Rauwolfia - not only from snake bites. Rauwolfia snakes: description and habitat The roots of rauwolfia snakes contain biologically active compounds

Rauvolfia (Rauvolfia serpentina Benth.) Is a perennial shrub; grows in South and Southeast Asia. In medicine, Rauwolfia root is used, containing alkaloids (see) and rescinamine, which have a sedative and hypotensive effect, aymalin and serpentine, which have antiarrhythmic properties, and other alkaloids.

Raunatin (Raunatinum;) contains the sum of alkaloids from rauwolfia roots; has antihypertensive, sedative and antiarrhythmic effects.

Apply when; appoint inside at 0.002-0.012 a day for 3-4 weeks. Release form: tablets of 0.002 g. See also Antihypertensives.

Figure: 58. Rauwolfia serpentine (left - root).

Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia snake; Rauwolfia, or Rauvolfia, serpentina Benth) is a perennial evergreen shrub 0.2-0.6 m high with a straight stem and a vertical rhizome, turning into a thinning, wrinkled, brown root up to 40 cm long; belongs to the kutrovy family (Apocynaceae Lindl.). Grows in South and Southeast Asia (India, Ceylon, Java, Malay Peninsula). The botanical description of rauwolfia belongs to the German physician Rauwolf (L. Rauwolf, 16th century). In medicine, rauwolfia root is used, which is dug up in the 3-4th year of the plant's life and dried. About 40 alkaloids were isolated from rauwolfia, subdivided according to the peculiarities of chemical structure and basicity into three groups: tertiary indole (weak) bases - reserpine (see), rescinamine, yohimbine; tertiary indoline bases (medium strength) - aymalinidr .; Quaternary anhydronium bases (strong) - serpentine, etc. Reserpine is found in other types of rauwolfia (R. canescens Linn., R. micrantha Hook ,. R. tetraphylla L.). In terms of pharmacological properties and therapeutic efficacy, the most important among Rauwolfia alkaloids are reserpine and rescinamine, which have a sedative and hypotensive effect, as well as aymalin and serpentine, which have antiarrhythmic effects.

Aimaline, unlike reserpine, is devoid of a tranquilizing effect, but has the ability to reduce the excitability of the myocardium and suppress ectopic impulse formation, lengthen the refractory phase and inhibit the conduction function.

Aymalin used for ventricular and atrial extrasystoles, sinus tachycardia, various forms of paroxysmal tachycardia, Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome. The drug is administered intravenously, intramuscularly and orally. With parenteral administration, a single dose of 50 mg (contents of one ampoule), daily - 100-150 mg. Inside appoint 1-2 pills (50-100 mg) 3-4 times a day for 1-3 weeks. Aimalin is contraindicated in severe lesions of the cardiac conduction system, sharp organic changes in the myocardium, severe heart failure and hypotension.

In medicine, a number of total alkaloid preparations of rauwolfia are also used (Gendon, Giuline, Raudixin, Raupina, Rauwiloid, Rauwoldin, Rivadescin, Wolfina, etc.).

Raunatin (domestic production) - analogue of Gendon, contains mainly alkaloids reserpine, serpentine and aymaline and has hypotensive, antiarrhythmic and, to a lesser extent, sedative effect. Raunatin is mainly used for hypertension, especially in stages I and II. The drug is produced in tablets containing 2 mg of the amount of rauwolfia alkaloids; appoint after meals 1-2 tablets per day, gradually increasing the daily dose to 5-6 tablets (10-12 mg). After the therapeutic effect is achieved, the dose is gradually reduced to 1-2 tablets. The course of treatment usually lasts 3-4 weeks. The hypotensive effect of the total preparations of rauwolfia occurs more gradually than from reserpine; their side effect is much weaker.

See also Antihypertensives.

Useful properties of rauwolfia

Raulfia is a small shrub that varies in height from 20 to 50 cm. Some plant species can grow up to 90 cm in height. Elliptical and lanceolate leaves taper to a short petiole. The flowers of raulfia are often white, occasionally pink. The diameter of flower umbrellas does not exceed 5 cm. In the wild, such an unusually beautiful plant is found in Peru, Bengal, the Himalayas, as well as in Java and Sri Lanka. For medicinal purposes, highly branching wrinkled roots are dug up and cut into small pieces.

The roots contain a huge amount of alkaloids. Since ancient times, they have been used for the bites of all kinds of insects and various snakes. In addition, raulfia is indicated for cholera, diarrhea, and also for getting rid of some types of worms. Often, such a plant is prescribed as a mild hypnotic. This herb has a calming effect on the human body and perfectly reduces high blood pressure.

It should also be mentioned about the powerful antispasmodic effect due to which raulfia relieves cramps of smooth muscles. In modern medicine, you can find a lot of different drugs based on the components of raulfium, which help to cure various diseases. In combination with other medicinal plants, this herb significantly increases its medicinal properties.

Application of rauwolfia

Rauwolfia alkaloid

The therapeutic effect of numerous herbal preparations is based on separately isolated alkaloids such as reserpine and raunatin. As a rule, reserpine is used as an antihypertensive and antiarrhythmic agent, since it not only restores sleep, but also reduces the content of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. With hypertension, such drugs are simply irreplaceable, due to the beneficial effect on the nervous system. By taking raunatin regularly, the amount and severity, irritability, and dizziness can be reduced.

Such a wonderful drug as Aimalin, with a significant increase in coronary blood flow, does not have any neuroleptic effect. Modern homeopaths have proven the effectiveness of raulfia not only for hypertension, but also for depression. Such agents are used in rather low degrees of dilution for high blood pressure, as well as in high ones - during the treatment of various.

Rauwolfia snake

Rauwolfia snake is an unusual evergreen perennial, the height of which does not exceed one and a half meters. This delightful shrub with a unique milky sap has a long, curved root with very large lateral roots. Pointed leaves are arranged in several pieces in a whorled shape. The pink flowers are collected in interesting umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The red fruits consist of a pair of juicy small drupes. Snake raulfia is widely distributed in Indonesia, Burma and India. It should be noted that it is widely cultivated in Georgia. This herbaceous plant lives on small edges of subtropical forests.

Contraindications of rauwolfia

Since such a plant contains alkaloids, it has some side effects. In case of an overdose or misuse of rauwolfia, serious disturbances in the important circulatory system can occur, and it is also often severe. In rather rare cases, there is a slowdown in movements. Before starting treatment, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna | Phytotherapist

Education: Diploma in the specialty "General Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after NI Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Peoples' Friendship University of Moscow (2008).

Syn .: rauwolfia serpentine, serpentine, Indian snake root.

Rauwolfia snakes is a small shrub that grows in its natural environment from India to Sumatra. Its roots have been used in oriental medicine for centuries. In the middle of the 20th century, scientists were able to isolate the alkaloid reserpine from it, which has been widely used in official medicine as one of the most effective means for normalizing high blood pressure.

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Flower formula

Rauwolfia snakeskin flower formula: * H (5) L (5) T5P (2).

In medicine

The roots of rauwolfia snakes are used as medicinal raw materials. Decoctions and extracts from them are used as a sedative and hypnotic, used for acute gastrointestinal diseases, headache, as a means of toning the muscles of the uterus. Indole alkaloids - reserpine and aymaline - are obtained from the roots, which are the basis for a number of drugs that are effective in the treatment of hypertension, some types of mental illness and have antiarrhythmic effects.

The roots of Rauwolfia snakes can be found in sports supplements. Their presence there is explained by the presence in the plant of the widely advertised alkaloid yohimbine, which is attributed to lipolytic action.

Contraindications and side effects

Preparations of rauwolfia snakes should be used after consulting a doctor and with caution. They are not recommended for pregnant women, persons with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as stomach or duodenal ulcers, diverticulosis and ulcerative colitis. Rauwolfia snakes cannot be combined with alcohol, some antitussives and flu medications. Do not take it without a doctor's recommendation and when taking barbiturates or antipsychotic drugs. Inappropriate dosage of rauwolfia can cause poor circulation, depression, and restless sleep, aggravated by nightmares. Excessive use of herbal preparations can lead to Parkinson's syndrome, and some doctors suggest that it can also lead to cancer.


Rauwolfia serpentine (lat.Rauwolfia serpentine Benth) is a perennial evergreen shrub from the shrub family (lat.Apocynaceae). In addition to the serpentine, several more trees and shrubs belong to the genus Rauwolfia (lat.Rauwolfia), but the same alkaloids as in serpentine are found only in grayish rauwolfia (lat.Rauwolfia canescens L.) and rauwolfia vomitus (lat.Rauwolfia vomitoria Afz.)

Botanical description

Evergreen dwarf shrubs of rauwolfia serpentine can reach 1 meter in height. Their healing rhizome is vertical, curved, with numerous roots of a grayish-rusty color, 20 to 40 centimeters long. At the break, the rhizome is light, non-fibrous. The stem is covered with whitish bark, usually unbranched. The leaves of the plant are short-petiolate, whorled, in one whorl there are from 3 to 5 oblong-elliptical, obovate or lanceolate leaves, thin, glabrous and shiny, from above pointed and light green alternate or much less often opposite. Rauwolfia leaves can be from 8 to 18 centimeters in length. The flowers of the plant are five-membered, collected in umbellate inflorescences. They have a white or pink corolla and bright red pedicels with sepals, a pistil, consisting of two carpels, connected by a filamentous column with a cylindrical stigma. The formula of a rauwolfia serpentine flower: * H (5) L (5) T5P (2). The fruits of the plant are red, consist of two juicy drupes fused to the middle.


In the wild, rauwolfia snakes grows in India, Thailand, Indochina, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. The plant prefers the edges of humid tropical forests. They tried to cultivate Rauwolfia snake in the territory of the Caucasus, but the experience did not give positive results.

Procurement of raw materials

Although Rauwolfia snakes are often found in the wild, this raw material is not enough to meet the needs of the pharmaceutical industry, so the plant is grown on plantations. Cultivated plants are harvested at 3-4 years of age, in the fruiting phase, digging with the rhizome. Rhizomes with roots are cut off, cleaned of dirt, trying not to damage the brown bark covering them, the richest in alkaloids. Raw materials with damaged bark are considered defective. Rauwolfia is dried by cutting it into pieces. You can dry snake rauwolfia in clear weather in the open air or in a specially equipped, well-ventilated room, where there are dryers with a temperature of 50-60 ° C.

Chemical composition

Rhizomes of rauwolfia serpentine contain at least 50 different indole alkaloids (1-2% of the total mass), the most important of which are reserpine, rescinnamine, aymalin and serpentine. They also contain starch, resins and sterol. The rauwolfia stem contains milky juice, flavonoids and carotenoids.

Pharmacological properties

The healing properties of rauwolfia snake are associated with the alkaloids contained in it. Reserpine slows down the heart rate, has a hypotensive effect that develops slowly and lasts for several hours, it has sedative properties, causes drowsiness, close to physiological. Reserpine also lowers body temperature and metabolism, deepens breathing, narrows the pupils, and inhibits interoceptive reflexes to blood pressure. Aimaline has antiarrhythmic activity.

Official medicine uses reserpine in tablets and solution as an antihypertensive and sedative for vegetative dystonia, functional disorders of the heart. Previously, reserpine was often used in the treatment of mental illnesses (psychoneuroses), but modern doctors believe that the drug has been overestimated and is prescribed less and less. Aimaline as an antiarrhythmic drug is used for atrial and ventricular premature beats, paroxysmal tachycardia. A complex drug of rauwolfia, raunatin has a sedative and hypotensive effect, another complex drug, rasedil, is administered for hypertensive crises and psychosis to relieve excitement. A decoction of rauwolfia roots is used as a sleeping pill.

Application in traditional medicine

In oriental medicine, the root of rauwolfia snake is used for insomnia, headache, nervousness, a number of mental disorders, epilepsy, and high blood pressure. Also, the plant is considered an effective remedy for constipation, liver disease, edema. It is still used to escape the bites of poisonous reptiles, which is why peasants in India try to have several rauwolfia bushes in the garden. Pasta made from the roots of rauwolfia is taken from constipation and rubbed with it, to escape rheumatism. Doctors give rauwolfia as an anthelmintic and antipyretic agent, treat her fever and cholera. Traditional healers recommend decoction of plant roots to drink in a course to cope with alcoholic psychoses.

In homeopathy, rauwolfia serpentina is known as Rauvolfia serpentina. In low dilutions, it is prescribed as a remedy for hypertension, in high dilutions, they drink rauwolfia for psychosis and some nervous diseases.

Historical reference

Rauwolfia snake has been known since ancient times. It is mentioned in Indian medical treatises dated 600 BC, and is listed among the 50 main herbs used in Chinese medicine. Rauwolfia decoction was used to treat poisonous insect and reptile bites. There is a legend that Alexander the Great treated his friend and commander Ptolemy, who was wounded by a poisonous arrow, with a drink from the "snake root", as Rauwolfia is called in India.

Rauwolfia also has another name given to it by the Indians - "the root of the madmen." The inhabitants of this country believed that the plant was able to cope with such ailments as paranoia, increased anxiety and nervousness. These beneficial properties of rauwolfia were tested much later by Western doctors. Isolated from the plant reserpine, in the fifties of the last century, they tried to treat schizophrenia. Of course, the drug was much more effective than the lobotomy adopted at that time, but still it was not a panacea. However, research into the properties of alkaloids isolated from rauwolfia helped determine the area of \u200b\u200bmedicine where it is most appropriate and irreplaceable.

The spiritual leader of the Indian nation, Mahatma Gandhi, was a big fan of Rauwolfia preparations. Every day, he drank tea made from powdered "snake root" and believed that it helped him maintain mental health and balance.


1. "Atlas of medicinal plants of the USSR" edited by Tsitsin NV, Moscow, State publishing house of medical literature, 1962- 472-473 p.

2. “Medicinal raw materials of plant and animal origin. Pharmacognosy "edited by G. Yakovlev, St. Petersburg, SpetsLit 2006 - 644-646 p.

3. "Medicinal plants" Reference book edited by N.I.Grinkevich., Moscow, Higher School, 1991 - 274 p.

4. Turova AD, Sapozhnikova EN, "Medicinal plants of the SSR and their use", fourth edition, Moscow, Medicine - 107 p.

5. "Botanical and Pharmacognostic Dictionary", edited by K.F. Blinova. and Yakovleva G.P., Moscow, Higher School, 1990 - 229-230 p.

6. Muravyova D.A., Gammerman A.F., "Tropical and subtropical medicinal plants", Moscow, Medicine, 1974 - 140-142 p.

Other plant names:

serpentina, sarpagandha.

Brief description of rauwolfia snakes:

Rauwolfia serpentine (serpentine) is a subshrub up to 1–1.5 m high, of the Apocynaceae family.

Rauwolfia snake (serpentine) grows in tropical countries.

The roots and rhizomes of rauwolfia are harvested, from which the medical industry produces reserpine, raunatin, aymalin.

Chemical composition of rauwolfia snakes:

Rhizomes and roots of rauwolfia contain about 20 indole alkaloids, which, in terms of dry plant raw materials, are 1–2%. The most famous of them are reserpine, reserpinine, raupin, serpentine, rescinamine, aymalicin, aymalin, aymalinin, serpin, yohimbine, thebaine, papaverine, etc.

All these active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of rauwolfia serpentine (serpentines).

Pharmacological properties of rauwolfia snakes:

The pharmacological properties of rauwolfia are determined by its chemical composition.

The pharmacological properties of plant alkaloids are diverse. Basically, they affect the central nervous system, have a hypotensive and adrenolytic effect, which is mainly due to the specific properties of reserpine and the amount of alkaloids close to it in structure. In connection with the widespread use in medical practice of reserpine and total alkaloid preparations from rauwolfia, the pharmacological properties of reserpine and raunatin are presented below.


Reserpine is a white crystalline powder, poorly soluble in water and well in organic solvents. It has mainly hypotensive and sedative (tranquilizing) effects.

The hypotensive effect of reserpine develops slowly and persists for a long time. The antihypertensive effect is associated with a decrease in cardiac output of blood, with a decrease in the total peripheral vascular resistance, as well as with the presence of an inhibitory effect of the drug on the pressor centers. The direct effect of the rauwolfia alkaloid on the vasomotor centers has not yet been proven, since reserpine in an animal experiment does not affect efferent impulses in the preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic innervation. Under the action of reserpine, however, bradycardia, increased motor activity and secretion of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as miosis are observed, which indicates the inhibition of adrenergic mechanisms by the drug and the predominance of cholinergic effects.

The effect of reserpine on the central nervous system is manifested in the deepening and intensification of physiological sleep, in the potentiation of the action of barbiturates and other hypnotics and drugs, in the inhibition of interoreceptive reflexes, in a decrease in body temperature. All this allows us to classify reserpine as a neuroleptic. However, at present, reserpine is rarely used in practical medicine as a neuroleptic.

The mechanism of action of reserpine is associated with its effect on biogenic amines, although it does not belong to monoamine oxidase inhibitors. In an experiment on animals, with the introduction of the rauwolfia alkaloid in large doses, the content of biogenic amines in the central nervous system and other organs and tissues significantly decreases. For example, the content of catecholamines in the central nervous system of norepinephrine decreases - in the heart muscle, blood vessels, and the adrenal medulla.


In contrast to the individual plant alkaloid, the total preparation from rauwolfia serpentine - raunatin - has a milder hypotensive and sedative effect, however, due to other plant alkaloids, it also has antiarrhythmic and antispasmodic properties. Despite the fact that in terms of the strength of the hypotensive effect, raunatin is inferior to reserpine, the mechanism for lowering the blood pressure of raunatin is composed of two components - the central reserpine-like and peripheral adrenolytic effect.

The use of rauwolfia in medicine, treatment of rauwolfia. Dosage forms, method of administration and doses of rauwolfia snakes:

From the rhizomes and roots of rauwolfia, effective medicines and forms are made that are used in the treatment of many diseases. Let's consider the main ones.

Reserpine drug:

Reserpine (Reserpinum) is used mainly for hypertension. Under the influence of the drug, there is a gradual decrease in the maximum and minimum blood pressure in various forms of hypertension (including with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland). The greatest effect is observed in the early stages of the disease in the absence of organic changes in the cardiovascular system. The therapeutic effect of reserpine is usually manifested 3-6 days after the start of the drug. The hypotensive effect persists for a relatively long time after discontinuation of reserpine. It is usually prescribed by mouth in the form of tablets; sometimes administered intramuscularly or intravenously, but parenteral administration does not have significant advantages over oral administration.

Doses of the drug and the duration of its use should be individualized. In hypertension, they usually start with the appointment of reserpine at a dose of 0.1–0.3 mg / day (0.0001–0.0003 g / day); take the drug reserpine after meals. In some cases, it is enough to continue using the drug at these doses, in other cases, the dose is gradually increased to 0.5–1 mg / day; in the absence of effect, the dose can be increased to 1.5–2 mg / day. If the hypotensive effect does not occur within 10-14 days, further administration of the drug is canceled. If there is an effect, the dose is gradually reduced to 0.5-0.2-0.1 mg / day. Treatment with small (maintenance) doses is carried out for a long time for several months under the supervision of a physician.

If necessary, reserpine can be prescribed in conjunction with other antihypertensive drugs, especially with apressin, as well as hexonium, pentamine and other ganglion blocking drugs.

The drug reserpine is also used for mild forms of heart failure with tachycardia (together with cardiac glycosides), for hypersympathicotonia, thyrotoxicosis (together with thyrostatic substances), and for late pregnancy toxicosis.

Higher doses of reserpine for adults inside: single 0.001 g (1 mg), daily 0.01 g (10 mg). When prescribing the drug in higher doses, an appropriate indication should be made in the prescription.

For children, reserpine is prescribed at the age of less than 0.1 mg 1-2 times a day, up to 5 years old - 0.1 mg 2 times a day and from 6 to 12 years old - 0.1 mg 2-3 times a day ...

In small doses, reserpine, as a rule, does not cause side effects. At high doses and increased sensitivity, hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the eyes, skin rash, stomach pain, diarrhea, bradycardia, weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, nightmares may occur. With prolonged use, parkinsonism is possible.

During the course of treatment, patients with mental illness may develop feelings of anxiety, anxiety, persistent insomnia, and a state of depression.

In case of side effects, the dose of reserpine should be reduced or temporarily canceled. For pain in the stomach and diarrhea, anticholinergics are prescribed, for parkinsonism - atropine, tropacin, amisil or similar drugs. With severe depression, CNS stimulants are used. When prescribing the drug on an outpatient basis, one should take into account the possibility of developing drowsiness and general weakness.

Contraindications for reserpine: Reserpine is contraindicated in severe organic cardiovascular diseases with circulatory failure and severe bradycardia, in coronary sclerosis and cerebral vascular sclerosis, nephrosclerosis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Available in the form of powder and tablets of 0.0001 g (0.1 mg) and 0.00025 g (0.25 mg).

Reserpine in powder is kept under lock and key (list A); tablets - with a precaution (list B). Store the drug reserpine in a tightly sealed container in a dry, dark place.

The drug raunatin:

Raunatin (Raunatinum). The main indication for the use of raunatin is hypertension, especially in stage I and II. In psychiatric practice, raunatin is not widely used due to an insufficiently pronounced neuroleptic effect, but it can, however, be used for neurotic conditions.

The drug is prescribed orally in tablets. Usually start with taking 1 tablet containing 0.002 g (2 mg) of the amount of alkaloids at night; on the 2nd day, take 1 tablet 2 times a day; on the 3rd day - 3 tablets and adjust the total daily dose of the drug to 5–6 tablets per day; take raunatin after meals.

After the onset of the therapeutic effect (usually after 10-14 days), the dose is gradually reduced to 1-2 tablets per day. The course of treatment lasts 3-4 weeks. However, sometimes the drug is taken for a rather long time in a maintenance dose (1 tablet per day). Treatment with raunatin should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Simultaneously with raunatin (or sequentially), you can use other antihypertensive drugs, ganglion blocking drugs, apressin, dichlothiazide, etc.

Raunatin usually does not cause side effects. Some patients tolerate it better than reserpine. However, in some cases, there is swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, sweating, general weakness; in patients with angina pectoris, pain in the region of the heart sometimes increases. Side effects disappear when the dose is reduced or after a short break (1-3 days) in taking the drug.

Raunatin is produced in film-coated tablets containing 0.002 g (2 mg) of the drug. Storage: List B. Store the drug raunatin in well-sealed jars or dark glass vials.

Aymalin preparation:

Ajmalin (Ajmalinum) on chemical structure belongs to the group of indole derivatives and is a white or white crystalline powder with a slightly yellowish sheen. Let's very little dissolve in water, it is difficult - in alcohol. Aymaline hydrochloride and acetate are readily soluble in water.

Aimaline, in contrast to reserpine, does not have neuroleptic activity, moderately lowers blood pressure, somewhat enhances coronary blood flow, has a negative inotropic effect and a moderate adrenolytic effect.

Aymaline is characterized by antiarrhythmic properties. It lowers the excitability of the myocardium, lengthens the refractory period, inhibits atrioventricular and intraventricular conduction, somewhat inhibits the automatism of the sinus node, suppresses impulse formation in ectopic foci of automatism.

Aimaline is an effective remedy for relieving attacks of atrial fibrillation and paroxysmal tachycardia. It is also effective for rhythm disturbances associated with intoxication with digitalis drugs.

The drug is administered intravenously, intramuscularly and inside; it is especially effective when administered parenterally.

For relief of acute attacks of atrial fibrillation and paroxysmal tachycardia, 0.05 g (2 ml of a 2.5% solution) is injected intravenously in 10 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution. Enter slowly - over 3-5 minutes. If necessary, you can re-enter another 0.05 g during the day. The drug can be injected drip: 2-4 ml of a 2.5% solution in 100-200 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution. Intramuscularly, 0.05 g (2 ml of a 2.5% solution) is injected every 8 hours up to 0.15 g / day (i.e., up to 3 times). If necessary, the drug is administered for several days in a row.

When a therapeutic effect is achieved from parenteral administration, they switch to taking the drug orally, 1-2 tablets (0.05-0.1 g) 3-4 times a day (for 1-3 weeks). Aimaline is generally well tolerated. Some patients have hypotension, general weakness, nausea, vomiting; when administered intravenously - a feeling of heat.

Aymalin contraindications (especially for intravenous administration): severe lesions of the cardiac conduction system, pronounced sclerotic and inflammatory changes in the myocardium, stage III circulatory failure, severe hypotension. Caution is necessary in the case of the administration of aymaline to patients with a recent myocardial infarction: a decrease in blood pressure and conduction disturbances are possible.

Aymalin is produced in tablets of 0.05 g, in ampoules of 2 ml of a 2.5% solution (25 mg in 1 ml). Store the drug on list B in a dark place.

Russian name

Rauwolfia alkaloids

Latin name of the substance Rauwolfia alkaloids

Rauwolfia alkaloids ( genus.)

Pharmacological group of the substance Rauwolfia alkaloids

Typical clinical and pharmacological article 1

Characteristic. The amount of alkaloids from the roots of rauwolfia (reserpine, serpentine, aymaline, etc.). The total content of alkaloids in terms of dry matter is not less than 90%.

Pharmaceutical action. The drug is of plant origin, has antihypertensive and antiarrhythmic effects. The sedative effect is less pronounced than that of reserpine, but in terms of hypotensive effect it is practically not inferior to reserpine, while in some cases it is better tolerated. The antihypertensive effect develops more slowly than that of reserpine.

Indications. Arterial hypertension (mild to moderate severity).

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity, arterial hypotension, depression, coronary circulation insufficiency, organic myocardial damage, aortic defects, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, nephrosclerosis, pregnancy (III trimester), age up to 18 years.

Dosing. Inside, after eating. On the first day, take 1 tablet (2 mg - in terms of the amount of alkaloids) at night; on day 2 - 1 tablet 2 times a day, on day 3 - 3 tablets, gradually increasing the total dose to 4-6 tablets per day.

After reaching the therapeutic effect (after 10-14 days), the dose is gradually reduced to 1-2 tablets per day.

Side effect. Swelling of the nasal mucosa, increased sweating, asthenia, cardialgia, bradycardia, depression, decreased libido.

Interaction: Can be used simultaneously or sequentially with other antihypertensive drugs (ganglion blockers, hydrochlorothiazide, hydralazine, etc.).

It is prescribed with caution in conjunction with quinidine, guanethidine, cardiac glycosides, beta-blockers (danger of increasing the severity of negative chronotropic and dromotropic action).

State Register of Medicines. Official edition: in 2 volumes - M .: Medical Council, 2009. - V.2, part 1 - 568 p .; Part 2 - 560 p.

Interaction with other active ingredients

Trade names

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