Liquid coal for children: instructions for use. Recommendations for the use of liquid coal Liquid activated carbon

Release form: Powder

Active substances: Pectin, Inulin, Amber Acid.

Excipients: Monohydrate dextrose, antisolent agent - silicon amorphous dioxide, natural apple fragrance.

Packaging: Sachet Packages 7.0 g (10 pcs.).

pharmachologic effect

Liquid coal is a complex of natural apple pectin, prebiotic inulin, succinic acid and taurine.

Pectin, dissolving in water, forms a gel. It can be figuratively present in the form of a sponge of molecules. Moving on the gastrointestinal tract, "pectic sponge" captures drugs of drugs, toxins and other xenobiotics (foreign substances for the body), bile acids, histamine, bilirubin and other toxic metabolic products, not allowing them to be absorbed into the blood. Pectin weakly falls into the stomach and is not digested in the intestine. Everything captured by the "pectin sponge" is excreted from the body.

Also, pectin molecules are connected to the ions of heavy metals and radionuclides, forming insoluble salts, not sucking in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, heavy metals are removed from the body.

Often substances, harmful to the human body, are also destructive effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, in a complex with sorbent pectin into liquid coal added ininulin, which contributes to the restoration of the natural intestinal microflora.

Inulin accelerates the passage of the edible lump on the top gastrointestinal departments, which contributes to the speedy removal of harmful substances. And in the lower sections of the intestine inulin decomposes and serves as a nutrient substrate for bifi and lactobacilli.

Inulin has an electoral action, i.e. Stimulates the development of useful microflora, but does not contribute to the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

Amber Acid and Taurine is easily absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and improve energy production in cells. Also, succinic acid stimulates the detoxification function of the liver.

Application area

- as an additional source of pectin, inulin, taurine, succinic acid;

- allergic reactions (including foods);

- with chronic intoxication of various origins and for their prevention.

During the detoxification:

- as part of comprehensive therapy after acute intestinal infections;

- with long-term reception medicines, incl. Antibiotics.

The contents of the Sasha dilute in 75-100 ml of water indoor temperature, take adults 2-3 times a day during food. The resulting solution has a gel consistency, gently envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines and completely eliminates the possibility of its mechanical injury. Duration of reception 1-2 weeks.

Liquid coal should be taken separately from eating or drugs - with an interval of at least 1 h.

Reception of 3 sachetsprovided admission:

* - "Unified Sanitary and Epidemiological and hygienic requirements To the goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control) "of the Customs Union of EurAsEC.

Liquid coal: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Zhidkij ugol.

Active substance: Pectin (Pectin), Inulin (Inulin), Taurine (Taurine), Amber Acid (Succinic ACID)

Manufacturer: LLC "External Pharma" (Russia)

Actualization of the description and photo: 27.11.2018

Liquid coal - biologically active additive (BAD) to food, an additional source of taurine, pectin, inulin and amber acid that has a sorbing effect.

Release form and composition

The product is produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution for intake: light beige, with an apple's aroma; The prepared solution is slightly turbid, gel consistency, beige, with apple taste (7 g in sachet, in a cardboard 10 sachet and instructions for the use of liquid coal).

In 1 Sasha are:

  • active components: pectin - 1000 mg, taurine - 200 mg, inulin - 200 mg, Amber Acid - 50 mg;
  • additional components: monohydrate dextrose, natural apple flavoring, antisoler agent - amorphous silicon dioxide.

Indicators (powder in 1 sachet): the nutritional value (Carbohydrates) - 5.5 g, energy value - 22 kcal / 94 kJ.

The use of three sachets per day provides admission active substances The body in the following doses (% of the adequate level of consumption):

  • taurine: 600 mg - 150% *;
  • inulin: 600 mg - 24%;
  • pectin: 3000 mg - 150% *;
  • amber Acid: 150 mg - 75%.

* Does not exceed the upper permissible level of consumption.

Pharmacological properties


Liquid coal is a complex comprising natural apple pectin, a Taurine amino acid, an inulin and succinic acid prebiotic. Powder enclosed in 1 sachet is dissolved in water to obtain a solution having a gel consistency and a softly enveloping wall of the stomach and intestines, which completely eliminates the possible risk of mechanical injury. Due to the liquid form, the product, entering the stomach, immediately manifests its action in contrast to the capsules and tablets, which must first dissolve in the contents of the stomach. Bud also helps to reduce dehydration arising from intoxication.

Apple pectin after dissolving in water forms a gel that can be figuratively represented as a sponge consisting of molecules. Pectic Sponge, moving on the gastrointestinal tract, absorbs toxins, allergens, drug decay products and other xenobiotics (foreign chemicals for the body), as well as histamine, bile acids, bilirubin and other toxic metabolic products, thereby not allowing their suction to blood . Since pectin almost does not fall into the stomach and does not digest in the intestine, captured by pectin sponge products are eliminated from the body.

Also, due to the properties of this natural compound, heavy metals are removed (copper, lead, mercury and others) and prevent them independent effect on the body. As a result, the compounds of carboxyl groups contained in pectin molecules, complex insoluble salts, which are not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate from the body, without causing it harm are generated with heavy metal ions and radionuclides. For this reason, drugs containing pectin are recommended to use people working with heavy metals.

Often, substances are often harmful to the body also have a negative impact on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Inulin, the natural compound included in the complex together with the sorbent pectin, in this case helps the restoration of the normal intestinal microflora and activates the proceeding processes in the digestive mucosa. Stimulating the peristaltics of the tract and accelerating the promotion of the food lump in its upper sections, inulin promotes the speedy elimination of harmful substances, and after its decay in the lower parts of the intestine - acts as a nutrient substrate for bifido- and lactobacilli. This compound, demonstrating selective action, activates the development of useful microflora, but does not stimulate the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Inulin also has a light laxative effect.

Taurine and Amber Acid are easily absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to improved energy products in cells. Amber Acid also enhances the detoxification function of the liver.

Indications for use

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • allergic reactions (including for food);
  • detoxication period: after reception medicinal preparations, including antibiotics; after the development of acute intestinal infections (as part of combined therapy);
  • chronic intoxication of various genesis (prevention / treatment): For accommodation near industrial zones, not far from road trails, CHP, as well as in other environmentally unfavorable conditions; In persons employed in harmful production, on railway transport, drivers.


  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • individual intolerance to any of the components of the BAA.

Liquid coal, application instructions: method and dosage

Sorbent liquid coal take orally.

Before taking a powder contained in 1 Sasha, it is necessary to dissolve in 75-100 ml (approximately in ½ cup) of boiled water of the room temperature, sprinkling it with a thin flowing into the water and continuously stirring intensively to complete dissolution. Adults are encouraged to take Bad 2-3 times a day, the course can be 1-2 weeks.

Side effects

Data is not specified.


Data is not specified.

special instructions

Liquid coal does not apply to drugs, so before it is required to consult with the attending physician.

BAA reduces absorption of both harmful and beneficial substances, as a result of this, it should be taken separately from food or drugs (the interval between primamines should be at least 1 hour).

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy and breastfeeding period are contraindications for receiving liquid coal.


Medicinal interaction

No data.


The analogues of liquid coal are: polysorb plus, liquid coal for children, pecto, weightsorb, enterosgel, white coal, polysorb MP, activated carbon, pektofit-troop, laxopectin.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dry place inaccessible for children, at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.

Shelf life - 2 years.

A painful state, provoked by various poisons and toxins, threatens health and can provoke unpredictable consequences. Any type of poisoning requires close medical attention, but when quick help is required, it often turns out activated carbon . Everyone is known medical properties Activated coal capable of absorbing toxic substances from the digestive tract and extract them without harm to the body. Liquid coal is a drug that has similar properties, although it does not include coal.

What is liquid coal

The biologically active additive with pectin is made in the form of a powder, which should be mixed with water before use. The resulting gel composition has a soft enveloping effect on the walls of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal system, eliminating possible damage.

The drug obtained its name is due to a similar effect with activated carbon. Bioduding liquid coal with pectin has the following properties:

  • eliminates the symptoms of allergic reactions;
  • facilitates intoxication provoked by medicines, as well as food poisoning;
  • eliminates the effects of helminthosis.

Liquid activated carbon must be consumed 1 hour before meals or medicines.

The tool is not a medicine, belongs to sorbents that contribute to the restoration of intestinal microflora and can be used in childhood without fears.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in the form of Sasha weighing 7 g. The following components are included in the content:

  • pectin belongs to polysaccharides. Used in cooking in the form of an E440 additive form. Useful for enhancing metabolism, reduction of cholesterol, improvement of the intestinal system;
  • inulin is a component that has positively affecting the intestinal microflora;
  • amber Acid and Taurine promote the cleaning of the body, the functioning of the liver is established.

How do the components of the complex

The pectin-contained ingredient in contact with water is formed into gel
. Penetrated into the gastrointestinal bodies, the substance connects toxic compounds, metabolites and allergens, stopping their absorption in blood system. Pectin is not able to digest in the intestinal system. Due to its abilities, the drug effectively eliminates:

  • bile acids;
  • radionuclides;
  • salts of heavy metals;
  • bilirubin;
  • histamine and other malicious substances.

A significant part of the pectin is in the peel of apples and citrus. The substance protects against irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, resistant to the effects of gastric juice. It is removed from the body in a constant state, taking with them the discreet substances in the internal organs. In addition, the component is more effectively fighting with severe lead joints and copper than most sorbing medicines.

Inuring ininulin contributes to the restoration of normal intestinal microflora, speeds up the removal of heavy compounds. In addition, Inulin does not destroy the useful microflora and does not provoke dysbacteriosis. The substance helps to strengthen the immunity, an increase in the body's resistance, the absorption of calcium by the body, and also normalizes the operation of the liver.

Amber Acid has a fascinating effect on the whole organism and is often used to prevent various diseases. The component contributes to the correct metabolism and is often used as a natural antioxidant.

Taurine prevents cancer tumors, positively affects the heart, participating in metabolic processes, protects the brain during dehydration, reducing excessive excitability, alarming states and convulsive syndrome.

Amber Acid and Taurine in aggregate activate the barrier function of the liver and are able to quickly dissolve in the digestive tract, restoring cellular energy.

The complex with pectin liquid coal for children contains another auxiliary component - fennel extract, capable of alleviating painful symptoms in the abdomen. At the expense of its antispasmodic ability and the windy effect, Fennel reduces inflammatory processes in the internal organs, protects the liver from the negative impact of malicious substances. Being a powerful antioxidant, the ingredient reduces gas formation in the intestine and eliminates constipation.

Indication for appointment

The remedy is assigned:

  • for detoxification in the composition of combined therapy in the intestinal infections in the aggravation stage;
  • after the use of drugs and antibiotics;
  • in food and other types of allergies;
  • for the treatment of dysbacteriosis;
  • in order to prevent intoxication, as well as for the treatment of poisoning.
  • residents of ecologically unfavorable areas;
  • people living near industrial industries, highways, thermal power plants;
  • employees of enterprises whose activities are associated with harmful working conditions;
  • employees railways and drivers.

Children's liquid coal is prescribed as an additional source of useful substances.

How to use

The contents of one bag should be dissolved in half a cup of warm water
stir up to complete dissolution.

Adult dosage is 2-3 times a day, for 7-14 days.

The instructions for use indicate that for the treatment of children over 3 years old, the drug should be mixed with 50-75 ml of warm water, mix it thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous gel solution, consumption 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

What are the advantages

Bad with pectin has a number of advantages over other sorbents:

  • a convenient form of product release allows you to quickly prepare the composition., dissolving the contents in a small amount of water;
  • the liquid form contributes to the occurrence of the rapid effect, due to the ability of substances to easily penetrate the stomach in contrast to the drugs in a solid dosage form, which first dissolve into the stomach content;
  • in addition, the additive reduces the dehydration of the patient, felt by the lost fluid in the internal organs;
  • liquid coal with pectin does not injure mucous surfaces digestive system , enveloping on the shell;
  • applying the tool, you can accelerate the yield of toxins from internal systems, normalize metabolism, which will have a positive effect on the whole condition of the person.

Liquid activated carbon for children has a pleasant apple taste, so it is easily transferred to small patients.

Contraindications and side effects

Restrictions to the use of the drug are:

  • increased sensitivity to bad ingredients;
  • the period of having a child;
  • breastfeeding phase;
  • children's age up to 3 years.

Before use, you must consult with your doctor.

Usually, the complex is easily transferred, negative consequences against the background of the use of funds occur extremely rarely. Most often, they are associated with the allergic intolerance of the existing components. In rare cases, abdominal pain, changing the consistency of the chair, dermatological reactions in the form of skin rash and swelling are possible. Such phenomena quickly pass after the cancellation of treatment.

Storage Terms and Conditions

The remedy should be stored in a dry room, at a temperature of no more than 25 ° C. The drug is suitable for 2 years.

You can purchase an additive in pharmacy networks at a price of from 200 to 300 rubles.


Natural complex with pectin does not have absolute analogues, however, as an alternative, many doctors prescribe Bad "Pekto"
containing liquid apple pectin.

In nutritional and drug poisoning, sorbing agents are most often recommended: activated carbon and enterosgel, to restore normal intestinal microflora, "Probio Log" is used.

Depending on the type of toxic substances, the severity of poisoning, the time of the introduction of intoxication, as well as characteristic symptoms Applied various methods and detoxification means. In the treatment of poisoning in children, natural sorbents are often used, eliminating negative influence on a growing organism. Liquid coal refers to safe and effective drugs will help to cope with various species pathological condition, to establish the functioning of the digestive system and cure dysbacteriosis.

The complexity is that early stages Glice invasion symptoms are not expressed or there is not enough. Beat the alarm and contact a doctor for diagnostics, if your child or adult family members complain:

  • at itching in the perianal region,
  • bad appetite
  • regular, but weakly pronounced discomfort in the abdomen without visible reasons
  • diarrhea
  • weakness, irritability.

The most common symptom, which speaks about the infection with helminty, is the dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract): stool disorders (constipation or liquid chair); stomach ache; flatulence; Dyspepsia of the upper departments of the tract (rapid saturation, nausea, belching).

In addition, endocoxins depress the intestinal microflora, and the removal of toxins contributes to its recovery.

"Liquid coal for children" - a sorbent that works

Protect the body from the productivity of helminths or their destruction will help natural sorbent "".

Apple Pectin is the main active component of "liquid coal". When pectin turns into contact with water, it turns into a gel that is reminded by a sponge. In the intestine, such a "sponge" absorbs the products of the life of helminths and the fact that they are left after anthelmintic drugs. Harmful substances Do not fall into the blood and are derived from the body.

Fennel extract is the third component. It eliminates the unpleasant feeling in the abdomen, reduces spasms and bloating. This allows the child to feel more comfortable.

Studies show that in children with giardiasis, in the complex therapy of which the Enerosorbent "Liquid Coal for Children" was entered, increased fatigue disappeared much faster, inconsideration after exercise, unfortunate drowsiness. Almost half of the children have ceased complaints of memory violations and concentrations, as well as on headaches, bruxism (grinding teeth), abdominal pain and meteorism. 2 times the frequency of stool disorders in the form of diarrhea and constipation decreased.

The average duration of the symptoms of intoxication (nausea, weakness, decline in appetite) in children who took liquid coal for children were significantly less than those who took activated coal or did not accept sorbents at all.

To start receiving the sorbent "Liquid coal" should be 2-3 hours after taking anthelmintic drugs. Reception scheme: 2-3 times a day for one Sasha within five days. The drug is allowed for the use of children over three years.

To prepare a drink, pour into a glass of 50-75 ml of water and with continuous stirring, pour the powder with a thin flowing. Let it breed a couple of minutes and mix again - the drink is ready for use.

"", Unlike traditional activated carbon, begins to act immediately and does not irritate the stomach. Please note that "liquid coal for children" has a natural apple taste, and therefore children drink it more willingly than other sorbents.

There are contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is necessary.
