Hepatoprotectors - Medicines for the treatment of liver, the best preparations, tablets. Essentialy Forte and other drugs: heptral, phosphoglie, cut, Ursosan and other Essentials Forte or Heps Merz better

The liver is an organ that performs hundreds of functions, including protective. It is it that is a natural blood filter that cleans its toxins. When the liver ceases to cope with its functions, a person not only loses the ability to digest food, he is deprived of protection from harmful substanceswho poison orgasm. Liver cells are known to quickly restore their protective functions. However, some changes are incorrigible - as with cirrhosis. Protect liver cells and faster to restore these drugs as:

  • Esssential.

The patients have a choice of two drugs, but only one of them should be taken. So, Hep-Merz or Esssential - what is better? We will consider the main properties of these drugs and their characteristics, in order to figure out what is better to accept.

Difference in action

These drugs act, as if vitamins, delivering the substance necessary for normal operation to the liver. For example, the main active element of the hepa-measurement is L-ornithine-L-aspartate, or just Lola. When there is a liver disease, it is extremely lacking elements such as aspartate and ornithine. Lola when entering the body just decomposes on these two substances. The liver enzymes begin to work again and turn the poisonous ammonia to the urea to the body -
liver functions are restored.

In the preparation of Essential, there are no less important elements - phospholipids. They are contained in each cell of all mammals. Phospholipids are contained in the outer membrane of the cell cells. Without them, the normal flow of biochemical reactions is impossible. They are important for such processes as oxygen transportation, for energy exchange, signal transmission and other functions.

What a means more efficient

Both drugs successfully passed clinical studies, and both have a significant positive impact on the liver. But which one is still more effective?

The drug Esssentials survived about 250 clinical studies. It is best to show himself in hepatitis C and other types of hepatitis, for fatty infiltration of liver, toxic damage and cirrhosis. Depending on the severity of the disease, the essences must be taken from several weeks to five years.

For example, during the course of treatment for durability per year, almost all patients have experienced significant improvements in the work of liver enzymes. However, as has been proven by experiments, Essentialy
effective mainly under long treatment.

Hepa-Merz also productively showed itself, whose main acting element Lola perfectly showed itself in the fight against diseases such as hepatic encephalopathy. Both drugs have long been tested and showed themselves in the best way. And yet they have contraindications:

  • both drugs possess elements on which some people have allergies;
  • Hep-Merz can not be taken in the period breastfeeding (with special caution can be taken during pregnancy);
  • Hep-Merz also can not be used with severe hepatic insufficiency.

Thus, you see that the estensial has fewer contraindications, but for its positive impact it is necessary a few more time. And now it is reasonable to talk about how much drugs cost, since they should be taken for a long time.

Cost of drugs

Only a doctor can say which drug in this case it is suitable, because it all depends on the disease. It is also nice to take both means for prevention. Some of them will better help with one disease, while the other is able to effectively defeat quite different. If you are prescribed the drug, you need to drink in any case, but what is the cost?
Essentialy is produced in capsules, and a person on a day must be taken six such capsules. Thus, we see that for a month the patient should drink 180 capsules. The cost of one large packaging, in which there are 100 capsules, reaches 2 100 rubles. It is recommended to buy two large, and it will cost 4 200 rubles.

Hep-Merz produces a drug in bags, and their daily rate is three pieces. Thus, per month, a person is obliged to take 90 bags. In the same package, they are thirty pieces, and its cost can maximize 2,000 rubles. In a month you will have to spend 6,000 rubles.

As a result, we see that the treatment of Hep-Merz will be more expensive, and he has more contraindications. But is everything so unequivocal? We have already mentioned above that the Essence of Essence becomes positive only with long-term adoption - this is approximately three months. As for Hep-Merza, it acts somewhat faster, and therefore it takes, as a rule, not so long.

Thus, there is no better means. Both drugs are effective. As a result, treatment with any of them will come to you approximately in the same amount.

Our liver is a real workaholic: it performs over 500 functions. This is a very patient body, besides, there are no pain receptors, so it does not report any unhealthy, and it often comes to cirrhosis. To prevent the development of such a dangerous disease, as well as to restore and cure the liver, and hepatoprotectors are intended.

See also:

It is to such funds belong to Hepamerts and Essence. But immediately answer the question that of them are better - the first or second drug is impossible. They belong to different groups of hepatuffs, have different composition and action. Therefore, for one patient, the first medicine is more suitable, and for the other - the second. Before you attribute your money to the pharmacy, let's try to figure out which drug can be more useful for your liver.

Liver.net. What to do?

If your liver began to "stitch", then it is possible to support it with drugs such as Essential or Heps Merz. Instructions for use contain the following recommendations for their use:

  • Essentialy - 2 caps. Three times a day during meals. Tablet swallowed entirely, drink enough water;
  • Hep-Merz: in granules - dissolve the contents of 1-2 bags in 200 ml (1st art.) Water obtained composition of drinking 3 p. a day after meals. The drug in ampoules should be administered intravenously. It is pre-bred 500 ml of r-rainger (sodium chloride or glucose). Daily dose - 4 (maximum 8) ampoules.

Ultrasound - Liver - Esssential. Or Hep-Merz?

We will conduct a comparative analysis of drugs:

  • manufacturer. Both funds are produced in Germany. Essentialy produces a company A. Nattermann & Cie. The medicine has a form of capsules. Hep-Merz is the product of Ursapharm Arzneimittel GmbH, produced in ampoules and in the form of a granular powder. The rating of these pharmaceutical enterprises is approximately the same;
  • structure. Essentialy is included in the category of essential phospholipids. They are able to "repair" liver cells. In each capsule is 0.3 mg of Hep-Merz phospholipids are available on the basis of another component. Its active substance - ornithine asparate (L-ornithine-L-asparat or Lola) with a concentration of 5 or 3 g. It produces a pronounced counter-toxic effect;
  • act. Phospholipids contained in the essences are restored by the destroyed cell membranes (hepatocytes), eliminating the bars in the cell wall, help the liver to dispose of fats that are postponed in its cells, prevent the development of fatty hepatosis. The tool is intended to restore normal liver operation, to prevent sclerotic and fibrous education, lead metabolism to normal, reduce the risk of formation of concrections. Hep-Merz acts differently. His active substances Promote a decrease in ammonia level. They convert it an extremely poisonous substance in urea and glutamine and significantly reduce the toxic load on the body. The drug also restores the liver function. It is effective in hepatic coma. Both means produce a moderate giller effect;
  • indications. Both are appropriate to take both prevention and treatment (as one of the components of therapy) of alcoholic, viral, toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis, to eliminate the negative effect of long-term antibacterial agents, with medication or alcohol intoxication, chronic and sharp liver diseases;
  • contraindications. Both hepatoprotectors are not suitable for those who have found individual intolerance of their components, as well as children under 12 years old. Hep-Merz has another restriction - a severe degree of renal failure;
  • price. What is better - hepamerts or essencesale in terms of cost? An adult patient must take 6 capsules Essence per day, that is, a month 180 tablets. The packaging containing 100 pieces is about 1800-2000 rubles. But the treatment will be effective only if it continues at least 3 months. Total course therapy - 10,800 rubles. Hep-Merz must take 3 packages per day, the month will need 90 bags. In the package of them 30, the cost of one - 1700-1990 rubles. The average duration of the course is 3-4 weeks. Treatment will cost 5100 rubles.

Important! During the lactation period and during pregnancy, these funds are allowed to accept only under the control of the doctor.

What drug earned more advantages from doctors and patients?

To compile the final opinion that it is better - hepamerts or essentially, consider reviews about these hepatoprotectors. As it turned out, both drugs have a good reputation. They are easily transferred, rarely provoke side effects; From unwanted reactions there are only mentions of allergies. After the course of treatment, a person feels much better. In reviews about Essence write like this: "One of best tools, but the result will not come immediately. " Hep-Merz earned no less than a high rating: "An excellent liver helper is noticeable by analyzes." Some patients still give preference to Hep-Merz, since the effect of its admission comes faster, and the cost of treatment comes out slightly less.

Gastroenterologists are more restrained in estimates. Not all of them are confident that the phospholipids "grab" the liver, and the ornithine-asparath will become an additional filter for the body. Abroad and at all these funds are considered to be bad. But as an auxiliary treatment component, we still prescribe them.

Marina Maksimova

Cure the pathological diseases of the liver is quite difficult, since in nature there is a small amount of drugs providing immediate assistance. More recently, the patient with a similar diagnosis was to be tuned on a long and very tedious treatment. However, hepatoprotector of Hepa Merz came to the rescue.

Instructions for use and reviews call this means The most efficient and fast among the entire line of drugs available on pharmacy counters aimed at working with the liver.

Release form and composition of the drug

Human health, such an ephemeral state of its body, if there are problems and failures, requires medicinal reception. Hep-Merz is one of them, and its use helps to cope with a sufficiently large number of problems forming in the liver.

On the market it is produced in 2 types:

Based on the drug, 2 main actors are laid. By themselves, they represent amino acids: L-ornithine, as well as L-Aspartate. In total, their mass in 1 sachet is 3 grams of five.

All the rest of the Hep-Merz includes: flavors of orange or lemon taste, lemonic acid, sodium Sakharin, sodium cyclamat, yellow and orange dyes, levulose and Sakharin.

Ampoules besides the amino acids themselves, which fill out half of the composition, as an auxiliary substance is filled with injection fluid.

Packed ampoules and sashe only in cardboard packs of white color with a pattern. On it with pink color is a liver. The name of the Hep-Merz is written in black font.

Pharmacology and pharmacokinetics

Hep-Merz - detoxify the body, while at the same time affecting at once 2 main ways of ammonia formation in the body - urea and glutamine.

This is how to avoid acting in the preparation of amino acids.

The permanent participation of ornithine, the bioosynthetic of ammonia urea provides a continuous ornithine cycle of Krebs.

Insulin and somatopic hormone is produced in the body, which allows you to have the most therapeutic effect on the liver with a relatively small number of side effects.

There is a gradual activation of own liver cells, which have been cleared and degreasing, protein exchange increases.

In general, after entering the body, both amino acids are quickly adsorbed and disintegrated into the components. Active substances start in just 10-15 minutes. The remnants of the hep-Merz, which were not spoiled by the intestines and were transferred to blood, they are in constant form with urine quite quickly.

If earlier for the improvement of other medicines, more than 3 months of constant use was required, then hepa-Merz makes it possible to achieve the same result much faster.

Indications for use

With a careful study of the instruction, you can clearly learn all the diseases in which you can apply hep-Merz.

Basically, this hepatoprotector is intended for all acute and chronic diseases that always go along with hyperam radiation. With it, it is easy to suppress diseases associated with cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis.

Hep-Merz can also be used in preventive purposesEspecially people, abusing the number of food and alcohol, to remove pummers syndrome.

In general, the drug has many testimony:


In general, among the most important contraindications include:

  • hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to any of the components of the means;
  • the presence of the thermal stage at renal failure, that is, severe diseases;
  • in the presence of 100 ml of blood more than 3 mg of substance creatine.

Methods of application according to the instructions

Since there are 2 options for Hep-Merz: a solution in ampoules and granulate in bags, then use them in different ways. Each of them is best suited for different stages of hepatic diseases, therefore, with serious conditions, it is best to stop your attention on injections.

In general, it is best to leave the drug and the duration of treatment to leave completely at the doctor, since the main emphasis goes to the individual characteristics of the patient:

  1. Hep-Merz in the form of granules is intended for internal reception. It is dissolved in water before use. It is best to use 200 ml of water to 1 bag, however, the water dosage does not have the actual value of the drug. Normal one-time dose - no more than 2 packages per 1 reception. It is accepted immediately after eating 2-3 times a day. For the prevention of overeating and getting rid of the effects of alcohol abuse to prevent the development of hepatic pathologies, 1 sachet dissolved in water should be taken directly after the specified events.
  2. Injection Hep-Merz is designed for intravenous administration. For proper use, it is dissolved in the half-liter of infusion fluid. On average, one dropper is used about 4 ampoules, but in very serious situations their number may increase to 8. Such droppers are stretched for a whole day, because it should be closely monitoring the rate of receipt of the heparanschange and infusion solution in the blood - their volume should not exceed 4 g per hour.

Use when feeding a child and pregnancy

In general, the drug has no special contraindications. Including it is allowed to apply during pregnancy, but only under the sensitive attention of the doctor and with the realization that the available risks from its reception are much less than from possible refusal.

However, in general, clinical trials on pregnant women did not use his participation, so if possible, it will be better to abandon him.

The same applies to the lactation period. However, when feeding, it will be better to completely abandon the drug, since it penetrates blood and milk that uses the child. Increased components of the medication can lead to different consequences.

Use of the drug in disruption of functions of renal and hepatic systems

Hep-Merz is shown to use for the treatment of numerous liver diseases. His girth is truly striking with its breadth. However, renal failure is one of the contraindications, so if it is presented, it should be completely refused to use the medication.

Side Effects and Complications

The side effects of this drug have little studied due to their rarity.

These are mainly focused on disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

Patients after reception are observed:

  • strong nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea and constant meteorism.

Pathological problems that occur in bone and muscular systems are even rarerging, but pain in their hands and legs with at times can show themselves.

However, the most frequent complications are allergic reactions affecting the skin and form the urticule on the derma.


If a side effects Begin to be strongly pronounced, it can talk about overdose by Hep-Messen.

In such a situation, it should be immediately abandoned by the use of the drug and consult a doctor.

Standardly, treatment includes a full-fledged stomaching of the stomach and the detoxification of the body using the usual activated coal or another sorbent. All other signs are subject to symptomatic treatment.

Interaction with other drugs

At the moment, no clinical trials for the detection of the interaction of Hep-Merz with any other medicines were not conducted, therefore there are no clear and structured data on this issue.

The influence of Hep-Merz on the body when driving and managing mechanisms

There is no sedative qualities at Hep-Merz, so it is not capable of fucked by the reaction from the driver. However, a number of liver diseases, like encephalopathy, is hazarded by itself, as they affect the concentration of attention and suppress the usual speed of response to external distractions.

Medicinal interaction

Special tests for the relationship between hep-measurements with other medications were not conducted. However, doctors still do not advise him with a number of medicines.

These include:

special instructions

There are a number of rules, which are desirable to achieve the best effect from the adoption of Hep-Merza:

  1. When introducing hep-measure Do not dissolve more than 6 ampoules in an infusion solution at once, otherwise the ability to overdose is possible. Must be sure to look at the level of urea immediately in the blood and urine. It is not allowed to enter the artery.
  2. The solution of the drug cannot be administered when sugar diabetes Due to the presence of fructose, it is better to limit the granulate.
  3. Long-term use of hep-measurement strongly affects teeth, increasing the rate of distribution of caries.
  4. At the moment, the cases of Hep-Merz fake was not observed. For authenticity, you can trace the series and appearance Packaging and preparation. If you doubt, the declaration of conformity should be asked in the pharmacy, the pharmacist is obliged to provide information.
  5. Since Hep-Merz allows the liver again to work normallyThe drug has an impact on the performance of the liver - Alt and Ast - it normalizes them to an optimal state.

Vacation from Pharmacy

To buy a hepa-Merz pharmacist no need to make special recipe, Therefore, it is sold in free access.

Storage conditions and shelf life

With proper storage: in a darkened place where a child cannot get it, in an intact shell at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees, that is, the room temperature of Hep-Merz will be suitable for use for 60 months, or 5 years.


Hep-Merz can be bought almost in any pharmacy of the country, the price will depend on the packaging and the sale region. The average price of ampoules in 5 g - 2500 rubles For 10 pieces, Sasha is much cheaper - 30 packages will cost 1600 rubles.

Analogs and synonyms of Hep-Merez

  1. Ornichetyl - Analog medicine. The composition is the same as in Hep-Merce, therefore, the action and indications for use are equivalent. Not issued since 2008.
  2. Ornithine - More cheap analogproduced in granules, active ingredient - Ornithine. It has an impact on the liver, healing it. Price - from 400 rubles .
  3. Anthral - Phospholepide-based drug at the same time helped to treat not only the liver, but also biliary roads. Russia has not been made since 2015.
  4. Berlition - It helps to cope with the consequences of drinking alcohol and toxic liver diseases. Production closed in 2005.
  5. Brency Forte - hepatoprotector, allowing to improve not only the liver, but also to treat psoriasis and random poisoning. Not made since 2008.
  6. Vitarm. - mainly acts as a choleretic agent that helps strengthen the metabolism and correct urodamics. Produced in capsules - price from 450 rubles, homeopathic.
  7. Hepaben - It is used for the treatment of the liver after toxic effects and during the course of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Efficiency provides extract of smoke and milk thistle. Price - from 410 rubles.
  8. Hepatosan - has a hepatoprotective effect and detoxify the body. Active component - pork liver cells, fully compatible with the human body. Price - from 370 rubles.
  9. Hepatofalc Plata. - It helps to treat diseases formed in biliary tract, struggling with varicose veins in the esophagus. It has spasmolitical action. Not made since 2006.
  10. Hepatic - It is used not only for the treatment of liver, but also tuberculosis and poisoning. Capsules of their milk thistle from 170 rubles.
  11. Heptor - helps to fight mainly with alcohol poisoning and medicines. It is applied against depression and with liver diseases. Price - from 800 rubles .
  12. Heptra - hepatoprotector with antidepressant and antioxidant property. Good in combating cirrhosis. Price - from 1500 rubles.
  13. Galestien - Drops and tablets based on medicinal herbs - a milk and dandelion, completely homeopathic. Price - from 250 rubles .
  14. Sirepar. - hepatoprotector based on vitamin B12 and liver extract. It is recommended at the first stages of cirrhosis and hepatitis, produced in the form of a liquid. Russia is not sold due to lack of registration.
  15. Phosphoglie - Capsules or lyophysials help cope with hepatic and skin diseases. It reacts well with corticosteroids. Price - about 500 rubles.
  16. Phosphoglie Forte - In addition to hepatoprotective action, improving immunity and help fight viral diseases. Price - from 900 rubles .
  17. Carsil - hepatoprotector in capsules based on fruit fruits. Acts on the basis of silimarine, affecting toxins in the body. Price - from 330 rubles.
  18. Liv 52. - The analogue of the Carsila, helps treat hepatitis and cirrhosis, is used in the fight against anorexia. Price - from 300 rubles.
  19. Rezayut pro - Phospholepide from Germany, helping to treat liver. Analogue Esencyal Forte. Price - 450 rubles.
  20. Urdonds - It has a choleretic and hepatoprotectic property, helps with cystic fibrosis and cholelyatiasis. Price - from 650 rubles . Produced in Russia.
  21. Ursosan - Helps dispersed bile, increase immunity and cope with liver lesions. Price - from 189 rubles.
  22. URSOFALK - Hepatoprotector based on ursodoxichetic acid. Capsules help with cirrhosis and fibrosis. Price - about 2000 rubles.
  23. Esssential N. - Injections based on soybeans help to increase the resistance of the liver to diseases, simply improving its work on detoxification of the body. Price - 669 rubles.
  24. Esssential Forte - It is used to treat hepatitis and other liver diseases, stones in the bile duct and as prophylaxis for radiotherapy. Price - from 587 rubles.

- Medicine that includes ornithine. This active ingredient is an amino acid, it plays a crucial role in the human body, but not synthesized naturally. The means in the form of granulate and the infusion solution is prescribed for the treatment of various leaflength, applied during alcohol intoxication, shows efficiency in hepatic encephalopathy. In some cases, there is a need to replace hep-Merz, so the search for an equally efficient analogue becomes relevant to many. To date, there are many means with hepatoprotective effect, prices for them also vary depending on the composition and firms of the manufacturer. When choosing a medication, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the drug, to identify similarities and differences.

Hep-Merz or Esssential: what is better

Although each drug is included in the group of hepatoprotectors, they include various active substances. In the granule, the hepa-measurement solution contains ornithine, and inside the capsules there are phospholipids.


It is recommended to use the drug under cirrhosis, various chronic liver pathologies, manifestations of encephalopathy. Due to the special properties of the main component, a decrease in the plasma level of ammonia is observed. With regular drug intake, the detoxification process is launched, dyspepsia is eliminated, and the hepatocyte function is also rapidly restored.

This hepatoprotector can be used to remove the patient from the comatose state provoked by progressive hepatic insufficiency.

Price - 720 - 2790 rubles, produced in Germany (Ursafarm Arznaimizer).

Esssential or Essential Forte

The drug includes phosofolipids that help the recovery of hepatocytes. It is prescribed in hepatitis, manifestations of fatty degeneration of liver cells, signs of detoxification, toxicosis of pregnant women, skin diseases (effective in psoriasis).

During the drug intake, the uniform distribution of phospholipids in organs and systems is observed. With sufficient accumulation, the therapeutic effect is manifested. With a prolonged course of hepatoprotectic therapy, the cholesterol in the blood decreases, the process of forming stones is suspended in bile durses. Also, the medicine contributes to the restoration of the outflow of bile.

If there is a choice: Hep-Merz or Essence, which is better, it is necessary to consult with the doctor, as medicines are produced in various dosage forms.

Cost from 455 to 2298 rubles, manufactured in France (Sanofi-Aventis).

Hep-Merz or Heptral: what is better

A positive effect on the functioning of the liver is ensured by the presence of adhemethionine in heptra. The active ingredient is independently synthesized by cells of the human body. Thanks to antioxidant properties, the resistance of liver cells increases to the effects of free radicals. The main difference in comparison with Hep-Merz is the manifestation of antidepressive action, the process of nerve cellular division is accelerated during prolonged reception.

Stimulates the work of the liver, contributes to the replacement of damaged liver cells by nephrons, therefore, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of fibrosis, cholangitis, as well as cirrhosis.

Heptral is produced in the form of tablets and injection mortar. The introduction of medication intramuscularly allows you to quickly achieve the expected therapeutic effect.

It is worth noting that heptral from Hep-Merz is prescribed at:

  • Treatment of various liver disorders
  • Hepatitis of different etiology
  • Prolonged antibacterial therapy or intake of other drugs that adversely affect the liver, with the aim of a speedy restoration of the body.

It is also worth considering that it is possible to assign these drugs at the same time.

The drug heptral is expensive - 1527 - 2128 rubles, produced by the Italian pharmaceutical Corporation Abbott.

Phosphoglie or Hep-Merz: What is better

The drug contains phosphatidylcholine, which refers to the number of phospholipids. The active ingredient is obtained by processing soybean seeds and licorice roots. Due to the presence of a vegetable component, treatment is rarely accompanied by side symptoms. When taking medications, it is possible to get rid of intoxication, increase the digestibility of vitamins, eliminate the manifestations of liver disorders.

The phosphoglium has a completely different mechanism of action in comparison with Hep-Merz, but each of them accelerates the process of recovery of hepatocytes.

The complex of glycyrrhizic acid and phospholipids helps correct protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Glycyrrhizinic acid stimulates the production of interferon, inhibits the reproduction of viruses. LS can be used at various skin pathologies (eczema, neurodermatitis).

It is worth noting that adverse reactions are developing in isolated cases, manifested by rashes and skin itch. Typically, such reactions independently disappear after the completion of hepatoprotective therapy.

Contraindication is excessive susceptibility to the components, pregnancy, GW, children's age (child less than 12).

The price of phosphoglie - 533-1505 rubles, produced by the domestic manufacturer (Pharmstandard).

It is difficult to determine which is a good means of phosphoglie or hepa-measurement, since their mechanism of influence is different. Data reception medicinal preparations It is possible in combination with other means in order to conduct more effective treatment.

Before starting the hepatoprotective therapy, it is worth a survey, to identify the true cause of negative manifestations. After the diagnosis is made, the doctor will select a drug that will help restore liver cells and normalize its operation. If negative symptoms are observed while receiving a hepatoprotector to decide the question of its replacement.

Do not engage in self-medication, it can lead to the development of unforeseen reactions, which further complicates the treatment of pathology.

As you know, the liver performs a barrier, protective function and is very suffering from exposure to toxins. To help strengthen the functions of the organ, such drugs such as hepatoprotectors can. The pharmacies offer the widest range of various drugs that perform a recovery and protective function.

Hepamerts or Essentiale

Essentialy is produced in several options. Among them, Essentialy Forte and Esssential Forte H. The active ingredient drugs are phospholipids, allowing you to effectively restore the liver functions. The drug contributes to the active regeneration of cells, preventing the emergence of fibrous and sclerotic formations. Phospholipids normalize metabolism, reinforce the barrier function of the organ. Essentialy reduces the likelihood of biliary concrections.

HEPA Merz or Ornithine Aspartate has a similar effect. It can be drunk in the form of granules, a concentrate for the solution. It is also sold in ampoules. The drug is prescribed with alcoholic or drug poisoning, chronic and acute diseases. HEPA MERC is a fairly effective drug that is incorporated popular.

Take the specified medicinal products It is impossible at high spirits to their components, lactation, renal failure.


The popular analogue of the preparations described above is heptral. Its active substance is called adhemationine. The medicine actively restores liver cells, protects it, and also has antidepressive, antioxidant, neuroprotective and choleretic effect.

It's pretty difficult to say which medicine will be more efficient in a particular case. For the effectiveness of treatment before buying, it is important to consult with your doctor.