Window in another world. My light, mirror, tell me, or how to choose the mirror

Mirrors have attributed the magical properties, many legends and superstition are associated with them. Even in our pragmatic time, when the mirrors are used for "Self", the question remains open: are they lying? We'll figure out.

Optical properties of mirrors and human perception authorities
To clarify the question of the truthfulness of the mirrors, you need to remember the lessons of history, physics and anatomy. The reflecting effect of modern mirrors is based on glass properties covered with a special metal layer. In antiquity, when the method of producing glass has not yet been open, the plates of precious metals used as a mirror, most often round shape.

To increase the reflective ability, metal discs were subjected to additional processing - grinding.
The glass mirrors appeared only in the XIII century, they were learned to make Romans, breaking the vessels with a frozen layer of tin inside. Sheet mirrors based on tin alloy and mercury began to produce for 300 years later.

The reflective part of the mirror Many in the old manner is called amalgam, although aluminum or silver is used in modern production (0.15-0.3 μm thick), covered with several protective layers.

How to choose a "truthful" mirror?
The reflecting properties of modern mirrors depend not only on the type of amalgam, but also from the level of surface and "purity" (transparency) of glass. The rays of light are sensitive even to such irregularities that are not visible to human eye.

Any glass defects arising in the process of its manufacture, and the structure of the reflective layer (waviness, porosity and other defects) affect the "truthfulness" of the future mirror.

The degree of permissible distortion displays the mirror marking, it is divided into 9 classes - from M0 to M8. The number of values \u200b\u200bof the mirror coating depends on the method of manufacturing the mirror.
The most accurate mirrors - class M0 and M1 produce the float method. The hot glass is poured into the surface of the hot metal, where it is evenly distributed and cooled. This method of casting allows you to get the most thin and smooth glass.

M2-M4 classes are made by less perfect technique - Fourco. The hot ribbon glass is pulled out of the furnace, passing between the rollers, and cooled. In this case, the final product has a surface with thickening, which cause the reflection distortion.
The perfect M0 mirror is rare, usually on sale the most "truthful" - M1. M4 Marking speaks of insignificant curvature, buy mirrors of subsequent classes, perhaps for the equipment of the room of laughter.

Experts consider the most accurate silver coating mirrors produced in Russia. Silver has a higher reflection coefficient, and domestic manufacturers do not use marking above M1. But in Chinese-made products, we buy mirrors M4, which cannot be accurate by definition. We must not forget about the light - the most realistic reflection provides bright uniform lighting of the object.

My light, the mirror, say ...
Everything in childhood was visited by the so-called laughter room or looked a fairy tale about the kingdom of the curves of the mirrors, so no one needs to explain how the reflection on the convex or concave surface changes.

The effect of curvature is present in even, but very large mirrors (with the side? 1 m). This is explained by the fact that their surface is deformed under its own weight, so large mirrors make a thickness of at least 8 mm thick.

But the perfect quality of the mirror is not the key to his "truthfulness" for a separate individual. The fact is that, even having an impeccably smooth mirror, which very accurately displays external objects, a person will be reflected with defects caused by its individual characteristics.

What we are accustomed to consider our reflection is in reality is not them - it is just a visual projection, which manifests itself in the cerebral cerebral, thanks to the work of a complex person's perception system.
In fact, perception largely depends on the function of the organs of view (the eye of a person, which looks in the mirror) and the work of the brain transforming the incoming signals into the image. How else can you explain the visual dependence of the distortion of reflection from the molding form?! After all, everyone knows that elongated (rectangular and oval) mirrors are slimming, and square and round visually fell. So the psychology of the perception of the human brain works, which analyzes the incoming information, tie it to familiar subjects and forms.

Mirror and photo - what is true?
Another strange fact is known: many people simplify the separation differences between their reflection in the mirror and their own image, which they see in the photo. Especially this concerns the representatives of the beautiful sex, who wanted to know only one in the old Russian tradition: "I am in the light of all beautiful?"

The phenomenon when a person does not recognize himself in the photo is quite common, because in his inner world he or she see himself otherwise - and largely due to the mirror. This paradox caused hundreds of scientific research. If all scholars are conclusing to a simple language, such differences are explained by the features of the optical device of two systems - the lens of the camera and organ of human vision.

1) The principle of operation of the eyeball receptors is not at all like glass optics: the camera lens differs from the structure of the lens of the eye, and it can also be deformed due to the fatigue of the eye, age-related changes, etc.

2) The reality of the image affects the number of object perception points and their location. In the camera, only one lens, so the image is flat. Vision organs in humans and brain shares, fixing the image, are paired, so we perceive the reflection in the volumetric mirror (three-dimensional).

3) The accuracy of the image fixation depends on the lighting. Photographers often use this feature, creating an interesting image in the photo, straightening from the real model. Considering itself in the mirror, people usually do not change the lighting as it makes a flash of the camera or sofa.

4) Another important aspect is the distance. People look at the mirror got used to the mirror close, then as is photographed more often from afar.

5) In addition, the time required by the camera for a snapshot is negligible, in the photo there is even a special term - excerpt. The photo lens snatches the fraction of a second, imprinting the expression of the face is sometimes impressive.

As you can see, each system has its own characteristics affecting the image distortion. Considering these nuances, it can be said that the photo more accurately fix our image, but only for a moment. The human brain perceives the image in a wider spectrum. And it's not only in volume, but also in non-verbal signals that people send constantly. Therefore, from the point of view of the perception of us with the surrounding people, the reflection in the mirror is more truthfully.

It is no secret that far from every mirror reflects on a 100% appropriate feature picture. I do not mean mirrors curves that can distort the reality beyond recognition. Probably, each of us noticed that reflected in some mirrors, we look almost perfect. In most cases, the mirror remains impartial and demonstrates us the usual reflection. But there are such mirrors, to watch in which is one frustration. It is worth saying that even experts recommend when choosing a mirror to pay attention to the fact, do you like yourself in reflection. Otherwise, it is recommended to choose another option. What does our reflection depend on? From where we hang the mirror, from its quality or room lighting? Perhaps there are some other factors that make mirrors so different? The mystical side of this issue will not be considered, we will be confronted by the usual everyday problem, how to choose a mirror, so that the reflection pleased or, at least, did not grieve the owner?

First of all, we will understand what kind of mirror products today exist. In general, the mirrors are divided into two main types with aluminum coating and silver coated. The latter are characterized by a high reflection coefficient and differ intensity. In the room with high humidity it is recommended to acquire just such mirrors. In addition, they are more durable and, as a result, are much more expensive. Also, the mirrors differ in the scenery. They are matte, color and colorless. Colorless (silver) mirrors Provide perfect reflection without refractions and distortion. Color, in turn can be gold, bronze, gray, green and blue. A certain color of the mirror is attached to the manufacturing process, for this, the necessary "dyes" are added to the cloth. Such mirrors serve as a decorative element, since when the color is reflected in them will be distorted. Matte mirrors (Satinat) There are colorless and tinted. They are very comfortable in care, since the fingerprints remain on their surface. Such mirrors are in demand when making doors wardrobes.

Why is the reflection of Shalit?

One of the common causes of the distortion of the mirror reflection is an uneven mirror layer. If this condition is not observed in the manufacture of the mirror, then looking into it at different angles, we will receive a distorted image. Therefore, when choosing a mirror on the uniformity of the mirror layer, pay attention first.

Proper placement of the mirror also affects the quality of reflection. If you do not adhere to verticality, the reflection will be somehow distorted. In addition, lighting is of great importance. There is the following rule: both artificial and natural color, falling on the mirror surface, should be dissolved evenly. Probably, many noticed how the "pale kind" we have if the lighting falls on the mirror on the side or straight.

Different with noticeable distortions also reflect colored mirrors. Many centuries ago, Venetian masters found a secret that allowed their mirrors to become the most sought-after and expensive at that time in the world. By adding gold and bronze into reflecting formulations, they received mirrors, reflected in which items and people looked more beautiful than in reality. Such mirrors were in the literal sense by weight of gold. Their cost was equated with the value of a small maritime vessel or even estate. Modern mirror production has its secrets, but takes into account the experience of predecessors. To date, the Venetian mirror is a term that implies several manufacturing technologies using sheets of gravity. Used mainly in the interior decor. The ability of gold and bronze mirrors to make the room more sunny and "warm", and people reflected in them, more beautiful, tanned and well-groomed, is widely used today. Such mirrors are often installed in beauty salons, solariums, etc. Blue mirrors are used in the interiors of the pools, where they successfully create the appropriate mood atmosphere.

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Mirror production technology does not stand still, but in addition to this, completely unique inventions appear. So, ten years ago, a very unusual mirror was invented by the Japanese engineer Kandji. The uniqueness of the invention is that it demonstrates not a mirror, but a direct display of the object. Everyone is well known that the reflection in the usual mirror changes: right with the left, and vice versa. There is even a term "mirror reflection" indicating this property of the mirror. Here we see reflection without this habitual distortion for all of us. In a new mirror, a person sees himself in the same way as others see him. For this Kitamura assembled a kind of aquarium with a triangular cross section and filled it with water. The two walls of this device are ordinary mirrors, which are connected at a right angle reflective surfaces inside, and the third wall is made of transparent glass. This glass is the front of the mirror of the Kitamura, which gives the "non-sensitive" reflection of people and items located in front of him. The essence of this invention is a consistent double reflection of objects. Watching such a mirror is more than unusual, since the established habit of responding is disturbed. According to Knezi Kitamura, such a mirror will be useful, for example, for athletes or actors. To be honest, the wrong "wrong" mirror is quite difficult to imagine. The very habit of mirror reflection in us was rooted.

It has long been not a secret that VTsIOM (All-Russian Center for Studying Public Opinion) is a registered office serving the interests of the Kremlin. The conclusions of the VTsIOM not only distort the actual reality, but also give rise to mutual hatred in society to each other, forcing a person to think that the people around him not only do not share his views on the current situation, but are its enemies. VTsiom subtly provokes distrust in society, continuing the policies of the Company's separation by power, masking explicit propaganda for research.

It is naively to believe that in the country where falsifying election results are systematically occurring when people personally come to polling stations and, giving their votes, receive completely different voting results that some anonymous survey will be more objective. Yes, it's just a dream for churoving! Neither observers nor criminal responsibility (and simply speaking - no responsibility), and most importantly - the own (necessary) interpretations of questions, the survey time, the choice of the audience and the subsequent "analytical" processing. What does the authorities give? A lot is to hide for our backs, putting us in error and forcing a separate individual to strive for a certain center, allegedly, public opinion defined by the authorities, subconsciously adjust their attitude to the subject. This is a hidden way to legitimize power in the eyes of society.

The results of the work of the WTCIOM are not the results of research, it is one of the options for propaganda in service in power.

The WTCIOM published the results of a survey conducted in early January, dedicated to the relations of Russians to the "law of Dima Yakovlev", intended, in particular, a complete ban on the adoption of Russian orphans by US citizens. As reported on the site of the center, 76% of respondents spoke for this decision.

According to VTsIOM, supporters of the ban "Most often argue their position with the belief that Russian children should be brought up in their homeland, the state should solve the problem of orphans, whereas abroad adopted children often become objects of criminal actions and bullying."

For many observers, this information was unexpected. So, the director of the Levada Center Lev Gudkov explains the results obtained, in particular, the fact that questions "were set very hard," in the forehead. " "All the problems have been formulated without context, so people reacted precisely to harsh wording," said sociologist.

According to him, it is impossible to deny the existence of "some isolationism and ruthless anti-Americanism" in Russia, but the VTsIOM survey is completely objective, it is also impossible. "If you look at our (Levada-Center) data for previous years, - clarified the beeps, - then the trend is just this: not to give children to anyone, let them suffer here. But if you deploy it so that people understand the context, the attitude to this law is changing, so it is very important to ask how to ask. "

According to the analyst, the estimates obtained by the WTCOM are not quite adequate because they reflect the level of pressure of the authorities for public opinion. "In fact, the distribution that VTsiom received is the reaction to the Kremlin propaganda, on the pressure that public opinion is primarily television, the Duma, and so on, said Lev Gudkov. "But VTsIOM is a registered office, it works primarily on the Kremlin, so they must demonstrate mass support."

Representatives of the protest movement, the results of a survey conducted by the WTCIOM were not surprised. According to a member of the federal political council of the Solidarity Movement of the Romanobotov, a survey, firstly, does not reflect the genuine painting of public opinion, and secondly, its results are likely to be "felling".

"Most of these surveys are conducted by phone, i.e. It is usually answered by housewives that most of the information receive from television, and they have a pretty peculiar idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is happening around, "said Dobrochotov. - Naturally, if every day watch the "1st channel", it turns out that children eat in America. "

According to Roman Goodness, in this case it does not have to say "not only about three quarters, but also about half of the population of Russia."

"One of the main tasks of the protesters," the member of the Political Council of Solidarity stressed, is to influence the public consciousness and show people that, in addition to a pair of tortured children in America, there are other problems. "

Among which is "terrible", according to kindness, the state of orphanages in Russia, ill-treatment of children, drug addiction and alcoholism in shelters. "All these things should be done by publicity and talk about them - such marches are held for this," the public figure said.

The general director of the Valery Fedorov was also spoken about the political context of the "Law of Dima Yakovlev". "Almost no one knows that the law is accepted in response to the act of Magnitsky, so perceptions that we protect corrupt officials, hiding behind the children, no," so it formulated his position on this issue in the comments for the Kommersant newspaper.

According to Fedorov, not all respondents could be familiar with the political situation, in which the "Law of Dima Yakovlev was adopted. At the same time, the head of the WTCIOM stated that every case" with death and bullying children is widely covered ", and therefore "It's stupid to condemn citizens for such a reaction."

So - washed, like, the hands, justified, but the situation that was described - I used it all a hundred in favor of power. That is, the main thing did and in a narrow circle you can and obey slightly.


The main forge of public opinion of Russia - VTsIOM - keeps up with the times. Officials from sociology are ready to interpret the numbers as they require curators from the presidential administration. Award for obedience - de facto privatization of a state institution, the ability to master budget money, evade taxes and withdraw money to offshore.

The WTCIOM was founded in December 1987 under the USSR Ministry of Labor and the WCSPS. In 1998, the Center was re-registered as a state unitary enterprise, in 1999 he was assigned the status of a scientific institution. In 2003, FSUE VTSIOM was transformed into an open joint-stock company with 100% state capital. After that, all the leading sociologists led by Yuri Levada, who was headed by the VTsIM for more than 10 years, left him by creating a Levada Center. Since 2003, Vali Fedorov has headed by Valery.

In the recent past, the state unitary enterprise, and since 2003, an open joint-stock company with one hundred percent state capital, VTsIOM is the largest business in the sociological research market. The opinion of Russian citizens on the eve of the elections was particularly interested in the Presidential Administration (AP). Its representatives are not just entering the Board of Directors of the VTsIOM - they are the main customers - not only the research themselves, but also their results.


Manipulation did not help the authorities

The "Levada Center" survey on the attitude towards the "Antimagnetic Law" has sharply allocated in a total background of Moscow: it is approved by its 37% of the residents of the capital, and 50% relate to him negatively. About it writes a specialist "Levada Center" Tatyana Vorozheikina By analyzing the detailed survey results, which was held on January 18-21 among 1600 people according to the standard all-Russian sample. In general, the sample is more likely to approve the law of 50%, and there are bad to him with 31% of respondents. Even such an alignment shows that the support of the ban on the adoption of Russian orphans in the United States is not so unequivocal and unconditional, "as the power seeks to submit, emphasizes sociologist.

Vorozheikin also reminds that "in the course of such manipulations, the data of public opinion polls" "the distribution of opinions" "the most strongly depends on the nature of the issue and taking into account the degree of awareness of the population about the problem." She says that the formulation of questions can push the respondent to a specific evaluation of the response.

Vorozheikina notes that the discussion of this ban deepened in society split, which was marked in 2012. This is a split among the most "advanced" seizures of society - in terms of education and income, as well as at the place of residence - and more "traditionalist", which support The authorities in this matter agree with the voiced motives. Especially disagreement is characteristic of Moscow, but the conservative majority does not have a steadily consolidated nature, says vorozhin. In general, distrust of power associated with various aspects of the adoption of the "Antimagnetic Law" encompasses from 25 to 40% of respondents, shows the balance of opinions on a number of issues.

An employee of Levada-Center believes that the Antimagnetic Law was "one of the repressive political shares" aimed at the formation of a conservative mainstream majority among the population. The second goal of the law is to switch the attention of society from corruption to other topics.

According to the voroitekina, the results of the survey show that they still can not be recognized as a successful "obvious desire to distract the attention of society from corruption in Russian power structures" with the help of the "Anti-Magnic Law". 40% of respondents believe that attempts to associate this law with concern for Russian children are "demagogy and cynical manipulation by public opinion," she notes. 35% of respondents consider to be a real motive of the adoption of the "Antimagnetic Law" the desire to protect the interests of Russian corrupt officials and protect them from sanctions on the act of Magnitsky, told bargaining with Washington. And despite the fact that 37% of the population consider the ban on adoption in the United States with an adequate response to the act of Magnitsky, 25% adhere to the opposite opinion, the sociologist notes. Finally, despite the "efforts of state propaganda" and "injection of anti-American sentiments", 54% of the population believe that the Act of Magnitsky is aimed primarily against corruption and human rights violations by Russian officials.

The survey also showed that the majority of the population does not believe that the state is able to solve the problem of orphanhood. Only 9% of Russians believe that sorrowfully will be better in Russian public homes and boarding schools. Finally, notes the vorogoreikin, anti-American moods are not comprehensive and not unconditional, although quite widespread. So, 16% believe in non-resident or even the criminal intentions of the Americans, "the deputies of the State Duma and Provocative Media constantly said," she writes, while 17% believe in the humane motives of adoptive believers from the United States.

Mirrors are stored, and then returned.
Their "unclean forces" visits in the night.
Kohl at night watch for a very long time in him,
You will see your twins in it.
V. Antosh

"This is the first magic subject created by man. Aboriginal Africa, Australia and Oceania gave the colonizers for him all that had. Behind him stretches the plume superstition. For a long time, this item was a luxury, affordable only by royal individuals and very rich people. The most expensive of them in Louvre, belonged to the Queen of Maria Medici, decorated with Agatam onyks. In Russia, the production of this subject has been established at the Teling of Peter I. "
What kind of subject is it? (Mirror)

Mirrors ... Mysterious items, without which person's life is not imagined. Can you imagine life without a mirror? Wake up in the morning, and not see your reflection? It seems - nonsense, little things. But what spiritual discomfort! No wonder for fabulous characters as a punishment since ancient times, reflections were deprived.
But why does a man need a mirror? Why does each of such persistence peering at their reflection? Is it just a whim, or in the desire to see yourself in the magic glass there is something more?

At all times, people wanted to learn about themselves and their fate every possible and impossible. Especially what is hidden from them. Love and luck, wealth and glory, power and death - to all their magic keys are selected. They unlock the caches of information stored, as some believe in the planetary data bank. Magic of divination, chiromantia, numerology, astrology - all of them have many different rites, techniques, methods that allow you to look "for the curtain" in our arsenal. Not last place among them occupy magical manipulations with mirrors. With the help of mirrors, Magi antiquity acquired allies from other worlds, healers treated various diseases, and ordinary people tried to still try to look into their past and the future.

Philosophy of mirrors

His whole history is trying to know the world. But the knowledge of the world is, first of all, the knowledge of themselves. We are born, and our world is born with us, we are dying, and our world also dies at the time of our death. Of course, other people and other worlds remain, but our goes with us. How can I know this world without finding yourself?
The words "know" and "see" are considered synonyms. We say - "I saw my own eyes," considering it sufficient proof of the existence of a phenomenon. Language reflected this synonymity. So, in French "Reflet" - reflection, "Reflechir" - reflect; In English "Speculate" - thinking, "Speculum" - a mirror; In the German "Reflektieren" - to reflect, count, reflect, in Russian - contemplation, a grazor (mirror).

In philosophy, the mirror was perceived as the image of the world and God, truth, knowledge, but also deceptiveness, lightness. The main content of the image is the motive of reflection: God creates the world to see its reflection in it; The world is the reflection of the Divine, it is identical to him, but still his likeness, and. The mirror is associated with the complex water - the moon - a woman. Like water, it is a reflective surface (in which you can see the images of an unknown). Since it only reflects the appearance of other items, not possessing its own, the mirror is like a moon, which reflects the sunlight deprived of its own; His nature change - it is "inhabited", then deserted, which sends us to the lunar and female symbolism. In his ability to reflect a person and the surrounding reality, the mirror is steadily correlated with consciousness, thinking, protruding instruments of self-knowledge and reflection of the university; The concept of "reflexion" (Latin "reflection") brings the thought and mirror. Imagination, like the generation of the images of the world, also finds its personification in the mirror.

In the Indian tradition, the mirror is considered a symbol of truth. "Karma Mirror" is the attribute of the Dharmaraj's afterlife referee ("king of the law"), it reflects the deeds of the dead. In Japan, the mirrors were a symbol and way of deities and were placed in the draft churches; As it was believed, they act as intermediaries in communicating with the gods. Also, the mirror is one of the attributes of the sacred power of the emperor, symbolizing purity. In the Japanese Buddhist tradition, the custom put the bronze mirror near the head of the deceased, to protect his soul from the action of the evil forces (with a similar purpose of the copper mirror put under the head of the dead man in a pre-deninist Egypt). In ancient China, the mirror is associated with a number of 8 as marking divine perfection and is a symbol of knowledge, courage, mercy; Hand mirrors, in particular, are symbols of truth. In China, believed that the mirrors were inherent in the ability to assist in a marital happiness, as well as to protect against the influence of malicious forces. In addition, the mirrors were an affiliation of the afterlife, as well as the attributes of the Chinese Lightning Deity, which, reducing and spreading them, caused a zipper. The "energy" functions of the mirror found an application in the Chinese art of design and interior feng shui.

In medieval Europe, the mirror, on the one hand, was perceived sharply negatively as an object of luxury, the attribute of vanity, narrowing, as well as the image of madness; However, at the same time, it was considered as a symbol of contemplation, self-knowledge and truth, and in this meaning was likened to the eye. During this period, numerous "grazles" are created, a special kind of didactic compositions (for example, the "great grays and Vincent from Bow). Nature was interpreted as a mirror of the Divine Plan; The mirror also acts as a symbol of the Word of God. In the iconography, it was depicted in the hands of the Virgin Mary, which, thus, is shown as if reflective the divine light of Christ; In addition, it symbolized the purity and integrity of Our Lady.

In Sufism, the image of a mirror, which reflects various objects, but keeps its nature itself, was used to illustrate the idea of \u200b\u200bunity and the manifold of the union. Also two mirrors reflecting each other, peace and Allah were likened.
In Russian folklore mirrors - the invention of the devil, which has the strength of pulling the soul from the tel. Aztecs used similar to the surface mirrors to keep the sorcerers.

History of mirrors

Water surface has become the first mirror for a person. Seeing himself in her, he could no longer calm down and tried to create something like himself. So in the dwellings of the Ancient East, the pieces of obsidian slices appeared. The Egyptians were used polished golden plates, and bronze disks decorated at home in China.
Archaeologists inspecting Pompeii, wondered, seeing almost all local courtyards small shallow pools with marble parapet. They were not used for bathing, but were not easy to decorate the interior. It was a mirror, and sitting above the reflection in the fixed stroit of water, Pupyanki led their appearance in order just as they are in front of the mirror. The cruel rival, wanting to harm his victim, threw pebbles into her mirror pool.

The first glass mirrors appeared in Rome. They were tiny, it was impossible to look at them, so they were used as amulets and decorations. Real mirrors appeared later, in medieval Holland.

In the Middle Ages, the mirrors did not complain. The mirrors of the time - convex shape with a dark surface - caused superstitious fear and are not named otherwise as sorcerer mirrors. Each decent witch had in his arsenal not only a large cauldron for making drugs, but also a small mirror. He was supposed to fow the light of the full moon, and in the afternoon to hide from the sun. It was believed that with the help of this magical subject, the witch could damage the damage and evil eye, cause the devil and retain location and evil spirits. The inquisition looked at the mirrors with suspicion. So, in 1321, the maiden Beatris de Plazissol was accused of heresy and sentenced to life imprisonment only for the fact that the mirror was found among her things. The very fact of the possession of such a thing could bring a woman not only in prison, but also to the fire.

Enlightened Europe shared superstitious attitude towards the mirror - in many countries it was customary to insert mirrors in the window to reflect "bad" energy from a bad neighbor or close "harmful" buildings: industrial facilities, hospitals, prisons ...

The mirrors were disliked and in Russia - until the 17th century they did not exhibit them, and they wrapped her taffeta or hidden in the chests.
Another curious touch: Ivan the Terrible, deadly afraid of all sorts of sense and curses, told the mirrors for his wife Maria Nagya made blind masters. And what about! After all, in Russia, they were convinced that the mirror could "get infected" by damage and transfer it to anyone looking into it. For the same reason, women were forbidden to look into the mirrors in "unclean periods" - in days of menstruation, pregnancy and the first weeks after childbirth.

And during the Renaissance, glass-flowable manufactories arise in the Viencyian town of Murano. Glasses from these manufactories achieved unprecedented results: they created colored glass, gold threads were fitted into it, blown out the complex shape of the vessels and vases. The secrets of glass production were kept in the strictest mystery, there are still a mystery of some technological techniques of Muranian masters. There, for the first time, hot glass was rolled on a polished bronze plate - it turned out almost a modern mirror.

Mirrors are special items in our house. No object of our life, perhaps, did not hurt so much legends, loyal, beliefs like a mirror.

Legends of mirrors

Many mphs and legends are associated with mirrors. Ancient Greek myth it says that Narcissus, having seen his reflection in the pond, could not go away from him and turned into a flower. Gorgon's Medusa looked into his eyes, reflected in a brilliant shield, and petrified. Honor of the invention of this alloy allegedly belonged to Hephaesta, Greek God of fire and blacksmithing craft.

Legends suggest that in the old mirrors the souls of all who looked in them are concluded. It is believed that if the mirror keeps the reflection of an evil man, the dead man, the killer, or "saw" the scene of the murder, then it becomes "evil" itself. Such a mirror is always cold to the touch, church candles come to him, and it can bring trouble to a new owner, up to his death. This mirror needs to be broken, and only so you can get rid of the curse, which is concluded.

Jorge Louis Borhess mentions mirror creatures, in particular, the Myth of Fish: "In those days, in contrast to this time, the world of mirrors and the world of people were not disassembled. In addition, they were very different, did not coincide their inhabitants, nor their colors, nor their forms. Both kingdoms, mirror and human, lived peacefully, through the mirrors could be included and go out. One night, the mirror people flooded the earth. His forces were great, but after bloody battles, the victory won the chirns of the yellow emperor. He drove the invaders, captured their mirrors and ordered them to repeat, as if in some kind of dream, all the actions of people. He deprived them of strength and appearance and admired the last slave situation. But the time will come, and they will break from this witchcraft flying.

The first fish will be wrapped ... then one after another will break on and other forms. Gradually, they will become different from us, will cease to imitate us. They will break the glass and metal barriers, and this time they will not be able to win. Together with mirror creatures will fight water "(Jorge Louis Borges" Encyclopedia of fictional beings ").

Legends associated with mirrors - almost an infinite topic. Moreover, everyone, for sure, has its own personal story about the mirror. Sometimes I think everyone who looked into the mirror immediately begins to compose a strange story. This is not such an absurd thought, as it may seem at first glance. Remember only the child is surprised, after seeing herself in the mirror. Somehow I watched how the kitten was confused, seeing his reflection. He touched the smooth surface with his paw, meoweal and poked her forehead in the glass and struggled to tie a good relationship with the kitten who saw on the other side of the mirror. The kitten did not understand that it was himself, only reflected. The child also does not immediately begin to perceive the reflection, like himself, his copy. Rather, he believes that this is another child. And in consciousness, the thought is postponed that there, behind the mirror glass, someone lives. And the child comes to the concept of "twin".

Magic Mirrors

Millenniums considered people their reflection in a bucket with water, in polished stone, and later metal plates and no purpose, except for pure utilitarian, were not associated with this.

But here have appeared in the Romans in the century. e. Glass mirrors with a metal lining immediately became mystical objects and therefore influencing people who influence the fate of people. And there is nothing surprising. After all, looking into the mirror, we seem to be separated, we see actually not, and very similar to us. Only he has the opposite: what is right, he has left. And this in ancient times scarecrow people, forced them to think of their twin, expect everything from him anything, including hostile actions.

It is said that through the mirror you can "impose damage." If any person looks into your mirror with the wishes of evil, then these wishes can be fulfilled. That is, the mirror will become a kind of drive and emitter of negative energy.

There are also many methods for divination using mirrors.
One of the oldest forms of fortune telling is crystallantia, or fortune telling on the mirrors, which is carried out with the help of a magic mirror. It was believed that the magicians of Persia were used to use such mirrors, as well as the ancient Greeks and Romans. In the ancient Greece, the witches of Teszal wrote their predictions with human blood on the mirrors. The Tessenian witches allegedly taught Pythagora, how to guess on the magic mirror, if you keep it by sending it to the moon. The Romans who were able to read on the mirrors were called "speculatory".

Even the royal personnel believed in magic mirrors and used them. Ekaterina Medici, who passionately believed in the occult arts, owned the mirror, which opened her the future of France. Heinrich IV also relied on the magic mirror to reveal political conspiracies against themselves. Medieval alchemist Albert Great recorded a magic mirror making formula: "Buy an ordinary mirror and write" S.SOLAM S.TATTLER S. ECHOGORDNER GEMATUR "on it. Skip it at a crossroads in an odd hour. On the third day, go to the same place at the same time. Time and dig, however, you can not be the first to look into this mirror. " Albert claimed that he would first look at the cat or dog mirror.
In the English folk tradition, the day before Saint Agnessea (January 21) was considered a ritual afternoon when the girls in the mirror could see the narrowed.

In Russia, for example, the most correct way to find out your fate of the time impact of centuries was considered a soda fortune telling.
Before fortunate, it was necessary to drill the icons, remove the cross from the neck and put it under the heel - that is, actually renounce from protecting the holy forces! Maybe it was since then a belief that Satan himself presented a mirror to man in order not to be missed alone and could have anything eternal conversation with himself. Prince of Darkness reasoned correctly: loneliness enlightens the soul, and the internal dialogue, a kind of split, on the contrary, makes trouble into the spiritual world ...

The girl was blocked in an empty room alone, put two appliances, a mirror, candles on the table, and began to call the narrowed: "Durable, rich, come to me dinner." Five minutes before his arrival, the mirror began to fill up. The girl peered into a mirror surface, trying to consider the groom. Discarding, it was necessary to "hang" the narrowed. Otherwise, the devil who took his image could get out of the mirror and sit next to the table. One of the most terrible considered fortune telling at midnight with two mirrors. Two identical mirrors were installed opposite each other and illuminated by two candles so that the reflections formed an endless mirror corridor. The gadgetting sat between the mirrors and began to peer into this corridor, at the end of which it was necessary to seem to appear.

The cherished narrowed can be seen, looking in the mirror at night at the crossroads (silence around himself a circle and sentencing: "The narrowed, rude, come to me along the road, and on the white snow"). Seeing frightening symbols or having heard funeral singing, hurry to read ours "Father". In the mirror look at night so as to see in it a reflection of the month. After some time, several months will appear - such and there will be the number of households in the house of the future husband. On the night under the bed there are a mirror, and around it fir branches. On the mirror is written the name of a loved one or a secret desire. If the inscription in the morning will disappear - the desire will turn if they remain - alas: the dream will not come true.

Saty fortune telling on the bridegroom is known for a long time. And now you are guessing in such a way as a joke, and who and seriously. And even what begins as a joke, becomes something serious and real when an endless mirror corridor unfolds in the dark in the dark.

Even cases of "penetration" in the past and the future with the help of mirrors are registered. Someone assures that he saw in the mirror when you fortunate your future husband, someone - wife; The story is recorded about how two girls watched in the mirror meeting of the emperors Alexander I and Napoleon in 1807; They tell how rustic signs with the help of a mirror find a thief ...

Clara Ryts, a 23-year-old resident of Munich, returned from the walk, as usual, sat down in front of the mirror to bring themselves in order. Suddenly she saw that some vaguely familiar man looks from the mirror on her. Clara turned sharply - there was no one in the room. Yes, and in general she was in the house alone. In the evening, she began to talk about this mother and suddenly remembered whose face she saw in the mirror: it was her uncle Henry, who a few years ago went to the United States. And the next day the telegram came, in which it was notified of his sudden death. It was worth it to clarify that uncle died at the moment when Clara saw him in the mirror.

In general, these stories are almost endless and are just as diverse, but everyone is reduced to one - mirrors are subjects capable of showing something unknown, reveal new knowledge if they correctly apply to them.

In primitive societies, believed and still believe that the mirrors reflect the soul and need to be protected, otherwise the soul would die. These fears switched to superstitious customs. And still commemorates associated with mirrors, make many change their actions, which is called on the go.

"She was disturbed by signs ..."

The Spaniards believe that hanging the mirror on the shoulders to small children, they will get rid of them from evil looks.

Europeans believe that the failure suits the bride, if she sees himself to the wedding in the mirror in a complete wedding dress. This misfortune can be avoided, trying on a wedding outfit without a single glove. In addition, returning from the church, the young certainly had to stand next to the mirror - it should bring them good luck.

In many nations - Indians, Tajiks, Persians and others - there was a wedding rite when the bride and the bride had to look at one mirror, as if the connection of mirror twins should strengthen and bless the earthly marriage. Moreover, in some peoples of the bride and the bride saw each other for the first time precisely reflected in the mirror, and not directly. That is, acquaintance occurred through mirror twins. It was believed that it was this that should bring good luck and happiness to the family. It seems to me that almost everyone in life was like this - when you look at my reflection next to the expensive person and say: "Look, cute (-" How we look good together! " And it "well together look" filled with additional confidence in their own power. But this is the echo of faith in the independent existence of a twin, and his smiling face gives joy, at some point becoming a face of an extraneous happy man. Regardless of age, we subconsciously believe in the autonomy of the mirror reflection.

Different peoples are different signs, but there are also those that repeat almost everywhere.

Broken mirror - unfortunately
Do not store broken mirrors,
It will be reflected in it all broken
This parable is true and now
Only a pity that she forgotten.
V. Antosh

Surely some of us remembers an unpleasant and alarming feeling, cushed into a soul, if a mirror suddenly crashed. And the fear of this is from pagan beliefs: the surface of the mirror resembles the surface of the water in which an ancient man looked, when there was no mirror. The reflection in the mirror is the reflection of the human soul. A broken mirror distorts the appearance of a person and, it seems that it can harm him.

Why a broken or cracked mirror brings misfortune? But in this case, additional defects are made to the structure of the mirror, which naturally affect the properties of the reflected wave. It turns out that in this case again the so-called evil eye is happening for looking into such a mirror. This is our double, and if you wipe him, he wures you. To avoid this, fragments (those more than more) need to paint black, or immerse in flow water.

Obviously, subconsciously each person feels connected with his twin in the mirror. Something it reminds the generally accepted idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship between the twins. So it is believed that if one of the twins die, it dies both the second, or at least he feels the death of the first. The same with a mirror - a broken (dead) mirror bears misfortune and death to its owner. That is, "death" of a mirror twiest means the death of the original. And in general, the plug-in is a special magic world, a world in which you can find out the past and the future, so it had to turn with it gently.

Why in the house of the dead closed the mirrors?
The mirrors were closed dense, preferably black canvas. It is believed that this is done so that the lives have not seen in it the reflection of the coffin with the deceased (so as not to remember and not be afraid of him later, the option is that the dead man was then a vampire, he did not take with him).

Who knows which energy processes accompany the death of a person ... It is very possible that the mirror absorbs such an energy in such a quantity that the change in the properties of the reflective surface becomes irreversible. To "free the soul", you should break the mirror. That is, from the point of view of physics, destroy the crystal lattice of the reflective medium, which will lead to the scattering of energy accumulated in it.

The sources of superstition can be explained both from a practical and magical point of view. On the one hand, in the house of the deceased everything was arranged so as not to distract from the sorrow. On the other hand, it was believed that the mirror was on the border between the world with the local and alternate and, therefore, clinging to him, we close the way into that world. The reflection in the water or in the mirror was thought of a man's soul, which he can kidnap the spirit of the deceased.

This also applies to the custom from the sick mirror out of the room, because during the soul illness is more vulnerable. According to another superstition, if someone looks at the mirror at night, he can see the devil.

There is still belief that, returning home from halfdraw, you need to look at the mirror. This is done in order to restore the protection of the house from foreign influences, the protection that the mirror provides, reflecting all negative impacts.

There are even the rules for placing mirrors in the apartment.

For example, any mirror should be hung so that it does not "cut" the head of the highest family member.
And why? Allegedly unsuccessful mirror can bring misfortunes and diseases. On the one hand, of course, I want to laugh. In fact, how a piece of glass covered with metal can affect the situation in the family, health or good luck and failure at work? But if we accept the fact that the various parts of the human body emit different energies, then such an impact seems possible. The "cut" head will in this case mean the inaccessible energy of a certain type, and, as a result, the reflected wave will also have other properties than with the "right" arrangement of the mirror. That is, it turns out that the owner of the mirror smoothed himself. And the person who feels bad is not confident in itself, naturally becomes the source itself of all his trouble.

Mirrors should be in the grooves, so as not to injure your energy and physical health.

Do not hang the mirror too low or too high: if it reflects us in full growth, then our energy decreases.

Do not bring the baby to the mirror, otherwise it will hardly have a teeth or it will start talking late.

Do not eat, sitting in front of the mirror, otherwise there is a chance to "eat" your beauty.

For the same reason, do not look into the mirror in a huge room or with candles.

With no pretext, do not take a gift on a gift, a box, cosmetic bag - any thing decorated with a mirror.

Do not put the mirror "face" to bed: nightmares, headaches, chronic nonpropions will be provided with you. Move the furniture or at least close the mirror with something overnight.

Never scold yourself (and do not swear with others) in front of the mirror. Look at it in the "critical days" when sick or overwritten.

In connection with the foregoing, the mirrors in the house must be kept clean. It is necessary to wipe them every week, and if necessary - more often.

Remember that some mirrors have a strong negative energy, especially if the Negative scenes of the quarry, violence, and even more so killings took place on "their eyes".

It is also a pretty thought before you take the mirror in the house, which remained after the deceased. And even more so, you need to be vigilant, acquiring the mirror, whose history is unknown to you. But if you still "lucky" and in front of your mirror you fell candles, take it away from home and scatter.

If you suspect that someone is stimps against you, try to bring this person to the mirror. Take a look at your joint reflection. If your suspicions are justified, on the face of your enemy for a moment, his true feelings come.

You can approach the mirror every morning (it is better for the fact that in the hallway, living room) and, spending a hand over it (the distance between hand and mirror should be 0.5 cm - no more), ask: "Mirror, reflect everything bad that This house will come. Carry all our family (list names). "

Phenomenon of mirrors

Surprisingly, the majority of today's researchers, facing the phenomenon of the mirror, do not consider the bias of the calculations of their predecessors. Our contemporaries are convinced: a mirror, like every thing, is surrounded by a certain invisible field. Around the rough items, this field is loose and absorbs energy falling on it, the objects are smooth and shiny create a dense field around themselves, and it almost completely reflects thin radiation. The fact that the mirror has exactly such a dense field, you can make sure at home.

Try to control the TV from the remote control, but not as usual - directly, and sending the console in the mirror. And you will see: programs will be perfectly switching. But if the mirror reflects the invisible rays, it means that it can reflect and more subtle energies, for example, the energy of human feelings and emotions! That is why scientists and psychics choir advise not to experiment with the mirror: do not guess, not burn. After all, the "mirror strike" can damage (or even destroy) our fragile energy.

One of the first explanations to the mirror phenomenon gave Paracels. He believed that the mirrors serve as a tunnel between the two worlds: thin and physical. And that through this tunnel otherworked information penetrates us. Obviously, it is this energy that effectively affects the psyche of a person, having fallen with hallucinations and vision on him.

So, let's go back to what they started: we started: we are cheerful or grieved - every time, approaching the mirror, we inscribe in its depths of the cast from our energy. And looking in the mirror again, subconsciously read the "barcode", which was left for the last time. That is, the principle of boomeranga is triggered. Output? It is necessary to be white and fluffy, beautiful and happy! And only to see themselves in the mirror! And he does not rust ...

Healer mirrors

There is a belief that through the mirror you can "damage". If any person looks into your mirror with the wishes of evil, then these wishes can be fulfilled. That is, the mirror will become a kind of drive and emitter of negative energy.

True, not all stories about mirrors are so gloomy. With the help of mirrors, you can not only "damage the damage", but also get rid of it. For example, if you hang the mirror in the room where guests are going, it will take all evil. Then the mirror should be cleaned until it is only a drive, not the emitter. Cleaning is recommended to produce cold water.

It is also believed that if you look in the mirror, wanting yourself the best, to do in front of him something like autotraining, assures his reflection that it is the smartest, most beautiful, most wonderful, then the twin living in the mirror will ensure These dreams.

You can also explain why good thoughts in front of the mirror bring good luck. This is a concentration of positive energy, and its strengthening through the mirror. The mirror in this case acts as piggy banks. Remember, there were such funny pigs, where did you need to throw coins? Once a coin, two coins, three coins ... and then it was enough for ice cream. And the most stubborn - and not one ice cream. So the mirror. The energy that man emits depends on the mood. The fact that the person's pulse frequency, blood pressure and other physiological parameters are changed depending on the mood, is also known and indisputable fact. And here all these changes affect the radiated energy. It can be said that the mirror accumulates all your good thoughts for future use. Or, if it is necessary to formulate it closer to physics, the reflective layer of the mirror changes in accordance with the energy obtained from the incident wave, these changes are accumulated to some threshold level, and then radiation occurs. That is, if you constantly looked in a mirror with good emotions, then as a result you will get your ice cream when the piggy bank is filled. But it will be a big seal or small dairy ice cream - depends only on your ability to accumulate.

By the way, it was on the belief that the reflection in the mirror is a twin is not quite us, one of the methods of psychotherapy is based. The sculptor doctor creates a sculptural portrait of a patient in full size, in realistic style. As the patient recognizes himself in this sculptural portrait, and the portrait approaches the illness, the disease passes. This portrait of this disorderly carrying a seal of the disease, and the original is healed. The sculptural portrait is the "double", whom he sees the patient every day in the mirror. Created by the doctor "Double" becomes a "bad" member of a pair of a man-reflection, and the patient is "good".

Today, the mirrors find the most diverse use. To get rid of internal experiences and depression, psychologists advise more often to look into the mirror. Scientists accurately established that suicides who decided to take a look in the mirror before death, broke away from their reflection in it with love for life. And vice versa. In one of the New York institutions, the influence of the mirror on the human body has long studied. As a result, it turned out that healthy and self-confident people who loved to treat themselves in the mirror for a long time, began to experience chronic fatigue and worsening memory.

By the way, based on the theory of Paracels, the doctors of the past used mirrors for hypnosis and various sodes of suggestions. Paracels with their help treated people. And today, many fortune-tales and goas are successfully used mirrors for the healing of patients. They recommend putting a mirror for a couple of hours in the sun, then approach it and whisper: "Mirror, mirror, take my diseases, give me a ray of the sun." It is 5-10 for 5-10 minutes, then wipe the magic object with holy water and close with an opaque cloth.

Surprisingly, scientists managed to prove that such rites have a scientific explanation. It turned out that mirrors with a coating of warm shades (bronze, brass, gold, copper) absorb cold, depressing energy streams and reflect warm, solar. Metals cold shades work on the contrary. So the conspiracy in front of the mirror with a spray from brass if it does not cure to the end, it will bring significant relief.

To give the eyes to rest after long-term classes on a computer or watching TV, the oculists are proposed to use a lit candle, behind which a mirror is placed at a distance of 5-10 centimeters. For 10 minutes, it is necessary to alternately on the light of the candle, then on the mirror. Such an exercise acts as gymnastics for retina and brain. As a result, the eye muscles are unloaded, the pressure inside the eyeball normalizes and the vision is dramatically improved.


With explanations from the point of view of physics, or without it, the mirrors still remain objects mysterious and, to some extent, dangerous. We hang on the wall subject, from ancient times used in magical practices with a variety of goals - for cure, evil eye, the vision of the future and the past, and we absolutely do not think about it. We calmly look at the mirror in the morning, correcting the hairstyle or rehearsing the smile, which we are going to demonstrate to someone. And we forget that the mirror is not as simple as it seems at first glance. And the fact that it is naturally in a daily use, does not mean that it should be treated carelessly, without thinking about the consequences. In fact, the owner of the bull terrier never forgets what kind of dogs are fighting qualities. Why don't we think in a similar way about mirrors? Strength habit? Or simply "obedience" reflection fascinates us, closing the dangerous properties of a mirror surface? Indeed, what can be dangerous in his own image? It would seem - nothing. But numerous evidence shows that the mirrors need to be treated with the same revelation as to the same bultherer. And even with great, because the bull terrier is clear and understandable, and the mirror is a mysterious subject that helps us know the world and yourself. The mirror is a tool that should be used with caution, since not all of its properties are clear and explained. So let's learn yourself and surrounding carefully and with respect.


  1. Valentine A. Do not stand under the mirror / a. Valentines // Russian newspaper. - 2005. - July 1. - P. 30.
  2. Dmitruk M. Mirror for oligarch / M. Dmitruk // Light. Nature and man. - 2002. - № 3. - P. 8 - 10.
  3. Konshrin Y. Mirror Worlds of the Universe / Y. Konshin // Ural Worker. - 20007. - October 4. - P. 18.
  4. True V. Unexpected Mirrors / V. Pravdivsev // Science and Religion. - 2002. - № 8. - p.37-40.

Literary quiz

Guess which literary works are taken these passages:

"... here in the Svetlice table covered
White pellena;
And on that table is worth
Mirror with candle;
Two appliances on the table.
"Sveta Svetlana;
In pure mirror glass
At midnight without cheating
You will know your lot:
Knocks on your door cute
Easy hand; ... "(V. Zhukovsky" Svetlana ")

2. "My light, the mirror! tell me
Yes, all the truth reports: ... "(A. Pushkin" Tale of the dead princess and seven heroes ")

3. "Sovereign you are my father's birthday! Do not take me golden and silver brocade, nor black furies of a Siberian sick, nor the pearl necklace of Burmitsky, nor Zlata is a semi-color crown, and you bring me a mirror from crystal eastern, solid, beability to, looking at him, I saw the whole of the beauty inseptive and So, looking into it, I did not get old and my maiden was added. " (S. Aksakov "Scarlet Flower")

4. "Ah, Kitty, how would I like to get into the castorgal! There must be so many wonders! Let's play, as if we can go there! Suddenly the glass will become thin, like a web, and we step through it! Look, it, it, really, melts as a fog. Now it is not difficult to pass through it ... "(L. Carroll" Alice in the Looking Game ")

5. "-Oh, if you could look at yourself from the side.
- Grandma often says that I would like you to see ourselves from the side ... - But is it possible? - Olya was surprised.
-Well, of course, perhaps. Only for this you need to visit the side of the mirror. " (V. Gubarev "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors")

6. "I got up on tiptoe approached the mirror. I did not see my reflection. In the muddy mirror reflected the curtain, the angle of the furnace and in general a lot of things. But I was not in it.
- What's the matter? - asked voice. - Have questions?
- Who is speaking? - I asked, looking behind the mirror. There were a lot of dust and dead spiders behind the mirror. " (A. and B. Strugatsky "Monday begins on Saturday")

7. "He lived on the light of a wicked troll, a real devil. He was always happy to cause someone trouble. Once he was in a particularly good arms of the Spirit: he managed to make such a mirror in which everything is kind and beautifully decreased to the fact that it was impossible to see it, and all the unfit and ugly, on the contrary, and got into the eyes and became even worse. " .
And this is the curve mirror crashed, and the fragments scattered throughout the white light .... (H.- K. Andersen "Snow Queen")

8. "It was a beautiful mirror, a height to the ceiling, in a gold frame, decorated with an ornament. The mirror stood on stands similar to two legs with a long claws absorbed into the floor. The inscription was engraved on the top of the frame: "Einelling of Hychyar Ogoma Sache Avon Ocil Chaseva Avise Spex."
"Harry looked back in the mirror again. The woman standing on the right of his reflection, smiled at him and waved his hand. Harry turned away again and pulled his hand. If the woman really stood behind him, he would have touched her, because their reflections were quite near, but his hand fastened only the air. " J. Rowling "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone")

9. "We stopped at the edge of the glade. She frightened low silky grass, and at the edges of her, as if unusual flowers grew by someone, they grew. Short, wide, metal petals surrounded the size of a flower size with a large plate. The middle of the middle was mirror, the mirrors were slightly convex, and the whole glade reflected in every flower ...
Alice came out to the middle of the clearing, looked around, went closer to the flower. The flower slightly turned the mirror as if Alice looked at him.
-Time them with them, "Alice said.
"Okay," I replied. " (K. Bulychev "Alice Adventures")

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A person is able to see thanks to the light. Light quanta - photons possess properties and waves, and particles. Light sources are divided into primary and secondary. In primary - such as the sun, lamps, fire, electrical discharge - photons are born as a result of chemical, nuclear or thermonuclear reactions. A secondary light source is any atom: absorbing the photon, it goes into an excited state and sooner or later returns to the main one, radiating a new photon. When the beam of light falls on an opaque item, all components of the photons are absorbed by atoms on the surface of the subject. Excited atoms almost immediately return the absorbed energy in the form of secondary photons, which are evenly emitted in all directions.

If the surface is rough, then the atoms on it are randomly located, the wave properties of light do not appear and the total radiation intensity is equal to the algebraic amount of the radiation intensity of each re-infused atom. At the same time, regardless of the angle of observation, we see the same light flow, reflected from the surface, is such a reflection called diffuse. Otherwise, there is a reflection of light from a smooth surface, for example, mirrors, polished metal, glass. In this case, the re-release lights atoms are ordered relative to each other, the light shows the wave properties, and the intensities of secondary waves depend on the differences of the phases of neighboring secondary light sources.

As a result, the secondary waves compensate each other in all directions, with the exception of a single one, which is determined by a well-known law - the incidence of the incidence is equal to the reflection angle. Photons seem to be bounced away from the mirror, so their trajectories go from items, as if being behind him, - they see them, looking into the mirror.

True, the world of the Cascarlo differs from our: Texts are read right left, the arrows of the clock are spinning in the opposite direction, and if you raise your left hand, our twin in the mirror will raise the right, and he doesn't have the rings in that hand ... Unlike the movie screen, where all the audience See the same image in the reflection mirror for everyone different. For example, a girl in a picture sees in the mirror not at all, and a photographer (since he sees her reflection). To see yourself, it is necessary to settle down opposite the mirror. Then photons coming from the face towards the view, falling on the mirror almost at right angles and return back. When they reach the eye, you see your image on the side of the glass. Closer to the edge of the mirror of the eyes, photons reflected by them under some angle are caught. So, they also came at an angle, that is, from items located on the sides of you. This allows you to see yourself in the mirror along with the surrounding environment. But the mirror is always reflected less than the light than falls, for two reasons: there are no perfectly smooth surfaces, and the light always heats the mirror slightly.

From widespread materials, the light reflects the light polished silver (more than 95%). From it made mirrors in antiquity. But in the open air, silver fumes due to oxidation, and polishing is damaged. In addition, the metal mirror is expensive and heavy. Now the thin layer of metal is applied to the opposite side of the glass, protecting against damage by several layers of paint, and instead of silver, aluminum is often used for saving. Its reflection coefficient is about 90%, and the difference is invisible.

History of the mirror

Archaeologists discovered the first small tin mirrors, gold or platinum belonging to the bronze era. Modern mirror history is counted from the XIII century, or rather - from 1240, when in Europe they learned to blow the vessels from the glass. The invention of the present glass mirror should be attributed to 1279, when the Italian monk-Franciscan John Pekam described the way to cover the glass with a thin layer of tin.

The production of the mirror looked like this. In the vessel through the tube, the master poured the molten tin, which was growing with a smooth layer on the surface of the glass, and when the ball was cooled, it was broken into pieces. The first mirror was imperfect: concave fragments slightly distorted the image, but it became bright and clean. In the XIII century in the Holland, the handicraft technology produced mirrors mastered. It was followed by Flanders and the German city of Masters Nuremberg, where in 1373 the first mirror shop arose.

In 1407, the Venetian brothers Danzalo Del Gallo bought a patent from Flemadians, and Venice of whole and a half centuries held a monopoly on the production of excellent Venetian mirrors, which would be called Flemish. And although Venice was not the only place of production of mirrors at the time, but it was the Venetian mirrors that distinguished the highest quality. Venetian masters added gold and bronze into reflecting formulations, so all items in the mirror looked even more beautiful than in reality. The cost of one Venetian mirror was equal to the cost of a small sea vessel, and for their purchase, French aristocrats were sometimes forced to sell whole estates. For example, figures that have come down to this day say that a large mirror with a size of 100x65 cm was worth more than 8000 livres, and the picture of Rafael the same size is about 3000 livres. The mirrors were extremely roads. Only very rich aristocrats and royal people could buy and collect them.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the brothers Andrea Domenico from Murano was cut along another hot glass cylinder and halves it rolled it on a copper table top. It turned out a leaf mirror canvas, distinguished by shine, crystal transparency and purity. Such a mirror, in contrast to the shards of the ball, did not distort anything. This is the main event in the history of the production of mirrors.

Glass and France

At the end of the XVI century, I yielded to fashion, the French Queen Maria Medici ordered 119 mirrors in Venice for his mirror office, paying for the order a huge amount. Venetian mirrors in response to the royal gesture also showed extraordinary generosity - presented the French Queen Mary Medici Mirror. It is the most expensive in the world, and is now stored in the Louvre. Decorated with agaters and onyx mirrors, and the frame is encrusted with precious stones.

The French were capable of disciples, and soon even surpassed their teachers. Mirror glass began to receive not blowing out, as they did in Murano, and casting. The technology is as follows: the molten glass directly from the smelting pot poured onto a flat surface and roll off with a roller. The author of this method is called Luka de Nega.

The invention had to be used by way: the mirror gallery was built in Versailles. It was 73 meters long, and needed large-sized mirrors. In the firm "San

Gaben "produced 306 such mirrors so that their radiance to stun those who would be lucky to visit the King in Versailles. How after that it was not to recognize the Louis XIV right to refer to the "King Sun"? After opening the French mirror manufactory, the price of mirrors began to decline dramatically. This also contributed to German and Bohemian glass plants producing mirrors at a lower cost. Mirrors began to appear on the walls of private houses, in picture frames. In the XVIII century, two thirds of Parisians have already acquired them. In addition, the ladies began to wear a small mirror attached by chains on the belt.

The revolution in the production of the mirrors brought a German chemist, Justus Background Lubih, starting to apply CE Ein in 1835 for silver mirrors and getting a clearer image. This technology is practically unchanged so far is used in the production of mirrors.

How the mirror distorts our appearance

The reflecting properties of modern mirrors depend not only on the type of amalgam, but also from the level of surface and "purity" (transparency) of glass. The rays of light are sensitive even to such irregularities that are not visible to human eye.

Any glass defects arising in the process of its manufacture, and the structure of the reflective layer (waviness, porosity and other defects) affect the "truthfulness" of the future mirror.

The degree of permissible distortion displays the mirror marking, it is divided into 9 classes - from M0 to M8. The number of values \u200b\u200bof the mirror coating depends on the method of manufacturing the mirror. The most accurate mirrors - class M0 and M1 produce the float method. The hot glass is poured into the surface of the hot metal, where it is evenly distributed and cooled. This method of casting allows you to get the most thin and smooth glass.

M2-M4 classes are manufactured by less perfect technique - Fourco. The hot ribbon glass is pulled out of the furnace, passing between the rollers, and cooled. In this case, the final product has a surface with thickening, which cause the reflection distortion.

The perfect M0 mirror is rare, usually on sale the most "truthful" - M1. M4 Marking speaks of insignificant curvature, buy mirrors of subsequent classes, perhaps for the equipment of the room of laughter.

Experts consider the most accurate silver coating mirrors produced in Russia. Silver has a higher reflection coefficient, and domestic manufacturers do not use marking above M1. But in Chinese-made products, we buy mirrors M4, which cannot be accurate by definition. We must not forget about the light - the most realistic reflection provides bright uniform lighting of the object.

Reflection as a projection

Everything in childhood was visited by the so-called laughter room or looked a fairy tale about the kingdom of the curves of the mirrors, so no one needs to explain how the reflection on the convex or concave surface changes. The effect of curvature is present in even, but very large mirrors (with a party ≥1 m). This is explained by the fact that their surface is deformed under its own weight, so large mirrors make a thickness of at least 8 mm thick.

But the perfect quality of the mirror is not the key to his "truthfulness" for a separate individual. The fact is that, even having an impeccably smooth mirror, which very accurately displays external objects, a person will be reflected with defects caused by its individual characteristics.

In fact, perception largely depends on the function of the organs of view (the eye of a person, which looks in the mirror) and the work of the brain transforming the incoming signals into the image. How else can you explain the visual dependence of the distortion of reflection from the molding form?! After all, everyone knows that elongated (rectangular and oval) mirrors are slimming, and square and round visually fell. So the psychology of the perception of the human brain works, which analyzes the incoming information, tie it to familiar subjects and forms.

Mirror and photo - what is true?

Another strange fact is known: many people simplify the separation differences between their reflection in the mirror and their own image, which they see in the photo. Especially this concerns the representatives of the beautiful sex, who wanted to know only one in the old Russian tradition: "I am in the light of all beautiful?"

The phenomenon when a person does not recognize himself in the photo is quite common, because in his inner world he or she see himself otherwise - and largely due to the mirror. This paradox caused hundreds of scientific research. If all scholars are conclusing to a simple language, such differences are explained by the features of the optical device of two systems - the lens of the camera and organ of human vision.

  1. The principle of action of the eyeball receptors is not at all like glass optics: the camera lens differs from the structure of the eye lens, and it can also be deformed due to the fatigue of the eye, age-related changes, etc.
  2. The reality of the image affects the number of points of perception of the object and their location. In the camera, only one lens, so the image is flat. Vision organs in humans and brain shares, fixing the image, are paired, so we perceive the reflection in the volumetric mirror (three-dimensional).
  3. The accuracy of the image fixation depends on the lighting. Photographers often use this feature, creating an interesting image in the photo, straightening from the real model. Considering itself in the mirror, people usually do not change the lighting as it makes a flash of the camera or sofa.
  4. Another important aspect is the distance. People look at the mirror got used to the mirror close, then as is photographed more often from afar.
  5. In addition, the time you need the camera for a snapshot is negligible, in the photo there is even a special term - excerpt. The photo lens snatches the fraction of a second, imprinting the expression of the face is sometimes impressive.

As you can see, each system has its own characteristics affecting the image distortion. Considering these nuances, it can be said that the photo more accurately fix our image, but only for a moment. The human brain perceives the image in a wider spectrum. And it's not only in volume, but also in non-verbal signals that people send constantly. Therefore, from the point of view of the perception of us with the surrounding people, the reflection in the mirror is more truthfully.

10 crazy facts about mirrors

Mirrors not only help us put yourself in order, but also serve for the benefit of science

We are all looking into the mirror every day, but the mirrors are designed not only to check the way you look, or is there another car behind you when you are driving. With mirrors, you can make completely insane things - including, for example, create and maintain a wormwort fairly stable in order to travel in time. Mirrors and phantom limbs can help us learn more about the brain, as well as with the help of mirrors, you can measure the distance to the moon.

1. Mirrors and travel time

We all have heard that in time it is possible to travel with the help of wormochin, isn't it? The trouble is only that the worms are extremely unstable - they quickly destroy, so it's extremely difficult to go through them.

However, a pair of mirrors can solve the problem. All you need is two uncharged mirrors (metallic plates are suitable) in vacuo placed at a distance of several micrometers from each other. Be sure to make sure that there is no external electromagnetic field between them. Casimir effect manifests itself - physical force arising due to a quantum field between mirrors.

This quantum-electrodynamic force generates a massive negative area of \u200b\u200bspace-time between mirrors, as a result of which a stable wormwort can appear through which theoretically it is possible to travel with speed faster than the speed of light. So, according to the theory, you might make a trip to the past, but the future, unfortunately, remains inaccessible, so you will not get the winning numbers of lottery tickets. There is another spoon of having fun in the Money barrel - such stable wormworms are infinitely small, so it is also difficult to get acquainted with their great-grandmother.

2. Mirrors, phantom limbs and human brain

Experiments using mirrors on patients with phantom limbs allowed researchers to learn a lot about how the brain works. Scientists place mirrors on the table vertically, and the patient's whole limb is reflected between them - say, hand. The reflection of the intact hand is applied to the side of the phantom limb, so that the patient seems to see that he sees both hands - and the whole, and missing.

It sounds terribly, but when a person sees both hands, he feels like his phantom hand moving, even if he lost her ten years ago or more. When his whole hand touch, it feels touch and to the phantom hand. After several repetitions, the patients felt that their phantom limb disappeared. Scientists believe that the effect is due to the brain plasticity - how the brain creates new neural pathways after the limb loss. Also, scientists believe that there is very close relationship between vision and tanging in the brain.

3. Mirrors cause hallucinations

When you look in the mirror, a strange illusion may occur. Try: Sit in a dark room opposite the mirror about a meter from it and look at your face for ten minutes. The room should be so dark as soon as it is possible that at the same time you clearly see your reflection.

First you will notice how your face in the mirror will distort a little. Gradually, the reflection will change faster, it becomes more like a mask - the feeling that the face in the mirror does not belong to you. Some people see the faces of unfamiliar people, fantastic monsters or animal muzzle.

Scientists believe that such an experiment can help us better understand ourselves. Some psychologists believe that the method is suitable for the treatment of schizophrenia - so patients face their other "I".

4. Do everyone recognize yourself in the mirror?

Recognize yourself in the mirror - quite natural: at least, it will not say that most people say, but not everyone can pass the test for self-effect in the mirror. Scientists put on the face or body of the test label to determine whether a person knows himself in the mirror - if so, he will most likely try to erase mark. Children, for example, begin to recognize themselves in the mirror only aged 24 months.

However, when researchers tested children from countries such as Kenya or Fiji, they were very surprised - six-year children could not pass this test. But this is not a sign that they are not able to psychologically separating themselves from other people. Most likely, the problem is in cultural differences: Children, as a rule, faded before their own reflection - this proves that they understood that they were seeing themselves, and not someone else.

5. Animals who recognize themselves in the mirror

So, many people mirror test for self-effect do not pass. The same applies to most animals - but not all. Can this mean that some animals are able to identify their own reflection? Scientists believe that yes.

For example, elephants, being in front of the mirror, not to wash on their heads did not become, but the obvious signs of self-consistency were obvious - they performed a number of repetitive movements. Perhaps some animals simply do not care about the presence of extraneous notes on their body, therefore, they do not react to them.

Gorilla test with celebrations also pass as people. However, the gorillas are easy to confuse: the auditorium in society Gorilla is extremely important, so after they looked at themselves in the mirror, they tend to try

to retire and then erase the marks that were previously seen in the mirror. So now it is believed that the gorillas are capable of identifying themselves in the mirror.

It is possible that the test is not effective for most animal species, so many species perhaps have a much more developed self-consciousness than we think. The mirror test is also able to undergo chimpanzees, orangutans, bonobo, dolphins, tales and European forties.

6. Mirrors on the moon

The distance from us to the Moon is approximately 384,403 km, and we were able to recognize it thanks to the mirrors. The distance from the moon to the Earth is constantly changing due to the fact that the moon rotates around our planet on elliptical orbit. The distance from the nearest point of the orbit of the Moon to the Earth, known as Perigee, is only 363 104 km, and in suitogee, the largest point, this distance is 406,696 km.

Astronauts of the Apollo program installed the corner reflector on the moon, which was used to calculate the distance from the ground to the moon. Corner reflectors are a special type mirror reflecting the laser beam back in the direction where he came from. These laser rays are directed to the moon with huge telescopes on Earth, and their reflected light allows scientists to calculate the distance to the moon with an accuracy of three centimeters.

Corner reflectors also increased our knowledge of the moon. For example, they provided information about the lunar orbit, and now we know that the satellite every year is distinguished from the Earth by about 3.8 cm. These data were even used to verify the theory of Einstein's relativity.

7. Mirrors can reflect sound

Mirrors reflecting sound waves are known as acoustic mirrors. They were used in the UK during World War II to detect certain sound waves coming from enemy aviation. It was before the appearance of the radar.

Such mirrors were built throughout the coast of Great Britain, the most famous of them still stand in Denga, County CENT. It is impossible to easily approach them, access is limited - you can see the mirrors only on a special excursion.

The world's only acoustic mirror outside the UK is located in Maktaba, Malta. This is one of the biggest similar mirrors in the world - its diameter is about the 61st meter. On the local adverium, the mirror is also called "Il Widna", which means "Ear". The location of the "ear" is not a secret, but free access to it is closed.

8. Mirrors reflect matter

Surprisingly, there are mirrors that can reflect the matter - in physics they are known as atomic mirrors. The atomic mirror reflects the atoms of the substance in the same way as the usual mirror reflects the light. To reflect neutral atoms, electromagnetic fields are used, although ordinary silicon water is used in some mirrors.

The reflection from the atomic mirror is essentially a quantum reflection of De Brogly waves. It works to reflect the neutral atoms, which move slowly: such atoms are mainly repel from the surface of the mirror. Property can be used to capture slow atoms or focusing.

atomic beam. Ribbed atomic mirrors are better working due to the larger wavelength of the substance compared to minute photons of light.

9. Truthful mirrors

The fact that the mirror shows your face "turned" is the myth: your reflection is not turned over, what you see is the left side of your face to the left of the mirror and the right side of the right; Therefore, the illusion is created that your reflection is turned off.

Nevertheless, there is a so-called non-obverse, or truthful mirror - it allows a person to see himself in the mirror exactly as other people see him. First of all, such mirrors are used to apply makeup.

The truthful mirror is easy to create at home: just put two conventional mirrors perpendicular to each other and look at your reflection from the merger: the truthful mirror will give you a 3D reflection that moves exactly the same way as you, and not flat, as in a conventional mirror .

10. Mirrors divide the rays of light

Mirrors can not only reflect light, sound and matter - they can also divide the rays of light. Mirrors are used in many lightweighters and most scientific devices, including telescopes. The standard beam splitter is a cube made of two glass prisms on one basis. When the rays of the light fall onto a lightweight, half of them continue to move along the previous trajectory, and the other half is reflected at an angle of 90 °.


The reflection occurs due to the fact that the mirror and water surface is very smooth and almost absorb light. In fact, absolutely everything we see is reflected from the items light. When we see our reflection, we see the light, which first reflected from our body, then from the mirror and then fell into our eyes. In the same way, when we see a soccer ball in front of you, we see only the light that reflected from it. More often, not all the light is reflected from the items, but its part. When the sun falls on our soccer ball, it contains the rays of the light of all possible colors, but during the reflection, some of the sun can be absorbed by the surface of the ball. So, if the ball is yellow, it means that the yellow rays have reflected from it, and everyone else is not. We see black color when all rays are absorbed, and white when all rays are reflected. From the mirror and from the water stroit, almost all the rays of the sun are also reflected.

But this is not enough. When the rays of light fall on some surface, they all go slender parallel rows. But if the surface is uneven, then the rays of light will be reflected from it in different directions, depending on the irregularities that they fell. Moreover, these irregularities can be very small, and this will be enough for us to see reflections. Snow, for example, reflects all the rays that fall on it, but we will not see reflections in it, because the rays reflected from it are dissipated in different directions. Unlike snow, the smooth of water, a mirror or any other polished surface is very smooth, so the light is reflected in the same way as it drops, and we see their reflection.