And increase its significance this. How to wake up at a party? or Secrets of Successful Dating

What does it mean to feel important? Significance can be external and internal.

  • Internal - this is how respectful and attentive a person is to himself, his desires, needs and needs.
  • External - how it is perceived by society and a close circle. Confirmation that a person is valued, respected, loved, interesting and important to other people.

But each person, to one degree or another, has attitudes that reduce personal significance. And this gives rise to problems and questions: “why do you try all the time, work, but you can’t see a rise in the career ladder?”, “I run my own business, but I can’t delegate tasks and demand maximum return from subordinates”, “my husband does not consider my desires and does not listen to the opinion" and others.

When a person, afraid of offending, makes concessions that complicate his life, this is a sign of fear of being rejected.

To solve these problems, you need to understand what attitudes affect their appearance in your life.

1. Standing out is bad. For example, being rich and successful is unacceptable and dangerous. This attitude has been embedded in our mentality since the revolution and resonates with us to this day.

2. Demonstrating your dignity is indecent. Exaggerated modesty, instilled in childhood by parents and significant people, causes shame and guilt.

3. Priority of other people's interests. It manifests itself in the form of neglect of one's own interests and needs for the sake of the needs of others.

4. Orientation to someone else's opinion. When making decisions, a person not only listens to someone else's opinion, but also trusts him more than his own. This is a veiled fear of taking responsibility for your life and decisions.

5. Fear of offending another. When a person, fearing to offend, makes concessions that complicate his life, engages in self-abasement, adjusts and endures, this is a sign of fear of being rejected. This setting is often intertwined with the setting for the priority of other people's interests.

6. External locus of control. Shifting the blame for your failures to other people and circumstances. An imaginary impossibility to influence your life.

If you recognize at least one attitude in yourself, perform the following technique. Take a sheet of paper. Describe how the attitude affects your life. What areas does it particularly affect? How does it manifest itself in behavior? Now write the opposite belief for her. For example, you have the mindset “demonstrating dignity is indecent.” Replace it with a positive belief "I respect and love my virtues, I am happy to share them with others."

Complete the exercise by recalling a situation in which you manifested this attitude and imagine how you would behave if you were guided by a new positive belief. Take your time, imagine everything as detailed as possible, mentally observe your behavior. Remember it. To strengthen the effect, remember and do the same with 2-3 similar situations.

It all started with the fact that I was sitting and leafing through a notebook with the phones of the girls I knew and thinking about plans for the evening. I didn't know then that things weren't going to go according to plan. I decided to call a girl whom we once met, and she interested me quite a lot. She quite willingly responded and said that she was going to a disco with her friends and invited me to join. I rejoice at such success, I agree, I call a friend, and we go to a meeting. But then I call up again and find out that the girls, it turns out, have gathered for a retro party Disco of the 80s. We, of course, do not like this at all, and I suggested changing the club to something cheerful and dancing. She did not agree, and I replied that I was not interested, and I still go to a nightclub, after which I hung up.

In the club, my friend and I chat about everything, drink, dance. From time to time I catch the interested glances of the girls. I must say that I myself am not deprived of appearance and article, I am fond of mountaineering (2nd category), ice climbing and a gym, in general, a prominent guy. After the dance floor, we went to the bar without a specific goal. It was there that Ksyusha met me herself. A pretty girl of 23 years old (I myself am 19), but according to the habits of pure water, a dynamo machine. However, she did not particularly hide this, rather she boasted, and during the conversation, some “daddies” periodically called. A couple of minutes later we were already kissing. She took me to meet her friends, to whom, however, I did not care. We sat for a bit, talked, after which I took her phone and dumped a friend to drink beer, promising that I would return. However, an hour later we dumped him from there. I didn't see her again that day.

The next morning she calls me herself. She asks why I did not return, it is felt that my inattention touched her and increased my significance. She invites me to meet near her house, I agree and go to her, making a plan of action along the way. Upon meeting, she immediately began to ask for a tête-à-tête conversation in some bar. I casually dispose of these requests, thinking “no, it won’t work with me,” I take her by the arm and lead me to the nearest Shopping Center to choose a shirt for me. I set up a call to my phone, after which I tell her that I need to go urgently, an order for the services of an industrial climber has arrived. She is intrigued and surprised. I explain that I am a climber, and you can make good money that way. My importance is growing. I say goodbye, arranging to meet the next day.

The next day I text her that I will have a house party about my move and that there will be a lot of interesting people. It's not true, of course, but it's part of my plan. Agrees to come. I meet at the bus stop, kiss, lead to myself. She says that she came for a couple of hours, and then she will go to her friends at the club. Kissing in the elevator, kinesthetics on my part. She reluctantly makes contact, but gives up under pressure. At home, I portray a couple of calls that few people have been notified about the washing of a new apartment. At first she looked at heroic photos from mountaineering, then I put her on my knees and we began to kiss. There is access to the neck, to the chest and a fun place - no. He says that today I can not count on sex. She controls herself well, not allowing herself to be aroused. I put on a chest voice, pronounce metaphors - she is K +. We kiss deliciously. Praise for perseverance. I stroke her breasts and ass - K +. She calls her friends to send a car for her. They say they'll call back later. Hearing this, I triple my efforts. She plays with offense, no, that's all, I know that you want to take advantage of me, they say. I hear people talking about my age all the time. I pretend to be offended. I'm leaving for another room. Comes to me - smirks. I'm in a fight. Within an hour I get "access cards" wherever I want. After the massage, after 3 hours of sex. In the morning again. After she says that she was not ready for such a turn of events, and I "just got lucky with her."

Fast management. Managing is easy if you know how Nesterov Fedor Fedorovich

How to increase the importance and authority of your department

Any division in the company exists only in interconnection with others. And its significance and authority are determined not only by the opinion of the first head, but also by the attitude of other departments towards him.

If we are talking not about a division, but about a company, then representatives of other companies are in contact with it - customers, suppliers, government agencies, etc.

The most massive request from the head of a functional unit is how to make your unit meaningful and authoritative (and at the same time yourself as its head). Practice shows that there are no initially significant positions. Requests for value-raising help come in evenly from representatives of all key departments. In this sense, they are all equally offended.

And what needs to be done for this? As always, the answer is in plain sight. Let's look at the situation from a different perspective.

There is such a technique for studying an incomprehensible problem - changing the scale. If the problem is at the company level, then the level can be raised and considered at the state level. And you can lower the level and see how it looks at the household level.

And you should always remember that it is important to correctly formulate the problem. Very often the problem is unsolvable because it is incorrectly formulated. And easily solved once you change the wording.


Suppose you have a family and a child. Both parents work, so the child is not only a source of joy, but also creates certain domestic inconveniences.

Let's also assume that you have two grandmothers. One of them comes to you several times a week: helps clean and cook, plays the role of a nanny, in general, is actually a member of your family and provides you with tangible assistance. The other you see only once a year - when you come to her with a gift for her birthday.

Question: which grandmother is more meaningful to you? Not which one do you love more (that's how it will turn out), but which one do you value more? Whose advice will you listen to? Whose request are you most willing to respond to? The answer is obvious.

We return to our task and formulate it correctly: how to make your unit necessary and useful for others? Because if we do this, we will automatically become important to them. And even better - to become very useful, someone you cannot do without. And then authority and significance will come by themselves.

How to achieve this? Ask. In other words, you just need to meet with the leaders and key employees of other departments and ask them how you and your department can be useful to them.

There are many amazing things waiting for you along the way.

You will make the first impression. Most likely, the people you will meet will be incredibly surprised, moreover, for some it will cause a real shock. Because the usual behavior of executives wrapped up in a flurry of requests from outside: "Get out of here and do not interfere with work." And then you come yourself and ask: “What do you need?”

The second impression will be made on you. This will also cause shock, but already with you. But the shock will be weak, because I will tell you about it right now.

The vast majority will say, "I don't know." Some may answer, but most do not. Why? Yes, for the same reason that we have already analyzed. Because all of them are not familiar with the theory of key units and therefore they do not know well who does what and even who can be useful to them. In their own affairs, they somehow understand. Plus, they are somehow oriented in the main business processes of the company, for example: production workers produce goods, and sellers sell them. But the details are already confused. Question: “What can the finance department do for manufacturing people?” - for many, it is beyond their competence.

Therefore, very often, instead of an answer, you will receive a counter question: “What do you do in general?”.

If you summarize the answers you received, then they should all fit into the following categories:

They want the results of your work;

They need you to teach them how to use the results of your work to improve their performance;

They need you to let them know what you are doing, because they themselves do not know this and do not even know how you can be useful to them.

Of course, you need to start from the last one. Tell all potentially interested leaders how you can help them. The best way is to hold a short seminar on the topic "Plans of the department of such and such in the near future and how it can be useful for other departments of the company."

Who we are, composition and where we are;

What we do and what benefits we bring to the company;

Our immediate goals and objectives;

How can we be useful to other departments.


Abstracts of the presentation of the financial service. The speaker is the financial director.

“The service consists of an accounting department, a financial department and a planning and economic department. The head is the financial director, the deputies are the chief accountant, the head of the financial department and the head of the PEO.

To whom to contact on what issues: registration of operations - the chief accountant, economics - the head of the PEO, payment schedules - the head of the financial department, the rest - to me (financial director).

Our plans for this quarter: analyze the contribution of various departments to the overall profitability of the company.

How we can be useful to the main divisions: we will help to see and confirm with facts what their contribution to the company's income and expenses is, where they have achievements and where are the reserves.

The very fact of holding such a seminar will raise your authority by several orders at once, regardless of the content and quality of your speech. Do you know why? What was your first thought when you read that you needed to give a seminar to other company leaders? Just be honest!

Thank you for your frankness. Of course it's scary. And not only you - everyone is scared.

Therefore, as soon as you, with trembling knees, come out to some kind of blackboard and start talking about the topic of your report, be sure that all those present at the seminar will first think something like this: “Wow, I was not afraid. But I could never do that. And look how cool he is: he didn’t faint, he says something. Yes, and it seems to be something connected. ”

Regardless of the quality of your performance, the first perception will be respectful. And if you also say something intelligible, and they also have time to understand, then your authority will immediately rise. Checked multiple times!

Well, when you do this, they will at least in principle understand what you do in general. And after that, you can come to them again and again to ask how you can be useful to them. And if a particular leader says again: “I don’t know,” then you can already invite him to tell what he does, what problems and tasks he has, and jointly look for how you can be useful to him. Maybe he needs some data or some specific knowledge of you.

Understand that only after you teach them yourself, they may need some results of your work. Help them build a chain: their tasks - what data they need for this - what data you can give them - what you need to do for this.

It may very well turn out that your standard results or reports do not directly suit them and you will have to modify them somehow. But the main thing is that your leaders themselves must understand what they need from you and why, and want to take it from you. There is no need to force your help on them. Yes, you won't be able to.

The above is more than enough to dramatically raise the authority and importance of you and your unit. And after that, it will need to be strengthened and fixed, and the process of helping other units will be put on a regular basis.

Igor Mann in his book "Marketing 100%" proposed the following form of feedback organization, which, in fact, is universal and can be applied to any department.

You need to conduct a survey of all company executives and ask them the following questions:

How would you rate the performance of my department over the past year (according to

5-point scale). Justify your assessment;

What positive do you see in the work of our division;

What fails is not done by our division (bottlenecks);

What needs to be done urgently?

The answer to the first question shows the general attitude towards the unit. The answer to the second question shows what you should be proud of, what you need to continue doing, what is most in demand. The third and fourth answers indicate what needs to be done and in what order to improve the work.

At first, it will be better if you can personally interview all the leaders. This will give you a lot of informal information and will increase your credibility. Subsequently, it will be better if the survey becomes regular, anonymous and conducted by an independent consultant who will summarize the results of the answers and provide you with a report. This will turn the survey into an objective procedure that measures your performance.

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At first everything was fine, but quickly enough you felt that the degree of his interest in you has dropped significantly. He does not care at all, is not interested in your opinion, does not give flowers, considering it superfluous. He does not love so much as he allows himself to be loved ... Alas, this is quite a typical situation.

Probably, at least once in her life, any woman asked herself the question: how to increase her value in the eyes of a man? Many people really suffer because they feel underestimated, but do not understand that in order to maintain the right balance in a relationship, a woman must first learn to respect herself.

Lack of self-respect is a trap not only on the "love front"

This generally prevents you from developing as a person, because a person who allows himself to be devalued does not have a strong personality center, and therefore there is no basis in order to increase his potential and develop his resources. After all, all this - energy, knowledge, as well as their material manifestations, including even money - gathers around something. And, if you yourself, as a person, do not represent sufficient value even for yourself, then you do not have that strong rod on which everything will be strung.

Unfortunately, this is typical of the weaker sex. A woman without self-esteem constantly strives to shift the responsibility for her happiness to other people, whether they are members of her family or a potential partner. She wants to dissolve in her beloved, become his shadow, put her head on his shoulder and forget about everything. But the absence of responsibility implies not only the right to "be weak", but also lack of control levers. So everyone who declares: "I'm a girl, I don't want to decide anything" - they doom themselves to helplessness, to submission to someone else's will.

What does it look like in practice? It is rather paradoxical, since a woman, not respecting herself, at the same time manages to demand respect from a partner (after all, she is used to other people should solve her problems). There is a substitution of concepts when, claiming respect, a woman in disputes demonstrates a complete lack of SELF-respect. And the desire to defend their rights by all means is another proof of this. The very need to demand respect suggests that everything is very bad with self-respect. If you have to “knock out” any rights, including the right to feel your own value, this indicates that in fact these rights are under someone else’s control, i.e. do not belong to you.

To solve this problem, I propose to reformulate the question itself: do not look for a way to raise your value in the eyes of a man, look for means to raise your self-esteem feel your feminine dignity. As soon as you succeed, your behavior will automatically change, and the chosen one will be able to react to these changes. Reconsider the point of application of your efforts: act not on another, but on yourself. Only then will another reality begin to build around the new you.

To raise your value in his eyes, you do not need to ignore a man or somehow manipulate him. It is only necessary get rid of the feeling of inequality when he is the source of your happiness and the arbiter of fate. You are just as much a protagonist in this drama.

Respecting yourself and understanding that you and your "offender" are equal in rights, you will get rid of the need to fiercely defend your position, to demand something. It is enough to simply indicate your position, giving the partner the right to decide: accept it, or seek a compromise, or maybe just leave. Be ready to act according to the situation, whatever choice he makes. Even if a man refuses any negotiations and announces the “end”, it means that your value in his eyes is in any case insufficient to build a satisfying relationship with this person. Breaking up will only save time for both of you. Do not try to keep him, sacrificing your interests. Look for support within yourself, gather strength to go on your way - it is quite possible that you will soon meet a more suitable person on it. Remember: everything is only in your hands!

Why is self-respect the only “cure”?

Because that's the only thing you can truly influence. And for this you do not need to go beyond your own personal boundaries. This is the area where everything is under your control by default. If you can only influence someone else's or the common living space, then you completely control your own. And this is your strongest trump card.

Self-respect can make you stronger, but by giving in to the desire to shift responsibility for your life to someone else, you become weaker. It is important to understand that, neither bending under another person, nor “running into” him, one cannot eventually achieve respect for oneself, because. Both of these positions express desire to be a ward. In the first case, this happens directly, through the subordination of a woman to a man, and in the second, a woman does it indirectly, defending her rights to make a decision on custody of herself. Must love, must appreciate! Should take care of, in other words.

No, it shouldn't. Only you yourself you can become strong and happy. And with such a woman, any man is happy to be around. And he will treat her accordingly - it would never occur to him to behave dismissively. He knows that his independent girlfriend can leave at any moment, temporarily or permanently. And this is the only real leverage of influence. Either you respect me, or you lose my company. The choice is yours. And it's not a bluff.

The most interesting thing is that all this does not even have to be voiced. Men subconsciously feel what is possible, what is not, with whom their numbers go, and with whom it is better not to risk it. Below is an illustration of this thesis.

Value in the eyes of a man: two scenarios

For example, let's take a very common situation: he forgot about the meeting, or postponed it for an indefinite period, in fact, he simply disappeared. I stopped calling and writing, as if there was no relationship between you. And then suddenly showed up, as if nothing had happened.

If a woman (a typical dependent woman) attacks him with reproaches for a long absence and reprimands for disrespect from the series “you don’t think about me at all” - he understands that nothing terrible has happened. Women like to exaggerate, and in general they are emotional creatures. It will scream and stop, and then everything will resume as usual. Only now will a man know that such disappearances will continue to be forgiven him, i.e. such behavior will become normal. But this option is possible only if the woman is still needed by the man, needed enough to continue the relationship, despite the constant reproaches. The second option is that he does not want to listen to her tantrums, and he will leave her.

How does a woman with self-esteem behave in such a situation? She calmly, without any pretensions and even with a smile, says: “I am glad for your call, only I was waiting for you last Sunday, and today, unfortunately, I am busy, I already have plans for the evening.” And it's already quite a different balance of power. Now a man will either have to offer her something especially tempting to make amends, or refuse this woman. What exactly he chooses depends, again, on how much he needs her. But both participants in the situation in any case will save a lot of time and nerves.

That's just to notify a man about her employment so calmly and beautifully, the one who has been sitting on pins and needles for two weeks, waiting for his call and struggling with the temptation to call first, will not be able to. To keep calm and self-esteem in such a situation, you really need to be independent and strong. And for this, as we have already said, self-respect is necessary. That is, the key to solving the problem, whatever one may say, is only in your hands. Don't try to pass it on to a man. Any: “I want him ...” is a request for custody that will weaken you.

How to get rid of addiction in a relationship?

Remember: SELF-respect must be at the center of everything. We are used to living unconsciously, succumbing to desires that are imposed on us from the outside, making decisions thought out by someone else. We draw conclusions by cleverly avoiding the opportunity to think, because it is much easier to use what authority figures give us. Thus, we are more likely to obey other people's impulses than our own decisions. And so day after day, year after year... What kind of self-respect can we talk about? It slowly falls into a lethargic sleep, risking further falling into a coma.

Of course, addiction in a relationship is a fairly common situation. It is because of her that women are tormented by the question of why men do not marry, and then they try in every possible way to adapt to the chosen one or “threaten” him, proving the need to create “strong” relationships at any cost. But the effect of all these military operations is quite the opposite. The value of such relationships and the place of a woman in them is usually critically low.

Dependence on a man is a complex problem, but it is quite possible to solve it. To do this, it is not at all necessary to study books on. Tips are all around us, it is enough to pay attention to how these same mechanisms work in other areas of our lives. For example, our physical health improves if we monitor nutrition and exercise. Welfare grows if you correctly build a turnover of funds. Success at work is determined by your professional development, while dependence on colleagues and superiors decreases, you become more free to choose other jobs, more confident in your own abilities. And so on. By developing her internal resources, a woman gains strength and gets the opportunity to overcome dependence in relationships, she stops adjusting and pleasing. As a result, her self-esteem will grow, which means that her value in the eyes of a man will also rise.

The humiliation of women can manifest itself in different ways, and in none of the manifestations should you allow yourself to be treated like this. But how to use the leverage described above without losing a partner? You need to understand that in a healthy relationship Technique is not the deciding factor, that is, not the ability to step back, giving freedom, but the essence, that is, the contribution that you make to the common living space. Yes, you can be self-confident and independent, but this does not guarantee success in a relationship, since this is the minimum, the base on which everything is built. And a man will truly appreciate you when he realizes that being next to you is much more pleasant for him than with others. When he realizes that your qualities - appearance, sociability, the ability to care and give warmth - are more valuable to him than all other alternatives. Only then will the lever work: a man will not want to lose your company, and will begin to take into account your interests, even if he has to give up part of his own.

Once again, we are not talking about withdrawal techniques and the ability to keep your distance. Self-respect presupposes self-reliance However, the word "independence" should not be associated with such concepts as "coldness" or "loneliness". It's not the same thing at all. Strong personalities who respect themselves always have a lot of resources, including energy and emotional ones. This means that they have more freedom in their actions, they can give a lot without demanding anything in return, but they also know how to receive without demanding anything from anyone.

See for yourself by paying attention to those areas of your life where you feel confident in your abilities. You may have done well in your career. You have many offers from employers, and you do not worry that tomorrow you will be fired without severance pay - even if this happens, you can easily find a new job where your qualities will be appreciated. That is, in the labor market, in the professional sphere, you are free and calm. You will not work if your salary is delayed, you will not tolerate unreasonable nit-picking from your superiors. Now try to transfer this skill to the sphere of personal relationships. Since this law works everywhere. A man's respect for a woman develops according to the same principle.

So what to do?

Increase your feminine attractiveness (your value in the marriage market), develop the qualities you need in the family and at the same time know your worth. This is what you should focus on, instead of learning manipulative techniques to influence someone else's mind. Bonus: in this way, you can not only increase your value in the eyes of one man, but also, in general, begin to enjoy much greater success with the opposite sex.

By growing the ability to rely on yourself, you will be able to live a full life, without the influence of others. The most important thing here is not to get confused and not to reach a dead end when, in an effort to learn how to manage your life, you are trying to manage others, those on whom you really depend. Do not forget: wanting to gain respect from someone, demanding it, you exalt this person above yourself. You must first get rid of addiction, and then raise your value in the eyes of a man. More precisely, subject to your sufficient attractiveness and objective value, the second will happen by itself.

When a woman is important and meaningful to a man, he will do a lot for her. He will win, please, try and cherish. This often happens in the early stages of a relationship, but very rarely does it last long. A man begins to consider a woman an already conquered territory, calms down and ceases to appreciate what he has. And quarrels, scandals, claims, insults and betrayals begin. Not always, but often, women themselves provoke this, ceasing to give a man a sense of his own importance and value.

And this is the most important thing in relationships with men. Moreover, at every stage of the relationship. If your significance for him is high, he will strive to be close to you. If there are problems in your relationship, the man began to behave indifferently and does not seek to improve your relationship, then your significance is low.

When a woman enters into a relationship with an important and necessary man for her, she begins to make mistakes that lead to the loss of her significance. Today we will talk about the main ones so that you do not commit them and always work only on increasing your own importance, and not underestimating it.

Three Mistakes that Reduce Women's Significance and Value

1. A woman turns into a catch-up.

This term was coined by Svetlana Ermakova, the author of the methodology. And it most accurately reflects the state of a woman who is trying with all her might to keep a man, does everything for him and tries to adapt to him in everything. She gives much, many times more than she receives in return. The technique describes one good rule: “take one step towards a man only when he has taken two steps towards you!” Many women, fearing to lose a man, show excessive activity and thereby repel a man from themselves. And then they complain that they did everything for this man, and he turned out to be so ungrateful!

When you catch up, you show your strong interest, thereby giving the man the opportunity to completely relax and do nothing for you. When you sort things out with him, arrange a showdown, get jealous - you are in a position of catching up.

2. A woman demonstrates that no one needs her anymore.

When a man is too important for a woman, she strives in every way to show him that other men do not exist for her. She fixates on only one man, showing him her loyalty and devotion. This is not bad, but men often see the situation from the other side. That it is not a woman who makes such a choice and refuses to communicate with other men, but that other men do not communicate with her, that no one looks at her and no one needs her. And this greatly underestimates the value and significance of women.

A man needs to be assessed by society, his social significance is very important to him. And if society does not evaluate his woman in any way, then why does he need her then? He does not think about it consciously, it all happens on a subconscious level. All of us, one way or another, are sick with the “crowd syndrome” and often pay more attention to what hundreds of people are looking at than to what one person is looking at.

3. Close relationships with other men.

Yes, a man likes when his woman is looked at and admired. But only when the woman belongs to him alone. When he learns that a woman has an intimate relationship with another (or other) men, her value begins to equal zero. Did you catch the difference? It's one thing when other men like you. It enhances your value. Another thing is when you enter into very close relationships with other men - this significantly reduces your significance. Therefore, in an attempt to increase your importance, "borstu, borstu, but do not overdo it!"

You don't even have to have a lot of fans. You can simply warm up a man by inadvertently inserting remarks about other men's sympathies for yourself into a conversation, but do it subtly. For example: “Today at work, Viktor Petrovich did not take his eyes off me, I just felt embarrassed, I began to think that something was wrong with me. She asked him what was the matter. To which he said that this blue dress just amazingly suits my eyes, and for the first time he noticed how beautiful they are. I somehow felt uncomfortable, on the one hand. On the other hand, it's still very nice))). And immediately move the conversation to another topic.

But if you are actively flirting with men, and this flirting ends with a closer relationship, then do not expect your man to become jealous of you and immediately rush to conquer you. This is the mistake of many women. You won't gain value you just lose a man. It is important for a man that you belong only to him alone! Liked - by many, belonged - only to him.

And also try not to discuss your former partners with your man, especially how you had "it" with them. He should not know anything about this at all, this topic should be a “blank spot” for him. Always avoid this topic and any allusions to it. You are only His, period. As you remember, in the song of Irina Allegrova: “We are all women - bitches, dear, God is with you, everyone who is not the first is second to us!”. All female wisdom is expressed in the words of this song.

When a woman begins to catch up with a man, she becomes deeply unhappy, even having this man next to her. She lives in constant tension, which is contrary to female nature. It destroys itself instead of filling. Gotta fill it up! Love, joy, harmony ... And then the man will try to be close to such a woman. And everything will be natural, natural, everything in its place. And then there will be no pain, tension and fear. And there will be happiness, harmony and joy from relationships.