The president left him as head of the Sverdlovsk region. The president left him as head of the Sverdlovsk Region why Kuyvashev resigned

Another resignation of the governor occurred, but this time - formal. President Vladimir Putin took the resignation of the head of the Sverdlovsk region Evgenia Kuivashev and appointed him of the Virio of the head of the region to elections.

The term of office of Kuivashev expired in May, and the governor elections will be held in a single voting day in September. Local media prevent that in the new status of Kuyvashev will be nominated by United Russia for re-election for a second term.

Maria Plusnina, Correspondent of online publication

"Yes, the decision, of course, was expected. This means that, most likely, Evgeny Kuyvashev will go to the elections in September 2017 and it is most likely to be supported by the Presidential Administration, at least it is calculated in the regional administration. It should be noted that over the past year he met three times with Putin Tet-A-Tet \u200b\u200b- in January 2017 and also in March and in August 2016. In principle, there were no complaints from the head of state to the Sverdlovsk governor. "

Now Evgeny Kuivashev 46 years old. Earlier, he was the head of the administration of Tyumen and Tobolsk, and a presidential police station in the Ural district. Interestingly, a couple of months ago, the media called him in the list of resignation candidates. Then there was a large-scale update of the governor's corps: the heads of the Perm Territory, the Republic of Buryatia, as well as the Ryazan and Novgorod regions, were gone. However, Kuyvashev did not leave his post.

About the head of the Sverdlovsk region and its prospects argues president of the Foundation "Petersburg Politics" Mikhail Vinogradov:

"Historically, Kuyvashev refers to the team of Sergei Sobyanin, he worked and the mayor of Tyumen, then he worked as a police station in the Ural district and became the governor of the Sverdlovsk region in 2012, not the most successful, not the most fault. That is a full-fledged such leader public opinionOf course, Kuyvashev did not, and with him, for example, Evgeny Roizman won the election of the mayor of Yekaterinburg. AT more than Kuivasheva's political weight is associated with the fact that Sergei Sobyanin is standing behind him. As a result, an intrigue arises this year, because in the Sverdlovsk region there are quite a lot of strong opposition politicians, including the same Royisman, who reported on intentions to participate in the elections. If they go to the elections, it may be a fairly serious struggle, a rather serious collision with little predictable result. If, of course. The parties will not agree with each other. "

The other day, Vladimir Putin also signed a decree on the early resignation of the head of another Region - Mordovia. The current head of the Republic of Vladimir Volkov was appointed temporarily acting.

President Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Evgenia Kuivashev and appointed his VRIO head of the region. AT " United Russia"Already promised to support the elections in September. The mayor of Yekaterinburg Evgeny Roizman intends to participate in them, who said that he did not lose in the region" none of the elections. " The municipal filter will allow you to organize an inertial script "campaign.

Presidential Decree on the resignation and appointment of Evgenia Kuivasheva VRIO heads of the Sverdlovsk region published yesterday on the Kremlin website. In a statement sent by the Department of Information Policy of the Region, Mr. Kuyvashev thanks "the head of state for the confidence rendered" and promises "to do everything to justify": "In the coming years - I think this is your key task - the area must enter the top three regions leaders . The Department clarified that the appointment would not entail the resignation of the government (Evgeny Kuyvashev) is headed: it happens "only after the election on the day of the introduction of the new governor to the position."

Evgeny Kuivashev, who had the experience of the head of the administrations of Tobolsk, Tyumen and the Presidential Pol Air District in the Ural Federal District, was approved as the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region in May 2012. At the end of 2016, the rating of "political survival" Foundation "Petersburg Politics" and the Minchenko Consulting Holding appreciated its position on two points with a plus of five. In January 2017, Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with the governor, but since the political issues were not discussed on it, the resignation was not excluded after that. Nevertheless, in the region, I was regarded a meeting in the year of the governor's elections (the powers of Mr. Kuivashev expired on May 29) as approval for participation in them. According to the political scientist of Alexander Pirogov, "Waiting for the Decision gave rise to a lot of doubts" from the "regional management elite", but now she "received an unconditional signal that Kuyvashev is the one who supports the Kremlin." We will remind, the sources of "Kommersant" in the presidential administration in February stated that the resignation of the head of Karelia Alexander Hudilainen was the last in a series of gubernatorial retirement (see "Kommersant" of February 16).

Candidates for the governors of the Sverdlovsk region can only be nominated by parties, the municipal filter is 7.9% (about 130 signatures of municipal deputies and chapters). Mr. Kuyvashev will have to go through the primaries of United Russia. "The president said his word, we consider Yevgeny Kuivasheva with our main candidate," said Alexander Kosintsev regional executive committee.

The leader of the Sverdlovsk branch of "Fair Russia" was also stated about the intention to participate in the elections of the Governor, the State Duma deputy Alexander Burkov and the head of Yekaterinburg Evgeny Roizman. Mr. Roizman yesterday on his page on Facebook wrote: "I go to the governors of the Sverdlovsk region. I did not lose the same elections here."

The political scientist Evgeny Minkchenko notes that the support of the prescription of Mr. Kuivashev could affect the support of the Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin (they are familiar to work in the Tyumen region), in addition, "a number of large regional players not to the active political struggle." At the same time, "the municipal filter will allow you to organize an inertial scenario with weak stars," the expert believes. According to Mr. Pirogov, now the potential "candidates need to be either actively engaged in their election campaign, or to think about whether to nominate their candidacy." Political scientist Alexander Kynev said that the galleries were charged their positions in the region and could hardly unite the electorate. Evgenia Rozisman Expert calls the "charismatic politician", but notes that there are few people who know him outside of Yekaterinburg: "The network of his supporters is urban, and the area is rather big."

Julia Pozdnyakova, Anastasia Bulatova, Yekaterinburg; Ekaterina Gobman

Today, Vladimir Putin sent Evgeny Kuivasheva to resign and the same decree appointed his Virio Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region. In fact, this means the start of the election campaign. We answer important questions about the speedy elections.

How will the prefix of Virio change the capabilities of Evgeny Kuivashev?

The easiest question is: in no way.

. - Performed by the president assigned to him.

Why did Kuivasheva resign before the expiration of the term of office?

Evgeni Kuyvashev replaced the resigned governor Alexander Misharina in May 2012. On May 24, President Vladimir Putin made his candidacy for claimation. The fact is that then the head of the region was chosen by deputies. As a result, on May 29, Kuivasheva chose the governor, and on the same day he took the oath. Since the chapter of the region is elected for five years, the powers of Evgenia Kuivashev formally expire on May 29, 2017.

However, practice recent yearsWhen the general election of the heads of the regions returned, this is that the president either appoints the actual leader of Virio Governor, or he sends him to resign, replacing it to the other.

The last option massively was used in the winter of this year, when Vladimir Putin resigned five heads of regions. He explained this process with natural rotation. Was in the list of those who can dismiss and Evgeny Kuyvashev, but in the end he retained his post.

So the right was those who said that Vladimir Putin will appoint Kuivasheva Virio. Experts referred to the fact that the president is not found with those chapters whom is going to remove. And Putin with Kuyvashev was Randevo in January of this year.

Does the president mean the automatic participation of the governor in the elections?

But imagine that it is not at all! Theoretically, Eugene Kuivashev may lose the primaries of United Russia, since this procedure is mandatory in order to move away from the party. However, in such a development of the situation, of course, no one believes. It is unrealistic. Yes, and Evgeny Kuyvashev himself declared several times that he would participate in the elections.

Who will be an opponent Evgeny Kuivashev?

Until now, Evgeny Roizman has been acting more than any other governors of ambitions.

- What is happening, I frankly dislike: financial damage, the political removal of Yekaterinburg. Yekaterinburg is selected by money, it is implicit. I need to somehow stand up for the city, "ETV Rosizman said.

Today, he does not comment on the staff of the Kremlin.

Other probable candidates are deputies of the State Duma Andrei Alshevsk and Alexander Burkov. But officially, they also did not declare their participation. Burkov spoke in fact that there are consultations now, and the decision will be accepted in June.

A previously probable opponent Kuyvashev was called regional premiere Denis Passer. But last autumn last year was removed from the political field, and in the end he chose a business.

The list also was the name of the mayor of Lower Tagil Sergei Nosov. But he publicly did not speak about the governor ambitions. And it is hardly against Evgeny Kuivasheva.

What needs to be done to become a candidate in the governors?

The last election of the governor in the Sverdlovsk region was in 2003. It has been 14 years old! According to the head of the election commission of Yekaterinburg Ilya Zakharov, the only cardinal difference from the campaign is to nominate the signatures of municipal deputies.

- the election of the governor of the Cuscision must be appointed from June 1 to 10 (most likely it will happen on June 6). Then the obligrant decides, how many signatures of municipal deputies must collect candidates. The law states about 7.9%. Now it is 125 signatures. At that, your autographs should leave deputies from 55 municipalities or three quarters from the total number, "the site of Ilya Zakharov explained.

Signatures must be passed until July 26. Thus, by August 6, it is definitively known who will fall into the newsletter.

Can Kuyvashev use an administrative resource?

By law - no. But there is one reservation - the current governor should not leave for election leave.

- Persons can stay on their post and continue to work. It is simply necessary to not violate the legislation and comply with the restrictions, do not abuse your position. Such rules and for deputies, and for the president, commented on the norm of the legislation of Ilya Zakharov.

So on September 10 or in the case of the second round on September 24, we will know the name of the new governor.

At the end, we give a few comments on resignation and appointment Evgenia Kuivashev.

- This event is quite expected. We understood that the country's leadership makes a bet for the next five years on the existing governor. Today a formal decision was held. I have no doubt that in the process of Elevation Evgeny Vladimirovich will be able to confirm his status of an effective leader and achieve victory, - said today senator Arkady Chernetskyclass \u003d "_"\u003e.

At the same time, he is confident that Evgeny Kuyvashev will be able to realize a lot of useful ideas.

"I think that today the governor has a large number of ideas and suggestions for five years of work. It is always positive that there is an opportunity to realize what you yourself have conceived. I have no doubt that the Sverdlovsk region will continue its dynamic development. We see that the region did not fall into recession and the main indicators looks very decent. We see the problems that exist today in the area. The first person's energy is needed to seek the incarnation of those plans that are declared, Chernetsky summarized.

Another senator, who, by the way, is in the Council of the Governor Federation, Eduard Rosselclass \u003d "_"\u003e also positively taken to the decision of the president.

Evgeny Kuyvashev has the potential to work in this post for the next five years. I am glad that this appointment happened, and we will be able to help him win the election of the governor in September so that Evgeny Kuyvashev was able to head the region for another five years, "the TASS quotes Edward Rossel's TASS.

It was quite expected to support Putin's decision and SPECIAL Speaker Lyudmila Babushkinclass \u003d "_"\u003e.

- With Evgeny Vladimirovich Kuivashev, the Deputy Corps works closely for five years. At the meeting of the Legislative Assembly, on April 11, we noted that the governor not only entertained the work of the executive authorities, but also is an active subject of the legislative initiative. I am sure, Evgeny Vladimirovich will meet the confidence of the president, which he rendered. And the deputies of the Legislative Assembly will make everything necessary to ensure the legislative support of the initiatives of the governor's development of the Sverdlovsk region, the press service quotes Lyudmila.

We will remind, earlier, information appeared in the press that the governors of several Russian regions will be retired in the near future, including in the Middle Urals.

« Apparently, it is planned to an early resignation in those regions where the election of the governor is coming. Intrigue is the one who will be assigned to the executing chapter of the region» - Polytologist believes. He stressed that in most cases, most likely there will be no personnel changes, and possible resignations will be technical in nature, before the upcoming elections.

Anatoly Gagarin noted that lately The position of Evgenia Kuivashev, thanks to a number of his initiatives and the alliance achieved between the administration of Yekaterinburg and the regional authorities, strongly strengthened. The political scientist believes that at the moment Evgeny Kuivashev is the most likely candidate for the post of acting head of the region.

He stressed that the Governor of the Perm Territory Viktor Basargin, The region, which is also under the close attention of the Kremlin, has already stated that it does not intend to participate in the elections and retire. Anatoly Gagarin said that the head of the Perm Territory was in the lower lines of the ranking of the governors and took all attempts to correct the situation, but in the end he did not cope.

In turn, Evgeny Kuyvashev has not yet announced its intention to go to the elections, but at the same time leads active activity in his post. In particular, active steps are made in the implementation of the Big Yekaterinburg project, as well as the reform of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region, which is currently heading directly the governor, notes a political scientist.

As reported earlier, the "Vedomosti" edition with reference to its sources in the Kremlin reported that in the coming days the resignation of the heads of five regions of Russia should be expected: Karelia, Ryazan, Sverdlovsk, Novgorod and Ivanovo regions. Also under the closer attention of the federal authorities are the Perm Territory and Buryatia.

Recall that the governor of the Sverdlovsk Region with the President of Russia recently held Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin. After the meeting, Evgeny Kuyvashev, published in the "regional newspaper" the article "Turnstanding Moment", which many observers regarded as an application for participation in the coming elections of the governor in the coming in the fall of 2017.

According to experts, Putin would not meet with the governor-outsider. This means that the chances of Kuivasheva have. Perhaps the decision on his fate will be made according to the results of the fulfillment of the latest president's instructions. So, by June 1, on behalf of the head of state, the road from Nizhny Tagil to the village of Serebryanka should be repaired. And just on May 29, the term of office of the governor will expire and it is time to decide who will be acting, and therefore the main candidate for the upcoming elections of the head of the region.

Governor of the Sverdlovsk region will be resigned to avoid the defeat of "United Russia"?

Is Kuyvashev at the exit?

Experts have long been predetermined by the ambulance of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Evgenia Kuivashev, an extremely unpopular in the region. For example, the federal media reported on his expected resignation on March 9, 2016. At the same time, at the end of October 2015, journalists reported that "the Kremlin is preparing the resignation of Kuivashev in 2016."

It seems that the dismissal of Kuivashev can be expected already in the sooner time, since the period of the "election change of governors" came (take, for example, the recent resignations of the heads of the Tula and Tver regions).

The fact that Evgeny Kuyvashev is an outsider, clear and the Kremlin, and the federal leadership of United Russia. The head of the Sverdlovsk region is already beginning to publicly call the "chrome duck" (this is a term denoting policies that have no chance for re-election).

"United Russia" left without money

According to political scientists, the Kremlin wants to change the unpopular from the voter to the head of the Sverdlovsk region, so as not to risk the regional results of United Russia in the elections to the State Duma.

By the way, on March 4, 2016, it became known that the Chairman of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region Denis Pasler left the headquarters of United Russia without funding. Now Pasler allegedly rejects applications for financing political and information projects of United Russia.

While Denis Pascher himself is the leader pre-election headquarters "United Russia." But, nevertheless, he, according to rumors, "let the proposal of contracts with municipal newspapers and the creation of short television plots on the work of the governor at the local TV channels of short television stories.

Political scientists do not exclude that Denis Pasler after the expected resignation of Kuivasheva himself can be temporarily acting by the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region. So the chapter of the election headquarters just do not need to spend money on PR Kuivasheva, who can soon be resigned.

Who will change Kuyvashev?

In the past two weeks, the public activity of the mayor of Lower Tagil Sergei Nosov has sharply increased. He himself played the other day in Yekaterinburg (congratulated women from March 8 at the Mountain University - sang from the scene along with Evgenia Roisman), and the media close to the administration of Yekaterinburg again began to discuss Nosov as a candidate for the governors of the Sverdlovsk region.

Sergey Nosov, Mayor of Lower Tagil

It is believed that Nosov supports the state corporation "Rostech". She can prolobrify his appointment of the head of the region. In addition, with the help of the same "Rostech", the head of Uralvagonzavod Oleg Sienko will be able to become a new governor. It is possible that in the federal leadership "United Russia" will be supported by Nosov, Parestar and Sienko.

Confrontation with the mayor of Yekaterinburg

Against the background of the resignation of the resignation, Evgeny Kuivashev continues to conflict with the mayor of Yekaterinburg in the region, Evgeny Roismann, who are in opposition to regional authorities.

On March 9, 2016, it became known that the group of deputies of the Gordeum of Yekaterinburg from among the supporters of the Sverdlovsk Governor Evgenia Kuivashev prepares changes to the charter of the city and the Gordum Regulations, which will allow to punish the leadership of the meeting for rare meetings.

In this, they accuse Speaker Gorduma, mayor of Yekaterinburg Evgenia Roisman. In case of adoption of amendments, deputies will be able to submit to him, and the satisfaction of the claim will give a reason for the resignation of the mayor.

Evgeny Roizman, Mayor of Yekaterinburg

Experts are confident that if Kuyvashev wants to shift Roisman, it will provoke the strengthening of protest activity in Yekaterinburg, which can also serve as an "additional impetus" for the emergence of the current governor.

"Governor's" governor "without education and experience

The main reasons for the intended resignation of Kuivashev are the "problem" budget of the region, the crisis in the field of housing and communal services and a high level of corruption. At the same time, all these reasons, one way or another, are interconnected.

For example, on January 25, 2016 it became known that the head of the regional assistance fund to the overhaul of common property in apartment houses Alexander Karavaev resigned. Previously, the resignation of the head of the Foundation of the Bearemont demanded a deputy minister of construction and housing and communal services of the Russian Federation Andrei Chibis. The thing is that Alexander Karavaeva had neither experience or profile education.

On what foundation Kuyvashev entrusted the management of the Foundation in which 5 billion rubles is concentrated., Man without experience and education is not clear.

The deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region Vyacheslav Vegner believes that the main reason for the resignation of Karavaeva was the persecution of the prosecutor's office and possible criminal cases for the breakdown of the coaront program in the cities. It seems that soon "the governor's depths" will begin to plant.

Alexander Karavaev, Ex-head of the regional capital repairs facility

By the way, with education there were problems not only from Karavaeva. On March 16, 2015, it became known that in the General Prosecutor's Office, they check a diploma on the higher education of Evgenia Kuivashev at the request of the deputy sverdlovsk School From the Communist Party of Naviga Famieva. So in the presence of "tower" at the governor himself, too, were doubts.

Budget catastrophe

While five millionth funds dispose of people without work experience, the State Dolg region, as of January 1, 2016, amounted to 66.4 billion rubles, and the budget deficit of the Sverdlovsk region in January 2016 amounted to almost 5 billion rubles. Governor Kuyvashev, instead of developing the economy and increase the income of the region, decided to take another 10 billion rubles (for the region). (existing obligations - approx.)

At the same time, Kuyvashev spends hundreds of millions of government rubles to their own PR. In 2015, more than 500 million rubles received from the regional budget of the region's budget of the Region. In 2016, the same amount is scheduled. And these are only official numbers - according to experts, real spending on the governor's PR, at least twice as many. And when it was required to find 260 million rubles. To adopt the law on the support of the "children of war" - there was no money in the budget.

It seems that the head of the Sverdlovsk region prefers not to solve the specific problems of the region, but attempt to create a positive image with PR. But still attitude to Kuyvashev and on the federal, and at the regional level - extremely negative.

The governor destroys health

Recently, in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, protest shares became increasingly, in which oppositionists and ordinary townspeople participate. For example, on February 25, 2016, a rally was held in the village of Makhnevo in the Sverdlovsk region against "optimization" of medicine.

The regional program "Optimization" of medicine launched by Evgeny Kuivashev became a reason for protest entry. Doctors in Makhnev reduce salaries, forced to dismiss, they have to work in conditions of high load.

Arkady Belyavsky, Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region

This is no longer the first attempt to save local medicine. Back in September 2015, the appeal of the communist leader of the Alexander Ivachev region was submitted to the Government of the Sverdlovsk region, along with 1300 signatures for the resignation of the Minister of Health, Arkady Belyavsky. But nothing has changed, Kuyvashev ignored the appeal of residents - dismissal and cuts continue to this day.

The territory of protests

After the company was closed in Kachkanar, which was a division of Meridian LLC from the upper tours, the workers did not pay the promised salary. They, too, flies to tear up "go to the rally".

Residents of Polevskoy city went outside with the requirements to stop the so-called "optimization" of health care ,. Also against the destruction of the health care system in October 2015, the ranks in Tavda.

The inhabitants of Irbit have their claims. The primary misfortune of the city is the bending healthcare: employees of the local ambulance will suffer a decrease in wages. Working conditions are impossible: the urgent building is crumbling in front of her eyes.

In early December 2015, residents of Nevyansk came to the rally. To be heard, they came to Ekaterinburg. The essence of the inhabitants are that in the village of Kalinovo, local residents withdraw the land, which pensioners are used as the only way to feed, because it uses it for growing vegetables.

Now, instead of country sites of the elderly Celian, an elite yacht club for the nouveau Sverdlovsk region can grow. The governor to the problems of residents of the municipality remains deaf.

At the end of November - early 2015, a rally, directed against the authorities, also passed in Krasnoturinsk. Protest of local residents was caused by a disadvantaged socio-economic situation.

The rally and residents of Degtyarsk, who threatens the emergence of chemical anti-industrial production. Illegal low-rise construction caused the perturbation of residents of the city of Aramil. And on November 14, 2015, the rally passed in the upper pyshma, where the inhabitants were also unhappy with local authorities.

In the Artem City District per day people's unity A crowded rally passed against regional and local authorities. The main reason for the dissatisfaction of Artemovts was the catastrophic situation in the housing and communal services. Along the way, the assembled decided to demand to return the direct election of the mayor and opposed the existing order of approvals of rallies. All complaints of the townspeople were sent to the President of Russia.

About 300 people came to the rally against the governor of Evgenia Kuivashev in the Artemovsky urban district. According to the inhabitants, in all their utility troubles in the Artem City District, personally, the Governor of the Region of Evgeny Kuyvashev, Minister of Hospital of the Sverdlovsk Region Nikolai Smirnov and the head of the urban district of Olga Kuznetsov.

The governor sued the court

Instead of an adequate response to the requirements of the protesters of citizens, the governor Evgeny Kuivashev offered the inhabitants of Artemovsk. Recall that the residents of Artemovsk insulted the statement of the head of the Sverdlovsk region in the local newspaper "Everything will be", in which he actually called the local residents of the crazy.

"I'll read some nourz cell from Artyomovsky, of course, I don't want to look at your territory ... If people are crazy, they have nothing to do, they go to rallies and there they carry some heresy, I have no desire for something Additional to give this territory, "said Evgeny Kuyvashev, commenting on the situation associated with protest rallies in Artemovsk.

Evgeny Kuyvashev, Governor of the Sverdlovsk region

The local population was outraged by the words of the head of the region. Residents of Artemovsk, without waiting for public apologies from the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Evgenia Kuivashev, filed a statement to the court. They hope that in this way they will be able to force the governor to apologize for the words about the "crazy" residents and about the deputies of "idiots".

They say to "lean" this scandal, head of the department of information policy Administration of the Governor Alexander Ryzhkov personally met with the leadership of the newspaper "Everything will be" and allegedly persuaded journalists "Take all the blame for yourself."

Analysts prophesy to resign Kuivashev

Of course, after a series of protests, the political future of the head of the Sverdlovsk region seems predetermined. According to the rating of the governors of the Agency of Applied and Regional Policy, Evgeny Kuivashev is one of the main candidates for dismissal.

Experts evaluated the presence of conflicts of interest at the regional level, degree confrontation of regional elites, the level of protest sentiment in the regions, indicators of the socio-economic situation of the region, electoral and political risks in the event of the resignation of the head of the region.

For friendship with oligarchs

Now the chapter of the Sverdlovsk region are more and more complaints from the security forces. After at the end of 2015, the CSTS Corporation, controlled by the governor of the Governor Evgenia Kuivashev, received control over the strategic regional enterprise "Oblommunenergo", the head of the Sverdlovsk region was suspected of raiding.

Victor Vekselberg, Holder Renova Holding

Earlier, the security forces have already opened a criminal case on the fact of the ineffective use of budget funds of the Middle Ural Development Corporation (CRPR). Threads from these frauds also reach the Kuivashev environment. It seems that soon strong structure They will take place for the head of the region itself.

In addition, the governor has repeatedly reproached in lobbying the interests of the owner of Renova Holding Victor Vekselberg. As of mid-2014, the energy sector of the capital of the Sverdlovsk region of Yekaterinburg passed under the control of a businessman.

Kuyvashev helped Vekselberg to initiate the creation of a single heat supply company (ETC), which was to combine the assets of the EkaterinburgEnergo MUE and CES-Holding Weeklyberg and become an operator for the translation of hot water supply (DHW) on the closed scheme. It seems that Kuyvashev makes a bet on the oligarchs, but it is very doubtful, thereby will conquer voter sympathy.

Dark past

By the way, in addition to political and economic incidents, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region turned out to be involved in a whole series of criminal scandals. Kuivasheva has a lot of "black spots" in the biography. So, the local press wrote more than once that, according to rumors, earlier Kuivashev was allegedly engaged in a racket. These scandals belong to the "Tyumen and Ugra periods" of the life of Kuivashev, when he worked on the leadership positions of the Tyumen region (in particular, was the head of the Tyumen administration).

The Ural journalists wrote that Evgeny Kuivashev may be associated with the criminal community, and in his youth, being a commercial director of the Nefteyugan Union of Veterans of Afghanistan, allegedly produced a racket.

There are no official confirmations of this information yet. Interestingly, the then chief of the police in the village of Poikovsky Valery Teapots after the prescribing Kuivasheva governor received the post of Chairman of the Regional Election Commission. Surrounded by the head of the region, this appointment is associated with the fact that Evgeny Kuyvashev "returned the debts for the once rendered by teapot services."

Later, in the years of work in the administration of the Poil district, Evgeny Kuyvashev was involved in another ugly history. In 2006, the case was initiated against the head of the Nefteyugansky district of Alexander Klepikov.

In the Prosecutor's Office, the Ugra reported that on the basis of the order of Klepikov, the former chapter of the Poikovsky village in 2005 (and before that time the municipality was headed by Kuyvashev) was sold in municipal ownership of the apartment. Its market value was 1,250 million rubles, but under the sale and purchase agreement, the buyer acquired it for 112 thousand rubles. In the supervisory department, the official name did not specify, but they reported that at the time of the initiation of the criminal case "said citizen" he worked as the head of the administration of another municipality. Evgeny Kuivashev at that time was already headed by the administration of Tyumen.

By the way, in the capital of the Tyumen region, Kuivashev also failed to avoid the attention of Silovikov - residents of the city wrote an official appeal to the prosecutor's office with the requirement to verify the legality of the actions of the head of administration in the allocation of financing and during the construction of an underground transition in the city center.

In their opinion, design and construction works walked with numerous violations. The prosecutor's office agreed with these arguments, made presentations to Kuivashev, and soon all the violations were corrected. The question of the adequacy of funding, however, remained open. Evgeny Kuyvashev himself received a nickname "Zhenya-transition" in the people.

And now, such a scandalous manager, like Kuivashev, heads the Sverdlovsk region and hopes for the extension of his board, as the term of office of Kuivasheva expires in May 2017. According to rumors, he wants to try to rebuff in September 2016, but the Kremlin does not allow him to do it. It seems that instead of early elections, Kuivashev is waiting for the resignation, and the Sverdlovsk region is a meeting with the new leader.