Killer Lee Harvey Oswald. Mistress: Oswald did not shoot Kennedy

In that fateful day of the President of the United States, John Kennedy during the passage along the street Elm shot sniper. According to the official version, the president was the victim of a single killer Lee Harvey Oswald, who lived for some time and worked in Minsk, married, and then returned to the United States. But in 1979, the Special Commission of the US Congress delivered the verdict - "Kennedy died as a result of the conspiracy." After three years later, the results of this investigation were canceled - at the request of the special services, it was recognized as "incompetent". On the anniversary of Kennedy's murder, the AIF browser took an interview in Dallas at the 63-year-old Robert Jay Grodena - a photocontentant "of the very" commission, one of the main American apologists of the "conspiracy theory".

"Customers are already dead"

Mr. Groden, just before our meeting, the next - probably Millionnae - the Kennedy murder version. Someone Stephanie Karuana released the book "Discovery of the Jemston", which leads archival documents of the FBI - interrogations of the arrested killers of the Sicilian mafia. From her conclusions it follows: Oswald was a member of the brigade of 28 (!) Killers, and his task was to shoot in the governor of Connelie, who was sitting next to the president. Kennedy killed another person - Jimmy Fratiano.

This is an interesting theory, but I tend to trust another source. There is evidence that the death of Kennedy was organized by the special services.

- I must confess, I heard it many times.

Of course, since the conclusions of the Parliamentary Commission of thirty years. Our experts were able to calculate that the shots were four (and not three, what the official version insists), killers - at least two: the second killer shot due to a wooden fence on the path of the president's tuple. But no one slowed out our work and did not put us sticks in the wheels like the CIA and the FBI. Their employees knew much more than they said. Recently, we received a new testimony that sheds the light to the death of Kennedy.

- It seems like that sensations will not end.

I understand your humor, but the case is quite serious. In the past, the goal died the officer of the CIA Everett Howard Hunt is one of the key figures of the Watergate Scandal. It was installed "bugs" for wiretapping under the headquarters of the Democrats. His son gave a head of his father's voice to the press, made on mortal apparel, as well as archival dossiers. Hunt narrates: Kennedy's murder scheduled Vice President Lindon Johnson together with a high-ranking CIA officer Cord Meyer. Shooted in Kennedy French

Lucien Sarti is the highest paid killer, who worked on the largest network of drug dealers. And, of course, not from the window of the building, namely, in front, from the side of a wooden fence. I think that we finally found out the truth about who in reality killed Kennedy.

- What official reaction followed this?

As always - no. Yes, and no longer punish. Lyndon Johnson and Meyer died by his death, and Lucien Sarti was killed in a shootout with the police in 1972. The government did everything to anyone who doubt the official interpretation of Kennedy's murder, looked an idiot from the category of people abducted by aliens. Therefore, even when the CIA officer, in the highest policies, before death, makes a sensational statement, it does not cause scandal. Nelli Connelie, the wife of the Texas governor, personally saw that the bullet, hitting her husband in the Kennedy car, was released "completely from the other side" than the previous two. But her testimony did not even record.

- So it turns out ... Most witnesses events are already in the grave. Almost all alleged killers - too. Why are some new exclusive details every year, everyone gets up on the ears - wow, you finally discovered Kennedy's killer!

According to sociological surveys, 86% of Americans are categorically not believed to the version, according to which the Singleman's maniac Lee Harvey Oswald came with a rifle in a warehouse building, made three shots in 4.8 seconds, hitting the goal, and killed the president. When I worked at the commission to investigate the "Murder in Dallas", my phone was rareling from threats. "Stop dig in the dossier or die" - the most cute that I heard, not to mention the pair of night meetings from my house with guys armed with baseball bats. Why do it all to do if, as CIA claimed, some schizophrenics were gathered in the Congress Commission with an unpretentious fantasy? We interviewed dozens of witnesses. 40 eyewitnesses showed under the oath: Killer shot the president in front. The doctor Robert Mc Cllyland, the first inspiring the body of Kennedy, recorded: "The bullet fell into the throat, in the back of the head - the outlet." After conversation in the FBI, he told us what was wrong.

"They are waiting until witnesses die"

Can I tell the blasphemous thing? What if Kennedy was really killed by Oswald, and all the theories that were put forward for almost half a century, just fantasy? After all, it is clear: Tell about the new version of the death of the president - and your book is on the list of bestsellers.

I will say more - I could well believe it.

- Is it really?!

But with one condition. I should not have been working in the Congress Commission, which determined that the death of Kennedy occurred due to the conspiracy. Then I would not see the gigantic number of documents, photos and an interview of eyewitnesses. Suppose you are clean practices and do not believe in the "conspiracy theory". See. Arrows Oswald kills the president. Two days later they kill Oswald himself. His killer Jack Ruby sits in prison and dies from cancer. Before his death, he gives an interview with a journalist, but she does not publish it - dies from the alone of drugs, although they never used them before. The key witness is Bauers, who saw, as because of the fence, fired "two men", dies in the car accident. A prostitute Rose Sharchai, who spent the night with a drunk officer of the CIA, who let me know that "in two days the Kennedy will be killed," too divided by car - the driver faced with it was not found. Tell me: Do you have any questions?

- It would be stupid to argue, of course, there would be a lot of questions.

The same in the Congress Commission. Three quarters of eyewitnesses who saw the death of Kennedy are the police, residents of the city, doctors - all argue: the shots were more than three, the shooting was carried out in front, and not from behind, they shot clearly different people from different directions. Puli simply disappeared - neither fragments, nor shell, nothing. According to the press service of the government, they "collapsed in the body of the president." But Kennedy is not at all a terminator so that its flesh has a unique ability to dissolve lead.

Nevertheless, it has already been 45 years old, and no one knows the truth. What do you think: when exactly in the death of the president will be put point?

In 2063, the CIA and FBI solemnly promise to declassify the "Dossier of Kennedy". Apparently, they just need to wait until all the witnesses die.

Robert Jay Groden.

born on November 22, 1945 in New York. In 1978-1979. He worked at the Congress Commission to investigate the death of the US President. The author of the books "Kennedy: a conspiracy dossier", "kill the president" and "in search of Lee Harvey Oswald". It is considered the leading documentary expert among supporters of the version that John Kennedy died as a result of the "order" of the special services.

Georgy Zotov, AiF

On November 22, 1963, American President John Kennedy was killed by Sniper Shots. The death of the president shocked America. Although he was not the first and not the only murdered president, he was the first leader of the state that "made" TV. Thanks to him, Kennedy was able to defeat Nixon's debates, thanks to the television, the president entered the life of every American family. Kennedy was the first president whom the Americans saw every day and knew better than some of their friends. It was precisely because the leader of the state was no longer a face with a poster or voice from the radio, but was perceived as an old familiar, his death shook society.

This murder has become not only one of the most significant moments of the American history of the twentieth century, but also the main mystery of the century, breeding many speculations and conspiracy theories. Until now, disputes do not duck, who organized Kennedy's murder - was Harvey Oswald's sleeping alone? CIA? Vice President Johnson? Military? Masons? Illuminati? Committee 300? Secret World Government? Was Oswald the only shooter or someone helped him? If he acted alone, then why was he killed immediately after the arrest, and even with such a ridiculous motive?

Kennedy's murder

On the morning of November 22, 1963, the aircraft of the American president landed in Dallas. The consignment of the president, accompanied by agents of the secret service, headed from the airfield to the city center. In fact, the president's car was with the roof, but on the occasion of the weather and the rapid reaction of local residents who came out on the street to meet the president, she was removed to please the townspeople.

When the president's car drove past the school book building, three shots rang out. Kennedy was injured in the back and head, and the governor of Texas Connole sitting in the same car (in which one of the bullets was choking) - in the shoulder.

The president was immediately delivered to the hospital nearby, at that moment he was still alive. However, the efforts of the doctors were in vain: the wound in the head was too serious, and Kennedy died after an hour and a half. Immediately after that, Vice-President Lindon Johnson straight on board the presidential aircraft briefed the oath and became the new US president.

After an hour and a half after the murder, a suspect was detained - an employee of a bookflash, from which Stregnation was conducted, whether Harvey Oswald. He was detained on suspicion of killing a policeman, but he was immediately charged with the murder of the president.

Oswald did not recognize his guilt in the first, nor in the second murder. Exactly in two days, Oswald was shot alone, in the basement of the Dallas police department. The killer was the owner of the local nightclub Jack Ruby, who explained the murder of a very strange motive: supposedly he did not want the president's widow to once again experienced unpleasant emotions in court, and he saved it from it.

Investigation of the president's murder was engaged specially created by the Commission Warren, named by the name of its chairman Earla Warren, who was the chairman of the Supreme Court. The Commission was in a hurry to complete its work to the beginning of the new electoral presidential company, and the conclusions made it seemed to have dubious many Americans.

The ambiguous conclusions of the commission, who announced the only culprit of the murder of Oswald, inspired many conspiracy versions of the one who actually stood for the murder of American president.

Harvey Oswald

Officially announced by the consequence of a single killer, guided by unclear motifs. Oswald with adolescence sympathized with socialist ideas. At the age of 17, he entered the service in the maritime infantry, where he established himself not from the best side, several times hitting the tribunal for the disorders of the discipline and his membership.

After the service, Oswald suddenly drove into the USSR transit through Britain and Scandinavia. In the USSR, he demanded to provide him with citizenship and spent some time spent in a psychiatric hospital, where he fell for an attempt to open veins. As a result, Oswalid was allowed to stay in the USSR and sent to Minsk to the local radios industry, where his curator was the future first president of the independent Belarusian Stanislav Shushkevich, who trained him to the endows of work and the Russian language.

In Minsk, Oswald married a local girl, but life in the provincial Soviet city quickly bored him, the entertainment, to which he was accustomed, was not there, and Oswald left home, restoring American citizenship. In the Soviet Union he lived 2.5 years.

In the US, he donkey in Dallas. Soon the Cuban crisis began, Oswald was hotly supported Castro regime, although some time worked in the company, the owner of which supported the opponents of the Cuban leader. He also personally distributed leaflets in support of Castro. After some time, Oswald left Mexico, where he demanded a political asylum again in the Soviet embassy, \u200b\u200bassuring that surveillance was being followed and pursued. He also tried to get a Cuban visa, but in the end he was denied. FBI guided his wife, suspecting the Soviet agent.

In October 1963, Oswald returned to Dallas. Then his second child was born. A few days before the visit of the President in the newspapers the route of his taper was published. A part of the route ran past the building of the book storage, in which Oswald worked. He equipped the position of the arrow in advance and on the day of the murder brought to work a long paper package, in which, presumably, there was a sniper rifle.

After completing the case, Oswald went down, by that time the police had already been in the building, and Oswald detained one of the policemen, but the head of Oswald identified him, and he was released. After that, he left the building and went home, where he moved and went out again. On the street, he was stopped by a patrol police officer, which fired four times, after which I ran away.

A few minutes later Oswald paid attention to strange behavior. He tried to hide near the store, and then ran to the theater. The police who came to call the witnesses arrested Oswald and presented him to the murder of typpet. And after it turned out that he was in the book on the same day, accused also in the murder of the president. There was less than one and a half hours between the murder and detention of Osvald.

Oswald was a single killer, guided by understandable only by him with motives, there was no conspiracy. Here are the findings formulated by the Commission Warren. But these conclusions immediately spawned a lot of issues.

Inspection of the place of the arrow showed that the murder was performed by a professional. Place the arrow was strengthened by books from under books to facilitate aiming with taking into account the steep corner, as well as to disguise the position from random witnesses. In addition, Oswald was supposed to show non-serve for psychic-single knowledge of the presidential protection methods. For example, he deliberately missed the tuple and did not shoot from the most convenient position, so as not to issue himself to the protection agents, waiting until the tuple would go to delete. This allowed the arrow not only to remain unnoticed, but also to have time to leave the point before the arrival of the police. In addition, Oswald was supposed to know that this day the presidential car would ride without the roof, which will make Kennedy vulnerable. In addition, there was doubts about the rifle qualifications of Oswald: during the service in the army, he showed no better results on shooting and even poured one exam, without fulfilling the requirements.

If Oswald was a single psyche, then he had to have some kind of motive. If he did it to become famous, then why did he stubbornly denied all the charges and recognized only the fact that on the day of the murder was in the workplace? Why did he need to kill the patrol, who began to talk to him near his house? Osvald's motives remained unidentified.

If Oswald was a single, then you will have to take the theory about the so-called magic pool on faith. In place the arrow was found three sleeves. One bullet was passed by, the second wounded Kennedy in the back, after which he changed the direction and Zigzag flew through his body, wounding the Governor of Texas, who sat made by the president. The third hit the president. If you don't take the theory about the "magic pool" to faith, it turns out that Oswald had an accomplice who made at least one shot, but never was found.

If Oswald was a single, then why it took it to kill, and even live? Jack Ruby's killer claimed that Oswald was killed to save the president's widow from unrest on the upcoming court, but this motive looks doubtful. Its actions can not be explained by the state of affect, he tried to kill Oswald at a press conference the day after the murder of Kennedy. He appeared on her under the guise of a journalist, but could not get to the goal.

And only a day later he was again able to get into the basement of a police department in Dallas under the guise of a journalist and straight under the sight of the cameras to shoot Oswald. In the basement, he also did not sway without someone else's help. The doors on his way were left unlocked, and the guards were removed, which allowed him to get inside the fact that Ruby was sick with cancer and soon died in prison, he gave rise to a conspiracy theory that he was chosen for the role of "suicide" In order to, despite anything, eliminate Oswald, who could know something.

It is difficult to explain the motives that Oswald guided, but the reasons for hating Kennedy were many influential groups of American society.

Vice President Lindon Johnson

This version is relatively new, but has many supporters, including those quite famous in the political world of America. In favor of this version, there are several indirect evidence. In particular, it is known that Kennedy was disappointed with Johnson and the following elections of the president planned to declare the vice-president of another candidate. In addition, Johnson was involved in certain corruption affairs, for which he had a hearing.

The most famous supporter of this version is the famous American political consultant Roger Stone, who has been helping candidates from Republicans in the presidential election for half a century. He also participated in the recent elections, which supported the Trump, which in the end and won.

A few years ago, Stone published the book "The man who killed Kennedy", in which he claims that the organizer of the president's murder was Johnson. In addition to the facts about corruption, it also points to the fact that it was Johnson who was engaged in the development of the route of the presidential tuple in Dallas and sent it by the bookkeeper, where the position of the arrow was equipped.

In addition, Stone, personally knowing the entire political elite, argues that Johnson was at least a good sign with Jack Ruby - thereby man who shot Oswald allegedly from pity for the widow of Kennedy. According to Stone, a few years before the murder, Johnson personally asked Nixon to take Ruby to work in the Chamber of Representatives.

The same version in his posthumous memoirs brought the agent to CIA Howard Hunt. His autobiography came out after his death in 2007. Hunt argued that the customer of the president's murder was Vice President Johnson, and several high-ranking CIA leaders were engaged in the organization of the murder, in particular, Cuban Operations David Etley Philips.

Phillipsa as an organizer of the murder also called James Filez, who in the mid-90s, serving the term in prison, confessed to the murder of Kennedy. File assured that the CIA was once recruited and was used as a hired killer. According to File, Oswald really entered the group of shooters who were somewhat and they insured each other, but personally, Oswald did not shoot at all.

Nevertheless, in various interviews, the file has inaccuracies and contradictions, and therefore, even many supporters of the conspiracy theory do not trust his testimony.


From the point of view of American "hawks", the foreign policy of Kennedy was a failure, and Kennedy himself was a weak. He strongly shied away from decisive attacks in the Cold War, always acting by the second number, and his tendency to compromise was indignant to the militant American generals.

Kennedy could not prevent the USSR and the GDR to build the Berlin Wall, which was an obvious violation of allies agreements, according to which the movement of residents in the city was not limited. The USSR insisted on the transfer of control over Western Berlin GDR, and, although it was not possible to implement this, Kennedy could not prevent the construction of the wall.

In addition, Kennedy failed an operation to overtake Castro. A landing in the gulf of pigs, consisting of Cuban emigrants, was prepared so bad that he was immediately intercepted by not the most combined Cuban army. Moreover, after this demonstrative attempt to overthrow Castro, before trying to negotiate with the United States, he stated the beginning of building a communist society on the island and addressed support for the USSR, having joined the Soviet camp. Get a hostile communist state a few kilometers from the American border - this is not at all what the American administration and Kennedy himself dreamed about, who during the election campaign attacked the Republicans for the fact that they missed Castro. Now he has become a communist at all, and the worst outcome for Kennedy was impossible to imagine.

A year later, the Cuban crisis began when the placement of Soviet missiles in Cuba almost caused a nuclear war. This conflict also hit Kennedy's reputation from the military. Although the generals demanded from Kennedy as soon as possible to "bump" in Cuba, while it is still possible, and the developed operation plans developed to him under the nose, the American president was slow, did not resolve and tried to negotiate in a good way.

As a result, it was possible to negotiate, but high-ranking American military found this situation with extremely humiliating defeat. The huge US Army, which was ready to dream Cuba literally in a few hours and remained in the barracks.


The special services had the same reason to be dissatisfied with Kennedy as the military. For less than a three-year-old Board of the President, the world was twice on the threshold of the nuclear war, during the Berlin Crisis and Caribbean. At the same time, and in the other case, Kennedy did not show the determination of the "Yastreba", trying to settle the case by negotiation. The "hawks" could have been a feeling that America's third such crisis led by a soft and compliant Kennedy would not survive. In addition, Kennedy did not resolve to fully intervene in the Vietnamese war. Although he increased the American contingent in South Vietnam, mostly were military advisers and service personnel for military equipment.

America, with Kennedy, suffered several serious imaging failures (from the point of view of the "hawks") - the construction of the Berlin Wall, the Cuban crisis, the department of the landing in the gulf of pigs, defeat in the cosmic race. The indecision of the president in the Vietnamese question could be the drop that overflowed the bowl of patience. By the way, the new president Johnson has already given an order for the full-fledged US intervention in the Vietnamese War.


Mafia had at least two serious claims to the president. First, it was Cuba. Before the revolution, Castro Cuba was Klondike for American mafia, where she gradually suffered a lion's share of his business to get rid of the persecution of the federal government. Hotels, chic casinos and restaurants serving American tourists in Cuba mainly belonged to the mafia bosses of America. After the revolution, they lost all that had on the island. Failure in the bay of pigs and the refusal of Kennedy give the consent of the military to the landing operation could be combined by mafia bosses to revenge.

The second reason was even more serious. Kennedy, becoming president, announced the Mafia fatal battle. Having enlisted with the support of Brother Robert, whom he appointed the Prosecutor General, he began the hard pursuit of various criminal schemes. For three incomplete years, Kennedy's presidency, the number of indictments for cases related to organized crime has grown ten times.

Cuban mark

The most unforgetable version. Although Cuban supporters of Castro, and Cuban opponents of Castro had the causes of Kennedy very much to love, hardly such an operation was for them. It is doubtful that Cuban emigrants-fugitives from Castro would take revenge by the president, who, though unsuccessfully, but supported them.

Cuban special services could be revenge - in response to repeated attempts to overthrow Castro, both secret and explicit. However, this version is also doubtful because the special services in Cuba at that time were in the infancy and could hardly organize such an operation on a hostile territory.


On the Board of Kennedy, revolutionary changes began in a racial issue. It was on his presidency that the peak of a powerful movement of the dark-skinned Americans for their civil rights. Kennedy was a convinced supporter of equality and even personally met with famous Martin Luther King. A few months before his death, he made a bill in Congress, which prohibits racial segregation in public places at the federal level. However, not everyone in America agreed with the president, especially in the southern states that the traditions of racism were kept in centuries.

The intensity of the confrontation was such that when the first black student in the southern state of Mississippi - James Meredith - received the resolution of the Supreme Court to study at the University for White, the state governor ordered not to let him into an educational institution. Kennedy ordered him to let him down, but the governor was not inferior. As a result, Meredith was able to break through the crowd of wounded local residents and enter the university only thanks to the support of federal marshals. And the city began such unrest that they had to declare martial law and introduce the forces of the National Guard.

At the same time, in Alabama, the Governor of Wallace stood in the university's doors in order to prevent two black students there. He refused to miss them, even when federal marshals arrived and personally, the Deputy Prosecutor General. To go through students managed only after the arrival of the National Guard.

Many southerners perceived the abolition of racial segregation as a personal insult and an attempt on the most holy, which only is. Perhaps the fact that Kennedy was killed during a visit to Texas - the heart of the American south and the embodiment of His Spirit.

In favor of this version, not only indirect facts say. In the late 60s, the prosecutor of the New Orleans charged the murder of Kennedy with a certain glue of the show, which was a member of the ultra-right group. According to the prosecutor, the show and a few more people, one of whom mysteriously died (according to another version, committed suicide) during the investigation, entered into a conspiracy with the aim of killing Kennedy, who outraged them with his support for racial equality, as well as failures in the fight against Communist influence. All of them were familiar with Oswald and communicated with him, they managed to involve him in a conspiracy, as a result of substituting him, turning his scape into the goat. However, the evidence was lacking in the case, and as a result, the jury justified the show.

Although the Commission Warren and called Oswald the most likely killer who acted alone, many still believe that the commission's investigation was carried out politicized and hid many facts. Therefore, the question of the real killers of Kennedy will be disturbed by the Uma researchers for a long time.

The riddle around the one who killed John Kennedy, continues to occupy the whole world.

Lee Harvey Oswald (Lee Harvey Oswald) entered the story as a person who shot the president - but one woman claiming that Oswald's mistress declares that he is innocent.

"I will always love. And I will always defend him, "says 74-year-old Judyth Vary Baker (Judyth Vary Baker) in an exclusive interview for the AftonBladet newspaper.

100 years have passed since the day when one of the most mysterious US presidents was born in Boston on May 29, 1917 - John Kennedy.

Kennedy was only 46 years old when it was shot at it on November 22, 1963 during his visit to Dallas in Texas. The question of who did it is often called the largest mystery in history.

For this murder was detained 24-year-old Harvey Oswald. Courts above him were never - two days later, he himself killed the owner of the night club Jack Ruby, which fell into the report of journalists and was shown live. But his fault was later established during the public investigation of the Commission Warren.

"Lee was a fantastic lover"

However, in the book "I and Lee: How I learned, loved and lost Lee Harvey Oswald" ("Me & Lee - Hower I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald") is approved by something other. She wrote to Judith Warie Baker, claiming that Oswald knew better than anyone else.

According to her, she was Oswald's mistress.

"Lee was a fantastic tender lover. And he danced well and loved to sing. We often sang together, especially all sorts of stupid songs, "said Baker Aftonbladet in a letter a few days before the age of the President of Kennedy.

Judith Warie Baker argues that she met whether Harvey Oswald at the Post in New Orleans in April 1963. She was 19, he was more for four years. Despite the fact that Oswald was married and he had little children - and despite the fact that Judith and herself was married to her then boyfriend - they fell in love with each other and began a secret relationship.


How the Kennedy glared 01/06/2017

10 unknown facts about the murder of John Kennedy

The Telegraph UK 24.11.2013

Lee Harvey Oswald, disappointed revolutionary

The Wall Street Journal 07.10.2013 In his sensational book, Judith Baker argues that Oswald was a CIA agent. She herself then was a complete ambition of a medical school student and engaged in studying cancer. But through Oswald, as she claims, she was drawn into a secret conspiracy, followed by the American CIA Intelligence Service and the local New Orleans Mafia. The purpose of the conspiracy was from the ambush to kill President Cuba Fidel Castro.

"It was shortly after the Caribbean crisis, when everyone lived in constant fear that a third world war could break. We hated Castro for the fact that he made against his own people, for the fact that he tortured his political opponents, "says Baker.

To kill the president ordered the CIA

In the summer of 1963, Baker and her scholars colleagues received a task to highlight cancer cells, which Harvey Oswald then had to smuggle to Cuba. But, according to Baker, conspirators in the CIA and Mafia all this time was kept with another figure: Kennedy.

In the fall of 1963, instead of the previous task, Oswald received an order to shoot the president during his visit to Dallas on November 22. Initially, he refused, but then, according to Judith, I gave up, because I was afraid that I would be killed by his wife Marina and two young children.

"Li knew what would happen, he knew that he would die. During our last conversation 37 hours before the murder we cried and said goodbye, "says Baker.

According to her, Oswald was on the site of the murder, but, in all likelihood, missed, because Kennedy's autocarter moved very quickly. The deadly shot made someone else.

The story is rejected as pure fantasies

The story that Baker tells, to put it mildly, sensational, and check what the proportion of truth does not seem to be possible. There is neither her photos together with Lee Harvey Oswald, nor any other irrefutable evidence that they generally knew each other.

The only thing that with the stretch can be called proof is a receipt for obtaining a salary at a coffee factory in New Orleans, where she and Oswald worked for some time in 1963; In other words, she can prove that they at least for some time were colleagues.

Many call her story with pure fiction, but in the circles of conspiraologists, she is a famous personality, which people are extolled as the former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura (Jesse Ventura).

AFTONBLADET: What do you say to people who do not believe in your story?

Judith Warie Baker (in the letter): Now it is no longer such a problem, as before, now many people are actively protected by me. I had the opportunity to read a lot of lectures, and in Europe, and on the other side of the Atlantic. Many people heard me. Critics no longer constitute such a big problem - too many now know me and protect from evil people.

"I and Lee" will be published in a new, supplemented version next year, with a large number of evidence and evidence that will support my information. In addition, I am the founder and organizer of the annual "conference on the murder of John Kennedy", which this year will be held for the fifth time. In 2016, we had 31 speakers from five different countries. There were so many people that the firefighters had to not let some of those who wish.

Persecution after promulgation of history

Judith Vary Baker did not talk long about the connection, which, according to her, had Oswald. But in 1999 she shot silence from the lips and began to tell her story. It claims, it resulted in countless threats and persecution - and as a result in 2007 she asked asylum in Sweden.

According to her, now she lives in Sweden for several months a year, and the rest of the time spends in Eastern Europe.

"I live in Sweden as many months a year, but I can, but since I am not a citizen of the country, I have to leave it periodically from it. They say that in the US I safe, but this is absurdity. "

I asked Judith Warie Baker, as she remembers whether Harvey Oswald today - after almost 54 years after his death interrupted their allegedly existing relationships.

"We sat very well with each other. We had a lot in common. We deeply loved humanity, which helped me and led me all these many years, which I forced to live without him. He happened, told me "Do not confuse inconvenience with pain. Testing fear is normal, it is important how you behave, even if you are afraid of "" - answers Judith.

Harvey Oswald

October 16, 1959: comes to Moscow. Oswald was interested in Marxism for a long time and planned to become a Soviet citizen. He gets a temporary residence permit and settles in Minsk, where he marries Marina Prussakova in April 1961.

June 13, 1962: Refuses the plan to become a Soviet citizen and returns to the USA along with his wife and newborn daughter Jun. The family settled in Fort Wort, where he is taken for a diverse irregular work.

October 15, 1963: After the unemployment period, it receives work in the warehouse of school textbooks in Dallas.

November 22, 1963: The automotive tuction of the president of Kennedy drives past the warehouse of textbooks. Kennedy is shot at 12:30. 45 minutes later, an unknown man shot the polystamance of the typpet (J.D Tippit). Signs point to Oswald, which grabbed in the automotive salon at 13:50. At first, he was detained for the murder of the helping, and in the afternoon they were later accused of murdering the president.

November 24, 1963: A little later, 11 hours Oswald should be translated from the Dalassian district prison. This event is shown live on television. Suddenly, the owner of the nightclub Jack Ruby runs out and whether Oswald shoots his stomach. At 1:07 pm An Oswald death declare death.

Insurance materials contain estimates of exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the EOSMI's editorial office.


One of eyewitnesses, Howard Brennan, at the time of the shooting was opposite the book storage, told the police that after the first shot glanced at the book storage, where he had a source of noise, and saw in the window of the sixth floor of the shooting man. When Brennan gave the police testimony, an employee of the name Jarmen was released from the book, which confirmed that he had heard the shots from the inside. Another employee, Roy Truul, said the police that his subordinate whether Harvey Oswald left the building immediately after the shots. He gave his name and home address.

As the Warren Commission installed, Oswald left a gun behind the boxes and immediately left the building shortly before it was sealing by the police. At about an hour of the day, Oswald got home, but he stayed there quite a bit. When Oswald walked on one street, he stopped his patrol Ja Pi typit. He came out of the car, and Oswald killed him with several shots from the pistol. Soon after, Oswald was detained at the cinema. From the moment of injury, Kennedy passed an hour and twenty minutes. Oswald tried to shoot a pistol in a policeman, but was neutralized. This fact causes doubt because Witnesses of this crime are only two and both of them refused to identify Oswald as a man who shot in a policeman. That night he was charged with the murder of Kennedy and the helping. He completely denied his guilt. Two days later, on November 24, 1963, Oswald, who came out of the police station, accompanied by the police, was shot by the owner of the nightclub D. Ruby. Therefore, Oswald's guilt has never been proven or refuted in court. These are official data.

Oliver Stone, following Jim Harrison, makes from Oswald a spy prepared for work in the USSR. He claims that Oswald speaks Russian perfectly. None is not true. Naturally, Oswald, like a fucking infantryman, stood on control in the CIA and was an agent for antikastrovsky operations, but he had no relation to intelligence in its pure form. Moreover, Oswald, more often carried out instructions on the contacts of the CIA with Mafia. It was on this kind of activity that Oswald had contacts with D. Ruby. As for the Russian language, it is Harrison's fantasy, all testimony speaks of a very weak Russian in Oswald. Even marina girlfriends arriving toward her communicated with Oswald in English.

Gary Oldman As Lee Harvey Oswald

Lee Harvey Oswald was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, October 18, 1939, Mother Marguerite Claverie, Father, Robert E. Lee Oswald, Insurance broker, died of a heart attack by two months earlier. Lee was the third of the three children in the family, all boys. Lee held most of his years of childhood in Texas.The family flourished for a while, when Marguerite married the third time. For Edwin Ekdahl, in 1945. "We all loved G. Ekdahl and were in good relationship with him," recalled later Robert Oswald, "But I think Lee loved him most."

Ros Osvald left the innovative child. In school, he manifested the problem in progress and every year the indicators became worse and worse.In 1952, Marguerite Oswald brought Lee to New York, where the oldest brother John took the apartment. After the 13-year-old Lee threatened John's wife with a folding knife, they were asked to leave, and they found an apartment in Bronx.Oswald began serious problems in school as with academic performance and with attendance of lessons. And in early 1953, he was sent to school for difficult adolescents.

Lee Harvey Oswald 1954.

In 1954, the family returns to Native Orleans where Oswald soon penetrates the spirit of Marxism and in 1956 at the age of 16, he writes a letter to the Socialist Party of America:

Dear Sirs.

I am Sixteen Years of Age and Would Like More Information about Your Youth League, I Would Like to Know if there is a Branch in My Area, how to join, ect., I Am A Marxist, And Have Been Studying Socialist Principles for Well Over Fifteen Monhs [.] I Am Very Intereted in Your Y.p.s.l.


Lee Oswald.

The second dream is the service in the marine infantry. Which he carries, but not very long. During the service, he often enters political discussions and fiercely discusses Khrushchev and Castro.


From the fleet, he leaves the pretext of helping the mother sick, one is very quickly leaving in one Swiss college. However, in the sample itself, he does not appear, and reappears in the USSR and asks asylum. Initially, the USSR refuses Oswald, but after his attempt to open the veins decides to leave. He is sent to Minsk to the radio electronics plant and give luxury, according to Soviet standards, an apartment. Oswald marries the Russian girl Marina. However, he is very soon disappointed in life in the USSR. He does not like the complete lack of entertainment. The money that he worries there is nowhere to spend and this gray life Oswald is bored. He makes a desire to return to the United States and the whole family moves to Dallas.

After moving to America, Oswald began problems with Marina. Marriage gives a crack. Oswald cannot find a normal work, beats his wife. At the same time, he becomes a member of some political movements in defense of Castro and even performs on the radio in the dispute with the Cuban emigrant. During this period, he falls into the field of vision D. Ruby Bottoa was a member of Mafia Dallas and carried out contacts with various Cuban organizations for the sale of weapons. In the process of communicating with Oslabd Ruby, he noted his dislike for Kennedy and later this served as one of the reasons for the involvement of Oswald to eliminate Kennedy. Perhaps it is Rubi that later proposed to leave evidence indicating Oswald and use his workplace for one of the shooters.


Most likely, Oswald did not have full information about the conspiracy and naturally did not suspect the role assigned to him. That is why he was somewhat confused during the arrest and stated that he would not stand up with any accusations. He stated that he was confronted. However, his mental state could lead to the fact that Oswald will begin to talk about the participants of the conspiracy. Jack Ruby was assigned to the fact that Oswald was his man and proposed to eliminate a potential witness without causing suspicion and under a patriotic pretext, so nothing would indicate the relationship between them. Ruby conducted to the police department and when transferring Oswald from office to the state of the state, Ruby shot him in his heart. Later on interrogations, Ruby is applicated that it did for two reasons. To take revenge on the president and save Jacqueline Kennedy from the need to testify in court.

Here are just a few evidence that Oswald could not commit what he eventually hanged himself:

1. The paraffin test confirmed that Oswald did not drag out of some firearms at least two days before the killing. The fact of the murder of Osvald police Jay Pi Tipping also causes many questions.

2. Experts FBIs refused to carry out any tests with a rifle in the sixth floor of a rifle floor, as long as ... attention, will not be adjusted and the optical sight will not be replaced and not replaced the trigger to more smooth, since the rifle was very tight and hand constantly broke out. In fact, Oswald's rifle, collected anew and at the time of the assassination she was almost unsuitable for shooting.

3. Photo with a rifle and a newspaper, which was represented as evidence that Oswald acquired this rifle - a clear fake. It discovered at least 18 signs of photomontage. Most likely, Oswald did not even see this rifle and she was acquired from his behalf specifically to leave at the crime scene. In theory, it should not have tests at all. Members of the conspiracy at all stages of the investigation have already decided that the killer is loner and additional evidence simply will not need. But ... The film A. Varrubender, became evidence for which they did not count. The record allowed to fix the intervals between shots and generate suspicions, is it possible in principle. Well, as a result, an obvious need for experiments appeared. It could not conduct her "Warren Commission" no longer.

4. And if we are talking about the rifle, the rifle that is stored in the US national archive, as a murder tool is not at all that, allegedly acquired Oswald. The fact is that if you look at the announcement of the sale of a rifle in one of the newspapers, then it can be noted that the length of the rifle is bought, according to the investigation of Oswald under the name A. Hydela - 102 cm. The rifle from the photo "in the backyard" has a length of 96 See (more than we stop in). These are two different models of the same rifle. It is significant that the report "Commission Warren" lies a falsified announcement of the sale of this rifle, where it is the length of it - the desired 102 cm. But an inquisitive person may dig a real publication of this newspaper with an announcement of the sale of the Soviet of another rifle.

Announcement from the report "Commission Warren" Length is 40 inches \u003d 102cm.

And this is a real announcement in that newspaper itself. Length 36 inches \u003d 96 cm.

Oswald's fault was never proved in court, and the assembled evidence causes very serious and justified doubts that Oswald did at least one shot on Daleyplaza. Although it is also possible to say with confidence that Oswald was directly related to the death of President Kennedy and was in the building of the book storage at 12:30 min. November 22, 1963, where he performed his, clearly reserved role.

Oswald is buried in the suburb of Dallas. On his grave, a small stone slab with an inscription OSWALD

Tragically ending the attempts on the first persons of states and well-known politicians often changed the course of history. Often, the murderers were not found, and sometimes the guilt for such crimes was pinned on those who were unattached to them. In particular, to this day, disputes do not poison whether Oswald is a "Dalakazniki", or he was not involved in an attempt on John Kennedy. To understand this issue, hundreds of researchers around the world scrupulously studied the biography of this person, which, must be confessed, quite unusual.


Lee Harvey Oswald was born in the United States, in New Orleans, in 1939. The boy's father died shortly before his birth, so the mother was forced to raise three sons alone.

When Oswalid was only 2 years old, the woman sent all the children to the orphanage, since she had no money for their content, but after a year they returned to the family again.

At the age of 16, Harvey left his studies at school and went to work first with the clerk to the office, and then the courier. The mother of the young man did everything so that the Son was again on the school bench, but in October Oswald left his studies and entered the corps in this way, he never received a diploma about the end of high school.

Despite this, a young man read a lot and up to 15 years old loved to tell others what was Marxist.

In the service in the marine

As soon as he was 17 years old, Oswald entered the United States Marine Corps.

At first, he was trained as an operator of the radar station, then was directed first to the Makas El Toro base, and later on the Military Airfield in Azugi (Japan).

During this period, he together with other marines passed training sniper shooting. At the same time, it is known that Oswald was able to score on 1 point less than the value that made it possible to qualify it as a miserable arrow.

During the service, the young man repeatedly got under the tribunal. For the first time, he shot his hand from a pistol, in the second he came up with a sergeant, for which he was imprisoned, in the third, during the guard in the Philippines, without a reason he fired from the rifle in the direction of the jungle.

Moving to the USSR

In October 1959, a few days before his 20th anniversary, whether Oswald went to the Soviet Union. It is known that he has long been preparing for this trip. In particular, he sent several statements to universities in different countries in order to obtain a student visa. In addition, Oswald spent 2 days along with his mother in Fort Worth, and then went from New Orleans to French Gavr, from where she crossed in England.

In Southampton, he told customs officials, which is going to stay in England for a week, and then go to Switzerland to study in one of the local universities.

In addition, confusing traces, on the same day, the young man went on the plane in Helsinki, where he was given a Soviet visa. A day later, he was already in Moscow and declared the desire to receive Soviet citizenship. It was rejected, which forced Oswald to attempt suicide. He was saved, but entered into a psychiatric hospital.

A few days later, the young American was forced to release, and he appeared to the United States Embassy in Moscow to declare that he intends to refuse citizenship.

Oswald had a desire to go to study at Moscow State University, but he was sent to Minsk and arranged to work to the Main Radio Plant to work. Lenin, who was engaged in the production of household and military-cosmic electronics. At the same time, the Soviet state appointed him a manual, and also allocated a furnished one-room apartment. At the same time, during the whole of his stay in the USSR, a young man was constantly under the supervision of the KGB.


Soviet "Romance" Tired Oswald very quickly. Especially depressed his "gray work", as well as the lack of bowling and nightclubs. Soon the young man who officially did not refuse American citizenship, wrote a request to his passport return to him into the embassy of his country and announced the desire to return to his homeland if the charges would not be nominated against him.

While Harvey Oswald was waiting for a response, he did not lose time with the gift and met Marina Prusakova. In just a month and a half, they signed, despite the fact that the marriages of Soviet citizens with foreigners were not encouraged. Whether Oswald's wife came from an ordinary family. She was only 19 years old, and she studied for Pharmacists from Harvey.

In February 1962, a couple had a daughter Jun, and soon their family received documents in the US embassy that allowed a pair to emigrate into the United States, which they did immediately.

Life in Dallas

Returning to the United States, the Oswalid family settled in Fort Worth, not far from Brother and Mother Harvey. At the former marine, the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting memoirs about his life in the USSR has soon arose. To be more reliable in their descriptions, Oswald began to get acquainted with emigrants from the Soviet Union. As they recalled later, the young man seemed to compatriots of his wife coarse and uncompatible, so they sympathized with Marina Oswald.

In New Orleans

In 1963, Osvalda left Fort Worth. Harvey went to work in the New Orrugan company William Rail, who was a member of the organization serving the Communist Fidel Regime Castro. However, Oswald failed to stay for a long time, since he showed little diligence and spent a lot of time reading journals about hunting and weapons.

In Mexico

On September 23, 1963, Oswald's wife left with her daughter to her friend to Texas, and he himself went to Mexico. In Mexico City, former Morpekh turned to the Embassy of Cuba for a transit visa. At the same time, he indicated that it was going to visit this country before returning to the USSR. Diplomats from the island of freedom demanded to provide a document confirming the consent of the Soviet side to Oswald's arrival.

After going to the Embassy of the USSR in Mexico City, he asked to provide him with refuge. During a conversation with a representative of the KGB Oswald, he behaved extremely nervously and could not even add a letter to the Presidium of the Supreme Council, since he began his hysterical when he learned that he had to wait for a response for about 4 months. Subsequently, which communicated with him, the doubt was that Oswald could generally shoot from a sniper rifle, since it was in a state of extreme nervous excitement.

Switching out of the Soviet embassy, \u200b\u200bthe man again went to Cuban dipmissism, but he was kicked out, stating that his help would only harm the revolution.

Return to Dallas

After returning to the US, Oswald got a job on the bookstore. Soon after, he was born the second daughter. Harvey Oswald's wife and children lived during this period in Irving, where he came on the weekend.

On the eve of the murder of Kennedy

In November 1963, in the absence of a spouse, the FBI agents visited Marina Oswald twice, suspecting that she was a KGB agent. Ground Harvey went to the Dalassian FBI Department to meet with Specagegent J. Host. Without getting it in place, he left him a note in which the Office of the Bureau and the Department of Police threatened to blow up, if someone from the federals dares to disturb his wife.

Kennedy's murder

According to government commissions involved in the investigation of Kennedy's murder, on November 22, at about 12:30, from the sixth floor of the warehouse of school textbooks Harvey shot three times from the rifle. As a result, the president was killed, and Texas Governor was wounded.

Immediately after the shots Oswald, presumably, hid the rifle and went down on the rear stairs. There he ran into a policeman, but that accompanied the owner of the warehouse, who said that this is his worker.

Coming out of the building, Oswald drove home and changed clothes. For about an hour of the day he was stopped by a policeman typitis, which he killed four shots.


Somewhere at 13:40 Oswald saw hiding in Texas theater. These actions seemed suspicious personnel, and the called policeman was arrested and disarmed.

At the same time, Oswald stated to journalists that did not shoot anyone. He continued to deny everything during interrogation.

Murder Lee Oswald

November 24, when Kennedy was preparing the main suspect in the murder of Kennedy, Jack Ruby is the owner of the nightclub - he fired him in his stomach. Oswald was delivered to the same hospital, where Kennedy died two days later. There he died at 13:07.

All this happened live, so I saw the whole world, as and who killed Lee Harvey Oswald. The only thing remained to find out - the motive. According to Harvey Oswald's killer, he made it for Mrs. Kennedy to be upset by the consideration of this case in court.

Oswald buried on the cemetery in Fort Worth.

Commission, who was investigating the murder of Kennedy, the motives of the crime were never established.

Harvey Oswald's murder is still questioned by many historians. Perhaps someday the world recognizes the facts that will help confidently assert who and why follow this crime.