Chapel of St. Catherine. Red line: Chapel in the name of St. Catherine

One of the famous sights of Yekaterinburg is the chapel of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine. It is located on the square of work, on the spot where the church was first in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine - the Heavenly Patron of the Ural Capital and Mining. It was erected in 1723 at the base of the city.

After a series of rebuildings and reconstructions by the middle of the XVIII century, the church turned into a majestic Catherine Mountain Cathedral. In magnitude, he gave way per caferal of the cathedral, however, he was more revered in the people. In 1930, on the barbarous order of the authorities, the temple was blown up, and the fact that it remained from him was used as a building material.

The territory liberated after the destruction of the cathedral was subsequently an area of \u200b\u200blabor. Directly on the site of the temple was broken by Square, where the "Stone Flower" fountain was installed. In the place of the main altar in 1991, a memorable cross was established (architect - A. V. Dolgov). Near him annually December 7 in honor of the Holy Holy Catherine is held solemn prayer.

In 1998, Ekaterinburg celebrated his 275th anniversary. To commemorate this significant date next to the memorable cross, the Stone Chapel of St. Catherine with five domes was built. In 2003, it was placed in it with an earth capsule, taken from the burial site of the founder of Yekaterinburg, an outstanding Russian historian and statesman Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev.

Address: pl. Labor, 1, 620075 Ekaterinburg, Russia.

Location map:

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Hello everyone, my dear! The Chapel of St. Catherine is located in one of the most beautiful places of Yekaterinburg - on the Labor Square.

Today I want to give a bit important information for those who want to visit her.

In this article:

Where is located

As I said above, the chapel is located on the Labor Square, in the center of Yekaterinburg, literally two steps from the dam.

Accurate address: Yekaterinburg, Labor Area, 1.

Location on the map:

How to get yourself

Since the chapel is located almost in the heart of the city, there are no problems with public transport.

If you do not want to get confused with transport, just look for a way to reach the 1905 Square, from there you can reach the chapel literally in 5 minutes.

If it is more accurate, then here are some public transport stops nearby:

1. Metro Station "Square 1905" - 650 meters.

2. Bus stop "Labor Square" - 120 meters.

3. Tram stop the "Theater of MurComedy" - 350 meters.

Working hours

The chapel is open to visitors daily from 8:00 to 20:00.

Contact Information

The chapel has its own website that he cannot but rejoice.

Here you can see phones and e-mail.

Here you can learn schedule Services.

This is official vkontakte communitywhere you can also find the schedule of upcoming events.


Short story

In the year of the foundation of Yekaterinburg, the temple of St. Catherine was built in this place. First, a small wooden, and a few years after the fire - a large stone temple, which occupied almost the entire territory of today's Labor Square.

Source photo.

It must be said that Catherine was considered a patronage of the city, and the first cathedral was built even earlier than the famous plant on a dam.

The cathedral stood 200 years, after which he was demolished by the Bolsheviks. He did not fit into political mood, nor in the planned ensemble of the city, so it was just destroyed.

There was an area of \u200b\u200bwork on the site of the temple, on which the park was smashed and built a fountain. Since the 1930s, the area has undergone changes: instead of a primitive fountain, a "stone flower" appeared, the park has grown and now in its place not only flower beds with flowers, but also a very beautiful lilac garden.

Source photo.

To the next anniversary of Yekaterinburg in 1998, a chapel was built on the square, which is undoubtedly the decoration of the area.

In 2010, for the first time, the question was raised about the restoration of the cathedral in the former appearance and in the same place. But the public voted against, about 6 thousand people participated in the rally.

Many will say that the temple would be the decoration of the city, so why not return it to his historical place?

The answer is simple: the area has become one of the favorite places of resting citizens, a small park, which is not so much in the city.

In 2015, another attempt was made: a project was created in which the temple occupies a smaller territory, while there is no need to demolish the fountain. While the question is in a suspended state.

Dear friends, I hope you have found all the information you need. If not, write in the comments, we will understand together.

The chapel on the square of the Labor Square appeared on the site of the Catherine Cathedral - in memory of the destroyed Church-Beauty. Many mistakenly believe that the first in the city was built the Epiphany Church, which became later Cathedral. But actually...

- The first church, according to Logic, was to be devoted to St. Catherine, "says Nikolai Korepanov, a researcher of the Institute of History and Archeology, URO RAS, Scientific Secretary of the Museum of the History of Yekaterinburg. - So it was. She was laid at the time of construction of the city (October 1, 1723). But the construction was delayed ... De Gennin constantly in the city did not live, often traveled in cases in the capital. They say, one day he returned from St. Petersburg and saw - there is still no church! He got angry. Ordered immediately to complete. In 1726 she was finished and sanctified.

- And until 1726, until the church in the city was, how did the services be conducted?

- We were in the apartment of the priest. Although Officially, Yekaterinburg was attributed to the arrival of the Preobrazhensky church on Uktus, to which there were six wools. There we went to special holidays.

- The church was wooden?

- Yes. We definitely do not know how it looked, her images were not preserved. The only thing that is known is known - the church was crowned with a tent that in Orthodoxy was not welcomed - the "lows" were preferable. The roof was covered with white tin. The Catherine Church very quickly began to wind. At the beginning of the forties of the XVIII century, it was decided to build a wooden church on another bank of ISET - Bogoyavlenskaya (future cafedment). She did not even have time to be sanctified as the Ekaterini burned. Immediately decided to build on the spot the burnt stone. In the spirit of the "Ural Baroque", in three tiers. Built, and so coincided that he was consecrated for the fourth anniversary of the reign of Catherine II (she ascended the throne in 1762, and the church was consecrated in 1766).

The view of the central part of Yekaterinburg from the Moscow Gorki (from the street of Moscow, which at that time was the western outskirts of the city). 1910. Photo of Sergey Prokudina-Gorsky.

A three-tier bell tower with a height of 26 seeds with a spire and a cross (55.5 meters) was used as a sentiment and fire tower. It was opened with a view of the whole city. It is no coincidence that the Veniamin Medesenkov made the first panoramic pictures of the city (it was in the 1880s). Therefore, the cathedral itself is not on them. Here, by the way, the first courst clocks in Yekaterinburg were installed, on which the whole city was twisted.

In the twenties, the XX century, the Catherine Cathedral was ruined. The main shrine of the temple, the power of Simeon Verkhotursky, went to the local history museum, the luxurious parish library was eliminated "as a counter-revolutionary", and silver utensils and decorations (the total weight of more than one and a half centners!) Disappeared in an unknown direction (most likely, deliced \u200b\u200bin the pockets of the then officials and Workers who broke the cathedral utensils). Closed the temple in 1930. And then blew up - they could not allow the Orthodox shrine in the center of the working city. Cast iron patterned plates were laid on the floor of the cast iron shop on the Uralmash plant under construction. To benefit ...

In again - in 1991, a memorable cross was built on the labor area. And in 1998, at the place where the Altar of the Cathedral was located, the chapel of St. Catherine was built. In 2003, a capsule was placed in the chapel from the burial site of the founder of the city of Vasily Tatishchev (buried in the Boldino estate, Moscow region).

The chapel appeared at this place 15 years ago. Photo -

Dossier "OG"

Date of construction: The first church (Ekaterininskaya) in this place was laid in 1723, burned in 1747th. The second - the Stone Catherine Cathedral - laid in 1758, blown in the 1930th. The chapel in the name of Holy Catherine was built in 1998.

Architect: The first church is not known. Stone - Johann Miller. Chapels - Alexey Dolgov.

The address: Labor area.

WITHeightly: Chapel in the name of St. Catherine.

By the way

In 2010, Archbishop Yekaterinburg and Verkhotursky Vincent tried to convince Alexander Misharina (at that time - the governor Sverdlovsk region) Restore the Catherine Cathedral on the Labor Square. Citizens The idea did not fall to taste: at that time, the temple was not yet completed, the temple of Big Zlatoust (opposite "Rubin"), and in the center there was a temple on blood.


Historians, cultureologists and archivists share interesting facts On the points of the pedestrian tourist route "Red Line". She appeared on June 18, 2011, 35 objects were noted.

We are not just a parish church, but a monument to one of the most famous Russian Empress, an interesting sample of Baroque architecture, and today the center of English-speaking worships.

For the first time, the wooden church in this place is mentioned in 1612, but most likely that it was founded earlier, at the end of the XVI century, in the Catherine Belly Sloboda. The stone church existed from the middle of the XVII century with the catch of St. Nicholas. In 1763, Empress Ekaterina II ordered to build two churches in Moscow in honor of his advice on the throne: in the name of the Saints Kira and John in Solyanka (a palace coup was emerged for the day of these saints) and in the name of his holy patroness in Ordyanka. Both projects developed and carried out the famous architect Karl Ivanovich Blank. The construction of the Catherine Church in Big Ordinke was conducted by them in 1764 - 1767 for public funds.

The plane of the church complex has a three-inclusive division: from the east, closer to Ordyanka, the main summer church of St. Catherine is located (called it also cold, as he was not heated in winter), and from the West, in the depths of ownership, - a swollen winter temple in the name of the deceased image (also called warm, because there was heating for the winter). There is a bell tower among themselves, the former two-tier and then prescribed in the middle of the XIX century. Chief Catherine Church, created by K.I. Blank, decanted in the Baroque style, is crowned with one chapter on a wide dome, cutting four round Luke but ram. Icons for the church created an outstanding painter of his time Dmitry Grigorievich Levitsky. Special decoration of the temple interior was the silver royal gates in the baroque iconostasis. In 1870 - 1872, a warm fiction Spasskaya Church was attached from the West to the Ekaterininsk Church. She repeats the architecture of the main temple. Thus, the ensemble of two churches and the bell tower between them acquired the finished appearance. Attracts the church fence with worn lattice: It was created back in 1731 and was originally located at the Cathedral Square in the Kremlin, and at the end of the 1760s was presented to the sovereign to the Ekaterininsky Temple.

The church was closed in 1931. Its interior decoration (including the Icons of the work of Levitsky) is completely lost, painting and stucco are preserved in the dome. The bell tower is dismantled to the first tier, both temples are devoid of chapters, and their premises are occupied by various offices. After the restoration carried out in the 1980s, the head of the Winter Temple, which overlooks the Ordyk, was restored. Since 1992, the gradual process of returning the complex of buildings of the community of believers has passed. In 1994, at the temple, a compound was created Orthodox church In America, worship is held today not only in Russian, but also on english language. Restoration of the winter temple is expected and the recreation of lost bells of the bell tiers is expected.

The history of the Ekaterinsky Mountain Council is closely related to the history of the city. In early 1723, on the banks of the River, Wilhelm de Gennin began the construction of a fortress plant for processing copper and iron ore. On October 1, 1723, on the left bank of ISET, not far from the dam, the priest of the Tobolsky regiment Ivan Efimov was consecrated by the bookmark of the first church of the factory under construction in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine. Since that time, the Holy Martyr Catherine became the heavenly patroness of the plant, and her memory day - December 7 (on November 24, on the old style) - the main holiday of the city to which all the most important events were timed.

The first Catherine Church was wooden and dilapidated after 4 years after consecration, and from 1730 he was already exposed to almost annual serious repairs.

The decision to build a stone church in Yekaterinburg was adopted by the Senate on July 5, 1732 in response to the representation of Wilhelm de Gennin (after the removal of the ban on urban stone construction in 1729 due to the mobilization of forces and funds for St. Petersburg). In 1743, Architect Iogen Werner Müller even received an order to design the building of the new stone temple, and in 1746 it was drawn up and sent to the Berg College of Estimation for its construction, but for various reasons, the construction itself was postponed.

On September 26, 1747, the Mazanka Church was destroyed by the fire that certainly rubbed the case of the construction of a stone church from a dead spot. Finally, in the second half of the XVIII century, according to the project of the talented Yekaterinburg drawer A. Kichigin (the building on Muller's project could no longer be able to accommodate everyone, because the city was developing dynamically and the population grew) was built a magnificent stone cathedral in the name of St. Catherine, who was the main The symbol of the city is up to the 30s. Twentieth century. The church bell tower also performed a secular function: there were clocks with chimes, so that the working person could navigate the time.

In 1761, it was decided to create under the bell tower in honor of the Novokanonized Holy - St. Dimitri Rostovsky. In 1834, Rostovsky Dimitrius was rebuilt, expanded and consecrated in June in honor of the Holy Trinity.

In the summer - in the summer (July 22 and 23 and September 23), 1763 by the Archpriest Theodore Kochnev, with the blessing of the Metropolitan Tobolsky and Siberian Paul, was consecrated by the North (in the name of the firstarter of the archidacon Stephen) and the southern (in the name of the Apostle John the Bogoslov) limits. Consecration of the main limit of a crowded crossing of the people took place on September 22, 1768. The solemn worship committed the Ekaterinburg Spiritual Board of the Archpriest Theodore Kochev.

Since the first half of the XIX century, the mountain cathedral was repeatedly rebuilt and lost its primary appearance (the need for changes was dictated by the active life of the parish). During the reconstruction, conducted by the famous architect M.P. Malakhov, sidecases were extended in the direction of the bell tower and were taped to two floors. Thus, the devour came out for the original line of the facade, new wide stairs were built within them to the second floor. Because of the rearrangements, the temple lost initial harmony, the facade became a little cumbersome and no longer harmonized with a thin spire of the bell tower. In addition, the classic porticists were added to the building, the classic porticists were added, which also partly broke the unity of his style.

The Catherine Church was considered as if "departmental" for all mining employees (which was recorded in the title of the Cathedral "Mountain"), as it was the oath of mining engineers. And from the XIX century, at the request of the military authorities - and recruits.

Great importance for urban education different time Functioned with the cathedral. Approximately 1824 and until the middle of the XIX century, a two-year parish school functioned at the Catherine Cathedral, which was the first stage of the system of spiritual education preparing to study in the county spiritual school.

In 1887, a male church-parish school was opened at the temple, in which up to 60 boys were studied, and in 1894 - female, by 65 girls. In total in 1908, 174 people were studied at school. The parish library played a certain role in the educational environment of the city. According to the 1920 inventory, it has 1237 books.

In 1894, the Catherine Church-Parish Guide was created. The main task of the guardianship was to support the development of school education, including through the appointment of the annual benefit to increase the salaries of teachers.

At the beginning of the 20th century, women began to create their parish public organizations that received the names of "sister fraternities" or "sisterhood". Such an organization was created in the Catherine parish.

After the revolution, the cathedral divided the fate russian society and church. The outbreak of the activity of the parishioners of the beginning of the 20s of the 20th century was first suppressed by the rigidity of Soviet legislation, the unceremonious withdrawal of church values \u200b\u200b(allegedly for starving), under pressure from the Soviet authorities, the temple was transferred to the "renewal split" upproed. The humiliated, but not broken, the temple continued to act. However, he could not survive the Soviet cultural revolution, as part of Russian society, Russian culture and science.

In 1930, in the period of the active anti-Religious campaign, the Catherine Cathedral of St. Catherine was demolished, freeing the place for the Building of the UBP (b) and the Fountain "Stone Flower" (it was opened in September 1960 by Architect Peter Dmitrievich Demintsev), who, together with a small square so far pores is located at the site of the majestic building of the cathedral. Together with this, the oldest Square of Yekaterinburg in his left-bank part, which was previously called the church, Cathedral, Catherine, began to be called an area of \u200b\u200blabor.

By the 275th anniversary of the city on the site of the temple, a chapel was erected by the project of architect A.V. Dolgova. In 2013, the initiative group of believers was registered by the arrival of the Cathedral of the Holy Great Martyr Ekaterina, and from Easter 2014, a full-fledged liturgical life began in the chapel. Iconostasis was arranged, and everything you need to make regular services. The parish hopes that the Church of Saint Catherine will be restored.