Terrorist attack in America October. Remember major terrorist attacks in recent months

US President Donald Trump said that he was considering the abolition of the Green Card lottery for foreigners who wish to receive a residence permit in the United States. It is for this program that is held in countries former USSR, Native of Uzbekistan Saifullo Saipov arrived in America. On Tuesday, October 31, Saipov hit the pedestrians on New York Street. As a result of the terrorist act, which Saiipova inspired Islamist propaganda, eight were killed and 12 people were injured. US President Donald Trump publicly demanded a death penalty for a terrorist.

As follows from the statistical data of the US Department of Internal Security, Uzbekistan - the main Republic of the former Soviet Central Asia in the number of migrants in America. From 2006 to 2015, more than 37,000 people drove out of this country. For comparison, from a slightly more prosperous Kazakhstan for the same period of time in the United States moved about 13,000 immigrants. A visit to Central Asia, as Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, are estimated at several hundred people every year. The number of arrivals from Uzbekistan to PMZ reached a peak in 2008, when more than 6,000 people left the country in the United States.

The fact that Uzbekistan is a record holder in the number of immigrants in America, it is explained by the fact that the population of Uzbekistan is the largest in Central Asia, explained Gazeta.Ru political scientist Alexey Pilco, Director of the Eurasian Communication Center.

The above figures on legal immigration in the United States belong to the Board of Barack Obama. Similar statistics of the beginning of the Board of the President of Donald Trump for Countries on the website is still absent.

At the same time, according to other statistical data of the same Ministry of Internal Security, total number Citizens arriving in the United States in the status of refugees, with a new administration significantly decreased. If in the first quarter of the current year, only about 25,000 refugees arrived in the United States, then in the second - already 13,000, and in the third - 10,000 people.

Trump can use the situation with the terrorist attack by a citizen of Uzbekistan for even greater tightening policies in the United States, the New York Times notes. The main criticism of the president was sent to the Democratic Politicians, who, in his opinion, are to blame for the weakness of immigration laws.

According to Pilco from the Eurasian Communication Center, the Trump will undoubtedly use the situation with a citizen of Uzbekistan "For pressure on political opponents within the US":

"His idea may be that while the enemy consider Russia, the real enemy is international terrorism."

Trump has already promised to toughen the punishment for terrorism after the attack on October 31. "What we have now is nonsense, just funny," said Trump. He noted that the US authorities need to be punished with "much faster and strong" than that that is now.

The US media notes that the terrorist attack in New York is the first who occurred in the United States in the presidency of Trump, and the president wants to use it to promote its security rhetoric.

The victim of this approach can be Uzbekistan and the countries of Central Asia. Washington for a long time considered Tashkent as its main ally in the region. This was due to the fact that the late president of this country Islam Karimov conducted a relatively independent policy from Moscow. Uzbekistan was not part of the CSTO military unit and noticeably distanced himself from Moscow.

After the death of Karimov and coming to power of the new president of the country of Shavkat Mirziyev, Uzbekistan actively establishes a dialogue with Moscow. As for the United States, then, according to Pilco, "America's novel with Uzbekistan is completed." "Uzbekistan and the region ceased to interest the United States after minimizing relations with Afghanistan," the expert explains.

However, given the new Trump strategy in Afghanistan, this novel can flare up with a new force.

The situation with the growth of terrorist sentiment in Uzbekistan draws attention to the Liberal magazine The Atlantic, which day later the terrorist attack published an article called "Why Uzbekistan exports so many terrorists?"

"... Dragon measures of the Karimov regime did not solve the problem of Islamic extremism in Uzbekistan. They just drove the problem underground and, ultimately, pushed abroad, "says the magazine.

According to the expert Gulf State Analytics Theodore Karasik, if the Trump administration begins to regulate immigration from Central Asia countries, this will "play in Moscow". Russia will use cooling in order to engage Uzbekistan in its sphere of influence. "This is not too good for American geopolitical interests in Central Asia," the expert states.

It is worth noting that on November 2, Uzbekistan visited the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. He met with the President of the country of Mirzieev, and also signed a number of documents, including regulating the work of Uzbek migrants in Russia.

Unfortunate migrants

However, for the Trump, the main priority is still an antimigational agenda, which has become one of the main for its administration. Experts and media note that Trump, unlike its predecessor Obama, shows quite high intolerance to the arriving from non-European countries. Yes, and the President of the United States does not hide it. He built her election campaign at criticism of illegal migration from Mexico and promised to build a wall at the border with this country.

Having come to power, he limited the entry into the United States from seven countries with the prevailing Muslim population. Under the restriction there were such states as Syria, Libya, Chad, Somalia, Yemen, Iran. According to US media, a relatively prosperous Iran was among these countries exclusively for political reasons.

In September, Trump also canceled the action of the DACA program (deferred deportation program for children of migrants). According to her, children of illegal visitors brought by their parents in the United States can remain in the country and are not subject to deportation.

Do not stop the program in order not to deprive the future "dreamers" - so called the beneficiaries of DACA -, called the leading American democratic politicians. In particular, to refuse to fold the Framp Program, asked the Ex-Minister of US Defense Leon Patta in his article for The Washington Post. However, the American leader was not listened to these arguments.

The truck drove on the bike path in the southwestern part of Manhattan district. The driver drove a few streets, knocking the cyclists on his way, after that he crashed into a school bus. The motorist, armed with a paintball gun, went out. Arriving the police injured the attacker, he was hospitalized. As a result of the cargo of the truck, eight people died and more than 10 were injured. Mayor of New York Bill de Blazio called the terrorist attack.

In Las Vegas, a man opened the shooting of one of the largest casinos of Mandalay Bay. From the balcony of the hotel complex Mandalay Bay Hotel, he shot, aiming in visitors to the Country Music Festival, which took place nearby. As a result of firing 58 people, even more than 500 injured. The suspect in committing a crime committed suicide.

Shooting occurred at the rack of luggage issuing at Fort Lauderdale airport. Latin american opened fire named Esteban Santiago. He was detained. As a result of the incident, five people died, eight were injured. Later it became known about 37 victims.

An explosion sounded in New York. For the incident, performers chose Chelsea area, where there are many restaurants, bars, gay clubs and shops, and where at such a time is always crowded. The explosion rang out in the western part of the city - on the 23rd street between the 6th and 7th Avenue. The number of victims amounted to 29, one of them suffered seriously. The Fireman Department of New York reported that the explosive device worked in Manhattan. The police found close to the scene - on the 27th street between the 6th and 7th Avenue - the second possible explosive device, which was removed by the sapirers. A few hours before the explosion in New York there was an explosion on the highway route in the state of New Jersey. There are no injured.

On the night of the nightclub in Orlando, Florida, an unknown person opened fire on visitor to the institution, after which he captured hostages. According to eyewitnesses, the club at the time there were about 100 visitors. During 49 people died and 53 were injured. The attacker, US citizen Omar Matin, was destroyed by the police at storm after a three-hour confrontation. In the course, he called the Emergency Service 911 and stated that it was acting on behalf of the terrorist group of the Islamic State, which was prohibited in the United States, as in Russia.

In the California city of San Bernardino in the United States at the Regional Center inland, serving people with mental disordersThe attackers arranged shooting. They were the chayed Rizvan Farouk and his wife Tashfin Malik, which from two cars and two pistols killed 14 people and wounded 21. Both were the police a few hours after they were hidden from the scene.

In the American city of Charleston (South Carolina), a 21-year-old armed white young man shot the nine African Americans who came to the church on the study of the Bible. Police believes that the crime was committed on the basis of racial hatred.

A series of explosions thundered in the northern part of Boston, not far from the finish direct famous Boston Marathon at the moment when the main group of athletes completed the race. As a result of the tragedy, three people were killed. amounted to 176 people. Brothers were convicted in the organization of the terrorist attack. Johar was detained on April 20th. Tamerlan on April 19 died from injuries received in a shootout with the police. March 10, 2015 In the court of Boston, hearings began in the case of the Tsarnaev. In spoke more than 90 witnesses from the accusation, the defense invited four people. On April 6, the debate of the parties ended.

The jury issued a conviction against Johahar Tsarnaev in all 30 accusation articles in the organization of the terrorist attack on the Marathon in Boston.

In the case of the Boston terrorist attack, three student friends of Tsarnaev were also held - citizens of Kazakhstan Azamat Tazhayakov and Diaz Kadyrbaev, as well as American Robel Philippos (Robel Phillipos). In early June 2015, students from Kazakhstan Diaz Kadyrbayev and Azamat Tazhayakov were sentenced to six and 3.5 years, respectively. The court also Robert Phillipos is guilty that he lied a consequence after he learned in suspect in his buddy terrorist attack. He was sentenced to three years in prison. Another friend of Tsarnaev Khairulleton Matanov (Khairullozhon Matanov), 2.5 years in prison for concealing information from the investigation.

In Las Vegas, a mass slaughter: a psychopath or a terrorist shot 58 people at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival. More than two hundred people injured. This has already become the largest case of mass execution in the United States in their entire history.

The "country" gathered everything that is known about the terrifying terrorist attack at the moment.

Who shot

According to law enforcement agencies, people shot a 64-year-old local resident by Stephen Paddock, which was located on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay casino. At first it was believed that he was killed by the response fire of the police. Then it became known that Peddock was shot.

Stephen Peddock

There is no information about the links of the arrow with any terrorist group, the police also does not appear what happened the terrorist attack. Although ISIL has already hurried to take responsibility for the terrorist attack on himself.

In the killer's room, the hotel found eight units of weapons - rifles and pistols, reports CNN.

Now the police are looking for Paddock's cohabitant Meril Denley. Her location has already been established, but whether the police came to contact with it - it is still unknown.

Paddock Merina Denley

As shot

The killer shot from afar - across the street, from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel. A 64-year-old man disarmed fire from the machine. At the bottom there were thousands of country listeners.

The victims were about 400 meters from the shooter - such a distance allows the owner of even the average automatic fire, and not diffuse.

On the map it can be seen from where he shot Peddock on the viewers of the concert.

Here is another scheme from Bloomberg:

US authority reaction

President Donald Trump only a few hours after the terrorist attack expressed condolences to the families of the victims.

"The deepest condolences and sympathy for victims and their families in connection with the terrible violence in Las Vegas. May the Lord bless you!" -0 wrote Trump.

Kindle anti-rig

In the history of the United States, only one massive execution comparable to what happened today: this is a slaughterhouse in the club PUICE of Orlando in 2016. Then 50 people also died, but including the arrow itself. In Las Vegas, with the killer - 59 victims. What makes the current terrorist attack with the very bloody execution in America.

In 2017, America shook several high-profile terrorist attacks that caused multiple political changes in the country's legislation.

Shooting at Fort Lauderdale Airport, Florida.

This year was not set at the very beginning. On January 6, an incident occurred at the international airport of Fort Lauderdale, as a result of which 5 people died, six were injured, and 37 were injured as a result of a panic. In the luggage zone at the airport, a Canadian flight passenger airport, a 26-year-old resident of Alaska Esteban Santiago-Ruiz took a weapon from his suitcase and went to the toilet to charge him. After that, returned and opened fire on the surrounding. Earlier, Esteban Santiago-Ruiz passed military service in Iraq and was a participant in hostilities, after which relatives noticed some oddities in his behavior.

In 2016, Santiago appealed to the office of the FBI Anchorage with a statement that he was trying to control the American special services, and the authorities make him watch the video materials of the terrorist organization "Islamic State" and enter into its ranks. Forced medical examination did not recognize Santiago patients.

Shooting in Las Vegas

On October 1 of this year in the hotel entertainment complex Mandala Bay on Las Vegas Strip Boulevard. The incident happened during the Rote 91 Country Music Concert, which was held on an open site. Stephen Peddock, who committed a monstrous slaughter, carried to the hotel room a large arsenal of firearms.

The windows of Paddock's rooms went to the concert area, and when the artist Country Jason Oldin came to the scene, Peddock opened fire on the crowd of spectators. The arrows stopped shooting when he discovered that the hotel security service was approaching his door. One representative of the security of Stephen Peddock was in his leg, and then committed suicide with him. 58 people were killed and more than 500 were injured.

Unambiguously cannot be said, whether the shooting in Las Vegas was a planned terrorist action, or the causes of Paddock gambling, antirepublic moods and mental illness were reasons. On October 2, the terrorists of the Islamic state said that Peddock was their "soldier" and accepted Islam "many months ago." However, no more specific evidence that Peddock was associated with terrorists, is not given in the statement.

Terrorist attack in New York

On October 31, a 29-year-old leaving from Uzbekistan Saifullao Saipov, who came to America in the Green map, arranged to rent a pickup, Saipov left for a bike path and purposefully hit cyclists and pedestrians. After that, Saipov sent a cargo pickup into a school bus.

The victims of the tragedy were 8 people, 13 people received severe injuries. The behavior of Saifullo Saipov and a note found in his car do not leave doubts that this act was planned in advance by the terrorist group.

Texas shooting in church

November 5 in the Texas community Saterland Springs Single arrows. The 26-year-old Devin Patrick Kelly broke into the church in the middle of the service and began to shoot on parishioners from Caraborn RUGER - SP 556. A local resident of Stephen Williford, armed with a rifle, decided to resist the guy. Kelly got wounded and tried to hide in his car, but Williford arranged a chast.

In the district of Guadelupe, the killer car moved from the highway, the driver was found at the wheel of the dead - Kelly committed suicide, firing in the head. Those who were familiar with Kelly personally claim that he was aggressively tuned to admirers of religion, he himself adhered to atheistic views. Earlier, Devin Patrick Kelly was tried for beating his wife and child.

Weapons, from which 26 people were killed in the Texas Church, and 20 were injured, Kelly acquired illegally, pointing out false address and lungs on the presence of criminal record. Almost half of those killed in Texas shooting were minors.

Explosion in Manhattan

On December 11, on the Manhattan bus station, the port of autoreti, which local police regulates as a terrorist attack. Under the station's building themselves, a homemade explosive was detected. The detained was the 27-year-old Akaya Ulla. With it turned out to be an explosive device and batteries.

At the moment, the suspect is taken into custody and is in the hospital, since the Ulla was injured due to a premature explosion. As a result, the terrorist attack 4 people were injured, there are no fatal outcomes.

The American authorities established the identity of the suspect in the commitment of the terrorist attack in New York on Manhattan on October 31, 2017, which killed at least eight people, reports CNN. According to available information, this attack made 29-year-old Saifullo Saipov, who arrived in the United States from Uzbekistan in 2010.

Suspected of committing the most deadly terrorist attack in New York since the September 11, as they believed, left a note in which it was argued that all this was done on behalf of the game. This man drove on a truck along a lively bicycle path in Nizhny Manhattan on October 31, as a result of which eight people died. Five victims - Argentines, one - Belgian.

The driver of the truck was then crashed into a school bus near the World Trade Center. Witnesses declare that the suspect shouted "Allah Akbar!", That is, "God is great!" The authorities identified it as a 29-year-old Saiphullu Sipov. He arrived in the USA from Uzbekistan in 2010. Investigators at the moment believe that he acted alone.

Governor of New York Andrew Kuomo called on a community to unity and resistance.

Andrew Kuomo, Governor of New York: New York is an international symbol of freedom and democracy. Those we are. And we are proud of it. It also makes us the goal of those people who oppose these ideas.

The terrorist attack in New York on Manhattan on October 31 victims

On Tuesday, October 31, 2017, a terrorist attack occurred in New York. Eight people died, at least 15 injured. This is the first terrorist attack with victims in New York over the past 16 years since September 11, 2001, and the first in the history of the United States is a successful terrorist attack using a regular truck.

Sitting happened at 15:15 by the time of the east coast of the United States (22:15 Moscow time) in Nizhny Manhattan. The car, behind the wheel of which was sitting by a young man, drove into the crowd to the bike path. The driver drove several streets for 7 quarters, knocking on its cyclists on his way.

After some time, he ran into a school bus and stopped.

After the car stopped, a man with two pistols ran out of it (pneumatic and paintball?) In hand. The police opened fire on him and wounded in the stomach.

After that, the attacker detained. He had a pneumatic gun and a pistol for paintball.

Now the attacker is under protection in the hospital. He made an operation, and his life does not threaten anything.

As a result of the terrorist attack, 6 people died in place, two - they died in hospitals from the wounds. Among the dead are citizens of Argentina and Belgium.

Five dead citizens Argentina, celebrated the 30th anniversary of their release from school, said the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Nearby is a school in which students were preparing for Helloin celebration.

Another 11 people remain in hospitals in severe condition.

Local authorities almost immediately qualified a crime as a terrorist attack. The terrorist attack called the tragedy on Twitter and US President Donald Trump.

According to the police, the criminal is 29 years old. According to the data that the American media leads, the name of the alleged criminal - Saifullo Khabibulaevich Saipov, he is a citizen of Uzbekistan, and in the USA, it also lives in a residence permit, arriving in the United States in 2010 on the Green card (according to some data, now overdue).

The attacker left a note in the car on english languagein which he admitted that he acted on the face of the Islamic state. Nevertheless, the police have no evidence, indicating that Saipov was somehow connected with the organization.

Experts analyzing the tragedy in the media suggested that Saipov waved the weapons on targets purposefully, as he wanted to be shot by the police. As analysts explained, according to a radical teaching, the fighter killed at the site of the execution of the terrorist attack becomes a "martyr" and sent to heaven.

It is known that the car, behind the wheel of which the alleged criminal was sitting, was rented. However, it is not known where, by whom and for what time the car was taken for hire.

Video: The terrorist attack in New York on Manhattan October 31, 2017