Personal life of the minister. Viktor Abakumov - biography, information, personal life What happened to the wife of Abakumov

About the legendary leader of the Spearman is written not so much, and everything is somehow confused, with the spaces and silence of many facts in life and activity. Almost everything written consists of extremes - either admiration for the genius, or dumping mud. This is not visible by a person nor the era in which he had a chance to live and serve the homeland and leader. Processing the Mountain Mountains, we tried to impartially create a true portrait, which, and we offer to your court.

LIVE OF VS. Abakumova is not something special, unique. Moreover, the whole life of Viktor Semenovich, all his actions and actions are typical and logical to the time in which he lived. The choice of life path, the efforts made by him in promotion on the service staircase are absolutely predictable as predictable and finals. Therefore, it does not cause surprise and admiration, no talent in official zeal, neither the results achieved nor intrigue in power nor the rapid takeoff and fall.

Abakumov Viktor Semenovich was born on April 11, 1908 in the working quarter of Moscow, near the Khamovnic barracks. Father, Russian by nationality, worked at the Keller Brothers Pharmaceutical Factory, later in the hospital cleaner and part-time Plerk. Often he drank, cursed and threw his hands for any reason. The mother who worked as a laundry happened, also drank. However, the Son grew up healthy and strong, looked older than his years.

In 1917 he entered the city initial school. It should be noted that such collections existed in Russian cities since 1872 specifically "for part of the urban population, and mainly for the poor part of it, in order to deliver complete elementary education and give the information that may be most useful in practical life." With the arrival of the Bolsheviks, training in urban schools has become free. The course of study lasted six years. After graduating from four grades of the school, in November 1921, Victor threw him and went to serve Sanitar to the 2nd Moscow brigade of special purpose (Chon).

The Chon Brigade, formed in 1919, was constantly in Moscow and engaged in the protection of important facilities, operations to combat criminal banditry, elimination of anti-Soviet unrest. In May 1922, a detachment was formed from the brigade to suppress the excitement in the Silovsk district of the Ryazan province. Victor Abakumov was enrolled in the personnel of the detachment. The operation has passed successfully and quickly. Upon returning to Moscow, the entire personnel received gratitude from the command of the Brigade.

The service in Chon Abakumov had to do. In one of the early autobiographies, he will write that the period of staying in the brigade made "from his honest and increhensible fighter for bright socialist ideals, ready for any victims for the sake of communism." However, in connection with the improvement of the internal situation in the USSR, at the beginning of 1924, the brigade was disbanded.

Viktor Abakumov turned out to be in the ranks of numerous unemployed. I had to "interrupt" in temporary jobs for some time. But at the beginning of 1925, it was possible to get a packer to the Moscow Union of Fishing Cooperation. In 1927, Abakumov joined the Komsomol, where he was indicated on "chromium literacy". In August 1927, Abakumov entered the service of the 1st squad of the military-industrial protection of the HSSR of the USSR, from where in April 1928 quit. And in July, returned to the profession of the packer, but in the centrousa warehouses.

In some studies about V.S. Abakumov appeared a statement that "during the NEP years he was always near the material values" and, as usual, sobbed. However, the portrait of documentary evidence is not detected to such a stroke. On the contrary, in the archival foundations of the centrousa, there is a document, which states that "warehouse packter No. 6 of the centrousue of TOV. Abakumov for the manifested vigilance and an implacable struggle against socialist property rates was awarded a valuable gift. " At the same time, in some sources, Abakumov's craving for beautiful life and weak sex are celebrated.

In January 1930, Abakumov becomes a member of the WCP (b) and is appointed by the Deputy Head of the Administrative Department of the Trade and Parcel Office of the Nicknitrig RSFSR. Soon he headed the Komsomol organization of the same office. From October 1930, Abakumov has been transferred to the Moscow Stamping Plant "Press" liberated by the secretary of the Komsomol. Further Komsomol Career Viktor Semenovich is more than successful. From 1931 to January 1932, he is a member of the Bureau, and Head of the Military Department of the Zamoskvoretsky district and MGK WRKSM. In early 1932, the district party directs Abakumov to the "strengthening" of the series of state security bodies.

The service in the Abakumov bodies began on the modest position of travelers of the Economic Department of Plenipotentiary Representative Office (ECO PP) OGPU in the Moscow Region. According to the results of the practice of Abakumov, they certified as follows: "Active and executive, works intensively. Focus quickly. The horizons are developed, but further work is required to expand public knowledge. "

In 1933, Abakumov was appointed to the post of Commissioner Eku OGPU of the USSR in the Moscow region. However, the data is not available to which separation. At that time, economic management was intended to eliminate espionage, counter-revolution and sabotage in the economy.

In some sources, it is argued that Viktor Semenovich during this period of work skillfully launched a rumor that he was a relative, the Zippet Nikolai Ilyich, one of the organizers of the October Revolution, a member of the Central Control Commission of the WCP (b) in 1924-1930.

In this position, Abakumov served only until July 10, 1934, when the OGPU was included in the NKVD and economic management were eliminated. From July 10, 34, to 01.08.34, it works as an authorized 1st branch of the Economic Department (ECO) of the GOGB of the NKVD of the USSR. The task of the department was: the fight against sabotage and sabotage in the national economy, with currency and speculators, crimes by position, "Chekist services" of economic institutions.

About this period of ABACUMOVOVA service former Chekper Schreder M.P. In memoirs entitled "NKVD from the inside. Chekist notes »Published next.

"In 1933, when I worked as the head of the 6th branch of the Moscow region, I called the first deputy editor of the OGPU of the Moscow Region Day, and recommended a" good guy "to me, who did not work with the head of the 5th branch, and although he" stars with The sky is not enough ", but for him" very, very much asking. " Whoever asks, Dach did not say, but, judging by the tone, it was very high-ranking faces, but most likely their wife. Take it to yourself and make a person from it ... And if it does not work, jump to the damn mother. " Then Dech added that Abakumov almost a foster son of one of the leaders of the Oktyabrsky uprising - Zipovsky. Since I just needed workers, I accepted Abakumov, instructing him the ceramic and silicate industry, and warned that I would not require full work and no amournal and focus affairs in my department. (On the weakness of these cases, I preliminarily assigned certificates from the head of the 5th branch). During the first two months of Abakumov several times reported to me about allegedly developing huge activities.

Taking advantage of the fact that the close friend of my wife took his courting, Abakumov several times went with her to me to the hotel "Sellon", where I first lived, and then on the apartment, which I just got in a large rich alley in this period. And twice - once in the hotel, and the second - on the apartment - at the moment when Abakumov was with me, an unexpected is the Ostrovsky, who immediately expelled him out, strain through his teeth in a low voice: "And what does this focrotter do here? Go away!" - And Abakumov instantly retraced. After two months, I decided to check the work of Abakumov. On the day, when he had to accept his agents, I came to a conspiracy apartment without warning, a lot of confusing Abakumova, because I found it there with some kind of lubricant maiden. Having suggested by Abakumov to sit in the first room, I, left alone with this girl, began to ask her about where she knows that such an engineer (the name appeared to the report signed by it) is a pest. And also, what does she understand in the production technology, being a stationery? She replied that he knew nothing, and the report was Viktor Semenovich and asked her to sign. Next, I could easily establish that I had an intimate relationship with Abakumov from the very beginning of "work".

When checking the two other "recruited" Abakumov, the picture was the same. The next day I wrote to the leadership of Eci report about the need for immediate dismissal of Viktor Abakumov as decomposed and unsuitable for operational work, and indeed to work in the bodies. In my opinion, Abakumov was dismissed from Echo. But some "strong hand" supported him again, and he was appointed inspector to the main camps. "

It should be noted that these memories of "veteran" are actively picked up by all writing people. Even, the so-called abroad "biographer Abakumov" V. Stepakov, quoting this opus, noting that the memories of the Schreidera are abounding with many inaccuracies, did not bother to check the facts given.

But before we turn to the study of the stated accusations, throw a quick look at the memoirist. This is how he presents himself: "The author of memories - M. P. Schreander - worked in the NCC-OGPU-NKVD system for about twenty years: starting from the Civil War and in 1938 inclusive. He held various positions in the central office of the OGPU-NKVD, served in some regional departments, and in 1938 he was appointed deputy minister of the NKVD of the Kazakh SSR. In the same year, he was arrested on the direct orders of Jesov. "

Unfortunately, the full biography of Schreidera could not be found. However, according to fragmentary data and the memoirs themselves it is easy to restore its livelihood. The town of Jewish guy at the age of 17 in 1919 began to serve in the CC, while at the same time joining the party. Dismissed with extreme scandaling and controversialness with leadership. For 19 years of service in the bodies managed to change the minimum of 12 seats of service (Rzhev, Smolensk, Simferopol, Sevastopol, Moscow, Leningrad, Tashkent, Kazan, again Moscow, Ivanovo, Novosibirsk, Alma-Ata). At the same time, to detect at least some position in the Central Apparatus of the OGPU-NKVD, which Schreer would have occupied.

In the character of the Schreidera, a perverted "sense of justice" to his colleagues is traced. So working in 1932 in the Tataria "exposed" over 100 people, including 39 employees of the GPU of Tataria in the embezzlement of alcohol at the Kazan Powder factory. The prosecution was based on Fabul - at least did not directly participate in the embezzlement, but Kohl saw alcohol, should have found out where he was from. The brewed porridge "was destroyed": Kaganovich, Menzhinsky, berry, sharks and the Commission of the Central Committee, headed by Shkiryatov.

Using the patronage of Chernyshev (Deputy Peace of Internal Affairs of the USSR) and Redare (Sobeta Stalin, a police station in the Moscow region, then the Commissar of the internal affairs of Kazakhstan) Schreder after quarrels with the leadership left the place of work and came to patrons for a new appointment. So it was in 1929 in Leningrad, it was in 1938 in Novosibirsk.

In the same 1933, in the service office of his immediate chief, in the presence of a colleague, having quarreled with the boss, fired into it, but missed. Despite the obvious criminal nature of the offense, thanks to the patrons, Schreander was sent to the sanatorium, and then to the post of assistant chief of Moore. And in 1934, Schreder commands the police in the Ivanovo region, although for the murder attempt was to work on the forestry of 8-10 years.

Now comparable facts and dates described by Schreder. He claims that in 1933 he was recommended by Abakumov and after two months of work on the report of Schreidera, he was fired with Eki. But as we see, for the past 1933, no one dismissed ABACUMov anywhere. Maybe Schreder years confused? And it's not about the 33rd, but 34th, when Abakumova was really transferred to the Gulag system. However, in 1934, Schreidera was no longer only in Eco, but also in Moscow. Output? Fight!

The statement of the Schreidera appears to be very happy about the fact that Ostrovsky called Abakumov "Foc Stretch", and he ran from him. Ostrovsky Joseph Markovich, Major State Security, the Service in Economic Department graduated back in 1925. From 1930 to 1936, almost before execution, he worked as the head of business services. How could he "interstate" with anyone else not known to Abakumov? The only explained reason for which Schreder refers to Ostrovsky is his buddy, he is a Jew. He will not confirm - shot in the 37th year.

It is not interesting and the fact that memoirs were published in 1995, then, as their author died in 1978. Someone had to be.

Based on the foregoing, it suggests that the price of the exposure facts of the Schreidera, no more than the price of "creations" of Shalamov, Solzhenitsyn and other persecuted law, trying to whitewash themselves with political background, criminal acting.

Returning to Abakumov, we note that it is clearly not a report of Schreidera hung on the service. However, there was something unlucky, on the basis of which on August 1, 1934, he was transferred to the authorized 3rd branch of the Gulag of the NKVD of the USSR.

At that time, the 3rd department was one of the large-controlled and engaged in guiding including operational and regime. According to V. Stepakov, Abakumov was soon sent to a business trip to the Ukhto-Pechora correctional labor camp (Ukhtopekh). This camp was created in 1931. The camp management was in the village. Chibuy (now Ukhta) Komi ASSR. There is evidence that the duties of Abakumov included a general familiarization with the camp atmosphere and work carried out in the camp itself. These data coincide with the work of the Guang leadership used at that time, to send their representatives to the camps, both to assist and control. Moreover, the Ukhtopekk is considered promising in terms of oil production, coal, the use of radioactive waters. Detailed information about its activities in the camp could not be found, but this campaign lasted not long.

Most likely, due to the next change in the structure of the Gulag of the NKVD (order of the NKVD No. 576, August 1935) on August 16, 1935, Abakumova V.S. Assign an authorized 3rd separation department of the head of the head. According to one source, this department was engaged in secret operational work, according to another - regime. In any case, Abakumov showed himself at this work, and on December 20, 1936 he was awarded a special title of junior lieutenant of state security.

On April 15, 1937, Abakumov returns to the General Directorate of State Security (GOGB) of the NKVD of the USSR to the position of the authorized 4th Secret-Political Department (SPO). According to V. Stepakov, Daich Ya. A., who became the head of the NKVD secretariat by the NKVD secretariat for this time. Already 05.11.37, Viktor Semenovich receives the next title - Lieutenant GB.

By time, this appointment coincided with mass repression in the country. From here, many researchers see the reason for the further career growth of Abakumov. According to the version of the Memorial Society, Viktor Semenovich "crashed on interrogations of the cheekbones and edges of the" enemies "of the people." According to memories of veterans-Chekistov, "there was no more zealous advocacy compliance with the compliance, than he."

In March 1938, Abakumov already an assistant to the head of the 4th Department of the 1st Department of the NKVD, and from September 29 of the same year, an assistant chief of separation of the 2 department. From November 1 - Head of the 2nd Department of the 2nd Department of the GOGB NKVD. The department was called operational, and his employees were engaged in searches, arrests, outdoor observation and installing listening devices. By this post, Abakumov owes Kobulov b. - Head of the 2nd Department.

It should be noted that in the same year (09.05.38) Abakumov V.S. Gets the first award - the anniversary sign "Honorary Worker of the HCH-GPU (XV)". This sign was established by order of OGPU No. 1087 of 23.11.32. And was assigned for "outstanding merit", but at the same time the experience of the service of the applicant in the bodies or in the troops of the OGPU was to be at least ten years. However, as practice shows, this criterion, quite often violated, however, as it happened with Abakumov. The sign endowed the owner of a significant list of benefits and privileges, but the distribution of the awards to everyone, devalued its meaning as awards. Already until 1940, over 3 thousand people were awarded. As a result, from all the privileges, only the right to store and carry weapons and the right to the living area in office houses after dismissal from the NKVD was left.

The arrival of L. Beria to the leadership of the NKVD changed the fate of many employees. Under the guise of the mitigation of the regime of repression, Beria took up the cleaning of the buried "hosts" personnel. With the arrival of Beria, more than 7 thousand "Spoted Honor of Chekist" were fired, and with them most Poles, Germans, Latvians and Jews. Over 14 thousand party and Komsomol workers were taken to the place of dismissed.

Based on the fact that Abakumov escaped cleaning, it is most likely to assume that the stories about his assault rather fictional. Also, the widespread case of the first acquaintance of Abakumov from Beria can also be attributed to the fiction.

"In the fall of 1938, an acquaintance of the People's Commissar of the NKVD was acquainted with the head of the 2nd department of Viktor Abakumov. According to one of the versions, it happened at the public security club in the ceremonial meeting on the next anniversary of the October Revolution. Abakumov, waiting for the moment when Lavrenty Beria entered the hall, suddenly jumped out of a place with a violent cry:

- disgrace! Screenshots!

It turned out that the wrath of Viktor Semenovich summoned the portrait of the NKVD addict, in his opinion, too far from the center of the scene.

- I will teach you, the trait of the wrong, how do you need to hang portraits! - Lieutenant Abakumow, thrown at the sergeant of the state security responsible for the decoration of the hall. - Always became stoda, the portrait, how to hang you can not!

- Oh, what's the goal? - Lavrenty Pavlovich was surprised, watching the risen stir.

One of the deputy addicts found out the cause of screams. Beria became interested in the culprit of noise.

"Wash, what a hot young man, straight Jigit, yes," said Lavrenty Pavlovich, considering embarrassed Viktor Semenovich. - Who it?

Abakumov introduced himself.

"Good," Beria nodded, the padded, like any southern man, on the rapid manifestation of the chinovation. - And the portrait will leave where it hangs. I hope that the dormant eye of Chekists will be able to consider their leader and at such a distance.

From this incident began the rapid climb of Viktor Semenovich on the service staircase. "

Let's think a little yourself.

Firstly. In the traditions of Soviet power, the celebration could be held either on November 7, or on the eve. Consequently, Beria during this period was not yet addict. The removal of horses and the destination of Beria occurred on the same day - 25.11.38. And portrait Beria, the more could not be with the living.

Secondly. Imagine this situation. 1938, the atmosphere of fear, unknown, uncertainty. Hundreds of your colleagues are already sitting in the camps for anything, other shot. The full hall is not only colleagues-operatives, but also bosses, and large. Chano sit, wait for the manual. And suddenly some lieutenant, in the presence of the Commissioners GB begins hysterical on scratch. And where would he have after that? Yes, such "democracy" and in the pioneer camp in the "Brezhnev" time is impossible to submit.

Thirdly. This fact was allegedly taken from the protocols interrogation of Cobulov in 1953. It is quite possible that by this time, Kobulov was offended by Abakumov, for being a minister of MGB paying ungrateful for good - fired from the office of the Deputy Minister MGB.

And, in the end. Some kind of rude, rectilinear flattery in relation to the far non-NEUP Lavrentia Beria. In addition, Abakumov is set by a complete idiot. And he was not exactly so.

On December 5, 1938, Abakumov appointed the acting chief of UNKVD Rostov region, and from April 27, 1939 - the boss. Naturally, this appointment was not without the recommendation of Cobulov Bogdan Zakharovich, one of the closest, proxies of Lavrentia Beria. The same kobulov on December 15, 12.38 becomes deputy head of the GUGB, and from December 22 - the head of the investigative part of the NKVD.

December 28, 1938 Abakumov V.S. Bypassing the title of senior lieutenant, assign the title Captain GB.

At the new post, Abakumov operates in the light of the requirements of the "favorite addict", as he expressed in his "Innaugural" speech. In the period of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940, Rostov security officers showed "super daily" and were eliminated on the territory of the "Finnish spyware" region, arrested 16 people of Finnish or Karelian nationality. However, the head of the UKVD, the success of subordinates caused obvious distrust. Under his personal control, the revision of cases began, as a result of which a violation of co-prosecution was identified - falsification of cases. As a result, they were expelled, the responsible security officers were punished.

In Moscow, the efforts of the young boss were noticed on time. At the next meeting, the drug addressed Abakumov as an example of others. And in the spring (14.03.40) bypassing the title of Major, assigned a special title of senior major GB. And almost a month (26.04.40), they awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

No other data on the work of Abakumov in the Rostov region was not found, with the exception of the recording of Viktor Semenovich in autobiography: "... was elected a delegate to the XVII CVP congress (b). I am a member of the Bureau and the Plenum of the Rostovskiy Regional Committee of the WCP (b) and a member of the ACP City Council (b).

On February 25, 1941, Abakumov appointed deputy addict of the internal affairs of the USSR. The scope of his direct leadership was included: the Main Police Department, the Main Department of Fire Protection and Special Departments in the Army, on Fleet, as well as in the Border and Internal Forces. Based on the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and the SCS of the USSR, adopted in May 1941 "On events for the cleaning of the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian SSR from the Anti-Soviet, criminal and socially dangerous element", Abakumov engaged in the organization of deportation in Estonia. According to the reporting note of the NKGB of the USSR on 17.06.41 No. 2288 / m on Estonia, 3,178 people were arrested, 5,978 people were evicted, and everything was repressed - 9,156 people.

3 hours after the start of the war Abakum V.S. He participated in the development of a plan for agent-operational activities to ensure state security of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region. And from 06.27.41, Abakumov is engaged in the organization of controls under him to perform the following tasks: carrying out agent-operational work in parts of the Red Army, in the rear, among the civilian population; fighting desertion; Work in the enemy. Apparently for success in holding this work, on July 9, Abakumov is assigned another special title - Commissioner GB of the 3rd rank.

17.07.41 The organs of the 3rd control of the NGO of the USSR were transformed into special departments of the NKVD of the USSR. And from 19.07.41, Abakumov, as the Deputy Commissar, is simultaneously appointed by the head of the newly created management of special departments (WEU). The activities of the WSO, under the leadership of Abakumov, in the period 1941-1942 was due to the tragic period of the war. Special departments, performing an order of bet №270, organized a system of barrier service, applying an extrajudicial execution. Precise the manifestations of "illegal repression, assaults and self-seeming", according to the provisions of the Order No. 0391 of 04.10.41, the order of the Commissar of Defense No. 227 was carried out. In addition, special departments were engaged in direct responsibilities - counterintelligent work. In fairness, it should be noted that already by the middle of 1942, the work of special departments began to take a systematic nature, the counterintelligence activities unfolded, although there were specific features of cruelty.

Obviously, it is positively evaluating the activities of Abakumov at this field - 04.02.43, he is assigned the next title - Commissioner of the GB of the 2nd Rank. At the same time, according to a number of reasons, Stalin decided to establish a special military counterintelligence body - GUKR SMERSR NKO USSR.

On April 19, 1943, by Resolution of the Council of People's Comisurov, the USSR No. 415-138, the management of special departments of the NKVD was transformed into the "Smered". The head of the chapter is appointed Commissioner GB of the 2nd Rang Abakumov V.S. It should be noted that in fact the decision on the creation of "Serer" and the appointment with his head by Abakumov was adopted by Stalin on April 14, when Abakumov, together with Merkulov, reported a draft resolution. This confirms the order on the NKVD on the release of him from the post of the head of the WEO that is April 14. From 19.04.43, Abakumov, the Order of the NKVD, is exempt from the post of Deputy People's Commissar of the NKVD.

The definition of Abakumov's candidacy for this position is simply explained. Stalin already knew Abakumov personally, there was no compromising materials. Beria, counting Viktor Semenovich devoted to his employee, did not mind. In addition, there was no special choice.

The statement of GKO on April 21, 1943 was approved by the provision on the GUKR SMERSR NGO of the USSR, according to which the head of the GUKR became assessed by the Deputy Commissar of Defense, i.e. Stalin. V.S. Abakumov was released from this post on May 20, 1943, but remaining the head of the GUKR "Smered", submitted directly to Stalin. Such a short time stay of Abakumov as Deputy Complex, is explained by reforming in a drug addict, expressed in reducing the number of deputies. At the same time (05/20/43) from the posts of the Deputy Commissar, Abenochov V.V. (Head of the Main Military Chemical Council of the Red Army), Vorobev M.P (Head of Engineering Troops of the Republic of Redek), Voronov N.N. (commander of artillery and air defense of the Red Army), Fedorenko Ya.N (commander of armored and mechanized troops), Khrulev A.V. (Head of the rear of the RKKKA), Shaposhnikov B.M. (Head of the Higher Military Academy), Schadenko E.A. (Head of the Chief of Proportion), Shcherbakov A.S. (Head of the Glavpa of the Red Army).

26.05.43 by the decision of the USSR SCC No. 592, the general titles were assigned to the leadership workers. Abakumov, the only army "Meadassa", retained the presence of state security before the end of the war.

It is known that during the war, Abakumov often traveled to the fronts, inspected its units. Important operations, especially radioigra, were necessarily coordinated with it. And strategic developments - sanctioned by Stalin. According to the memoirs of the contemporaries of Abakumov, he was distinguished by a rather tough grip in the work, did not miss the opportunity to profitably report on the work carried out, and sometimes "assign" other people's results. The positive feedback was left by General Ivashutin, Colonels Chernov and Tarasov, a number of front-line officers "Serer". It should be noted that the employees "Smered" punished and senior only Abakumov, or this happened to his knowledge. Cases of intervention in the activities of "Serer", in personnel policies are not known.

Upon completion of the war, from 06.09.45, Abakumov included a commission on the management of the preparation of indictments and the work of Soviet representatives in the International Military Tribunal in the case of the main German war criminals.

The system of military counterintelligence created by the end of the war successfully competed with the NKVD and NKGB bodies. Abakumov was ingenuous to Stalin along with Beria and Merkulov. Different with perftitude and official zeal. He professed the principle - it is better to rearrange, than to be laundered. As a result, insufficient competence and qualifications of employees in the lower links, changed the massability of organized events, excessively suspicious, ignoring innocence. A wide network of an informant apparatus allowed to catch enemy agents, saboteurs, spies and terrorists, accomplices of Nazis, especially without taking the fate of non-involved persons.

In this case, Abakumov coincided with the doctrine of Stalin about the insignificance of human life.

Naturally, the work of the head "Smered" was assessed in dignity: in 1944, he was awarded the orders of Suvorov 1st and 2nd degrees, in 1945 - the orders of the Red Banner and the Red Star, the Order of Kutuzov 1st degree. On July 9, 1945, Abakumov was awarded the rank of Colonel-General.

In the spring of 1946, Stalin conducted a reform of the management bodies, the drug addicts were abolished, ministries were created. Considering that Smered was created for wartime, and, in fact, exhausted his appointment, military counterintelligence was transferred to the newly organized Ministry of State Security of the USSR, which inherited from the People's Commissariat was headed by Merkulov V.N.

By reforming, Stalin basically changed the leaders. Merkulov came to rotation, which, according to Stalin, was "too timid and indecisive." According to some sources, Beria offered to Stalin his candidacy for the head of the MGB - the former People's Commissar of the Interior of Ukraine Vasily Ryasnoy. However, Stalin preferred Viktor Abakumov. There is a version that he put forward Abakumov because he was concerned about the growth of the authority of the military who returned from the war heroes. And who better military counterintelligence will be able to figure them out?

Did Abakumov understood that with the appointment of this position he was doomed? Obvious yes. Was the opportunity to refuse? Absolutely not! After all, at this time, the winged phrase Stalin was known: "The Chekist has only two ways - to nominate or in prison."

On May 4, 1946, Viktor Semenovich was appointed Minister of State Security. From May 18, 1946 - Member of the Commission of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) on court cases, from December 31, 1950 - Chairman of the MGB College.

During the period of the leadership of Smered, Abakumov managed to force and "sins", which, most likely, were known to Stalin, but did not have a decisive value. So in the period of the routing of the army and the special services in the occupied territories of Europe and Manchuria, many subordinate abakumov gave him dear gifts. The facts of bringing the gifts by Belkin M.I., Barzigin A.I., Vadis A.A., Zelenin P.V., Karpenko N.M., Kovalchuk N.K. and others. Household support, acquisition of clothing, food for the state account, the use of funds allocated for operational needs - was considered an ordinary phenomenon. All these facts were opened already after the arrest of Abakumov, supported by testimony.

It also turned out that at the evacuation of Smolensk, forgotten the party archive, which in the intention and preservation went to the Germans. The most unpleasant was that Abakumov, who led by the evacuation, by that time had already reported on the successful implementation of the task. Stalin asked him only one question: "What do you feel when your subordinates lie to you?" It seems that the answer to this question was tormented by Abakumov until recent days.

After the appointment of Abakumov, the Minister began the flow of the functions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to MGB. In 1947-1951, internal troops, police, border troops, governmental communications, government facilities and other units were transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the MGB. In transport, special MGB units were created. The ministry formed their departmental special meeting. In Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic republics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs were withdrawn units to combat banditry. In 1950, two bureaus subordinate to the Minister were created on the basis of the service "Dr" (sabotage and terror). Bureau number 1 was engaged in the organization of special agent-intelligence work abroad and within the country against the enemies of the Soviet state. Bureau №2 - performed special events within the country, observation and "Submission of the agent to individuals leading the enemy work, to prevent which in the right cases can be carried out by special ways." In essence, Abakumov recreated the structure of the facility of the 30s, created prerequisites for power retention, through MGB.

Abakumov in a short time appointed for the leadership positions of the former "Meshovtsev" (Selivanovsky N.N., Chernov I.A., Korolev N.A., Utekhin G.V., Rogov V.P.), while cleaned with key posts Adherents Beria (Kobulov B.Z., Milshtein S.R., Vlodzirsky L.E.).

The positive results of the MGB of this time should include the organization of the liquidation of nationalist gangs in Belarus, in Ukraine and in the Baltic republics. Although the question of legality, methods of struggle and senseless victims of the civilian population remains open.

Of the Special MGB operations, for the period 1946-1947, we call only four who held the service "DR": Romge was killed in Western Ukraine - Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church; In Ulyanovsk - Pole Samat, who worked on the defense plant and going to leave the USSR; In Moscow - American Fires; In Saratov - Ukrainian nationalist - noisky. All murders were committed with the help of poisons produced in the so-called Majanovsky laboratory. The orders for the murder gave the first persons of the country, duplicated them to Abakumov.

Mass repressions did not stop at the end of the 30s. Already after the end of the war, it is one after the other fabricated things to large groups of party, Soviet workers, representatives of the intelligentsia. Preparations of Stalin, MGB organs, headed by Abakumov, begin a new wave of repression against military, party and economic leaders, Jews, etc. Here are the main of them.

Aviator's case

In 1946, in the production of poor-quality aircraft and acceptance, their troops were accused of the commander of the Air Force and Aviation Durability. Marshal Aviation S.A. was sentenced to execution Khudyakov. The main marshal of Aviation A.A. Novikov - By five years in prison, the drug policy of the air industry A.I. Shahurin - to seven, member of the Military Council of the Air Force N.S. Shimanov - to four, head of the Main Directorate of Orders of the Air Force N.P.Selznev - to six, heads of departments of the department of personnel of the Central Committee of the CPP (b) A.V. Budnik and G.M. Grigorean by two years in prison. The convicts were deprived of government awards. In connection with the "Aviator Business" was exempted from the post of the Second Secretary of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) Malenkov, who supervised the air industry and, remaining formally deputy chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, was sent to Stalin to a long business trip to the periphery. Despite the fact that in 1953 they were rehabilitated by everyone, the facts of the production of poor-quality aircraft shown in the case file were still not refuted. In other words - we had a place to be.

Leningradsky case

On him in 1948-1951, 214 people were convicted, of which 69 people are the main accused and 145 people from among close and distant relatives. In addition, 2 people died in prison to trial. 23 people are convicted of the military board to the highest punishment (shooting). Among them: Chairman of the USSR USSR Voznesensky N.A., Secretary of the Central Committee of Kuznetsov A.A., Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR Rodionov M.I., First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee P.S.

Military case

In 1947, several leaders of the Navy were imprisoned in prison, among them Admirals V.A. Alafova, G.A. Stepanova and L.M. Haller (the latter died in conclusion). The collection of a compromise against the marchala G.K. Opalu began Zhukova on whom he gave testimony Marshal Novikov. At the apartment of Zhukov in Moscow, a unlawful search was held. His cottage was characterized as an antique store. On the basis of the report by Abakumova Zhukov, he was removed from the post of commander-in-chief of the land forces and sent to Odessa to command the District. For communication with Zhukov, more than seventy people were planted.

The case of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (EAK)

The EAC created in 1942 gathered $ 16 million for the Red Army in the United States, 15 million in England and Canada, 1 million in Mexico, 750 thousand in Palestine. Abroad mined weapons, clothing, medical equipment. EAC activities contributed to the opening of the second front. At the end of the war, the EAC actively discussed the issue of creating the Jewish Soviet Republic to Crimea. Performing the will of Stalin, in January 1948 Abakumov gave an order to carry out an operation on the physical destruction of the Chairman of the EIC, the artistic director of the State Jewish Theater S.M. Mikhoels. 29.11.48 ECA was dissolved and closed as the "Center for Anti-Soviet propaganda". In early 1949, several dozen members of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee were arrested. They were accused of disloyment, bourgeois nationalism, cosmopolitanism. 12.08.52. Thirteen defendants were executed. And in total, 110 people were repressed in the case of EAC.


05.11.51 The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a decree on education as part of Georgia, Tbilisi and Kutais regions. By exercising this, it was assumed that the creation of areas would strengthen the management of the economic and cultural construction of the republic, will make the leadership and operational leadership, bring it to the places, will strengthen the communication of centers with districts. However, it turned out that regional organizations were an excessive link. It was decided to eliminate the created regions. In November 1951, a group of senior workers, immigrants from Mingrelia, a grave accusation in local (Mingral) nationalism was charged. The Minister of State Security of the Georgian SSR Ruhadze and his subordinates arrested several dozen in no indifferent people. Applying unauthorized methods of the investigation, forced some of them to "confess" in the fact that they allegedly on the task of foreign intelligence were subversive work, trying to seize senior posts in the republic, and then refund Georgia from the Soviet Union.

Business doctors

The well-known professor cardiologist Yakov Etinger was arrested in November 1950, and in March next year he died in a special refrigerator chamber. Etinger, "Without any press" acknowledged that in the treatment of the first secretary of the Moscow City Mountain of WCP (b) A.S. Shcherbakova "had terrorist intent." Abakumov did not see the perspectives of the case, the further "promotion" did not approve, the investigator of the Ryumin exiled to the periphery.

In addition to these well-known cases, at the initiative of Abakumov in 1948, mass operations were launched against the so-called "repetitions". In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 21.02.48, the BGB authorities were prescribed to arrest and send a reference to the settlement to remote areas of Siberia and the Far East of the former spies, saboteurs, terrorists, Trotskyists, "Right", Mensheviks, Survets, Anarchists , nationalists, bellyamigrants and participants in other anti-Soviet organizations, liberated from serving a sentence from camps and prisons after the end of the Great Patriotic War. 10.26.48. A joint directive of the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR and MGB of the USSR No. 241 / 66ss was published on the procedure for implementing the state security authorities.

In total, since the end of the war, before the publication of the Decree dated 21.02.48, according to the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the prisoners of this category were released from the camps and prisons of 45048. In the spring of 1949, V.S.Abakumov reported to I.V. Stalin on the first results of the implementation of Directive No. 241 / 66SS. According to the data given by him as of 15.03.49, the state security bodies were arrested, as well as a 12,081 people referred to.

Almost simultaneously with the start of work towards the reference of the previously exempted state criminals in accordance with the decisions of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CCP (b) and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, in the period 1948-1949, mass evictions of nationalists and fists families were conducted from the Baltic Republics, Western Ukraine and Belarus. The decision-making initiative has proceeded from the party leadership of the respective allied republics, as well as the MGB leading staff of the USSR.

In the same 1949, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) takes in order to "purify" Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and the entire Black Sea coast of the USSR from unwanted elements, the decision to evict to the eternal settlement in remote areas of the country, under the supervision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of former members of the Dashnaki party , Citizens of Turkish and Greek nationality together with the members of their families. A similar solution is made in relation to livers living in the territory of Moldova, former landowners, major traders, who collaborated with the German and Romanian authorities, as well as participants in profascular parties and organizations, illegal religious sects, former White Guards.

Taking the post of Minister MGB, using the proximity and favor of the leader, Abakumov, according to one of the versions, sharply changed its attitude towards other leaders of the country. Obviously, his straightness was confessed in the formula: to serve one, not to be considered with the rest. However, the enemies appeared soon and powerful.

The first of them became Malenkov, sent according to the "Aviators" case in Uzbekistan. Returning in 1948 and again taking the post of secretary of the Central Committee, began to carefully configure party-state leaders against the abakum. In this Malenkov supported the member of the Politburo Khrushchev, who had his "skeleton" in the closet.

The second enemy was the former patron of Lawrence Beria, who kept offense for the dismissal of his depths from the MGB, and was afraid of the continuation of "Mengrel's business." In addition, the head of guard Beria - Colonel Sarkisov, MGB was recruited and neatly "pounded" on the chef.

Third was Molotov. Molotov's spouse - Pearl of Polina Semenovna (real name and surname - Rossi Karpovskaya) According to MGB, January 29, 1999, arrested and accused of being accused of being in a criminal connection with the Jewish nationalists. " According to some sources, the pearl was also accused of personal indiscretions (dairy baths, etc.) and sexual exceptions. On December 29, 1999, a special meeting in the MGB of the USSR was sentenced to 5 years of reference to the Kustanay region. And after two months, her husband was released from the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs and lost most of his influence.

The next "benevolers" Abakumov were Kruglov - Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Serov - his deputy. The main reason for their discontent was the gradual flow of the Ministry to the submission of Abakumov. Complaints that they threw "instances" were calculated dozens. There are versions that their Stalin even showed Abakumov.

After September 1947, the daily leadership of the work of MGB as well as the promotion and distribution of frames of this punitive structure Stalin served the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) A.A. Kuznetsov. At the same time, the solution of the most important issues, such as the development of a repressive line, the reorganization of the MGB structure, the coordination of the most important arrests remained still behind Stalin. After the emergence of the "Leningrad case" and arrest in 1949 of the former secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) A.A. Kuznetsova shadow Stalinsky mistrust lay down on Abakumov. And it is no coincidence, because Abakumov had a fairly close relationship with his former curator. And so much that a number of current issues preferred to decide at the Kuznetsov level, without bringing them to Stalin. It is difficult to say whether Stalin had a thought of getting rid of Minister GB, but at least the Jesuit Calculation of the leader was that the Abakumov should ensure that the "Leningrad business" should be held, according to which Kuznetsov took place. And then, when the need for Abakumov will disappear - get rid of him.

There are obvious signs that testify about the loss of Stalin's abakumov. So, in February 1950 he instructed G.M. Malenkov organize a "special prison" for the "most important political accused", which would be in submission of the Committee of Party Control under the CPP Central Committee (b). At the same time, not investigators of the MGB, and the staff of the party apparatus themselves dependent on the affairs of these arrested. Another Demarche Stalin vs. Abakumova and his all-in-law in the MGB apparatus lay in the organizational plane. In January 1950, Stalin decided to create a collegium in the MGB and gave the corresponding instructions to Abakumov. According to Stalin's plan, this collegial management body would strengthen the control over the activities of Abakumov and would help dissolve its ambition.

Few earlier, the secret service of the leader, reported on abuses in a specialist. The director of the central warehouse of the specialtor was a person, in the past, which was brought to criminal responsibility for speculation and filmed from the post of the head of the Kazan Special Fraud. The leadership of the Moscow Regional Specotorg has sharpened products and industrial goods in the amount of more than 2 million rubles, for which the head of the Moscow State University was convicted for 25 years. Abakumov, in subordination of which, along with the nominal submission to the Ministry of Commerce of the USSR, was a specialtorg, received from Stalin the first strict reprimand with the warning.

Juga (the head of the secret service of Stalin), during the study of the official activity of Abakumov, managed to detect major failures in the work of one of the management of the USSR MGB, which was headed by Lieutenant Shevelev. These dips Abakumov hid from Stalin and Central Committee of WCP (b). Moreover, one of the main critics of the shortcomings in the work of this management, who has repeatedly speaking criticized at the party meetings, head of the department, Major Yevgeny Schukin was sent by Abakumov on a business trip to North Korea, where he died under mysterious circumstances. At the direction of Stalin, the management led by General Shevelev was derived from the MGB of the USSR and became one of the special divisions of the CPSU Central Committee (b). Abakumov also received a second strict reprimand with a warning. But on this misadventures of the powerful minister did not end.

The enemies and competitors of Abakumov systematically tone to it to Stalin. In addition, the leader has already conceived and the hands of the MGB began to carry out another cleaning. Being on vacation in the south of the country, repeatedly spoke about the need to reform both the service security service itself.

Returning from the next long-term autumn holiday (from August 11 to December 21, 1950) Stalin sharply reduced contacts with Abakumov, inviting him to his Kremlin office only once - April 6, 1951. It is difficult to say whether Abakumov understood how serious this sign And that something is treated against him. After that, in the magazine of visitors to the Kremlin Cabinet Stalin, the name of Abakumov will meet only on July 5, 1951, when it was decided to decide it from the post of Minister.

Thus, the letter of "offended" Abakumov investigator of the Ryumin fell into a good fertilized soil and was a formal reason for the beginning of the campaign of the personnel cleaning of the MGB system, accompanied by arrests of high-ranking employees. What did this investigator wrote? In a letter of Ryumin, dated 02.07.51, was contained a number of accusations against Abakumov. First, he "redeemed", very promising, from the point of view of the author of the letter, the case of the arrested MGB of the doctor Y.G. Etinger who could give important indications about the "pest doctors". Secondly, Abakumov hid an important information from the Central Committee on the shortcomings in counterintelligence work in Germany at Bismuth enterprises, which produced uranium ore. Finally, thirdly, the rules for conducting investigators established by decisions of the party and the government. In a letter, Ryumin called Abakumova "Dangerous Man" at an important state post.

According to the Ryumin application, already 05.07.51, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) decided: "Instruct the commissions in the composition of T.T. Malenkov (Chairman), Beria, Shkiryatova and Ignatiev Check the facts set forth in the statement of the Ryumin, and report on the results of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). The term of the commission is 3-4 days. "

Abakumov has not yet been arrested, but already 08.07.51 visited the interrogation of the Acting General Prosecutor K.A. Mokicheva. On the eve, on July 7, Abakumov wrote an explanatory note on accusation against him. All the charges of the Ryumin in connection with the case of Etinger Abakumov noted, wrapping Stalin in this explanatory note in his personal devotion.

On July 11, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) adopts a special decision (P82 / 437) "On a disadvantaged position in the MGB". It in particular says:

"On July 2, 1951, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) received a statement of the senior investigator of the investigative part of the USSR T. Ryumin, in which he signals a disadvantaged position in MGB with a consequence of a number of highly important cases of large state criminals and accuses the Minister State security t. Abakumova ...

Having received a statement T. Ryumin, CPSU Central Committee (b) created the Politburo Commission as part of TT. Malenkov, Beria, Shkiryatova, Ignatiev and instructed her to check the facts reported by T. Rumyn. In the process of verification, the commission interrogated the head of the investigative part on particularly important MGB T. Leonov, his deputy TT. Likhachev and Komarov, Head of the 2nd Main Department of MGB t. Schubnyakova, Deputy Head of the 2nd Main Department department t. Tangiyev, assistant chief of the investigative part t. Puttseva, Deputy Minister of State Security TT. Oretsova and Pitranov, and also heard the explanations of the T. Abakumov.

Due to the inspection, the facts set forth in the statement t. Ryumin, the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) decided immediately to remove the T. Abakumov from the duties of the Minister of State Security and instructed the first deputy minister T. Ogoltsov to execute the responsibilities of the Minister of State Security. It was July 4th. Based on the results of the audit, the Commission of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPP (b) set the following undeniable facts.

In November 1950, a Jewish nationalist was arrested, showing a sharply hostile attitude towards Soviet power, - Etinger's doctor. Under the interrogation with the senior investigator MGB t. Rumin's arrested ethinger, without any press, recognized that in the treatment of t. Shcherbakova A.S. He had terrorist intentions regarding him and practically accepted all measures to reduce his life.

The Central Committee of the CPSU (b) considers this testification of ethinger deserving serious attention. Among the doctors, there is no doubt a regular group of persons seeking to reduce the life of the party leaders and the government. You can not forget the crimes of such famous doctors, committed in the recent past, as the crimes of the doctor of the Plentnev and the doctor Levin, who, on the task of foreign intelligence, poisoned V.V. Kuibyshev and Maxim Gorky. These villains confessed their crimes on an open law, and Levin was shot, and the Pletnev was convicted by 25 years in prison.

However, the Minister of State Security T. Abakumov, having received the testimony of ethinger on its terrorist activities, in the presence of the Ryumin investigator, deputy. The chief of the investigative part of Likhachev, as well as in the presence of the criminal of the ethinger, recognized the testimony of ethinger far-fetched, said that this case does not deserve attention, heading MGB in the Debresii, and ceased further effect on this case. At the same time, t. Abakumov, neglecting the warning of MGB doctors, placed seriously sick arrested ethinger in obviously dangerous conditions for his health (in the crude and cold chamber), as a result of which on March 2, 1951, Etinger died in prison.

Thus, extinguishing the case of a ethinger, t. Abakumov prevented the Central Committee to identify, unconditionally an existing state-speaking group of doctors performing the task of foreign agents on terrorist activities against the leaders of the party and the government. It should be noted that t. Abakumov did not consider it necessary to inform the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on the recognition of the ethinger and thus hid this important matter from the party and the government. ... Based on the foregoing Central Committee, CPS (b) decides:

  1. Remove t. Abakumova from the work of the USSR State Security Minister as a person who has committed a crime against the party and the Soviet state, to exclude from the RBP (b) series and transfer it to the court.
  2. To remove the head of the investigative part from the post engaged by the Chief of the Investigative Part of the USSR T. Leonova and the Deputy Head of the Investigative Part T. Likhacheva as those who contributed to Abakumov to fool the party and exclude them from the party.
  3. To declare a reprimand to the first deputy minister T. Ogoltsov and the Deputy Minister of T. Pitovran for the fact that they did not show the necessary parties and did not signal the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) about the disadvantaged MGB.
  4. To oblige MGB to resume the investigation into the case of the terrorist activity of the ethinger .. ".

July 12, 1951 Abakumov V.S. He was arrested. According to the decree of the investigator of the prosecutor's office of the USSR, the preventive measure was elected detention in the Sokolnic Prison of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, Abakumov was taken to the "sailor silence" (at that very secret prison of the Central Committee) and placed alone. In order to conspict only the head of the prison, he was informed who his new prisoner was, whereas for all the others, he was now marked as "concluded No. 15".

The head of the Abakumov on July 13, the head of the investigative part of MGB A.G. Lonov and his deputies M.T. Likhachev and L. L. Shvartzman were arrested. A little later, on July 25, 1991, the managing deeds of MGB MK was arrested. Kochegarov, and on July 26, 1991, they were arrested by another deputy head of the investigative part of the MGB V.I. Komarov. After that, the arrest of MGB managers acquired more or less regular.

Abacum's stay under investigation is described in the literature repeatedly. Abakumov beat, planted a refrigerator, but he did not admit to anything. In the months, it turned into a full disabled person. The accusations presented to him changed along with the political situation in the country: he was accused of falsifying the doctors' affairs, then in excessive cruelty in its investigation, then in the organization of the Jewish conspiracy in the MGB. The accusations were collapsed, the investigators changed, and Abakumov continued to sit and after the death of Stalin, and after the arrest of Beria. In prison, even attentively, he continued to behave still - rudely and straight.

At the interrogation on August 10, 1951, he said: "In the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), I was repeatedly warned that our Chekist Authority would be afraid to apply physical impact measures to arrested - spies and other criminals."

The letter of the following content has been preserved:

"Comrades of Beria and Malenkov from the arrested Abakumova V.S.

Dear L.P. and G.M.

Two months later in the Lefortovo prison, I strongly asked investigators and beginning. Prisons give me paper to write letters to you and Tov. Ignatiev.

Something incredible was done with me. The first eight days were kept in an almost dark, cold chamber. Next, during the month, interrogations were organized in such a way that I slept just an hour and a half per day, and fed disgusting. At all interrogations there is a solid mat, mockery, insults, ridicule and other brutal trips. Throw me from the chair to the floor ... On the night of March 16, I was grabbed and led me to the so-called Cake, and in fact, as it turned out, it was a refrigerator with a pipeline installation, without windows, completely empty, 2 meters. In this horror, without air, without food (they gave a piece of bread and two water mugs per day), spent eight days. The installation turned on, the cold at that time was intensified. I have many times ... I fell into unconsciousness. I have never seen such atrocities in Lefortovo, I did not know such refrigerators - I was deceived. This stone bag can give death, injury and terrible aless, March 23, it almost ended in death - I was miracle and put me in the Sunchast, binding hearts and putting rubber bubbles with hot water under the feet. I asked all the time who allowed to do such a thing with me. They answered: "MGB leadership". By questions, I learned that this is Ryumin, who does what and how wants ...

I ask you, L. P. and G. M.:

1) Finish everything and return me to work ... I need treatment.

2) If this story will continue for a while, then take me from Lefortovo and get rid of the Ryumin and his friends. Maybe it is necessary to return to the sailor prison and give to interrogate the prosecutors ...

Maybe you can return my wife and baby home. You will always be grateful for it. She is honest and good man.

In the process of the investigation, some details of the personal life of Abakumov were revealed. Dining demonstratively went to Aragvi, and if it was loaded, the security brought him from there to kebabs. They cling to the street of pretty girls and led them to the hotel "Moscow", in bed. The main passion of Abakumova was football. No interesting match he missed. The Dynamo team considered his property. All the time emphasized: "Help the Dynamo, find a good judge to the match, so that it was honest. Make them good equipment, etc. " Secondly, his passion was a movie. Often he invited all the leadership of the ministries to his cinema, and hours until 7 am everyone looked trophy and our films.

Abakumov had two apartments in Moscow, in one of which - 120 meters, decorated with oak panels, a red tree, ancient furniture, his wife lived with countless carpets. (From fragmentary data, it is possible to allow the first wife Abakumov Tatiana Andreevna Semenova, a daughter of a shoemaker, a housewife. Most likely, it was at the divorce of Abakumov left a 5-chamber apartment in the telegraph alley of Moscow). In another - three hundredth, in the cap alley - he lived himself. In order for the Minister of State Security to adjust to this apartment, it took 16 families in 1948. For repair and equipment of this apartment illegally from the Ministry of the Ministry spent more than a million rubles. As directed by Abakumov for his personal needs, the head of the secretariat of the Minister, Colonel Chernov assigned about 500 thousand rubles from the funds intended for operational needs. Feeding responsibility for this crime, Abakumov In March 1950 ordered to destroy the accounting statements of the 1st Department of the Department of the Ministries' Affairs, which hesitates the management team.

The apartments were broken from the canteens and sleeping heads, unprecedented in the then Moscow of foreign refrigerators, sleeping and dining rooms. The apartment had 13 radio and radiols. 16 male and 7 female watches, 1260 meters of various fabrics, many table silver, 100 pairs of shoes, suitcase suspenders, 65 pairs of cufflinks. If you have to add a box with three ginseng roots and spent essentially in his personal disposal of the garage with many dozens of cars, then we can assume that the minister was going to live long.

Even a tradition was established, according to which the MGB officers left abroad expressed their respect to the Minister of State Security V. S. Abakumov, expensive gifts.

In early 1953, a project was prepared in the Abakumov case, and on February 17, Ignatiev sent him to Stalin and Malenkov. Stalin subjected the draft serious editing. The general focus of Stalin's editors was reduced to the emphasis of the personal guilt of Abakumov, concluded that he and his accomplices ignored the instructions of the Central Committee on the investigation of relations with foreign intelligence of the enemy of the Kuznetsov people. " That is, the spy component of the "Leningrad business". Procedured, taking into account the observations of Stalin, the draft of the indictment was again directed on February 26, 1953. Stalin and Malenkov. Stalin did not have time to consider this project.

After the death of Stalin, in the context of the struggle for power unfolded in the Central Committee, Beria initiated the revision of the most high-profile affairs arises in the late 40s of the 50s. Starting the case of Beria killed several hare at once. First, he provided quite friendly services to his associates: Malenkov (the interests of which were the interests of 1946 on hydration in the air industry), Molotov (whose wife was arrested by Stalin in connection with the case of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee), Kaganovich (whose brother Mikhail was Oklevtan and committed suicide). Secondly, stopping the "Mingral business" of Beria, in fact, eliminated the threat of his own person. Thirdly, freed from the prison of Chekist's associates, received reliable and devoted employees in their face. And finally, it easily earned authority and political capital, it is beneficial by putting himself a champion of justice. The first desire of Beria after the death of the leader was the liberation of their people - Chekists. Already on March 11, 1953, he sent a letter to Malenkov and Khrushchev, in which he painted the depressing picture that pretended to MGB. Beria did not hesitate and began to free his associates before the formal permission of the issue at the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee. Of course, the mercy of the new All-Fusion Minister of the Interior did not apply to those who participated in persecution on the close Beria of people or who he considered a man of Abakum Krug. So, remained under arrest: V.S. Abakumov, N.M. Rukhadze, N.A. Korolev, M.K. Kochegarov, A.G. Leonov, M.T. Likhachev, V.I. Komarov, I.A. Chernov, Ya.M. Browstan, L.L. Schwartzman.

Leave alive Abakumov ruling tip was disadvantageous. He knew too much. The court over Abakumov and his former subordinates opened on December 14, 1954 in the House of Officers in Leningrad. He did not recognize himself guilty, insisting on the fact that all decisions were taken by the Central Committee, he was only the performer: - Stalin gave instructions, I performed them.

On December 19, 1954, the outbound session of the USSR Supreme Court of the Supreme Court recognized Abakumova V.S. Guilty of articles for the standard set of anti-Soviet crimes. These are Articles 58-I-B, 58-7, 58-8 and 58-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR - Treason of Motherland, committed by military personnel, permit, committing terrorist attacks, participation in a counter-revolutionary organization. He announced the sentence - shooting. Shot it only 1 hour 15 minutes after sentencing.

"I inform you that the sentence of the military board of the Supreme Court of the SSR Union of December 19, 1954 against the convicts to the highest punishment - shooting: Abakumov Viktor Semenovich, born in 1908 (hereinafter referred to as the Group's transfer is being transferred), ... years at 12 o'clock 15 minutes.

In the execution of the sentence, the Prosecutor General of the SSR Union was attended by a valid State Advisor of Justice T. Rudenko R. A.

Head of the internal KGB prison under the Council of Ministers of the USSR - Lieutenant Colonel of Talanov on December 22, 1954 N 3763 ".

On July 28, 1994, Abakumov was revised. His actions were reclassified by Article 193-17, paragraph "b" (power abuse), and in 1997 a preventive measure was replaced by 25 years of imprisonment in ITL without confiscation of property.

A few words about the fate of the family. The next day, after imprisoning Abakumov, they were arrested by Abakumov's wife (apparently - civil) - Antonina Nikolaevna Smirnov, thirty-one, dependent, who had previously worked in the central office of the USSR MGB, - and with a two-month-old son in his hands concluded in a Sreten Ministry of Internal Affairs Smirnova A.N. The daughter of the Hynotizer Smirnova Nikolay Alexandrovich, who spent under the scenic pseudonym - Ornaldo, speaking at the end of the 20s. Nikolai Alexandrovich studied in India in the famous city of Benares, perfectly owned a massive hypnosis, gave concerts. According to some sources, since the beginning of the 30s Smirnov N.A. Allegedly collaborated with the NKVD. In 1936-1937, traces of Ornaldo are lost.

Abakumov's wife was released in March 1954, speaking with a child in prison without a small three years. And although the composition of the crime in the actions of the investigators will not discover, and it will be terminated, for several years they will send them from the son from Moscow for several years. According to some data, she soon died. Other data found failed.

The son of Abakumova and Antonina Nikolaevna - Igor Viktorovich Smirnov - doctor, doctor of medical sciences, professor, academician of the Raen, the founder of computer psychotechnology. He died in 2004. In Moscow, there is a research institute of psychotechnologies. I.V. Smirnova.

In 2013, Viktor Abakumova appeared on the Cemetery of Rockytiki in ten kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road. According to one version, the remains of Abakumov transported from St. Petersburg to Moscow and ran into the grave of the Son, on another tombstone - Kenotaf (the symbolic grave in which there are no remains).

On this, the tightened story ends. Who was Abakumov and what a place to take him, judge to you according to the read.

11 (24) of April 1908 was born in Moscow in Moscow in the family of a hospital depletion of Semyonovich and Bratka Efrosigni Petrovna Abakumov.

He graduated from the 4-class urban school. In 1920-1921 - a worker at the plants of Moscow. In 1921-1923 served as a Sanitar volunteer in the 2nd Moscow Brigade of Special Purpose (Chon). From 1924 - a worker, in 1925-1927 - Packagter of the Moscow Union of Fishing Cooperation, in the 1927-1928 arrows of the 1st squad of the military-industrial protection of the HSSR of the USSR, in 1928-30 - the packer of the centrosion warehouses.

In 1930 he joined the WCP (b). In January-September 1930, Abakumov was Deputy Head of the Administrative Department of the Trade and Parcement Office of the People's Commissariat of the RSFSR trading, and in 1932 he moved to Komsomolskaya work and was appointed secretary of the VLKSM cell at the Press Stamping Plant. In addition, in 1931-1932. Abakumov was the head of the Military Department of the Zamoskvoretsky district of Komsomol.

Administrative and political career

Member of WCP (b) since 1930.

In 1930, the Deputy Head of the Administrative Department of the Trade and Dumping Office of the People's Commerce of Trade of the RSFSR and the Cell Secretary of the VLKSM. In 1931-1932 - Head of the Military Department of the Zamoskvoretsky district of Komsomol.

In the OGPU-NKVD bodies from January 1932: the trainee of the Economic Department of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the OGPU in the Moscow Region, the Commissioner for the Economic Department of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the OGPU in the Moscow Region. Since 1933, the Commissioner of the Economic Department of the OGPU, then the Economic Department of the GOGB NKVD. But in 1934 it was revealed that the abacuses on conspiracy apartments met with various women. In this regard, it was transferred to the General Directorate of Correlation and Labor Camps and Labor Settlements (Gulag). In 1934-1937 - Operational authorized 3rd separation of the operational department of the Gulag. In 1937-1938 - Opera Compact 4th (Secret-Political) Department of the GOGB of the NKVD, Deputy Head of the 4th Department of the 1st Department of the NKVD, Head of the Board of the 2nd Department of the NKVD GOGB.

After coming to the NKVD L. P. Beria, from December 1938 - and. about. Head, and after approval in office from April 27, 1939 to 1941 - Head of the NKVD Department in the Rostov Region. He led the organization of mass repression in the Rostov region. At the same time, Abakumov, possessing a great physical force, sometimes personally severely beaten the trendy.

In 1941-1943 - Deputy People's Commissar of the internal affairs of the USSR (from February 1941) and the head of the Special Department of the NKVD of the USSR, which later (from July 1941) was transformed into Smerge. From April 1943 - Head of the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence "Sverdley" and Deputy People's Commissar of Defense.

In 1944, Abakumov participated in the implementation of the deportation of some nations of the North Caucasus. For this, he was awarded 2 orders - the Red Banner and Kutuzov. And in January-July 1945, remaining the leader of Smegor, was at the same time authorized by the NKVD on the 3rd Belorussian Front.

From March 1946 - Deputy, from May 7, 1946 to July 14, 1951. - Minister of State Security of the USSR.

In 1945, the title of Colonel-General was awarded. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd convocation.

In 1946, the abacues fabricated the materials on the basis of which A. I. Shahurin, the Commander of the Air Force A. A. Novikov, the chief engineer of the Air Force A. K. Repin and a number of other generals (convicts were accused of executive crimes, were incriminated Release and acceptance of low-quality aircraft).

In June 1946, Viktor Semenovich Abakumov was appointed Minister of State Security of the USSR instead of V. N. Merkulov. At the same time, Smered, in which the Abakumov served before that, entered the ministry as the 3rd control. The post of minister of state security led political repression. Under the leadership of Abakumov, a fabricated Leningrad business was fabricated and the beginning of the Factory of the EAC.

On February 19, 1951, Abakumov sent Stalin a completely secret report "On the need for eviction from the Western regions of Ukraine and Belarus, Moldavian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian SSR participants of the anti-Soviet sect of Jehogovists and their families." The result of this note was organized by the MGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs Operation "North" to evict Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as representatives of other religious associations (reformists, Innokentyev, the True Orthodox Church); The operation began on April 1, 1951. Deportation met per day.

From 12/31/1950 to 07/14/1951 Chairman of the MGB of the USSR College. In 1946-1951 was also a member of the Politburo Commission of the Central Committee of the CPP (b) on court cases. During his stay as a minister of state security, Abakumov significantly increased the possibilities and forces of the MGB.

Large love, Abakumov loved foxtrot, football and kebabs. Were carefully fitted and fashionable costumes, was engaged in tennis, was a master of sports on sambo.

Arrest and execution

July 12, 1951 was arrested, accused of state treason, a Zionist conspiracy in the MGB, in attempts to prevent the development of doctors. The reason for the arrest was the Donos Stalin from the head of the investigative part on particularly important cases of the USSR of the USSR of Lieutenant Colonel M. D. Rumin. In the Donos, Abakumov was accused of various crimes, mainly that he traded the investigation into cases of the group of doctors and the youth Jewish organization, allegedly prepared attempts against the country's leaders. According to some reports, the course of the Donos gave G. M. Malenkov. The Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU recognized the denunciation of M. D. Ryumin objective, decided to remove Abakumov from office and convey his work to court. The former minister was concluded in the Lefortovo prison. According to historians, accusations nominated against Abakumov were clearly contrived.

After the death of Stalin and coming to power, Khrushchev accusations against Abakumov were changed; He was charged in the guilt "Leningrad business", fabricated by him, according to the new official version, as a member of the Banda Baria. The former investigator MGB of the USSR Nicholas months recalls that Stalin suspected Beria in the patronage of Abakumov. After torture and beatings in prison became disabled.

It was devoted to the closed court (with the participation of Leningrad party workers) in Leningrad, which did not recognize himself guilty, and shot on December 19, 1954 in the Levashovsky forest of special purpose. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated November 14, 1955 is deprived of all awards and military ranks.

Pavel Jeroplats about Abakumov (from the book "Special Operations"):

In 1997, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of Abakumov was partially rehabilitated: they were charged with a betrayal of his homeland, and the sentence was replaced by 25 years of imprisonment without confiscation of property and retrained under the article "Militan-Official Crimes".


  • Two Orders of the Red Banner (04/26/1940, 1944),
  • Order of Suvorov I degree (07/31/1944),
  • Order of Suvorov II degree (8.03.1944),
  • Cutuzov Eden Order (04/21/1945),
  • Order of the Red Star (1944),
  • Medal "For the Defense of Moscow",
  • Medal "For Defense of Stalingrad",
  • Medal "For the Defense of the Caucasus",
  • Chestnaya sign "Honorary Worker of the HCH-OGPU (XV)" (9/05/1938)

In accordance with the verdict, the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1955 is deprived of all state awards. Together with Abakumov, the head of the investigative part was held on the proceedings on particularly important cases of MGB of the USSR A.G. Leonov, his deputies V.I. Komarov and M.T. Likhachev, investigators I.Ya. Chernov and Ya.M. Brovman, the first three were shot, Chernov was sentenced to 15 years, Brovman - by 25 years. In 1994, the sentence was replaced by 25 years without confiscation of property and retrained under the article "Military-Official Crimes".

Materials from the book are used: Zalessky K.A. Stalin Empire. Biographical encyclopedic dictionary. Moscow, Veche, 2000

In artistic literature

As the head of Smerger Viktor Abakumov appears in the novel V. O. Bogomolov "Moment of Truth" ("in August forty fourth"). However, his surname is not mentioned: he is "Colonel-General" and "Head of Military Counterintection".

As the Minister of State Security, Viktor Abakumov, appears in the novels "In the First Circle", "Gulag Archipelago" A. I. Solzhenitsyn; "Despair" Yu. S. Semenova, "Gospel from the executioner" of the Wainern brothers, "Prahi and ash" A. N. Rybakova, "The Secret Councilor of the leader" V. D. Uspensky.

In 2009, Abakumov appeared as one of the main characters in the series of semi-infantastic books Kirill Benedictova "Blockada" (part of the Ethnogenesis "project" Popular Literature ").

Abakumov, as the head of the NKVD prison on Lubyanka, is described in the book of Victoria Fedorova "Admiral daughter". Made from the 27th on December 28, 1946, the first interrogation of the famous Soviet actress - Zoe Alekseevna Fedorova for a fabricated charge of state treason.

In cinema

  • Star of the era (2005), Wolf Messing: Seeking through time (2009). In the role of Abakumova - Yuri Sllykov.
  • "In the first circle" (2006). In the role - Roman Magyanov.
  • "Stalin. Live »(2006). In the role - Vyacheslav innocent junior.
  • "It is ordered to destroy! Operation: "Chinese Casket", (2009). In the role - Stepan elders.
  • "Zhukov" (2012). In the role - Alexander Peskov.

On July 12, 1951, the Soviet Minister of MGB V.Abakumov was arrested. Milnographed Chekist, Pokhalim, Scounded and the womanist made a career on falsification of criminal cases and mass murders. Shooting many associates on the NKVD-MGB, got a bullet from his own.

About how Abakumov, an ordinary Chekist, which there were thousands of in, put forward in the executives of the actuator, are legends. A poorly educated and not far away, he was not deprived of physical strength and had a senior height. When it turned out, as Solzhenitsyn notes that "Abakumov well maintains a consequence, long deftly and famously brings in the face, and his great career began ..."

Probably, just such qualities and were in demand most in the era of Stalin's terror.

And the path to this nomination was simple and clear.

The one who was destined to become an all-powerful Minister of Stalin State Security - Viktor Semenovich Abakumov, was born in April 1908 in Moscow in the family of the black-worker. Later, the father worked in the hospital with a cleaner and an extract and died in 1922. Mother to the revolution worked for the seams, and then a nurse and laundry in the same hospital as the father. A lot of learning Abakumov did not happen.

According to personal data, he graduated from 3 class of urban school in Moscow in 1920. True, in the official biography, published before the elections to the Supreme Council in 1946, it was argued that he had a 4-class education obtained in 1921. It is not very clear what the rising young man was busy not by the years until the moment as in November 1921 he did a volunteer in Chon.

The service lasted until December 1923, and the entire next year abakumov is interrupted by random earnings, and for the most part sits without work. Everything changed in January 1925, when he was taken on a permanent job with a packer to Moskobromsoyuz. And in August 1927, Abakumov entered the service of the AWC on the protection of industrial enterprises. Here in 1927 he joined Komsomol.

Most likely, strong and supreme hopes, Volztser was seen by the authorities, and it is gradually promoting more and more important work. Since 1928, he is working again by a packer in the centrousa warehouse, and since January 1930, the Secretary of the Board of the State Joint-Stock Company "Gonole" and at the same time secretary of the Komsomol cell of the trading and parcel offices.

From January 1930 he is a candidate for members, and from September of the same year - a member of the WCP (b). Now the path of career growth for it is open. In October 1930, he was elected secretary of the Komsomol cell of the Press Plant and at the same time headed the secret part of this plant. Without a doubt, becoming the head of the secret part of the plant, Abakumov sadly helped OGPU. A new position that envisaged. It is known: from the strangement to the vowel work - just one step.


From January to December 1931, Abakumov - a member of the Bureau and Head of the Military Department of the Zamoskvoretsky district of the VLKSM. And in January 1932 he was adopted by a travelers in the Economic Department of the Institute of Economy of the OGPU in the Moscow Region. Soon he already authorized the same department, and from January 1933 in the central office of OGPU - authorized economic management.

And here the career gives a failure. In August 1934, Abakumov is transferred to the position of Opera Compact in the 3rd Department of the Security Department a. They rumored that he was disguised the irrepressible passion for women and the passion of fashionable Foxtrot's dance. It was rumored that on service conspiramic apartments, he satisfied intimate meetings.

In the youth of Abakumov, spent most of the time in the gym, engaged in the struggle. Do not forget other fun. Is the service right here?

The link to the Gulag lasted for a long time. Everything resolutely changed the 1937th. That's when you need strong and steep guys. The vacancies have opened significant - the arrests of the Chekists themselves became commonplace. In April 1937, Abakumov receives an important position - the operational of the 4th (secret-political) department of the GOGB NKVD. Now he is growing rapidly in positions, and in the ranks. In 1936, he was assigned the title of younger lieutenant GB in 1936, and in less than a year - in November 1937, he received the title of Lieutenant GB and already in 1938 he was appointed assistant to the head of the Secret-Political Department.

As it should be expected, in the conditions of Big Terror Abakumov specialized in investigative work. His sporting preparation and power came in handy here. He actively keeps interrogation and does not gently arrested.
The diligence of Abakumov was noticed.

His praised the new head of the secret-political department Bogdan Kobulov, who came together with Beria to the central office of the NKVD - the famous "Kobulich", a master of torture investigation, whose praise says much. Kobulov gave a recommendation for the nomination of Abakumov for independent work. On December 5, 1938, Abakumov was appointed head of the UNKVD in the Rostov region. He immediately, bypassing one step, assigned the title of captain GB, and already in March 1940, also through the step, the title of senior Major GB.

Beria appreciated good and loyal frames. In February 1941, he put forward Abakumov to his deputies, and a month after the beginning of the war, he gave him the position of head of the management of special departments - all military counterintelligence. At the same time, in July 1941, Abakumov appropriated the title of commissioner GB of the 3rd rank - that Lieutenant General corresponded to the army. So in four years of abacums from a simple younger lieutenant and "opera" rose to the general heights. After a year and a half, he was assigned the title of commissioner GB of the 2nd rank (04.02.1943).

Head of Speed

In April 1943, during the next reorganization, military counterintelligence bodies were derived from the subordination of Beria, and the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence (GUKR) of the Defense People's Defense was organized on them. Now the immediate chief of Abakumov became.

For a short time, Abakumov even became the deputy addict of defense, but already on May 20, 1943, with a reduction in the number of deposits, he lost this post. But now he is a frequent guest of the Kremlin Cabinet Stalin. If, before 1943, there was not a single visit to Stalin in the journal at the journal, then only in 1943, since March, Abakumov was adopted in the Kremlin eight times.

Abakumov advanced and received the location of Stalin on affairs against the military. The military command is always disturbed by the leader: whether there are some conspiracies, are they true to him - Stalin? Abakumov launched a feverish activity on the surveillance and collecting materials. In the archives of the State Security, many volumes of "wiretaps" of general are postponed. Serer authorities listened to Marshal Zhukov, generals of Kulik and Gordov, and many others. For the materials produced in such a way, the slices were shot, and only for the criticism of Stalin expressed them.

He received his first Order of the Red Banner Abakumov in 1940. The war added to him the commander orders. The general list of his awards included: two orders of the Red Banner (26.04.40, 20.07.1949); Order of Suvorov 1st degree (07/31/1944); Order of Kutuzov 1th degree (04/21/1945); Order of Suvorov 2nd degree (03/08/1944); Order of the Red Star; 6 medals. In addition, he had a sign "Honorary Worker of the HCH-GPU (XV)" (05/09/1938). Knowledgeive people are talking about something.

The Order of Suvorov of the 2nd degree of Abakumov received for participating in the eviction of Chechens and Ingush, and the Order of Kutuzov 1st degree - as an authorized NKVD on the 3rd Belarusian front for "cleaning of the rear" - carrying out wide repression and deportations in Prussia and Poland. In 1945, Abakumov assigned the rank of Colonel-General (07/09/1945).

In the autumn of 1945, Stalin, being unhappy with the work of the NKGB, initiated the development of a new structure of the People's Commissariat and seriously wanted to crumble the entire leading top. From the beginning of 1946, several options for the Organization of the NKGB-MGB were presented to Stalin. It was planned to include GUKR SMERSH to the MGB, and Abakumova to appoint the Deputy Minister for general issues. Stalin seemed little to be.

By the decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on May 4, 1946, a new structure of MGB was approved and instead of Merkulov, Abakum was appointed Minister. During the reception and transfer of cases in MGB, Abakumov had all efforts to defam the work of its predecessor.

A sudden exaltation spoke to him, and among his closest environments, Abakumov said: "Although Merkulov was the minister, but he was afraid of the Central Committee and did not know the road," then he himself, "still working the head of the counterintelligence, already knew his price and already then , not as an example of Merkulov, managed to conquer a durable authority. "

Stalinsky Ochrichnik

Appointing Abakumov, the Minister of State Security, Stalin wanted to see at the head of this organization grateful for the high post and completely devoted to him, and only him, the servant. Stalin was needed by the Minister, a fancy fear of all his surroundings, including members of the Politburo.

He stated to their staff to Abakumov: "I must be afraid everyone, I was talking about it in the Central Committee. Otherwise, what is me the head of the CC. " The authorship of this is quite obvious. "CC" - just as Stalin usually called the state security, regardless of which abbreviation at that time was in the go: NKVD, MGB or any other. And Abakumov perceived this farewell as a guide to action.

He liked his new position and his special significance. He loved to speak with gloating, as in compromising materials, mined MGB, "the leader was convicted." Did he conscious of the blind gun in the hands of Stalin, that sooner or later a dictator can cool to him?

Becoming the Minister, Abakumov continues all his tamess: on Marshal Zhukov, at the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Serov and all their surroundings. With the serovy, they once together in May-June 1941 held deportation of the population from the Baltic States, and for some reason, the abakums have since yet since the time it was not love. And the techniques of MGB work with Abakumov acquire a truly gangster character.

Here and the secret killings carried out by the DR department of the MGB led by Jeroplastov and Eightingon, and the abduction, and attacks on citizens. It reached the fact that MGB employees, giving themselves for Americans, in broad daylight April 15, 1948 attacked the Minister of Marine Fleet A.A. Afanasyev and "inclined" him to work on American intelligence. The next day, the outstanding minister wrote a statement to Beria and Abakumov. As a result, it was arrested in 10 days, and after a year, he received 20 years by the decision of the CGB.

Abakumov did not stop before performing any Stalin's order, even the most criminal. One of these shares was the murder of the People's Artist of the USSR Mikhoels. As shown on the investment of Abakumov: "As far as I remember, in 1948, the head of the Soviet government I.V. Stalin gave me an urgent task - to quickly organize the Employees of the MGB of the USSR, the elimination of Mikhoels, entrusting it with special persons. " At the same time, Stalin personally indicated Abakumov, who from MGB workers instruct this murder, and wished everything to look like an accident. Abakumov and his employees without a shadow of doubt completed the "urgent task" of the leader and teachers.

In MGB, the abacum is still practiced torture. In a directional Stalin in July 1947, the extensive explanation of the techniques of Abakumov adopted in the MGB indicated:
« In relation to the exposed consequences of spies, saboteurs, terrorists and other active enemies of the Soviet people, who brazenly refuse to issue their accomplices and do not indicate about their criminal activity, MGB bodies, in accordance with the indication of the Central Bank of WCP (b) dated January 10, 1939, apply physical impact measures. " Bey and tortured prisoners and subordinates Abakumov, and he himself, feeding them an example. How Ironically notes Solzhenitsyn: "... The Minister of State Security Abacuity himself did not bete this draft work (Suvorov on the advanced!), He is not off sometimes take a rubber stick in his hands».

Clouds above the head of Abakumov began to thicken already in the 1950s. Stalin decidedly demanded to organize a MGB board and introduce an experienced earmary to its composition. This in itself meant the political distrust of the Chekist Tips. In the same year, Abakumov, in fact, ignored the proposal of Stalin about the arrest of Sudplatov and Eatingon. Instead of acting, he went to consult this with Beria.

After the arrival of the holidays in December 1950, Stalin alone, Albakumov. As the minister, he accepted him in the Kremlin only once - April 6, 1951. And this is despite the fact that in 1949 there were 12 such meetings, and in 1950 - 6. The last time Abakumov crossed the threshold of Stalin's office on July 5, 1951, but now it was an invitation to the execution. From the post of Minister he was removed in the afternoon before, and in front of it was inevitable arrest.

"Party deceiver"

The accusation against Abakumov was the statement dated on June 2, 1951, the statement of the senior investigator MD. Ryumin, which completely coincided with the desire of Stalin to arrange a serious personnel cleaning in the MGB. Ryumin reported that Abakumov "redeemed" a very "promising" case of the arrested ethinger, who could have been indicated about the "pest doctors", hid from the Central Committee of Important Information about the shortcomings in counterintelligence work in Germany at Bismuth enterprises, which produced uranium ore, And finally, rudely violated the rules for conducting investigators established by the party and the government. Ryubin directly called Abakumova "Dangerous Man" at an important state post.

On July 11, 1951, Politburo adopted a special decision on a disadvantaged position in the MGB, in which Abakumov was accused of "deception of the party" and tightening investigative cases. The text of the decree "closed letter" was sent to familiarize themselves with the leaders of party bodies and MGB bodies. The next day, Abakumov was arrested.

Initially, the investigation led the prosecutor's office, but in February 1952, by order, Stalin Abakumov was transferred to MGB. And then it was serious for him. Former subordinates tormented Abakumov with special zeal. He had to experience all the innovations of the torture, introduced under it. Strange, but in his complaints to the Central Committee, Abakumov argued that he did not even know about some kind of torture. For example, about the camera with an artificial cold. A month later, the result was quite expected. According to March 24, 1952, a certificate, crippled by Abakumov barely stood on his feet and moved only with extreme help.

From the arrested Chekists, the testimony was obtained, of which it followed that the party leadership of Abakumov did not put in a penny, contemptuously responded about Suslov, Vyshinsky and Gromyko, reflected in Molotov.

Once, when Pitovranov, representing the minister a draft note, said that he had already informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the phone, Abakumov exploded: "You not only don't know how to work and write, but also break out different Vyshinsky and Rudyomov, which is not It follows Only I should know about it. My name Abakumov. According to Pitovranov, Abakumov was banked by the fact that in the Central Committee he "addresses easily", and always receives support, and there "everything goes on him." Of course, it was a clear sign that Abakumov fell into and lost a connection with reality.

And yet the investigation in the case of Abakumov was tight. In the MGB certificate of October 15, 1952, aimed at the Central Committee in the name of Malenkov and Beria, it was said that Abakumov "confuses the investigators." Meanwhile, Abakumov and on the investigation continued to justify his activities in the MGB and argued, for example, that Marshal Zhukov is a "very dangerous person." Abakumova continued to drain, he was transferred to the Butyond prison, there were handcuffs around the clock.

Stalin personally gave this instruction. He was dissatisfied with the slowness of the investigation. As the former deputy minister of state security by Goglidze wrote later in an explanatory note: "Comrade Stalin was almost daily interested in the investigation in the case of the doctors and the case of Abakumova-Schwartzman, talking to me on the phone, sometimes causing to his office. Speaking Comrade Stalin, as a rule, with great irritation, constantly expressing dissatisfaction with the course of the investigation, Branil, threatened and, as a rule, demanded the arrested beat: "Beat, beat, beat the mortal battle." Stalin demanded to open the Spyware Activities of the Abakumov Group.

In the end, under the pressure of Stalin, the indictment was prepared in the case of Abakumova-Schwartzmann on 10 MGB managers. The Minister of State Security Ignatiev on February 17, 1953 sent him to Stalin with a proposal to consider the case at the Military Collegium in a simplified manner (without the participation of protection and accusation) and sentence all the case towards the shooting. Stalin did not approve the proposed option. He considered that the accused was not enough, and drawn resolution: "Not enough?" Stalin stated the leaders of the MGB, which submitted by them, "the reasons and the process of falling Abakumov, submitted by them".

Member "Band Beria"

If, at Stalin, Abakumov was accused of deception of the Central Committee, participation in the "Zionist conspiracy" and the collapse of the MGB work, then with the death of the dictator, the wind blew up in the other direction. Abakumov's goats came to the fore (although Stalin stood for them, of course, stood against Malenkov and Molotov.

Sitting, attempts to shove each other - this was the usual situation and in the punitive office, and in the party apparatus. Beria was consciously sacrificed Abakumov, saving himself and switching the attention of the leadership of the Poslestalinsky Presidium of the Central Committee with his own crimes of old years for the recent, perfect Abakumov. Of course, Beria could not independently solve the fate of Abakumov, this was the sanction of the Presidium of the Central Committee. Yes, and the desire to bother for him, Beria clearly was not. He remembered well that it was Abakumov who turned out in 1946-1947 from MGB of faithful Berievtsev: Merkulov, Kobulov, Milshtein and Vlodzimirsky.

Everything was changed again after the arrest of Beria. Abakumov continued to sit, but previously nominated against him "morally outdated". So far, the investigation in the case of Beria, about Abakumov, it would seem, forgotten. It was serious to his case returned in the spring of 1954, after the rehabilitation of victims in the "Leningrad case". Now Vina Abakumova was to carry out illegal repression, and his backs were counted to "Band Beria".

Consideration of the ABACUMOVA case was held on December 14-19, 1954 in Leningrad, in the district office of officers on the process, which was "open". The prosecution was supported by the Prosecutor General Rudenko himself. Of course, in the courtroom, where the departure session of the Military Collegium was awarded, the idle and curious public was not allowed. Only a reliable and proven contingent.

Together with Abakumov on the dock there were another 5 people. Abakumov and workers were also accused of unreasonable arrests, the use of criminal methods of investigation, falsification of investigative cases, and secretariat employees in the fact that, as directed by Abakumov, they were hidden and not sent to the Central Committee the complaints arrested on lawlessness. Abakumov and workers of the investigative part were sentenced to shooting, and two employees of the MGB secretariat - to great terms under Art. 58. In the same place, in Leningrad, the sentence was carried out. About the court over Abakumov and his execution briefly reported central printing on December 24.

Abakumov Viktor Semenovich, one of the leaders of state security bodies, commissar of state security 2nd rank (4.2.1943), Colonel-General (9.7.1945). Son of the Power. Education received in the 4-class urban school (1921). In 1921-23 served by Sanitar in the 2nd Moscow Brigade of Parts of Special Purpose (Chon). Since 1924 - a worker; In 1925-27, the Packer of the Moscow Union of Fishing Cooperation, in 1927-28, the arrows of the 1st squad of the military-industrial protection of the HSSR of the USSR, in 1928-30 g. Centrousa warehouse packter. In 1930 he joined the WCP (b). In January-September 1930, Abakumov was a deputy. nach Administrative department of the trading and parcel office of the People's Commissariat of Trade of the RSFSR, and in 1932 he was on the Komsomol work and was appointed secretary of the VLKSM cell at the press "Press. In 1931-32 Head of the Military Department of the Zamoskvoretsky district of Komsomol.

In 1932, among other Komsomol workers were transferred to the OGPU "to strengthen", during the constant cleaning of the authorities made a quick career: in 1932-33, the workant of the Economic Department of the Plenipotentiary Representative Office of the OGPU in the Moscow Region, in 1933-34, Opera Compact 3 -to department of economic management OGPU (from 1934 - NKVD of the USSR). In 1934, Abakumov's violations were revealed, expressed that he used conspiracy apartments for meetings with women, and he was transferred to the main department of correctional labor camps and labor settlements, where he worked, the posts of the authorized and operational 3rd department of the Operational Department . In 1937-38, the Opera Compact 4th (Secret-Political) Department of the GOGB of the NKVD of the USSR. From 1938 Departments of the 4th (Secret-Political) Department of the 1st Department of the NKVD, the 2nd Branch of the 2nd (Secret-Political Department) of the GUGB department. After coming to the NKVD L.P. Beria Abakumov from December 5, 1938 began to fulfill the duties of the beginning. Management of the NKVD in the Rostov region. 27.4.1939 approved. He led the organization of mass repression in Rostov-on-Don. Abakumov's methods have become widely known primarily due to its extreme, even for investigators of GUGB, cruelty. Subsequently, already occupying posts deputy. The People's Commissar (Minister) and the Minister, Abakumov, distinguished by a great physical force, continued to personally interrogue, during which he personally beat the trendy.

From 25.2.1941. Commissar of the internal affairs of the USSR and simultaneous 19.7.1941, beginning. Management of special departments. The headed by Abakumov managed the management of state security agencies in the Soviet Army and Fleet, as well as in general of all armed formations (militia, internal troops, border troops). 19.4.1943 Special departments were derived from the NKVD of the USSR and under the start of Abakumov, the General Directorate of Smerd Counterintelligence was created, at the same time abakumov became a deputy. The People's Commissar of the Defense of the USSR, thus turning into direct submission I.V. Stalin. Smered, deciphering as "death to spies", led by counterintelligence in the army and fleet, incl. It was his staff carried out "filtering" liberated from the captivity of Soviet soldiers, as well as the identification of unreliable elements on the territories liberated by the Soviet army. By order of Abakumov, the Swedish diplomat R. Wallenberg was arrested in Budapest, who saved in the times of fascism of thousands of lives. In 1944, he participated in the organization of deportations of some nations of the North Caucasus, for which he received the Order of Kutuzov and the Red Banner. In January-July 1945, the Ombudsman of the NKVD on the 3rd Belorussian Front was simultaneously. In 1946 he was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In Apr. 1946 prepared materials on which the leaders of the aviation industry A.I. Shahurin, A.A. Novikov, etc. 4.5.1946 Changed V.N. MERKULOVA as Minister of State Security of the USSR, and Smerh entered the ministry as the 3rd control. In 1946-51, he was also a member of the Politburo Commission of the Central Committee of the CPP (b) on court cases. In 1950-51, under the direct leadership of Abakumov, the Ministry falsified so-called. The "Leningrad business", according to the "results of which numerous arrests and executions were produced, first of all the party-economic asset - immigrants from Leningrad." During these years, Abakumov's influence has increased sharply and began to be considered as one of the main rivals of Beria, whose personal enemy became Abakumov. Gradually, from the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the MGB passed all the most important units, incl. Police, criminal wanted, militarized security. However, in May 1947, reconnaissance was seized from the conduct of Abakumov. In 1948, on behalf of Stalin, he organized the murder of S.M. Mikhoels. In the life of great loves, Abakumov loved Foxtrot, football and kebabs, which he was brought from the Aragvi restaurant.

Did not show sufficient activity in the so-called deployment. "Doctors' business, for which he was in July 1951 removed from the post. To verify its activities, the Commission was formed, which included his enemies G.M. Malenkov, Beria, M.F. Shkiryatov, S.D. Ignatiev. 12.7.1951 Arrested on charges of concealment of the "Zionist conspiracy" in the MGB of the USSR, a direct reason for which the Donos MD served. Ryumin. During the investigation, torture and beating were actively used to Abakumov, and soon it turned into a full disabled. After the death of Stalin and the arrest of Beria Abakumov never was released. At the outdoor meeting of the military board of the Supreme Court of the USSR in Leningrad 12-19 Dec. 1954 Abakumov was accused of fabricating court cases, incl. "Leningrad", and other official crimes, named "Member of the Beria Gang." He did not recognize himself guilty by saying: "Stalin gave instructions, I performed them." The court acknowledged Abakumov guilty of betraying the homeland, inseparation, the commitment of terrorist attacks, participation in the counter-revolutionary organization and sentenced to the death penalty.

Immediately after the trial, the Prosecutor General of the USSR Rudenko told Khrushchev by phone to Moscow "On the fulfillment of the task and asked if it was possible to collapse." Having received an affirmative answer, Rudenko did not exist. Abakumov shot on the same day. Having could hardly humiliate to the petition for pardon, but the fact that he was deprived of this opportunity. - Installed fact.

In 1994, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR Abakumov was partially rehabilitated: the accusation of his homeland was removed from him, that is, he is no longer a state criminal.

For merits to the country and the people of Abakumov, the orders of the Red Banner, Suvorov 1 and II degree, Cutuzov I degree, Red Star, Medals for the defense of Moscow, Stalingrad, the Caucasus.

Best days

uSS. 13.07.2006 02:51:50

the killer executed hundreds of thousands of innocent people

They are
Valery 24.11.2009 11:39:10

I believe that such a person like Victor Semenovich is worthy of imitation!

the response about the execution of the MGB of the USSR Abakumova
Yura Volgin 17.01.2011 04:14:08

Abakumov VS, I suppose, like many other state security officers, was convicted and the sentence was not canceled wrongfully because they carried out the orders of Joseph Jugashvili - Stalin, who committed a crime against humanity for which there is no limitations. Therefore, the sentence of Abakumov should be canceled, the more responsibility those who tied and torture Abakumov. Ulyanov V.I. - Lenin and Jugashvili I.V. - Stalin, kings of Russia, who used aggressive wars, genocides and mass murders - the execution of innocent people, should be convicted of crimes against peace and humanity, and the soldiers who are among those of Abakumov are innocent.
Yura Volgin
January 17, 2011

member of the CPSU since 1905
14.02.2012 01:03:14

nurgolias of the current abokumov

In relation to Abakumov
14.10.2012 11:31:20

In the American film "The Great Father" is a scene, where the main character is talking to his bride. She says he that his father is the head of the mafia and a criminal. And he, in response, said that his father is the same as all those who are responsible for people like senators, for example. She is how naive you, senators do not kill people. He looked at her and said - that's you naive Kate.
In May 1941, the KB was designed under the leadership of VG Aband 57 mm anti-tank gun ZIS-2. And immediately began her release. She pierced German tanks at a distance of one and a half kilometers. They released them until the autumn somewhere 370 pieces. And in October, Lieutenant General Govorov L.A., artilleryman, and at that time, the army commander, wrote a member that the gun was too powerful and there are no worthy goals for her. The release must be stopped. He was supported by General Voronov - the Commander of the RKKKA artillery. As anti-tank almost 1944, chanting 45-ku. They shot it out of 500 meters, and usually from two hundred. The forehead of the German tanks, she did not break through the front armored leafs. Several shots and tank pressed and the gun and the calculation. The question is how many lives of artillerymen were deprived of the dialects and crows. We must think that not one thousand. But breaking the tank pressed and the rest in position and in our rear. And our large military inhabited by theories of Tukhachevsky on continuous offensive and the country's strategic reserves to the border. With 50 warehouses, we didn't take anything at all, and from the rest of the half managed to take something. Only 8 million pairs of boots burned, the population cleared and captured the Germans. And it happened that our grandfathers fought with one rifle on five, chopped cartridges were given. How many unnecessary killed and what pieces of territory it cost? A comrade Zhukov, who pulled all the reserves to himself and as a result, the successful attack of Tymoshenko under Kharkov in 1942 due to the lack of reserves was frightened and we went to Stalingrad. But in the Germans under Kharkov, the panic began. This is how many lives cost. And Zeelovsky heights in the forehead is like. And being Minister of Defense by sending troops under the atomic explosion on the Totsk Polygon. But the beetles of the people's hero, the Savior of the Fatherland, etc. He can.
How many lives could kill the security officer in 1937-38, who was Abakumov? Even a few hundredths do not go. Up he went when the repression was already folded, the main contingent of the victims was in 1936, 1937 and the first half of 1938.
The fact that Abakumov personally torture and encouraged this case does not collected it certainly, but he also tried it to reach the condition of cripples. A modernized and organized military counterintelligence of the Germans beat the Germans on all of the article. The Germans had more than 150 intelligences and in each of them we had from one to several people who worked for state security and Smered. And how many saved lives of our fighters and civilians?
My opinion was time, there were people to him fit, there were actions.

The takeoff of the Minister of Stalin's State Security Ministry began together with the big terror

About how Abakumov, an ordinary Chekist, which there were thousands in the NKVD, put forward to the executives of the actuator, are legends. A poorly educated and not far away, he was not deprived of physical strength and had a senior height. When it turned out, as Solzhenitsyn notes that "Abakumov well leads a consequence, long deftly and famously brings in the face, and his great career began ..." Probably, just such qualities and were in demand most in the era of Stalin's terror.

And the path to this nomination was simple and clear.

The one who was destined to become an all-powerful Minister of Stalin State Security - Viktor Semenovich Abakumov, was born in April 1908 in Moscow in the family of the black-worker. Later, the father worked in the hospital with a cleaner and an extract and died in 1922. Mother to the revolution worked for the seams, and then a nurse and laundry in the same hospital as the father. A lot of learning Abakumov did not happen. According to personal data, he graduated from 3 class of urban school in Moscow in 1920. True, in the official biography, published before the elections to the Supreme Council in 1946, it was argued that he had a 4-class education obtained in 1921. It is not very clear what the rising young man was busy not by the years until the moment as in November 1921 he did a volunteer in Chon. The service lasted until December 1923, and the entire next year abakumov is interrupted by random earnings, and for the most part sits without work. Everything changed in January 1925, when he was taken on a permanent job with a packer to Moskobromsoyuz. And in August 1927, Abakumov entered the service of the AWC on the protection of industrial enterprises. Here in 1927 he joined Komsomol.

Most likely, strong and supreme hopes, Volztser was seen by the authorities, and it is gradually promoting more and more important work. Since 1928, he is working again by a packer in the centrousa warehouse, and since January 1930, the Secretary of the Board of the State Joint-Stock Company "Gonole" and at the same time secretary of the Komsomol cell of the trading and parcel offices. From January 1930 he is a candidate for members, and from September of the same year - a member of the WCP (b). Now the path of career growth for it is open. In October 1930, he was elected secretary of the Komsomol cell of the Press Plant and at the same time headed the secret part of this plant. Without a doubt, becoming the head of the secret part of the plant, Abakumov sadly helped OGPU. A new position that envisaged. It is known: from the strangement to the vowel work - just one step.


From January to December 1931, Abakumov - a member of the Bureau and Head of the Military Department of the Zamoskvoretsky district of the VLKSM. And in January 1932 he was adopted by a travelers in the Economic Department of the Institute of Economy of the OGPU in the Moscow Region. Soon he already authorized the same department, and from January 1933 in the central office of OGPU - authorized economic management. And here the career gives a failure. In August 1934, Abakumov is transferred to the position of Opera Compact in the 3rd Department of the Protection Department of the Gulag. They rumored that he was disguised the irrepressible passion for women and the passion of fashionable Foxtrot's dance. It was rumored that on service conspiramic apartments, he satisfied intimate meetings.

In the youth of Abakumov, spent most of the time in the gym, engaged in the struggle. Do not forget other fun. Is the service right here?

The link to the Gulag lasted for a long time. Everything resolutely changed the 1937th. That's when you need strong and steep guys. The vacancies have opened significant - the arrests of the Chekists themselves became commonplace. In April 1937, Abakumov receives an important position - the operational of the 4th (secret-political) department of the GOGB NKVD. Now he is growing rapidly in positions, and in the ranks. In 1936, he was assigned the title of younger lieutenant GB in 1936, and in less than a year - in November 1937, he received the title of Lieutenant GB and already in 1938 he was appointed assistant to the head of the Secret-Political Department.

As it should be expected, in the conditions of Big Terror Abakumov specialized in investigative work. His sporting preparation and power came in handy here. He actively keeps interrogation and does not gently arrested.

The diligence of Abakumov was noticed. His praised the new head of the secret-political department of Bogdan Kobulov, the famous "Kobulich", a master of torture, whose praise says a lot about many gum says to the central office of the NKVD. Kobulov gave a recommendation for the nomination of Abakumov for independent work. On December 5, 1938, Abakumov was appointed head of the UNKVD in the Rostov region. He immediately, bypassing one step, assigned the title of captain GB, and already in March 1940, also through the step, the title of senior Major GB.

Beria appreciated good and loyal frames. In February 1941, he put forward Abakumov to his deputies, and a month after the beginning of the war, he gave him the position of head of the management of special departments - all military counterintelligence. At the same time, in July 1941, Abakumov appropriated the title of commissioner GB of the 3rd rank - that Lieutenant General corresponded to the army. So in four years of abacums from a simple younger lieutenant and "opera" rose to the general heights. After a year and a half, he was assigned the title of commissioner GB of the 2nd rank (04.02.1943).

Head of Speed

In April 1943, during the next reorganization, military counterintelligence bodies were derived from the subordination of Beria, and the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence (GUKR) of the Defense People's Defense was organized on them. Now Stalin became the immediate head of Abakumov. For a short time, Abakumov even became the deputy addict of defense, but already on May 20, 1943, with a reduction in the number of deposits, he lost this post. But now he is a frequent guest of the Kremlin Cabinet Stalin. If, before 1943, there was not a single visit to Stalin in the journal at the journal, then only in 1943, since March, Abakumov was adopted in the Kremlin eight times.

Abakumov advanced and received the location of Stalin on affairs against the military. The military command is always disturbed by the leader: whether there are some conspiracies, are they true to him - Stalin? Abakumov launched a feverish activity on the surveillance and collecting materials. In the archives of the State Security, many volumes of "wiretaps" of general are postponed. Serer authorities listened to Marshal Zhukov, generals of Kulik and Gordov, and many others. For the materials produced in such a way, the slices were shot, and only for the criticism of Stalin expressed them.

He received his first Order of the Red Banner Abakumov in 1940. The war added to him the commander orders. The general list of his awards included: two orders of the Red Banner (26.04.40, 20.07.1949); Order of Suvorov 1st degree (07/31/1944); Order of Kutuzov 1th degree (04/21/1945); Order of Suvorov 2nd degree (03/08/1944); Order of the Red Star; 6 medals. In addition, he had a sign "Honorary Worker of the HCH-GPU (XV)" (05/09/1938). Knowledgeive people are talking about something.

The Order of Suvorov of the 2nd degree of Abakumov received for participating in the eviction of Chechens and Ingush, and the Order of Kutuzov 1st degree - as an authorized NKVD on the 3rd Belarusian front for "cleaning of the rear" - carrying out wide repression and deportations in Prussia and Poland. In 1945, Abakumov assigned the rank of Colonel-General (07/09/1945).

In the autumn of 1945, Stalin, being unhappy with the work of the NKGB, initiated the development of a new structure of the People's Commissariat and seriously wanted to crumble the entire leading top. From the beginning of 1946, several options for the Organization of the NKGB-MGB were presented to Stalin. It was planned to include GUKR SMERSH to the MGB, and Abakumova to appoint the Deputy Minister for general issues. Stalin seemed little to be. By the decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on May 4, 1946, a new structure of MGB was approved and instead of Merkulov, Abakum was appointed Minister. During the reception and transfer of cases in MGB, Abakumov had all efforts to defam the work of its predecessor. A sudden exaltation spoke to him, and among his closest environments, Abakumov said: "Although Merkulov was the minister, but he was afraid of the Central Committee and did not know the road," then he himself, "still working the head of the counterintelligence, already knew his price and already then , not as an example of Merkulov, managed to conquer a durable authority. "

Stalinsky Ochrichnik

Appointing Abakumov, the Minister of State Security, Stalin wanted to see at the head of this organization grateful for the high post and completely devoted to him, and only him, the servant. Stalin was needed by the Minister, a fancy fear of all his surroundings, including members of the Politburo. He stated to their staff to Abakumov: "I must be afraid everyone, I was talking about it in the Central Committee. Otherwise, what is me the head of the CC. " The authorship of this is quite obvious. "CC" - just as Stalin usually called the state security, regardless of which abbreviation at that time was in the go: NKVD, MGB or any other. And Abakumov perceived this farewell as a guide to action. He liked his new position and his special significance. He loved to speak with gloating, as in compromising materials, mined MGB, "the leader was convicted." Did he conscious of the blind gun in the hands of Stalin, that sooner or later a dictator can cool to him?

Becoming the Minister, Abakumov continues all his tamess: on Marshal Zhukov, at the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Serov and all their surroundings. With the serovy, they once together in May-June 1941 held deportation of the population from the Baltic States, and for some reason, the abakums have since yet since the time it was not love. And the techniques of MGB work with Abakumov acquire a truly gangster character. Here and the secret killings carried out by the DR department of the MGB led by Jeroplastov and Eightingon, and the abduction, and attacks on citizens. It reached the fact that MGB employees, giving themselves for Americans, in broad daylight April 15, 1948 attacked the Minister of Marine Fleet A.A. Afanasyev and "inclined" him to work on American intelligence. The next day, the outstanding minister wrote a statement to Beria and Abakumov. As a result, it was arrested in 10 days, and after a year, he received 20 years by the decision of the CGB.

Abakumov did not stop before performing any Stalin's order, even the most criminal. One of these shares was the murder of the People's Artist of the USSR Mikhoels. As shown on the investment of Abakumov: "As far as I remember, in 1948, the head of the Soviet government I.V. Stalin gave me an urgent task - to quickly organize the Employees of the MGB of the USSR, the elimination of Mikhoels, entrusting it with special persons. " At the same time, Stalin personally indicated Abakumov, who from MGB workers instruct this murder, and wished everything to look like an accident. Abakumov and his employees without a shadow of doubt completed the "urgent task" of the leader and teachers.

In MGB, the abacum is still practiced torture. In directional Stalin in July 1947, the extensive explanation of the techniques adopted in the MGB indicated the investigations of Abakumov: "In relation to the exposed consequences of spies, saboteurs, terrorists and other active enemies of the Soviet people who brazenly refuse to issue their accomplices and do not indicate about their criminal activities. , MGB bodies, in accordance with the indication of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) of January 10, 1939, apply physical impact measures. " Bey and tortured prisoners and subordinates Abakumov, and he himself, feeding them an example. How Ironically notes Solzhenitsyn: "... The Minister of State Security Abacuity himself did not bete this draft work (Suvorov on the advanced!), It's not averse to take a rubber stick in the hands."

Clouds above the head of Abakumov began to thicken already in the 1950s. Stalin decidedly demanded to organize a MGB board and introduce an experienced earmary to its composition. This in itself meant the political distrust of the Chekist Tips. In the same year, Abakumov, in fact, ignored the proposal of Stalin about the arrest of Sudplatov and Eatingon. Instead of acting, he went to consult this with Beria. After the arrival of the holidays in December 1950, Stalin alone, Albakumov. As the minister, he accepted him in the Kremlin only once - April 6, 1951. And this is despite the fact that in 1949 there were 12 such meetings, and in 1950 - 6. The last time Abakumov crossed the threshold of Stalin's office on July 5, 1951, but now it was an invitation to the execution. From the post of Minister he was removed in the afternoon before, and in front of it was inevitable arrest.

"Party deceiver"

The accusation against Abakumov was the statement dated on June 2, 1951, the statement of the senior investigator MD. Ryumin, which completely coincided with the desire of Stalin to arrange a serious personnel cleaning in the MGB. Ryumin reported that Abakumov "redeemed" a very "promising" case of the arrested ethinger, who could have been indicated about the "pest doctors", hid from the Central Committee of Important Information about the shortcomings in counterintelligence work in Germany at Bismuth enterprises, which produced uranium ore, And finally, rudely violated the rules for conducting investigators established by the party and the government. Ryubin directly called Abakumova "Dangerous Man" at an important state post.

On July 11, 1951, Politburo adopted a special decision on a disadvantaged position in the MGB, in which Abakumov was accused of "deception of the party" and tightening investigative cases. The text of the decree "closed letter" was sent to familiarize themselves with the leaders of party bodies and MGB bodies. The next day, Abakumov was arrested.

Initially, the investigation led the prosecutor's office, but in February 1952, by order, Stalin Abakumov was transferred to MGB. And then it was serious for him. Former subordinates tormented Abakumov with special zeal. He had to experience all the innovations of the torture, introduced under it. Strange, but in his complaints to the Central Committee, Abakumov argued that he did not even know about some kind of torture. For example, about the camera with an artificial cold. A month later, the result was quite expected. According to March 24, 1952, a certificate, crippled by Abakumov barely stood on his feet and moved only with extreme help.

From the arrested Chekists, the testimony was obtained, of which it followed that the party leadership of Abakumov did not put in a penny, contemptuously responded about Suslov, Vyshinsky and Gromyko, reflected in Molotov. Once, when Pitovranov, representing the minister a draft note, said that he had already informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the phone, Abakumov exploded: "You not only don't know how to work and write, but also break out different Vyshinsky and Rudyomov, which is not It follows Only I should know about it. My name Abakumov. According to Pitovranov, Abakumov was banked by the fact that in the Central Committee he "addresses easily", and always receives support, and there "everything goes on him." Of course, it was a clear sign that Abakumov fell into and lost a connection with reality.

And yet the investigation in the case of Abakumov was tight. In the MGB certificate of October 15, 1952, aimed at the Central Committee in the name of Malenkov and Beria, it was said that Abakumov "confuses the investigators." Meanwhile, Abakumov and on the investigation continued to justify his activities in the MGB and argued, for example, that Marshal Zhukov is a "very dangerous person." Abakumova continued to drain, he was transferred to the Butyond prison, there were handcuffs around the clock.

Stalin personally gave this instruction. He was dissatisfied with the slowness of the investigation. As the former deputy minister of state security by Goglidze wrote later in an explanatory note: "Comrade Stalin was almost daily interested in the investigation in the case of the doctors and the case of Abakumova-Schwartzman, talking to me on the phone, sometimes causing to his office. Speaking Comrade Stalin, as a rule, with great irritation, constantly expressing dissatisfaction with the course of the investigation, Branil, threatened and, as a rule, demanded the arrested beat: "Beat, beat, beat the mortal battle." Stalin demanded to open the Spyware Activities of the Abakumov Group.

In the end, under the pressure of Stalin, the indictment was prepared in the case of Abakumova-Schwartzmann on 10 MGB managers. The Minister of State Security Ignatiev on February 17, 1953 sent him to Stalin with a proposal to consider the case at the Military Collegium in a simplified manner (without the participation of protection and accusation) and sentence all the case towards the shooting. Stalin did not approve the proposed option. He considered that the accused was not enough, and drawn resolution: "Not enough?" Stalin stated the leaders of the MGB, which submitted by them, "the reasons and the process of falling Abakumov, submitted by them".

Member "Band Beria"

If, at Stalin, Abakumov was accused of deception of the Central Committee, participation in the "Zionist conspiracy" and the collapse of the MGB work, then with the death of the dictator, the wind blew up in the other direction. Abakumov's goats came to the fore (although Stalin stood for them, of course, stood against Malenkov and Molotov. Sitting, attempts to shove each other - this was the usual situation and in the punitive office, and in the party apparatus. Beria was consciously sacrificed Abakumov, saving himself and switching the attention of the leadership of the Poslestalinsky Presidium of the Central Committee with his own crimes of old years for the recent, perfect Abakumov. Of course, Beria could not independently solve the fate of Abakumov, this was the sanction of the Presidium of the Central Committee. Yes, and the desire to bother for him, Beria clearly was not. He remembered well that it was Abakumov who turned out in 1946-1947 from MGB of faithful Berievtsev: Merkulov, Kobulov, Milshtein and Vlodzimirsky.

Everything was changed again after the arrest of Beria. Abakumov continued to sit, but previously nominated against him "morally outdated". So far, the investigation in the case of Beria, about Abakumov, it would seem, forgotten. It was serious to his case returned in the spring of 1954, after the rehabilitation of victims in the "Leningrad case". Now Vina Abakumova was to carry out illegal repression, and his backs were counted to "Band Beria".

Consideration of the ABACUMOVA case was held on December 14-19, 1954 in Leningrad, in the district office of officers on the process, which was "open". The prosecution was supported by the Prosecutor General Rudenko himself. Of course, in the courtroom, where the departure session of the Military Collegium was awarded, the idle and curious public was not allowed. Only a reliable and proven contingent. Together with Abakumov on the dock there were another 5 people. Abakumov and workers were also accused of unreasonable arrests, the use of criminal methods of investigation, falsification of investigative cases, and secretariat employees in the fact that, as directed by Abakumov, they were hidden and not sent to the Central Committee the complaints arrested on lawlessness. Abakumov and workers of the investigative part were sentenced to shooting, and two employees of the MGB secretariat - to great terms under Art. 58. In the same place, in Leningrad, the sentence was carried out. About the court over Abakumov and his execution briefly reported central printing on December 24.

Neither under the investigation, nor at the court, Abakumov did not recognize himself guilty. He, like many other security officers attracted to justice, all regrets, which carried out the orders of the "policy makers", but did not reveal this formula. At the court of Stalin, he did not have enough spirit.