Activities of a social worker in the institutions of the penitentiary system. Functions of a social worker in penitentiary institutions I

(CPV) "

Faculty of Education

Specialty - Social work

Semester - 8

Group 340

Department of Pedagogy



Number of hours

Characteristics of the modern Russian penitentiary system

Justification of the activities of social workers in the penitentiary sphere

Principles for the activities of a social worker in the penitentiary sphere

Functions of a social worker in penitentiary institutions of the Russian Federation.

Specific functions of social work in relation to certain categories of convicts.

Legal Aspect of Social Work in Penitentiary Institutions

Psychological aspects of social work in penitentiary institutions.

The main directions of psychological penitentiary social work.

The main methods and techniques of a social worker in the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation.

Ethical provisions of the activities of a social worker in the institutions of the penitentiary system.

Characteristics of modernRussian penitentiary system

The formation of the penitentiary system: origins, punishment cells, the system of correctional institutions.

Types of correctional institutions [Art. 74 of the RF PEC]: correctional and educational colonies, prisons, medical correctional institutions and pre-trial detention centers, performing the functions of correctional institutions in relation to some convicts. Correctional institutions are state bodies that are part of the penitentiary system, which is entrusted with the execution of imprisonment for a specified period and life imprisonment in order to correct convicts and prevent new crimes on their part, as well as ensure law and order and legality in their activities, the safety of convicts and personnel, officials, recruiting convicts to work, organizing their general and vocational education, ensuring the health of convicts.

Correctional colonies are intended for serving convicts who have reached the age of majority, imprisonment. They are subdivided into general regime colonies, where those convicted for the first time for crimes that are not grave are kept, maximum security colonies, where convicts for especially dangerous crimes are kept, and special regime colonies where especially dangerous recidivists are kept, and for which the death penalty is replaced by life imprisonment. In colony-settlements, those sentenced to imprisonment for crimes committed by negligence, as well as convicts transferred from a general and strict regime correctional facility, are serving their sentences. In prisons, those convicted of more than five years for committing especially grave crimes, with especially dangerous recidivism of crimes, as well as convicts who are persistent violators of the established procedure for serving sentences transferred from the correctional facility, serve their sentences.

In educational labor colonies, convicted juveniles are serving their sentences, as well as convicts left in educational colonies until they reach 21 years of age. According to Part 6 of Art. 88 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, male minors sentenced to imprisonment, as well as female minors are serving their sentences in educational colonies of a general regime, male minors previously serving imprisonment are in colonies with a high security regime.

Justification of the activities of social workers in the penitentiary sphere

Models of theoretical substantiation of the practice of social work in society: psycho-oriented, sociological-oriented, complex-oriented. Systems of relationships between society and offenders, philosophy of assistance in relation to this category of the population. Comprehensive model of assistance to persons in the penitentiary system. The purpose of the social worker. Features of the activities of a social worker in the penitentiary system. Prospects for the development of social work in the penitentiary sphere in our country.

Principles for the activities of a social worker in the penitentiary sphere

The principles of social work as elements of scientific theory and the fundamental rules of empirical activity. Classification of principles: general philosophical, general scientific (organizational and activity, socio-political, psychological and pedagogical, etc.) and specific principles of social work. Specific principles of social work: the principle of universality, the principle of protecting social rights, the principle of prevention, the principle of social response, the principle of client-centrism, the principle of self-reliance, the principle of maximizing social resources, the principle of confidentiality and tolerance. Specific principles of social work in the penitentiary system: humanism, legality and justice.

Functions of a social worker in penitentiary institutions of the Russian Federation

Functions of social workers: legal assistance and support for convicts; psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the personality of the convict; development, jointly with the administration of the correctional institution, of programs for the socio-psychological and professional rehabilitation of convicts; adaptation of convicts to the ITU environment. Responsibilities of a social worker in the institution of the penitentiary system: together with the convicts and the administration staff, draw up a plan for training and work during the period of imprisonment; help convicts to overcome the psychological crisis in connection with their detention; assist in their adaptation to the ITU environment; help organize your free time and continue your studies; protect and observe that the rights of the convicted are not violated; help with advice to the relatives of the prisoner in solving problems related to the imprisonment of his liberty; assist the prisoner in regulating financial matters; prepare the prisoner for release, including, if possible, find him housing, work; regulate the relationship between convicts and staff, because often employees of correctional institutions treat convicts as hopelessly incorrigible, which serves as a fertile ground for arbitrary power.

Specific functions and their implementation in relation to convicted persons with disabilities, minors, the elderly, young mothers and pregnant women, women who gave birth in places of detention.

Legal Aspect of Social Work in Penitentiary Institutions.

Federal Law “On Institutions and Bodies Executing Criminal Sentences in the Form of Imprisonment”, “On Amendments and Additions to the Correctional Labor Code of the RSFSR, the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, the Criminal Procedure Code of the RSFSR”, etc.).

Legal support and provision of convicts.

Realization of the rights of convicts: material and everyday support of convicts to imprisonment; communication with the family, assistance in preparing for the exit from places of detention, employment, cooperation with religious organizations, the fulfillment of the working conditions of convicts and the receipt of initial vocational education or training by convicts who have no specialty; the right to paid leave, benefits for temporary disability, benefits provided to women and youth, including those related to education, etc. the like, state social insurance; medical support for convicts.

Psychological aspects of social work in penitentiary institutions.

Characteristics of the psychological problems of persons serving sentences: a feeling of psychological discomfort, a feeling of injustice, self-inferiority, suspiciousness, anxiety, suspicion, fear of the unknown, persistent and pronounced mental stress, mental disorders, irreversible changes in the human psyche. Psychological methods of the social worker in the institution of the penitentiary system. Areas of psychological work of social workers: adaptation of a person in prison, the formation of her maximum possible active life position, clarification of rights and responsibilities, preparation of convicts for release, and those who are imprisoned for life or for a long time to stimulate to active, “normal”, an adequate view of the world; drawing up a program of psychological auto-training. The main approaches and principles of psychological work with convicts: individualization, complexity or consistency. The main directions of psychological penitentiary social work: the study of the personality of the convict and the formation of his "criminal career"; development of individual programs of influence and assistance to convicts; social and psychological assistance in adaptation to the environment of correctional labor institutions; socio-psychological and professional assistance in preparing the way out of places of confinement.

The main methods and techniques of social work in the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation

Methods for monitoring crime (). Interview as a research tool is a systematic activity with scientific goals in the course of which the interviewee is prompted by a series of scientific questions to communicate verbal information ”. Comparative method. Foreign methods of social work with convicts: a model or method of justice, a method of educational influence, including various models: community and group therapy, transactional analysis, exposure to the reality of the surrounding world, behavior modification.

The method of "expanding the positive social ties and relations of the subject" (V. N Kudryavtsev). The expansion of positive ties is carried out through: introduction of the convict to fiction, music, art, sports, amateur performances; familiarizing him with the positive traditions of the activities of other people; giving him the opportunity to master the relevant specialty; involvement of the convicted person in social activities.

The method of progressive execution of punishment consists in a combination of legal, organizational and educational means providing a gradual mitigation of the convict's punishment as the degree of his correction increases.

Correction - the formation of a stable readiness of the individual to lead a law-abiding lifestyle.

The method of psychological correction of the personality of the convict. Psychocorrection sees its main goal as a sustainable change in certain psychological properties of the individual, which determine the content aspects of the convict's social behavior.

Areas of the penitentiary psychological activity of a social worker: providing psychological assistance in the traditional sense (diagnostic counseling and preventive measures); improving the psychological state of convicts for the purpose of destructive conflicts and negative perception of corrective actions; carrying out corrective psychological correction of the convict.

Psychological methodology "Psychological correction in correctional labor institutions", developed by the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Educational and methodological support of the course:


1. Kravchenko work. - M .: Prospect, 2008 .-- 413 p.

3. Pavlenok, history and methods of social work: textbook /. - 9th ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Publishing and trade corporation "Dashkov and K", 2010. - 568 p.

4. Firsov social work /. - M .: Academic Project, 2007 .-- 432 p.


1. Alferov sociology and reeducation of convicts /. Domodedovo: RIPK Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 1994.– 205 p.

2. and others. Tools of the penitentiary psychologist /. Ufa, 1997 .-- 168 p.

3. Belyaeva for juvenile offenders in Russia /. Belgorod: "High School". 1998. - 135 p.

4. Hawk maker right /. - M .: Norma, 1994 .-- 176 p.

5. Eremeeva social work with various groups of the population /. - Blagoveshchensk, 2002. - 27 p.

6. Zainysheva social work: Textbook. manual for stud. Higher educational institutions / Ed. - M .: Humanit. ed. Center VLADOS, 2002 - 240 p.

7. Zubarev and the practice of monitoring the activities of the staff of the penitentiary system /, Moscow, 2006. - 51 g.

8. Instruction on the organization of educational work with convicts in educational colonies of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01, No. 77

9. Instruction on the organization and implementation by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of departmental control over the observance of human rights in institutions and territorial bodies of the penal system dated 01.01.01, N 16. - 5 p.

10. Kataeva work in the neighborhood with teenagers prone to delinquency /, Kirov: "Vyat-Slovo", 1997. - 166 p.

11. The concept of the target program "Development of the penal system (2007 - 2016)" dated June 7, 2006 N 839-r

12. Mokretsov conflict situations among convicts. Toolkit/. - M .: FSIN of Russia, FSI NII FSIN of Russia, 2006 .-- 75 p.

13. Moral, legal and labor education of convicts held in educational colonies: Educational-methodical material /, S.A. Semenova, G.V. Stroeva; edited by Doctor of Law. - M .: Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 2005 - 32 p.

14. Sablin man: textbook /. - Orenburg: OSU, 200s.

15. Social work: textbook / under total. ed. prof. ... - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2003 .-- 480 p.

16. Filipov of the penitentiary system: materials of the international conference /. Minsk, 1998. - 108 p.

17., Studenova social work: textbook for universities. Ed. 2nd add. and rev. M .: Academic project, 2007 .-- 512 p.

18. Single work: theory and practice: Textbook. manual /. - M .: INFRA - M, 2004. - 427 p.

19. Shchepkina - organizational basis for the education of convicts /. Blagoveshchensk: Amur state. university, 2006. - 190 p.

In theory, it is customary to distinguish two main aspects of social work in the penitentiary sphere: legal and psychological aspects. Let's consider each of them.

One of the functions of a social worker in the penitentiary sphere is legal support and provision of convicts. Over the years of the existence of the Soviet penitentiary system, the staff and administration of correctional institutions have created stereotypes regarding convicts in accordance with which convicts have no rights. Often the rights of convicts were violated contrary to the existing legislation, very often prisoners were used as free labor, but the labor of prisoners is not an end in itself. He only has to prepare him for life after his release, and this is possible only when the prison enterprises are equipped as usual. For labor is not a punishment or a means of reducing the costs of maintaining convicts, but an exclusive factor in the re-socialization of convicts. Upbringing by labor only presupposes training to work, but one must remember that labor is always less effective than education is evidenced by practical prison experience. According to research on the practice of punishment in the US federal system, American scientist Daniel Glaser found that continuing education reduces relapse. Therefore, it is necessary to use the means and methods of teaching in the re-education of convicts ”.

Everywhere in the Russian penitentiary system, the sanitary and hygienic standards of living of convicts are not observed. So, according to the results of these public organizations as of January 1, 1998. in pre-trial detention centers, 58.8% of people were held more than it should be according to the state standard. And also 18-20 sq. m. for 38 people, that is, 0.4 sq. m. per person ”.

The widespread use of repression is largely due to the formation of a kind of legal consciousness among the population associated with the use of the most severe measures against a convict.

This state of affairs is unacceptable, it is necessary to regulate the legal relationship between convicts and society. After all, a person is punished by imprisonment, and not by deprivation of conditions for a normal existence. At the same time, it cannot be argued that no measures are being taken, especially at the level of legislation. A lot of presidential decrees, government decrees and other normative legal acts were adopted to improve the situation of convicts. The concept of reorganizing the penitentiary system has been approved, there is a program for the construction of prisons and pre-trial detention centers, but in reality the whole state of affairs is deeply different from the legislatively enshrined. So, in accordance with Article 51 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, the material and household support of convicts to imprisonment is enshrined, which is a complex of organizational measures carried out on the basis of the norms of criminal executive legislation aimed at creating conditions for ensuring the normal life of convicts during the period of serving their sentences. The importance of the material and everyday life of the convicts is manifested in the fact that a well-established everyday life contributes to the moral change of the convict's personality, the consolidation of positive habits, and teaches him to order and discipline. Material and household support includes the creation of proper housing and communal conditions, catering, clothing supply and trade services. In correctional centers, the regulation of most of the indicated areas of material and household support is carried out on the basis of the norms of the general legislation of the Russian Federation. Often, convicts cannot protect their rights in the field of material security, and here the help of a social worker is needed, who must monitor the implementation of the basic norms of material, household and legal support and ensure the rule of law in the execution of a sentence of imprisonment, if these norms are not observed, the social worker must report this to the relevant authorities and institutions.

Also, a social worker can communicate between relatives of a prisoner and a prisoner, monitor the smooth sending of correspondence to the convict and himself, help the convict in regulating financial issues related to the religious belief of the convict. Moreover, it should be noted that the practice of religious worship is very important for many convicts, since every third of the total number of convicts considers himself a believer. As of mid-1995. Among the convicts, Orthodox Christians numbered 18,300, Baptists - 3,900, and Muslims - 2,250. Thus, the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation contains approximately 34,000 believers (excluding convicts in prisons and colonies-settlements). The work of confessional organizations, the pursuit of faith, contribute to improving relationships, strengthening discipline and order, expanding contacts with the outside world, determining the possibility of repentance for what they have done, helping in moral education, organizing everyday life and leisure, and employment. The activities of a social worker should be aimed at the most effective cooperation with religious organizations.

The responsibilities of social workers also include preparing for the release of a prisoner from places of imprisonment, providing housing and work, (if possible) or registering with an employment center. A social worker should monitor the fulfillment of the working conditions of convicts and that convicts who have no specialty receive primary vocational education or training. The labor of convicts is mainly regulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. First of all, it is the labor code, according to which the labor legislation regulating working hours and rest hours, labor standards, wages, guarantees and compensations, labor discipline and labor protection apply to convicts without any restrictions and exemptions. In accordance with these norms, those sentenced to restraint of liberty have the right to paid leave, benefits for temporary disability, benefits provided to women and youth, including those related to education, etc., state social insurance applies to those sentenced to restraint of liberty ” ... In accordance with these norms, a social worker is obliged to monitor the fulfillment of all these conditions in relation to the convicted person, as well as monitor the implementation of the convict's right to a pension for old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner and other cases stipulated by law. Without any discrimination in relation to convicts.

The functions of the social worker also include control over the medical provision of convicts. As you know, in the Russian penitentiary institutions there is a colossal number of patients with tuberculosis, scabies, venereal diseases, the number of AIDS patients is constantly increasing. It is necessary to monitor cases of the disease and provide patients with the necessary conditions for treatment.

In accordance with the current legislation, which reads: “Convicts serving a restriction of freedom are guaranteed the right to health protection, including receiving medical care (part 6 of article 12 of the PEC). Medical and prophylactic assistance to convicts is provided in accordance with the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation of July 22, 1993. "On the protection of the health of citizens."

Also, social workers are required to coordinate the activities of medical services, guide them, facilitate and organize various preventive measures

Thus, this aspect of the activities of social workers presupposes that they perform the functions of observers, controllers and social mediators.

NOU VPO Moscow Psychological and Social Institute

Konakovskiy branch


by discipline:

"Penitentiary Pedagogy"

"Social work in the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation: concept, essence, methods"

Konakovo 2010

Introduction …………………………………………………………………….

Chapter 1. Theoretical approaches to the construction of the activities of a social worker in the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation

1.1. Characteristics of the modern penitentiary system of the Russian Federation …………

1.2. Theoretical substantiation of the activities of a social worker ... ..


List of used literature …………………………………………

Introduction …………………………………………………………………… ...................... .................................... 2

Chapter 1. Theoretical approaches to the construction of the activities of a social worker in the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation .................................... .................................................. ......... 2

1.1. Characteristics of the modern penitentiary system of the Russian Federation ... ... ... ... ............................. 2

1.2. Theoretical substantiation of the activities of a social worker ... .......................... 2

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………....................... .................................. 2

List of used literature ………………………………………… ............................... ............. 2

1.2. Characteristics of the modern Russian penitentiary system ...................... 3

For the most effective analysis of the functions, principles and methods of a social worker in the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to characterize the modern Russian penitentiary system ........................... ................................ 3


In modern Russian society, which is in a crisis situation, significant changes are taking place in the system of values, norms, and attitudes of people. Against the background of drunkenness and alcoholization of the population, the official statistics recorded an increase in violent crimes against the individual. So, from 1976 to 1993, crime increased by 239%. At the moment, from 2 to 3 million crimes are committed annually. Recidivism is very high. The increase in relapse in 1991-1995 amounted to almost 65%; among repeat offenders in 1996, every fifth committed a new crime while serving a sentence.

Prisons and colonies are overcrowded, they are breeding grounds for various “social” diseases. Over the past five years, the incidence of open tuberculosis in corrective labor institutions (hereinafter ITU) has increased six times.

Everywhere there is a violation of the rights and freedoms of prisoners by the staff of the correctional institution. The current penitentiary activity is based precisely on the priority of punishment and repressive measures in relation to convicts. The orientation of the punitive system towards predominant imprisonment led to a crisis in the penitentiary system. To solve this problem, it is necessary to improve the structure of the correctional system - to introduce the institution of penitentiary social work, based precisely on the moral and humanistic nature of activities in relation to convicts.

The object of study is the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation. The subject is the essence, principles and methods of social work with convicts. The purpose of the abstract is to identify the main theoretical approaches to the construction of the professional activity of a social worker, to determine its main directions, principles, methods and role in the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation.

For the most effective analysis of the functions, principles and methods of a social worker in the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to characterize the modern Russian penitentiary system.

In the system of penitentiary institutions of the Russian Federation for 1998. there were 742 correctional labor colonies, 61 educational labor colonies, 413 prisons and 191 pre-trial detention centers, in which, as of July 1, 1998, there were in total. 1,017,814 people. “By the types of correctional institutions [Art. 74 of the RF PEC] are:

Correctional institutions are state bodies that are part of the penitentiary system, which is entrusted with the execution of imprisonment for a certain period and life imprisonment in order to correct convicts and prevent new crimes on their part, as well as to ensure law and order and legality in their activities, the safety of convicts and personnel. , officials, attracting convicts to work, organizing their general and vocational education, ensuring the health of convicts.

The type of correctional institution is determined by the court when passing the sentence.

Punishments for various categories of convicts, depending on the above factors, in order to ensure the personal safety of convicts, to prevent the negative influence of the most criminally neglected convicts on others and to create the prerequisites for their correction.

“Correctional colonies are intended to serve imprisonment by convicts who have reached the age of majority. They are subdivided into general regime colonies, where those convicted for the first time for crimes that are not serious are kept, maximum security colonies where convicts for especially dangerous crimes are kept, and special regime colonies where especially dangerous recidivists are kept, and for which the death penalty has been replaced

imprisonment for life. In colony-settlements, those sentenced to imprisonment for crimes committed by negligence, as well as convicts transferred from a general and strict regime correctional facility, are serving their sentences. In prisons, those convicted of more than five years for committing especially grave crimes, with especially dangerous recidivism of crimes, as well as convicts who are persistent violators of the established procedure for serving sentences transferred from the correctional facility, serve their sentences.

There are special and strict regime prisons.

In educational labor colonies, convicted juveniles are serving their sentences, as well as convicts left in educational colonies until they reach 21 years of age. According to Part 6 of Art. 88 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, male minors sentenced to imprisonment, as well as female minors are serving their sentences in educational colonies with a general regime, male minors previously serving imprisonment - in colonies with a high security regime. ”

Thus, all of the above institutions constitute the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation.

In penitentiary institutions there is an acute issue of providing prisoners with the necessary means of subsistence. In these conditions, morbidity and mortality among prisoners is very high; for example, in 1995, the incidence of tuberculosis in the wild was 57.8 people per 100,000 population, and in the penitentiary system - 2,481 people, while the death rate in the wild was 14.4 people per 100,000 population, in the penitentiary system - 201.54 people per 100,000. The problems of reforming the penitentiary system are no longer purely a prison. The world community has an ambiguous assessment of the activities of penitentiary institutions in Russia. On the one hand, the issues of education of convicts are well developed in them, although without taking into account their individual interests and often contrary to the wishes of the convicts; on the other hand, in Russia there is an excess of prison paraphernalia, especially in relation to minors. Restrictions on the rights and freedoms of prisoners are unacceptable from the standpoint of humanism and the rule of law. The use of repressive and punitive measures in large numbers, widespread physical, mental and moral violence against the person of the convict. The basis of the Soviet penitentiary policy was the corrective labor aspect. The convicts were viewed primarily as cheap labor. Penitentiary policy proceeded from the priority of the state and society, and the interests of the individual were considered only if the interests of the state, society and the individual coincided.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the penitentiary system was reformed. Sovereign Russia has proclaimed the priority of the interests of the individual as a fundamental principle: “A person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value” (Article 2. of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, 1993). This principle formed the basis for the formation of penitentiary policy. However, in the context of a general increase in crime in the state, correctional institutions, on the contrary, efforts are strict in the treatment of prisoners, a stereotype that has formed in the eyes of the public and the staff of penitentiary institutions about the personality of the criminal, about his incorrigibility, and against this background, the main punishment is not determined by the very fact of imprisonment , and the establishment of a certain amount of the right to restrictions of a material and everyday nature while maintaining ties with the outside world. The activities of correctional labor institutions are aimed at shaping the image of an “ideal” prisoner, not at correcting a convict. Currently, the correctional system in Russia is not equipped with scientifically based programs for the formation of a law-abiding personality, and does not meet modern requirements and social welfare for prisoners. The social consequences of the crisis of the corrective labor system are especially grave. Every third person released from prison commits a new crime, the number of suicides in correctional labor institutions is high. This crisis is due to both objective and subjective reasons. An example of the latter can be the incompetence of the penitentiary staff, who cannot abandon stereotypes in the perception of prisoners. Objective reasons are, first of all, in the fact that the entire penitentiary policy of the Russian Federation is focused on punitive and repressive principles in relation to prisoners. The results of this are obvious: over the past 40 years, 40 million people have visited Soviet and Russian penitentiaries, and in the future we are seeing further criminalization of society. To bring the penitentiary system out of the crisis, it is necessary to reform the foundations of the penal policy. Correctional labor institutions should become a kind of social clinics, where the organization of the pedagogical process of re-education, “treatment” of socially neglected prisoners will take place.

In our opinion, such a decision is possible and obligatory, but it must be supplemented by the participation of specialists - social workers in penitentiary activities, who are guided in their activities primarily by moral and humanistic principles in relation to prisoners. The experience of foreign countries clearly shows this: in countries where the activity of re-educating convicts is based precisely on humanistic principles, the percentage of recidivism and the general level of crime in society are the lowest. Countries such as Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Denmark can be cited as examples.

The most intensive development of social work in Russia began in the 90s. years of XX century. At the present stage of development of social work in Russia, the development of its theoretical foundations is of great importance.

There are several models for the theoretical substantiation of the practice of social work in society. All these models can be reduced to three main ones:

1) Psychology-oriented

2) Sociology-oriented

3) Complex-oriented

The theoretical substantiation of various areas of social work in society has been developed to a greater or lesser extent. So, for example, a study of sources on the theory of social work showed that if social work with the disabled, children, the elderly, women, the unemployed and other categories of the population has a fairly developed theoretical basis, then the theory of social work in the penitentiary sphere is not actually considered in domestic science. Perhaps because for a long time it was believed that convicts cannot be clients of social work, since they are not full members of society and are serving a deserved sentence, not having the right to help from social workers, i.e. in fact, the phenomenon of crime was considered from the standpoint of morality and emotions. Society views criminals as a group of alien, outside of society elements. “They see only“ monsters ”in criminals. In this way, society treats criminals the same way they treat their victims. " However, based on the analysis of data on crime, about criminals, it can be argued that crime is a type of human behavior, and criminals are deviants. Offense is one of the forms of antisocial behavior, non-standard behavior that differs from the norms established in society both legally and in the moral and ethical sphere. “There is a so-called deviant subculture, which is such a system of values, norms and forms of behavior, which is recognized by a certain group of antisocial elements and builds on it their relations with each other. This subculture behaves in a relatively alienated manner within society, which gives rise to the existence of a conflict with society. " The activities of a social worker should be aimed specifically at overcoming and preventing such a conflict and the maximum possible elimination of such a deviant subculture. Some aspects of the theory of penitentiary social work are discussed in various aspects of law, pedagogy, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, however, nevertheless, there is no single theory of penitentiary social work. In our opinion, the theoretical substantiation of penitentiary social work also comes down to psycho-oriented, sociological-oriented and complex models. In our opinion, the most effective model of penitentiary social work is precisely the complex one. There is also a specific feature of penitentiary social work, which is that it is more than all other areas of social work in society, isolated from this society. And it is regulated by legal norms in accordance with the criminal and penal legislation of the Russian Federation, while all other areas of social work are based mainly on civil, administrative and social law. This fact, undoubtedly, should be taken into account when training a specialist in penitentiary social work, and how

professional and moral and ethical. It is necessary to develop special training programs for training specifically social workers in the penitentiary sphere, in which the main emphasis should be placed on the legal education of future social workers

Also, within the framework of the general theory of social work, it is necessary to develop a unified theoretical justification for penitentiary social work, this is required by the practical activities of the penitentiary system, the transformation of which and the restructuring of the very principles of penitentiary policy from repressive to humanistically oriented, is impossible through the efforts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. We need public institutions that can effectively regulate the penitentiary system. One of these institutions is social work. To develop the theoretical foundations of the Russian penitentiary social work, perhaps, referring to international experience. In Western Europe and the United States, the institution of social work in the penitentiary sphere is quite developed and well-grounded in theory. However, this should take into account the specifics of the situation in the penitentiary system of modern Russia. These are, of course, the stereotypes that have developed in our society regarding convicts, and the economic situation.

The prospects for the development of social work in the penitentiary sphere in our country are very great, since penitentiary social work combines knowledge from various branches of science about society and man, because, as you know, social work is interdisciplinary in nature, allowing you to use the methods of various sciences in your activities. In penitentiary social work, it is especially important that it is universal in nature, allowing the problem of each client to be considered as accurately and correctly as possible and to build the best way out of this problem for him, which can not be done by psychology, which considers only psychological aspects, or law.

considering only the legal side of the problem.

Social work allows you to see the full range of conditions necessary to help a client.

The institution of penitentiary social work is also important because often a person who is at liberty can solve his problem by discussing it with various specialists, to whom he can turn at any time as soon as he wishes, convicted due to a significant restriction of his rights and freedoms simply is unable to ask anyone for help. Thus, it can be argued that social work in the penitentiary system plays a very important role in providing the necessary conditions for people in places of detention, that is, in the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation.

Etc. Penitentiary institutions in the system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia: history and modernity. M .: "Norma"., 1998 - 172s.

Utkin V.A., A course of lectures on the Criminal - Executive Law. A common part. - Tomsk, 1995 .-- 94 p.

1 Schneider G.Y.

Schneider G.Y. Criminology - M .: "Progress" - Univers, 1994. - 502 p., P.10.

abstractby discipline:

"Legal support of social work"

on the topic of:

"Social work in the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation"


Introduction ……………………………………………………………… .. ……… 3

Chapter 1: Theoretical Foundations of Social Work in a Penitentiary Institution …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

1.1 Social work in the penitentiary system ……………………… ..… .5

1.2 The legal basis for social activities in a penitentiary institution ………………………………………………………………. ……… 8

Chapter 2. Directions, forms of activity of a social worker and professional requirements for his personality in the penitentiary system …………………………………………………………………………… 12

2.1 Main directions and forms of activity of a social worker in the penal system ………………………………….… .. …… ... 12



Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… ..… ... 18

Bibliography …………………………………………… .. …… 19

Appendix A Institutions Executing Punishment of Imprisonment

Appendix B Types of medical support for convicts in places of deprivation of liberty


Currently in PThe Russian Federation faces a special problem - the development of social work in the penitentiary system. Revealing the essence of this problem and the development of appropriate measures in a country overflowing with crime is one of the main tasks of the institution of social work.

In modern Russian society, which is in a crisis situation, significant changes are taking place in the system of values, norms, and attitudes of people. The old system of values ​​has been destroyed, and the new one has not yet been created; there is an obvious crisis of the system of values. The number of criminally punishable crimes committed in society has sharply increased.

Against the background of drunkenness and alcoholization of the population, the official statistics recorded an increase in violent crimes against the individual.

At the moment, from 2 to 3 million crimes are committed annually.

Recidivism is very high. Prisons and colonies are overcrowded, they are breeding grounds for various “social” diseases. Everywhere there is a violation of the rights and freedoms of prisoners by the staff of the correctional institution. The current penitentiary system is based precisely on the priority of punishment and repressive measures in relation to convicts.

The current situation in correctional institutions is aggravated by the almost complete lack of the required number of trained social workers-practitioners who are able to work with different categories of convicts in a new way. A specialist in social work in penitentiary institutions is called upon to foresee the causes of emerging crimes and be able to prevent their consequences, thus participating in reducing the percentage of crime in the Russian Federation.

This work is devoted to the designation of the categories of penitentiary social work and one of the cornerstones of the reform: the problem of updating the activities of social workers in the penitentiary sphere. It seems that the active work of professional social workers in correctional institutions is able to reverse the well-known negative trends, bringing the domestic penitentiary system of the Russian Federation closer to European standards.

An object research: social work in the penitentiary.

Thing research: the principles and content of the activities of a social worker in a correctional institution.

The purpose This work is aimed at identifying the main theoretical approaches to the construction of the professional activity of a social worker in the penitentiary system and determining the content and methods of social work in a penal colony.

Chapter 1. The theoretical foundations of social work in the penitentiary

1.1 Social work in the penitentiary system

The combination of external and internal factors, unfavorable circumstances and personal imperfections determine the appearance of various difficult life situations in people. Not every person is able to resolve them, observing moral and legal norms, mainly due to the limited personal potential and the lack of social and preventive assistance.

Recognizing criminal punishment as the most severe, but necessary means of influencing a certain category of offenders, the state, on behalf of society, uses it for the purpose of extreme self-defense, resolving a difficult life situation of crime, as well as preventing further personal deformations and thus returning a person to a social norm.

The statistics on the number of people in prisons is disappointing.

Social support for persons held in correctional institutions is a special system of measures aimed at reinforcing, preserving, or restoring the living conditions of the most "weak" convicts and their risk groups, who experience special needs that are different from other objective or subjective properties and make normal detention in correctional facilities, preparation for life in freedom and post-penitentiary rehabilitation.

Social work with convicts is aimed at achieving general goals of activity: increasing the degree of independence of clients, their ability to control their lives and more effectively resolve emerging problems in a socially approved way; creating conditions in which clients can maximize their capabilities and get everything that they are entitled to by law; adaptation or readaptation in society; creation of conditions under which a person, despite physical injury, mental breakdown or life crisis, can live, maintaining self-esteem and respect for himself from others; achieving such a result when the need for the help of a social worker from the client "disappears".

Consequently, the goal of penitentiary social work is to prevent the deterioration of the situation that has developed in a particular convict and their groups, to resolve social problems, to actualize the personal potential to overcome existing and future difficulties, or, at least, to alleviate the subjective experience of a person, to change the attitude towards unresolved problems. and situations during the period of imprisonment. The main thing here is to promote the implementation of the main strategic goal of the execution of a criminal punishment - the correction of the convicted person. In each specific situation, at the personal level, taking into account the specifics of the problems and individual characteristics of the convict, the general goals of social work are personified [Ananiev 2005: 93-95].

Social work with convicts is based on the following principles:

Humanity - the basis of social work in correctional institutions should be an attentive caring attitude, the priority of respect for personal dignity, protection of human rights and interests;

Accessibility and universality - all convicts, regardless of political, ideological, religious, national, racial, gender and age, social status and other characteristics, should have equal rights and real opportunities to receive legal social assistance, support, protection;

Targeting - the provision of individual social assistance to all convicts in need, especially the most vulnerable categories (disabled people, the elderly, pensioners, sick people who did not have a certain place of residence, occupation, etc.);

Voluntariness - social assistance cannot be provided against the will of the convicted person, except for cases connected with a threat to the life and safety of the convicted person and other circumstances;

Confidentiality - non-disclosure of information about the personality and social problems of convicts, which can cause them various harm, infringe on their rights and dignity, worsen the situation;

Educational and preventive orientation - through social work, creating conditions for correcting convicts, preventing the emergence of new difficult situations, eliminating the causes that give rise to them;

Stimulating the convict - work should be aimed at finding and supporting a positive resource for the convict to independently resolve his problems, as well as personal self-education .;

Tolerance - a tolerant professional attitude, rendering assistance to all categories of needy convicts, regardless of personal sympathies and antipathies, assessing the circumstances and nature of the crime committed, the severity and its consequences, the degree of guilt and moral, legal, psychological and pedagogical degradation of a person;

Maximizing social and personal resources - to resolve the convict's problems, create conditions for his normal social well-being and positive development of the personality, all the basic means of correction provided by the law must be used [ibid: 118-120].

1.2 Legal the foundation social activities v penitentiary


Social work in penitentiary institutions in modern Russia is actively developing and developing as a special type of activity for the provision of social assistance and support, the implementation of social protection of convicts. For the implementation of this particular type of activity, departments of social and psychological work and groups of social protection and accounting for the length of service of convicts have been created. Employees of the above-mentioned divisions of correctional institutions, solving the tasks defined by them by normative acts, are primarily guided in their activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. She proclaimed the Russian Federation a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free human development. In accordance with article 7 of the Constitution, labor and health of people are protected in the Russian Federation, a guaranteed minimum wage is established, state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, disabled and elderly citizens is provided, a system of social services is being developed, state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection [Zubarev 2006: 31].

The state-legal foundations of social work, along with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, are concretized in Federal laws, laws of the constituent entities of the Federation, decrees of the President of Russia, decrees and orders of ministries and departments, legal acts of local self-government bodies. Thus, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Fundamentals of Social Services to the Population in the Russian Federation" in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law establishes the foundations of legal regulation in the field of social services to the population in the Russian Federation. This Law provides basic concepts that define the essence of social services. It is defined as the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, social and medical, psychological and pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations. In addition, the Federal Law establishes the powers of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of social services; social service systems; organization of social services; resource provision of social services and other provisions. Some of the provisions are directly related to the organization of social work with convicts during the period of serving their sentence and after their release.

In more detail, the issues of social work with convicts are enshrined in the Criminal Executive Code. It, along with regulating the procedure and conditions for the execution and serving of sentences, determining the means of correcting convicts, establishes the protection of their rights, freedoms and legal interests, the provision of social assistance to convicts in adaptation: the adaptation of a person to the new rules and norms of human society, to certain conditions life in society. [Zubkov 1998: 101-103].

The Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation reflects and enshrines such an important area of ​​social work as the restoration, preservation and maintenance of socially useful ties of convicts with the outside world [Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, Article 1, Part 2].

This article aims to preserve family, kinship and other socially useful ties of convicts, thereby establishing one of the areas of social work with them.

Persons sentenced to imprisonment are allowed to receive and send letters and telegrams at their own expense without limiting their number. Convicted persons also have the right to receive money transfers and send money transfers to relatives, relatives, and with the permission of the administration of the correctional institution to other persons [Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 91].

In correctional institutions for the medical care of convicts, medical and prophylactic institutions are organized, and the administration of the correctional institution is responsible for fulfilling the requirements that ensure their health protection. [Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, Article 101].

In the Penal Code, one can also single out the norms that are the legal basis for such an important area of ​​social work as the preparation of convicts for release.

Convicts released from places of imprisonment are provided with free travel to their place of residence, they are provided with food or money for the time of travel in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. In the absence of clothing necessary for the season or funds for its purchase, convicts are provided with clothing at the expense of the state [Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 181].

Convicted persons released from imprisonment have the right to a labor and household arrangement and to receive other types of social assistance in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts [Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 182].

Thus, the legal basis for social work with convicts is: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; other legislative acts of the Russian Federation; regulations; normative acts of the Ministry of Justice of Russia governing social work issues; regulations of the Federal Penitentiary Service, its main directorates, directorates and departments; local regulations adopted by the administration of correctional institutions of the penal system on social work.

A social worker in correctional institutions also uses the Instruction on rendering assistance in labor and household arrangements, as well as rendering assistance to convicts released from serving sentences in correctional institutions (approved by. by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2006 No. 2) (as amended on September 8, 2006), which gives guarantees to the convict on his release. Guarantees are expressed in social assistance and support, employment, provision of living space, necessary clothing, etc. guarantees.

Chapter 2. Directions, forms of activity of a social worker and professional requirements for his personality in the penitentiary system

2.1 The main directions and shape activities social

employee in the penitentiary the system

At present, the professional activities of social work specialists and other employees of the correctional institution are carried out in accordance with the Regulation on the group of social protection and accounting for the length of service of convicted correctional institutions.

The group for social protection and accounting for the length of service of convicts is a structural subdivision of a correctional institution designed to assist convicts in resolving their social problems [Zubarev 2006: 18].

Social work in a correctional institution is a complex activity for the provision of social assistance and support, the implementation of social protection of convicts, creating the preconditions for their correction during the period of serving their sentence and resocialization after release.

Social work is carried out with all convicts, as well as their groups in need of material, moral, psychological, legal or other social assistance [Zainysheva 2002: 178].

In order to more effectively solve the assigned tasks, the group interacts with other departments and structural divisions of the correctional institution. External interaction is carried out with relatives of convicts, the public, territorial employment services, social protection of the population, and other interested structures [Mokretsov 2006: 37].

To fulfill their professional duties, employees of the group are provided with office rooms, an automated workstation (personal computer), office equipment, and stationery.

To achieve the goals and objectives, the team members perform a number of functions. The main ones include:

Implementation of general social diagnostics of convicts and identification, on its basis, of persons in need of priority social assistance, support and protection;

Comprehensive study of the personality of convicts in need of social assistance together with employees of the psychological service and other services of the correctional institution and the development of individual programs for working with them;

Providing people in need with qualified social assistance, encouraging convicts to make an independent decisiontheirsocialproblems and problems of other people, in accordance with the requirements of laws and moral norms;

Strengthening the positive social ties of convicts with the external social environment: with family, relatives, relatives, social, etc. religious associations, other persons who can contribute to the correction and resocialization of offenders;

Continuous implementation of activities for the preparation of prisoners for release;

The regulation defines the rights and obligations of the employees of the social protection group and accounting for the length of service of convicts. In accordance with it, in order to perform professional functions, a senior social work specialist has the right:

Request and receive information necessary for their professional activities about the personality of the convict, as well as about groups and collectives of convicts;

To take part in the work of the distribution commission for the distribution of convicts into detachments and brigades;

Participate in decision-making on the issue of submitting convicts who are clients of social work for parole;

Submit proposals to the management of the correctional institution on the application of incentives and penalties to convicts.

The duties of a senior social work specialist under the Regulation include:

Timely informing the management of the correctional institution about the problems in the field of social security of convicts;

Providing individual assistance, information and counseling to convictsthem (both independently and by inviting lawyers) on issues of pension, material, other social security;

From the first days of the convicts' stay in the correctional institution, the implementation of activities aimed at preparing them for release, promoting their acquisition of education, profession and labor skills;

Assistance in the restoration, maintenance and strengthening of socially useful ties of convicts, the formation of skills in family behavior and communication in the immediate social environment;

Execution of documents for individual pension insurance of convicts and assistance in their implementation;

Taking measures to obtain passports, work books and other documents of convicts [Zubarev 2006: 11-16].

2.2 Legal Aspect of Social Work in Penitentiary Institutions

One of the functions of a social worker in the penitentiary sphere is legal support and provision of convicts.

Over the years of the existence of the Soviet penitentiary system, the staff and administration of correctional institutions have created stereotypes regarding convicts in accordance with which convicts have no rights. Often the rights of convicts were violated contrary to the existing legislation, very often prisoners were used as free labor, but “the labor of prisoners is not an end in itself. He only has to prepare him for life after his release, and this is possible only when the prison enterprises are equipped as usual. Labor is not a punishment or a means of reducing the costs of maintaining convicts, but an exclusive factor in the re-socialization of convicts. Upbringing by labor only presupposes training to work, but one must remember that labor is always less effective than education, this is evidenced by practical penitentiary experience.

In the Russian penitentiary system, the sanitary and hygienic standards of living of convicts are not observed. So, according to the results of these public organizations as of January 1, 2008. in pre-trial detention centers, 58.8% of people were held more than it should be according to the state standard. And also 18-20 sq. m. for 38 people, that is, 0.4 sq. m. per person. The widespread use of repression is largely due to the formation of a kind of legal consciousness among the population associated with the use of the most severe measures against a convict. A person is punished by imprisonment, and not by deprivation of conditions for a normal existence. About 40 presidential decrees, government decrees and other normative legal acts were adopted. (Federal Law "On Institutions and Bodies Executing Criminal Sentences in the Form of Imprisonment", "On Amendments and Additions to the Correctional Labor Code of the RSFSR, the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, the Criminal Procedure Code of the RSFSR", etc.) The concept of reorganization of the criminal executive system, there is a program for the construction of prisons and pre-trial detention centers, but in reality the whole state of affairs is deeply different from the legislatively enshrined. So, in accordance with Article 51 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, the material and household support of convicts to imprisonment is enshrined, which is a complex of organizational measures carried out on the basis of the norms of criminal executive legislation aimed at creating conditions for ensuring the normal life of convicts during the period of serving their sentences. The importance of the material and everyday life of the convicts is manifested in the fact that a well-established everyday life contributes to the moral change of the convict's personality, the consolidation of positive habits, and teaches him to order and discipline. Material and household support includes the creation of proper housing and communal conditions, catering, clothing supply and trade services. In correctional centers, the regulation of most of the indicated areas of material and household support is carried out on the basis of the norms of the general legislation of the Russian Federation. Often, convicts cannot protect their rights in the field of material security, and here the help of a social worker is needed, who must monitor the implementation of the basic norms of material, household and legal support and ensure the rule of law in the execution of a sentence of imprisonment, if these norms are not observed, the social worker must report this to the relevant authorities and institutions. Also, a social worker can communicate between relatives of a prisoner and a prisoner, monitor the smooth sending of correspondence to the convict and himself, help the convict in regulating financial issues related to the religious belief of the convict. In accordance with these norms, a social worker is obliged to monitor the fulfillment of all these conditions in relation to the convicted person, as well as monitor the implementation of the convict's right to a pension for old age, disability, loss of a breadwinner and other cases stipulated by law. Without any discrimination in relation to convicts. The functions of a social worker also include control over medical provision of convicts. As you know, in the Russian penitentiary institutions there is a colossal number of patients with tuberculosis, scabies, venereal diseases, the number of AIDS patients is constantly increasing. It is necessary to monitor cases of the disease and provide patients with the necessary conditions for treatment. In accordance with the current legislation, which reads: “Convicts serving a restriction of freedom are guaranteed the right to health protection, including receiving medical assistance (part 6 of article 12 of the PEC). Medical and prophylactic assistance to convicts is provided in accordance with the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation of July 22, 1993. "On the protection of the health of citizens."

Also, social workers are required to coordinate the activities of medical services, guide them, facilitate and organize various preventive measures

Thus, the legal aspect of the activities of social workers presupposes that they perform the functions of observers, lawyers, administrators, controllers and social mediators.


In conclusion, it can be noted that in order to overcome the crisis in penitentiary institutions today it is necessary to reform the foundations of the penal policy. Correctional institutions should become a kind of social clinics, where a purposeful socio-pedagogical, rehabilitation process of re-education, "treatment" of socially neglected prisoners will be carried out.

Such a decision is possible and obligatory, but it must be supplemented by the participation of specialists in the penitentiary activity - social workers who are guided in their activities primarily by moral and humanistic principles in relation to prisoners.

Penitentiary social work as a type of activity has specific features that are of great importance for work in penitentiary institutions. Among them is the ability: to consider the client as part of the social system; accentuating contacts with the client's environment, with everyone who can help in identifying the problem and looking for a solution; organization of an integrated approach and coordination of efforts of various specialists and services when working with a client; knowledge of the possibilities of society in solving social problems of the client.

A social worker in a correctional institution is a multifunctional specialist who is ready for organizational and managerial, research and analytical, scientific and pedagogical activities. The main directions of his professional activity: social work with convicts serving sentences in institutions executing criminal sentences in the form of imprisonment; resocialization and social adaptation of persons released from penal institutions; educational and preventive work with persons serving sentences not related to imprisonment.

Bibliographic list

1.AnanevO.G.SocialWorkvthe penal system. Educational - methodical manual / O. G.Ananiev,E.O.Ananyeva,N. S.Glazunovanddr. Ryazan: Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 2005. - 372 p.

2. Zainysheva I.G. Social work technology: Textbook. manual for stud. Higher educational institutions / Ed. I. G. Zainysheva - M .: Humanit. ed. Center VLADOS, 2002 - 240 p.

3. Zubarev S.M. Theory and practice of control over the activities of the staff of the penitentiary system / S.M. Zubarev, Moscow, 2006 .-- 51.

4. Zubkov A.I. Penitentiary institutions in the system of the Ministry of Russia: history and modernity / A. I. Zubkov and others. M .: Publishing house "Science", 1998. - 172 p.

5. Instruction on the organization and implementation by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of departmental control over the observance of human rights in institutions and territorial bodies of the penal system dated January 31, 2006 N 16. - 5 p.

6. Instruction on the organization of educational work with convicts in educational colonies of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2000 No. 77

7. Kovaleva AI Socialization of personality norm and deviation / AI. Kavaleva. M .: Institute of Youth, 1996 .-- 223 p.

8. Levin BM Actual problems of deviant behavior (fight against social diseases) / B. M. Levin. M .: RAS Institute of Sociology., 1995 .-- 200 p.

9. Mokretsov AI Prevention of conflict situations among convicts. Methodical manual / A. I. Mokretsov. - M .: FSIN of Russia, FSI NII FSIN of Russia, 2006 .-- 75 p.

10. Nemov RS Fundamentals of psychological counseling: Textbook. for stud. pedagogical universities / R.S. Nemov. - M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 1999 .-- 394 p.

11. Osipova A. A. General psychocorrection: a textbook for university students / A. A. Osipova. - M .: TC Sphere, 2002 .-- 512 p.

12. Pavlenok PD Fundamentals of social work: Textbook / Otv. ed. P.D. Pavlenok. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Infra - M, 2003 .-- 395 p.

13. Kholostova EI Technologies of social work / Textbook under total. ed. prof. E.I. Single. - M .: INFRA - M, 2001 .-- 400 p.

14. Schepkina NK Scientific and organizational foundations of the education of convicts / NK. Shchepkin. Blagoveshchensk: Amur state. University, 2006 .-- 190 p.

15. The Penal Code of the Russian Federation. Adopted by the State Duma on December 18, 1996.


Institutions, performing punishment v the form hardships freedom

Appendix B

Types of medical support for convicts in places of deprivation of liberty

The problem of social work in penitentiary institutions is especially relevant. Social work in penitentiary institutions in modern Russia is just beginning to take shape, the technologies of social work in this area are not clearly defined and often the functions of social work specialists in the penal system are performed by other workers in this area. The subject is the technology of the function and direction of social work with convicts in penitentiary institutions. In accordance with the set goal, a number of tasks can be distinguished: ...

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Any human community is characterized by norms of behavior, which are generally accepted rules, and following them is the responsibility of each member of this community. The development of society led to the formation of two normative systems - moral (ethical) norms, the violation of which entailed a change in the attitude towards the offender on the part of other members of the community and legal norms, the crime of which was punishable by punishment.

The problem of social work in penitentiary institutions is especially relevant. The penitentiary system serves the generally accepted goal of re-education in accordance with social norms and values ​​of a person who has committed an unlawful act and received a sentence of imprisonment, as well as to prevent him from committing a second crime. In conditions of isolation from society, isolation from the negative influences of alcohol and drugs, the convicts must reassess many of their usual values. A social worker should help a person to correctly build his behavior both within the walls of the institution of deprivation of liberty, and outside it.

Social work in penitentiary institutions in modern Russia is just beginning to take shape, the technologies of social work in this area are not clearly defined and often the functions of social work specialists in the penal system are performed by other workers in this area.

Relevance of the research topic.In modern Russian society, which is in a crisis situation, significant changes are taking place in the system of values, norms, and attitudes of people. The old system of values ​​has been destroyed, and the new one has not yet been created; there is an obvious crisis of the system of values. The number of criminally punishable crimes committed in society has sharply increased.

Object the research in this work is the persons serving sentences in the form of isolation from society.

Subject are technologies, functions and areas of social work with convicts in penitentiary institutions.

In accordance with the set goal, a number of tasks can be distinguished:

  • To reveal the essence of the modern penitentiary system;
  • Consider the basic principles of the professional activity of social workers in working with convicts
  • Consider the basic technologies of social work, the legal framework for social work with convicts.


  1. General characteristics of the penitentiary system

For a more effective analysis of the functions, principles and methods of a social worker in the penitentiary system, it is necessary to reveal the characteristics of the modern Russian penitentiary system.

The term "penitentiary system" comes from the Latin word for repentance.

The first prison, called the penitentiary, was built in 1786 in Philadelphia (USA, Pennsylvania), then this type of prison became quite widespread in other cities of the United States and some countries. A distinctive feature of this system is the strictest solitary confinement. It was believed that a criminal is a sinner in need of repentance, which would reconcile him with God and people, therefore a prison is the place where a criminal, left alone with himself, is able to repent.

In the most general sense, the penitentiary system is a system of places of deprivation of liberty. It includes prisons, as well as detention centers, correctional colonies, etc.

The formation of the penitentiary system began with the formation of the state and law of Ancient Rus.

The most famous monument of Old Russian law, containing norms on criminal punishments and their execution, is Russkaya Pravda. The crimes committed at that time were punishable by blood feud, murder, and the punishment of vira - a monetary fine.

Before XIX century the penitentiary system was considered only from the side of punishment. Only the process of punishment and its types have undergone changes. Measures aimed at correcting the offender were first taken by Alexander I , following the example of Western countries.On July 19, 1819, under the auspices of Alexander I, the "Prison Guardianship Society" was formed, the charter of which provided for the promotion of the moral correction of criminals and the improvement of the maintenance of prisoners. One of the means of correction at that time was "instructing them in the rules of Christian piety and good morality, based on it," contained in the second article of the charter. Later, the content in prisons was improved, corporal punishment for women was abolished (1863).

The Bolsheviks who came to power proclaimed socially useful labor as one of the main means of correction. The prisoners worked on the following projects: the construction of the Moscow-Volga Canal, the construction of the Stalin White Sea-Baltic Canal, the construction of the Baikal-Amur Railway, the construction of many other large industrial and transport facilities. On October 16, 1924, the first Correctional Labor Code in the history of Russia was adopted. According to this code, places of detention were divided into three groups: institutions for the application of social protection measures of a correctional nature; atinstitutions for the application of social protection measures of a medical and pedagogical nature; institutions for the application of social protection measures of a medical nature. This code also provided detailed regulation of the regime, labor, cultural and educational work among prisoners.

With the adoption of the new Constitution of Russia on December 12, 1993, a person, his rights and freedoms were declared the highest value. This principle formed the basis for the formation of the criminal executive policy of the Russian Federation, first of all determining the system of measures aimed at humanizing the treatment of prisoners. As a result of the reform of the penitentiary system in Russia, there has been a transition from corrective labor legislation to penal legislation.

Currently, there are various types of correctional institutions in Russia.Correctional institutions are specialized bodies of the state that carry out punishment in the form of imprisonment for a certain period and life imprisonment.

According to Article 74 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation (PEC RF) dated 01/08/1997 N 1-FZ, there are the following types of correctional institutions:

a) Correctional colonies intended for serving by convicts who have reached the age of majority, imprisonment:

  1. colonies-settlements in which those sentenced to imprisonment for crimes committed through negligence, intentional crimes of small and medium gravity, as well as convicts transferred from correctional colonies of general and strict regimes, are serving their sentences,
    1. correctional colonies of general regime, where convicted men serve their sentences, except for those listed in 1.3., 1.4., and 1.7., as well as convicted women,
    2. correctional colonies of strict regime, where men serve their sentences for the first time sentenced to imprisonment for committing especially grave crimes; in case of recurrence of crimes and dangerous recurrence of crimes, if the convicted person has previously served imprisonment,
    3. correctional colonies of a special regime, in which convicted men serve their sentences with an especially dangerous recidivism of crimes, sentenced to life imprisonment, as well as convicts for whom the death penalty by way of pardon has been replaced by imprisonment for a specified period or life imprisonment,

b) Prisons in which those sentenced to imprisonment for a term exceeding five years are serving their sentences for committing especially grave crimes, with especially dangerous recidivism of crimes, as well as convicts who are persistent violators of the established procedure for serving sentences, transferred from correctional colonies,

c) Medical correctional institutions and medical and prophylactic institutions where convicts are serving their sentences specified in part two of Article 101 of this Code. Treatment-and-prophylactic institutions perform the functions of correctional institutions in relation to convicts in them. In medical correctional institutions and medical and prophylactic institutions, isolated areas may be created that function as colonies-settlements.

In accordance with this article, in the penal system for medical care of convicts, treatment and prevention institutions (hospitals, special psychiatric and tuberculosis hospitals) and medical units are organized, and for the maintenance and outpatient treatment of convicts with an open form of tuberculosis, alcoholism and drug addiction, - medical correctional institutions,

d) Educational colonies in which juveniles sentenced to imprisonment are serving their sentences, as well as convicts left in educational colonies until they reach the age of 19. In educational colonies, isolated areas may be created, functioning as correctional colonies of a general regime, for the maintenance of convicts who have reached the age of 18 while serving their sentence,

e) Pre-trial detention centers, which perform the functions of correctional institutions in relation to convicts left to perform housekeeping work, convicts in respect of whom a court sentence has entered into legal force and who are subject to sending to correctional institutions to serve their sentences, convicts transferred from one place serving a sentence in another, convicts who are left in a pre-trial detention center or transferred to a pre-trial detention center in exceptional cases, as well as in relation to convicts for a term of not more than six months, left in pre-trial detention centers with their consent.

All this makes it possible to differentiate punishment and corrective action in places of deprivation of liberty, to approachexecution of punishment and correction of the offender, taking into account the severity and nature of the crime committed, the personality of the offender, the dynamics of its change during the serving of the sentence.

As of October 1, 2012, the institutions of the penal correctional system contained: 712.5 thousand people, including:

There are 597.3 thousand people in correctional colonies;

In the settlement colonies 40.1 thousand people;

In the correctional colony for those sentenced to life imprisonment, 1805 people;

There are 111.8 thousand people in pre-trial detention centers and premises operating in the regime of pre-trial detention centers at colonies;

There are 0.8 thousand people in prisons;

46 educational colonies for minors 2.4 thousand people.

In penitentiary institutions there is an acute issue of providing prisoners with the necessary means of subsistence. In these conditions, the morbidity and mortality of prisoners is very high.

Thus, the penitentiary system of modern Russia is aimed at implementing the state's penal policy based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted on December 12, 1993. The main principle of this policy is declared the principle of humanization of the treatment of prisoners. It is this principle that should underlie the organization of the activities of all institutions that make up the penitentiary system: correctional colonies, prisons, treatment and correctional and treatment-and-prophylactic institutions, educational colonies, pre-trial detention centers.

1.2. Theoretical substantiation of the activities of social workers in the penitentiary sphere.

The most intensive development of social work in Russia began in the 90s. years of XX century. At the present stage of development of social work in Russia, the development of its theoretical foundations is of great importance.

There are several models for the theoretical substantiation of the practice of social work in society.

All these models can be reduced to three main ones:

1) Psychology-oriented

2) Sociology-oriented

3) Complex-oriented

The theoretical substantiation of various areas of social work in society has been developed to a greater or lesser extent. So, for example, a study of sources on the theory of social work showed that if social work with the disabled, children, the elderly, women, the unemployed and other categories of the population has a fairly developed theoretical basis, then the theory of social work in the penitentiary sphere is not actually considered in domestic science. Perhaps because for a long time it was believed that convicts cannot be clients of social work, since they are not full members of society and are serving a deserved sentence, not having the right to help from social workers, i.e. in fact, the phenomenon of crime was considered from the standpoint of morality and emotions.

Society views criminals as a group of alien, outside of society elements. "Criminals are seen only as 'monsters'. In this way, society treats criminals the same way they treat their victims." However, based on the analysis of data on crime, about criminals, it can be argued that crime is a type of human behavior, and criminals are deviants.

Offense is one of the forms of antisocial behavior, non-standard behavior that differs from the norms established in society both legally and in the moral and ethical sphere. "There is a so-called deviant subculture, which is such a system of values, norms and forms of behavior, which is recognized by a certain group of antisocial elements and builds on it their relations with each other.

This subculture behaves in a relatively alienated manner within society, which gives rise to the existence of a conflict with society.

The activity of a social worker should be aimed specifically at overcoming and preventing such a conflict, and the maximum possible elimination of such a deviant subculture. Some aspects of the theory of penitentiary social work are discussed in various aspects of law, pedagogy, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, however, nevertheless, there is no single theory of penitentiary social work.

There is also a specific feature of penitentiary social work, which is that it is more than all other areas of social work in society, isolated from this society. And it is regulated by legal norms in accordance with the criminal and penal legislation of the Russian Federation, while all other areas of social work are based mainly on civil, administrative and social law. This fact, undoubtedly, should be taken into account when training a specialist in penitentiary social work, both professional and moral and ethical. It is necessary to develop special training programs for training specifically social workers in the penitentiary sphere, in which the main emphasis should be placed on the legal education of future social workers.

We need public institutions that can effectively regulate the penitentiary system. One of these institutions is social work. To develop the theoretical foundations of the Russian penitentiary social work, perhaps, referring to international experience. In Western Europe and the United States, the institution of social work in the penitentiary sphere is quite developed and well-grounded in theory. However, this should take into account the specifics of the situation in the penitentiary system of modern Russia. These are, of course, the stereotypes that have developed in our society regarding convicts, and the economic situation.

The prospects for the development of social work in the penitentiary sphere in our country are very great, since penitentiary social work combines knowledge from various branches of science about society and man, because, as you know, social work is interdisciplinary in nature, allowing you to use the methods of various sciences in your activities.

In penitentiary social work, it is especially important that it is universal in nature, which allows one to consider the problem of each client as accurately and correctly as possible and build the best way out of this problem for him, which can not be done by psychology, which considers only psychological aspects, or law.

considering only the legal side of the problem.

Social work allows you to see the full range of conditions necessary to help a client. The institution of penitentiary social work is also important because often a person who is at liberty can solve his problem by discussing it with various specialists, to whom he can turn at any time as soon as he wishes, convicted due to a significant restriction of his rights and freedoms simply is unable to ask anyone for help.


2.1. Convicts as objects and clients of social work

The object of social work is people or individuals who find themselves in a difficult life situation and are not able to independently resolve the problems that have arisen in front of them on social adaptation to the changed conditions of life.

These can be disabled people, pensioners, and persons without housing and, accordingly, a residence permit, subjected to violence and experiencing post-traumatic syndrome, etc.

In social work theory, it is customary to distinguish between voluntary and involuntary clients. The former either themselves initiate the provision of social assistance to them, or do not object to it on the part of social work specialists. Involuntary clients, on the other hand, oppose interference in their personal lives, believing that they do not need any help from society, since this makes them dependent, weak, oppressed, etc. As a rule, these are persons leading an antisocial lifestyle (alcoholics, drug addicts, criminals, etc.), in relation to whom society is forced to apply certain, sometimes rather harsh, social protection sanctions against their negative influence.

It is necessary to separate the concepts of "object" and "client" of social work. An object is usually understood to mean what the attention and activities of a social worker are directed to, those individuals and groups of people who themselves may not initiate the provision of social assistance and support to them, but objectively need it. The concept of "client" means that certain individuals, groups themselves turn to specialists in social work, social services with a request to provide them with any assistance in resolving a difficult life situation.

The concept of an involuntary client, most likely, arose in organizations (such as drug treatment clinics, venereal dispensaries, correctional institutions), in which social workers are obliged to "serve" persons posing an objective danger to society (sexually transmitted infections, the spread of HIV infection, the commission of new crimes etc.), while respecting their rights and legitimate interests.

If we recall that by the object of social work we mean persons who have fallen into a difficult life situation and are not able to resolve it on their own, then practically the majority of convicts can be attributed to such persons, since getting from the conditions of freedom into the new microenvironment of a correctional institution is already “a difficult life situation ". Unless only repeat offenders, who have repeatedly served a sentence of imprisonment, do not experience maladjustment syndrome when they enter a pre-trial detention center and a correctional colony. All the rest are required to go through a difficult initial period of social adaptation to the conditions of the execution of punishment.

The criminal-legal component of the social passport of convicts speaks of their high and constantly growing level of criminal incidence.

Social, legal and mental deformation and pedagogical neglect are significant: 13.1% of convicts are chronic alcoholics, drug addicts, drug addicts, venereal patients. Up to 40 percent have mental disorders and even diseases within the limits of sanity. The educational level of convicts, especially young people, is declining.

There is a clear tendency of concentration in the penal system of persons characterized by a complex of complex, overlapping, mutually complementary social problems, and who are carriers of social vices and pathologies.

Thus, the personality of a particular convict, communities of convicts (groups, collectives, brigades, classes, detachments) as carriers of social problems and their environment are the main objects of penitentiary social work. The trinity of the object of social work in the penal system presupposes deep internal interconnections of the personality, communities and environment of convicts. They are characterized by specificity, a high degree of complexity, a large negative and insignificant positive potential for the successful independent resolution of their own social ones and to alleviate the situation that developed during the period of serving the sentence.

Despite the presence of common features and properties, the object of penitentiary social work is heterogeneous and in order to determine the optimal ways of differentiated assistance, support, protection can be divided into groups on various grounds. For example, according to the severity of social problems and the ability to independently resolve them in a non-criminal way, a group of high-risk convicts can be distinguished. It includes disabled people, pensioners, young convicts transferred from educational colonies; women with children under three years of age; patients with incurable or intractable diseases; persons suffering from alcohol or drug addiction; do not have a fixed place of residence; convicts subject to constant physical and mental violence (harassment) of a non-criminal nature. These are the categories of the least protected people who, as a rule, have a complex of interrelated social problems, special needs that pose a threat to their equal existence in prison, which they cannot resolve on their own. These convicts need various types of constant assistance (material, moral and psychological, medical, legal, penitentiary and pedagogical and other), support, protection. Social work with them is a priority and obligatory for a specialist, acquires the character of support and even comprehensive service with the involvement of doctors, psychologists, educators, representatives of local social protection authorities. It should be borne in mind that some of the social problems of a personal level (disability, old age, harassment and others) for objective reasons cannot be completely resolved, therefore, rehabilitation and educational measures should be supplemented with psychological help to change attitudes towards them and search for opportunities for self-compensation and self-realization in the prevailing circumstances.

The second group is made up of convicts who have several social problems of objectively solvable nature (broken family, lack of profession or inability to engage in a certain type of activity, unfavorable microenvironment, etc.). For this, after social diagnostics, it is necessary to include the convict in socially useful activities, restore positive ties with relatives in various ways, targeted counseling on ways to overcome difficulties, periodic support and actualization of personal resources for self-improvement.

The third group includes persons who, in addition to conviction, have one or more simple social problems, as a rule, arising and overcoming during the period of serving a sentence. These include the need to draw up identity documents (passports, powers of attorney), resolving property issues (certificates, wills), pensions, insurance; assistance in getting a job, admission to study and continuing education in universities; restoration of parental rights, establishment of guardianship; preparation of materials to improve the conditions for serving sentences, pardons, parole; assistance in obtaining the necessary medicines, glasses, prostheses, as well as specialized treatment. At the same time, a social work specialist mainly performs the functions of a consultant and mediator, and assistance is of a situational-episodic nature and stops after the convict's needs are satisfied.

Another (fourth) group of convicts is made up of persons who do not have complex social problems, except for conviction and detention in places of deprivation of liberty, or who are able to overcome them on their own. Being self-sufficient people, they often enter the sections of social assistance of amateur organizations of convicts, or carry out volunteer social work on the principle of “equal helps equal” with other people in need of non-professional help. Penitentiary social work with this group of convicts can be reduced to the formation and assistance in the implementation of long-term life plans, as well as the stimulation of positive development and readiness for a full life in freedom.

In addition to the classification proposed above, convicts can be differentiated on other grounds, in accordance with which the group technology of social work is determined:

Depending on the level of criminal involvement, other psychological, pedagogical, social characteristics and the corresponding type and conditions of serving the sentence: those sentenced to punishment without isolation from society; those serving sentences in settlement colonies; in educational colonies; correctional colonies; prisons; correctional colonies for life imprisoned. Social work also differs at different stages: during the preliminary investigation and detention; in the process of serving a sentence in a penitentiary (adaptation period - being in quarantine, the main, final stage, associated with intensive preparation for release), the period after imprisonment, involving readaptation and social rehabilitation at large.

Thus, in correctional institutions there are several categories of convicts among the objects of social work:

Those who objectively need social assistance and support do not initiate this assistance, but also do not refuse it if it is presented,

Those who objectively need social assistance, but refuse to contact and cooperate with social workers,

Finally, those who, as a voluntary client, themselves initiate the provision of social assistance and support to them.

In accordance with the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, there are two more mandatory categories of convicts, with whom the relevant specialists are required to work:

Convicts arriving at the PS and being in quarantine,

Released convicts who need to be prepared for life in freedom according to special programs, help them in their everyday life and work, social rehabilitation.

As for the second category, in the case of a written refusal to help in the household and work arrangement, social work with them is reduced to a minimum - the preparation of the necessary documents.

Taking into account local peculiarities, the complexity of the operational and service situation, by decision of the management of the correctional institution, other categories of convicts can be distinguished as mandatory objects of social work: for example, persons prone to suicide, with mental abnormalities, who are persistent violators of the regime. However, it seems that these categories of persons are in greater need of the comprehensive assistance of social educators, physicians and psychologists than social workers.

Thus, the object of attention of specialists in social work can be any convict who applies to the social protection group and takes into account the length of service of convicts.

2.2. Basic principles of professional activity of social workers in working with convicts

The peculiarity of the professional activity of social workers in the penitentiary system lies in the specificity of the contingent. This is work with conditionally convicted persons, providing them with social, psychological, organizational and other types of assistance; with persons in places of deprivation of liberty; with persons who have served a sentence, including their re-socialization; with families of prisoners and former prisoners.

A social worker in the penitentiary system, in the performance of his professional functions, is engaged in a variety of activities using the following approaches:

educational approachwhen a social worker acts as a teacher, consultant, expert. The social worker gives advice, teaches skills, provides feedback, uses role play as a teaching method;

facilitative approach(facilitator - assistant). The social worker acts as an assistant or mediator in overcoming apathy, disorganization of the client's personality, who finds it difficult to do it on their own. The activities of a specialist are aimed at interpreting behavior, discussing alternative directions of activity and actions, explaining the situation, encouraging and mobilizing internal reserves;

lawyer approach.The social worker performs the role of an advocate on behalf of a specific client or group of clients, as well as an assistant to people who act as advocates on their own behalf.

In Art. 61 The UN Standard Minimum Rules deal with the functions of a social worker in a correctional institution:

support and strengthening of socially beneficial ties with the family;

support and strengthening of socially useful ties with social (public) organizations;

protection of the civil interests of convicts;

protection of the rights of convicts to social security and other social benefits.

The principles of social work are both elements of scientific theory and the fundamental rules of empirical activity. They are divided into general philosophical, general scientific (organizational-activity, socio-political, psychological-pedagogical, etc.) and specific principles of social work.

The specific principles of social work are: the principle of universality, the principle of protecting social rights, the principle of prevention, the principle of social response, the principle of client-centrism, the principle of self-reliance, the principle of maximizing social resources, the principle of confidentiality and tolerance. All these principles are also the principles of penitentiary social work as part of social work.

However, based on the analysis performed, it can be argued that social work in the penitentiary sphere has several more specific principles, these are: humanism, legality and justice.

The principle of legality in the activities of social workers in the penitentiary sphere has deep moral grounds. The social worker should help bring the convicted person to law-abiding behavior.

The most general content of the principle of legality follows from Part 2 of Article 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: "State authorities, local self-government bodies, officials, citizens and their associations are obliged to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and laws." Persons serving a sentence are obliged to unswervingly comply with the requirements of laws that determine the procedure and conditions for the execution of sentences.

In accordance with the new edition of Article 10 of the Correctional Labor Code, convicts must be fully explained their rights and obligations, working and rest conditions provided for by law. The implementation of the principle of legality in the execution of criminal punishments is that: firstly, the legal status of convicts must be strictly observed, and their unswerving fulfillment of the duties and prohibitions assigned to them must be ensured; secondly, there must be a real opportunity for convicts or persons representing their interests to use the rights provided by law.

However, often the application of this principle to convicts is predominantly declarative in nature and the task of the social worker is to ensure and use this principle to convicts in reality. The principle of justice contains the requirement of correspondence between the practical role of various people in the life of society and their social status, between their rights and obligations, action and retribution, work and remuneration, offense and punishment, people's merit and their recognition. Inconsistency in these relationships is regarded as unfair. In philosophical literature, it is customary to see two aspects of justice: equalizing and distributing. The first is related to the need to ensure equality of citizens before the law, the second aspect states that: "the punishment or other measure of criminal law to be applied to the person who committed the crime must be fair, that is, it must correspond to the gravity of the crime, the circumstances of its commission and the personality of the perpetrator. "(Article 6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The principle of justice should be implemented not only by the implementation of criminal and punitive legal restrictions, but also by the application of benefits and incentives to convicts. In general, justice is one of the most important principles that must be ensured in the activities of a social worker in the penitentiary sphere.

The principle of humanism is fundamental in the activities of a social worker. It finds its expression in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which proclaims that: "a person, his rights and freedoms are the highest value" (Article 2). In accordance with Part 2 of Article 21 of the Basic Law, “no one should be subjected to torture, violence, other cruel or degrading treatment or punishment”. The principle of humanism is reflected in Article 7 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: "Punishment and other measures of criminal law cannot be aimed at causing physical suffering or humiliation of human dignity."

Humanism is a rejection of the so-called "functional" approach to the convict, when it was viewed as a "function", a means of achieving economic, financial, political, etc. by the penal system. goals.

Humanism is, first of all, the recognition of the possibility of every convict to return to law-abiding life in society, it is the recognition by the employees of the penal system, convicted as equal to themselves in their human nature and essence.

The principle of humanism is reflected in international documents on the treatment of convicts. Thus, the principle of humanism refutes the opinion that prison makes a bad person terrible and a good person bad.

A social worker, more than other specialists of the penitentiary system, should be guided by the principle of humanism in his work with convicts, since it is he who understands that by treating convicts as a "lower being" we only cause manifestation of the worst qualities of his personality, which he manifests in revenge society.

Using repressive measures in relation to the convicted person, we will never be able to ensure that the convicted person looks at the world and performs his actions from the standpoint of humanism and philanthropy. Therefore, the orientation of the penitentiary system precisely towards moral and humanistic principles and the conduct of penitentiary policy in accordance with them is the most important task of modern society. And it is the social worker who should implement these principles in view of the specific features of his professional activity.

Functions of a social worker in penitentiary institutions of the Russian Federation:

In penitentiary institutions, the most important functions of social workers are to: together with convicts and the administration staff, draw up a plan for training and work during the period of imprisonment; help convicts to overcome the psychological crisis in connection with their detention; assist in their adaptation to the ITU environment; help organize your free time and continue your studies; protect and observe that the rights of the convicted are not violated; help with advice to the relatives of the prisoner in solving problems related to the imprisonment of his liberty; assist the prisoner in regulating financial matters; prepare the prisoner for release, including, if possible, find him housing, work; regulate the relationship between convicts and staff, because often employees of correctional institutions treat convicts as hopelessly incorrigible, which serves as a fertile ground for arbitrary power. Also, one of the most important functions remains to help the most needy groups and categories of convicts, who are traditionally objects of social work in the wild. These are, first of all, minors, youth, women, unemployed, pensioners, disabled people.

One of the most socially unprotected categories of convicts is the disabled. Let us consider the functions of social workers to provide assistance to this category of convicts. According to statistics, about 22,000 persons with disabilities are serving sentences in the institutions of the penal system, of which 54.7% have disabilities of groups 1 and 2, 48,000 convicts are over 55 years old, of which 17.3% are of retirement age.

Execution of punishment in relation to convicts with disabilities and convicts who have reached retirement age has its own characteristics due to the need to take into account their health and physical capabilities, social status in society. Correctional labor legislation provides for them with special conditions, benefits, sending disabled people at their request to homes for disabled and elderly people. Social workers should help people with disabilities receive all the benefits provided by the current legislation.

It is also known that a large number of people with disabilities (71.7%) have chronic diseases or are often ill, 56.6% of them have difficulties in everyday services, and 8.2% cannot do without outside help. However, neither the health status of disabled people, nor the presence of chronic diseases in them is actually not taken into account when organizing the execution of punishment.

The efficiency of the vocational rehabilitation system for disabled people is very low, while disabled people, to a greater extent than healthy convicts, need special rehabilitation programs. The overwhelming majority of convicted persons with disabilities are not only socially maladjusted, but also deprived of social ties.

In relation to 37.8% of convicts, a medical opinion on disability was made in places of detention, those eligible for a pension are forced to go through commissions again, it takes several months to collect certificates, and all this time, without a livelihood, such persons are forced to live either on dependent on relatives, or begging.

Therefore, in places of deprivation of liberty for persons with disabilities, special conditions must be created to ensure social protection. It is the social worker who must create and monitor the fulfillment of these conditions; he must also determine the volume and structure of rehabilitation measures on the basis of a medical and social commission conducted jointly with doctors.


3.1. Legal and regulatory framework

In the context of the reforming of the Russian state, the formation of market relations, tens of millions of people (pensioners, disabled people, orphans, refugees, etc.) are in need of emergency social assistance and protection. Therefore, more and more attention is paid to social work, which is designed to solve the social problems of people. Social work is a functional expression of the socio-political and socio-legal responsibility of the state and society to the population. Social work, as an activity, cannot be effectively implemented without its legislative consolidation in the norms of state law.

The legal foundations of social work are indirectly enshrined in the main law of the state - the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Thus, Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states:

"one. The Russian Federation is a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a dignified life and free human development.

2. The Russian Federation protects the work and health of people, establishes a guaranteed minimum wage, provides state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, disabled people and elderly citizens, develops a system of social services, establishes state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection " ...

Part 1 of Article 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation also indirectly mentions the legal foundations of social work. In accordance with this article, everyone has the right to health protection and medical care. And the state is obliged to ensure the protection of the health of its citizens and medical assistance to those in need. This function of the state is carried out by various methods, including legal ones, aimed at preventing damage to health and at providing citizens with medical assistance. Medical assistance to citizens is provided free of charge in state and municipal health care institutions at the expense of the budget, insurance premiums, and other receipts.

Convicts also enjoy the right to health protection and medical assistance, because the Constitution does not limit them in this right. Confirmation of this is contained in the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation "On the protection of the health of citizens" from 1993 in article 29, which specifically stipulates the right to receive medical care for those detained on suspicion of committing crimes, those in custody and convicts serving sentences. In particular, it is emphasized that they have the right to receive medical care not only in the penitentiary system, but also in institutions of the state or municipal health care system at the expense of the budget of all levels. However, in relation to persons serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty, the contract on voluntary medical insurance is suspended until the end of the term of serving the sentence.

Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation also indirectly reflects the legal aspects of social work. So, in accordance with it, everyone has the right to education. The availability and free of charge of preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions and enterprises are guaranteed. Basic general education is compulsory. Parents or persons substituting for them ensure that children receive basic general education. The basis of state guarantees for citizens to receive education is state and municipal financing of education.

In the Russian Federation, education is considered a priority. And this is not accidental, because, as world practice shows, education affects the social, political and economic spheres of human life; the future of the state depends on education.

In the Russian Federation, everyone has the right, on a competitive basis, to obtain a higher education free of charge at a corresponding higher educational institution. Each institution of higher education has its own charter, operates in accordance with the license issued to it in accordance with the established procedure. Persons who graduated from a higher educational institution are issued a state diploma. Persons with a higher education diploma are given the opportunity to receive postgraduate professional education to improve the level of education, scientific, pedagogical qualifications and, accordingly, an academic degree.

It should be noted that along with free education in higher educational institutions, in accordance with the Law "On Education", it is now possible to organize the educational process on a paid basis in non-state educational institutions or in institutions created at scientific centers, etc.

Convicts can also use these rights, since the Constitution does not say that convicts are limited in their possession and enjoyment of this right, confirmation of this is contained in the Criminal Executive Code. From the above, it can be seen that this article also indirectly confirms the existence of a legal basis for social work with convicts in the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia in the Constitution. The constitutional consolidation of social rights gives them the status of basic ones and contains conditions for the development of social legislation, for expanding the legal basis of social work.

Part 1 of Article 55 of the Constitution states that "the enumeration in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of fundamental rights and freedoms should not be interpreted as a denial or diminution of other universally recognized human and civil rights and freedoms." However, they can be limited by federal law in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional order, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of others, to ensure the country's defense and state security. "

It should be noted that the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation can also be used by convicts serving a criminal sentence in the form of imprisonment in the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, since the Constitution does not restrict them in the use of the above-listed rights. After all, they are citizens of the Russian Federation. These are citizens who have committed a crime and are now serving a criminal sentence for the acts committed. Although it should be noted that convicts are limited in the following rights: to movement, to the place of stay, to the place of residence, to inviolability of private property, to privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations, and others.

The mentioned articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation contain fundamental norms (fundamental rights) of direct action, on the basis of which social legislation is developed.

Further, the state and legal foundations of social work are concretized in the following regulatory legal acts: federal laws, acts of the constituent entities of the Federation, Presidential decrees, decrees and orders of the Government, orders of departments and ministries, as well as acts of local authorities. In this direction, significant work has been done by legislative, executive and administrative, judicial bodies in the center and in the field.

Recently, we are witnessing the formation of a system of social law, social and legal statehood, in which liberal values, in particular individual freedom (economic, political, etc.), are complemented by social values, such as equality, which is the basis of social justice.

The state, defined in the Constitution as "social", due to the hasty destruction of continuity with socialist achievements and the divergence of market and social priorities, appeared to be only at the beginning of a long journey. This path began as a movement towards a social rule of law. The last statement is also true in relation to the legal basis of social work with elderly citizens, drug addicts, migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons and the unemployed. It is necessary to strengthen state and legal regulation of social conflicts, social aspects of labor relations, social support for youth and students, the education and health care system. The steps to reduce the acute housing problem have been very insignificant. On the difficult path to a rule-of-law social state, it is necessary to adopt many more legal regulations, organizational and financial measures. But for the social worker, in the final analysis, a legal framework is created that makes it possible to implement in practice a number of basic areas of professional activity.

At the same time, a problem arises with the legal support for the activities of a specialist in social work with convicts in the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. After all, social work in the penal system is a special type of activity. This feature is primarily due to the fact that the work is carried out with convicts, who are also citizens of the Russian Federation, who have committed crimes and are serving a criminal sentence in the form of imprisonment in correctional institutions of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners adopted on 30 August 1955 I United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders.

When these Rules were adopted, there was no intention of giving them the status of a convention or treaty, but in the following years the Rules were widely recognized by international bodies, governments of many states and non-governmental organizations. Already since the end of 1965, various UN bodies on the fight against crime have repeatedly returned to the question of the implementation of these Rules in the prison systems of the countries of the world. It is therefore no coincidence that the Ninth Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (Cairo, 1995) adopted a resolution on the implementation in practice of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners.

Thus, the widespread acceptance of the Standard Minimum Rules indicates that they occupy a special position among the international criminal justice instruments. In fact, they have become part of international law in the field of regulating the legal status of prisoners. Therefore, it is no coincidence that many of the provisions of the Rules are reflected and enshrined in the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation. Despite this, more attention should be paid to the Standard Minimum Rules, as they contain not only legal, but also social aspects of the penitentiary system, which are not yet fully reflected in the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation. This applies, in particular, to the legal regulation of social work with convicts in the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

The Standard Minimum Rules regulate, both directly and indirectly, various areas of social work. So, much attention is paid in the Rules to such a direction of social work as the preparation of prisoners for release.

According to Rule 61, “in the treatment of prisoners, it is not their exclusion from society that should be emphasized, but the fact that they continue to remain members of society, public organizations should therefore be involved, wherever possible, in cooperation with prison staff in order to bring prisoners back to life. into society. Every institution should have social workers who are concerned with maintaining and strengthening the desirable relationship of the prisoner with his family and with social organizations that can benefit him. Measures should be taken to ensure that prisoners can retain the maximum rights compatible with the law and the conditions of their sentence in the field of their civic interests, social security and other social benefits. ”

In international practice, the idea of ​​making the conditions of serving a sentence of imprisonment as close as possible to living conditions in freedom has been developed. The correctness of this idea is confirmed by many facts indicating that the tightening of conditions does not contribute to the correction of convicts.

The rules emphasize that ties with the outside world, social security leave an essential part of life in correctional institutions and contribute to the return of convicts to life in society. The administration should implement a program to maintain contacts between convicts and the outside world, to ensure their civic interests from the very beginning of serving their sentences. At the same time, social workers in cooperation with social organizations are engaged in maintaining socially useful ties, social security of prisoners and their preparation for release.

The Standard Minimum Rules also reflect the legal framework for social work such as maintaining and maintaining socially beneficial ties with the outside world and preparing for release. Thus, under Rule 37, prisoners should be given the opportunity to communicate at regular intervals and under appropriate supervision with their families or reputable friends, both by correspondence and during visits. This rule is aimed at preserving family, kinship and other socially useful ties of convicts. Particular attention should be paid to maintaining and strengthening ties between the prisoner and his family, which are desirable and serve the interests of both parties. Providing prisoners with the opportunity to communicate with the outside world, subject to reasonable conditions and restrictions provided for by law, and to create, with the assistance and assistance of the public and social institutions and conditions for the reintegration of former prisoners into society (Rule 79).

According to Rule 39, the administration of the institution is obliged to bring the most important news to the attention of prisoners, by allowing them to read newspapers, magazines or special prison publications, listen to the radio and attend lectures, or through other means permitted and controlled by the administration. The communication of information and the provision of an opportunity to obtain information about events taking place outside the walls of the institution allows the adaptation of prisoners to external conditions to be maintained, which has a beneficial effect on release and placement at liberty.

In accordance with Rule 80, from the very beginning of a sentence, one should think about the future that awaits the prisoner after release. Therefore, he should be helped to maintain and strengthen ties with individuals or institutions outside the institution who are able to protect the interests of his family and facilitate his inclusion in society after his release. In this situation, the prisoner's connection with the outside world, the family is seen as a stabilizing factor in preparing him for life in freedom. This rule also talks about the legal framework for social work.

In the treatment of persons sentenced to imprisonment or other similar punishment, an effort should be made, given the length of their sentence, to instill in them a desire to obey the law and ensure their existence upon release. So, according to Rule 66, for this purpose, all appropriate measures should be taken for this purpose, education, vocational training and orientation, study of specific social cases, counseling in the field of employment, physical education and character strengthening, taking into account the individual needs of the prisoner, his social background, histories his crimes, his physical and mental abilities and his temperament, the length of his sentence and his possibilities after release. The Standard Minimum Rules also mentions the participation of external organizations in assisting convicts to be released after release. For example, under Rule 80, government or other bodies and agencies that help released prisoners find their place in society should, where possible and necessary, ensure that such prisoners receive the necessary documents and identity documents, find suitable housing and work. , had clothing suitable and sufficient for the climate and season of the year, and had sufficient means to travel to their destination and to live in the period immediately following their release.

The Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners also pay attention to the health and medical care of prisoners as an aspect of social work. And this is not accidental, because health is recognized as the highest value of humanity, and taking care of it should be in the first place. Thus, according to Regulation 62, the medical services of the institution must identify all physical and mental illnesses or deficiencies that could impede the re-education of the prisoner, and take care of their cure. To this end, institutions must be able to provide all necessary medical, surgical and mental health services. The health and well-being of the convict is organically linked to his prospects of returning to normal life. The administration of correctional facilities is responsible for ensuring both mental and physical health of convicts.

The physician must take care of the physical and mental health of prisoners, who must receive or visit all patients every day, all those who complain of illness. After all, timely assistance to a prisoner is the key to his quick recovery.

The Standard Minimum Rules also reflect such a direction of social work as the education of prisoners while serving their sentences. Thus, prisoners who are able to benefit from this should be provided with the possibility of further education. Education for the illiterate and youth should be considered compulsory and should be given special attention by the prison authorities. In doing so, the education of prisoners should, as far as possible, be linked to the country's educational system so that released prisoners can continue to study without difficulty. Organization of training for convicts, raising their general educational and professional level not only act as an important preventive measure during the period of serving their sentence, but also significantly increase the opportunities for successful social adaptation of these persons after release from prison (Rule 77).

3.2. Technologies of social work with convicts

Social work technology is one of the branches of social technology focused on social services, assistance and support for citizens in difficult life situations.

Within the framework of this course work, we are primarily interested in social work technologies used in penitentiary institutions. However, it is impossible to understand their essence without the general characteristics of universal social technologies, which include social diagnostics, social therapy, social prevention, social rehabilitation, social adaptation, and social counseling.

Social diagnostics is an indispensable element of any technological cycle, even the simplest one. Diagnosis usually precedes other social work technological procedures. From the point of view of practice, social diagnostics is the process of obtaining information about the state of the client, his situation.

The need to master the skills of social diagnostics is due to the following circumstances: firstly, the subject does not always have clear and adequate ideas about the causes of the problems he has; secondly, often the external expression of the problem faced by the subject does not coincide with its internal, essential content; thirdly, in the process of social diagnostics, it becomes possible not only to establish the problems that complicate the process of social and personal functioning of the subject, but also to build their hierarchy according to the degree of importance for the client, to predict their development.

The next universal social technology is withsocial therapy is a complex of solutions, procedures, measures and actions aimed at solving social problems at various levels of the organization. The most commonly used types of therapy in social work practice include the following:

Labor therapy, based on the ability to provide a tonic and revitalizing effect on a person through the labor process;

Self-education therapy is the subject's own activity of self-knowledge, introspection and self-esteem. It includes the processes of self-reflection and self-study, reassessment of one's own personality, one's own decisions, one's own past;

Discussion therapy involves solving a problem through its active discussion in a circle of stakeholders. It is assumed that each of the participants in the discussion can express their point of view and defend it reasonably.

Another universal social technology is social prevention - a conscious, purposeful, socially organized activity to prevent possible social, psychological, pedagogical, legal and other problems and achieve the desired result.

When characterizing social prevention, they usually emphasize its procedural nature, for example, highlighting the following stages:

a) the stage of prevention - the main task, which is the adoption of measures that form a socially acceptable system of values, needs and ideas in a person;

b) the stage of prevention - aimed at taking timely and effective measures to prevent the occurrence of a situation fraught with complications in the life process of the subject;

c) the stage of suppression - using socially acceptable methods, block the forms of activity and behavior of the subject, which can lead to the emergence of negative consequences both for him and his immediate environment, and for society as a whole.

Despite the complexity of work on social prevention, life constantly convinces that it is easier and at much lower costs for society and the individual to prevent possible deviations in the behavior and activities of a social subject than to fight and overcome the negative and unfavorable consequences that have arisen.

The next universal social technology is social rehabilitation: a set of measures aimed at restoring destroyed or lost for any reason social ties and relations, socially and personally significant characteristics, properties and capabilities of the subject.

The main goals of social rehabilitation: first, the restoration of the social status, social position of the subject. Secondly, the achievement by the subject of a certain level of social, material and spiritual independence. Third, an increase in the level of social adaptation of the subject to new conditions of life.

When characterizing social rehabilitation, its main types are usually distinguished, which include the following:

Social and medical rehabilitation - restoration or formation of new skills in a person's life and assistance in organizing everyday life and housekeeping;

Socio-psychological rehabilitation - designed to increase the level of mental and psychological health of the subject, optimize intra-group connections and relationships, identify the potential of the individual and organize psychological correction, support and assistance;

Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation is aimed at solving such problems as overcoming the state of "pedagogical neglect", organizing and implementing pedagogical assistance for various disorders of a person's ability to receive education (organizing the educational process in hospitals and places of detention, teaching people with disabilities and children with non-standard intellectual abilities etc.);

Professional and labor rehabilitation - allows you to form new or restore lost labor and professional skills and subsequently find a job, adapting the mode and working conditions to new needs and opportunities;

Social and environmental rehabilitation is aimed at restoring a person's sense of social significance within a new social environment for him.

The next social technology, which can be classified as universal, social adaptation is the process of interaction of the subject with the social environment, during which the requirements and expectations of its participants are coordinated. The most important element of this process is the coordination of self-assessments, claims and capabilities of the subject with the realities of the social environment.

When participating in the process of social adaptation of the client, the social worker should remember that the process under consideration is a unity of the following stages:

a) adaptation shock, which is understood as a general disorder of the functions of a social subject or system, due to any shock of a sociogenic nature, caused by a sharp violation of the usual interaction with the external environment. This is one of the most painful stages of social adaptation, and a period of paralyzing fear and inaction and, at the same time, a primary, emotional assessment and attempts at the very first understanding of the essence of the changes taking place;

b) mobilization of adaptation resources. Here, for the subjects who managed to survive the stage of adaptation shock, the stage of deep understanding of the situation and concentration of efforts on a conscious search for a way out of it begins. This stage is associated with an active, conscious search, selection and development at the behavioral level of new models of life. Adaptive potential is understood as a set of properties and resources that a person or group has in a latent form and is activated and actualized in the process of social adaptation;

c) the answer to the "challenge of the environment". This is the final stage of the process of social adaptation. Its content is the implementation of a specific model of behavior and activity, which are selected by the subject, taking into account their own adaptive resources and capabilities, ideas about what is happening, as well as the main characteristics of the social environment in which the process of social adaptation takes place.

The main barriers to social adaptation in modern society include:

Socio-psychological (beliefs, principles, habits, stereotypes of behavior and activity inherent in the subject);

Social (representing the negative characteristics of the social environment in which the adaptation process takes place);

Sociocultural (value-normative characteristics of the subject).

To overcome these and many other barriers to social adaptation, sometimes significant efforts are required, which are not even within the power of one person.

Another universal social technology is social counseling. Modern society and the processes taking place in it pose a number of problems for a person that even his closest predecessors did not face. Of course, a number of problems that a person faces, he can successfully solve either independently or with the help of people close to him. But in some cases he lacks knowledge, experience, information, etc. Then a person is forced to resort to the help of a specialist, i.e. to get a consultation.

A person who is faced with a problem and is unable to solve it on his own can realize and identify the zone of his own difficulties, but, as a rule, he does not know what exactly and in what way needs to be changed in order for the problem to be solved. In this case, we can talk about the existence of more complex types of social counseling:

a) reflective counseling, i.e. a joint understanding of a life situation with the client, its analysis, the search for priorities, opportunities for change and development. The counseling process in this case turns into joint reflection;

b) project consulting, including the search and construction of a possible program (project) for the transformation of the current situation, its harmonization and improvement;

c) technological consulting, involving the search for the optimal sequence of actions to solve a specific problem or task. This is a consultation - a recommendation, where a consultant is a person with the necessary knowledge and necessary experience;

d) Predictive consulting, which is the construction of an ideal model of a possible, probable state of a particular situation with the preservation or absence of any trends. This is a consultation - foresight, where a consultant is a person who is able to rise above the situation and its current state, who is able to see the hidden opportunities for development, both positive and negative, hidden in it.

Thus, the main technologies of social work are: social diagnostics, social therapy, social prevention, social rehabilitation, social adaptation, social counseling. These technologies are universal in nature, that is, they can be used when working with any categories of citizens, including those serving sentences.

3.3. Organization of social work with various groups of convicts

When organizing work with convicts, it is important to keep in mind that people who have a very different attitude to criminal activity end up in penal institutions. More often than others, there are those who, committing a crime, did not plan to quarrel with society seriously (in passion, out of frivolity, out of stupidity, under the influence of intoxicants, etc.).

Sometimes ethnic groups that obey clan, communal, tribal rules are engaged in prohibited activities in such types of offenses as speculation, smuggling, drug trafficking, along with other offenses.

Finally, there are also people whose criminal motives do not follow from their life experience and personal make-up, they, rather, should be attributed to psychopathology.

All of these groups of people are undoubtedly criminals in fact. However, by and large, their habits and attachments differ little from the habits and attachments of those around them, which is important to take into account when organizing social work with prisoners. They are characterized by fears, anxiety, suspiciousness, anxiety, excitability, aggressiveness, a sense of their own inferiority, depression. These conditions are caused by a number of circumstances:

Isolation from society and placement in a closed social environment;

Restriction in meeting needs through total regulation of behavior;

Forced inclusion in same-sex social groups.

Finding himself in an environment dominated by the prison subculture, the convict immediately falls under the influence of several mechanisms of alienation: rejection by loved ones, disappointed in him; deprivation of the right to recognition of personal dignity by society; the arbitrariness of the social element in its pure form or in the form of the so-called "thieves' law".

Typical tasks undertaken by social workers in prisons include:

Reception and study of new arrivals;

Determination of the reasons for the offense and classification of convicts;


Development of corrective measures;

Preparing for release.

The effectiveness of the implementation of the re-education program depends on a number of reasons: the characteristics of the convicted person, the length of stay in the colony, the collective in which he ended up, the educational capabilities of the institutions.

At the final stage, problems arise related to the upcoming release: self-sufficiency, restoration of ties with family and friends, employment, availability of a place of future residence. At this stage, the coordination of social education and social work is actualized, which predetermines the effectiveness of correctional activity in general.

The next group of convicts in need of special social assistance and support are women in prison.

Women's crime is characterized by the following features:

a) Despite the fact that the number of women in the country exceeds the number of men, the absolute number of registered crimes committed by women remains below the level of crime for men;

b) Women's crime differs from men's in a different ratio of mercenary and violent crimes. The proportion of women among those who have committed violent crimes, certain crimes against the interests of the service, banditry, robberies and some others is significantly less than that of men;

c) In the structure of female crime, mercenary crime prevails, and in the group of mercenary crimes - those related to professional activities. For women, the most typical theft of state public property, committed by means of appropriation, waste, abuse of office. A typical “female” crime is consumer deception.

The generalized social passport shows that recently the category of convicted women has matured somewhat (its average age is 37.1 years). The level of education of women deprived of freedom testifies not only to the availability of professional qualifications, life experience, formed consciousness and value-motivational sphere, priorities in meeting needs, but also general culture, development, awareness, including on the problems of motherhood, childhood, education. and learning.

The condemned mother is a broad concept. This is a person who has a child not only in a children's home at a penitentiary institution, but also with relatives, as well as under the social care of the state. In this situation, convicted mothers are largely not only criminals worthy of punishment, but also victims of social disadvantage who need help and support. Their children become doubly victims, deviations and various deformations in the development of which, in the absence of a mother, acquire the character of inevitability and often irreversibility. Science has convincingly proved that it is extremely difficult to replace a child's mother; during infancy and early childhood, due to a special biopsychic dependence, it is almost impossible.

The rupture of social (including positive) ties, alienation in relation to people and oneself, lack of support from loved ones, cause alienation to the child. Unconsciously, the mother in prison perceives the child as an additional burden, exacerbating an already difficult life situation. Objectively unfavorable conditions for the resuscitation of maternal qualities are the conditions of detention in the penitentiary institution: the absence of normal living conditions, problems of compliance with hygiene requirements, malnutrition, overcrowding and lack of individual space, strict regulation of the daily routine, limitation of opportunities for the manifestation of independence and responsibility, narrowing of the sphere of social contacts and alienation ...

The main goal of the work of a social worker with a convicted mother is the revival of motherhood and family as the main components of the value-motivational sphere and institutions of social rehabilitation. Achievement of this goal should contribute to the correction and successful resocialization of convicted mothers, as well as to reduce the negative influences caused by imprisonment on the development and upbringing of their children, especially during infancy and early childhood. For this, it is necessary to create in the correctional institution, first, conditions for the normalization of the mental state of convicted mothers; secondly, to form a system of permanent social and interpersonal contacts with the child, family members, consultations of psychologists, social educators and workers, pediatricians; thirdly, taking into account gender characteristics, subordinate the entire educational process to the formation of female principles, organize differentiated training and education of convicts with children in the basics of motherhood; fourthly, to develop recommendations for expanding the practice of applying benefits to this category of convicted persons, the possibility of living together with a child until he reaches the age of three, the preferential granting of the right to high-paying work, labor and housing arrangements after release, and other social guarantees.

Psychological assistance, educational and social work with women should be carried out in a complex and, at the same time, differentiated by content and methods. Psychodiagnostics gives the deepest idea of ​​the personality of a particular convict. Personality questionnaires, tests, individual conversations, life course analysis, observation and other methods make it possible to identify not just the characteristics of the convict, but significant properties, typical mental states, criminogenic qualities, personal and social determinants of deformations, as well as criminal behavior. In addition, the program for the primary study of the personality of a mother serving a sentence in prisons should provide for the analysis of socio-demographic data, the specific conditions and circumstances of her upbringing, formation and development, identification of risk factors (hereditary, family, social) that influenced the history and way of life, results of upbringing and development, deformation of maternal qualities, in their totality, naturally cause criminal behavior, condemnation and subsequent punishment.

The next stage in the organization of social work is forecasting the options for the development of a difficult life situation and the personality of the convict, comprehensive planning, drawing up programs for her correction and resocialization of the convict. At the same time, taking into account the socio-psychological characteristics of convicted women and on the basis of the results of diagnosing a specific personality, it is necessary to focus on the elimination and prevention of social problems, personal criminogenic qualities and properties; positive development of the personality by creating conditions for the realization of positive potential, self-affirmation and implementation in socially approved and personally significant activities (industrial work, education, creativity, improving life, leisure, organizing charity, helping those in need, including children kept in homes child, boarding schools, orphanages); creating a favorable emotional background in communication and activities; assistance in obtaining social benefits; involvement in the planning and implementation process of the intended chief of the detachment, a psychologist, a specialist in social work, as well as the convict herself, her relatives, and adult children.

Thus, the majority of women in prison have children, which is why social work with such convicts should be built in a mother-child relationship. It is necessary to awaken the maternal instinct in women, to provide them with conditions for visits with children.

The next category of convicts, especially in need of social assistance and support, includes persons of retirement age, disabled people and the elderly. Among those deprived of their liberty, there are seldom those in whom aging is a natural physiological process. Often in penitentiaries one has to deal with convicts who show significant pathological abnormalities in the aging process in the form of premature old age associated with somatic and mental illnesses, impaired compensatory and adaptive mechanisms, disharmony of life processes and their manifestations.

Elderly convicts are very heterogeneous in terms of education, work experience, health status, marital status, number of convictions and total time spent in prisons. Most of them have developed a low culture of a healthy lifestyle and an irresponsible attitude towards their health.

Elderly convicts are persons with an established inert stereotype, the restructuring of which is especially painful, sometimes leading to significant mental abnormalities.

Along with elderly convicts, convicts who are disabled are serving their sentences in correctional institutions. In most cases, these are persons who, before being convicted and sent to places of imprisonment, received an assessment of their working capacity and health status from the state expert medical commissions at the place of residence, but there is also a category of convicts who became disabled in the process of serving a criminal sentence.

The organization of social work with convicts of the elderly and disabled begins with the identification and registration of persons of this category. Studying them, it is necessary, first of all, to establish: the state of their health, the presence of work experience and the right to receive a pension after release, family ties, specialties, motivation and life goals, the most characteristic mental states, senile anomalies. When working with elderly convicts and invalids, one should rely on their inherent positive qualities (their experience, knowledge, general erudition, etc.), neutralize negative age-related characteristics, peculiarities of diseases.

This can be achieved if we proceed from the basic principle of social work with this category of convicts - to make the life of these persons active.

Particular attention should be paid to the organization of free time and leisure for elderly convicts and disabled persons. The organization of leisure should pursue two goals: first, the creation of the best conditions for the restoration of physical and mental energy; secondly, the maximum occupation of free time by activities that contribute to the development of their public interests. Employees are obliged to teach the elderly and disabled to organize their leisure time, which they need and at large, especially those who will be sent to homes for the elderly and disabled.

A significant place in work with elderly convicts and invalids in a correctional institution is occupied by the organization and conduct of health-improving and preventive measures with them, including, along with measures of a purely medical nature, also social-psychological and socio-pedagogical measures. A special role is played by the correct organization of the social and hygienic service, which includes constant monitoring of the health of elderly convicts and disabled people, medical care, prevention of psychopathological senile deviations and senile marasmus by engaging elderly convicts and disabled people in socially useful activities, and involving them in social work.


Penitentiary social work is very important for modern Russian society, which is in a rather difficult criminal environment.

the organization of social work in the Russian penitentiary system is only at the beginning of the journey. With the correct structure of the system of social work in penitentiary institutions, it is possible to reduce the recidivism of crimes committed by persons who have served a sentence of imprisonment, to help convicts adapt to life after release from the correctional institution.

According to the Concept for the Development of the Penitentiary System of the Russian Federation until 2020, it is necessary to ensure international standards for the treatment of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty, including the material and living conditions of convicts, ensuring regime and security, medical care, labor activity and professional training of convicts, social, psychological, educational and educational work with convicts.

Recognition of a person, his rights and freedoms as the highest humanistic intrinsic value, even if he has committed a crime and is legally serving a sentence, presupposes providing him with various assistance to develop positive, neutralize negativity (correction), prepare for a full life in society, and improvement of the environment (resocialization, rehabilitation and readaptation). It is not always and not always possible to resolve these problems of great social importance on a statistically significant scale. Social work with convicts, included in the system of the main means of their correction, the legislatively enshrined task of resocialization in the process of executing punishment and organized in accordance with the latest achievements of science, can significantly increase the effectiveness of the activities of correctional institutions.

Social work should help a person develop as a person with high humanistic values ​​and should not be carried out by breaking the personality and violating humanistic values. Genuine sociality, as a certain type and degree of development of social consciousness, behavior and activity in society, is possible only when treating oneself and other people as individuals, while respecting their individuality, freedom and responsibility. Thus, the personal-humanistic approach defines the boundaries of the content and methods of social work, going beyond which leads to the destruction and deformation of a person and society.


  1. Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners. (Adopted on August 30, 1995 I United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders).
  2. Constitution of the Russian Federation.-M .: Jurid. lit., 1993.-64 p.
  3. Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation.-M.: Prospect, 2001.-112 p.
  4. Federal Law of June 21, 1995 No. 103-FZ "On the detention of suspects and those accused of committing crimes."
  5. Federal Law No. 1499-1 of July 28, 1991 (as amended on 05/29/2002) "On medical insurance of citizens in the RSFSR."
  6. Federal Law of 11.02.2002 No. 17-FZ "On the budget of the social insurance fund of the Russian Federation for 2002".
  7. "Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Citizens' Health" (approved by the RF Armed Forces on July 22, 1993 No. 5487-1).