One day there was purulent discharge before menstruation. How to determine normal or pathological discharge before menstruation

Vaginal discharge can be observed throughout the cycle, but before menstruation, they usually change qualitatively and quantitatively. During this period, a secret from the chest may also appear. Which discharge can be considered the norm, and which indicate the presence of problems? Let's talk about it.

Vaginal discharge is a natural occurrence. They protect the genitals from infection. A few days before menstruation, as a rule, vaginal discharge becomes more abundant. This is due to the fact that during the period of ovulation, the cervix begins to actively produce mucus to create the optimal microflora necessary for the connection of the egg and sperm.

If not only discharge appears before menstruation, but also itching of the genital organs, then you should immediately consult a doctor. This phenomenon may indicate the presence of infection or inflammation in the genitourinary system.

Discharge before menstruation: normal

We figured out why the discharge appears before menstruation, now let's talk about what gynecologists consider the norm. The female body always gives signals about the presence of pathological processes. Therefore, you need to know what kind of discharge that happens before menstruation is considered natural, and whether small deviations are acceptable within the normal range.

In different phases of the cycle, the nature of the secret changes, as the level of hormones changes. Before menstruation, normal vaginal discharge is either clear or white. They are quite thick, slimy, odorless. A change in the secret can be observed a couple of days (two - three) before menstruation, if the discharge becomes dense and plentiful a week before menstrual bleeding, then you should consult a doctor.

Yellow discharge can also be considered within the normal range; in many women, before menstruation, the secret acquires precisely a yellowish color. Such discharge should begin immediately before menstruation and end immediately after it. Normally, they are not too plentiful, odorless.

When using an intrauterine device for contraception, smearing brown or yellow discharge is considered normal. However, if they appear, it will not be superfluous to go to the gynecologist, since the secret is often painted in such colors with pathologies.

Abundant discharge before menstruation

Vaginal discharge before menstruation is normally increased. During this period, the body is most vulnerable to various kinds of diseases, therefore it actively creates a protective barrier. However, if strong discharge appeared before menstruation, then this signal cannot be ignored, especially if the secret has acquired an uncharacteristic color or smell. Too abundant discharge, acquiring a specific consistency before menstruation (liquid, watery, mucous with streaks), indicates diseases of the reproductive system. Most often, this phenomenon is observed with cervicitis and cervical erosion. Inflammatory processes can also be recognized by the characteristic color of the discharge: they usually become greenish or bloody.

Not always a significant increase in secretions indicates a pathology: before the expected menstruation, the secret is produced more actively if pregnancy has occurred. When everything is in order with the body, the discharge indicating pregnancy can be confused with premenstrual. They are colorless and odorless. With pathologies of pregnancy, the discharge turns into uncharacteristic colors, an unpleasant odor appears.

No discharge before menstruation

When asked whether there is always discharge before menstruation, gynecologists answer in the affirmative. The secret is secreted throughout the cycle, it can be almost imperceptible, but during the period of ovulation and immediately before menstrual bleeding, its amount increases. Normally, before menstruation, one can observe both abundant and scanty discharge. The main thing is that they must be present and their quantity, color and smell should not be alarming. The complete absence of mucus can irritate the genitals, resulting in a feeling of discomfort, burning and itching.

The reason why there is no discharge immediately before menstruation may lie in the presence of an infection, so such a symptom, as well as too abundant discharge, should alert you. Violation of vaginal secretion often occurs due to improperly selected means for intimate hyena. They can dry the mucous membranes, because of which the discharge disappears and unpleasant sensations appear.

In the female body, everything is individual. If during the cycle the discharge is almost imperceptible, then before menstruation, their number may increase slightly. This will also be considered normal.

Discharge from the chest before menstruation

Often before menstruation there is a small discharge from the chest. This is due to the increased levels of hormones that occur before menstruation. Normally, discharge can be seen a few days before menstruation, the secret from the nipples may be whitish or transparent. Allocations should not be abundant - just a few drops. They can appear as a result of taking hormonal drugs, and due to the development of the disease. If such a phenomenon is repeated from cycle to cycle, before critical days, the chest hurts a lot, swells, but you need to make an appointment with a mammologist. Serious pathologies (mastitis, intra inflow papilloma, fibroadenoma) are indicated by an unpleasant odor of secretion, uncharacteristic color and consistency.

Allocations before menstruation are considered the norm. The development of a secret prevents infection from entering the genital tract, which becomes very vulnerable during menstruation. However, in some cases, this signals the development of pathology. What should be the normal discharge mass before menstruation?

Common causes of various discharges before menstruation

Transparent and not abundant discharge of a light shade before menstruation occurs due to physiological reasons. At this time, the uterine glands actively secrete mucus, which is necessary for the rapid advancement of spermatozoa through the fallopian tubes and fertilization of the egg. If conception does not occur, menstruation occurs.

Discharge before menstruation can be in the following situations:

  1. Infectious and inflammatory processes (thrush, bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis, endometritis). These diseases are characterized by a secret of an atypical consistency (curdled, viscous, with clots) with a putrid odor, itching and swelling of the mucosa. The amount of secret increases before menstruation.
  2. Gynecological diseases accompanied by deformation of the endometrium (cervical erosion, fibroids, polyps). These diseases are characterized by colorless discharge with clots of mucus or blood. This is due to damage to neoplasms and bleeding of wounds.
  3. Diseases of the endocrine system. Thick, profuse white discharge often indicates diabetes mellitus. Colorless discharge of a liquid consistency, which does not stop for several days, occurs due to a malfunction of the thyroid gland.
  4. Taking hormonal oral contraceptives. If a woman takes birth control pills for one month, an adverse reaction in the form of spotting, brown discharge is possible. These drugs affect the menstrual cycle, but it stabilizes within a few months. If the situation does not change for more than six months, you need to see a doctor.
  5. Oncology. For a long time, such discharges may not cause discomfort to the patient, they are no different from a normal physiological secret. However, over time, blood clots appear in the separated mass, and bleeding may occur in the middle of the cycle.

What is considered normal?

White and light discharge that occurs a few days before menstruation should not bother a woman. White discharge before menstruation does not cause discomfort and is the result of cleansing the genital tract from mucus, dead cells and pathogenic flora. Normally, the secretions may contain cervical mucus, a small amount of leukocytes, waste products of the uterine glands, physiological vaginal transudate.

What should be premenstrual flow? The mucus of a healthy woman meets the following criteria:

  • color - various shades of white and yellow;
  • consistency - homogeneous, medium viscosity, with a small amount of small clots;
  • volume - no more than 5 ml (1 tsp) before the onset of menstruation;
  • smell - neutral or with a slight sourness.

As a rule, the discharge goes on for 2-3 days, but not more than 5 days. In addition, itching, burning and swelling should be absent.

The nature of the discharge and the meaning

Assessing the quality of the secret, a woman decides whether she should seek qualified help. The pathology is evidenced by an unpleasant odor, itching, hyperemia and swelling of the mucosa of the external genital organs, general weakness. In the absence of these signs, a dark, green, or blood-stained secret is most likely a single reaction of the body to medication or stress.

liquid secret

The appearance of liquid and transparent secretions is due to the physiology of the female body. They do not cause discomfort, last for several days, periodically intensifying or weakening. At this time, you need to change panty liners more often; for hygiene procedures, it is recommended to use warm water with baby soap. The appearance of a liquid secret in girls is considered normal a year before the first menstruation.

Dark and brown discharge

Dark discharge is not always associated with pathology. Brown secretion may occur due to the mixing of mucus with clotted blood, due to the intensive separation of the endometrium. A similar phenomenon occurs due to taking birth control pills, installing a spiral or active sexual intercourse, accompanied by damage to the vaginal mucosa.

The pathological cause of brown discharge is benign formations in the uterus. Polyps twist, provoking the occurrence of small bleeding, blood is mixed with mucus. Such a secret appears not only before menstruation, but also in the middle of the cycle, often accompanied by cramping pain in the suprapubic region.

With blood stains

Sparse discharge with blood that is separated once often indicates a hormonal imbalance due to the use of antibacterial drugs or severe stress and should not bother a woman. Pathology is the discharge that appears a week before menstruation for several cycles. In this case, you need to be examined for erosion and benign formations in the uterus.

Yellowish mucus

Yellow discharge without itching and pungent odor may indicate:

  • vaginitis - in this case, drops of blood and pus are added to the yellow daub;
  • inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes (accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, subfebrile temperature and general weakness);
  • erosion of the cervix (manifested in the form of abundant yellow mucus and pulling pain in the pelvic area);
  • venereal diseases - accompanied by the appearance of a foamy secret with orange patches.

Light color mucus (leucorrhea)

Beli - discharge of a creamy or viscous consistency of a light shade (from white to light beige). White discharge in small quantities is characteristic of the entire cycle, but their volume increases significantly before menstruation. Leucorrhea caused by diseases is accompanied by itching, a pungent odor and a feeling of constant moisture.

Pathological causes of whiteness before menstruation:

  1. Cervicitis is an inflammation of the cervix, more often than other diseases leading to whites. A white secret can appear both a few days and a week before menstruation. With the development of the disease, pus appears in secret, and women notice symptoms of intoxication and pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Thrush, characterized by cheesy, white discharge, causing itching and redness of the mucosa. Symptoms worse before menstruation.
  3. Endometriosis. With this disease, white discharge occurs only at the initial stage of the development of the disease. If left untreated, the secret turns brown due to blood entering it. The patient has pain localized in the pelvic region and aggravated by urination and defecation.
  4. Diabetes mellitus, in which, along with abundant leucorrhoea, itching and swelling of the external genital organs appear. Such a secret occurs due to an increase in the acidity of the vagina due to the action of yeast fungi.

Green discharge

A single green discharge with a neutral odor should alert a woman. Itching and a putrid odor often indicate an infection in the genital tract. In this case, green-brown clots can be seen even in the first days of menstruation, which is associated with an excess of leukocytes. A greenish secret is characteristic of:

  1. Bacterial vaginosis. Violation of the microflora of the vagina is most often the result of improper hygiene - the complete absence or use of aggressive means for intimate hygiene. Also, dysbacteriosis occurs due to prolonged use of antibiotics, which reduce immunity and open access to infections to the genital tract.
  2. Chlamydia. Green discharge is accompanied by pain in the suprapubic region, aggravated by urination. The disease is characterized by minor bleeding in the middle of the cycle.
  3. Gonorrhea, characterized by intermenstrual bleeding and frequent painful urination. In secret, you can see impurities of pus. In severe cases, fever develops.
  4. Trichomoniasis. It is characterized by an abundant, green secretion of a curdled or frothy consistency. In patients, itching and swelling of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs are noted. A feature of the disease is often asymptomatic, due to which bacteria enter the ureters and bladder, causing cystitis.

In what cases is it necessary to urgently consult a doctor?

Seek medical attention immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

  • the presence of pus and large clots of the epithelium in the mucus;
  • itching and burning;
  • the appearance of discharge a week before menstruation with a sharp, putrid odor;
  • pain during intercourse and urination;
  • constant secretion of mucus, requiring frequent change of pads;
  • prolonged secretion;
  • delay in menstruation.

General preventive measures against various diseases

To prevent the development of inflammation in the genital organs, you must follow the following rules:

  • wash yourself after each visit to the toilet (if this is not possible, use special wipes for intimate hygiene without alcohol);
  • wear underwear in size, from natural materials;
  • change daily pads every 3-4 hours;
  • do not take long hot baths, limited to warm showers;
  • do not swim in ponds with stagnant water;
  • avoid unprotected sex.

You need to carefully monitor your health, do not self-medicate, and when the first alarming symptoms appear, seek qualified help. At the same time, it is necessary to learn to distinguish the norm of vaginal secretion from pathology.

The secreted mucus from the vagina is a special exudate containing dead epithelial cells and mucus, which is synthesized by the glands of the cervical canal. Depending on the factors affecting the body, and certain periods of the cycle, the nature of this secret can change. It can acquire an unpleasant odor, change consistency and color (under various conditions it can be yellow, pink, brown, white, etc.). But the most dangerous are green discharge in women, since in 90% of cases they appear during the development of infectious and inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs that require urgent treatment. Since the lack of adequate therapy can adversely affect a woman's ability to endure and give birth to a healthy child.

Main reasons

Vaginal discharge can appear in girls as well as in adult women, even after the onset of menopause, at about 45 to 55 years of age. There are a huge number of reasons for this and conditionally they can all be divided into two large groups - non-pathological, that is, physiological and pathological. Let's consider each of them in more detail.


If a woman began to notice discharge from herself, you should not panic. Perhaps the reason for this is the very natural processes that occur in the body as a response to various "irritants". Various factors can play their role, but common ones are:

  • Injuries of the mucous membranes of the vagina.
  • Long-term use of antibiotics, leading to a change in the vaginal microflora.
  • Neglect of personal hygiene rules.
  • Wearing tight underwear (this often causes discharge in girls).
  • The use of liquid soap or gel for intimate hygiene, which contain many flavors and fragrances.

Often, discharge appears as a result of an injury to the vagina. This can help:

  • Instrumental gynecological examinations and studies.
  • Rough sexual acts.
  • Incorrect use of tampons.

In girls, green mucous discharge mainly appears 1–1.5 years before the onset of the first menstruation. This is due to a restructuring of the hormonal background, a decrease in immunity and a change in the vaginal microflora.

But more often, the appearance of discharge in women is caused by a banal allergic reaction that occurs on cosmetics, sanitary napkins, underwear, depilation creams in the intimate area, lubricants, etc. Moreover, the appearance of an allergy is often confused with infectious diseases, since its occurrence is manifested by redness external labia and burning. But in this case, as a rule, other symptoms characteristic of allergic reactions also appear. For example, abundant vaginal discharge may be accompanied by a runny nose and a rash like urticaria.

The symptoms and treatment of allergic reactions vary. And in this case, the cause of their occurrence plays an important role. To do this, you will need to carefully analyze the actions and remember what new things you have used in the past few days and exclude them.

Women also often notice odorless discharge before menstruation. Although most of the time they have a yellowish tint, they just appear light green in low light. Allocations before and after menstruation (may be observed for several days) occur against the background of hormonal surges in the body and do not require treatment.

It should be noted that a greenish vaginal secretion may occur on days 7 to 21 of the cycle. And the reason for this is again hormonal changes. After the end of menstruation, the body prepares for ovulation, which is also manifested by an increase in the amount of secreted vaginal secretions. And after the ovulation period ends (this happens in the second part of the cycle), preparation for menstruation begins. All these processes are accompanied by an increase and suppression of certain hormones, which provokes the appearance of light green secretions like odorless snot.

Many factors can provoke the appearance of a physiological, odorless, greenish vaginal secretion. Their distinguishing feature is that they never provoke the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms (only an allergy can be accompanied by itching). And therefore, if you find yellow-greenish discharge from the vagina like snot, odorless and itchy, which are observed in very small quantities, then there is nothing to worry about. But to visit a specialist and pass the necessary tests is still worth it. Since very often some infectious diseases in the initial stages of their development are asymptomatic and they can only be detected through laboratory testing.


When pathological processes occur in the organs of the reproductive system, discharge with a smell almost always appears. It can be different - sour, sweetish, rotten, etc. Their causes and treatment are different. And before talking about what to do when a vaginal secretion with a smell occurs in women, it is necessary to consider in more detail why it can appear.

So, speaking about the discharge in women and the causes of their occurrence, one should first of all isolate such diseases as:

  • Bacterial vaginosis.
  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Salpingitis, which is characterized by the development of acute or chronic inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes involving the ovaries
  • Thrush.

Bacterial vaginosis is a disease in which pathogenic microflora is activated in the vagina. Most often this happens under the influence of factors such as:

  • Undergoing a long course of antibiotic treatment.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Stress.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Frequent douching.
  • Diseases of the organs of the reproductive system of an inflammatory nature.

With the development of bacterial vaginosis, both yellow and thick light green discharge may appear. They have an unpleasant odor and cause irritation on the labia. And if you notice that there are such discharges and similar symptoms appear, you should definitely consult a doctor and treat the disease. Otherwise, it can give complications to the pelvic organs and cause reproductive dysfunction.

Liquid foamy discharge of a greenish color indicates the development of trichomoniasis (dirty green may also appear with this disease). This disease belongs to the category of STDs and requires immediate treatment. Its distinctive feature is the occurrence of symptoms such as cramps during urination and hyperemia of the genital organs.

Salpingitis is another disease that is characterized by discharge with a greenish tint. It most often occurs in women over the age of fifty. With its development, the fallopian tubes are affected, and the ovaries are often involved in the inflammatory process. Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, in women, not only a greenish mucous secretion, but also a dark brown one can be released from the vagina. This process is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen. To verify the diagnosis, it is necessary to do an ultrasound.

And another disease that can occur in both an adult woman and a little girl is thrush. With its development, gray-white or green curdled discharge appears. They can smell like sour milk or kefir. Thrush occurs against the background of the activation of Candida fungi, which changes the vaginal microflora. There are also several reasons for this:

  • Hormonal disruptions.
  • Taking antibiotics.
  • Use of vaginal suppositories.
  • Bad immunity.
  • Stress, etc.

With the development of thrush, curdled discharge and itching appear in the perineum. At the same time, there is a constant feeling of moisture, which is caused by the abundant release of curdled secretion. It should be noted that this disease can occur not only in the fair sex, but also in a newborn boy. The reason for this is the infection of the child at the time of passage through the birth canal. Therefore, if a newly-made mother noticed curd discharge from the genitals in a baby, it is urgent to show it to a specialist.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure thrush, since the Candida fungi that provoke this disease are part of the conditionally pathogenic microflora of the vagina. All that the attending physician does when detecting thrush is prescribing therapy aimed at eliminating the symptoms. If the negative factors that contribute to the activation of Candida fungi continue to affect the body, the curd vaginal secretion may appear again.

It should be understood that when pathological processes occur, vaginal discharge is almost always accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. However, their colors may vary. According to doctors, colorless, odorless discharge in women is normal. If they change color or consistency, then this is a serious reason to see a doctor and undergo a full examination.

If the discharge before menstruation has a light natural shade, and there are no other symptoms, they are considered a natural and harmless phenomenon. When pathological symptoms are attached to them, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

The menstrual cycle is a very important part of women's reproductive health. Absolutely all phases of the cycle are important. Often, on the eve of the onset of menstruation, women observe mucus in themselves; its color, texture and other features can tell the doctor about the presence of pathology or about the normal state of the female body. In what cases should a woman not worry, that is, which discharges are considered normal and which are not? This needs to be sorted out, because color does not always indicate pathology.

On the eve of menstruation, a woman notes soreness and enlargement of the mammary glands, pain in the lower abdomen, emotional outbursts. During the cycle, a number of hormonal changes occur in the body, and in connection with this, the color, consistency and amount of discharge may change. Discharge a week before menstruation is due to the fact that the amount of progesterone increases and the amount of estrogen decreases, so the vaginal secretion changes significantly at this time.

Normally, they should be odorless, viscous (not always), white or slightly cloudy. This is normal, so no need to worry. Whites before menstruation increase in volume, and the woman feels a noticeable increase in moisture in the vagina.

Bloody discharge before menstruation is also the norm, in the people they are called daubs. They appear every month or not always. It is important for women who take oral contraceptives to know that if they do not have any periods, then this is the norm when taking hormonal drugs.

As for the first menstruation in a girl, it can also be accompanied by the removal of a vaginal secret. The consistency may be different, but should not be abundant. If there is an unpleasant smell, then this is a sure sign of a genitourinary infection.

White discharge before menstruation is a sign of the normal functioning of the body. If they don't smell, then there is nothing to worry about.

An alarming sign can be abundant white discharge before menstruation. When they appear, it makes no sense to delay a visit to the doctor, since the situation can only get worse. Curdled discharge indicates the presence in the body of the Candida fungus, which provokes a disease such as thrush. It manifests itself especially brightly before menstruation and is accompanied by itching and redness of the vagina.

White thick discharge can also occur if there is erosion in the cervix. This disease is dangerous if treatment is not carried out in a timely manner. It can provoke malignant formations in the cervix and the uterus itself. Abundant whites require medical treatment.

With pathological processes in the mucous membrane of the cervix, a woman may experience liquid discharge. This disease is called cervicitis; it very quickly passes into a chronic form, in which a very long treatment with antibacterial agents is indicated.

If the whitish color smoothly turns into brown, then perhaps these are manifestations of endometriosis. It is necessary to consult a specialist, as this disease can cause infertility.

Mucus before menstruation, or a clear discharge, is not observed by all women, but these symptoms cannot be cause for concern. Thus, the vagina is moistened and creates a barrier to the penetration of pathogens. It is important to pay attention to the fact that these mucous secretions are not accompanied by unpleasant itchy sensations. They can have a lingering consistency and most often appear a couple of days before the onset of menstrual bleeding.

If the clear discharge before menstruation contains an admixture of pus, has an unpleasant odor, causes itching, burning, their consistency resembles flakes, they are very plentiful - all these are reasons for consulting a gynecologist. Perhaps in the genital area there was an infectious process.

If instead of menstruation there is clear discharge, then this may be a symptom of an interesting situation: the egg has been fertilized. Mucous discharge in the first weeks of pregnancy is a very characteristic phenomenon. After the egg is fertilized, it must attach to the uterine wall. This process can provoke the formation of mucus.

If the mucous discharge is very abundant, and at the same time menstruation does not come, then in this case a hormonal disorder can be suspected. Sometimes after such a delay, very heavy periods begin, which resemble blood.

Normal pink discharge before menstruation does not cause any discomfort in women, that is, they may well occur. Pinkish discharge may begin during the period of ovulation, which occurs 2 weeks before the onset of menstruation. Without the ovulatory process, pregnancy is impossible. If ovulation ends with pregnancy, then menstruation does not come; if pregnancy does not occur, then the egg is excreted from the body through the blood. Pink discharge before menstruation may be the beginning of menstruation. If they last 1-2 days, and then menstruation occurs, then everything is normal.

Sometimes the causes of a pale pink color lie in the intake of hormonal drugs. This is a kind of reaction of the body to contraceptives. If there are no other reasons for concern, then it is not dangerous. This can also be caused by an intrauterine device. However, if bleeding occurs every month, then you need to tell your doctor about it.

A dangerous pink color is considered when after heavy and recurring bleeding occurs, the temperature rises, or particles of pus are mixed with them. A strong pain syndrome may occur, the discharge acquires an unpleasant odor. These symptoms are characterized by endometritis, endocervicitis, endometriosis, fibroids.

Bloody discharge before menstruation is a common symptom among women. If they appear 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation, then such discharge before menstruation is the norm. But if they occur earlier and continue until menstruation begins, then this is already a pathological phenomenon.

The reasons may lie in hormonal disruptions. This happens with menopause, when a woman just starts or abruptly stops taking contraceptives, with a thyroid deficiency, with hormonal failure against the background of stressful situations. In addition, such phenomena can cause a uterine spiral and a sharp weight loss or weight gain, inflammation in the uterus, as well as STDs - chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis.

Blood discharge with bright scarlet streaks indicates the presence of polyps in the cervix or endometriosis. With these diseases, there are severe pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, weakness and increased sweating.

Black and red color indicates a malfunction of the blood cells of the uterus - in this case, erosion or cancer can be suspected. If there is a bend in the cervix, then the discharge will be bright red with clots. The same symptoms are observed with myoma and with poor blood clotting.

If a yellowish tint appears before the onset of menstruation, then you need to treat them more carefully. If they are accompanied by itching, and sexual intercourse brings discomfort and pain, then perhaps this is bacterial vaginitis.

With colpitis, in addition, there is swelling of the external genital organs, the stomach and lumbar region may hurt. If such a phenomenon occurs instead of menstruation, this is a very serious symptom.

If the scanty yellowish mucus after intercourse is replaced by bloody, then it is necessary to check the uterus for erosion. Yellow and very abundant are often with salpingitis. Sexual intercourse with this disease is accompanied by pain and blood.

A purulent yellow color is characteristic of adnexitis. In the chronic form, the discharge is scanty, but highly irritating to the external genitalia. Yellow color and smell of rotten fish appear with trichomoniasis. The disease is accompanied by itching. If urination becomes painful, and a yellow discharge appears, then most likely it is chlamydia.

Green color

Discharge before menstruation is normal. However, if they are green, then this is already a cause for concern. This most often accompanies sexually transmitted diseases, but sometimes occurs with inflammatory processes in the ovaries or in the fallopian tubes. To establish the correct diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a laboratory examination and take a smear. If a pathogen is found in the smear, then this is an infection that is sexually transmitted; if the smear will contain an increased content of leukocytes, then - an inflammatory process.

Now you know what normal discharge should be before menstruation, and which should not be. Do not ignore the signals that the body gives you - if you do not go to the doctor on time, then the diseases can progress and become more complicated. Then both diagnosis and treatment will be more complex and lengthy.

Various kinds of discharge before menstruation are considered the norm, if it is not accompanied by other symptoms. If you suspect any pathology, you should consult a doctor and undergo treatment.

  • All phases of the cycle are of great importance. Before menstruation, women often notice discharge in themselves.
  • Density, color and other features of secretions indicate the presence of gynecological pathologies or their absence.

Women often ask questions: should there be discharge before menstruation, and what is their consistency considered normal?

  • Before menstruation, the norm is swelling of the mammary glands, mild pain in the lower abdomen, a sharp change in mood and secretions of a certain nature.
  • During the entire cyclical period, a woman undergoes a change in hormonal levels.
  • Therefore, the secretions released from the vagina change the composition, color and volume.

Important: Before menstruation, progesterone levels increase, and estrogen levels decrease. Because of this, during this period, vaginal secretions become uncharacteristic.

Normal discharge before period

Normal discharge before menstruation - what should they be?

Secretions before menstruation should not have any smell. Normal whites are creamy in consistency. In some women, they may be white or slightly cloudy. Such secretions are normal and should not cause alarm.

Important: During this period, the volume of leucorrhoea also increases, most women even note increased humidity of the external genitalia.

Normal secretions before menstruation include a small amount of blood discharge. Their popular name is "daub". They may appear 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation.

Important: Women who take oral contraceptive pills do not notice such a change in their body - this is not a sign of any pathology.

In a teenage girl, vaginal secretions also appear in front. They should be sparse, liquid or thick. The lack of odor distinguishes such leucorrhea from a foul-smelling discharge, which can be a sign of a urinary tract infection.

Transparent secretions in women of reproductive age before menstruation are necessary to moisturize the walls of the vagina and are a barrier to the penetration of bad bacteria into the reproductive system of the body. Liquid discharge before menstruation is mucus, which is produced by the tissue of the cervix and exfoliated particles of the body of the uterus.

Important: Such secretions are considered normal if they do not cause itching, burning and other discomfort.

Remember: If you have discomfort in the vagina or inguinal area, as well as a sharp unpleasant odor, you should urgently contact a antenatal clinic. This may indicate the development of a serious pathology.

  • Secretions mixed with blood before menstruation are considered normal.
  • This means that your period is coming soon.
  • For many ladies, such secretions appear 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation.
  • Abundant red discharge before menstruation indicates the presence of pathology in the girl's body
  • However, this can be observed in women who have an intrauterine device installed.

Secretions of red color in a large volume can occur when such dangerous diseases occur in the body:

  • Various lesions of the endometrium
  • Serious hormonal imbalance
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Ovarian dysfunction
  • uterine fibroids

Important: Do not self-medicate! Do not put off going to the gynecologist, no matter what the secretions before menstruation were provoked.

Be careful: You will not be able to determine the cause of spotting on your own, and self-confidence can cost your health. After all, many diseases of the reproductive function require urgent treatment.

The most innocuous cause of dark-colored secretions is improperly selected oral contraceptives. It is not recommended to change them on your own, you should seek help from the attending gynecologist.

Important: If a woman does not take contraceptives, but she is tormented by the question: why is there brown discharge before menstruation, then you should contact a antenatal clinic.

In gynecology, there are pathologies that occur with manifestations in the form of brown discharge:

  • endometriosis
  • endometritis
  • endometrial hyperplasia
  • Mycoplasmosis, chlamydia
  • Ectopic pregnancy

Important: The cervix constantly produces secretions, but dark-colored secretions are a deviation from the norm, requiring immediate contact with the doctor of the gynecological department or center.

This type of secretion is the absolute norm - this is the stage of preparing the uterus for rejection of the upper layer of the uterine body. Curdled discharge before menstruation should not disturb a woman if they do not have such signs:

  • Itching and bad smell
  • Pain during intimacy with a partner
  • Redness and swelling of the external genitalia

Important: If you experience the above symptoms, a woman should consult a doctor for advice.

Secretions that do not cause discomfort, a jelly-like consistency of yellow color are also the norm. You need to contact a gynecologist if the cycle has become and yellowish discharge before menstruation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Bad smell
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Pain during sexual contact with a partner
  • Itching of the labia, vagina

If the secretory function of the gonads works without failures, then abundant secretions in a woman before menstruation should not cause suspicion. Almost every woman from time to time may experience heavy discharge before menstruation.

The reasons for their appearance include such functions of the body:

  • In the first hours after unprotected intercourse, the cervix is ​​cleansed
  • Hormonal changes, preparation of the uterus for conception
  • The onset of pregnancy

Important: If secretions of this nature are observed constantly, with non-standard impurities and consistency, then you should make an appointment with a gynecologist. This will help eliminate the presence of pathology and maintain women's health.

  • As mentioned above, light secretions in a woman before menstruation are normal.
  • A woman should be calm about white discharge before menstruation
  • The reasons for their occurrence include the secretion of the cervix, which is constantly working, creating a normal microflora for the movement of spermatozoa.
  • The body is preparing to reject the upper layer of the endometrium, so leucorrhoea appears

Itching, burning, pain during intimacy with a partner, severe pain in the lower abdomen - all these are symptoms of gynecological diseases. What does itching and discharge before menstruation mean?

This may indicate not only gynecological pathologies, but also inflammation of the bladder or kidneys.

Important: Do not ignore the signals of your body - consult a doctor!

If you delay the trip to the clinic, then a number of concomitant diseases may occur. In this case, diagnosis and treatment will be much more difficult. Indeed, in medicine it is important to identify exactly the cause of the appearance of a particular disease. Therefore, trust the doctors and watch your health.

Video: Discharge before menstruation