The development of astral vision - exercises. What is astral and alternative vision Ethereal vision training

The ability to see without eyes sounds strange. But for those who are already training their brains, this is not surprising.

They know firsthand about alternative vision, about the possibilities of clairvoyance and other phenomena.

And all because the human eye is an amazing organ that transmits visual information to the brain.

And it is the brain that determines what a person learns and what does not.

There are many interesting facts about vision. And more are in the process of being studied.

What is alternate vision

Alternative vision is the ability to see objects, read books, navigate in space, blindfolded.

That is, we are talking about such a development of the brain that is able to “turn on” the sixth sense and see the world around “without eyes” in almost the same way as with the help of the visual organ.

How is this possible? Can everyone learn to see without eyes?

For the first time about alternative vision, or as it is also called - extrasensory vision, they started talking in the last century. His research was carried out by the most authoritative scientists - neurophysiologists, physicists. The brightest surnames are Bekhtereva, Pytiev, Bronnikov and many others.

For example, Vyacheslav Bronnikov created his own school for the development of alternative vision, in which he worked with children. The training was carried out both by children with normal vision and those who do not see at all.

After studying at the Bronnik school according to the methods developed by the professor himself, the children could read, recognize the objects shown on the computer, freely navigate in an unfamiliar room, blindfolded.

The first successes, as expected, stumbled upon skepticism, they say, they peep. Then masks were made from a special mass, which did not let in even a gram of light. The results are still amazing. Children "saw" in bandages.

How do children see through the mask?

According to the author of the method of “turning on” alternative vision, when a person is blind by nature, or has lost his visual function, he sees a veil in front of him. When the sixth sense is turned on, a person is able to clearly see objects and objects against the background of a veil. Of course, this interested the scientific world. Therefore, with the graduates of the School, Bekhtereva and Pytiev continued their work. The study measured brain activity during traditional vision and during alternative vision.

The resulting diagrams showed that when a person uses alternative vision, all impulses in the brain are amplified. That is, a person begins to use the internal forces and abilities of the brain. Therefore, everyone is able to "turn on" the sixth sense in themselves, if they are regularly practiced according to the developed methods.

Methodology for the development of alternative vision

Before you start training, you need to prepare. You need to do exercises immediately after waking up, concentrating on yourself. The best result brings a quiet workout before meals.

All exercises require daily unhurried performance. Also, at first, you should take care of security. Thus, after a while you will be able to feel that you see more.

Astral vision - what is this ability

Astral vision is the ability of the subconscious to see everything around. Otherwise, this vision is also called ethereal vision.

It is known that the angle of view of a person is 220 degrees. This means that a person can only see ahead of himself. But at the same time to see what is happening from above, behind and on the sides - it is not possible for the average person.

Due to the habits and characteristics of the physical body, many people do not even think about the fact that you can see more. At the same time, the astral (etheric) body of a person is devoid of physical limitations. Here the angle of view is 360 degrees, which allows you to see everything around. This ability is called spherical vision.

Spherical vision can be felt physically, but only after training. And when the realization of the infinity of such vision comes, we can say that a person has astral vision.

How to develop astral vision

The first step in this comprehensible science is getting rid of prejudices and stereotypes about the abilities of the human visual organ - in general. The second step is relaxation and concentration, which will help you focus on the projection.

If you manage to achieve complete relaxation, then there will be a feeling of a “single eye”, which reflects everything around, as in a mirror. In this state, the usual idea of ​​what we see above or below is lost. Everything is turned upside down and vision becomes absolute.

At first, it will be difficult for the brain to adapt to the new work of vision, receiving new information. But regular exercise will fix everything.

4 exercises for the development of astral vision

These exercises best contribute to the development of clairvoyance.

Amazing Facts About Vision

Amazing facts about vision once again confirm how unique the human visual system is. For example, it is known that 90% of information a person receives through the eyes.

10 most amazing facts about human vision:


Solid physical forms are an illusion, as they are the reaction of the eye to the forces we have been talking about. Etheric vision, or the ability to see energy-substance, is the true vision for a human being, just as the true form is ethereal. However, as long as the race is not sufficiently developed, the eye is aware and responsive only to the heavier vibration. Gradually, it will be freed from the lower and harsh reactions and will become the organ of true vision. It is interesting to recall the occult fact that as the atoms of the physical body of a human being evolve, they pass into ever more perfect forms and eventually find their place in the eyes - first of animals, and then of man. The eye is the highest dense form into which atoms are embedded, it is the pinnacle dense matter. In the occult understanding, the eye is formed by the interaction of certain power flows - three in an animal and five in a human being. As a result of their merging and interaction, the so-called "triple opening" or "fivefold door" is formed, from which the animal soul or human spirit can "look out, observing the world illusion."

The last reason why the spheroidal true form of everything is not seen on this planet can only be expressed at this stage by a quotation from an ancient esoteric manuscript in the archives of the Masters:

“The vision of a higher realm is hidden in the fate of the fourth form of substance. The eye looks down and lo! - the atom disappears from view. The eye looks away and the dimensions merge, and again the atom disappears.

He looks outward, but he sees the atom out of proportion. When the eye gives up its downward gaze and sees everything from the inside out, the spheres will become visible again.”

General development of ethereal vision. It will happen for two reasons. :

  • First, through the scientific recognition of the existence of the etheric levels, which will free many people from the burden of hostile public opinion and allow them to publish what they individually have long realized. Etheric vision is quite common even now. However, comments about its disclosure are still rare for some people due to fear of criticism.
  • Secondly, due to the increased activity of the deva ethers, which draws the matter of the etheric levels into a more energetic vibration, with a subsequent reverse effect on human vision.

It must be recalled again that the term "unmanifested" has only a relative meaning and reflects human perception everything that is. For the Solar Logos, the plans of the unmanifested are objective. Man has not yet reached the ethereal vision, and the ethereal subplanes are not yet manifested for him. The Solar Logos has a fully developed cosmic etheric vision, and since He is on the cosmic Path, everything inside the Solar System is known to Him and fully revealed.

On the physical ethereal levels there are devas of all kinds and colors, but the predominant hue is violet, hence the so often used term "shadow devas". Due to the arrival of the ceremonial violet ray, there is an intensification of the violet vibration that is always inherent in these levels; hence there is a great possibility of contact between the two kingdoms. It is with the development of etheric vision (which is the latent faculty of the physical human eye), and not clairvoyance, that this mutual perception will become possible. With the advent of this Ray, those who belong to it and possess the natural gift of ethereal vision will also arrive. Children will often be born who will see etherically as well as the average human being sees physically, and with the gradual development of harmonious conditions out of the present world chaos, devas and human beings will meet as friends.

Ethereal Vision. The rapidly developing faculty of the human eye, which will eventually open the aura of vitality in all forms of the four kingdoms in nature, will bring recognition of the pranic emanations of all vital centers and reveal their condition.

The intensification of light on earth continues uninterruptedly, and it began approximately in the years when man learned to use electricity, and the discovery of the latter was a direct consequence of this intensification. The electrification of the planet through the widespread use of electricity is one of the factors that symbolize the beginning of the new age and will contribute to the revelation of the presence of the soul. Soon this intensification of light will become so great that it will actually lead to a rupture of the veil that separates the astral plane from the physical. The separating ethereal fabric will also soon dissolve, and the influx of the third aspect of light will also accelerate. The interpenetration of the light of the astral plane (radiant radiation) and the light of the planet itself will intensify, and their combined effect on humanity and on the other three kingdoms of nature can hardly be overestimated. In particular, this will have a profound effect on human eyes, and instead of the current isolated cases, etheric vision will become a common property. The color spectrum we perceive will include infrared and ultraviolet ranges, and we will be able to see what is now hidden from us. All this will destroy the platform on which the materialists stand and prepare the ground, firstly, to admit the existence of the soul as a reasonable hypothesis, and secondly, to demonstrate its existence. In an esoteric sense, we only need more light to see the soul. This light will soon be available, and we will understand the meaning of the words: "In Your light we see the Light."

The intensification of light will continue until 2025, when a cycle of relative stability and even glow will begin without significant increments. In the second decanate of Aquarius, these three aspects will be supplemented by an intensified influx of light of the fourth kind, light from the sphere of the soul, which comes to us through the universal "chitta" or mental substance. This light will fill the whole world. But by that time the soul will have received actual recognition, and as a result our whole civilization will change so radically that now we cannot even imagine what form it will take ...

The development of etheric and astral vision is justified in many cases. Ghostbusters or those who believe they have some sort of psychic ability seek to expand their scope of their vision and develop clairvoyance. Massage therapists, psychics, and healers may want to take their work to the next level, or improve their practice, or perhaps develop new methods. Others are just curious and curious about such abilities.

There are many different theories, terms and techniques related to etheric and astral vision. In this article, I will use terminology found in various sources to describe the experience and phenomenon of astral vision and clairvoyance. For example, if I use the term aura, then you are not offered anything standard at all, as from the theory found in the New Agers.

I am also not developing any belief system - I encourage anyone interested in this field to study extensively, experiment, and come to their own conclusions, ideas or discoveries. The idea of ​​developing astral vision and clairvoyance came to me gradually, after many years of independent practice, and I am convinced that communication with invisible fields and energies is a natural by-product of intense paranormal work.

Some people (born healers) can quickly examine the patient's body and immediately correctly identify the problematic organs, without even being able to formulate the cause and name of the disease in medical language. Some can see the colors of the aura and the movement of energy fields. These abilities can be the subject of scientific experience and study, and not at all wizardry or magic.

If I (and many other people) are not mistaken and these energy fields do exist objectively, then people who study them may eventually develop the ability to work with these fields and even see them. This is my personal experience, which has greatly deepened my practice.

Because of this, I decided to develop this gift and in the process I found many methods and exercises that helped me develop etheric and astral vision to the best of my ability. Below are some of these simple methods that I discovered.


This is the simplest of the initial methods and precedes any deliberate effort in this direction. The technique is to mentally imagine or visualize everything that you would not come into contact with. If you hear some movement in the distance, a conversation outside the window, or smell a dinner being prepared, or the sound of a car on the street, try to imagine in your imagination a visual continuation of these impressions. Namely, what is this sound and what does it come from, who is talking outside the window, what kind of car has passed? etc…

“You need to imagine a picture that would complete the sound image coming from afar or the smell you caught. You must learn to create something like an interactive video within yourself that continues your auditory and other impressions.

Also try to look from your back, try to imagine in your imagination what exactly is behind you, from the sides, etc. try to see the world where normal vision is not available. This method is suitable not only for the development of etheric and astral vision, but also works wonders at the moment when you need to get out of a deep depression. To take advantage of this therapeutic effect, imagine a flower tied around your ankles and send its roots down through the floor, across the earth to the very center of the earth.


This method takes very little time. For this exercise, you need to learn to be aware of which eye you see each specific object. Usually, we prefer either the left eye or the right eye when we look at something, even though we don't notice it.

Try without closing your eyes, focus on any one subject. First, for a few seconds, look at it only through the left eye, and then, for a few seconds, (without closing your eyes) try to look at the object only through the right eye. All this happens only at the level of your attention - focus. In this case, you do not need to squint or close your eyes, but only switch your vision (attention) from the right to the left eye, with the help of the focus of your attention.

Once you have mastered switching the dominant eye, choose any simple object (crystal, other hand, lit candle, etc.) to use as a meditation tool. This object should be about an arm's length from your eyes, at eye level. Close one eye with the palm of your hand. Now look at the meditation object with your closed eye. This takes some practice because it seems very counterintuitive and it's a very subtle effect. But you will immediately understand when the experience of such a vision comes.

Each person has the ability to see an object not in the usual way, but to see it with our astral vision. This is also called clairvoyance. You will have an unusual experience of seeing through your closed eye. Once this feeling is achieved, try to keep the focus in that direction for as long as possible. After much practice and constant attention, visual phenomena such as the aura, astral, spirits and more will be subject to your vision.


This is the most effective and simple method in the development of etheric and astral vision. The dynamics involved in peripheral vision are also involved in etheric and astral vision. This may be due to the use of retinal components in your eye.

The technique is simple and can be modified in any way that suits you. To begin, select an object or spot that you can find right in front of you. Take this as a starting point. Spread your arms out to the sides (your body forms a 'T' shape) and begin to wiggle your fingers. Keep your vision focused on your chosen reference area in front of you, but turn your attention to seeing the fingers of your hand with your peripheral vision. Your task is to learn to see both hands at once, with your peripheral vision.

Some ideas and options

Use a candle flame to capture your attention. Keeping your attention on the movements of your fingers, keep your gaze fixed on the candle flame. Pay attention to how the candle flame moves and at the same time look at the changes in the movements of your fingers, with your hands spread apart. With each hand, try to move your fingers not synchronously, but in different ways. This will help develop both hemispheres of the brain, which also contributes to the development of astral vision.

Contemplating a candle flame is a wonderful meditative exercise even after you have adjusted your peripheral vision, but without stretching your arms out to the sides.

Try to keep your peripheral vision on various objects or fingers. Try to distinguish between different objects or the number of your fingers using your peripheral vision. The development of peripheral vision skills does not require much time from you, and even within the same session, you can significantly improve your skill.


This technique is simply to relax, close your eyes and look at the pictures that appear in front of your closed eyes, on the back of the eyelids. So you can see a lot of interesting things. This is one of the best techniques for developing clairvoyance.

Lying on the couch or in bed with your eyes closed, try to get away from all the busy thoughts of the day and keep your focus only on your observation. It's like looking at paintings in a museum or watching a movie in a movie theatre. However, in this experience, you are looking at exactly the pictures that appear on the back of your eyelids.

After some training (15 to 30 minutes), open your eyes and look not directly at the ceiling, but as if in front of it, in the air. This way you will see a lot of astral visual effects.

These techniques have mixed results. You can see real astral visions, as well as pictures that come from your subconscious or brain. This effect develops in you the skill to look inside yourself and see your inner world.

It is necessary to sit comfortably so that nothing distracts, look at yourself from the outside, concentrate, look inside yourself and repeat the self-hypnosis phrase without any sense:

“Open your third eye.”

Repeat, repeat and repeat.

Focus on the image of the one you need, on the face, on the figure, on the clothes. Reset intuition and get in touch with the information field. Select the desired paniformation from it.

There will come a moment - and an unknown nerve highlights in the brain, as on a screen, what you need to see.

At the same time, one should not express any emotions, observing impassively, without interference, shouting, without boasting, without calculations and mathematical calculations (“sit and watch”), watch everything CLEARLY.

Often the event seen with the third eye has already happened. It cannot be canceled, that is, when communicating with the pan-information of the system, which gives absolutely reliable information, you must remember: what you saw has already happened to you and to other people whose fates intersected with yours. If someone hopes to avoid the inevitable, others will not allow it.

Lie on your back and rotate your eyes clockwise with open eyes. Make a full circle, as if you were looking at a huge clock, but do it as quickly as possible. Your mouth should be open and relaxed. In this way? concentrated energy is directed to the "third eye".

Second technique

Third Eye Concentration

1. This technique is convenient to practice throughout the day. For example, when you just walk down the street or go to work in transport.

2. In order to practice this technique - concentrate in the area between the eyebrows and a little deeper

3. Concentrate whenever possible. There should be some pleasant pressure in the area between the eyebrows.

4. Increase that pressure. Try to feel as if you are looking from the center of your head through the area between the eyebrows.

Third technique

The body should be in a state so relaxed that you can forget about it; that's the whole point. If you can forget about the body, then the posture is correct. Thus, any posture in which you can somehow forget about the body is correct. Just be comfortable, as comfortable as possible.

And drop the old traditional idea that in order to meditate, you have to be uncomfortable in one way or another. It's stupid, just stupid. For three minutes, massage the area of ​​the third eye, the space between the two eyebrows: bring the palm to the forehead so that the bottom of the palm is opposite the area between the eyebrows, and massage from the bottom up, very slowly, very gently and very lovingly.

The inner feeling should be as if you are trying to open a window. The third eye is the window and this massage will help. If after three minutes you feel that this has not affected your energy in any way, start massaging in a circular manner, in a clockwise direction. There are two types of people. For some people, the third eye opens with an upward movement, and for some it opens with an upward movement. Most people are fine with bottom-up movement, so try it first.

And then you need to literally visualize a small point of light between the two eyebrows, in the center of the third eye. To feel it, you can place a bindi there - a small decoration that Indian women wear in the third eye area, or put a small white, transparent quartz stone (what is). You can put it on to feel where this point is. Then close your eyes and look at that point of light. Imagine something burning, like a star, and look up without raising your head.

In fact, this particular point is not important, the whole point is for the eyes to look up. When the eyes look up, the body comes to rest. This is what happens when you fall asleep deeply. The same position of the eyes helps in meditation. Thus, it is only a means to help the eyes look up.

Point your eyes up - and if you sit in a chair, this one will be easier than sitting on the floor. Don't cross your legs; let both feet just rest on the floor. And never set an alarm. You can put a clock nearby, and when you feel like it, just open your eyes, look at the clock and close again; it won't bother you at all. But never set an alarm and never ask anyone to knock on the door in sixty minutes, because that will be a shock and the whole system will feel uneasy.

Let it last an hour. If you can do it twice, so much the better, it's very good. If that much time is hard to find, do it only once a day, but continue for at least an hour: the longer the better.

Fourth technique

1. Close your eyes and turn your attention to the area of ​​the third eye. Imagine an open blue flower or an open funnel

2. You can imagine an open flower and stimulate the chakra through the energy channel in the region of the spine

3. Can be presented as an open flower and stimulated with energy

4. You can simply stimulate the area of ​​the third eye with energy. We direct energy through the hands to the area of ​​the third eye.

Effect - in the area of ​​the third eye, there may be burning, tingling, slight itching, breeze, pressure. With a high concentration of energy, there may be pressure on the third eye chakra and a migraine-like condition.

Fifth technique

We put a lit candle in front of us, the room should be illuminated only by it. Look at the flame of the candle, trying not to blink. When you want to blink, close your eyes and look at the flame, trying to see the colors of which it is composed, here is a bright blue color, bright yellow, red, green, and so on, as much as you can see. Close your eyes again and look at the flame remaining on the retina. So a few minutes.

Learning to see the ether

Etheric vision is the most initial stage of vision. Those of you who can see the ether, but do not yet master the astral and other stages of vision, can practice with everyone, this will only be useful. Perform in the dark. Sit or lie down, relax, if possible, clear the mind of thoughts. Stretch your hand in front of you, fingers slightly apart, look at your hand. But in such a way, as if looking through your fingers.

Look like this for several minutes, trying to see a glow around the fingers. Try blinking less than usual. We relax and look through our fingers, trying to cover a little space directly near the fingers.

Thus, you adjust your third eye, bring it into focus. For some, it works faster if you focus on only one finger, and not on all at once. We chose, for example, the index finger, we look at it from a distance of 30-40 centimeters from the eyes, we look as if through the finger, trying to catch the change in the glow around the finger. Usually, after such training, everyone begins to see ethereal energy. The next step is to develop the ability.

Sixth technique

Learning to see the glow around the head

To work, you will need any object of red color. For example, your favorite mug, book, or any red object, it is desirable that its size be at least 10 by 10 centimeters, and a white sheet of paper, such as a landscape sheet. We put the red object in front of us on the table.

We sit down and look at it for a few minutes. Then we sharply remove the object and look at the white sheet of paper. You will see a green glow in the shape of your item. This is his astral color.

5. Astral Vision

Out-of-body real-time vision, or astral vision, is a subtle-body ability that allows projectors to see through closed eyelids and even through heavy veils (see Chapter 1). Projectors often pay attention to this phenomenon during the prelude to an OBE and during episodes of sleep paralysis. This can also happen during the trance state, perhaps right before partial internal generation of the real-time projected double.

The etheric body itself - under certain circumstances - is probably capable of developing its own real-time vision and astral vision abilities - when it is rigidly connected to the physical body. This is the complexity of the mind-split effect that most often occurs after the projected double has exited and during episodes of sleep paralysis.

The quality of these abilities can vary greatly. They probably depend on the development of bioenergetics and on natural ability. Many people, when they see the Real Time Out-of-Body View, do not realize that at that moment their physical eyes are actually closed, or that they are seeing through the veils, often in fact not at all in the direction of their physical body's face.

It seems that there is more in the form of real time and in the astral form than the eye sees - forgive the terrible pun. They may appear to result from a part of the subtle body looking from within the boundaries of the physical body, but the subtle bodies contain neither functioning sense organs nor functioning copies of the sense organs (see Chapter 7). Everything seen in this way is best described as directly perceived the mind/senses of the seeing subtle body. The Etheric and Real Time bodies, being internally generated and partially freed from the limitations of their physical body, are capable of directly perceiving energy and interpreting it in a visual way.

Until the separation is completed, the physical brain receives part of the perceptions of the subtle body. Under this circumstance, the out-of-body view is combined with the central view of the physical brain. Therefore he perceived as a view through the eyes of the physical body. It is the visual perception that technically takes place outside the body, causes memories to form directly in the physical brain. In a sense, we can say that there is an out-of-body perception and sharing shadow memory, causing a direct view and input of memory into the physical brain.

TV Eye Projection

teleeye projection is a term I use for another complication of consciousness and splitting of the mind. A distant point of consciousness can be projected out of the physical body without any sense of a normal projection; it may even seem that there was no projection. This sometimes happens spontaneously in an awake but extremely tired person, but it can also happen during a somnambulistic state or in a state of deep trance. The occasional tele-eye projectors are always extremely tired and hovering on the verge of falling asleep, but forced to remain awake. (Usually another person is involved in this, forcing the Tele-Eye Projector to stay awake.)

An overworked person suddenly sees a vision of a distant scene very clearly, as if with physical eyes. Typically this live scene is very close to the actual location of the projector in the real world. Tele-eye projectors are usually, but not always, able to see in all directions at once. In addition, they are usually unaware of the presence of a body or mind at the location of their tele-eye, although they are well aware of their physical body and its surroundings. They also usually have a limited ability to influence the movement of their tele-eye.

Note that tele-eye projection occurs at a time when the physical body and mind are nearly awake and functional. The physical body is still capable of sluggish movement, even standing, walking, and going to the bathroom - especially if the projector has had some experience with full trance. Speech is possible, but requires effort and is usually inarticulate. However, projectors are fully capable of speaking, of providing a cursory commentary on their actions, and of perceiving their tele-eye aspect - if they can remain conscious long enough to do so. The tele-eye image may appear and continue, especially if the tele-eye projectors attempt to undertake any activity requiring more than partial attention.

Teleeye projections are less bright and therefore less OBE than normal spontaneous projections, but they are not as uncommon. They are caused, I think, by a very low power version of the real time double projection, with a barely noticeable mind split. A weak version of the real-time double is being projected, or more accurately, ejected from an extremely overworked physical body and mind that literally can no longer hold on. The tele-eye (projected double), if exerted, will sluggishly respond to the desire of the waking tele-eye projector. The impact will be disproportionate to the result. If left alone, the Tele-Eye will continue to move around, changing direction and even flying from time to time, entirely of its own accord. This last factor strongly suggests that the tele-eye aspect has its own copy of the mind, albeit perhaps a weaker copy (or reflection) of the original.

The splitting effect of the mind in this case is quite obvious. Projectors clearly feel like they exist in two places at the same time. Neither aspect is aware of the thoughts of the other, and no astral feedback can be seen between them. This can be accurately described as a genuine out-of-body experience, although the projector is fully confident that he was constantly within the boundaries of the physical body.

Here is a typical teleeye projection:

It's late and I'm very tired. My eyes are burning dry and like lead, and I have to keep them open. The room is dimly lit by the dim moonlight coming in through the window. I can only make out the dark shapes of the furniture in the room around me. My body is like lead and I feel the signs of a trance. If I'm standing I feel like I'm on big, fluffy pillows and I can barely feel my legs at all, even though I know they're still there and I can still use them when I try. I feel a tickle deep in my bones throughout my physical body whenever I move. My eyelids close briefly, and suddenly I find myself looking from a vantage point away from my body. My tele-eye aspect floats down the road near my house.

I can see in all directions at once. I can still hear my friend talking and muttering a few short lines in response here and there. I can still somehow speak and move my physical body. If I focus by taking a deep breath and keeping my attention on the room and the conversation, my vision shifts between my tele-eye and the room around me. Every time this happens, I feel a drop in my stomach and chest - similar to the feeling you get when your plane hits an air pocket. This same feeling is felt when the Projection Reflex begins to fade before the separation of the physical body and its projected double.

I can hold this teleeye view if I relax and concentrate on it with my eyes closed, but I can also see the same thing but darker and not as clear if my eyes remain open. The vision of my tele-eye is exactly the same as I experience when I actually project into the real-time zone. I'm not really there, but I can see from there. If I fall a little deeper into sleep, I feel a switch to a distant place in my Real Time Body. When this happens, my mind goes with me. I move back to my physical body if my friend touches my hand or speaks to me.

While focusing on my tele-eye aspect, I feel like I'm connected to something like a flying TV camera, and my eyes are small televisions receiving images from there. Controlling my tele-eye aspect is difficult and I do have little influence over it.

This type of experience usually occurs spontaneously, but I have had some success in recreating the necessary conditions and invoking them on purpose. If there is no other person nearby who is instructed how to keep me awake, I usually move into tele-eye projection too quickly. It is a very finely balanced and difficult state to maintain for a period of time, even with someone's help. If I allow myself to fall asleep, the experience will invariably become a Projection of Real Time - with no discernible separation or sense of escape.

In my tele-eye projections, I have never experienced Sleep Paralysis, only physical heaviness and lethargy. I have always been able to think, speak and move my physical body, albeit very sluggishly.

It is possible that tele-eye projections involve a different type, level, or strength of the projected real-time double than is normally generated during an OBE. This may look more like a reflected real-time twin than a projected real-time twin. It is also possible that when the physical body is overtired, a weak real-time twin is internally generated, as this is a kind of minimum requirement for that level of fatigue. This also happens if the physical body is forced to remain half-awake for too long.

On the other hand, if the physical body drifts into sleep for even a second or two, when it is in an extremely tired state, projection exit occurs. This can happen without exiting sensations or they are simply not remembered. The splitting of the mind in this case is quite obvious, the consciousness is both in the physical body/mind and in its projected double at the same time. Each acts independently of each other, the physical body receives a visual connection with the tele-eye type as second-hand. The center of consciousness switches back and forth between these two aspects, which also indicates a strong and close connection between them.

The visual connection between the waking physical body and its tele-eye aspect is most likely provided by the silver cord, as with any other type of projection, but it is also likely that the brow center is involved. The awake but tranced physical/etheric mind can be considered to be receiving a tele-eye transmission, a real-time telecast of vision from the projected double through the silver cord. If I am right here, then the vision is received and viewed by the physical/etheric mind on the mental screen, in a manner very similar to how a normal vision is received on a clairvoyant's thought screen.

This type of experience confirms my theory that the master copy of the consciousness of the physical body is hardwired into the physical body, but is always energetically connected to its projected aspect. This assumes that any other type of out-of-body projection will have similar basic properties, although they may not be as obvious and not as distinct.

Tele-eye projection adds weight to my mind-split theories - these OBEs can occur at any time during trance and often go unnoticed. The physical/etheric mind remains awake and functioning, but remains completely unaware that the projection is in full swing. I believe this often happens to people during meditation, usually without them being aware of it at the time.

Here are some other, more subtle, factors that contribute to tele-eye projection. When people are extremely tired, their brain waves are slow and their physical bodies feel heavy, fuzzy, and sluggish. These are classic signs of trance. Full trance is an ideal state not only for projection, but also for clairvoyance.

Rice. 4. Tired eyes, pulling up, showing the mental effect of the Brow Center

Volitional and mental effort causes overwork of the eyes and muscles of the eyelids, in response, the mental body is localized and concentrated in the region of the eyebrows and eyes. Since these muscles do not work properly, much of the effort to open the eyes causes a strong, localized effect on the mental body in the region of the eyebrows and eyes. The Brow Center (third eye) is located just in this very place.

The brow center is intimately related to the eyes and visual center of the brain, to all other visual centers of the non-physical type, and to many aspects of projection, such as tunnel projection. Forcing tired eyes to keep their eyes open is very effective in stimulating the Brow Center and activating any developed or natural clairvoyant abilities that the Brow Center has. The full trance state also causes a natural increase in the flow of energy throughout the physical/etheric body, giving the available brow center and the energy that supports it much more energy than usual. This combination of increased energy flow and agitation of the brow center is usually sufficient to put the brow center into an energetically sensitive mode.

Lost connection

There is nothing simple in the WTO. There are many subtleties. This chapter only emphasizes one subtlety, which is somewhere between projection and clairvoyance. Essentially, a more accurate name for this type of experience is real time far vision and not the WTO.

Projections that fall into this category often result in a clear perception of duality, the consciousness often switching back and forth between the physical and the distant aspect to increase the duration of the experience. The teleeye projection experience differs visually and sensually from these simpler types of projection. It is also much more draining mentally and energetically if continued for a long time - which is not surprising given the overworked state of the physical body and mind required for this phenomenon to occur.

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