Pickled plums for the winter with photos. How to pickle plums Recipes for pickled plums for the winter - snacks, with garlic, for meat Immediately roll up pickled plums

Hello, dear readers. Today we closed pickled plums for the winter, I have a recipe with step-by-step photographs. My wife, Elena, helps me on the blog. She even gave you a gift at the end of the article. The plums in this recipe turn out incredibly tasty. Of course, you need to pickle the plums for a week, but believe me, it’s worth it. Here you also need a special variety of plums, definitely “uger”. Our friend Valentina shared this recipe with us; one day we were going to have dinner together and she put pickled plums on the table; after trying these plums, no one remained indifferent. She said so, her godfather treated her to pickled cream, so she immediately took the recipe and prepared it, it was very tasty. We also immediately asked for the recipe for these plums. We have been preparing pickled plums using this recipe for three years now. True, last year there was no “pimples”.

We tried to close another variety of plums using this recipe, but it was far from being the same. There is still one main and important secret here. The “uger” plums for this recipe must under no circumstances be overripe, otherwise nothing will work. Plums should be firm and not overripe.

We bought plums with one green barrel, they are firm, but fall away from the pit. It's the most important. And then 2 years ago we picked ripe plums from our parents, cooked the plums, and nothing came out, it turned out to be plum puree, but since it contains vinegar, you can’t spread it on bread or put it in a cake, so we had to throw it away. So be aware of this.

Delicious pickled plums for the winter. Recipe with step-by-step photos

Ingredients for pickling plums

  • 4 kg. drain "ugel"
  • 1.5 kg. Sahara
  • 0.5 liters vinegar 9%
  • 10 grams bay leaf
  • 10 grams black peppercorns
  • No water needed (lots of questions about water)

My plums are like this. We bought them at the market, of course we came across a few overripe plums, but that’s okay, we ate them. Just remember, under no circumstances should plums be soft or overripe.

Plums should be washed thoroughly under running water. The washed plums need to be placed in a pan or bucket, in a container in which our plums will be pickled. In the meantime, let's make the marinade. It will be sweet and sour. Pour half a liter of vinegar 9% into a saucepan and pour 1.5 kg of sugar into it, but to be honest, this is the recipe, and I add 1 kg. 800 grams of sugar so that the brine is more sweet than sour.

I also add bay leaf and peppercorns, no other spices are needed, in my opinion, this is a good combination of spices for these plums. Where can you go without such a universal tool as. In general, I add half a pack of pepper and bay leaf. I put the pan on the fire and boil the brine from the moment it boils for just a couple of minutes.

Now the plums need to be put under pressure so that they release juice. In the morning we pickled the plums, and by evening the plums released juice. I remove the oppression in the evening. The most important thing is that the plums are covered with marinade. I just take a plate, cover the plums with it, and put a three-liter jar of plain water on top. It all looks like this to me.

Next, we will have a very exciting activity for 5 days, this is to drain the marinade every day, boil it and pour it over the plums again. Every morning I drain the marinade from the plums, it is advisable to boil both the bay leaves and peppercorns, but there is no need to add new ones, we just remove the leaves and peppers from the plums. I simply cover the bucket in which I pickle plums with a lid and drain the marinade. See what a beautiful color it became the next day.

My plums look like this on the second day. They have become lighter, they will gradually “give up” the juice into the marinade. I choose bay leaf and pepper, but of course you don’t have to do this, and I add it to the marinade so that the spices boil again with the marinade and “give it their aroma.” There are a few bay leaves left in the plums, no big deal.

We put the marinade on the fire and boil for about 1-2 minutes, over low heat, that is, it boils for a couple of minutes from the moment it boils. Next, pour the boiling marinade over the plums again. I don’t put the lid on the bucket right away, I wait until the plums in the marinade cool down, and then I cover it with a lid and leave it until the next morning. These are plums drenched in hot marinade.

And we do this exciting activity for 5 days; on the 6th day we will cover our pickled plums. But believe me, it’s worth it, it’s not at all difficult to drain the marinade, boil it and pour it over the plums. A friend of ours buys them in buckets and cooks them, putting plums in a 5-bucket pan, her family liked this recipe so much.

So, there are no problems here at all, there would be a desire, as they say. This is what plums look like on day 5. Plums are edible already for 1 day, but for 2-3 they are generally delicious, the main thing is not to eat them, otherwise there will be nothing to put in jars later.

Also on day 5, as on days 1, 2, 3, 4, I drain the marinade from the plums and put it on the fire to boil. Make sure that the marinade does not run off, otherwise you will have to wash the stove later. From the moment it boils, the marinade boils for just a couple of minutes.

Now, already on day 6, I prepare jars. For 4 kg of plums I will need 3 seven hundred gram jars and 2 half liter jars. I wash the jars, I also wash the iron lids. I set the jars to sterilize and boil the lids. I drain the marinade from the plums and put it on the stove to boil. Now, I put plums in sterile jars, and I also try to get a few bay leaves and peppercorns into the jar. I am wearing a mitten on my hand because the jar is hot and has just been sterilized.

All my sterile jars are filled with plums. This is what it looks like. The lids are boiling on my stove, and the marinade for the plums is also boiling over low heat. This recipe only seems complicated from the outside, but in fact the recipe is simpler than simple, and the result will not leave anyone indifferent.

Now I pour boiling marinade over our pickled plums. I take an ordinary iron mug and pour marinade into each jar under the neck. So I fill all the jars with plums with boiling marinade. It all looks something like this.

Now I seal jars of plums with sterile lids. And I leave the jars to cool. After the plums have cooled, I wipe the jars with a wet cloth, since the marinade is sweet, some syrup may have dripped onto the jar somewhere.

Such plums do not need to be wrapped and sterilized. They can be perfectly stored in an apartment for several years. If you have a basement, this is generally great; after the jars of plums have cooled, lower them into the basement. Of course, I don’t keep them for several years, since they are eaten in the first half of winter. Of course, I always open a jar of plums for my son’s birthday on January 10th, one might say I immediately hide the jar so as not to accidentally eat it.

I wish you all a bon appetit. Prepare pickled plums for the winter, I think you will be satisfied with the result, because such plums do not leave anyone indifferent.

This recipe contains syrup. You can pour it out, which is what we usually did. But our readers suggested that they add it to the kebabs marinade. I liked this idea, but it needs to be done in small doses, since there is a lot of vinegar and the taste can be ruined by acid.

We usually added cherry liqueur sediment to the marinade, here I can vouch for the taste, it turns out very tasty!

And this is a sincere gift for you from your wife. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know how to make a beautiful video, but she’s learning, this is her debut, but she said “everything from the heart.” The rose in the video is from our parents’ garden; when we were visiting, in the morning when we went out into the garden, she saw a rose in the dew. I immediately took a photo. This is where the photo came in handy.

It’s a glorious time now, the harvest literally falls into your hands and asks - put it in a jar, prepare it. In my pantry with a variety of preserves, there is always a place for a pickled plum snack. Moreover, it can be prepared simply and quickly, and I will provide you with recipes.

A savory appetizer with a pleasant marinade goes harmoniously with meat delicacies. It will adequately present a collection of your preparations on the festive table, replacing overseas olives with vodka. The main thing is to learn a couple of recipes and work a little.

Interesting! The pickled plum appetizer is not our discovery. In Japan, a seasoning for meat called “umeboshi” has long been known. This is small pink salted cream.

How to pickle plums for the winter

The variety of eel is considered ideal for preparing snacks for the winter. They are hard, with a dense structure, and hold their shape well. Do not take overripe fruits; it is better to take ones with a green side. Hungarian and prunes will work, but also not ripe enough, otherwise you risk getting a softened mass in the jar.

I recommend preparing the spicy snack in small jars and buckets, like olives. Many spices are involved in the marinade. In addition to the traditional pepper and garlic in pickling, mustard, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, and nutmeg are allowed in the appetizer.

Classic pickled plums - the best recipe

The recipe is taken from the Soviet encyclopedia of home canning. In a couple of decades of preparation, I have not met anyone who would refuse a slightly sour, tart snack. I recommend canning prunes or other dark, dense varieties of plums.

Take 2 liter jars:

  • Large plums - how many will fit.
  • Water – 2 glasses.
  • Granulated sugar - 2 cups.
  • Table (apple) vinegar – 6% – glass.
  • Clove buds - a small heaped spoon.
  • Cardamom – 4 stars (replacement with allspice and plain peppercorns is acceptable).
  • Star anise (anise) – 1 pc.


  1. Since we are taking large fruits, prick them with a toothpick in several places (6-10 times). Distribute into jars or small buckets.
  2. Place the spices in boiling water, add sugar, and boil until the sweetness has completely dissipated.
  3. Cool the marinade.
  4. Fill the buckets to the top. If there is not enough, add a little boiled water.
  5. Press down with pressure and place in the refrigerator to ripen. If you prepare it in jars, the pressure won’t fit. Don’t be upset, mine were marinated just fine. Try it after a month, the plums will be ready.

Pickled plums with garlic without sterilization


  • Plums.
  • Garlic - according to the number of plums.
  • Sugar – 300 gr.
  • Water – 700 ml.
  • Table (wine) vinegar – 100 ml.
  • Allspice – 8 pcs.
  • Clove sticks – 5 pcs.

If desired, add bay leaf, hot red pepper - ½ teaspoon, the same amount of ground ginger and paprika, ½ cinnamon stick, salt.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. Wash the plums, dry them, cut each one crosswise. Carefully remove the seeds.
  2. Peel the garlic, cut large cloves lengthwise, small ones can be left alone, but cut them a little.
  3. Place a garlic clove in the plum instead of a pit.
  4. Fill the jars, but not too tightly.
  5. Prepare the marinade by boiling water with spices. Cook for three minutes. Pour into the plums.
  6. Cool the workpiece to room temperature. Pour the marinade back into the pan.
  7. Boil again, return to jars, leave covered for 12 hours.
  8. I advise you to do a third, control fill. After rolling up the jars, send them for storage.

Pickled plums like olives - a quick recipe

Fans of homemade preparations will appreciate the recipe for a quick pickled snack.

  • Ugorka – 400 gr.
  • Sugar – 4 teaspoons.
  • Salt – 2.5 teaspoons.
  • Table vinegar – 2.5 teaspoons.
  • Bay leaves - a couple of pieces.
  • Clove sticks – 5 pcs.
  • Olive (sunflower) oil - a spoon for each jar.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Prick the fruit in several places.
  2. Place cloves and bay leaves on the bottom of sterilized jars, with plums on top.
  3. Pour boiling water over it, hold for 5 minutes, no more, otherwise the fruits will become soft.
  4. Drain the marinade, boil, pour in vinegar, add sugar and salt. Return the water to the jars.
  5. Make a third pour, draining the marinade back into the pan. Boil and pour into jars. Before the last pour, pour a tablespoon of oil into the jars. It’s better than olive oil, but vegetable oil will work just fine.
  6. Seal it under an iron lid, cool it, take it to the cellar or pantry.
Add to the collection of plum recipes:

Original simple marinade recipe

I found a recipe on the Internet, a very easy to prepare appetizer.


  • Plums – 1.6 kg.
  • Sugar – 600 gr.
  • Ground cinnamon – 15 gr.
  • Vinegar.


  1. Prick clean fruits in several places.
  2. Place in a jar in layers, sprinkling with sugar and cinnamon.
  3. Fill to the top with wine vinegar, diluting it with water.
  4. Cover with lids and place in a bathhouse to sterilize. Sterilization takes a long time, about an hour.

Recipe for marinating with bones

You will need:

  • Hungarian (Ugric) – 2.5 kg.
  • Salt – 80 gr.
  • Vinegar 9% - ½ cup.
  • Granulated sugar – 700 gr.
  • Bay leaf – 3-4 pcs.
  • Allspice peas – 6 pcs.
  • Cloves - 3 sticks.
  • Cinnamon – ¼ small spoon.

We preserve:

  1. Wash the fruits, while drying, cook the marinade. Dissolve salt and sugar in water, add other spices (no need for cinnamon yet).
  2. Prick the plums in several places. Place in sterile jars and add cinnamon.
  3. Pour vinegar into the filling, let it boil strongly and pour in the plum. Roll up, turn over, cool.

Video with snack recipe for pickled plums

Plums can be prepared for the winter in different ways. According to tradition, they are used to make jam, compote, preserves, that is, sweet preparations. In addition, sauces, ketchups, dressings, and adjikas with the addition of this fruit are very popular. Pickled plums are a delicious side dish and a piquant addition to many everyday dishes. The recipes are very varied.

Plums can be prepared for the winter in different ways


  • 8 kg plums (ugel);
  • 2.6 kg sugar;
  • 1 l 9% acetic acid;
  • 10 laurel leaves;
  • 20 gr. black peppercorns.


  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly, tear off the stalks, and place them in a deep pan or bucket. It is very important that the fruit is firm, even with green barrels. Soft and overripe fruits will not work.
  2. Cook the sweet and sour marinade. To do this, pour acetic acid into the pan, add sugar, bay leaves and pepper. Stir, bring to a boil, cook for 2 minutes. If you want the marinade to be sweeter, add 200 grams. more sugar.
  3. Fill the jars with the prepared marinade.
  4. Place a flat plate on top of the plums and press down with a weight, leaving them overnight so that they release juice.
  5. Over the next 5 days, pour the marinade from the pickled fruits, preferably with laurel, let it boil, cook for a couple of minutes, pour the fruits again, and cover with a lid.
  6. On day 6, sterilize clean jars and boil the tin lids.
  7. Pour the marinade into a saucepan and put it on the stove to boil.
  8. We put pickled fruits in sterile jars, preferably we put laurel and a few peppercorns in the jars.
  9. Pour in the marinade and roll up.

When the jars have cooled completely, put them away for storage.

Pickled plums for the winter (video)

Plums for the winter without heat treatment


  • 5 kg of fruits;
  • 1.7 kg sugar;
  • 1.5 tsp. aspirin;
  • 8 gr. ground cinnamon;
  • carnation;
  • rum (vodka, cognac).

How to make orange juice at home

The appetizer is prepared quickly


  1. Wash the fruits well, remove the seeds and place them in a deep bowl.
  2. Sprinkle granulated sugar, cinnamon, a few clove buds on top, crush aspirin tablets into powder and add in the required quantity. Mix everything well. Leave it for a day. Stir occasionally.
  3. The next morning, we sterilize clean jars and lids, and place the prepared plums in them.
  4. Pour 20 ml of alcohol into each jar. Roll up and put away for storage.

Hungarian in marinade


  • 6 kg plums (Hungarian);
  • 1.6 kg granulated sugar;
  • 500 ml 6% acetic acid;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 40 clove buds;
  • 7 gr. cinnamon.

This preparation turns out incredibly sweet


  1. Wash the fruits, remove the stems, blanch for 2 minutes.
  2. We make a filling from water, granulated sugar and vinegar.
  3. Pour 7 clove inflorescences and a pinch of cinnamon into the bottom of the jars, and place the fruit tightly on top.
  4. Fill with boiling brine and roll up.
  5. We set the jars to sterilize at 90 degrees. 500 ml – quarter of an hour; 1 l – 25 min.; 3 l – 40 min.

We put it away for storage.

Pickled plums


  • 1 kg plums;
  • 600 ml water;
  • 170 gr. Sahara;
  • 60 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 7 pcs. black peppercorns;
  • 5 pieces. fragrant;
  • 7 carnation flowers;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • 4 garlic heads;
  • 10 gr. salt.

Lack of sterilization allows you to prepare the workpiece quickly and easily


  1. Separate the cloves and peel the garlic, cut in half lengthwise.
  2. Wash the fruits, tear off the tails, make a cut on the side, and remove the pit. Instead of a seed, put garlic inside.
  3. At the bottom of the containers for seaming we place bay leaves, cloves, buds, peppers, and plums on top, without compacting them.
  4. Cook the marinade. We wait until the water boils, add sugar, salt and vinegar.
  5. Pour the marinade into the plums. Let it brew for 30 minutes, pour the marinade into the pan.
  6. Boil again, pour in the fruits, and cover with sterile lids.

Pickled zucchini for the winter: minimum effort, maximum pleasure



  • 2 kg of dense plums;
  • 500 gr. Sahara;
  • 80 gr. salt;
  • 60 ml 9% acetic acid;
  • 80 ml vegetable oil;
  • 24 clove buds;
  • 12 laurel leaves;
  • water.


  1. We sterilize clean jars and pour boiling water over the lids.
  2. We wash the plums and remove the stems.
  3. We put 6 carnations and 2 laurels at the bottom of the jars, tightly load the plums on top.
  4. Fill the jars with boiling water without spices. Let sit for about five minutes until the fruits soften and crack.
  5. Pour water from the jars into a saucepan, add sugar, salt, and acetic acid. Let's boil.
  6. Pour the prepared brine over the fruits, let it brew for 7 minutes, drain again and boil.
  7. Before filling 3 times, pour 25 ml of oil into all jars. Fill the jars and roll them up.
  8. Place the cooled jars in a cool place.

To make salted plums even more like olives, use balsamic vinegar instead of regular vinegar, and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil before serving.

Tomatoes with plums


  • 3 kg plums;
  • 2 bunches of parsley;
  • 3 onions;
  • 90 gr. salt;
  • 3 kg tomato;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • 12 cloves of garlic;
  • 260 gr. Sahara;
  • 15 pcs. black peppercorns;
  • 90 gr. 9% acetic acid.

The workpiece turns out unusual


  1. Wash ripe, dense plums and tomatoes, tear off the tails, and make several punctures with forks in the area of ​​the stalk.
  2. Place horseradish leaves, parsley, garlic cloves, bay and pepper on the bottom of clean jars.
  3. We lay the fruits with sliced ​​onions in layers or in a chaotic order.
  4. Pour boiling water into the jars and let stand for 20 minutes.
  5. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, salt, and acidify with vinegar. We are waiting for it to boil.
  6. Pour hot brine over the fruits and roll up the lids.

Wait for it to cool completely and put it in the cold.

Fragrant and tasty plums are most often made into compotes or jam for the winter. But few people know that this fruit can be pickled. If you do this, you can get an excellent side dish for meat, poultry and other dishes. Preparing them is not difficult. Pickled plums for meat are spicy, fragrant, pleasantly sour. They will add piquancy to any delicacy, making it exquisite. This product is usually found on store shelves, but you can make it at home. Today there are many recipes for pickling these fruits; if you have no experience, then it is recommended to choose the most optimal and simple option that does not require special skills. And over time, you can try something new. However, today we will talk about this.

Containers with lids must be thoroughly washed. For this you can use baking soda. After this, the jars are well dried, and the lids are also doused with boiling water. Unripe fruits that are firm and ripe are well suited for pickling. They fill the container to the top, leaving a space of three centimeters. The marinade is prepared separately. When it cools down, fill jars with it, cover with lids and place in the oven for sterilization. Let's take a closer look at several recipes for how to prepare pickled plums for meat.

Classic recipe for pickling plums

Ingredients: one kilogram of plums, four peas, four cloves, half a spoon of cinnamon, fifty grams of table vinegar, two hundred grams of sugar, two hundred and fifty grams of water.


The fruits are washed and dried. The seeds can be removed or left, but in the first case the product will be stored longer. Fruits of the Hungarian variety are excellent for pickling; they should be ripe and firm.

Before pickling plums, you need to fill the jars with them. The marinade is boiled from the remaining ingredients, cooled, vinegar is added, poured into jars, which are then covered with lids and placed in a container for sterilization for six minutes. After this, they are rolled up, turned upside down and left in this position until they cool completely.

Pickled plum with garlic

Ingredients: six hundred and fifty grams of plum, two hundred and fifty grams of water, one head of garlic, one hundred and fifty grams of sugar, thirty grams of table vinegar, several peas of allspice, cloves.


Before pickling plums, they are prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe. A clove of garlic is placed in each fruit and everything is placed in jars. Next, prepare the marinade. To do this, add vinegar and spices to boiling water, boil for several minutes and pour into the container, cover with lids and leave for one night. In the morning, the marinade is drained, boiled and poured over the fruit again, after which it is rolled up.

When preparing the marinade, you can use other seasonings and spices: cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, rosemary and others. All this will add a spicy taste and delicate aroma to the delicacy. Plum marinated with garlic can be served with wine sauce and pork.

Yellow plums marinated with ginger and vanilla

Ingredients: one kilogram of plums, three hundred grams of white wine, three hundred grams of white wine vinegar, three hundred grams of sugar, one cinnamon stick, six cloves, thirty grams of ginger root.


The plums are washed, each one is pierced with a toothpick in three places and placed in water for two minutes. Then they are put into jars. Next, prepare the marinade. To do this, put chopped ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, cloves, sugar, vinegar and wine into a bowl. The solution is heated to a boil and cooked for ten minutes over low heat.

Next we prepare the pickled plums for the meat. To do this, remove all the spices from the marinade and pour it over the fruit, close it tightly with lids and turn it upside down. The plums will be ready to eat in four weeks. They will have a delicate aroma and slight spiciness. The product goes well with baked meat.

Hungarian plum marinated with spices

Ingredients: ten kilograms of plums, three kilograms of sugar, one liter of table vinegar, forty grams of bay leaf, thirteen buds of cloves.


For the winter) they are prepared as follows: the fruits are washed and dried, placed in a bowl in layers, sprinkling each with spices. The vinegar is boiled, sugar is added, heated to a boil and boiled until a thick sugar emulsion is formed. This marinade is poured over the fruits, but it will not cover them completely, and cooled. Then the fruit is tightly covered with a lid and left for twelve hours. During this time they will release juice.

Then all the liquid is drained and boiled. The plums are mixed and poured with hot brine. This is done in this way several more times a day (morning and evening) for five days. During this time, the fruit will be completely in the marinade.

Next we prepare the pickled plums for the meat. So, the jars are thoroughly washed and sterilized for fifteen minutes under steam. The fruits are placed in jars along with spices, poured with hot marinade and rolled up. The container is turned over and wrapped in a blanket, left for twelve hours. The finished product can be stored for one year in a dark place.

Plum pickled without sterilization

Ingredients: one kilogram of pitted plums, three hundred and fifty grams of water, one hundred grams of sugar, fifty grams of vinegar, one third of a spoon of salt, two five-centimeter sprigs of rosemary.


Washed and dried fruits are placed in pre-sterilized jars, and rosemary is added on top. Then prepare the marinade. To do this, add salt and sugar to boiling water and boil it a little, add vinegar and heat to a boil. Hot brine is poured over the fruits and immediately rolled up. The jars are turned upside down. These pickled plums (recipe for the winter) will have an unusual taste. They are good for those who cannot stand the smell of cloves.

Thanks to their unique taste, such plums can be used as an independent snack and served with various hot and cold dishes from fish, poultry and meat, as well as sauces made from them. An open jar of fruit should be stored in a cool place for no more than three days.

Plums marinated in honey

Ingredients: one cinnamon stick, plums, cloves to taste, honey.


These pickled plums become crispy. A mixture of fruit juice and honey is not only tasty, but also healthy. You can soak cakes with it and use it to prepare dressings and sauces. The fruits themselves go well with meat and fish dishes.

So, plums of any variety are washed and dried. Cinnamon and cloves are ground into powder in a coffee grinder or pounded in a mortar. Fruits are placed in previously prepared clean jars, sprinkled with spices to the very top. Pour liquid fresh honey into the plums, close the jars with lids and roll them one by one on the floor for three minutes so that the honey seeps between the fruits. The jars are placed in a cold place. The shelf life of this product is three months.


Plums are not only tasty, but also healthy fruits that can benefit the entire body, as they contain many useful substances and vitamins. Pickled fruits do not lose their qualities. Moreover, they are well suited as a side dish to many cold and hot meat dishes, fish and poultry. When made correctly, they can be stored for quite a long time and delight household members with their unique taste and aroma.