked. In the event of a shortage of space, damage to the container constitutes a commercial act, which serves as the basis for filing a claim against the transport organization or supplier

Accounts of settlements with suppliers of inventory holdings are kept on account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors". The account is passive, balance, settlement.

The credit balance on account 60 indicates the amount of the enterprise's debt to suppliers and contractors for unpaid invoices and unbilled deliveries:

  • loan turnover - amounts of accepted suppliers' invoices for the reporting month;
  • debit turnover - amounts of paid vendor invoices.

Accounting for settlements with suppliers of inventories is kept in the journal-order No. 6. This is a combined register of analytical and synthetic accounting. Analytical accounting in it is organized in the context of each payment document, receipt order, acceptance certificate. A journal-order number 6 is opened with the amounts of outstanding settlements with suppliers at the beginning of the month. It is filled in on the basis of accepted payment requests, invoices, receipts, acts of acceptance of materials, bank statements.

Journal-order No. 6 is kept in a linear-positional way, which makes it possible to judge the state of settlements with suppliers for each document.

Amounts at discount prices are recorded regardless of the type of received values ​​- in total, and for payment requests - in the context of types of materials (main, auxiliary, fuel, etc.). The amount of claims is recorded on the basis of acts of acceptance of materials. According to the bank statements, a mark is made about the payment of each payment document.

The amounts of shortages identified during the acceptance of material assets are included in the debit of account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors", subaccount 2 "Settlements for claims" and is reflected in the journal-order No. 6 in correspondence: D-t 76/2 K-t 60.

Organizations also use the services of suppliers of water, gas, contractors for repair work, etc. For these calculations, a separate journal-order No. 6 is kept for services.

At the end of the month, the indicators of both order journals are summed up to obtain turnovers on account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors" and transfer them to the General Ledger.

Accounting procedure for unbilled deliveries

Deliveries for which material values ​​were received by the organization without a payment document are considered to be unbilled. They arrive at the warehouse, writing out an act of acceptance of materials, which, at the register, goes to the accounting department. Here, the materials according to the act are regarded at discount prices, are recorded in the journal-order No. 6 as values ​​received at the warehouse, in the same amount are referred to the group of materials and to the acceptance. Unbilled deliveries are registered in the journal-order No. 6 at the end of the month (in column B "Account number" the letter H is put), when the possibility of receiving a payment document in this month has disappeared. They are not subject to payment in the reporting month, since the basis for payment by the bank is payment documents (which are absent). As payment documents for this delivery in the next month are received, they are accepted by the organization, paid by the bank and registered by the accounting department in the journal-order No. 6 in the free line for the group of materials and in the "acceptance" column in the amount of the payment request, and on the balance line (unfinished settlements) the previously recorded amount at the discount prices is reversed also for the group and in the “acceptance” column. Thus, settlements with the supplier for this delivery will be completed. Example.

In March, there was an unbilled delivery in the amount of 12,000 rubles.

In April, an invoice was presented for payment in the amount of 14,160 rubles. (including VAT).

In March, a record will be made: D-t 10 K-t 60 - 12,000 rubles.

In April: D-t 10 K-t 60 - 12,000 rubles.
D-t 10 K-t 60 - 12,000 rubles.
D-t 19 K-t 60 - 2160 rubles.

The procedure for accounting for materials in transit

Materials in transit are those deliveries for which the organization has accepted the payment documents, and the materials have not yet arrived at the warehouse for them. Accepted payment documents are accepted for accounting, regardless of whether they were paid by the bank or not.

In the journal-order No. 6, the payment documents are registered within a month in the column "For non-arrived cargo" and in the column "Acceptance". At the end of the month, the organization is obliged to accept these values ​​on the balance sheet, that is, write them down by belonging to a group of materials (conditionally capitalize), but at the beginning of the next month, the calculations for these deliveries will not be completed. Upon receipt of values, the accounting department will receive receipts from warehouses, post them to the warehouse and to the group (without acceptance, since it was already given at the time of receipt of payment requests, and maybe these invoices have already been paid) according to the registration line of this account in not calculations completed at the beginning of the month. When you close the journal-order No. 6, at the end of the month, this delivery for the material group will be reversed as being capitalized twice.

When settlements with suppliers for material values, shortages or surpluses of the actually received quantity may be revealed in comparison with the supplier's documents, which are drawn up by an act (form No. M-7). The surplus is accrued according to the act and is valued at accounting prices or at negotiated (selling prices), then recorded in the journal-order No. 6 as a separate line as an unbilled delivery - the marketing department informs the supplier of the surplus and asks to issue a payment request. If shortages are identified, the accounting department calculates their actual cost and makes a claim to the supplier.

In March, there were 8,000 rubles of materials on the way. (excluding VAT). In April, they arrived in an amount exceeding the amount indicated in the invoice by 1,500 rubles. (excluding VAT). Records in March: D-t 10 K-t 60 - 8000 rubles.

In April, a reversal entry: 1) D-t 10 K-t 60 - 8000 rubles. The actual receipt of materials arrives by postings: 2) D-t 10 K-t 60 - 9500 rubles. D-t 19 K-t 60 - 1710 rubles.

Inventories are the circulating assets of the organization, the characteristic feature of which is that they completely transfer their value to the product of labor in one production cycle.

In accordance with PBU 5/01 "Accounting for inventories" (Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 09.06.2001, No. 44N), the following assets belong to the inventories:

  • used as raw materials, materials, in the manufacture of products, works, provision of services;
  • held for sale;
  • used for the management needs of the organization.

The accounting unit of the inventories is chosen by the organization independently, depending on the nature of the inventories, the procedure for their acquisition and use. A unit of an inventories can be an item number, a batch, a homogeneous group. Inventories are accepted for accounting at their actual cost. The actual cost of the refinery is determined in different ways, depending on the source of receipt of the refinery.

The actual cost of inventories purchased for a fee is the amount of actual acquisition costs excluding VAT. The actual costs of purchasing inventories include:

  • amounts paid in accordance with the contract to suppliers;
  • amounts paid for information, consulting and intermediary services;
  • customs duties;
  • non-refundable taxes paid in connection with the purchase of materials;
  • costs of procurement and delivery of inventories to the place of their use, including insurance costs, and accrued interest on loans provided by suppliers, if they are attracted to purchase these stocks;
  • the cost of bringing the inventories to the state in which they are suitable for use.

In accordance with the Methodological Guidelines for accounting for inventories, the costs directly related to the procurement process and delivery of materials to the organization form the so-called transport and procurement costs. The structure of transportation and procurement costs includes:

  • costs of loading materials into vehicles and their transportation, payable by the buyer according to the contract in excess of the price of these materials;
  • expenses for the maintenance of the procurement and warehouse apparatus of the organization, including the cost of remuneration of employees of the organization directly involved in the procurement, acceptance, storage and release of purchased materials, employees of special procurement offices, warehouses and agencies organized in places of procurement (purchase) of materials, employees directly those engaged in the procurement (purchase) of materials and their delivery (support) to the organization, deductions for the social needs of these workers;
  • expenses for the maintenance of special procurement points, warehouses and agencies organized at the procurement sites (except for labor costs with deductions for social needs);
  • markups (markups), commissions (cost of services) paid to supplying, foreign economic and other intermediary organizations;
  • payment for storage of materials at points of purchase, at railway stations, piers, in ports;
  • interest payments for loans and borrowings related to the acquisition of materials prior to their acceptance for accounting;
  • travel expenses for the direct procurement of materials;
  • the cost of losses for the supplied materials on the way (shortage, damage) within the amounts stipulated by the supply contract;
  • other expenses.

The costs of bringing materials to a state in which they are suitable for use for the purposes provided for in the organization, includes expenses of the organization for processing, processing, finalizing and improving the technical characteristics of purchased materials, not related to the production process. These works can be performed both by the purchasing organization's own forces and by the forces of third-party organizations. When such work is performed by third parties, the cost of bringing in includes the cost of the work performed and the cost of transportation to the place of work and back, for loading and unloading, performed by third parties.

The actual cost of inventories, in which they are accepted for accounting, is not subject to change, except as otherwise established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Attention should be paid to the fact that the actual cost of materials includes accrued interest on commercial loans and borrowed funds. Moreover, the actual cost may include only those of them that were accrued before the materials were accepted for accounting. The interest accrued after the materials are taken into account, in accordance with clause 11 of PBU 10/99 "Organization's expenses" are included in other expenses of the organization.

Assessment of materials, the cost of which upon purchase is expressed in foreign currency, is made in Russian rubles by recalculating at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in effect on the date of acceptance of the values ​​for accounting.

The actual cost of inventories contributed to the account of the contribution to the authorized capital is determined on the basis of their monetary value, agreed upon by the founders.

The actual cost of inventories manufactured by the organization itself is determined based on the actual costs associated with their production.

The actual cost of inventories received under a gift agreement or free of charge, as well as those remaining from the disposal of fixed assets and other property, is determined based on their current market value as of the date of acceptance for accounting.

The actual cost of inventories received under contracts providing for the fulfillment of obligations by non-monetary funds is the cost of assets transferred or to be transferred.

In the current accounting (in the warehouse) material assets are accounted for at a notional discount price, which is the purchase price or the standard (planned) purchase cost.

Material assets used by the enterprise are classified according to the following types: raw materials, basic materials, auxiliary materials, purchased semi-finished products, packaging materials, fuel, spare parts and other values.

For accounting of materials, account 10 "Materials" is used, the account is active, balance sheet, to which the following sub-accounts are opened:

  1. "Raw materials and materials".
  2. "Purchased semi-finished products and components, structures and parts."
  3. "Fuel".
  4. "Containers and container materials".
  5. "Spare parts".
  6. "Other materials".
  7. "Materials outsourced for recycling."
  8. "Construction Materials".
  9. "Inventory and household accessories".
  10. "Special equipment and overalls in the warehouse."
  11. "Special equipment and overalls in operation."

Raw materials and basic materials form the material basis of the manufactured products, works and services.

Raw materials are usually products of agriculture and extractive industries.

Auxiliary materials contribute to bringing the manufactured products to finished products in accordance with the established technical specifications and standards.

Purchased semi-finished products and components, structures and parts are raw materials and materials that have passed certain stages of processing, but are not classified as finished products.

Container and container materials are a type of inventory intended for packaging, transportation and storage of products.

Fuel and spare parts - values ​​used in heat generation, repair of fixed assets, consumed by our own vehicles.

Building materials are used directly in the process of construction and installation work, the manufacture of building parts and structures.

Special equipment and workwear. In accordance with the Methodological Guidelines for the accounting of special tools, special devices, special equipment and special clothing (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated December 26, 2002, No. 135Н), special rigging includes:

  • special tools and devices - technical means with individual properties and designed to ensure the conditions for the manufacture of specific types of products, services;
  • special equipment - means of labor that are reused in production, which provide conditions for performing specific (non-standard) technological operations;
  • overalls - personal protective equipment for workers.

Special tools and special devices include: tools, dies, molds, molds, rolling rolls, model equipment, chill molds, flasks, etc.

Special equipment includes:

  • special technological equipment (metalworking, press-forging, thermal, welding, etc.);
  • control and test apparatus and equipment (stands, consoles, models of finished products, test installations) designed for adjustments, tests, specific products and their delivery to the customer;
  • reactor equipment;
  • decontamination equipment, etc.

Special clothing includes:

Special clothing, special footwear and safety devices (overalls, suits, jackets, dressing gowns, short fur coats, various shoes, gloves, glasses, helmets, gas masks, etc.).

According to the accounting policy of the organization, the composition of materials can take into account: inventory, tools, household accessories and other means of labor.

Analytical accounting of material values ​​is organized by storage locations (warehouses, storerooms) in the context of stock numbers, which are assigned to materials according to the nomenclature developed at the enterprise.

Analytical accounting is maintained on material accounting cards (form No. 17).

11.2. Documentary registration of the MPZ movement

Operations for the movement of inventories are drawn up by a variety of primary documents, the main ones of which are approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of October 30, 1997, No. 71a.

The receipt of materials at the warehouse of the enterprise is drawn up by a receipt order (form M-4), which reflects the name of the material, the quantity received, the conditional price, and the purchase price. It is drawn up by the financially responsible person on the day the valuables arrive at the warehouse in one copy, and then transferred to the accounting department along with the shipping documents.

If there are discrepancies between the actual quantity and the data specified in the supplier's invoice, an Act of Acceptance of Materials (Form M-7) is drawn up. The act is a legal basis for making claims to the supplier, the sender. The act is drawn up in duplicate by the members of the selection committee with the obligatory participation of the financially responsible person and the supplier's representative.

In cases of delivery of materials by our own vehicles, the basis for their posting is the consignment note.

The return of material assets from production to the warehouse as unused is issued by the Invoice for internal transfer (forms M-13 and M-14).

The release of material assets for the production of products, works, services is carried out on the basis of limit fence cards (form M-8) and the requirements of invoices (form M-11).

The limit fence cards (form M-8) indicate:

  • the name of the materials to be dispensed;
  • vacation limit;
  • actual vacation against the established limit;
  • vacation date;
  • the remainder of the unused limit.

Limit fence cards are issued in two copies: the first - to the department using the material, the second - to the warehouse. When materials are released from the warehouse, the representative of the subdivision signs on a copy of the limit pick-up card of the warehouse, and the storekeeper - in a copy of the limit pick-up card of the subdivision.

The sale of material assets is drawn up on an invoice for the release of materials to the outside (form M-15). At the end of the month, documents registering the movement of materials are handed over to the accounting department for counting verification and processing.

In the absence of standard documents, the enterprise is given the right to independently develop income and expense documents with the preservation of the mandatory details in them.

11.3. Organization of accounting of materials in warehouses

Accounting for materials in warehouses is carried out by the warehouse manager (storekeeper), with whom an agreement on material responsibility for the values ​​entrusted to him has been concluded.

The storekeeper is hired by agreement with the chief accountant and is dismissed from his position only after a complete inventory of inventory items and their transfer according to an act approved by the head of the organization.

In warehouses (storerooms), quantitative (graded) accounting of materials is carried out in the context of types of materials and stock numbers. Accounting is carried out on material accounting cards (form M-17), the main details of which are:

  • name of the material;
  • its stock number;
  • location (rack, shelf);
  • unit;
  • price (reference price).

On the cards, accounting is carried out in natural units of measurement. A feature of keeping inventory records is the observance of the following rule - determination of a new material balance after each operation on their movement.

In warehouses, accounting of materials is carried out by the operational balance method. Its essence lies in the fact that every 5-10 days the accounting employee checks the records on the material accounting cards, confirming the results of the verification with his signature. On the 1st day of each month, the storekeeper draws up a balance book and submits it to the accounting department for checking and taxation. In accounting, the balance sheet data is reconciled with the bill of movement of materials compiled in accounting. If discrepancies are found, the records are rechecked up to the inventory.

11.4. Accounting of materials in accounting

Depending on the position adopted in the Accounting Policy, the accounting of materials in the accounting department can be organized according to one of the following options.

In the first option of accounting on account 10 "Materials", the actual cost of the purchased materials is generated without VAT.

Settlements with suppliers for the supplied values ​​are accounted for on account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors".

Based on primary documents (receipts, supplier invoices, invoices, advance reports on travel expenses of persons engaged in the direct acquisition of material values, extracts from a bank account), the following accounting entry is drawn up for the cost of the materials received:

D-t count. 10 "Materials"

D-t count. 19 "VAT"

Kit count. 71 "Settlements with accountable persons"

Kit count. 51 "Current account".

Based on the fact that in the current accounting materials are accounted for at discount prices (standard or planned cost), accounting on account 10 "Materials" reflects the cost of materials at the book price and deviations of the actual cost of materials from their cost at book prices. This makes it necessary to distribute the deviations of the actual cost from the book price between the balances of materials in warehouses and spent on the production of products, works and services.

The distribution is made according to the average percentage of deviations, the size of which is determined as follows:

where By- percentage of deviations;

Onm- deviation of the actual cost of materials from their cost at discount prices at the beginning of the month, thousand rubles;

Ohm- deviation of the actual cost of materials purchased per month from their cost at discount prices, thousand rubles;

Mnm- cost of materials at the beginning of the month at discount prices, thousand rubles;

Mm- the cost of materials at discount prices received per month, thousand rubles.

The amount of variances related to the balance of materials in warehouses is determined as the product of the percentage of variances by the balance of materials at the end of the month at the notional price, i.e.

where With- the sum of deviations for the rest of materials, thousand rubles;

Mkm- cost of materials at the end of the month at discount prices, thousand rubles.

The amount of deviations related to the amount of materials consumed in the reporting month, Avg, is determined as the product of the percentage of deviations By by the cost of materials consumed in the reporting month at the book price, i.e.

where Wed- the amount of deviations for materials consumed per month, thousand rubles;

Mr- materials consumed per month at the book price, thousand rubles.

The calculation of the distribution of deviations is carried out in the statement in the context of types and groups of values. The order of distribution of deviations of the actual cost of materials from their cost at discount prices is shown in table. 11.1.

Table 11.1

Calculation of deviations of the actual cost of materials from their cost at discount prices

P / p No.


At the book price, thousand rubles

Deviation from the discount price , thousand rubles

Actual cost , thousand rubles

Remaining materials at the beginning of the month

Received in the reporting month

Total with the remainder

Average percentage of deviations

Spent in a month

Remaining materials at the end of the month (p. 3 - p. 4)

The following accounting entry is drawn up for the cost of materials used for the production:

D-t count. 20, 23, 25, 26

Kit count. 10 "Materials".

Assessment of materials consumed for the production of products, works and services is carried out in one of the following ways:

  • at the cost of each unit;
  • at the average cost;
  • at the cost of the first in the time of purchase of inventories (FIFO method);
  • at the cost of the most recent purchase of inventories (LIFO method).

In the second variant of accounting, all actual costs for procurement of materials are accounted for on account 15 “Procurement and purchase of materials”. The debit of this account reflects the actual costs associated with the purchase of materials, excluding VAT, from the credit of different accounts: 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors", 71 "Settlements with accountable persons", 51 "Settlement account". The credit of account 15 reflects the standard (planned) cost of purchased and capitalized materials written off to the debit of account 10 "Materials". Deviations of the actual cost of materials from their cost at discount prices are written off to the debit of account 16 "Deviations in the cost of materials".

The deviations in the cost of materials recorded on account 16 at the end of the month are subject to distribution between the balances of materials in warehouses and the cost of materials used for the production of products, works and services in the current month.

The distribution of deviations is carried out in a similar way to the procedure set out when organizing the accounting of materials according to the first option.

In this case, the following entries are made on the accounts:

  1. For the amount of actual costs for the purchase (procurement) of materials:
  2. D-t count. 15 "Procurement and purchase of materials"

    D-t count. 19 "VAT"

    Kit count. 60, 71, 50, 51.

  3. For the cost of materials capitalized in the assessment at the standard (planned) cost of materials according to the primary documents:
  4. D-t count. 10 "Materials" - standard (planned) cost of materials

    D-t count. 16 "Variations in the cost of materials" - the amount of deviations in the actual cost

    Kit count. 15 "Procurement and purchase of materials" - for the amount of actual costs for the purchase of materials.

  5. For the cost of materials assessed at the standard (planned) cost, spent on the production of products, works and services according to the primary documents:
  6. D-t count. 20, 23, 25, 26

    Kit count. 10 "Materials".

  7. For the amount of deviations related to the cost of materials used according to the calculation of the accounting department:
  8. D-t count. 20, 23, 25, 26

    Kit count. 16 "Deviations in the cost of materials."

  9. For the value of paid suppliers' invoices according to the bank statement:

D-t count. 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors"

Kit count. 51 "Current account".

In cases where special tools, special devices, special equipment (special rigging) and overalls are taken into account in the composition of material resources, the organization of their accounting is carried out as follows.

These funds can be purchased by the organization from other persons, including by purchasing, transferring it free of charge, receiving a contribution to the authorized capital, or made by the organization independently.

Special equipment and overalls owned by the organization, as well as in economic management or operational management, can be accepted for accounting at their actual cost, that is, in the amount of actual purchase or procurement costs excluding VAT.

The receipt of these funds is reflected in the record:

D-t count. 10/10 "Special equipment and overalls in stock"

D-t count. 19 "VAT"

Kit count. 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors"

Kit count. 75 "Settlements with founders"

Kit count. 98 "Deferred income".

The transfer of special equipment to operation is carried out on the basis of the requirements and is reflected by the entry:

D-t count. 10/11 "Special equipment and overalls in operation"

Kit count. 10/10 "Special equipment and overalls in the warehouse."

If the useful life of a special rig exceeds 12 months, then its cost is redeemed in one of the following ways:

  • in a linear way;
  • in proportion to the volume of products produced.

An entry is made on the cost of the decommissioned special equipment:

D-t count. 25, 26

The cost of workwear is redeemed according to industry norms approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 18. 12. 1998, No. 51. In this case, an entry is made:

D-t count. 26 "General expenses"

Kit count. 10/11 "Special equipment and overalls in operation".

The under-depreciated cost of special equipment is written off to other expenses of the organization by recording:

Kit count. 10/11 "Special equipment and overalls in operation".

The cost of repairing special equipment and workwear is charged to the ordinary course of business.

Special equipment and overalls that do not belong to the organization, but are in its use or possession, are accounted for on off-balance sheet accounts in the assessment provided for in the contract, or in the assessment agreed with their owner.

Accounting for disposal of materials. Disposal of materials takes place in the following cases:

  • when leaving for the production of products, works and services;
  • when sold to the side;
  • when contributing to the authorized capital;
  • when transferring under a donation agreement;
  • when transferring under an exchange agreement.

Consider the order of reflection on the accounts of each case of disposal of materials.

Primary documents on the consumption of materials for the production of products, works and services in the accounting department are subject to counting verification and processing. Based on these primary documents, a development table is drawn up for the use of materials by cost direction. In this case, an entry is made:

D-t count. 20, 23, 25, 26

Kit count. 10 "Materials".

As mentioned earlier, the assessment of materials used for the production is made based on the cost reflected in the accounting policy of the organization.

The sale of materials to the side is drawn up by order, invoice and invoice. In this case, on the basis of primary documents, the following entries are made:

  1. For the actual cost of the materials sold:
  2. D-t count. 91/2 "Other income and expenses"

    Kit count. 10 "Materials".

  3. For the amount of the invoice presented to the buyer:
  4. D-t count. 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"

    Kit count. 91/1 "Other income and expenses"

  5. For the amount of VAT due to the budget:

Comparing credit and debit records on account 91 "Other income and expenses", determine the financial result of the sale of materials, which is reflected by the record:

D-t account 91/9 "Balance of other income and expenses"

The gratuitous transfer of materials is formalized by an act. Materials are written off in the valuation at actual cost. In this case, the following records are made:

For the actual cost of materials transferred free of charge:

D-t account 91/2 "Other income and expenses"

Kit count. 10 "Materials".

The transfer of material free of charge is subject to value added tax in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, since in this case there is a transfer of ownership of goods, work performed and services rendered.

An entry is made for the amount of VAT due to the budget:

D-t account 91/2 "Other income and expenses"

Kit count. 68 "Calculations of taxes and fees".

The result of the gratuitous transfer of materials is written off to the financial result of the organization:

D-t c. 99 "Profits and losses"

Kit count. 91/9 "Balance of other income and expenses".

Contributions to the authorized capital of another organization are valued at the cost agreed by the founders, unless a different valuation procedure is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Contributions to the authorized capital are considered as financial investments.

In this case, the following records are made:

D-t count. 58 "Financial investments"

Kit count. 91 "Other income and expenses"

Disposal of materials in connection with a contribution to the authorized capital is reflected by the entry:

D-t count. 91 "Other income and expenses"

Kit count. 10 "Materials".

The financial result from the investments made is reflected in the record:

D-t count. 91/9 "Balance of other income and expenses"

Kit count. 99 "Profit and Loss".

11.5. Inventory of inventories and reflection of its results on accounting accounts

In order to ensure the reliability of accounting and reporting data, enterprises carry out an inventory of material assets at least once a year and not earlier than October 1.

The inventory is carried out by a commission appointed by the order of the head of the organization, in the presence of a financially responsible person, from whom a receipt was received that all values ​​were entered by him, and the documents were handed over to the accounting department. Warehouses are sealed before inventory.

Material values ​​received at the warehouse and issued from the warehouse during the inventory period are subject to registration in a special sheet under the heading "Received (issued) from the warehouse during the inventory period".

Inventory is carried out by weighing, measuring, measuring material values ​​for each storage location. The identified values ​​are entered into the inventory list, according to which collation statements are compiled.

As a result of the inventory, the following can be identified:

  1. Surplus values ​​that are subject to capitalization in the assessment at market value. In this case, an entry is made:
  2. D-t count. 10 "Materials"

  3. Lack of material assets, which is written off to account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to values". The lack of materials within the limits of natural attrition rates is written off to costs by recording:

D-t count. 25.26

Kit count. 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables."

The shortage due to the fault of the financially responsible person is written off from account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to valuables" to the debit of account 73/2 "Calculations for compensation for material damage".

Compensation for the shortage by the financially responsible person is carried out at market prices. At the same time, the difference between the cost of materials at market prices and their actual cost until reimbursement is recorded on account 9 8/4 "The difference between the amount to be recovered from the guilty parties and the book value for shortages of values."

Account 73/2 “Calculations for compensation for material damage” is debited for the amount of the difference to be reimbursed by the financially responsible person and account 9 8/4 “The difference between the amount to be recovered from the guilty persons and the book value for shortages of values” is credited.

When compensating for the shortage, the guilty person makes entries:

  1. D-t count. 50 "Cashier"
  2. Kit count. 73/2 "Calculations for compensation for material damage."

  3. D-t count. 9 8/4 "The difference between the amount to be recovered from the perpetrators and the book value for the shortfall in valuables"

Kit count. 91/1 "Other income and expenses".

Typical accounting entries for material accounting are presented in table. 11.2.

Table 11.2

Typical accounting transactions for material accounting in organizations


Inventories belong to the working capital of the organization, a characteristic feature of which is that they completely transfer their value to the product of labor in one production cycle.

Synthetic accounting of inventories is carried out on account 10 "Materials" at the actual cost, and analytical accounting is organized on warehouse accounting cards for each type, type, grade of material in natural units of measurement on warehouse accounting cards. The organization can carry out accounting of materials using accounts 15, 16 and 10 or using only account 10 "Materials". The accounting policy of the organization determines the assessment of inventories spent on production (method FIFO, LIFO, weighted average price). VAT paid to the supplier is not included in the actual cost of materials, but is fully reimbursed to the budget subject to the following conditions:

  • material assets are received (capitalized);
  • VAT is highlighted in payment documents;
  • there is an invoice.

In order to ensure the reliability of accounting and reporting data, an inventory of inventories is carried out. The identified surpluses are referred to the financial results of the organization, and the shortages are recorded on account 94 "Shortages and losses from damage to values". Deficiencies are written off taking into account the reasons for their occurrence.

Self-test questions

  1. Give the definition of the organization's inventories.
  2. What values ​​relate to the organization's inventories?
  3. What are the values ​​related to the organization's special equipment?
  4. In what assessment are inventories reflected in the balance sheet and in the current accounting?
  5. What costs are included in the actual cost of inventories?
  6. What methods of assessing inventories are used in determining the cost of materials used for the production of goods, works and services?
  7. How are the deviations of the actual cost of materials from their cost at the book price distributed?
  8. What is the procedure for conducting an inventory of inventories?
  9. How are the results of the inventory of inventories reflected in the accounts?
  10. At what cost is the materially responsible person reimbursed for the lack of materials?


  1. Federal Law "On Accounting" dated November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ.
  2. Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation: Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 24, 2000 No. 31n.
  3. Regulation on accounting "Accounting policy of the organization" (PBU1 / 98): Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 30.12.1999 No. 107n.
  4. Regulation on accounting "Accounting for inventories" (PBU5 / 01): Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 09.06.2001, No. 44n.
  5. Regulation on accounting "Income of the organization" (PBU9 / 99): Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2001, No. 27n.
  6. Accounting Regulations “Organization Expenses” (PBU10 / 99): Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2001 No. 27n.
  7. Regulation on accounting "Accounting for assets and liabilities, the value of which is expressed in foreign currency" (PBU3 / 2006) dated November 27, 2006 No. 154n.
  8. Methodical instructions on accounting of inventories: Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2001 No. 119n, taking into account amendments and additions dated April 23, 2002, No. 33n.
  9. Erofeeva V.A., Klushantseva G.V., Kemter V.B. Accounting with elements of taxation. Saint Petersburg: Legal Center Press, 2004.
  10. N. P. Kondrakov Accounting. M .: INFRA-M, 2005.

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The concept of inventories

Actual cost inventories received by the organization under a donation agreement (free of charge) is determined based on their current market value as of the date of posting, and inventories received under contracts providing for the fulfillment of obligations (payment) with non-monetary funds, based on the value of the property transferred or to be transferred organization. The value of property transferred or subject to transfer by the organization is established on the basis of the price at which, in comparable circumstances, the organization usually determines the value of similar property.

Assessment of inventories, the cost of which upon acquisition is determined in foreign currency, is made in rubles by converting foreign currency at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in effect on the date of acceptance for accounting of inventories under the agreement.

Inventories that do not belong to the organization, but are in its use or disposal in accordance with the terms of the contract, are accepted for accounting on off-balance sheet accounts in the assessment provided for in the contract.

When manufacturing stocks are released into production and are otherwise disposed of, the assessment of these stocks can be done in one of the following ways:

- at the cost of each unit;

- at the average cost;

- at the cost of the first acquisitions of stocks (FIFO method);

- at the cost of the most recent inventory acquisitions (LIFO method).

The use of one of the listed methods for a specific name is determined in the accounting policy of the organization and is carried out during the reporting year.

By cost of each unit estimate production stocks used by the organization in a special order (precious metals, precious stones, etc.), or stocks that cannot replace each other in the usual way. For example, processing plants determine the cost of each type of processed livestock (cattle, small ruminants, pigs).

Average cost is determined for each type (group) of stocks by dividing the total cost of the type (group) of stocks by their quantity, respectively, consisting of the prime cost and the amount of the remaining stock at the beginning of the month and received in that month.

This method of assessing material resources is traditional for domestic accounting practice. During the reporting month, material resources are written off for production, as a rule, at discount prices, and at the end of the month - the corresponding share of deviations of the actual cost of material resources from their cost at discount prices.

At FIFO way the rule is applied: the first batch for the arrival - the first for the expense. This means that, regardless of which batch of materials is released into production, the materials are first written off at the price (cost) of the first purchased batch, then at the price of the second batch, etc., in order of priority, until the total consumption of materials for month.

At LIFO method a different rule is applied: the last batch per receipt - the first at expense (first, materials are written off at the cost of the last batch, then at the cost of the previous batch, etc.).

The practical part.

1. Give a definition of inventories?

2. What groups are the inventories divided into?

3. What do the FIFO and LIFO methods mean?

Continuity of production requires that there is always a sufficient amount of raw materials and materials in warehouses to fully meet the needs of production at any time of their use. The purpose and objectives of the work is the study of accounting materials. 1 Concept and characteristics of materials According to the Accounting Regulations Accounting for inventories PBU 5 011, assets are accepted for accounting as inventories1: used as raw materials ...

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Accounting for materials


Acceleration of the country's socio-economic development provides for an increase in the efficiency of social production based on the all-round saving of material, labor and monetary resources. Resource conservation policy is a real source of meeting the growing needs of society. In order to bring this to life, it is necessary to know all the subtleties of accounting for the availability and movement of resources, primarily inventories, which form the basis of the enterprise's activities.

Stocks are one of the most important factors in ensuring the constancy and continuity of reproduction. This important role is played by all the constituent parts of the aggregate material stock, including the inventories that are at the enterprise of the branches of circulation.

To ensure accurate and complete reflection in the accounting system of operations with inventories, it is necessary to be guided by legislative acts of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President and the government, regulatory documents, etc. In the system of inventories of the enterprise, violations and deviations from the current regulations are often encountered. Thus, accounting and auditing with inventories are vital for businesses that operate.

Continuity of production requires that there is always a sufficient amount of raw materials and materials in warehouses to fully meet the needs of production at any time of their use. Therefore, the need for uninterrupted supply of production in conditions of continuity of demand and discrete supply, determines the creation of inventories at enterprises, that is, inventories. That is why the topic of this work is relevant. The purpose and objectives of the work is the study of accounting materials.

1 Concept and characteristics of materials

According to the Regulation on accounting "Accounting for inventories" PBU 5/011, assets are accepted for accounting as inventories 1 :

  • used as raw materials, materials, etc. in the production of products intended for sale (performance of work, provision of services);
  • held for sale;
  • used for the management needs of the organization.

A distinctive feature of the main part of this type of assets (raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, etc.) is their use as objects of labor and in the production process as the material basis of products. Inventories are traditionally part of the organization's current assets, since they are completely consumed in each production cycle, and, therefore, completely transfer their value to the cost of manufactured products.

For the correct organization of accounting of materials, their classification, assessment and selection of the accounting unit are important (Table 1).

Table 1

Classification of materials depending on their role in the production process

the type of materials

Determination of the type of materials

1. Raw materials and basic materials

The objects of labor from which the product is made and which form its material and material basis.

2. Supporting materials

They are used to influence raw materials and basic materials, to impart certain consumer properties to a product, or to facilitate the production process and care for tools.

3. Purchased semi-finished products

Raw materials and materials that have passed certain stages of processing, but are not yet finished products.

4. Recyclable production waste

Remains of raw materials and materials formed in the process of their processing into finished products, which have completely or partially lost the consumer properties of raw materials and materials (sawdust, shavings, etc.).

5. Fuel

A kind of auxiliary materials. The following types of fuel are distinguished:

  • technological (for technological purposes);
  • motor (fuel);
  • household (for heating).

6. Tata and packaging materials

Items used for packaging, storage, transportation of various materials and products.

7. Spare parts

Used to replace and repair worn parts of machinery and equipment.

8. Inventory and household supplies

Part of the organization's inventory, used as a means of labor for no more than 12 months (inventory, accessories, etc.).

The above classification of reserves is used, first of all, to build a system of their synthetic and analytical accounting at an enterprise, as well as to obtain operational information about their condition and movement.

The unit of accounting for inventories is chosen by the organization independently in such a way as to ensure the formation of complete and reliable information about these stocks, as well as proper control over their availability and movement. Depending on the nature of inventories, the order of their acquisition and use, a unit of inventories can be a stock number, batch, homogeneous group, etc.

2 Documentation of transactions related to the movement of materials

In accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents on accounting, all operations on the movement (receipt, movement, consumption) of inventories must be formalized with primary accounting documents (Table 2).

table 2

Forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for the organization's inventories

Form No.

Form name


Power of attorney


Receipt order


Acceptance of materials


Limit fence card




Invoice for the issue of materials to the side


Material accounting card


The act of posting material assets received during the dismantling and dismantling of buildings and structures

However, based on the specifics of their activities, organizations can, in addition to the forms of primary accounting documents contained in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation, use independently developed forms of primary accounting documents for the movement of inventories, subject to the general requirements for primary accounting documents.

Primary documents for the accounting of inventories can be multi-line (for several stock numbers) or one-line (for one stock number).

All accounting documents must be properly executed, with filling in all the necessary details, and have the appropriate signatures. In the absence of indicators for individual details in the specified primary accounting documents, the corresponding lines or columns are crossed out.

Primary accounting documents must be pre-numbered or the number is put during the execution and registration of the document, while it is necessary to ensure the individuality of the numbers within one reporting year.

Documents for the accounting of inventories can be drawn up on paper and computer media.

For materials received under contracts of sale, supply and other similar contracts, the organization receives from the supplier (shipper) settlement documents (payment requests, payment orders, invoices, consignment notes, etc.) and accompanying documents ( specifications, certificates, quality certificates, etc.). These documents are registered by the supplying worker and are checked in terms of their compliance with the terms of delivery stipulated by the contract: in terms of assortment, prices, quantity of materials, method and time of dispatch, etc. The organization accepts verified settlement documents. At the same time, a note is made on the fulfillment of the supply contract, after which the settlement documents are transferred to the accounting department of the organization for payment.

3 Assessment of materials

Inventories are accepted for accounting at their actual cost.

1. The actual cost of inventories purchased for a fee is the amount of the organization's actual acquisition costs, excluding value added tax and other recoverable taxes (except as provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

Such expenses of the organization, in addition to the amounts paid in accordance with the contract to the supplier (seller), include, for example, amounts for consulting and information services related to the acquisition of stocks, fees to the intermediary organization, non-refundable taxes, as well as costs of procurement and delivery of material - production stocks to the place of their use, including insurance costs and interest for the use of borrowed funds raised for the purchase of stocks.

2. The actual cost of inventories received by the organization under a gift agreement or free of charge, as well as those remaining from the disposal of fixed assets and other property, is determined based on their current market value as of the date of acceptance for accounting.

3. The actual cost of inventories contributed to the account of the contribution to the authorized (pooled) capital of the organization is determined on the basis of their monetary value, agreed upon by the founders (participants) of the organization, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. The actual cost of inventories during their manufacture by the organization itself is determined based on the actual costs associated with the production of these inventories, while the accounting and formation of costs for the production of inventories is carried out by the organization in the manner established for determining the cost of the corresponding types of products.

5. The actual cost of inventories received under contracts providing for the fulfillment of obligations (payment) with non-monetary funds is the value of assets transferred or to be transferred by the organization, taking into account that the value of these assets is established based on the price which, in comparable circumstances, the entity usually determines the cost of similar assets.

6. Assessment of reserves that do not belong to this organization, but are in its use or disposal and are recorded on off-balance sheet accounts, is based on the assessment provided in the contract, or the assessment agreed with their owner, otherwise, it is possible to account for such reserves under conditional assessment.

Formation of a reserve for the reduction in the value of material assets.

To ensure the accuracy and discretion of the information provided to users of financial statements, inventories for which the price has decreased during the reporting period or which have become obsolete or have partially lost their original qualities, are reflected in the Balance Sheet at the end of the reporting year at the price of possible sale, if it is below the initial cost of procurement (acquisition). This requirement is contained in PBU 5/01 "Accounting for inventories" (paragraph 25). Such stocks are reflected in the Balance Sheet (Form No. 1) as a net estimate, that is, minus the amounts of the accrued provision for the depreciation of tangible assets. At the same time, the amount of the corresponding reserve is not separately reflected in the liabilities of the balance sheet, and in the Profit and Loss Statement (form No. 2) in the section "Explanation of individual profits and losses" on line 250, a loss from a decrease in the cost of inventories is shown.

A decrease in the cost of inventories is reflected in the accounting records as a reserve accrual. Reserve for material depreciation

ny values ​​are created for each unit of inventories adopted in accounting. It is allowed to create reserves for reducing the cost of material assets for certain types (groups) of similar or related inventories. It is not allowed to create reserves for a decrease in the value of material assets for such enlarged groups (types) of inventories such as basic materials, auxiliary materials, finished products, goods, stocks of a certain operating or geographical segment, etc.

The current market value refers to the sale price of the inventory. The calculation of the current market value of inventories is made by the organization on the basis of information available before the date of signing the financial statements, in this calculation the following factors are taken into account:

Change in price or actual cost directly related to events after the reporting date, confirming the business conditions that existed at the reporting date in which the organization conducted its activities;

Appointment of inventories;

The current market value of finished goods, in the production of which raw materials, materials and other inventories are used. At the same time, a reserve for a decrease in the cost of material assets is not created for raw materials, materials and other inventories used in the production of finished products (work, services), if as of the reporting date the current market value of this finished product (work, services) corresponds to or exceeds its actual cost.

It must also be remembered that the organization must provide confirmation of the calculation of the current market value of inventories.

To summarize information on the amounts reserved for the decline in the cost of inventories, the Chart of Accounts for accounting of the financial and economic activities of the organization, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n, account 14 "Reserves for the decline in the cost of material assets" is intended. The formation of a reserve for the decline in the value of tangible assets is reflected in the accounting for the credit of account 14 "Provisions for the decline in the value of tangible assets" and the debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses". In the next reporting period, as the material assets for which the reserve was formed are written off, the amount of the created reserve is restored:

in the accounting, an entry is made on the debit of account 14 "Provisions for depreciation of material assets" and the credit of the account "Other income and expenses".

For example, at the end of the reporting period, the organization has a balance of materials, the actual cost of which is 15,500 rubles. The market value of this type of materials at the time of drawing up the financial statements is 13,000 rubles. Accounting reflects the creation of a reserve for the reduction in the cost of materials:

Debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses" Credit of account 14 "Provisions for depreciation of material assets" in the amount of 2,500 rubles.

The balance sheet on the line "Raw materials, materials and other similar values" reflects the cost of materials in a net valuation, that is, in the amount of 13,000 rubles, and in the Profit and Loss Statement on the line "Non-operating expenses" - a loss from a decrease in their cost by the amount of 2,500 rubles.

As materials are issued in accounting, the reserved amount is restored:

The debit of account 14 "Provisions for depreciation of material assets" Account 91 credit "Other income and expenses" in the amount of 2,500 rubles.

4 Valuation of materials at disposal

When materials are released into production or otherwise disposed of, it is allowed to use one of the following valuation methods (clause 16 of PBU 5/01) 2 :

1) at the cost of each unit;

2) at the average cost;

3) according to the FIFO method (at the cost of the first materials to be purchased);

4) by the LIFO method (at the cost of the latest materials purchased in time).

It should be noted that based on the assumption of the sequence of application of accounting policies (clause 6 of the Accounting Regulations "Accounting Policy of the Organization" PBU 1/98, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 1998 No. 60n), for each group (type) Inventories during the reporting year, one valuation method is used.

1) The assessment of the released materials at the cost of each unit of stock should be applied by the organization in the event that the stocks used cannot replace each other in the usual way or are subject to special accounting (precious metals, precious stones, radioactive substances, etc.). In this case, the write-off of materials provides for the use of two options for calculating the cost of a unit of stock:

a) including all costs associated with the purchase of the stock;

b) including only the cost of the stock at the contractual price, the so-called simplified version, the use of which is allowed in the absence of the possibility of directly attributing transport and procurement and other costs associated with the acquisition of stocks to their prime cost (for example, with a centralized supply materials). In this case, the amount of deviation (the difference between the actual costs of purchasing the material and its contractual price) is distributed in proportion to the cost of the written off (released) materials, calculated in contractual prices.

2) Assessment of inventories at the average cost is made for each group (type) of inventories by dividing the total cost of the group (type) of inventories by their number, respectively, summed up from the cost price and the amount of the balance at the beginning of the month and the inventory received during the given month ...

3) Write-off (issue) of materials according to the FIFO method (English - FIFO: First In - First Out) is carried out in an estimate calculated on the assumption that stocks are used within a month and another period in the sequence of their acquisition (receipt), i.e. e. Inventories that are the first to enter production (sale) should be valued at the cost of the first to be acquired, taking into account the cost of inventories at the beginning of the month. When using this method, the assessment of materials in stock (in the warehouse) at the end of the month is made at the actual cost of the most recent purchase of materials, and in the cost of goods, products, works, services sold, the cost of the earliest acquisition is taken into account.

4) Writing off (issue) of materials by the LIFO method (English - LIFO: Last In - First Out) is carried out in an estimate calculated on the assumption that the stocks that are the first to enter production (sale) should be estimated at the cost of the latter in the sequence of acquisition. When using this method, the assessment of materials in stock (in stock) at the end of the month is made at the actual cost of the materials that were purchased earlier in time, and the cost of goods, products, works, and services sold takes into account the cost of purchases later in time.

In addition, in accordance with the Methodological Guidelines, the use of methods for average estimates of the actual cost of materials released for production or written off for other purposes can be carried out by the following options 3 :

  • based on the average monthly actual cost (weighted estimate), the calculation of which includes the quantity and cost of materials at the beginning of the month and all receipts for the month (reporting period);
  • by determining the actual cost of the material at the time of its release (rolling valuation), while the calculation of the average estimate includes the quantity and cost of materials at the beginning of the month and all receipts until the moment of issue. The use of rolling estimation should be economically justified and provided with appropriate computer technology.

The option of calculating average estimates of the actual cost of materials should be disclosed in the accounting policy of the organization.

In addition, in the case of a significant laboriousness of accounting work when evaluating materials by the listed methods, the Methodological Instructions may only be used in the organization for calculating the contractual price of materials. 4 .

5 Synthetic accounting of materials in the organization

Synthetic accounting of inventories is kept on the following synthetic accounts:

10 "Materials";

11 "Animals for growing and fattening";

14 "Provisions for depreciation of material assets";

15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets";

16 "Deviation in the value of material assets."

On synthetic accounts, material assets are recorded in organizations:

At the actual cost;

At discount prices.

Accounting for materials at actual cost

When accounting for materials at the actual cost, all expenses for their purchase are included in the debit of material accounts:

Debit account 10 "Materials"

Credit accounts:

60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” - for the cost of materials received at supplier prices (excluding VAT);

66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings” (67 “Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings”) - for the amount of interest accrued on borrowed funds used to purchase tangible assets;

76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" - for the cost of services paid by checks to transport organizations (railway, water);

71 "Settlements with accountable persons" - for the cost of materials paid from the accountable amounts;

23 “Auxiliary production” - for the costs of delivery of materials for delivery by our own vehicles and for the actual cost of materials of our own production;

20 "Main production" - for the cost of returnable waste;

91 "Other incomes and expenses" subaccount 1 "Other income" - for the cost of outlets of materials identified by the results of the inventory and remaining from the write-off of fixed assets;

98 "Deferred income" - for the cost of material assets received free of charge (as material assets are written off, their value is credited to account 91 "Other income and expenses" subaccount 1 "Other income").

Within a month, materials released for production and for other purposes are written off from the credit of material accounts to the debit of expense accounts at the actual cost of acquisition: debit of accounts:

Accounting for materials at discount prices

It is allowed to use contractual prices, planned estimated prices, the average price of a group, the actual cost of materials according to the data of the previous month or the reporting period as the accounting prices. In addition, in case of significant deviations of planned and calculated prices and average prices from market prices, they are subject to revision. Such deviations should not exceed, as a rule, ten percent.

The use of accounting prices by the organization implies the use of accounts 15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets" and 16 "Deviation in the cost of material assets" to form the actual cost of materials. With this option, accounting of materials on account 10 "Materials" is carried out at discount prices. On the debit of account 15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets" all expenses associated with the acquisition of materials are collected, that is, their actual cost is formed. The credit of account 15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets" in correspondence with account 10 "Materials" includes the cost of actually received materials at discount prices. Thus, according to the debit of account 15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets" information is generated on the actual cost of materials received by the organization, and on credit - information on their book price.

Within a month, materials released for production and for other purposes are debited from the credit of material accounts to the debit of expense accounts at fixed accounting prices: Debit of accounts:

20 "Main production",

23 "Auxiliary facilities",

25 "General production costs",

26 "General business expenses" and other accounts for accounting costs (sales costs) from the credit of account 10 "Materials".

At the end of the reporting period, the amount of deviations of the actual cost of materials from their book price is debited to account 16 "Deviation in the cost of material and production values":

Debit account 16 "Deviation in the cost of material and production assets" Credit account 15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets" - for the amount of excess of the actual cost of materials from their book price, or Debit account 15 "Procurement and acquisition of material assets"

Credit account 16 "Deviation in the cost of material and production values" - for the amount of excess of the book price of materials from their actual cost.

Accumulated on account 16 "Deviation in the cost of inventories", the amounts are written off (reversed) to the debit of cost accounting accounts (20, 23, 25, 26, etc.) for production (sales costs) or other relevant accounts. As a rule, deviations are written off in proportion to the cost of materials used in production at discount prices, however, deviations can be written off to the corresponding accounts in the month of their detection.

The percentage of the actual cost of materials from their book price is determined by the formula 5 :

Reflection in the accounting of transactions related to the sale of materialsWhen recording transactions related to the sale of materials in accounting, the following entries are made on synthetic accounts:

Credit account 10 "Materials" - for the cost of sold materials at discount prices;

Debit 91 "Other income and expenses" subaccount 2 "Other expenses"

Credit account 16 "Deviations in the cost of material assets" - for the difference between the actual cost of materials and their book price;

Debit of account 62 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors"

Credit of account 91 "Other income and expenses" subaccount 1 "Other income" - for the amount of proceeds from the sale of materials, including VAT;

Debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses" subaccount 2 "Other expenses"

Credit of account 68 "Calculations of taxes and fees" - for the amount of VAT on proceeds from the sale of materials.


Despite the fact that now there is a tendency to accelerate the turnover of inventories at the enterprise, and, consequently, a decrease in the size of their stocks, up to work from wheels, inventories still play a major role in providing the enterprise with normal rhythmic working conditions ...

Their comprehensive study and correct understanding of the essence of inventories, their importance and role in the economy of enterprises and associations, is among the most important problems in the economy and rational use of the country's material assets and tasks to improve the material and technical supply of all enterprises in the country.

List of used literature

  1. Federal law "On accounting" from 21.11.1996, № 129-FZ // Financial newspaper. - 1996. - No. 49. - S. 1.
  2. Rich I.N. Accounting / I.N. Rich, N.N. Khakhanov - 4th ed., Revised. and add. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2012 .-- 858, p.
  3. Accounting: textbook / I.I. Bochkareva, V.A. Bykov [and others]; under. ed. I'M IN. Sokolov. - 2nd ed. revised and add. - M .: TK Welby, publishing house Prospect, 2014 .-- 776s.
  4. Financial accounting: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. Yu.A. Babaeva. - M .: University textbook, 2013 .-- 525.
  5. Kondrakov N.P. Accounting (financial, management) accounting: textbook. - Moscow: TK Welby, Prospect Publishing House, 2012 .-- 592 p. - 448 p.
  6. Posherstnik N.V. Accounting according to the chart of accounts. - SPb .: Peter, 2013 .-- 608 p.
  7. Chaya V.T. Accounting: textbook / V.T. Chaya, O.V. Latypova; ed. Dr. econ. sciences prof. V.T. Tea. - M .: KNORUS, 2014.- 496.

1 Regulation on accounting "Accounting for inventories" PBU 5/01, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 09.06.2001, No. 44n.

2 Regulation on accounting "Accounting for inventories" PBU 5/01, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 09.06.2001, No. 44n.

3 Methodological guidelines for accounting of inventories, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 28.12.2001, No. 119n.

4 Methodological guidelines for accounting of inventories, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 28.12.2001, No. 119n.

5 Sokolova E.S. Accounting: Educational-methodical complex. - M .: Ed. center of EAOI. - 2014 .-- 200 p.


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