5 assault detachment of CHHV Wagner. Rolls by Americans ChvK Wagner in Syria: Details of the destruction of Russian mercenaries

Image Caption. The former infantryman of the British Army Tyrus McQueen worked under the CHHVC contract in Iraq and Afghanistan

Actions of private military companies from Russia (first of all, the most frequently appearing in the press "CHVC Wagner") in Syria differ significantly from how such units usually operate, the BBC Specialist on Security Safety Telarus McQueen.

In February, there were reports in the media about the possible defeat in Syria Russian detachment from the "ChvK Wagner". Different Russian and foreign editions wrote that everything could die from 11 to several hundred Russians.

Messages about the death of CHVC officers from Russia in Syria appear regularly. As I managed to find out the Russian BBC service, only in September 2017, there were killed at least 54 fighters of private military companies from Russia.

Russia officially does not confirm the existence of the ChVC, but allows for some number in Syria russian citizenswho are not military personnel.

  • "What is my son worse": the mother of the SvK killed in Syria is fighting for his recognition by a soldier
  • What is known about the Russians killed and wounded in Syria: new data
  • After Syria, Russian PMCs are ready to land in Sudan

Tyrus McQueen worked in various PTCs for more than eight years and believes that Employees of ChvK Wagner can change the specifics of the work of private military companies.

BBC: Tyrress, tell me how you came toprivate military company?

Tyrus McQueen: Until 2004, I served in the British army, took part in a military operation in Iraq. Then I decided to go to a private business.

At that time, there were already a few PMK who worked in Iraq. Of course, they did not hang ads in newspapers. But in the rocky circles, everyone knew about them, the sarafined radio worked well.

I filed a request, the necessary checks have passed and went on a business trip - again in Iraq, but already as an employee of the CHVK. The tasks were different.

For example, I worked many times under contracts of British and American governments. But there was nothing close to what they write about the "ChvK Wagner". For several years I have not been in Syria and personally did not see in the case of Wagnerovtsy.

But, judging by the stories of people who are familiar with the work of these guys, they are involved in combat actions. We had a completely different story.

Image Caption. McQueen notes that Western ChvK fighters are usually equipped and provided better soldiers of regular armies

BBC: What are the CHVK in the conflict zone usually do?

Tm.: This strongly depends on the CHHV. Some simply carry out the functions of armed protection of objects or people. But there are rather turbid companies that are engaged in cases that the army does not want to do.

The bright example was the American company Blackwater (The largest ChVK in the world; received scandalous fame after the US invasion of Iraq in connection with suspected murder of civilian citizens and arms smuggling; in 2009, renamed XE Services, and then in Academi - approx. BBC).

The company, for which I worked, everything was different. Most of the time in Iraq, for example, I ensured the safety of senior officers of the US engineering troops.

When they drove into troubled areas, we ensured their safety. There was a contract for which we trained the Iraqi police. In 2008, I worked under a contract for the British government.

We ensured the security of British diplomsses in Baghdad. The British ChVC has everything quite strictly.

Now, to get a little serious contract, you need to have a license of a bodyguard. And for this you need to go through paid courses, check checks.

In the US, for example, there is a PMC that are gaining people with a dubious biography.

BBC: Are employeesChvK.analogue of servicemen or is this auxiliary personnel?

Tm.: We were precisely auxiliary personnel, and our tasks differed significantly from army. In essence, we worked as bodyguards in the conflict zone. Our main difference from the military is that we never led offensive operations.

Yes, sometimes we opened fire, but did it only to protect against the attack of our customers, ourselves or protected object. There are many conversations about Blackwater Dark Affairs in Iraq.

Sheriffs of the American Police often came to their service. They got into the hands of the machine, and they demolished their heads. They started shooting about and without. But I do not remember the cases when Blackwater conducted offensive operations.

Russians behave differently. You can say, they changed the rules of the game. As far as I know, in Syria "ChvK Wagner" in essence leads martialctions. It looks like some private army GRU.

At the same time, I do not think that today only "CHVK Wagner" is so coming. It is possible that American PCCs, actively participating in hostilities, are operating in Syria or Iraq.

Image Caption. While working in Libya McQueen was photographed in a private plane of the former leader of the country Moamara Gaddafi.

"I would not go for such money for war"

BBC: How well does the work of the ChVC officer pay?

Tm.: Employees of private military companies always receive more soldiers of regular armies. Most often, they are also better equipped. But in the ChVK market, many changes over time.

In the early 2000s, the demand for ChVC services was high, and people who could go to such business trips were not so much, so they paid well. I remember, sometimes we received 120 thousand euros per year (about147 V.from. dollars or 8.millionrubles - Accept BBC).

Then it began to appear more and more than the CHHV. I became more interested in earning. As a result, salary began to fall.

I remember, in 2008, one of the contracts paid us 400 dollars a day. But then the company came, who offered the Customer the same services, but much cheaper.

As a result, the director told us that the salary decreases to 270 dollars a day. Who disagrees could leave. But we stayed. I heard that the Russians are fighting for 5 thousand dollars a month. I would not have drove for that kind of money.

"There is no right, but no need to report"

BBC: In che.m The difference between the military personnel and the ChvK fighter in the context of their status, rights in the conflict zone? Is it possible to say that the soldier is higher in the hierarchy or lower?

Tm.: The military is more attached to their infrastructure and hierarchy. In general, it gives them more protection and more rights. But there are also reservations.

See, soldiers and officers are subject to the army laws of their country, as well as the orders of their command. If you got into an ambush or entered into a shootout with someone, being the military, you must report this to your commanders.

Employees of CHVC are more freedom. You got, for example, in the ambush. She shot and drove further. You can not report anything to anyone.

BBC: Military can not do this?

Tm.: Not. First, the military usually work as part of a certain group with a clear hierarchy. Private, younger commanders, officers. Almost everyone has a radio, someone has a video camera on a helmet. Do not happen about fire contact will not work.

In PCC, everything is different. We worked with groups of 5-10 people. Inside the group was not the official hierarchy.

Yes, in the group was one senior. But it was just a guy who paid more for making decisions on the battlefield. And that's it. He was not obliged to report on every step or a shot.

The guys from PMC are most often outlawed. For example, in Iraq, Blackwater employees did not obey Iraqi law on the basis of the ruling of the Transitional Government of Iraq.

At home, in the United States, no one touched them for a long time. There were several ships. But these were rather indicative processes.

But this medal has a reverse side. Employees of the ChVK are not practically no. Protection in case of problems too. The exceptions are cases when working on a state contract.

Image Caption. McQueen managed to work in the conflict zone in the east of Ukraine. But already as a bodyguard.

BBC: What happens in the case of death or injury to PMC?

Tm.: Let's in order. All Employees of the ChvK are insured. If a person was killed, his body is delivered to the ChVK base in the conflict zone. And then the aircraft of the ChvK or the aircraft of the deceased is brought home.

Family pay compensation as written in the contract of the deceased. Compensation pays insurance company.

The dead employees of the ChVC are not taken into account as military losses. In part, therefore, different states use PCC services.

Now about the wounded. Usually the ChVC has its own doctors or sanitary panels on the battlefield. They provide first medical care, stabilize the state of the wounded.

Then his aircraft are carrying home. In my case - in London. And here the person is treated in an ordinary hospital.

If CHVK worked according to the state contract, representatives of the army can assist. For example, when we worked for the US Army, our guys were treated in military hospitals.

BBC: TOdoes the guys from PMC with the military?

Tm.:Usually very good. Most Employees of the ChVC are the former soldiers of regular armies, they know perfectly well what life is in bulk.

In turn, many current military are looking at the ChVC officers. After all, it can be a continuation of their career.

There are no interoperability protocols. But the military and private traders often help each other. When I worked on the ChVK in Iraq, American soldiers helped us out several times from the ambush.

BBC: Did you ask them about help, or was it the initiative of the Americans?

Tm.: It happened that it was just lucky - the group passed by. And it happened that they asked. We knew how to contact them. But the help came not always. Such a solution always takes a senior group based on its tasks.

Sometimes it happened that no one responded to our requests for help. The guys in the shoulders had to solve their problems or could not be detected.

We also sometimes helped the military. But it was a purely our initiative. They never asked for help, and we never conducted some joint operations with army.

"We have not been better than Russians"

BBC: ChvK fighters can get some rewards for their work? I mean medals and orders.

Tm.: Not. What other orders? We received money. Even bonuses are not allowed for good performance Tasks are only a previously agreed salary.

It seems, a few years after the end of the fighting in Iraq, a memorial medal "For Restoring Iraq" was established. And her a few guys got.

But this is not a military award. This medal was distributed to the right and left. And the combat awards employees of the ChVK never get.

BBC: You have already done a few remarks about" ChvK Wagnerbut" . How do you assess the actions of this company?

Tm.:Honestly, I do not care about them, since it is busy with his work. But when I worked under contracts in the east of Ukraine, many people were often mentioned in the conversations of Wagnerovtsy.

I personally do not have anything against their work. Our ChvK worked in Iraq and Afghanistan. We came to Iraq and spawned the country. There, we certainly did not better behave better than now the Russians behave in Syria.

Yes, Wagnerovtsy are now openly fighting in Syria. Usually, ChVC employees do not do this. But this development does not surprise me. Surely their example will follow or already follow PCC from other countries.

War in Syria is increasingly turning from the usual in a hybrid. This puts many questions about the future of Damascus and the future of the region as a whole. And perhaps this is not the last turn in the history of the development of private military companies.

Tyrius McQueen. - Security specialist. For about 20 years, he served in the infantry of the British army, participated in the hostilities in Iraq. Since 2004, he began working for private military companies. Under the contract, PCC worked in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a bodyguard, ensured the safety of customers in Libya and in the conflict zone in the south-east of Ukraine.

" ChvK Wagnerbut"- Russian private military company, whose employees participated in hostilities in the south-east of Ukraine on the side of supporters of the self-proclaimed republics of the Donbass, as well as in Syria. In June 2017, PCC Wagner was included in the US sanctions list. ChvK is not officially registered anywhere, russian authorities deny any connection with it. The mercy in Russia is considered a criminal offense, but attempts to legalize the activities of the ChVC are undertaken regularly.

PCC "Wagner" (Wagner Group, Wagner Private Military Company) - Informal name for divisions of Russian volunteers and mercenaries who participate in hostilities in Ukraine and Syria since 2014. The Group was initially completed from retired officers of various Russian powerful departments and volunteers who have experience in the Russian army and parts of special purpose.

It is believed that the head of this unofficial ChVC is the Lieutenant Colonel of the reserve, which until 2013 was the commander of the 700th separate special detachment of the 2nd separate special purpose brigade of the General Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces Russian Federation (city Pechora Pskov region). According to a number of Russian media, the Russian entrepreneur Evgeny Prigogin provides support for the ChvK. The group's training base is located in the Krasnodar Territory (Molkin Polygon). The maximum number of PMCs, according to the Russian media, reached 2.5-3 thousand fighters.

CHVK "Wagner" takes its beginning from the so-called "Slavic Corps" (Slavonic Corps Limited), who participated in 2013 in the battles on the side of the troops of the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad against Islamists. The hull was created by managers providing security services around the world. In October 2014, the Moscow City Court sentenced the leaders of the Moran Security Group Vadim Guseva and Evgenia Sidorov to three years in prison of each for mercenary.

According to the Ukrainian authorities and special services, the fighters of the CHVC Wagner participated in the events in the Crimea in February-March 2014, as well as in the battles in the Donbas from April 2014. The Security Service of Ukraine in October 2017 stated that Vagner's mercenaries were involved in the IL-76 tragedy at the Lugansk airport, the sturm of the Lugansk airport and Debaltseve. It is unofficially believed that the CHVC "Wagner" is involved in the sweeps of the "unmanaged" field commanders in the Donbas (among its victims, Alexander Pooves and a number of other commanders are mentioned).

Since October 2015 - after entering Russian troops in Syria, the Fighters of the PCC "Wagner" began to officially act on the territory of this country. According to a number of media, since October 2015 to September 2017, the loss of PMCs in battles with Syrian Islamists amounted to more than a hundred killed and to three hundred wounded.

By October 2017, the Structure of the PCC "Wagner" consisted of 6 mouth, a total of 1600-2000 fighters. The salary of the fighter participating in hostilities is up to 240 thousand rubles (in most cases - 160-170 thousand rubles). Compensation for the death of the fighter was 3 million rubles, for wound - from 1 to 2 million rubles. According to a number of Russian media, since 2017, CHVC financing has deteriorated significantly. At the end of September 2017, ISIL captured two TCC Wagner fighters - a 38-year-old novel of Zabolotnyh, a native of the Rostov region, and 39-year-old Grigory Tsurykan, a native of the Moscow region. On February 7, 2018, American aviation and artillery struck the ChVC units in the Syrian province Deir-Ez-Zor. As a result of this impact, an unidentified number of PMC staff died.

Anna Dolgar Reidus met with Vetran Dombass, who fought in Syria in Syria "ChwK Wagner".

Still do not subscribe disputes about the death of Russians from the strike of the US military in Syria. The citizens of the Russian Federation did not consist in the official service in the Russian army - they worked in "Private military company Wagner"In fact, were mercenaries. Many of them before joining PCC and sending to Syria were fought in the Donbas. With one of these "good luck soldiers, who had already returned to a peaceful life, managed to talk to the correspondent of Ridus. At the request of the interlocutor, we cannot reveal his name.

What could you prove your participation in combat actions in Syria?

- What could be proved? It's easier to call the number of a token, but then because they will immediately understand who smoked. Could call the names of colleagues, but then it's easier to introduce yourself ... It turns out that your business is to believe me or not.

Well, how did you get into the "ChvK Wagner"?

- called friends, signed a contract and drove. Combat experience at that time was still from Donbass.

What exactly was spelled out in the contract?

- The contract is concluded with Europolis. She is unofficially "ChvK Wagner." Subscribes paper on non-disclosure, for a period of 5 years. For this paper, you are forbidden to talk about the company and its connection with Wagner.

At the same time, the third point of the contract is very interesting. There it is prescribed that we fly there not as a military, but as civilian staff. That is, oil workers, builders, consultants for the restoration of SAR infrastructure.

The next point indicates the next relatives. They are associated with them in the event of the death of the fighter. It also pays compensation for the deceased. In the promotion company, compensation is up to 3 million rubles, in assault detachments - up to 5 million rubles for the deceased .

Then - a point on a voluntary refusal to state awards: medals, orders and crosses. (Our interlocutor could not answer the question, why it is necessary, but experts clarified that such a refusal subscribes to not be broadcasts in the event of a captivity or death with loss of the body. - Note. "Ridus".)

The last point of the contract is the most curious. The company promises that it will make every effort to return the body to their homeland. But does not guarantee it is 100% what it will be done.

Here are the main items, if briefly. The contract itself I will not show you, it is unrealistic to take a picture of it - at the output of Sat phones checks.

What sanctions were provided for violating the terms of the contract? For example, for disclosure?

- The sanctions in the contract were not registered, therefore I can not say about what punishment speech.

But you understand that you violate the terms of the contract? Why do you tell us it?

- I think people should know the truth.

And Molkino is what?

- Khutor Molkino not far from Krasnodar. There's a Vagner base.

Many pay?

- When I signed a contract, there was a sum of 240 thousand rubles. In fact, 150 thousand plus premium from 30 to 100% of the salary were obtained, depending on the combat missions performed.

They fell on bank card Or someone from Rodney could receive them for you?

- Salary was received at the checkout, cash. But they could receive and relatives, on the basis of Molkino. Those who wanted money to immediately walked their relatives, wrote a power of attorney for their name.

And how do you go there at all, in PMK?

- Through friends mostly. Here my friends offered. Such a sarafined radio. Many who passed the Donbass, aware of the immediate all of this.

Maxim Kolganov who died in Syria in Syria - during the preparation - on the tactical shooting range in Molkino /Fontanka.ru.

Are there any strict requirements for the selection of people?

- Now the set conditions softened. When I was fired, a huge crowd was satisfied with me - a person sixty. First tried, of course, take people with experience, but Increased losses made soften selection and row everyone in a row. And, in fact, this affected the quality of replenishment.

Enchanted circle It turns out: an increase in losses, a set of less efficient replenishment, hence again an increase in losses ... But in general, the percentage of people's death is high?

- Regarding losses - we almost every third fighter was "cargo 200" (killed) or "300" (wounded). All because of the constant attacks in the forehead.

Dmitry Utkin, he is Wagner /Fontanka.ru.

Did you make to go to the frontier?

- Yes exactly. This is a favorite Wagner tactic.

Well, of course, a lot of losses were their own nonsense. "Perfume" (fighters of terrorist formations. - Approx. Ridus) all mined, in general, everything, from the word "at all." Well, ours were often drunk on mines traps. The mined items were selected and again undermined.

More "perfumes" left cartridges stuffed with ladies or trotyl. As a result, when shooting, the machine burst into his hands ...

And what combat missions did you perform?

- Yes, just went ahead. In the frontal, as I said.

Preparation for you before this was given somehow?

- Yes, there was preparation based on Molkino. Month and a half. Everything came down to the sperm, tactics, military field medicine and control shooting.


Can you tell about any remembered battle?

- Yes ... We stormed the then a small mountain range near Dair-Ez-Zaurom, after hacking the defense line of which the road was opened on the Euphrates and a small town on the right flank Dair-Ez Zura ... I don't remember the name, but the very place is still before our eyes worth it.

We have moved on several "Urals". Five kilometers were forced to unload and build on hiking columns. Three more kilometers of the foot march - entered into fire contact, the heavy branch turned around and began to work.

Soon he strongly rumbled - this is how later it turned out, the T-62 tank was burned. Well ... in general, and that's it. There was nothing particularly heroic there. The ridge we took ...

Here, according to the interlocutor, Ridus, and held the "Lobova" fight "Wagnerovtsev", which is in question /yandex.maps.

That's what else say. What is your motivation to fight there? For money, for Russia or for what?

- If the idea was fought in the Donbass, then everything comes down to money and no idea does not smell. At least for me so.

Many in general there are those who fought in the Donbas? Why did they go to fight then in Syria?

- Yes, with me a lot of guys were, who went with Donbass right in Syria. With whom I did not communicate, everyone says the same thing: there are no full-scale fighting in the Donbass, but in Syria, the war burns in full and pay money.

It's hard to fight when neither war or peace. This is me about Donbass. Well, the people in Syria goes from there.

We worked there almost every day. The respites were small - to replenish the ammunition, relax a little, no more than two or three days ...

All right. Only here is one thing: back from there Alive chance was a percentage of 30-40.

Volunteers in Donbasse, 2014 /youTube.com.

Did you observe it yourself, the death of the guys? Do you have a lot of comrades in the division?

- Yes. Many good guys. The bill goes to dozens, if we talk about those who knew personally. Recently, two very close friends lay down in the fifth detachment, as a result of a recent catastrophe and complete destruction of the fifth detachment.

Please tell me about the destruction of the fifth detachment. How many people have died there, what kind of friends tell you about it?

- About the destruction of the fifth detachment, I do not assume to call specific numbers, because I was not there. There is now one of my friend fighting now, and, according to his wife, he is alive. That's when it comes, then the light will go on the truth.

But those sources that now have in the face of Igor Strelkova and Mikhail Polinkov, to trust them, I think, you can, since the shooter itself has many comrades in the "Wagner" served and serves.

One of those killed in Syria ChvK fighters

But if such a catastrophe, then why not a single photo, not a single video?

- Yes, because not what to shoot! I also have no photo from there. Phones did not take with them, they were withdrew them before shipping.

Well, let you have been made, you already talked about Sat's control. But then from where in the media and in social networks are found photos of "Wagnerovtsy" from Syria?

- Some were cunning, they purchased.

Clear. What plans do you have for the future? Are you going to come back to Donbass?

- Yes. It delays. If the massacre starts - return.

Anna Dolgarev

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For two campaigns in 2015-2017, ChvK lost to hundreds of killed and more than three hundred wounded fighters in Syria.

Personnel documentation of the informal military unit "Wagner Group" was at the disposal of the editorial board "Fontanka". Our story is about who and for what is dying in the Syrian Republic, not falling into the official statistics of the Ministry of Defense, and why the words of the generals are lucavia. And as long as the private war has changed after Syria has signed a document with the Russian EURO Polis LLC.

CHVK Wagner is an informal military organization who participated in hostilities in the Donbas (on the side of Novorossia) and in Syria (on the side of the Assad government). The activities of this ChVC "Fontanka" first told the fall of 2015 for the first time. Employees of the CHVK Wagner are not related to any official power Structure The Russian Federation, however, for its combat work, a combat and medals were obtained.

Who despises the Ministry of Defense

It is officially recognized that during the operation in Syria killed 39 Russian servicemen. The Ministry of Defense of the Killed and wounded fighters of the Wagner group should not contribute to their statistics, considering these losses as "the myth about the dead" contract soldiers "from the" mysterious "organization." Publication Reuters, according to which in 2016 Russia lost 36 people in Syria, and for seven months of 2017, approximately 40, the official representative of the Ministry of Defense General Major Igor Konashenkov considered "joy", worthy of contempt: "Again as sources some rumors again as sources , social network data and fictional conversations with supposedly "intimidated" anonymous "relatives and acquaintances" "(quote on RIA" News ").

If "data of social network and conversation" is not enough, it is necessary to provide documents and photos. The content of the documents available at the disposal of the editorial office confirms the assumptions that since the end of 2015 the private battalion acts in Syria in the interests of the businessman's structures Evgeny Prigogina, and the preparation of his fighters lead in the territory of the military unit of the Ministry of Defense in the Krasnodar Territory.

Unrecorded losses Palmyra

Wagner's fighting in Syria can be divided into two campaigns.

The first began in September 2015, when the company arrived in Syria. Until the beginning of 2016, large-scale actions of the unit did not learn. Serious battles and losses began in February - March, during the extraction of Palmyra. In April - May 2016, according to our data, the main building divisions of the Group, having passed heavy weapons and equipment, were derived from Syria to Russia.

According to the lists that, as we believe, were drawn up by the Administration of the Wagner Group, during this campaign approximately 32-chain fighters were killed. Heavy wounds requiring long inpatient treatment in hospitals, received about 80 fighters. Approximateness in our calculations is due to the fact that not in all cases managed to establish the fate of the wounded, which were in critical condition.

The second campaign started in early 2017. Documents available to "Fontanka" are dated June 2017. The main activity is Palmyra and the adjacent oil fields. Such accurate evidence, as in the period 2015 - 2016, Fontanka does not have. Based on the analysis of the available documents and words of eyewitnesses, we can talk about losses ranging from 40 to 60 killed and twice-three times wounded. We also could documely confirm the belonging to the Wagner group of several fighters, whose death in Syria in 2017 reported Fontanka, RBC and Conflict Intelligence Team.

In the interruptions between two operations in Syria, the collateral divisions, as well as groups of specialists who participated in local skirmishes were located. During this period, Mountain Latakia, Petroleum fields, Shairst and Aleppo, are mentioned.

Documents who have fallen into our hands are hand-filled questionnaires, copies of passports from "Personal Affairs", photos of candidates made in the Security Service - allow us to confidently talk about the ownership of fighters to the structure that is known as "CHVK Wagner" and Which in the documents is referred to as the "Wagner Group", the "Wagner battalion-tactical group" or simply "company".

The fact of the death of the fighter is more difficult to establish, but in most cases we succeeded. Comments from officials, messages in the means mass mediaEspecially in those media that can not be attributed to opposition, photographs of burials, messages of mournful relatives on social networks and condolences from friends, in our opinion, are sufficient confirmations.

Most difficult question - Confirm the place of death. "Fontanka" believes that at least ten - fifteen cases was able to convincingly prove it.

For example, in March 2016, photographs appeared on the Internet resources of the Islamic state (prohibited in Russia), which, as stated, were taken from the killed Russians who fought on the side of Assad. Among them are a few photos of a blonde guy with a memorable face in Syrian landscapes. On video frames - a disheveled body of the same person.

Fontanka set the name of the deceased. This is Ivan Vladimirovich Sumkin, born in 1987. Call sign "Varyag", explode Wagner. He from the village in Orenburg region. The urgent service was held in motorized rifle troops, then worked as an electric welder. In the spring of 2015 came to the Vagneur. March 16, 2016 died. Where Ivan Zakykina's grave is located, and whether he was generally buried, unknown - according to the "Fontanka", his body was not made from the battlefield. Ivan's wife and two-year-old son remained.

Video news about awarding the Order of the courage of Alexander Karchekova appeared on the "9 channel" of the old Oskol on November 3, 2016. It was reported that on September 7, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the posthumous awarding of Starokolz Karchenkova, who died with the liberation of Palmyra in the spring of 2016. Order of Widow and Mother Karcekova presented the head of the district.

Lyudmila Karchekova said that her spouse went to Syria for a contract under a contract in January 2016, and in March, he was told that he was killed "when performing a task."

Alexandra Karchenkova is not in the official lists of the victims published by the Ministry of Defense, which General Konashenkov proposes to navigate. And of course, the 45-year-old unemployed, the foreman of the stock, could not be a secret officer of the forces of special operations.

As follows from Wagner's documents, Karchekov got a job in December 2015, was in the company of material support and died on March 13, 2016. Really under Palmyra. In proof - Photo Karchenkova, made when writing to the service based on Wagner in Molkino, his own filled questionnaire, contract and subscription to non-disclosure of information.

More than forty stories only with famous last name. Syrian martyrologist "Fontanka" is the documents, photos, "Wagnerovtsy" awards. Each upon admission to "work" filled the questionnaire, everyone was photographed and checked on a polygraph. These documents were first available to readers. We publish the history of men who left to fight for 240 thousand rubles per month and found their death in the Syrian desert. Someone caused admission to "patriotism" or "change in the geopolitical position of Russia". Most referred loans and desire to improve the financial situation.

Two citizens of Russia who did not return from Syria, did not enter this list. Fighters with the calls sign "Altai" and "Beverage" (their full data is known to the editorial board) are considered missing. They disappeared on the same day when Ivan Zagkin died, whose body remains on the battlefield.

The chances of the fact that "Altai" and "Burtop" are alive and are in captivity, minimal, but there is such an opportunity, and the "Fontanka" refrains from the publication of their surnames and photographs.

How Wagner was lost in Molkino

The personnel formation and preparation of the Vagner group is held on the territory of the military base in the village of Molkino Krasnodar Territory, where the 10th separate brigade of Sports of the Ministry of Defense is deployed, writing "Fontanka", RBC, Wall Street Journal and Zeit. In social networks dozens, if not hundreds of evidence that for the device in the "ChvK" you have to go to Molkino and keep the way right on the checkpoint with the question of Wagner. But for the Ministry of Defense, this is not an argument, for it is regarded as rumors and novels.

After examining the photos of the Wagner Security Service, made during the inspection of candidates taken to "work", "Fontanka" believes that these photos are convincing convincing: the armed structure, not provided for by any law of Russia, is located on the territory of the Polygon Molkino. In the investigation of Fontanka, you can see how they are treated with the "Wagnerov" and even see the chapter of the mysterious "company security service".

Tramp, gray, Wagner and Rattibor surrounded by the president

Commanders of the "mysterious organization" do not hide persons. In December 2016, the commander of the group Dmitry Utkin and his deputy Andrei Troyshev appeared on the frames of the protocol shooting of the Day of the Day of the Fatherland Heroes in the Kremlin. In January 2017, there was a photo on the network, apparently, from the same reception where Utkin and Troshev, as well as two more men with high awards were captured together with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Fontanka learned who these mysterious Cavalers next to the president. Their name is Tramp and Ratibor, and Andrei Gogatov and Alexander Kuznetsov. One of them only freed from the colony, in which he served the term for the abduction of man and robbery. The other did not have any violations worse than the wrong parking.

Palmyra-2016 and Palmyra-2017

December 2016 Kremlin - highest point Take up of Wagner. Then something went wrong. Fighting in Syria in 2016 and in 2017, as told the "Fontanka" veterans of both campaigns, differ dramatically.

In 2015 - 2016, according to participants in the events, preparations in Molkino occupied up to two months, the ammunition to study was allocated in unlimited quantities, including expensive shots to anti-tank missile systems. In Syria, the T-72 tanks were admitted to the group, the BM-21 "Hrad", 122-mm D-30 Gaubitis. Spring states of 2016 were provided for 2349 personnel personnel, including four reconnaissance and assault companies, group management, tank company, consolidated artillery group, exploration and supply units. In the Syrian business trip at the same time there were 1.5 - 2 thousand fighters. Martial salary and premiums were paid on time, did not bother to the Order.

At the end of the spring of 2016, the first misunderstanding came. The five commanders of the Wagner group, Fontanka group were presented to the title of the Hero of Russia in the initial agreement, "Fontanka" reported several awareness of the interlocutors. Through the filter of the premium department passed two.

Before the conclusion from Syria in April - May 2016, heavy weapons and military equipment were handed over. Most of the personnel sent to the reserve is to sit at home and wait for the call on a business trip. When at the end of 2016 began to collect the team for new expedition On oil fields, it turned out that everything changed.

Now on the basis of Wagner in Molkino, there are almost no weapons left, the exception is several automata, mainly in the protection.

Training is reduced to the control shooting, calculations of heavy infantry weapons (large-caliber machine guns, automatic machine gunners, machine guns of anti-tank grenade launchers) of practical firing from the "regular" weapons are not carried out.

Upon arrival in Syria in early 2017, according to the stories of returned, 20 ammunted on the machine were issued for the machine and four stores and 120 cartridges as ammunition. Arms consisted of automatic machines of the AK-47 of North Korean production obtained from the Syrian side and several machine guns of Kalashnikov PC and RPK. The second company got rotable machine guns of the 1946 RP-46. IN Soviet army This weapon in the troops was replaced by PC and RPCs in the 60s of the last century.

After a couple of weeks, there were several SVD sniper rifles and one or two AGS-17, which did not solve the problem.

Instead of T-72 tanks, surrendered in the spring of 2016, four or five T-62 were obtained. Instead of Gaubitz D-30 - about a dozen Gaubitz M-30 sample of 1938, long ago removed from weapons in the Soviet army.

The exact data on losses in the battles of January - May 2017 "Fontanka" does not have. Based on fragmentary and not confirmed by documented stories, we can talk about 40-60 dead and threefold numbers. The seven Wagner fighters who died in 2017 are known, and they, apparently, have not returned from Syria, as the group's activities in the Donbas rolled.

The number of losses exceeding the loss of 2016 at times, according to the participants of the events, is due not only to the lack of weapons and military equipment, but also noticeably decreased by the quality of personnel.

In 2017, Wagner's salary policy has changed. Now, 240 thousand per month receives only a fighter of the intelligence and assault company, involved in combat operations. The protection of the plant Hayat, artilleryrs, operators of unmanned aerial vehicles, the collateral divisions receive about 160 thousand rubles per month. Unlike past years, delays happen.

Reduced quality are trying to compensate for quantities. An additional two reconnaissance hoists are deployed. Thus, the number of mouth is brought to six, and the personal composition of infantry in the group is about 2 thousand people. Today four companies operate in Syria, two companies temporarily sent to the reserve.

"Spring" in Syria

Additional source of recruitment for Wagner - the population of Donbass. Until 2017, citizens of Ukraine (or self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics) were not accepted for Vagnera. The exception was the Carpathians, formed mainly from ethnic Ukrainians. The composition of this group was planned to be used for diversions and deep intelligence in the rear of the Ukrainian troops, but, as they say, these plans have failed in connection with the weak training of personnel.

In 2017, the Group was deployed to the Spring division (on the call sign of the commander), its number was brought to 100 - 150 people. In addition to Ukrainians, the Group included residents of the Cossack regions of Russia and the fifteen-twenty-twenty-twenties of Chechnya.

Oil, gas, Euro Polis

In August 2017, according to Fontanka, the work of Wagner's units in Syria is the protection and defense of oil-bearing areas with the main object - the Hayan plant. If possible, the promotion and capture of the territory.

The main base is located on a tankodrome about 80 kilometers from Homs and 40 kilometers from the Hhayan plant. In addition to Wagner on the Tankodroma, the detachments of Hezbollah, the Iranian guards of the Islamic revolution and the like divisions, including the shown Syrian "Hunters for ISIL", the heroes of the Patus PR video. They are promised to 500 american dollars For twenty days of combat operation, but Syrians, judging by the stories of Wagnerovtsev, to fight under such conditions disagree and often, having received military training, go into armed opposition or to the most prohibited ISHIL in Russia, which should have been hunted.

Fontanka has already talked about the agreements reached between the Government organizations of Syria and the Russian EURO Polis LLC, which are people from the structures of the billionaire Evgeny Prigogin. Euro Polis LLC pledged to liberate and protect oil fields and plants for reimbursement of spending on combat actions plus the fourth part of the extracted oil and gas. That is, to do exactly what the Wagner group is occupied today (about the likely connections of which with Evgeny Prigairi we were told during the "first palmis" times). They say that now the blue jackets with a white inscription "Euro Polis" are issued to all employees of Wagner, decreasing in the Syrian business trip.

Judging by our information, since 2017, financing the Wagner campaign, its supply, appliances and ammunition is carried out at the expense of the Syrian side and is accompanied by constant delays in payments and disputes about their size.

Why Sergey Kuzhugetovich quarreled with Evgeny Viktorovich

In 2016, the Wagner group clearly did not experience such problems. Now it has become bad not only with the supply: as they told the "Fontank" eyewitnesses, interaction with army aviation and artillery (which in 2016 allegedly was ordinary) was reduced to almost zero, the helicopters of the Russian group do not take part in the evacuation of wounded Wagner battalion, which is significantly Complete their delivery to medical institutions. Military transport aviation allegedly no longer transports wounded Wagnerovtsev, and they have to be taken out almost in freight compartments of charter flights of the Syrian airline flying to Rostov.

The causes of the coming cooling, according to the sources of the Fontanka, may be different.

Perhaps the conflict is caused by a weak conspiracy in the activities of a quasi-free organization. If the army teams were ready to endure an incomprehensible private structure on their territory, supply it with weapons, appliances and support fire until it remained a secret, then since the appearance of numerous information about Wagner and his team has changed. It is unlikely that the military command of the military commander wants to be responsible for the actions of the detachment that is not related to any formal laws and the law acting abroad. It is impossible not to note the coincidence: the time of urgent withdrawal of Wagner from Syria with actual disarmament and suspension of the acquisition and time of the publication of "Fontanka" about Dmitry Utkin and his team.

According to one of the versions, the reason was completely frozen for public people: a dispute about the number and dignity of the awards. The Fontanka has reason to believe that the cause of cooling is much more significant.

Investigations "Fontanka", RBC, Novaya Gazeta, other media, anti-corruption fund Alexei Navalny convincingly showed almost the monopoly position of Evgeny Prigogin in the public procurement of the Ministry of Defense and the subordinate military structures. Privacy-related legal entities receive a lion's share of orders for the construction and current repair of military townships, cleaning, occupy almost the entire military nutrition market.

Judging by open information on the site of the main military prosecutor's office, on numerous claims and industrial offenses in arbitration courts and in the courts of general jurisdiction, to companies related to the name of Eugene Prigogine and Concord Holding, since 2016 the claim shaft grows. Companies and officials are involved in administrative responsibility for violating licensing requirements and for non-compliance with labor law standards, army control bodies after checks of military dining rooms reveal and document cockroaches, products with traces of mold and rotting, after which they resort to penalties. Military prosecutors fix production construction work Without relevant documents, permits, projects and react - within the limits of authority.

At the same time, there was a situation where the same military nutrition system, for example, is completely closed on the "Concord" structures and its restructuring promises many problems. A similar situation with the maintenance and construction of military towns. The military department will not be abandoned by the military department, apparently can no longer, although the leadership of the Ministry of Defense is unlikely to be rejoicing such a situation.

Games with your own private army, when possible profits go to the corporation, and all the bumps are lying on the military who are responsible for operation in Syria, could overflow patience bowl.

Another question is the level on which the decision to use (and on the very existence) of the private battalion is made. And whose word is on the level weighs more: Minister of Defense or the owner of the Russian Kitch restaurant.

Dozens of mercenaries of the Russian private military company. Official data about this, as well as on the number of dead and wounded - no: numbers, called in the media, differ from the "dozens of the dead" to 200 people. If so, then these are the biggest lump sum of Russia during the Syrian campaign. Who suffered them?

What is ChvK Wagner

For the first time on a private military company (CHVK) Wagner and its participation in the Syrian War in October 2015 wrote "Fontanka". According to sources of publication, in 2013, Russian managers of the private military company MORAN Security Group Vadim Gusev and Evgeny Sidorov have formed a detachment of 267 "contractors" for "protection of deposits and oil pipelines" in the warring Syria. The detachment was called "Slavic Corps". Its participants subsequently formed the "Wagner group", which, according to publication, took part in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine on the side of the LNR and DPR and participated in disarming of the Ukrainian military bases in the Crimea. In investigations at once, several media described that the workouts of the fighters of this PMC are held in Krasnodar, at the Molkino Polygon - this camp began to function in about the middle of 2015.

On the participation of the "Wagner Group" in the battles on the side of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, also with reference to sources, at the end of 2015, wrote The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). In the same article, WSJ journalists spoke about the death of nine people from the Wagner Group in Syria.

In 2016, in Syria were simultaneously from 1 thousand to 1.6 thousand ChwC employees depending on the situation intensity, wrote the RBC magazine with reference to the source familiar with the operation of the operation.

Who directs the ChVK.

The founder of the "Wagner group", as various media wrote, is Dmitry Utkin with the call sign "Wagner". The officer of the stock, until 2013, he commanded the 700th separate detachment of the special forces of the 2nd separate brigade of SPN of the Ministry of Defense. After dismissal in the reserve, worked at the Moran Security Group, participated in the Syrian Expedition of the Slavic Corps in 2013. Since 2014, Utkin - commander of his own unit, which, according to his call sign, received the conditional name "ChwK Wagner". Since the fall of 2015, its activities are transferred to Syria. There, as I wrote RBC magazine, "Wagner Group" was grieving sadly (now called the General Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation).

What are Russia losses in Syria

In December, during an unexpected visit to the Khmeimim, Vladimir Putin solemnly announced the beginning of the output russian wars From Syria. By that time, the official losses of the Russian army in Syria were. But, according to Reuters, for only 9 months of 2017, at least 131 people died in Syria (officially 16 people).

Where did this figure come from? Reuters was at the disposal of the death of a citizen of Russia Sergey Poddubny, issued by the Consular Department of the Russian Embassy in Syria on October 4. Help number - 131. The numbering of such certificates is updated annually, told the agency in the consulate. This means that the number of each reference corresponds to the number of deaths registered by the consulate by this time since the beginning of the year. The consulate also stated that they were not registered with the death of military personnel. Participants of the Wagner Group to the servicemen do not belong. Her losses of the Ministry of Defense never comments.

Is ChVK legal in Russia

The mercy in Russia is prohibited, the military can only work for the state. For participation in armed conflicts on the territory of another country, the Criminal Code provides for the seven years of imprisonment (Article 359), for recruitment, training and financing of mercenary - up to 15 years.

But the activities of the ChVC in Russia have been trying to legalize for many years. The last initiative is recently recently - in mid-January, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Gosstroiteli and the legislation, Mikhail Emelyanov, stated that the PCC should be submitted to the lower chamber within a month. A little before the creation of a legislative framework for the protection of the interests of Russian mercenaries was supported by the Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

It is assumed that the law will allow CHVC fighters to participate in counter-terrorism operations abroad, as well as to protect various facilities such as oil and gas fields. Develop, buy or store weapons of mass lesion CHVC banned. But the law was going to provide social garantics for Russians who work for the ChVC - now they officially do not have any rights and benefits provided for contract soldiers.

Anastasia Yakorov, Svetlana Reuters