How to build a grill house. Making a grill house with your own hands

Finnish invention. It is a beautiful closed gazebo with barbecue and chimney.

Most often, the cat is eight- or hexagonal, the main production material is a bar or a thick board.

Few companies manufacturing and assembling wooden buildings offer grill houses for sale, but these products do not always meet safety and comfort requirements. There is a way out - to build a grill house with your own hands.

The process of making parts and assembling them into a single whole is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance - having general construction skills, as well as experience in handling tools for processing wood and metal, a grill house can be done independently in three to four weeks.

Do not forget that any construction begins with a project. Today there are many computer programs that allow you to create a 3D model of a structure. Therefore, if you have the ability to work in such programs, you can use them. If this is not possible, you need to draw up a draft on paper.

Main parts of the structure

Construction can be divided into several stages.

  1. Base. As a foundation for the structure, you can use small concrete blocks, or lay out a solid cushion of paving stones. In the second case, the paving stones can be used directly as the floor of the room - such a covering, unlike a wooden one, is not afraid of coals and sparks, and it can be washed off more easily from fat.
  2. Preparation of materials. This stage includes the selection of boards and beams, their cutting to size, processing with special compounds and impregnation of wooden elements.
  3. Assembling the walls. If enough time has been devoted to the previous stage, then the assembly is very fast and is not difficult. When building walls, help is needed, while the rest of the stages of building a house can be dealt with even alone.
  4. Roofing system and roofing works. For the roof of a grill house, a soft Finnish roof is most often used. Easy installation and excellent performance make this material a great solution for small buildings.
  5. Doors and windows. The windows can be ordered ready-made - this will reduce the laboriousness of the process of making the house, the doors can be assembled independently or you can also use purchased ones. In this case, all that remains is to equip the openings.
  6. Grill. One of the most difficult stages of construction is setting up a grill. It includes the manufacture of a barbecue, a chimney and a dome-deflector. To carry out work on the manufacture of a barbecue and accessories, you must have experience with a welding machine and a grinder (angle grinder). In order to avoid complications, you can simply purchase a ready-made grill.

Let's take a closer look at all stages of construction.

Making a base for a grill house

After choosing a place for construction on the site, it is necessary to mark the site according to the selected dimensions. At this site, it is necessary to excavate the soil with a shovel bayonet and fill the depression with sand and gravel, leveling the surface, then you can lay it out with paving stones or make and install reinforced concrete posts, which in this case act as a foundation.

At this stage of the construction of the grill house, you need to equip the air supply system to the grill. A U-shaped pipe made of plastic with a cross section of 18-20 cm is quite suitable for this. One end of it comes out of the floor in the center of the grill house, the second in a convenient place outside the building.

To mask the external outlet of the air intake system, you can plant decorative or berry bushes around it.

If we are making a house on a supporting-columnar foundation, then it is necessary to attend to the strapping. For this, an ordinary square beam is quite suitable. In this case, it is imperative to lay a waterproofing material between concrete and wood.

Making the frame of the house

To simplify construction, we build the walls using the wireframe method. Such a structure is quite strong, and the boarding will make the structure more rigid.

For vertical racks, you should take a beam of 100x100 mm. You can also fasten these parts with a bar, but of a smaller diameter - 80x80 mm. Particular attention should be paid to the connection in those places where the placement of windows is planned.

At the bottom of the structure, you need to add vertical racks from the same 80x80 timber - in this place the benches will be attached. The vertical elements of the frame are installed in the corners (6 pillars, in accordance with the configuration of our building), and then fastened with horizontal ones.

Sections of the timber at the ends are processed with an end saw to obtain the required shape. In order to comfortably rest in the house, you need to make it of sufficient height - 2.5 meters is quite enough.

After making the wall frame, you can tackle the rafter system.

  • This will require a hexagon made of a bar or edged board, which will serve as the upper base of the roof frame (the chimney will be located in the center). For a strong connection, you can use a metal corner, unbent to the required degree.
  • Rafters can also be made from edged boards. In order for them to fit snugly against the top hexagon base, they must be cut at an angle. We use steel corners as fasteners - the connection will turn out to be strong and reliable. The lower ends of the rafters are fixed on the vertical beams of the frame.

Walls - insulation and cladding

Since the grill house is intended for use not only in summer, but also in winter, you need to take care of its insulation.

To date, a wide variety of thermal insulation materials have been produced, so there will be no problems with the selection.

It is also worth using a special non-woven fabric - windscreen. If you work with it correctly, following the recommendations, then it will not let air through from the outside, but will not become an obstacle to the escape of steam from the inside of the room.

In order to move on to the wall cladding, you need to process the openings - window and door. The rest of the walls are covered with a windbreak and insulated. After these procedures, we sew up the outside of the walls with the prepared material. It can be lining (including block house), siding or other materials of your choice.

The inside of the walls can also be sheathed with clapboard, for example, from coniferous wood.


Flexible shingles are best suited for the roof of a grill house. This type of soft roof is produced mainly by Finnish companies and is extremely easy to use.

First, you need to make a continuous covering of plywood or OSB (oriented strand board). This operation is easy to carry out - you just need to cut the material in accordance with the shape of the roof, and then attach it to the rafters and the hexagon with self-tapping screws. After that, you can start roofing work. Soft roofs can be cut easily, mounted very quickly and with a minimum of tools. The only condition is that the air temperature must be at least +5 degrees Celsius.

After installing the roof of the house, you need to install droppers (you can buy ready-made ones).

Doors and windows

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, windows can be bought ready-made, or rather order production for the required dimensions. The door can be made by yourself. For example, a frame door is remarkably assembled from the same lining that was used for the interior decoration of the grill house, and a small section bar.

Important! When making a door yourself, it is worth carefully measuring all the values ​​so that you do not get cracks and distortions.

Internal furnishings

If our house implies the presence of a wooden floor, we mount the logs and on them a final floor made of edged boards or tongue-and-groove boards.

In order to better retain heat in the room, it makes sense to insulate the space under the floor using heat-insulating material and a windproof layer.

Traditionally, wooden benches are installed in the grill house, and in the center there is a table into which a brazier is built.

The table can be either hexagonal, in the likeness of the shape of the house itself, or round - depending on personal preference.

Brazier and chimney

In the absence of experience with metal, a welding machine and an angle grinder (grinder), a ready-made brazier can simply be purchased in a specialized store.

But, if you still really want to make this important functional element of the grill house, you can also make it yourself.

The shape can be arbitrary, the size too. The main thing is to remember the safety rules, and not only during manufacturing work, but also during operation.

Chimney pipes are definitely easier to buy, as well as a deflector hood.

After assembling the grill, the house is ready.

Despite modern innovations in technological progress, a person tends to return to a primitive state. Everyone is drawn to get closer to nature. Therefore, the grill house is so popular, providing maximum comfort for all kinds of barbecue events, barbecues and other country outings.

Unfortunately, sometimes unfavorable weather conditions in an inhospitable harsh climate do not allow you to fully enjoy the delights of nature. In the rain or in snowdrifts it is impossible to have a good rest and pamper yourself with a barbecue in the heat, in the heat. However, if you build a modern and comfortable grill house on your summer cottage with your own hands, you can forget about natural disfavors.

Tourism lovers also do not have to go to distant countries for new experiences. A cozy private house will allow you to enjoy the exotic in a well-known and familiar territory. Admirers of kebab culture and barbecues can enjoy themselves without taking into account natural disasters like pouring rain or even a blizzard that sweeps away the entire neighborhood with snowdrifts.

If you want to usefully spend your free time at your own summer cottage, the best option is the grill house. The indisputable advantages of such a structure are:

  1. The opportunity to cook hot mulled wine with your own hands, grill potatoes and kebabs on charcoal, not comparable in taste to those cooked even in luxurious city apartments. The smell of a haze of open fire gives the dishes a certain primitive aroma, returning to the origins of being.
  2. Saving time and effort on grilling a variety of culinary creations. During the cooking process, you do not have to leave the premises to the street fire, since the live fire is located directly in the center of the gazebo.
  3. The versatility of the gazebo of the above-described type allows you to combine them with a bath, use them for staying overnight for friends, as a summer residence or a seasonal office.
  4. Small on the outside, such suburban buildings are quite spacious inside due to the six- or octagonal shape.

The best place for a country holiday in the bosom of nature are multifunctional barbecue houses, equipped with grill installations.

Such gazebos allow you to use the primitive hearth indoors thanks to a progressive ventilation system that ensures reliable air circulation.

A great opportunity to spend time outside the dusty and bustling city is provided by a cozy grill house located on its own plot. Enjoy the mesmerizing beauty of an open fire, without worrying about protecting the hearth from rain and snow, with a comfortable indoor gazebo in the Scandinavian style built with your own hands.

To deceive the harsh climate that makes it difficult to relax, enterprising neighbors from Finland have invented a grill house that allows you to enjoy the pristine beauty of the environment.

In addition to the direct purpose for cooking barbecue, similar structures can be used for other purposes:

  • A functional house is quite capable of replacing a summer kitchen. Moreover, an open fire will give the prepared dishes a unique taste;
  • As an additional guest room with a large number of visitors, the house can be equipped with a fairly comfortable berth;
  • Such a suburban building will perfectly cope with the role of a summer residence or office;
  • By combining such a gazebo with a sauna, you can enjoy water treatments;
  • Using a building for seasonal storage of garden tools, try not to block the passage to the hearth, so that at any time, if you wish, you can cook an exquisite dish on the fire;
  • The grill house serves not only for organizing gatherings around the barbecue in the circle of loved ones or friends, it can be used as a place of solitude, where you can calmly reflect on life.

Based on the purpose of such a suburban building, the shape of the room and the interior equipment are selected. Modern materials provide a huge selection of various designs such as a grill house or a barbecue gazebo. Even an ordinary layman who is not familiar with the intricacies of construction skills is able to assemble such a structure on the territory of a garden suburban area.

The rather extensive experience of neighbors from Finland in using such structures affected the extreme popularity of the Scandinavian tents. This is the form that modern grill huts have acquired in the interpretation of northern craftsmen.

Deep historical roots are reflected in the functionality of such buildings. The Finnish grill houses owe their appearance to the Lapland turf huts, which protected the inhabitants of the harsh Norwegian tundra from the disgraces of nature. Such buildings saved the indigenous people from severe frosts, torrential rains and other weather troubles.

Of course, you can purchase a ready-made and fully equipped grill house, but it is much more pleasant to equip a place for a family vacation with your own hands. Barbecues, charcoal baked potatoes or a delicious kebab will undoubtedly taste much better under a roof. Such grilled gazebos give special pleasure in bad weather, when the weather is raging outside the walls, and a calm fire crackles comfortably in the center of the house, spreading the smells of barbecue and hand-made delicacies throughout the room.

It is necessary to determine the functional purpose of the summer cottage structure immediately before the start of construction. The shape, size and interior decoration of the room depends on it. After that, you can consider the proposed drawings of the building for the barbecue.

Choosing a closed house for a summer cottage or an open gazebo for barbecue events, it is necessary to accurately designate the building material that will be required in the process of erection and internal equipment of this structure.

For harsh climates, stone can be used, although a wooden grill house is the most common option due to the internal heat source in the form of a live fire in the middle of the room.

Natural skins, casually thrown on benches around the hearth, contribute to the creation of a primitive environment. The seats can be folded down to save space.

Such gazebos and modern plague grills allow you to return to the primordial origins of human existence. Comfortable rest under a cozy roof outside the city bustle brings you closer to nature.

Recently, for our compatriots, dacha rest has become a kind of tradition, and it is associated not so much with garden work, but with pleasant gatherings in the circle of relatives and friends.

To build a grill house, the first step is to prepare the base: remove the top layer of earth, cover it with sand and tamp it thoroughly.

A real discovery for summer residents, especially those living in the north-western region of Russia, are closed and insulated grill houses that allow them to relax at any time of the year, regardless of the weather.

We owe this invention to our northern neighbors - the Finns. Finnish grill houses are multifunctional, they can not only serve as an excellent resting place, but also replace the summer kitchen, provide additional sleeping places if necessary.

General idea of ​​Finnish grill houses

Finnish grill houses in appearance and internal structure resemble the plague of reindeer breeders of Lapland, the ancient dwellings of the peoples of the North. They are traditionally made from wood. Visually, grill houses are closed gazebos, usually hexagonal in shape, installed on a solid foundation, with a triangular roof with a chimney. All side walls and the door itself have small windows. The heart of this building is an open hearth located inside the house. Usually, universal stoves are installed so that you can cook food for every taste. Additionally, a smokehouse, a skewer, a brazier can be installed.

A chimney located directly above the hearth will serve as protection from soot and smoke. In addition to cooking, Finnish grill ovens heat the room during the cold season. There is always a table top around the hearth. There are comfortable benches along the walls, on which skins or pillows are laid. The grill gazebo can be equipped in any style, but most often it looks like a hunting lodge. This building can accommodate up to 12 guests.

In the modern market, there are many offers for the purchase of a grill arbor. However, you can get pleasure, win financially and aesthetically, only by building such a house with your own hands.

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Necessary materials and tools for building a grill house

Self-construction of a Finnish gazebo will not be difficult. You should take care of the necessary materials and tools needed for construction in advance. The following tools come in handy:

Tools: shovel, hammer, hacksaw, screwdriver, etc.

  • shovel;
  • axe;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • chisel;
  • square;
  • electric drill;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • metal corners.

From the materials you need to purchase:

  • plastic pipe for blowing with a diameter of 18 cm;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • gravel;
  • curbstone;
  • paving slabs;
  • timber with a section of 100x100 (mm), 6 pcs. 2.5 each (m);
  • timber with a section of 80x80 (mm), 1.5 (m) long;
  • edged board with a section of 50x100 (mm) for the roof frame;
  • nuts and washers;
  • special treatment for wood - pinotex;
  • moisture resistant OSB boards;
  • lining;
  • insulation - mineral wool;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • double-glazed windows;
  • soft roof tiles;
  • Door;
  • Finnish grill oven on legs;
  • chimney with a smoke collector;
  • decoration elements.

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Finnish gazebo base and frame construction technology

Before starting the construction of the gazebo, you need to find a place for it so that the country house is nearby. At the chosen place, first of all, a round area is marked under the base of the building and the top layer of soil is removed with a shovel. Sand, crushed stone, gravel are poured over its entire area, and all this is well compacted.

A plastic pipe is laid with an outlet to the street for blowing and again covered with sand and gravel. The site itself can be laid out for fire safety with paving slabs, and along its edges - with curb stones. It should be clarified that if the grill house will be often used in winter, then its base must still be strengthened with a reinforced cement-concrete screed, and a floor tongue should be placed on top.

After creating a solid foundation for the grill house, you should proceed to the construction of its frame. For this, 6 main support pillars are installed, the dimensions of which are 2.5 (m) height, section 100x100 (mm). Specially prepared wooden blocks with a length of 1.5 (m) and a section of 80x80 (mm) are used to horizontally fasten the main bars to each other - from above, below and in the center.

The angle obtained between them must be checked with a square, which should be equal to 60 °. It should be noted that the bars are fastened together using metal corners, self-tapping screws and an electric drill. Immediately, additional vertical bars are installed on the walls for future windows and in the place of the planned installation of the door frame.

The turn has come to design the roof frame, for which a roof frame with 6 corners is assembled from an edged board with a section of 50x100 (mm). It is important to remember that the inner diameter of the resulting hexagon must be equal to the diameter of the output pipe of the penetrator. It is best to do this work on the ground, and then fix it at the top. The hexagon must be connected to the entire structure of the arbor being erected using rafters, which are also made from edged boards of the same section.

It should be noted that for a tighter fit of the rafters to the hexagon, their ends are cut off at an angle of 30 °. The rafters are installed in pairs to each of the support pillars. The roof frame is fastened using self-tapping screws, metal corners and an electric drill. Special nuts and washers can give additional strength to the structure. To extend the service life of the building, it is imperative to process the entire wooden frame of the house with pinotex.

What could be better than making excellent delicious kebabs at the dacha? Only if such kebabs are delicious. In this regard, making a grill house in the country with your own hands does not seem to be a very difficult task and such a gazebo will become the place where the whole family gathers in the evenings. Making a grill house with your own hands is not at all difficult, you just need to adhere to some instructions.

The grill house will become at your dacha the place where the whole family gathers for a delicious barbecue.

You can make a grill house in the country with your own hands in different ways, you need to proceed from the size of the area of ​​the site, and then the gazebo will be an excellent interior decoration.

A round platform for a grill house must be laid out with paving slabs under the cobblestones.

If the area of ​​the plot is average, then the grill house with your own hands is done as follows: you need to outline a circle with a diameter of 3.5 meters, which is 15 cm more than the gazebo that stands on the site, then you need to remove the sod there (the depth is 20-30 cm). After that, you need to dig a trench for the duct, you need to place a sewer pipe made of plastic there (the diameter of such a pipe should not exceed 18 cm). Then the site and the trench must be covered with gravel, the layer must be 10-15 cm, then a curbstone must be laid around the perimeter, and irregularities will appear, they must be covered with sand.

Then the round area must be laid out with paving slabs under the paving stones, first, a stone covering should be made, which differs from a wooden one in that falling coals or food will not spoil all this.

Grill house construction technology

The back walls of the grill house are usually located in close proximity to the fence site, where the neighbors are, therefore the gazebo in this part does not imply windows

Then, directly on the site, 6 support pillars are needed, the height of which is 2.5 m, they need to be made from a bar, the cross-section of which should be 100 by 100 mm. Then, at the bottom in the center and at the top, you need to connect all the bars, the section of which is 80 by 80 mm and the length of which is one and a half meters, then you need to cut the ends, the angle should be 60 degrees. As for the strengthening of the bars, then this must be done with the help of metal corners or self-tapping screws. In order to make windows in the upper part of the case, you need to install 2 vertical bars, and in the wall where you plan to make the door, you need to make 2 vertical pillars for the door frame.

The rear walls of the gazebo are in most cases located in close proximity to the fence site, where the neighbors are, therefore the gazebo in this part does not imply windows. This will help protect the house in the country from prying eyes, the bright midday rays of the sun will not bother you either. Inside the house, on the wall, you can hang shelves for dining and tea utensils and crockery. Such a gazebo can become a real place for family recreation, where no one will interfere.

The roof of a grill house can be made from a hexagon, which is made from edged boards with a section of 10 by 5 cm.

In order to make a roof, you can make a hexagon, it is made from an edged board, the cross-section of which is 10 by 5 cm. As for the inner diameter of the pipe, it should be equal to the diameter of the grill passage pipe. Rafters must be attached to this hexagon (they are made of edged boards, the cross section of which is 50 by 100 mm, their ends must be cut off at an angle of 30 degrees, so that each rafter rests on the side of the hexagon with maximum density. Such rafters must be installed in pairs to each support post, fix them with metal corners with a section of 100 by 100 mm.It should be noted that such a structure turns out to be quite heavy, therefore it is better to assemble it on the ground, and to mount it finally, setting it in place. the timber between them must be fastened with threaded rods with washers and nuts.

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Some of the nuances of construction

After that, you need to cut off the parts of the pillars that rise above the roof, and then you need to process the entire frame with pinotex. A gap remains between the lower rim of the frame; it must be sealed with polyurethane foam.

The roof of the house should be covered with sheets of ondutis, but this requires an even solid base. Such a base is made of sheets, 9 mm thick, such sheets are attached to the rafters with self-tapping screws. After that, in the center of the roof in the ondutis, you need to cut a hole with a diameter larger than the grill pipe by 1-2 cm.

The frontal board, on which the gutter and the drips are attached, are made of a blockhouse, whose width is 20 cm, while the inner part of the groove is removed so that it will not be difficult to fasten the lining. Do-it-yourself grill house in the country house needs to be sheathed with boards on all sides, and then painted with pinotex. Then you need to attach the lining from the bottom side, plastic jelly holders are fixed on it, and droppers are installed on them. They can be made from an onduline pincer, it must be cut in length into two equal parts and bent at an angle of 90%. Such droppers need to be nailed with small nails to the lower transverse lathing in the upper part and to the lower frontal board.

As for the windows and doors, they can be made sliding, the aluminum profile in this regard is perfect. And there is no doubt that such a gazebo will become a favorite pastime for the whole family.