SAR offensive in Syria 11.10 17. Will the US Bunch of Syria for the Third World War will bring

Situation in Syria began to stabilize. Government troops took control of the entire Syrian-Jordan border. In Deir-Ez Zora, the Syrian army surrounded the terrorists in the capital of the province and storms the city of Al-Meridine. In the same time " Syrian democratic power» ( SDF.) beat off Islamic state»4 Villages in Euphrate Delta. In Homs Divisions Sun Sar. Expanded the buffer zone around the AS-Sukhne - Deir-Ez-Zor highway, having freed several sections to the east of this highway. In the north of Hama, battles continue between the terrorists of the IG, who captured a number of villages and bandforms " Hyat Tahrir Ash-Sham" The command of the SAR SAR, taking advantage of the current situation cleaned the "pocket" near the city of Salamia. In Rakka, battles continue in the northern and central regions of the city. A particularly strong confrontation is celebrated in the vicinity of the National Hospital, where the terrorists kept hostages. About their fate is still nothing unknown. More detailed information You can learn about the events in Syria from our daily reports.

  • Damascus province, SUVIDA:

Government troops during their occurrence in the south of Damascus and Suwide displaced pro-American militants from the Syrian-Jordan border. 8,000 km of territory liberated.

The army team is now within 55 km from the American military base of the AT TANF, where they found the shelter "moderate" rebels, who fled from Sun Sar. The next task of the divisions of the 5th Army Corps will be the liberation of the areas of the Southern Homs and the taking control of the border with Iraq.

  • Latakia Province:

Yesterday morning during the take-off of the Russian bombarder Su-24m. With the HMIMIM airbase occurred. The plane could not climb into the air and rolled out beyond the runway, where he collapsed.

The crew for such a short time did not have time to erase and died. Write SU-24M managed the pilot Captain Yuri Medvedkov and navigator captain Yuri Kopylov .

Before business trip to Syria, both pilots served in the 4th Guards Assault Aviamol in Chernyakhovska Kaliningrad Region. Both in their homeland had families and minors children. ().

  • Deer Ez-Zor Province:

Since the "Islamic state" hastily moves all armored vehicles and reserves to Al-Milladine "Syrian Democratic Forces" used this circumstance to capture new territories. Virtually no SDF fight mastered the villages of Zougair Cabarer, Hawaij Diyab, Abu-Ghamine and Muhaimid, located south of the 10-kilometer zone from the Euphrate River.

In turn, the government troops stopped in the morning of the terrorists from the eastern part of the destroyed Bridge al-Siacia, before this, hashla Fokkani village. As a result of band formation IGILThe remaining in the city of Deir-Ez-Zor came to the environment.

Video: Frames of combat east of Deir-Ez Zora

With the support of VKS RF The divisions of SAR SAR yesterday attacked the position of terrorists in the Al-Arphic area. Initially, a small bridgehead was captured from several buildings. However, in the evening most of this area has passed under the control of security officials. During the battle, several dozen militants were killed and one of the field commanders.

The command of SAR SAR resumed Al-Maydin's assault. During previous battles, the security forces had to leave several captured sites.

Last night the assault groups " Tiger Forces.»Attach the Western regions of the new" capital "ISHIL. .

Video: Al-Maydin's assault

During its promotion, the Tigers found a handicraft factory for the manufacture of ammunition in the liberated quarters of the city. It was made of casting casing mines. At the same time, the explosive was delivered from Iraq, and the fuses from the UAE.

  • Homs province:

Government troops restored the situation around the city of Ace Sukhna. At the same time, the armymen managed to advance the east of the settlement, having freed several sites in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sukhnaya strategic route - Deir-Ez-Zor.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Caryatin, the situation remains difficult. Terrorists continue to keep part of dominant heights, which does not allow to storm the settlement. In addition, the army team does not have enough forces that are busy in other directions.

  • Hama Province:

The grouping "Hayat Tahrir Ash-Sham" did not accept the loss of a number of settlements captured by the Islamic State and transferred to counteroffensiveness. The militants "An-Nusra" attacked Igilovsky in the village of Abu Kahv.

Map of the operational situation in the north of Hama (confrontation of ISIL and AN-Nusra)

According to the propaganda service "Hayat Tahrir Ash-Sham", jihadists managed to beat one tank of terrorists from the PSTR, destroying his crew. In addition, announced the release of 8 hostages.

At the border of Ham and Idlib restlessly. The militants "Hayat Tahrir Ash-Sham" take raids to the territory controlled by the government, where they are talked, killing civilians. An example of this is the capture of "An-Nusra" the village of Abu Dali.

However, this situation persisted not long. Sheikh Ahmed Mubarak's squads blocked the way to jihadists and did not allow them to break through the territory of Hama. In addition, the sabotage group led by Sheikh himself conducted a nightly tale, during which 10 large-caliber guns destroyed and eliminated the field commander " Abu Umar Sari. " The rest of the personnel of jihadists, accompanied by guns, was scattered. ().

  • Province of Rakka:

Despite control over the territory of the territory of the "Syrian Democratic Forces", the resistance of terrorists cannot suppress. The main battles go in the northern and central regions. Noticeable promotion of sides in these directions is not selected.

Especially the "roast" clash flashed around the National Hospital, where the militants of the game held hostages. The Kurds came out to this object and even several times taken his assault, however, they failed to take. The fate of prisoners held in the clinic is unknown.

Video: Battle for Rakku

Video: Military situation in Syria 10/10/2017 (Russian translation)

Previous overview of the combat card and operational summary of Syria.

Dear readers! In order not to miss the following overview of the fighting, join us on social networks.

The coalition operating in Syria led by the United States destroys anything in the country, except for the militants ISIL *, and Syria will seek her dissolution, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Syria Valid Mallem at the negotiations with the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov.

"As an example, I want to bring the anti-terrorist coalition led by the United States, which actually destroys everything except Igil. Thousands of Syrian citizens, not only men, but also women, and children in the provinces of Rakka and Deir-Ez-Zor were victims of Americans. The American coalition methodically destroys the economic infrastructure. Therefore, we will most decide to demand the dissolution of this coalition, "said Mallem.

In his opinion, it is obvious that the United States uses the actions of this coalition as a cover for the destruction of Syria and in order to maximize the war in the country.

The Syrian minister during the negotiations also mentioned the Kurdish problem.

"Kurds are now actually competed with the Syrian army for control over oil-bearing areas. It is perfectly known that Syria under no circumstances will allow to break their state sovereignty. They are now, of course, inxicated American help and support, but it is necessary to understand that this assistance will not last forever, "said Mallem.

He also noted that throughout the history of the Kurdish problem, which for more than a hundred years, the Kurds have never managed to get a faithful ally in the person of any power.

Sheikh Mubarak leads to Syrians to fight with terrorists (photo)

Sheikh Ahmed Mubarak - Syrian Virtue of Idlib Province.

Last year, Mubarak became the main initiator of the unification of all the numerous Syrian tribes of the North-West Syria in the struggle against terrorism in government troops.

My Russian friends often ask why in their notes I mention the name of the Honorable Sheikh Ahmed Bin Muhammad al-Mubarak. For us, simple Syrians, it is obvious.

Probably there was no day over the past decades, so that peace and peace reigned in the Middle East. Daily children lose their parents, wives of husbands, and the fathers of sons.

From the horrors of terrorism, hunger and destroy, people flee to other countries, and some of hopelessness take into hands the weapons and enter into the ranks of terrorist armed formations.

However, to the great happiness, there are leaders in our country, which clearly realize that the well-being of the entire state depends largely on the happiness of simple, little man.

One of these people is Sheikh Mubarak. Born in a rich family, he could live a life away from the Arab world on the Pacific Ocean Islands, he could go to the United Arab Emirates, but, absorbed with the Mother's Mother's love for his native lands, for all 60 years of his life he only leaving a few times for Syria limits.

In pre-war, Sheikh tried to delve into the life of every person from his tribe Bani Az, living in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village Abu Dali Idlib Province. Hundreds of giving hope of children were sent by Ahmed Mubarak to receive education at the universities in Russia and Europe. It is characteristic that most of them returned to their siblings and even during the war years worked for the benefit of their tribe and their people.

Well, citizens responded with their patron sense and in 2012 awarded his honor to represent the province of Idlib in the Syrian Parliament.

However, neither a high-ranking position nor the war changed his attitude towards people - he still helped Simply Syrians. For the money of his family, he sent for treatment of wounded and patients, helped with learning in educational institutions, Restore schools and hospitals in the settlements surrounding the village of Abu Dali.

Last year, Mubarak became the main initiator of the unification of all the numerous Syrian tribes of the North-West Syria in the struggle against terrorism in government troops. Moreover, in the army of our leader Bashar Assad Sheikh sent many of his bodyguards. By agreement with the President of the country, Sheikh created a private squad of the Army of Syria, weapons and ammunition for which were acquired, naturally, for the means of his family.

It is characteristic that many Syrians today consider the great honor to serve in the Mubarak squad. Volunteers who came to Sheikh to protect their homeland with a weapon in their hands are a thorough check for involvement in terrorist detachments. Probably, that is why since the creation of a detachment there were no cases of flight and betrayal.

Today, Sheikh, despite the old age, personally with weapons in his hands, surrounded by hundreds of like-minded people, heroically defends the area of \u200b\u200bthe native village Abu-Dali from the return of the terrorists "Jebhat An-Nusra" * in the previously liberated provinces of the Syrian Arab Republic ...

* Prohibited in the Russian Federation a terrorist organization.

Minein's assault

Mayunda's assault, the last formal capital of the caliphate on the territory of Syria, although they can still be transferred it to Abu-Kemal, but there will be no place further.
Despite the premature relations that the militants leave the city, they continue to provide stubborn resistance and they have to squeeze out of Mayday.
At the moment, the city is in semicircle, and the battles are conducted in the western regions of the city (by reference, footage from the Western quarters of Maydina) on Hello on October 11, report the taking of the Western Al-Ballet region. Also taken under the control of the farm to the south of the city and the battles began for the liberation of the southern quarters of the city. While it is essentially fighting for the suburbs. A more dense residential building in the northeast of Mayunda is still to be preserved.

The city itself for defense, although prepared, but does not have any unprecedented defensive positions. Still, he was in the deep rear of the caliphate for a long time (and in August it was a deep rear) and the front for the loyadine approached only relatively recently. The terrain is also not in favor of militants. SAA here may be full of its advantage in heavy armament and the ability to focus the air strikes along the fortified positions that will stop the offensive. In a maneuverable war, which is so manifested by "black" in the central regions of the country, do not play much here.

For Caa Capture Maydina, will create not only the prerequisites for the offensive on Abu-Kemal (which is among the strategic priorities of Iran), but also opportunities to create a bridgehead on the other side of the Euphrates in the Mayda region, from which you can enter the oil fields in a short time Al-Omar, Jamof and Char. Hence the high activity of the CCS of the Russian Federation, which actively processes the revealed reinforced points of the militants in order to speed up the process of environment and take the city.

Of course, the enemy does not sit back and has an active opposition to CAA. Plus the front configuration in the Mayadin area creates opportunities for the militants the possibilities for shocks on stretched communication communications in the Mayunda area. Theoretically, due to reinforcements from Iraq, "black" can be mounted a small raid grouping from several hundred militants and bypassing the Saa group at Mayadin, try to try to prove communications on the Deir-Ez-Zor-Meridine line. Moreover, with this plan, they need to be hurried, because with the loss of Maydin, this activity will lose the rapid value.

PS. For optimistic statements for 15 hours of the day, Saa and Hazballa are already controlled by more than 50% of Mayina's territory.

The Pentagon did not answer how the terrorists of ISIL passed through the US controlled zone in Syrian et-taph

The Russian Ministry of Defense did not receive an answer, as through the US controlled zone in the Syrian et-Tanfe, leaked at the pickles about 300 militants prohibited in the Russian Federation and other countries of the terrorist group ISIL, official representative said russian ministry Defense General Major Igor Konashenkov.

"The question, how through the underprint of the US region in this tulk leaked at the pickles about 300 ISIL militants *, who tried to block the strategically important trace of Damascus - Deir-Ez Zor, on which the supply of Syrian troops and delivery of humanitarian aid to the population remains unanswered ", - he said.

* Prohibited in the Russian Federation Terrorist grouping

Night raid: Syrian detachment destroyed the Karavan "An-Nusra" on the border of Hama and Idlib

Mubarak's attack was a complete surprise for nonlike Dzhabhat-An-Nusra. Aiming fire All artillery settings were destroyed, and one of the "leaders" of the militants Abu Umar Sari was eliminated, after which the terrorists in a panic fled.

After the failure on the small village of Abu-Dali near the boundaries of the provinces Idlib and Hama militants "Jebhat-An-Nusra" * announced the hunt for our Syrian hero of Sheikh Ahmed Mubarak.

Recall that the day earlier detachments under the command of Sheikh did not allow terrorists to escape from the province of Idlib and break into the depths of the Syrian Arab Republic, where they could use civilians as a living shield.

In the current situation, the leaders of An-Nusra and their curators from one famous country of the North American continent decided to stroll significant forces and techniques to the Abu Dali area. So, last night, Sheikha's people told Mubarak that militants plan to deliver about 10 different artillery plants and equip the positions near the village.

Sheikh accepted a volitional solution: along with a small group of 10 people, he moved towards the "caravan" of terrorists. Mubarak's attack was deep at night with a complete surprise for nonlike Jebhat-en-Nusra "*. Aiming fire All artillery settings were destroyed, and one of the "leaders" of the militants Abu Umar Sari was eliminated, after which the terrorists in a panic fled.

Well, on a global scale, this battle in the area of \u200b\u200ba small settlement in the north-west Syria is certainly not perceived as something incredible, but we, simple Syrians, clearly understand that the final victory over the greatest evil of the XXI century becomes possible just due to such a small battle .

Riyadh Farid Hijab, Syria, Aleppo

Over the past six weeks, headed by Russia, the 5th Army Corps of SAA took control of more than 20 n. P. Near the border with Jordan.

As a result of these achievements, CAA and its allies occupied positions within 55 km from the AT-TANF military base, which is currently under the control of the American coalition.

It is still not clear whether the US Coalition will remain on this base in the near future after the continuing pressure from the SAA and the Allies.

Last week, the Syrian army made another major promotion in the southeastern rural area of \u200b\u200bthe province of Damascus, directed against the militants of the "New Syrian Army" (NSA) near the Jordan border.

As a result of a quick attack, the fighters of the 5th Army Corps of the CAA took control of several points near the Jordan border crossings.

According to the military report, the CAA took control of the garrisons 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203 and 204, while over the past two months of hostilities occurs a very significant progress along the border of SAR and Jordan.

Thanks to this last onset of the Armed Forces of SAR and their allies and steadily conquer all new territories on the Syria axis - Iraq - Jordan, including areas near the occupied US transition AT TANF.

Syrian Foreign Minister Valid Mallem announced the need to dissolve the international coalition led by the United States, reports RT.

"It is necessary to dissolve this international coalition, as it commits crimes against the Syrian people. Thousands of peaceful Syrian citizens have become victims of these crimes over the past two months, most of whom are women and children, "said Mallem. According to him, the coalition instead of the fight against the IG, "destroys the Syrian people."

"This coalition was created to destroy ISIL, but it destroys the Syrian people, and not ISIL. On the contrary, this coalition protects ISIL. Based on this, I do not see any sense of participation of such a number of states in this coalition. Their number is 62. These are empty words. This coalition should cease to exist so that it does not make a crime in Syria, "added Mallem.

All responsibility for the sabotage of the peace process in Syria will be exclusively the American side. This was stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Major General Igor Konashenkov.

"We have already paid the attention of American colleagues about turning illegally unfolded by them in the south of the Syrian Arab Republic of the base in the" black hole "," Konashenkov reminded. - The question is how through the US controlled by the USA in this tulk leaked on the pickles about 300 ISIL militants ( the terrorist group is prohibited in the Russian Federation), I tried to block the strategically important trace of Damascus - Deir-Ez-Zor, according to the supply of Syrian troops and delivery of humanitarian assistance to the population, remains unanswered.

We offer the American side to clarify and, on the other fact of your "electoral blindness" in relation to the militants operating under the nose, turned to colleagues from Pentagon, a representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. "Especially since only for considerations of military ethics, we do not publish fresh photographic materials of the US military base in this tank, stupid, to put it mildly, atypical for the US Army with SUVs with large-caliber DSHK machine guns and unfortunate instruments."

According to Konashenkova, from 2 to 3 October, about 600 militants, based in the Refugee camp "Rukban", located on the Americans under the controlled by the American zone, organized on SUVs in the western direction. Overcoming more than 300 kilometers on cars, the column was entered through the former customs point of Tafas on the Syrian-Jordanian border in the southern zone of Deeschalation (Daraa Province).

"For the next" strange "coincidence, almost two autocolon with medicines and products for the local population and the local population also arrived in this zone of deoxylation," Konashenkov said. - The first column with a load of 30 tons entered N.P. Hajmi, the second with a load of 60 tons - in N.P. Khel. All those who arrived humanitarian aid and, above all, medicines were unloaded and is located from the militants came from this. At the same time, according to the available information, these settlements are under the control of "Sleeping cells" Jebhat An-Nusra. That is, who arrived from the US controlled by the United States in the area of \u200b\u200bthis, 600 militants should either join these "cells" in clams for medicines and products, or to act with them together.

Taking into account such a serious reinforcement, with the faithfulness of the United States, the living force and the formation of the stock of medicines with provisions, it is not necessary to be an expert in order to predict the attempt of a disruption of a peace agreement now in the southern zone of deoeclaration, "the representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated.

"We warn, all the responsibility for such a sabotage of the peace process will be exclusively the American side," he stressed.

The Pentagon Major representative of Adrian Rankin Galloway responded to a statement by the representative of the Russian military department of Major General Igor Konashenkov, which the militants drove in Syria through the Underproof the USA and that it could disrupt the peace process in the fourth zone of de esshelation.

"At the coalition, one mission is a military defeat of ISIL (prohibited in the Russian Federation). Any statements contradictory this is unfounded. The United States, only over the past week, caused dozens of blows on terrorists from ISIL, provided support for Iraqi forces during the liberation of the ISHIL El Huzzy long ago and began the final stage of the Liberation of the "Capital" IHIL Rakki, "the TASS reports the words of Rankin Gallowea.

He also stated that Russia's actions in Syria were allegedly directed against the IG, but against opposition groups not related to terrorists.

Russia is consulted on a situation in the Syria zones in Syria with other countries involved in the settlement process. "We have everyday consultation on the military representatives - bilateral, three-sided," Mikhail Bogdanov, Mikhail Bogdanov, said to journalists.

Answering the question, whether Turkey's decision was concerned about the operation in Idlib, he was agreed with Moscow, he noticed that it hopes that such consultations were conducted. For a more accurate answer, Bogdanov advised to contact the Ministry of Defense.

The Su-24 bombarder was in the "not take-off position" before the Hmeimim airbase crashed in Syria. This is reported by the newspaper Kommersant with reference to military sources. According to sources, the indicators in the cockpit showed that the plane is ready to takeoff, but in reality it was not so. Probably the reason for the fall was a technical malfunction, they say. However, the SU-24 flight was completely tested, and there were no comments to his state. It is noted that the pilots until the last moment tried to raise the car in the air, which was moving at a speed of 400 km / h, but there was no chance of having to take off in the current situation.

Within the framework of the implementation of the Memorandum on the creation of deseculation zones in SAR, monitoring the monitoring of the cease-fire regime continued.

The situation in deseclalation zones is estimated as stable.
The Russian part of the representation recorded 8 cases of firing in the provinces: Aleppo - 1, Homs - 2, Daraa - 3, Damascus - 2.
The Turkish part of the representative office recorded 1 violation in the province of Idlib.

During the day, 2 humanitarian actions were held by the Center for the reconciliation of the warring parties: in the settlement of Rasin-El Abud province of Aleppo to the local population issued food sets, the total weight of the cargo - 2.9 tons; In the settlement of Salamia of the province of Ham, the local population issued food kits, the total weight of the cargo - 2 tons.

A total of humanitarian actions were carried out - 1642, the total weight of the humanitarian cargo delivered - 2226.2 tons.

Medical assistance during the day was provided - 217 inhabitants.
In total, medical care turned out to be 59277 inhabitants.

During the day, the agreement on the accession of settlements to the cessation regime was not signed.

The number of settlements that joined the process of reconciliation has not changed - 2248.

The number of armed formations that declared their commitment to the adoption and fulfillment of the cessation of combat operations has not changed - 234.

In connection with the preparation of Turkey to the occupation of Idlib, the Turkish army displays some of their hired groups from the borderband band opposite the province of Afrins and sends it through its territory to the Idliba border, says the Kurdish edition of Anha.

According to sources, Nuzreddin AZ-Zinki representatives informed the Turkish side that the zone of contact with Kurdish YPG is controlled by the movement itself, and Nuzreddin Az-Zinki does not want the presence of HTS militants on its territory. The information agency Al DooR Al Shamia "informs that the Turkish military delegation left the territory of Syria after the entry through the Border Transition" Atma ", which was attended by members of the group" High Tahrir Al-Sham ", without conducting an intelligence operation in areas controlled by Nuzreddin AZ-Zinki Western part of Aleppo province.

Russia will counteract attempts to alone accusing the Syrian government in incidents with the use of chimpery, which occurred in the country. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov during the negotiations with the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Syria Valid Mulllem.

"We will also be firmly counteracting attempts to politicize a chemical dossier, attempts to vote, without any professional proceedings, accusing the Syrian government as a whole in a number of incidents that occurred using poisoning substances in your country," said Lavrov.

"And within the framework of the UN General Assembly, and within the framework of the Human Rights Council, attempts to politicize the situation around the Syrian settlement are not ceased to put forward unilateral accusing approaches, we will still be firmly obstructed," Lavrov said.

The Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation stressed that Russia needs to know the latest estimates of the Syrian leadership to resolve the situation in the country in order for the parties to continue coordination in all directions.

The Russian minister informed His news, which also intends to discuss the interaction of the delegations of the two countries at international sites, primarily in New York and Geneva.

Lavrov noted the joint successes of the two countries in the fight against terrorism. "Today we have the opportunity to discuss the foreign policy aspects of our partnership, primarily in the sense of that, in addition to success in the fight against terrorism as the Syrian army promotes with the support of military-space forces. Russian Federation The preparation for a political settlement is becoming more urgent, "Lavrov said.

In turn, Valid Mallem said that the United States use the coalition forces to destroy Syria: "As an example, I want to bring the anti-terrorist coalition led by the United States, which actually destroys everything except Igil. Thousands of Syrian citizens became victims of Americans aerifesters - not only men, but also women, and children in the provinces of Rakka and Deir-Ez-Zor. The American coalition methodically destroys the economic infrastructure of Syria. Therefore, we will most decide to demand the dissolution of this coalition. "

Also Muallem noted that the United States enjoys a coalition as a cover to extend the war in Syria for the highest possible time.

Egypt applies all possible efforts to find a solution to the Syrian crisis, and is ready to join the Astana process as an observer, RIA Novosti Ambassador Are in Russia Mohammed Al-Badri said.

"For me, there would be no surprise, if we join, because we definitely apply all efforts in an attempt to find a solution to this crisis. If we are invited, we will participate, especially since the Egyptian efforts led to the fact that some (Syrian) opposition groups united and spoke with a unified document and roadmap more than a year ago, "said Egypt's ambassador.

The truck maritime communication is planned to be organized between the Novorossiysk and Syrian Mediterranean port of Latakia, TASS reported in the press service of Novorossiysk Sea Trade Port OJSC.

"The contract is concluded for the transshipment of export and import containers with the Linius Novorossiysk - Latakia. This cargo flow is still formed, "the report says.

It is assumed that imported perishable goods will be supplied from Syria to Novorossiysk, and equipment and general cargoes are exported through Latakia.

Meeting held at the Central Bank of Syria chaired by Prime Minister Imad Hamis, discussed the work of public and private banks to simplify procedures affecting the movement of financial flows.

The Prime Minister said that at present, about 400 industrial enterprises are currently being restored in the country, after a seven-year-old pause, cargo air transport lines are open, the number of export containers has doubled. All this and other factors lead to stabilization of the course of the Syrian currency.

In Makhachkala, by five years, the colony was sentenced to a local resident. The press service of the FSB of Russia in the RD reported that he tried to cross the Turkish-Syrian border for joining the illegal armed formation operating in Syria in 2016.

Aleppo.Clastics are noted in the Zahra area (Zahra).

Idlib. Ankara informs Moscow about his actions in the province of Idlib, communication is carried out through military channels. This was stated by the deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Mikhail Bogdanov.

According to him, consultations are held every day with the participation of all the guarantors of declaration zones in Syria and other participants in negotiations in Astana.

It is reported that north of the city of Khan Sheikhun (Khan Sheikhoun) Air Force Airplanes attacked HTS headquarters (former Jebhat An-Nusra) during a meeting of senior grouping commanders. As a result of the air strike, 5 HTS leaders were destroyed. Confirmation of this information from representatives of the coalition is not yet.

In N.P. Maar Zita (Maar Zita), a warehouse of weapons, ammunition and explosives were found, presumably belonging to the "Sleeping" cell of the IG.

HTS militants attacked the Igilovsky "Pocket" in the area of \u200b\u200bN.P. Abu Kahf (Abu Kahf). Hts reports the seizure of Militarkov Ma N.P. Talian (Talihan) and Um-Mial (Um-Miyal).

Homs.In the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Kariatin, the Division "Shield Kalamuna" took control of all heights that dominate the city, including Jubail (Jubayl). According to Syrian sources, Karyatine is under full fire control of government forces.

Damascus.As a result of three explosions on Khalid Ibn Al-Walid, nine people died in Damascus, also 10 people were injured.

Two suicide terrorists carried out self-kept at the entrance to the main urban police station. The third fighter activated an explosive device, hitting the law enforcement entity, near the market, "RIA Novosti reports with reference to his own source.

The terrorist grouping "Islamic state" (IG, the organization is prohibited in the Russian Federation) assumed responsibility for the terrorist attacks in Damascus, the Arab media reported.

Video from the area of \u200b\u200bAin Terma, where for several months there are fierce battles.

Video from the area of \u200b\u200bthe border with Jordan in the south-east of the province.

Khasaka. About five thousand refugees from Deir-Ez Zora arrived in the province.

The coalition aviation at the city of Shadaddi destroyed two tactical divisions and an armored Machine IG.

Deir-Ez-Zor. In the Deyar Ez Zora - Al-ARFI (Al-Arfi) and Al-Sinaa (Al-Sinaa) are fierce fights, Sana reports.

Report from the line of fire: RT Correspondent Murad Gazdiev from Deir Ez Zora.

SAA helicopters in settlements in the east of the province distributed leaflets with a call to the civilian population to avoid positions, bases and shelters of terrorists.

In the city of Al-Maiden Tiger Forces, the Balum, BaluM (Balum), Al-Madiya and Al-Taybah (Al-Taybah) took an annular junction. The urban power plant and half of the Al-Sinaa region (Al-Sinaa) are cleared of the militants.

The army already controls more than half the territory of the city.

SDF divisions beat 12 villages from Igilovsky, including N.P. Muwayli and Kabbar (Kabbar).

Coalition Aviation At Abu Kamale destroyed two cars and two ig.

Rakka. 300 - 400 Militants of the terrorist group "Islamic state" (IG, prohibited in the Russian Federation) remains in the city of Rakka, where street fighting continues, Ryan Dillon, the official representative of the Inherent Resolve operation staff ("unshakable determination"), reported In Iraq and Syria, a group of countries led by the United States.

According to him, about 85% of the territory of the city is released. "Control from 300 to 400 militants are about 1.5 square meters. Mail City Quarters, including the Stadium and Hospital, clarified the representative of the Pentagon. "We insist on the unconditional surrender of militants."

According to the estimates of the Pentagon, 4 thousand civilians also remain in Rakka. "The city council of Rakki is trying to agree on their safe evacuation," said Dillon, adding that on Tuesday from the city over 400 inhabitants were bred.

According to official statements by representatives of the US Armed Forces, the Americans refuse negotiations with the militants of the game, and it is only about exporting from the Rakka of civilians.

According to local sources, mediators insist on reaching agreements with Militants, the Americans and foreign members of the IG are opposed to.

The total number of militants IG in Rakka can reach 1500, of which local residents are about 150 people.

Also, sources report negotiations in the city of Ain-Issa, based on the results of which a temporary truce is established for the export of those who want from Rakka, under the convoy of SDF fighters, and the United States is not part of the Agreement. Whether militants export from the city, or only civilians, it is unclear.

The London Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), referring to the sources in European intelligence declares that the agreement between the coalition and the game on the withdrawal of the last militants and civilians from the center of Rakki is not achieved.

In the very rocket of the militants, the IS massively surrenders the formations of SDF.

The SDF spokesman officially declares that the II controls less than 10% of the city.

Another 40 civilians were evacuated from Rakka.

Views of the city of Rakka from the media "FIRAT FM".

The coalition aviation at the city of Rakka destroyed 4 tactical divisions and the logistics node of the IG.

In Damask, a suicide bombed himself at the entrance to the market

The third per day the explosion thundered in Damascus, only six more people were killed in a series of explosions, six more people were injured.

According to the Wednesday, RIA Novosti reported on Wednesday, the terrorist led the explosive device, hitting the police environment for the police building, where two more militants were blewing up.

According to the Syrian State Agency SANA, the explosion occurred at the entrance to the market.
Previously, two explosions thundered at the police headquarters in Damascus. Two suicide bombers led by explosive devices after the protection of the building was stopped.

According to SANA, one person died in just three explosions, six were injured.

US actions in Syria give militants time for transferring strength, said expert

© RIA Novosti / Mikhail Resurrection

Actions of the United States of America give international terrorists of the IG Group * the possibility of a respite, as well as maneuver forces and means in Syria, considers chief Editor The magazine "Arsenal Fatherland" Colonel of the reserve Viktor Murakhovsky.

Earlier on Wednesday, the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General Igor Konashenkov, said that the Russian military department predicts an attempt to disrupt the peace agreement in the southern zone of de euros in the Syrian Arab Republic after moving there 600 militants and two columns with medicines. According to him, "the entire responsibility for such a sabotage of the peace process will be exclusively the American side."

In the Pentagon, previously rejected statements by the Russian military, noting that "the goal of our countries is one - to defeat the terrorist group" Islamic state "* in Syria and restore normal life in the country."

"The actual actions of the United States lead to the fact that the IG * either receives a breather, or they allow terrorists to maneuver with forces and means on Earth, where real battles for control over the settlements, territories, oil and gas fields are occurring," RIA Novosti said on Wednesday Murakhovsky.

According to him, the data that is voiced by the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia is confirmed by objective facts: air photo and video control, as well as other intelligence, "on the basis of which such messages and such conclusions are made."

"As for the Americans. There are objective data from which you can not get anywhere. They sharply reduced the intensity of shocks in those territories that are controlled by the game * in Iraq, and at the same time sharply increased the intensity of their actions in Syria. I mean eastern valley Euphrates River, "said the military expert.

In his opinion, American "Support for the formations of SDF (" Syrian Democratic Forces ") does not exclude the fact that the IG * still keeps key positions, including in Rakka, which is deposited for several months."

"Americans can declare anything. In the foundation of these statements, some objective facts, confirmation, data that Americans cannot provide, because they are not, "concluded Murakhovsky.
The Russian Defense Ministry announced on Wednesday satellite snapshots of the Refugees Camp Rukban, located in the Americans under the Americans, from where, through the Russian military, large groups of militants are "seeping" in the Syrian zones of de Escala.

In particular, according to the Russian Defense Defense Ministry, it was from there that 600 militants left 2-3 October, they got to the southern zone of de euros, where humanitarian assistance brought there, in theory for civilians, was obtained by the "strange" coincidence. The real refugees from the Rukban camp, as they stated in the Ministry of Defense of Russia, are actually a "live shield" of the American base in this tanfe. According to the minimum estimates, there are currently more than 60 thousand women and children from Rakki and Deir-Ez Zora, "To which Americans do not let humanitarian convoys, not from the Syrian government, nor from Jordan, nor from the UN and other international organizations" .

* Terrorist organization prohibited in Russia

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation does not exclude a disruption of a peace agreement in Syria because of the US

Moscow, October 11, 2017, 13:29 - REGNUM The peace agreement in the southern zone of deoxylation in Syria can be broken as a result of moving there 600 members of illegal armed formations (NVF). About this, as RT reports, the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Major General Igor Konashenkov, said.

He specified that about 600 militants left the refugee camp in the refugee camp, about 600 militants left on October 2. Overcoming on SUVs more than 300 km, the column was drove through the former customs point of Tafas on the Syrian-Jordan border to the southern zone of Deeschalation (Syrian Province of Deraa).

According to Major General, almost simultaneously in this deeds zone, two autocolon with medicines and products that were intended to local population were entered.

"The first column with a load of 30 T entered N.P. Hajmi, the second with a load of 60 tons - in N.P. Khel, "says Konashenkov. "All arriving humanitarian aid was discharged and located in the militant came from this."

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defense believes that these settlements are controlled by "Sleeping Cells" "Jebhat An-Nusra" (organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation).

"Taking into account such a serious reinforcement, in favor of the United States (...), it is not necessary to be an expert in order to predict the attempt to break the peace agreement now in the southern zone of de esshelation," Konashenkov said.

Russia recorded eight violations of the truce in Syria per day

Russian representatives in the Commission on a truce in Syria recorded eight violations of the cease-fire regime, Turkish - one, reported in the information bulletin of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

"The Russian part of the representative office of the joint Russian-Turkish Commission for the consideration of issues related to the facts of violations of the cessation of combat operations was recorded 8 cases of firing in the provinces: Aleppo - 1, Homs - 2, Derja - 3, Damascus - 2. Turkish part of the representative office recorded 1 Violation in the province of Idlib, "the report says.

It is noted that most cases of railing shooting of small armament are installed in areas controlled by the militants of the terrorist groups "Jabhat An-Nusra" * and the game *.

It is specified that during the day the Center for the reconciliation of the warring parties to SAR held two humanitarian actions. In the village of Rasin-El Abud province Aleppo and Salamia province of Ham to the local population issued food sets with a total weight of about five tons. Medical assistance during the day was provided by 217 residents.

According to the report, during the day, the agreement on the accession of settlements to the cessation regime was not subscribed. The number of settlements that joined the process of reconciliation has not changed - 2248.

It is added that negotiations are continued on joining the cessation regime with the detachments of the armed opposition in Aleppo Province, Damascus, Hama, Homs and El Cunera. The number of armed formations that declared their commitment to the adoption and fulfillment of the cessation of combat operations has not changed - 234.

* Terrorist group prohibited in Russia.

Russian military want to establish bread supplies in the Deeschalation zones in Syria

The Russian military from the center for reconciliation of the warring parties (CPVS) is negotiating with the administration of the province of Homs on increasing the supply of bread to the Deeschalation Zone 2 on the border of the provinces of Homs and Hama, we are talking about the transfer of Russian flour to Al-Var bakery in the city of Homs, He told reporters a representative of the CPVS Fyodor Ochinsky.

"At the moment, negotiations are held with the administration of the Homs province for transmission to this flour bakery, followed by baking bread and its delivery to the Deeschalation zone number 2 for the needy residents of Syria," he clarified.

Dr. Husam Al-Mansur, director of Al-Varsur, confirmed that his company supplies bread not only to the government controlled by the government, but also in the de esshelation zones.

"We supply bread into the de esshelation zones. In particular, to the zone in the north of the province of Homs in accordance with the orders of the Syrian government. In total, the company sends to these zones to 4 thousand packs of bread per day, "he said to journalists.

Flat round cakes - the traditional Syrian bread - make up the basis of the diet of the country's inhabitants. Pellets are sold in packages of 7-8 pieces. The weight of each package is 1.3 kg. The price of one package is 50 lir, taking into account government subsidies. "No price increases several times. In many areas in which the bakers do not receive state support, the package with pellets costs 200-250 lira, "Al-Mansur told.

War and bread

The Al-Var plant is the largest Homs province. It enters the state network of bakeries and bakeries of Syria. In this enterprise, two automatic lines work around the clock. Daily production - approximately 20 thousand bread packs. A goodly well-established centralized bread distribution system was created in Syria more than 30 years ago. The government provided the peasants to the seeds, redeemed the harvest, provided a subsidy manufacturers of wheat, regulated the prices of flour, as well as the process of production and selling bread.

By the beginning of the 2000s, Syria became one of the few countries in the Middle East, which was fully self-associated with food. Before the start of hostilities, the country was grown and processed up to 10 million tons of wheat of solid varieties per year. It was enough to satisfy domestic demand and export deliveries. Now the production fell by almost 60%, and the needs of the country partially cover the supply of grains from Russia. The terrorist group understood that bread - a strategic resource for Syria, so first of all tried to destroy or take control of the captured areas of granaries, flour, bakeries and bakeries and bakery.

According to the director of the Al-Var plant, its company's performance fell by 20% as a result of action of militants who controlled the area for almost five years. "Employees, appliances and plant building itself are constantly shelling," he posted.

There appeared video of blows of the CSF of the Russian Federation on the objects of terrorists in Maedine

According to the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Igor Konashenkov, in the last night aviation caused 182 strikes on the militants who invade the province of Deir-Ez-Zor from the western regions of Iraq.

Supporting terrorist

During the night, the drones found a well-fortified reference point of terrorists on the eastern shore of the Euphrates River in the city of Maedin. There were a warehouse of ammunition and a network of underground tunnels, where a large number of terrorists were hidden, immigrants from Algeria and Asian Republics of the CIS.

Two pairs of Su-34 bombers sequentially caused 14 shots for the target. As a result of the attack, fifty militants were eliminated, four tanks were destroyed, three BMPs, nine SUVs with large-caliber weapons and two installations of the RSZO. About thirty terrorists remained blocked in underground tunnels.

Another twenty militants arrived to evacuate wounded terrorists managed to eliminate the SU-34 repeated strike.

In addition, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Hatla, Russian aviation destroyed the commander point of the game * and three groups of terrorists who arrived in the area from Iraq as replenishment.

Operation near Maedina

The official representative of the Ministry of Defense General Major Igor Konashenkov said that 40 kilometers southeast Deir-Ez-Zora near the city of Maedin is a surgery for the liberation of large formation ig *.

However, terrorists acting in the Valley of the Euphrates River have fierce resistance. The militants receive a reinforcement from Iraq daily, including foreign mercenaries. Terrorists arrive at armored vehicles, pickups with large-caliber weapons. They get weapons and ammunition through the Border City of Abuchemal.

From Abuchemal Mobile Odds ig * trying to counterattack government forces closer to Deir-Ez-Zoru and the position of the army on the Palmyra - Deir-Ez-Zor highway, which is considered the main way of supplying the provincial administrative center.

According to Konashenkov, the VKS is committed daily to 150 air strikes per day, the "grinding" formation of IGIL *, as well as drive-reaching ammunition and armored vehicles.

Punch on the infrastructure of terrorists

He also said that Russian aviation destroyed the economic infrastructure of terrorists in Syria, having deprived them of sources of financing. At the same time in the western part of Iraq, a controlled ig * territory increases.

"The continued focus of terrorists from Iraq causes serious questions to the goals of operations against terrorists conducted in the US Aviation region and the so-called international Coalition", I added a representative of the Ministry of Defense.

Konashenkov stressed that the coalition led from the United States only imitates the fight against terrorists in Iraq. So, in September, the coalition significantly reduced the number of blows on the militants. At the same time, the reduction in the intensity coincided with the transfer of major forces IR * from Iraq to Deir-Ez Zoror.

Elimination of commander IG.

This is not the first case of successful bombardments of VKS for last month. Last week, Konsakhnkov said that during the strike, an ABU-Kemal, an IC * and thirty-terrorists from the North Caucasus, were eliminated during the impact of the city of Abu-Kemal at the northern outskirts of the city of Abu-Kemal.

Among the liquidated militants, the influential field commanders Abu Omar Ash-Schishani, Alauddin Ash-Schishani and Salahuddin Ash-Shishani, said Konashenkov.

The official representative of the Ministry of Defense also said that the VKS was hit in the Abu-Kemal area, where the intelligence discovered the accumulations of militants and their command points, as well as the routes of nomination to Mesadine and to the southern outskirts of the left-bank part of Deir-Ez Zora. There was a reference point and about 40 militants, immigrants from Tajikistan and Iraq, as well as seven cars with large-caliber machine guns.

In the middle of the MEYDIN, 80 militants were destroyed, including nine immigrants from the North Caucasus, 18 SUVs with large-caliber weapons and three warehouses of ammunition.

South Deir-Ez Zora were eliminated by 60 terrorists, immigrants from the CIS, Tunisia and Egypt.

Flight militants

As RIA Novosti told a knowledgeable source, terrorists flee from the captured residential quarters of Deir-Ez-Zora, fearing the complete environment.

»Small columns of SUVs and unsuccessful attempts to forcing Euphrates from the West Bank to Eastern with the help of flooded", "the agency's interlocutor said.

He said that the Syrian army with the support of VKS occurs from several directions. Already managed to cleanse the terrorists part of the villages along the Euphrates.

In Deer-Ez-Zor itself, according to the source, terrorists carry large losses.

Night raid: Syrian detachment destroyed the Karavan "An-Nusra" on the border of Hama and Idlib

Mubarak's attack was a complete surprise for nonlike Dzhabhat-An-Nusra. Aiming fire All artillery settings were destroyed, and one of the "leaders" of the militants Abu Umar Sari was eliminated, after which the terrorists in a panic fled.

After the failure on the small village of Abu-Dali near the boundaries of the provinces Idlib and Hama militants "Jebhat-An-Nusra" * announced the hunt for our Syrian hero of Sheikh Ahmed Mubarak.

Recall that the day earlier detachments under the command of Sheikh did not allow terrorists to escape from the province of Idlib and break into the depths of the Syrian Arab Republic, where they could use civilians as a living shield.

In the current situation, the leaders of An-Nusra and their curators from one famous country of the North American continent decided to stroll significant forces and techniques to the Abu Dali area. So, last night, Sheikha's people told Mubarak that militants plan to deliver about 10 different artillery plants and equip the positions near the village.

Sheikh accepted a volitional solution: along with a small group of 10 people, he moved towards the "caravan" of terrorists. Mubarak's attack was deep at night with a complete surprise for nonlike Jebhat-An-Nusra. Aiming fire All artillery settings were destroyed, and one of the "leaders" of the militants Abu Umar Sari was eliminated, after which the terrorists in a panic fled.

Well, on a global scale, this battle in the area of \u200b\u200ba small settlement in the north-west Syria is certainly not perceived as something incredible, but we, simple Syrians, clearly understand that the final victory over the greatest evil of the XXI century becomes possible just due to such a small battle .

Riyadh Farid Hijab, Syria, Aleppo

US militants run: Russia prepared by Russia is getting closer to the American base of the AT TANF

In recent weeks, the Syrian Arab Army and its allies have achieved significant progress in the southeastern part of Syria, taking control of a number of settlements and border crossing from the Syrian-Jordan border.

Over the past six weeks, headed by Russia, the 5th Army Corps of SAA took control of more than 20 n. P. Near the border with Jordan.

As a result of these achievements, CAA and its allies occupied positions within 55 km from the AT-TANF military base, which is currently under the control of the American coalition.

It is still not clear whether the US Coalition will remain on this base in the near future after the continuing pressure from the SAA and the Allies.

Last week, the Syrian army made another major promotion in the southeastern rural area of \u200b\u200bthe province of Damascus, directed against the militants of the "New Syrian Army" (NSA) near the Jordan border.

As a result of a quick attack, the fighters of the 5th Army Corps of the CAA took control of several points near the Jordan border crossings.

According to the military report, the CAA took control of the garrisons 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203 and 204, while over the past two months of hostilities occurs a very significant progress along the border of SAR and Jordan.

Thanks to this last onset of the Armed Forces of SAR and their allies and steadily conquer all new territories on the Syria axis - Iraq - Jordan, including areas near the occupied US transition AT TANF.


The operation of the Syrian Arab Army (CAA) is continuing against the terrorist groups "Islamic state" 1 (ig 1) *, "Jabhat Al-Fatech Ash-Sham" (former "Jabhat An-Nusra" *), as well as militants of other prohibited organizations. The Armed Forces of the CAA provide support to the Hmeimim (Latakia) airbase of the air-space forces of Russia (CFA RF).

The latest news of war in Syria to this hour - in the material.


The Syrian army continues to conduct successful fights with Jabhat Al-Fatech Ash-Sham terrorists and other factions in the northern and central regions Aleppo. According to military sources, the SAA and Palestinian Brigade of Liva Al-Kuds, the Palestinian Brigade established control over the hill Tel Aveija - Strategic height in the north of Aleppo. As noted, most of the hill occupied the 102nd team of the Republican Guard Saa.

According to data obtained from Twitter, SAA goes into a new large-scale offensive in the area Sheikh Said In the south-east of Aleppo. At the moment, fierce battles with the militants "Jake Al-Fath" are in this direction.

In the meantime, the militants continue to fir the peaceful quarters of Aleppo. As a result of mortar shelling by terrorists in the area Al-Haman In the city of Aleppo, three civilians were killed, another 14 were injured.

According to sources, the CAA managed to advance in the central region of Aleppo - Salah hell-Dean. Information \\ About the progress of battles is currently specified

Military sources re-declared the taking of the junction Jandul. Earlier, the militants reported on her separation after a short time after the first take by the joint forces of SAA and Liva al-Kuds.

In the meantime, the militants of the "Syrian Syrian Army", along with the Turkish sun, continue to fight the terrorists of the Islamic State in the Operation "Shield of Euphrates" in the north of Aleppo province. As reported, prolonged battles between IG and militants of the SSA for the area adjacent to the cities Azaz and Mare. Reported on the rapid promotion of the CSA following the departing from the settlement Al-Bab. The terrorists of the game for today the militants reported on the capture of villages Baragita, Jeapers, Sheikh Richand Al-Bell.


The operation of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) continues on stripping areas in the vicinity of Damascus from opposition formations. First of all, battles continue Eastern Gutewhere the Army of Syria is opposed by the terrorists "Jake Al-Islam". According to the SAA source, the detachments of government forces entrenched 200 m from the central entrance to the city Ar-Reikhan From the prison ADRA. As reported, the militants have already taken an attempt to attack on the SAA position in the area of \u200b\u200bthe urban stadium, however, as a result of a failed strike of Caa during the counterattacks advanced further to the city.


The clashes of the Syrian army continue with the terrorists of the "Islamic state" in the area Deir-Ez-Zor. As reported today, the Air Force of Syria caused aircraft on the positions of the IG in the vicinity of the settlement Al-juneina.


The militants fired at school building in the Syrian city Derja. According to the Syriah Arab News Agency SANA, as a result of the shelling of the school building on the territory under the control of the Government forces of Syria, in the city of Derja, at least five children were killed, another 20 were injured. According to preliminary information, the terrorists have released a missile projectile.

Meanwhile, collisions continue between the CAA and the militants at the front Hirbat Gazala In the suburbs of Derja. Also government troops lead artillery shelling of militant positions in the vicinity of the city Ibta. Assistance in the fight against terrorists is provided by the Russian Federation: as reported, Russian aircraft caused 13 air strikes on the positions of terrorists in the vicinity of the city Dail.


In the province Idlib The confrontation between the two most ferocious groups of armed opposition - Islamists from Ahrar Ash-Sham and the Terrorists of the Jund Al-Aksa, associating themselves with the IG. Both groupings condemn each other's actions and are fighting for control points among themselves. According to the sources in the mill of militants "Ahrar Ash-Sham", they cleared the south areas Maaret al-Noman In the south of the province.


The fight against terrorists "Jabhat Al-Fatech Ash-Sham" continues in mountainous areas North Latakia. According to sources, the CAA in heavy battles reflects the attacks of militants to their position in the north of the province, in particular, at the village Oshaba and Rasha.


In the north province Hama The fierce struggle of the Syrian Arab army with the militants of the "Jund al-aks" grouping. Government forces continue to be successful counterturing on the position of terrorists, started on Saturday.

According to the sources, the Syrian army completely liberated the village Kaukab from militants grouping "Jund Al-Aksa", and also beat off the settlement Al-Kabbariya In the northern part of Hama Province.


The SAA artillery has subjected to fire strengthening the militants "Jabhat Al-Fatech Ash-Sham", located in the vicinity of the settlement Ain Hussein. Also reported on clashes between the Syrian army and terrorists north of the settlement Jorin In the northern part of the province of Homs.


The Syrian army reflected the attack of militants to the settlement Beetroot in the eastern part of the province Es-Suwieda. During fierce clashes, dozens of terrorists were eliminated.

1 Terrorist organization whose activities are prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation