Lumbago (raised in the lower back): causes, symptoms, treatment and what to do with pain. All about Lumbago: What is it, symptoms, reasons, treatment for reaching at home Lumbago symptoms causes diagnosis and treatment

The health of the spine has an impact on overall well-being in such an extent that it is impossible to overestimate. Knowledge of the anatomy of the human body, how the disease is emerging, its signs, makes it possible to prevent violations and correctly act when they appear.

Most of the problems associated with the spine can be warned by observing health culture. This will allow you to preserve the freshness of youth as long as possible.

Concept of syndrome

If there was a sudden acute pain in the lower back, which forced the patient to measure, so that it does not intensify, then experts are diagnosed in the patient Lumbago.

The pain can be short-term or linger for several hours. In any case, it is a reason to pay attention to your health.

Symptoms and signs of illness

Such symptoms are characteristic of Lumbago:

  1. The man leaned over and with straightening felt like a "knife in the back" pain. This pain signal has characteristic features.
    The feeling appears in the lower back:
    • how to shoot lightning,
    • push,
    • shock
    • crushing pain
    • brain
    • cold
    • burning
    • driving in muscles
    • or, it seems that the squeezing of the muscles of the lower back,
    • pogwan goosebumps.

    Pain is localized at a specific point. The patient can indicate where "races". Enharged when coughing. Stress can also provoke pain gain.

  2. The second sign of Lumbago is the inability to change the position in which the pain caught. The muscles react to the pain of the occurrence of voltages in them. This limits the possibility of moving during an attack.
  3. In connection with the muscle spasm during the examination of the back, the palpation can detect dense areas. When pressed on them there are pain.

The reasons

Acute pain - the visible part of the iceberg disease. It is important to determine the invisible part, where the causes of Lumbago lies. It:

  1. - The greatest number of cases of disease cause degenerative changes in disks and vertebrae. The causes of violations may be acquired, congenital. Provocation often serves:
    • Sharp cooling after overheating, for example, in the sauna.
    • Long stay in one posture, it can be associated with the specifics of work.
    • Finding for a long time on drafts.
    • Excessive load on the spine.
    • - The consequences of osteochondrosis may be the cause of Lubago.
  2. Tumors as the cause of Lambago is much less common.
  3. Source pain in the spine can provoke infectious processes causing spondylitis.


Conducting research with help gives exhaustive information, including the status of soft tissues. Based on the results, the doctor can determine the reasons that led to acute back pain.

Accurate diagnostics will help to avoid erroneous destination. Early diagnosis allows you to hope for the complete elimination of the causes of the disease.

When does Lumbago arise with Ishias?

The traumatic impact on the nerve endings with affecting causes Lumboy wish. The root nerves may suffer from harassment of fabrics deformed by disease or from inflammatory processes. Sumpring the nerve can also lead to inflammation in it.

From pain, spasm in the muscles of the back, which is even more creating prerequisites for pain syndrome. Hard muscles create additional pressure on the hearth problem.

The brain sends the signal to the muscles to strengthen spasm. This vicious circle creates a stable focus of the problem where the inflammatory process and the enemy occurs in the compressed fabrics.

Provocation for the appearance of this disease can be:

  • awkward fast movement
  • attempt to raise a heavy cargo from the inclined position,
  • stay in an uncomfortable posture for a long time.


Developing osteochondrosis is often a background for the emergence of Lumbago with Ishias. This disease manifests itself through such signs:

  • A sharp occurrence in the lower back of acute pain, which gives to the lower limbs. Pain may radiate in one leg or both.
  • The trajectory of pain passes along the back of the foot, reaching the calf, and the beginning it takes from the buttocks.
  • Student of the lumbar department.
  • Forced pose of the patient: bent forward.
  • Changing the position of the body causes pain.
  • Feelings may occur on painful areas:
    • heat,
    • itch
    • goose
    • cold.
  • With the foot of the foot, in which the pain gives, painful sensations become sharp and burning.
  • The skin on the leg, affected by the lumboy walkers, acquires a pale color and becomes cold to the touch.
  • When overwork and overcooling, pain syndrome is enhanced.

How to treat the lumbar sharp at home?

  • If there was a sudden pain, then the first action to facilitate the state should be taken by a lying pose. On the solid base, the blankets are laid on the back.
  • You can take a tablet from non-steroidal preparations (diclofenac).
  • After that, they cause a doctor. It is necessary to diagnose and get a prescription for treatment.
  • An ointment is imposed on the lower back:
    • Fastness gel.
  • It is necessary to observe peace.
  • On the lower back it is good to wear an elastic belt with a woolen inside.
  • It should be abandoned by accepting food products capable of bringing fluid delay in the body:
    • coffee,
    • acute
    • salty
    • sweet
    • alcohol.
  • When let's release the sharp pain perform, without overloading itself simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back.

Medication drugs

Specialists have developed standard methods of assistance in Lyumbago. Among them, drugs are recommended to take drugs.

  • Nonteroidal funds - contribute to the removal of painful sensations, the edema and the inflammatory process:
    • Aspirin.
  • To reduce the anxiety of the patient, the doctor may appoint the reception of tranquilizers.
  • Susmolitin - removes muscle spasm.
  • Sidicrafts - so that the patient could fall asleep, despite the sharp pain.
  • Dimexide - the drug is applied to the zeal area, wetting napkins in it. It is able to penetrate the skin and have an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Vitamin preparations containing a group B.

After medication treatment, the doctor may assign physiotherapy procedures, acupuncture, manual therapy. These procedures can be prescribed and parallel with the reception of drugs after removing the acute phase of the disease.

Folk remedies

Common ways to help:

  • Warming compress:
    • the lower back area is imposed (5 g),
    • knead the dough on the water from rye flour and applied to the lower back,
    • cellophane
    • wool insulation.

    Compress remove in an hour. Skipidar remains wiped out a napkin. Make three days in a row.

On the photo ointment turpentine used in Lumbago syndrome

  • They put on the lower back a special belt, which has a fur coat in his composition. It is checked that heat from it bears the therapeutic effect.

Treatment of lumbagoisalgia

  1. The first stage is an acute state.
    • The patient is attributed to bedding.
    • Recommended to reduce the reception of fluid to help reduce the ethnicity.
    • Application of NVPS to improve the patient's condition. Non-steroidal drugs are anesthetized, they are contaminious, removed the edema. These are drugs in the form of injections, ointments and tablets:
      • Nooofen,
      • Ketorol
    • If in the muscles is a strong spasm, then the doctor may appoint muscle relaxants and antispasmodics.

    All drugs have serious contraindications. You should read the instructions and consult with your doctor.

  2. When an acute pain releases, go to physiothereders, be sure to make medicinal gymnastics.

Prevention and forecast

If Lumbago arose due to negligence, and in the spine there are no serious violations, then observing the prescriptions of the doctor and bed regime, the patient will recover for two weeks.

It should be found the reasons for led to disease and conduct a course of treatment to eliminate them.

To prevent the appearance of acute lower back pain, you need:

  • Strengthen the back muscles for this should be charged.
  • Take care of drafts.
  • Avoid long stay in one pose.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Swing.
  • Give yourself gentle physical exertion.
  • Lift gravity with direct spine. If you need to bend legs in the knees.
  • When wearing goods, distribute weight into two hands.
  • Sleep in a half rider or orthopedic mattress.
  • Follow the diet to be balanced.
  • If there is a osteochondrosis disease in a timely manner to treat it.

Symptoms and treatment of Lumbago characterizes a sharp shot in the lower back. According to the ICD 10 (international classification of diseases of the tenth revision), the diagnosis of Lumbago is determined in the category "Dorsalgia", the localization code M 54.4 "Lumbago with Ishiam". The diagnosis of neurological disease is determined by special clinical grounds and states. Lyumbago and his symptoms have nothing to do with the clinical damage to the spinal roots relating to radiculopathy (radiculitis of the back). We define what Lyumbago Lumbar Division is, why such neurological signs and symptoms of the disease arise, and what effective methods of therapeutic treatment are possible.

Discogeneous Lumbalgia or simply lumbago is the clinical state of the vertebrae and intervertebral disks, characterized by a sharp lumbar shot. According to the majority of medical experts, the back of the lumbar is the result of the muscular overvoltage of the lumbar belt, the formation of hernia in the intervertebral body, the result of the mechanical impact on the spine, or a congenital pathological deviation. Most likely shooting pain in the lower back overtakes a person during body slopes or when lifting gravity.

Check the condition of your lumbar department can be as follows. It follows in the standing position, tilt the straight back at an angle of 45º. After the delay of this posture for 10-15 minutes, it is necessary to straighten smoothly. If she shot the lower back, it is definitely that a person is present with Lumbago syndrome. In the case of a uncomfortable sensation when straightening the back - a person is a potential patient of the neurological clinic.

As a rule, an abnormally unstable lower back reacts with a sharp displacement of the intervertebral disk during physical activity. Causement of reasons for illustrian pain: The pain mechanism is always the same, regardless of the cause of the occurrence. Breakfast in the lower back is the result of painful influence on the nerve ending inside the fibrous ring, surrounding ligaments and / or other vertebral bodies. The reasons and treatment of the raznannik sketch are due to the type of pain:

  • If the intervertebral disk is damaged, the flaw in the lower back is due to the observation of the fibrous ring, the output of the pulpate content of the outward or compression pressure on the peripheral vertebral sections.
  • The back of the back can ensure the displacement of the vertebrae, as a result of a long-term chronic osteochondrosis of the lumbar-sacrive department.
  • Frequent back of the belt, as a result of the congenital violation of the vertebrae of the musculoskeletal vertebral system, occurs in 10-15% of the total population of the globe. The signs and treatment of Lyumbago inheritance is devoted to a whole section in children's neuralgia.
  • Among other causal factors, the back pain in Lumbago (illness) may occur with the strong growth of tumor-like neoplasms on the body of the spine as a result of vascular tumor, metastasis, rheumatic lesions or infectious inflammation of the bone-artistic spine structures.

How to determine the symptoms of discogenic lumbalgia

Usually, for the first time a person notes that it shifted in the lower back, on average or older, when a 35-55-year-old life line was overcome. The symptoms of Lumbago most often arise in people with an active life position, such as professional athletes. Among other factors - shoots the lower back with severe working conditions associated with excessive overload and / or overvoltage of the bone-muscular lumbar corset, with frequent supercooling or overheating.

The main symptom of acute inflammation is pain in the lumbar belt. A person feels an intense shot, pulsating or fierce sharp pain in the lower back or on the left. Shoots in the lower back, as a rule, not more than 10-15 minutes, after which there is a sudden amplitude sketch, threatening with re-exacerbation at any time. The intensity and duration of pain symptoms does not depend on the age and gender of man. Forced pose during an attack, it can take out the surprise of both men and women, make them completely helpless. The next pain sign is a reflex muscular spasm, which is irradiating into the buttocks and the inner thigh. Often shooting pain permeate the lower back at full rest, for example, during sleep. The person begins to make a convenient position for himself, the maximum stopping acute symptomatic course of the disease - under the stomach or on the belly there is a pillow, or knees tighten to the chest. It is possible to effectively treat the back of the back in the back, only special pharmaceutical agents, that is, medicines.

How to treat lumbago at home and medication

Complex therapy implies drug treatment with antispasmodic, painful and painkillers, as well as functional methods - physiotherapy, medical gymnastic exercises, massage. First of all, we are talking about the provision of first medical care in neurological complications:

  • If a person caught a lumbago standing, then the only medicine for him is peace.
  • As soon as a person feel some relief, it is necessary to put it on a rigid horizontal surface. Orthopedic mattress, in this case, is not effective.
  • If possible, the patient needs to lift the legs bent in the knees. Such a pose will reduce the voltage to the musculoskeletal lumbar zone.
  • Do not do any injections and conduct treatment at home by introducing injections, if there are no special skills or medical education. It is possible to use special creams, balms, ointments or gels. You can also give analgesic tablets.
  • Leave a person alone and wait for a medical team ambulance.

The attending consultant will determine why and how the loin takes over, and will provide relevant medical care. After removing the acute attack of Lumbago, the patient will be recommended to visit the doctor of the neuropathologist at the place of residence.

Restoring lost functions

After the appropriate integrated therapeutic effect on the neuralgia of the lumbar-sacrive department, special treatment of Lumbago folk remedies is necessary at home. For the implementation of this problem there are many effective medical and preventive facilities of traditional medicine:

  • Homemaking from Lambalgia. In equal parts, rearred mint leaves are taken, dandelion root and birch kidney. To 50 grams of well-mixed dry raw materials, a tablespoon of natural honey and ½ tbsp is added. l. vegetable oil or pork fat. Such a mixture can be stored in the refrigerator up to 1 year. If necessary, the drug composition is applied to the sick lower back and is rubbed for 5 minutes. Therapeutic procedure should be repeated 3 times a day.
  • Very effective, from a medicinal point of view, a medicinal balm, which will be anti-inflammatory action. Rhizome burdock, altea and yarrow, mixed with lavender oil, in a proportional ratio of 1: 1: 2. The composition is applied to the affected area and rubs into light movements.
  • The loin is lubricated 5 grams of turpentar and the ball of the dough from rye low-grade flour is stacked on top. He is insulated by the affected place by cellophane and wool cloth. It is recommended to carry out such a procedure 2-3 times a day. In order to avoid strong burning, the term of home treatment is not more than 30-40 minutes.
  • Alcohol tincture on a mumor is an equally effective method of prophylactic treatment of discogeneous lumbalgia. On 500 ml of diluted alcohol or vodka, 200-250 grams of the forest product are necessary. However, such a composition should be prepared in advance so that within 2-3 weeks it stands out and scored healing properties. Applied alcohol tincture as a compress for lower back.

The prerequisite for rehabilitation treatment after transferred discogenous lumbalgia is wearing a corrective corset, the wearing time of which determines the attending physician. In the future, for constant stimulation of blood flow, sick lumbago, we should wear a special belt with dog wool.

Conducting treatment at home, we should not forget that preventive gymnastics in Lumbago is a prerequisite for successful recovery. A complex of special rehabilitation and rehabilitation medical physical education in Lambalgia can be found at the attending physician.

Attention! With acute form of discogenous lumbalgia, any physical exertion and active movements are categorically contraindicated.

Prevention of lumbago

No one is in doubt that the disease needs to be followed. Therapeutic prophylaxis is the main way of impact on the possible exacerbation of Lumbago. Any physical exertion should not be favorable and difficult. The uniform distribution of all segments of the musculoskeletal system during physical activity, significantly reduces the risk of possible exacerbation, and the comfortable temperature regime of the body will reduce the risk of supercooling or overheating. Among the main measures of therapeutic prevention of Lumbago, the following points can be distinguished:

  • Mandatory wearing warming belt.
  • Daily execution of gymnastic exercises and therapeutic massage.
  • In order to avoid neurological exacerbation, follow its nutrition and completely abandon the bad habits.
  • Patients with discogenous lumbalgia recommended sanatorium-resort treatment, with the obligatory passage of mud and salt baths.
  • Annual prophylactic examination at the neuropathologist.

Fast page

Lumbago is the designation of the painful syndrome in the lower back. In addition to the term "Lumbago", the concept of "Cervicago" is sometimes found, which means acute pain in the neck. It would seem, by analogy, if there is pain in the thoracic spine, then it can be called "Toracago". However, such a term is not found, and pain in the thoracic spine is called Thoracalgia.

But in the same way, there are terms "Cervicalgia" and "Lumbalgia" to designate pain in the neck and lower back at all. Why is there a term "lumbago" if there are already "lumbalgia"?

Lumbago - What is it?

The fact is that Lumbago is not any lower back pain. Here Lumbalgia is any pain that can have a variety of sources: from a vertebral tumor to kidney pathology and acute pyelonephritis.

But Lumbago is a sudden sharp and shooting pain, her nicknamed "sharply". Lumbago is a huge problem of therapy and neurology: the annual damage from this disease is tens of millions of rubles, as a result of missed person-hours.

Is it possible to speak "Lumbago Lumbar"? No, it misunderstood that all the anatomical nomenclature has a Latin origin. Translated into Russian, the word "lumbus" indicates the loin.

Therefore, there is an obvious tautology, and the concept of "Lumbago Lumbar Division" can be translated as "acute pain in the lumbar of the lumbar spine", which is clearly excessive. Therefore, you can say just "Lubago."

Causes of Lyumbago

The most frequent cause of Lyumbago is osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. If we talk briefly, the osteochondrosis is the progressive atrophy of the intervertebral cartilage discs, and caused by this process to rapprochet the vertebrae. Osteochondrosis and Lyumbago - "Gemini - Brothers".

It is known that the lower back is the most massive spine department, with thick disks. In this case, the vertebrae and their supporting surfaces of the body are smooth. In the event that the degeneration of the disc - protrusion or hernia occurs, then the risk arises to defeat the spinal roots at the respective levels.

The narrowing of the intervertebral space helps to reduce the lumen of intervertebral holes. This causes a radical, or root pain. In other words, many years of osteochondrosis leads to Lambago.

Why arises sharp lumbago?

Lumbago - symptoms photo

Sometimes, on the background of lumbar pain, there may be a particularly acute pain syndrome, which can "curb" human. But, an amazing thing - a sufficient one of the movement of the manual therapist, and the pain passes. It made it imbued with respect for "manual workers" of the most capricious and skeptical patients. Why is this happening?

Here you need to remember that the intervertebral joint has a connective tissue capsule, and it can be rejected. In the event that the articular process of the vertebrae shifts up into the hole of the overlying vertebra, then due to the weakness of the capsule, it snaps up between adjacent vertebrae - it causes very strong pain.

But, with the correct movement of the manual therapist - hanging and pulling - it is possible to free the capsule, and instantly remove pain without any medicinal preparations.

Symptoms of Lumbago + Lumbago with Ishias

Lumbago with Ishias - what is it?

Some identify Lumbago with Ishias - this is possible if the compression of the corresponding roots occurred.

In this case, there is pain and sensitivity disturbance in the course of the sedined nerve - along the rear surface of the thigh, from under the jagged muscle, right up to the patented fifth. In the same department, sensitivity disorders arise.

Classical signs of Lubago are:

  • acute pain in the lower back;
  • there is an increase in pain when driving and turning;
  • the pain is intensified with deep breath, cough and sneezing;
  • the pain is enhanced during a fitting, during an attempt to empty the intestines.

All of these symptoms of Lumbago characterize the root pains, which are enhanced by the slightest shake of the inflamed and sweeping root, clamped the intervertebral disk, which was destruction.

Sometimes there are sensitive and motor disorders in the zones of the corresponding roots. Most often, Lumbago occurs when the roots are damaged between 4 and 5 lumbar vertebrae, as well as between the 5 lumbar vertebra and sacral bone.

As a result, pain and paresthesia appear in the relevant segments at the distance, formation (sensation of "crawling of goosebumps").

What may occur with the defeat of individual lumbar roots?

  • With damage 3, the root occurs, or the loss of the knee reflex, the appearance of the weakness of the two-headed muscles of the thigh. There is a weakness at the extension of the legs in the knee (the rise in the stairs is difficult);
  • Under the defeat of the 4 root, additional paresis of the tibia muscle occurs. As a result, there is a violation of the extension of the foot, and it is also difficult to raise its indoor edge. It becomes hard to lean forward on straight legs, standing all the sole;
  • The damage 5 root causes disorders in the extensors of the fingers of the foot, and the tendonous achilles reflex on the affected side decreases.

What may occur when complicated?

Sometimes a lumbago caused by osteochondrosis proceeds more dramatically than the symptoms described. So, a clinical case is known when a man in the gym after lifting gravity suddenly felt an acute back of the lower back. Although it turned out that he had a thigh's skin on his right, a progressive weakness appeared in his right foot.

However, he "did not wonder," and continued to train without giving these symptoms. As a result, the event developed more dramatic: numbness and weakness appeared in his left leg. The man could not get to the house independently, and could not urinate. He developed a paradoxical Ishuria, that is, the allocation of urine drops, due to the sluggish paralysis of the bladder, a complete impotence developed.

In the study, it turned out that he has a large hernia of a disc, between 4 and 5 lumbar vertebrae, which formed a sequestration, that is, a free fragment. It penetrated the vertebral channel, and squeezed almost the entire horse tail (nerves - continuation of the spinal cord). Therefore, on the same evening, he was increasingly operated on in the separation of spinal neurosurgery, and after complete recovery was discharged home.

Therefore, it is necessary to closely refer to the signs of acute lower back pain, and in no case forcing physical exertion.

Treatment of Lumbago + preparations and ointments

The treatment of acute lower back pain assumes that at first the continuation of the root compression of the disk should be eliminated or excluded. Otherwise, conservative therapy will be ineffective, and surgical treatment will be required. The basic principles of therapy of Lumbago are as follows:

  • Sroolve stage need peace, the drug treatment of Lumbago is applied: injecting forms of selective NSAIDs ("Ksefokam", "Movied") to relieve pain;
  • Miorlaxants of the central action ("Middokalm", "Sirdalud"), which relax muscles;
  • Vitamins of the group "B" - "Milgamma Compositis" are appointed intramuscularly;

Local treatment

  • With lumbago, warming and cooling ointments are used, and creams, as well as gels containing the NSAIDs. They improve blood flow, and remove the secondary muscular spasm of skeletal muscles, which enhances pain. These funds include warming ointments - "capsits", "Finalgon" containing the serpentine poison "Viprosal", "Natoks", the bee poison "Apizartron";
  • Helps needleflexotherapy, the use of Lyapko and Kuznetsov IPplikators;
    At the stage of the sinking exacerbation, massage is shown, wearing the semi-rigid corset, therapeutic physical education.
  • With the ineffectiveness of conservative measures, it is possible to prescribe the therapeutic blockade of lumbar roots (novocaine, adrenaline, corticosteroid hormones).

In the chronic flow with frequent relapses, operational treatment is shown. At the same time, pain in the lower back should progress, and not to be engaged in conventional means within a month, while the zone of reduction of sensitivity and numbness is usually expanding.

Another testimony for operational treatment is the progression of paralysis and paresis, strengthening weakness in the muscles of the legs.

Prevention of lumbago

To prevent this chronic state, you need a bit. In order to never torment the back of the lower back, you need to follow the following simple rules:

  • do not get fat, avoid exceeding body weight;
  • regularly make gymnastics, the muscles of the lower back should be in a tone and well sustain;
  • it is necessary to avoid hypoints, especially in spring and autumn;
  • it is advisable to avoid sharp turns, lifting gravity, extreme sports loads, as well as sorcelays in the winter.

In the event that the episodes of Lumbago are still worried, then it is necessary to check all the symptoms of the neurologist, to perform MRI, at least once a year, and undergo treatment courses. Otherwise, you can suddenly get a serious complication similar to the clinical case described above.

Lumbago - acute pain in the lumbar department, many people referred to the pathology of a shot in the back. The troubles usually overtakes a person suddenly, pain can be so pronounced that the patient loses consciousness. Lumbago, in most cases, appears against the background of overvoltage of the muscles of the back, after sharp movements.

Localization of the pathological process is only an explanatory department, pains can irradiate to their feet, leading to serious consequences, which is defined as Lumboishalgia. It is important to know the basic principles of home therapy, the rules for first aid with Lumbago.

Probable causes of occurrence

Lumbago (Code of ICD-10 - M54.4) is formed against the background of the degenerative process. The intervertebral disc loses moisture, begins to collapse. Leads the process to the loss of disk of shock absorbing functions. The fibrous ring begins to collapse, cracks appear in it, the pulp nucleus is gradually protruding, forming. Under the action of negative factors, the protrusion can increase dramatically. Then formed, nerve roots are squeezed, the patient begins to feel unbearable pain.

Most discomfort cases have an unidentified cause, it is believed that the defeat is associated with stretching or deformations of the components of the musculoskeletal system. Often Lumbago appears after physical exertion. The back of the back often testifies to serious illness: osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, scoliosis.

The appearance of Lumbago is influenced by many negative reasons:

  • , kyphosis;
  • spondylolistera, congenital abnormalities of the spine;
  • bone tumors;
  • inflammatory processes (, osteomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis);
  • , myiosis;
  • psychosomatics;
  • prostate cancer, renal or liver failure (all pathologies can lead to the appearance of symptoms in the lumbar department, which is perceived by many as striking);
  • oxygen starvation;
  • muscle overvoltage, weight lifting, traumatic spine injuries.

Clinical picture

Before starting treatment, you need to carefully examine the clinical manifestations of Lumbago. The main symptom of pathology is sharp, stitching, shooting pain. During movements, discomfort increases, so the patient has to take a forced pose. The sharp period of Lumbago lasts from half an hour to several hours. Gradually, the pain pokes, returns at night.

At the time of the painful attack, patients complain about the symptoms specific for Lambago:

  • spasm. The muscles of the buttocks, the lower back of the back are strained, with palpation there is a sealing of this zone;
  • reduced patient motor activity. Muscle tension leads to difficulties when trying to flexing or extending the back, in case of changing the position of the body;
  • forced Pose. The victim is hard to keep the back straight, to facilitate unpleasant sensations, many lean forward, holding the lower back;
  • numbness of the lower extremities of the patient. Muscular spasms lead to a deterioration of blood circulation, slowing the exchange processes. A combination of trouble provokes the numbness of the legs, tingling, the pallor of the skin in this zone.

Symptoms are also isolated, which indirectly indicate the back of the back:

  • disorders of the intestine, the urinary system;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • digestive problems;
  • general weakness, headaches.

Put the correct diagnosis will help neurological examination of the victim, the delivery of blood and urine analysis. Additionally, the patient is recommended to pass MRI, CT, in rare cases, doctors use only the x-ray of the lumbar department.

Important! Lyumbago always testifies to any problem in the body. After home therapy, you must visit the doctor. Medic will diagnose, find out the cause of pain.

Methods of treating and facilitating pain

How to treat lumbago? You can cope with the attack at home, but a further course of therapy indicates a doctor.

First aid during the attack

Folk remedies and recipes

Natural drugs are combined with traditional therapy to obtain a quick result:

  • clean a small radish, soda on a grade, distribute the waist area. Take the patient with the Celofan region, leave for the night. Make compresses until complete recovery;
  • mix in an equal proportion of horseradish, flour, salt. The resulting means stir into the damaged spine area, snatch the food film, a terry towel. Compress is recommended for several hours, then rinse well under running water, apply the chosen therapeutic ointment;
  • finely disturb the sheet of lingonberries, nettle, pour a liter of boiling water. Suppose a few hours, take 100 ml throughout the day. Facility drink a few weeks, make a fresh drug every day.

Gymnastics and LFK

Do the exercises correctly, first consult your doctor.

  • lyzh in bed Bend the legs in the knees several times;
  • raise your hands up in a similar initial position;
  • bend your legs, press them to your chest (up to five times);
  • lie on the side, bend one knee several times.

  • lie on the back, pull up for up to 10 times;
  • put one hand on the stomach, the other - on the chest. Try to breathe and pull the belly. At the same time, all movements feel hands;
  • raise hands up, knees smoothly press to the stomach. Repeat the manipulation of up to ten times;
  • take the left hand in Stront, expand your head to the right. Similar movements do in the other side, repeat five times;
  • do the exercise "Bike" ten times at a slow pace.

All manipulations perform on the floor (use the rug). Soft surfaces for gymnastics are categorically not suitable.

Rehabilitation after treatment

Patient necessarily require rehabilitation:

  • wear a special support corset;
  • optimize operation and rest mode;
  • freshly walk in the fresh air, wage;
  • take therapeutic baths;
  • make a massage of the lumbar zone;
  • sleep on the side to reduce the load on the spine.

To warn the re-appearance of Lumbago will help compliance with simple rules:

  • do not delay for a long time in one posture;
  • eliminate hypothermia;
  • work in a comfortable environment;
  • train your back muscles, attend a doctor in preventive purposes.

Lyumbago is very common. Given all its danger and acute discomfort, comply with the preventive recommendations, if necessary, immediately visit the doctor.

Video - an excerpt from the TV shows "Live healthy!", From which you can learn useful advice from specialists about the treatment and prevention of Lumbago:

Lumbago is a cutting, pulsating or tingling pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt, appearing suddenly and having a high intensity and acute course.

Lumbago can accompany many diseases, such as rheumatism or osteochondrosis, but more often sudden shooting pains in the lumbosacral segment of the spine occur during intervertebral hernia. Pathology is more often detected in men over 40 years old, persons with overweight and chronic vertebrogenic violations.

The treatment of Lumbago includes the reception of analgesics and anti-inflammatory means of a non-steroidal group, but to achieve stable remission and the prevention of repeated seizures requires comprehensive therapy, aimed at eliminating the root causes of pain and associated pathologies. The forecast in most cases conditionally favorable (subject to the adherence to medical recommendations and passing the full course of rehabilitation therapy).

Lumbago is a sudden attack of acute pain in the lumbar spine, which patients describe how to face. The emergence of painful syndrome is usually preceded by a "crunch" or "push" - such a clinical picture indicates that the displacement of the intervertebral disc (one of the main causes of Lumbago) occurred. A distinctive feature of Lumbago is vertebrogenic etiology, that is, the drawstone in the lower back, with this pathology, arise only against the background of degenerative, dystrophic and inflammatory (less often infectious) processes in the spine. If the cause of pain is the diseases of urinary tract and other pelvic organs, this is not an attack of lumbago, even if the pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt also has a shooting and pulsating character.

The pathogenetic mechanism of the emergence of Lumbago is represented by the following processes:

  • the rapid displacement of the pulpseed disk kernel towards the fibrous outer shell, which causes irritation of pain receptors and nerve endings of sinoutelectribral nerves, ensuring the innervation of the intervertebral disk;
  • spasm (muscular-tonic stress) paravertebral muscles;
  • deformation, pinching, squeezing of faceted joints (mainly a binder).

The attack of Lumbago starts always suddenly and can last from a few minutes to several hours.

In severe cases, for example, with ankylosing spondylitis (Bekhterev's disease), pain can be maintained for several days. During this time, the motor activity of the patient is constantly limited, and to reduce the intensity of pain, patients are forced to accept a specific posture. When you try to get out of the chair or from the bed, patients with Lubagago are forced to spare the lower back area, carrying most of the body weight to the thigh area and leaning on their hands on the support. To climb from the floor, a person with a sharp shooting pain in the lower back must be overheaded on all fours.

Note! In a state of rest, in a horizontal position (especially on solid surfaces), the intensity of pain syndrome is significantly weakening.

Causes of pathology

The group of basic risk on the emergence of sudden straps in the lower back includes men over 40 years old, leading a low-tech lifestyle, having an overweight body, abusing alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. In people of elderly and senile age (after 50 years), the frequency of Lumbago is about 33.8%, which is explained by the expressed dystrophy of intervertebral disks, developing against the background of the natural processes of the organism.

Disruption of cartilage nutrition and dehydration of cartilage plates and centered kernel of intervertebral discs inevitably leads to the formation of protrusions (discovered) and hernia (protrusion). Such absorptions cause the compression of the spinal nerves, which provokes an acute shooting pain in the location of the pathological process.

If you want to know more about, as well as consider the symptoms and causes, you can read the article about it on our portal.

The high risk of Lumbago is also present in people with congenital spinal anomalies, under which there is a great danger of a sudden displacement of the vertebrae. To correct such violations, manual therapy and osteopathy can be shown, but before carrying out such treatment, the patient must undergo MRI and X-ray study of the lumbosacral segment of the spine. This is necessary to identify the accurate localization of the damaged section, the degree of displacement and deformation of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, as well as possible contraindications, for example, tumor or infectious processes in the spine.

Other reasons for strongers in the lower back can also be:

  • overvoltage of the lumbar region caused by a violation of posture, exercise, long-term depression in one position;

  • displacement of the intervertebral disk, provoked by the rise of heavy items;
  • spinal tumors;
  • rheumatic diseases (for example, rheumatoid arthritis);

  • osteochondrosis, spondylolisthesis and other vertebrogenic diseases.

The provoking factors can also include overheating of the loins with subsequent supercooling, stress, defective and irregular nutrition, metabolic disorders, leading to insufficient flow of vitamins and minerals to bone-cartilage tissue.

Clinical signs and symptoms

The main manifestation of Lumbago in people of any age is an acute, shooting pain in the lumbar spine segment, which arises mainly during elevated power and physical exertion (work in the garden, transfer of weights, washing floors, etc.). Prashchela in the lower back arise mainly in patients with senior age groups with pronounced degenerative-dystrophic changes in intervertebral discs, but in single cases of Lyumbago were recorded in children and adolescents (most of them had congenital diseases of the spine). The patient during the attack is forced to take a certain position of the body, the maximum unloading lower back and limiting its mobility.

The main symptom of Lumbago - a sharp insistant pain

The following characteristics can also indicate the pain syndrome with the attacks of Lumbago:

  • increased sweating in the lower back region;
  • localization of painful sensations in muscular and binding and bone structures of the lumbar spine;
  • strengthening pain during movements (even with insignificant motor activity);
  • symmetry of painful sensations;
  • the combination of races with a stitching, burning, penetrating pain.

In some cases, Lyumbago passes independently without the use of drugs, but more often to relieve attacks need to receive painkillers.

Lumbago and Lumbalgia

Some mistakenly referred to lumbar Lambalgia, although these two term have different meanings. Lumbago is an acute shooting pain in the lower back, which arises suddenly and almost always accompanied by strong spasms of paravertebral muscles. Unlike Lumbago, Lumbalgia is a chronic (less often undercoine) pain and is a symptom of various diseases of the spine, primarily degenerative dystrophic lesion of intervertebral discs (osteochondrosis). If Lyumbago arises mainly in the elderly and senile ages, then Lambalgia is often diagnosed with adolescents over 16 years old and young people aged 18 to 30 years.

Lumbago and Lumbalgia: differences

Characteristic (comparable parameter)
What it is?Stretch in the lower back.Pain in the lower back.
Features of the clinical course.Has high intensity, acute course, arises suddenly.May occur periodically (chronic current) and precede Lumbago.
The main cause of occurrence.Intervertebral hernia, injuries and spinal bows leading to vertebral displacement.Osteochondrosis (at any stage), lens injury.
At what age does it occur most often?It arises mainly in senile and elderly people (over 50 years old). Men suffer more often.It may appear in adolescents and young people under the age of 30. The diagnostic frequency is approximately the same in patients of any sex.
The frequency of muscular-tonic syndrome.It occurs in almost 90% of cases.Diagnosed less often (about 25% of patients), since the power of muscular voltage depends on the intensity of pain, which is significantly lower compared to the attack of Lumbago.

The treatment of Lumbago and Lumbalgia is carried out using different medicinal and rehabilitation and rehabilitation schemes, so it is important to the timely diagnostics of lumbar pain.

The simultaneous appearance of Lumbago with Ishias (neuralgia of the sedlication nerve) is a sufficiently dangerous clinical sign that occurs mainly by offsetting the intervertebral disc. Pathology is called Lumboishialygia and is characterized by the appearance of races in the lower back, which are irradiating into the left or right leg.

The main cause of lumboy walgia is the intervertebral hernia of the lumbosacral spine, but in some cases other diseases can provoke such symptoms, for example, radiculitis.

The classification of LumboishIligia is carried out on the localization of pain syndrome (one-way or bilateral damage), as well as by the type of flow (acute form arising for the first time, or chronic current).

At the heart of the pathogenetic mechanism of LumboishIligia lies with a compression or mechanical irritation of the sedlication nerve - one of the largest nerves in the human body, starting from the lumbar spine and passing through the back surface of the pelvis on the lower limbs. The provoking factors of the damage to the sedlication nerve can be: osteochondrosis, injuries and pathology of hip joints (for example, dysplasia), infectious inflammatory processes in the paravertebral muscles and blood vessels of the spine.

Clinically Lyumbago with Ishias is manifested by the following signs:

  • acute, shooting pain in the cock and lower back, irradiating to the lower limbs;
  • muscle tension in the legs and lumbar spine;
  • reduction of sensitivity in the legs (including the area of \u200b\u200bthe heads and stop);
  • pallitude of the skin on the legs;
  • chills (rare).

In severe cases, impaired urination function caused by damage to the nerves regulating the operation of the urinary tract.

The forecast for the timely treatment time is conditionally favorable. An important condition for successful therapy is strictly observing the bed and temperature regime (the lower back cannot be heated or, on the contrary, cooling).

If you want to learn more about how to treat at home, as well as consider the causes of the occurrence, symptoms and diagnostics, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Diagnosis of Lyumbago

Diagnostics in reeling in the lower back is aimed at identifying the causes of their occurrence and related pathologies and violations. With a high intensity of pain sick syndrome, the patient is hospitalized in the hospital (neurology department), therefore, a comprehensive examination is usually able to carry out in a short time, which is of great importance for the formation of a favorable forecast. In addition to laboratory diagnostics necessary to identify rheumatic factors and signs of infectious inflammation, hardware and instrumental examinations are appointed to the patient, among which:

  • computer or magnetic resonance imaging (according to individual indications of MRI can be replaced by multispirate computed tomography);

  • x-ray study (radiography);

  • electromyography (EMG, method of measuring bioelectric conductivity of muscle tissue);

  • x-ray study of the cerebrospinal routes in which the liquor circulates with the use of contrasts (myelography).

The radiography of the spine allows to detect anomalies and the pathology of bone tissue, compression fractures, dislocations, the pathology of the joints. If the stenosis of the central vertebral canal is suspected, malignant tumors, infectious processes, intervertebral hernias (including) shows the conduct of tomography.

If the patient is determined by the high risks of cancer, the puncture of the spinal cord is carried out with the fence of the material for histological examination.

Treatment and first aid

Emergency assistance in the acute shot in the lower back is in the reception of non-scientific analgesics ("Metamizol sodium", "Baratgin") or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ("Ketorolak", "ibuprofen", "Movalis").

To eliminate the muscular spasm and the relief of the muscular-tonic syndrome that increases the intensity of pain, antispasmodics based on drootaverine ("but-shpa", "spasmodet") or papaverine hydrochloride ("Papaverin") are used.

Effective with bales in the lower back are rectal suppositories with papavorin: it is necessary to use them 2 times a day for 1 suppository for 10 days.

The relief of pain syndrome is the main task in conducting patients with Lumbago and Lambalgia. After the recovery of acute symptoms, the second stage of treatment is carried out, consisting in eliminating the cause that caused a shooting pain in the lower back. Depending on the root cause of pathology, the auxiliary therapy may include procedures and manipulations listed in the table.

Scheme of auxiliary therapy with lumbago

Procedure (manipulation)Clinically significant therapeutic effect of application

The stretch of the spine allows to reduce the compression (squeezing) of nerve roots, increase the mobility of the lumbosacral spine, reduce muscle spasm.

Acupuncture (acupuncture) refers to the directions of the ancient Chinese medicine and is the therapeutic effect on the spine with special needles, in which the reflex irritation of biological points occurs. The bastard pain becomes much less after 2-3 sessions of needloreflexotherapy by improving the blood circulation and restoration of normal muscle tone.

The complex of special exercises helps to improve the mobility of lumbar vertebrae, eliminate blood stagnation and lymphs in the vertebral vessels and strengthen the paravertebral (ocolopotable) muscles articulated with the masculous vertebral body processes.

The main treatment effect of the massage is to improve blood current in vessels and arteries and the elimination of muscular-tonic syndrome due to consistent muscle development.

The saliva of medical (sterile) leeches contains biologically active substances, salts and a girudine with an anticoagulant effect. The hirudine prevents the formation of blood clots, increases the viscosity and fluidity of blood and facilitates its circulation in the spine vessels. A good saturation of muscle tissue with blood avoids spasms and increased muscle tension, which is one of the pain mediators in Lumbago.

The secret to be highlighted by hungry leeches also contains natural anesthetics and anti-inflammatory substances, so the first improvements are noticeable after the first session, the duration of which can be from 10 to 60 minutes.

All physiotypers in Lyumbago and Lambalgia are aimed at normalizing muscle tone, improving blood circulation and improving mobility in damaged spine structures. The most effective in this pathology are electrophoresis, magnetotherapy and UHF therapy.

Important! Under the attacks of Lumbago, it is not recommended to use thermal exposure methods (wool belt, warming, etc.) to relieve acute pain, since it is overheating that is one of the reasons for the appearance of an attack. After the normalization of the state of the patient, the doctor may appoint a coal conductivity course in the absence of individual contraindications, but it is better to refuse to abandon such therapy.

Mode during treatment

To quickly get rid of pain and return to the usual way of life, it is necessary not only to take appointed drugs, but also to comply with a certain mode. Up to full relocation of pain, it is necessary to stick to the bed mode with the maximum gentle load on the lower back area.

If you need to make any movements, you should use an orthopedic lock (bandage or corset with semi-rigid metal inserts). Wearing a corset may be required not only for a period of acute flow of pathology, but also within 2-4 weeks after remission. The life of such products is always determined individually taking into account the results of the diagnosis and degree of degeneration and deformation of the spine (intervertebral discs).

Restrictions may also concern meals. With frequently repeated attacks of lumbago patients, it is recommended to exclude any products from the diet that can adversely affect the blood circulation condition of muscle tissue. These are spices, sharp seasonings, products with the addition of a large number of chemical components (dyes, preservatives, stabilizers, taste amplifiers, etc.).

To increase the elasticity of intervertebral discs and improve muscle power in the menu, it is necessary to include simple, but useful products with a large protein content, fiber and vitamins. It is meat, fish, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, nuts, fruits, vegetables.

To improve the density of the fibrous shell, vegetable oils of good quality, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, fatty varieties of fish are useful.

From the use of alcohol and smoking it is better to refuse completely.

Video - How to treat Lumbago?

Lumbago - a strong pain syndrome (sharply) in the lower back, which in itself is not an independent disease, but only characterizes the existing spinal pathology, for example, osteochondrosis or an intervertebral hernia. It is possible to treat Lumbago in outpatient conditions with strict observance of the prescribed mode of regime and medication treatment. After reaching remission, the patient needs to undergo a recovery course consisting of exercise, physiotherapy, manual therapy: This will help improve the functional state of the spine and reduce the likelihood of repeated seizures.

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