Biorobot live among us. Personality Matrix, Biorobot and System Pening Phantom People Biorobot Among us


Remember the teams of terrestrial "progressors", which science science science brothers Strugatsky "were sent" to the planets stuck primarily in public development? It seems that there is nothing fantastic in that such missionaries may also be among us, in a familiar or unfamiliar city, on the street, they may be accidental or deliberately populated at hotels in Omsk or hotels in Vladivostok. And many, to whom such a high mission is entrusted, sometimes they are not suspected of it. "Alien test", developed by American specialists and modified by Russian researchers, may be able to lift a tight veil of secrecy that hides this mystery of some reason, whose heights, earthlings, difficult and submit.

Conducted test test among various social groups from schoolchildren and students to scientists and psychics gave very interesting preliminary results. This work will be continued and our task is to help everyone in their evolutionary-cosmic formation, using the found person's analysis mechanism for "aloplace". It is not a secret for the ufologists and specialists in the field of esoterism and paranormal phenomena, that the space is an external - galactic and further or local, earthly - geo, bio-well-sphere - inhabited by countless "worlds." It is possible that part of these "worlds" is something fantastically incredible for the earthly mind (take at least the concept of "astral" or subtle plasma worlds and civilizations).

It is possible that for supercyvilizations, the leading land at least a couple of thousand (not speaking of millions), such concepts as "artificial intelligence", biorobot or clone-copies of UFO-Navtov - a very private thing. So, the concept of "Missionary Progressor" (Alien) in the human body (Bioskafandra) is also not a miracle, but the case of their "technique". And not only a simple person, but the science are increasingly obvious the facts of objective differences between some earthlings from themselves like. It is on these psychological "differences" and the test of Americans and our modifications that promote objective allocation in the individual of unearthly properties are sent. Graphic test portraits obtained at the exit - the functional advantage of our refinement, and the additional parameter (group of questions) in each of the basic is the key to the detection of cosmits and their like, including hybrids.

So questions. For each answer, which is closest to your character, soul or consciousness, put 1 point. In each question (and their 12) there are 4 options for an answer, so in some cases you can choose several answer options (let's say "a" and "b").

1. When you meet an unfamiliar person in everyday life, then:

A) you have almost instantly an intuitive and relatively sustainable opinion - who he is;
b) you do not feel anything, except that boredom;
c) you are able to guess (and the intuition did not let you down) what this person thinks about;
D) You immediately know, you need this person or not.

2. Whatever you think about your parents, then:

A) feel a sense of appreciation, love and respect;
b) always surprised how such landed people were able to grow such a toileum as you;
c) are discomfort, unpleasant memories and feelings;
d) Definitely guess or even know that you are not a son or daughter of your parents.

3. When you visit the museum or at the exhibition or simply view the book about museums and art, then give preference:

A) painting, landscapes, in general, classical schools and works;
b) abstract plots and compositions, including all sorts of avant-garde;
c) you are equally attracted to the wilderness of flowers Van Gogh, and Salvador surrealism Dali or the classic of the Flemish school, the main thing for you is your interest, your search;
d) most of all of you are interested in traces and manuscripts of disappeared crops and primitives from Sumerians and Egyptians to Etruscans and Atlantov.

4. Some physical noted on your body:

A) freckles;
b) moles and warts;
c) strange spots or signs on body, face or head, cuts, including quite recent;
d) You know or guess what kind of signs, "warts" or "cuts" and who searched them.

5. Headache You most often experience when:

A) will be indoors or work with harmful chemicals;
b) you are almost unfamiliar headache, except that general ailment, fatigue;
c) when they are experiencing severe stress, shock or on you obviously someone telepathically affects;
d) When you caustiously feel someone's grief, pain and it reflects on your health.

6. In the store you feel:

A) recovery, the desire to remember, search for goods;
b) fatigue and irritation;
c) the desire to go away from here away;
D) You are generally avoiding fuss and shortness, especially shopping.

7. In a dream you most often see:

A) relatives and acquaintances;
b) you rarely see dreams, almost do not remember them, and if we remember, only something amazing;
c) dreams for you - a common phenomenon, however, in addition to familiar or relatives, you see in a dream and politicians, and rock stars, and artists and talk about something with them or do something;
d) You often dream of completely wonderful creatures and unusual people, landscapes, characters of fairy tales and myths and you interact actively with them.

8. If a gang of juncs passed to you and requires money, then you:

A) give a request, just to be taken away;
b) Decides to break through them, having embarked in a pretty one-other;
c) try to coolly neutralize their aggression telepathically, block their excitement of their will;
d) Hurry up to read a protective prayer or appeal to the guardian angel, God, the highest reason.

9. Most of all disturbing you:

A) loud or tasteless music when you work;
b) persistent internal calling about the transformation of humanity, land, civilization, the salvation of the world;
c) questions of your new friends about the circumstances of your birth, conception, maritime environment and spiritual orientation;
d) thoughts about the salvation of the soul of their and loved ones.

10. When reading or listening to poems on the topic "God", "Heaven", "Angel" You are experiencing:

A) bewilderment, misunderstanding;
b) fatigue and irritation;
c) try to understand the thought of the author in his attempts to appeal to the ideal;
d) Test an incomprehensible excitement, a special understanding of what cannot be expressed by words.

11. Your direct physical disadvantages include:

A) a tendency to fullness or on the contrary, thinness;
b) gray or unnaturally pale skin, early baldness for men and ugly hands for women, early seeding;
c) a sense of disproportionality of some elements of your figure or damn face, bordering the desire to change appearance or at least partial correction of its natural body;
D) You know or definitely guess why you have one or another physical disadvantage.

12. At school, you were easier than everything and you mostly loved the following items:

A) literature and native language;
b) mathematics and physics;
c) all the items are equally easily given, you are an excellent card;
d) story, basics of political science and philosophy.

Now decrypt the test results.

If the maximum of your preferences falls on the item "A", then you are "earthlock" ("dugout"), you still have enough young monad (soul, consciousness), who has an interesting evolutionary path, including disclosure , in addition to "earthly", as well as cosmic intuition and abilities.

If the maximum falls on the item "b", then you are a bioreobot (android) of supercivilization, "earth" in you little or not at all, you have little understandable "animals of joy", you are logical and rational, very capable, because it is clearly programmed and led by Life. In an evolutionary plan, you are a key figure of progress. The dry-rational memory of biorobot, their half-effective intelligence is ten times greater than human capabilities.

If most points are scored on the "B" item, then you are an intellectual, i.e. A person with a high evolutionary plank, outstanding abilities and high spiritual orientations. You have a fairly intense creative exchange with a noosphere, including subconscious (or supercisive) contacts with a galactic mind and, possibly, with your "parallel" entities and the highest "I". So you are not only a real "progressory" -Missor, but also a carrier of higher knowledge. You are an explicit or potential contactor and resident in creative exchange with supercivilization, possibly with UFOs and their pilots. You are an extraordinary personality of the "Apostle of the Human Spirit".

If the most attractive was the most attractive item "G", then you are the "divine" man, "not from this world." With a low rating of the previous item "in" it gives a true tragedy, even the biorebobotic laying is saved. However, than this person was noted - it is the outstanding ideas of space, which are still so high for the Earth, which is not enough ordinary mind to accommodate them. If the rating of your intelligence on the point "B" is close to its value on the "G" item, you can congratulate you: you are not from the category "not from this world", but enough adapted, "earthly" aliens.

Now we will give several typical portrait tests on real personalities who participated in our research. In contrast to the absolute assessment to the maximum preference, they will also be assessed and their deliveries, including hybrid. We bring such portraits nine. These are Almaty larisa for 15 years, Valentina 33 years old and Alexey 16 years old; residents of Olga 35 years old, Kazakpaev 56 years old; And also Tashkents Vladimir 19 years old, Tatiana 42 years old, Gennady 33 years old and Yuri 19 years old. Imagine their test portraits in the form of graphs. On the axis x, I will post on our items "A", "B", "B" and "G", and on the axis of the preferences of the individual for each of their items.

From the above portraits we have three earthlings - Olga, Kazakpaev and Tatiana; One bioreobot - Alexey; Two intellectuals - Vladimir and Yuri and Three "Divine" - Valentina, Larisa and Gennady.

The individual portraits-characteristics are as follows. Earthlings: Pronounced Olga has only 1 points in paragraph "B" as a biorobot and paragraph "G" as a subject "not from this world." Only 1 biorobot point is not bad, but the only "divine" note is not quite good. It is very difficult for her spiritual transformation, because the Cosmos Channels are silent. Olga is the most evolutionarily loaded personality. Another dugout - Tatiana has, as can be seen from the graph, a very rarely found linear structure of the signs, i.e., the higher the argument (evolutionary signs and quality), the less, their presence in its essence. And if Olga has been observed at least small, but still the advantage of intelligence over biolated programs, then Tatiana is obvious to the priority of its bioreboat installations. What to work Tatiana? Perhaps over your own consciousness. She should more trust the "Voice of Cosmos" in the shower. The third earthman, Kazakpaev, is a mixed, hybrid type of earthquake. The lowest level of its preferences is the item "B", and this is intelligence, will. At the same time, the indicator on the point "G" sharply changes his earthly landmarks on something subconsciously-mystical and superchaosmic. This earthman is actively conducted by his astral driver (spirit of the ancestor, egregor ethnos, etc.). He is very successful in life, because he trusts his inner voice, despite the weak development of intelligence. The evolutionary task here is the development of knowledge, professional qualities.

Fifteen-year-old Alexey is the only borobot in the category. As if the sickness of something in herself, he asked not to call him the surname. Purely human in it, i.e. Earth feelings and intuition, as well as intelligence in the amount of twice as fewer (programmed and induced) qualities. Surely he is sharply different from his peers-earthlings. He is not particularly worried about - the internal program will successfully lead it from any life conflicts. A special evolutionary task is entrusted to Alexei to Alexei and him. Do they have personal evolutionary prospects - unknown. Perhaps civilizations, their supplying or cloning in the body of earthly women, and there is something evolutionary and human, phased extension of intelligence and self-consciousness. In general, in their far in unprofitable, according to human standards, there is little life, apparently, joyful and especially creative. But they are the living "apostles" of the logic and rational principles, a kind of robo-progressors of our civilization.

Pronounced "Intellectuals" - Vladimir and Yuri. In terms of higher space qualities and their priorities, they are similar. The will and intellect they put above intuition, the standard of biorobot and the paranoid of the subjects "not from the world", but they are antipodes in the dynamics of the starting evolution elements. So, Vladimir, having a support in "earthly", more emotional and free than Yuri. A strong contrast with the "standardity" laid into it either by its own labor, or leading, brings it into the category of "risky" subjects, the benefit of intelligence, apparently, allows him to cope with any redirects. This is an undoubted indicator of an evolutionary rich personality, but with adventurous inclinations.

Intellectual Yuri is definitely a more harmonious and evolutionarily true space personality, the only drawback of which (as well as Vladimir) is insufficient confidence in its space leading and its own parasites. To be too critical and mighty their intellect and knowledge to pay attention to "unknown that", including on under- or super-conscious control of their individuality from leading or those who are interested in supercivility. In relation to these individuals E. Siraguez in the book "Where are you going, humanity?" Writes: "We (are referring to supercivilization) carefully and comprehensively explore each individuality, we are among you constantly, although we cannot be registered by your physical instruments."

Now - the category of "phenomena on the verge", "not from the world" designated by us "Divine" man or, according to the test, is the most likely aliens. They are characterized by the following types of cosmo-evolutionary dynamics. The most harmonious (for earth standards - alien) Gennady The amount of the qualities "super" on points "b" and "g" is ahead of the amount of evolutionary at high ranking - which is very important - its intelligence. Valentina is equal to these amounts (6 against 6), but intelligence is also high. As for Larisa, then she has the amount of quality "super" (8 points) almost three times exceeds the meaning of "earth" (3 points). It is confident that it can be said that the subjects of type Larisa is very difficult to adapt on Earth, the whole earthly and material. It is this category of persons (Gennady and Valentine especially, to a lesser degree of Larisa) - most interesting in terms of research of space. We are very pleased to cooperate with correspondents with similar test portraits, and such as Larisa - if necessary, help. And finally, in confirmation of our estimates and adequacy of the test modification in relation to persons with the characteristic of "aliens", I will give words from Valentina's letter (it is its test-portrait we just analyzed): "Most often, I will dream of deceased relatives who want or Something from me, or to do for me. The huge ships of the helicopters of aliens are shot. Aliens themselves are divided into black, green and yellow. They fight among themselves in space and on earth for land and for people. It happens with UFOs they stretch Some hoses to refill something. And in which house or yard this hose falls, someone really dies there. And I have a lot of dreams ... "

This is only a crumb of unusual information coming to us, requiring study, comparisons, analysis to know the unknown, invisible worlds and civilizations. Information of this type, descriptions of various kinds of contacts and photographs we are especially welcome. As for your personal responses and the resulting test portrait, it is important to think independently over the results, it may be reinforced to reproduce your answers to questions, finally, to outline personal evolutionary tasks. For our purpose is evolution and creation. So we will do this exactly today, in your earthly, but in essence endless space life.

I.N. The Russian government intends to carry out a total digital revolution, and to introduce digital technologies in all sectors of the economy. But it does not report that robots are going to give the right of the same person as the person himself! Such a robot has already received citizenship in Saudi Arabia under the name of Sofia. Robots are also going to give the right to property, and the possibility of ownership of other robots.

At the same time, the person himself becomes balanced with the rights of robots and even falls into full submission to them, since all digital manipulations on the Internet necessarily leave certain "tracks" of information about each person, and therefore a person becomes completely vulnerable from the evil will of some robots that can Manipulate people's lives!

This completely monstrous realities prepare us today's government, and V. V. Putin has already declared this news before the elections practically, as a presidential program!

Do people on earth should become robots, and do not know, most of them, what role did they vote their governments? And in general, who needs a person to be equalized in robots to robots, which in the earthly robotics are not yet perfect, and they are given such preferences leaders of the states of almost all countries of the world. What is the case? Who is behind all these rapidly developing events?

Video: Olga Chetverikova. Dmitry Peretolechin. The secret doctrine of the owners of the world

MM The events of the spread of robotic technologies are associated with the almost uncontrolled seizure of the planet by the forces of biorobot, from the Federation of the world of the comic bottom of the Solar System and the Galactic Federation. We call them Galafeds, and mentioned under the name in earlier conversations. Galafeds prevail over the forces of the Federation of the Solar System, according to hierarchical influence. But they have very little interests on earth in particular. Only some visits in the order of consultation with the federals of the Solar System, as well as advisory meetings for the design of intentions on links and interconnect attacks in the future. We call them gray.

Basically, on a planetary scale currently there is a special group of control over the human consciousness, which consists of representatives of the organized force, which has a task in the formation of a sufficient legislative basis on Earth, which would circumvent co-freedom of will and to catch people in digital technology traps without the right to the slightest resistance.

For this, all events occur as part of the injection of active activities within social media of personalities, from the human environment, which visited the databases at the gray, and received strict suggestions - instructions for further actions on earth in line with their goals.

I.N. And what do they need, this gray?

MM gray - these are already established biorobots. Essentially, they are a complete prototype of the form of life, to which they are currently rapidly moving, any suspects of people. Gray - partially consisting of biological tissue, but in general are robots, since their consciousness is completely digital, and obeys programming and manipulation by their owners.

Exactly, the masses of people living on Earth are prepared for the same fate! Biorobot is a kind of creature consisting of technological enclosures that allow you to enhance memory to a great extent, and the possibility of accommodating in it is unthinkable for the usual human intelligence of the number of information. Previously talked about the fact that the intellect is the prerogative of the body, which means that a person has a physical, of course, less than that of biorobot.

Also, the biorobot has an advantage in the formation of bodily parameters, which differ from human because the influence of technical configuration, in a special radiation polarity, which eliminates the processes of long metabolic phenomena and accumulate unnecessary energy in the form of fatty deposits, in favor of muscle optimization, which is very Little energy intensity compared to human.

Borobots in all articles are former people who did not resist the "technical" invasion of gray from the cosmic day, and became victims of manipulations with their genetic apparatus, plant and animal food. Currently, all these processes occur right in front of the whole mankind, and no one can realize this explicit violence against earthly humanity, because it is occupied by anything other than control over the frank invasion within their life space of foreign alien.

I.N. What is it gray, prevents the entire planet to completely conquer the entire planet and enslave earthlings?

MM They need legal norms that people will be accepted independently, allegedly, by their human will. The little perfect robot, which is currently showing on TV, as a sample of technological achievement of robotics - fake, which will be shown until all the necessary laws are accepted in order to fully be the basis of biorobot, from the discharge of gray, did not become The full owners of the planet is not even on a par, but much in a more preferential position than the people themselves. It is this side of the aggression of gray and tries to be completely covered by bought and subordinate gray individuals who serve them in the governments of almost all so-called. Civilized countries.

I.N. It turns out that people are currently drawn into distracting events of a complex international situation, do not see how all the structures of the digital concentration camp under the control of gray are unfolded before their eyes?!

Mm Digital economy is not the management of the national economy through the use of computer technologies. This is a fundamentally different form of energy absorption of all social structures of earthly humanity, a natural complex and the planet itself. The digital industry encompasses the spheres of possession of the planet with special entities - Sephirots, which have an unshakable connection with the cosmic bottom, and do not give the planet any more chance of progress inside the solar torus and especially inside the galaxy and the universe. Look at the planet, fully submersible as Sefirot - scary and hurt. There are plenty of such planets at the cosmic day. They go to a fly, caught by spider, who first wrapped it with her web, then killed, then put his gastric juice into her body, and then slowly sucked all the insides in liquid form. Exactly the same technology is used during the seizure of the planet with gray. They make such a grip in the exact sequence, which is given above, but with small variations, depending on which form of reasonable life, they are mastered on the outer day. When the planet is completely killed and "sudden", and the population of the planet receives the forms of biorobot, which, being a slave force, are immediately sitting in space ships and go to search for new planets - potential victims. Remember how Armada is semi at the beginning of the 50s. At first they examined the planet, then entered into an alliance with local infernals. And together they began to master new technologies. Since the 90s, new technologies have become the realities of your life. And now, serious legal documents are being prepared, allowing real bio, but still robots, have all the rights that people have! This gives such an advantage over imperfect in its strictly biological structure and not prepared for such a reversal of events, people!

I.N. Scary and discouraging information! How to be people? They still did not understand even with their economic, interethnic and religious straightenings and troubles, and here is still such a gray attack!

MM Gray must act on the highest horses of the world. They cannot overcome the freedom to choose people. This is their weak place. Any manipulation of human free will may be crying for them. Therefore, the conscious appeal to the forces of light, prayers, requests for salvation from the forces of darkness and gray - will be useful. The forces of light, unlike the forces of Darkness, cannot act without a request, from the disaster of people on earth!

In addition, it is necessary to invoke citizens to control the actions of the powerful structures, which, being already completely subordinate to the power of suggestion from gray, can no longer conduct any other internal policies in favor of the people themselves. They need to be decoded or in complete isolation. A special caste of conscious ministers in the interests of the gray is currently sitting within many research organizations. Already many scientific dissertations are written, thanks to the direct intervention of the gray, which for their intellectual services, completely subordinate to the consciousness of the scientist and make it a puppet. For this, his soul is withdrawn, and is in special magnetic storage facilities. This was spoken by a little earlier.

Therefore, in the case of the choice of life on Earth in the direction of the light system, the competent authorities of the national and planetary (will have to urgently create an urgent security to filter all undertakings in the field of digital technologies, up to the technical defeat of some nodal centers in which the gray prepare active aggression Against the human consciousness at the specified deadlines hour H.

I.N. Who and who said? HOW X - this is the moment when the fate of the planet is solved?

The MM of the Force of Light and the Force of Darkness is held by parity, but at a certain point the advantage will come to one direction or another, which will express in full promotion of the planet or in the direction of the hierarchy of bright worlds, or will be the extraction of a huge spider of digital reality.

I.N. And the infernals are also the victims of this spider gray?

MM is definitely, and they are first.

I.N. Then infernal is not profitable to cooperate with gray!? Why do they do it?

MM They cannot accommodate the scope of the effect of gray. Now it seems to them that these are gray men who simply steal people for their experiments, and for this give them new technologies that, in turn, give very significant advantages to the rest of humanity.

I.N. So, the call of the forces of light, and the establishment of a system of light in one of the states of the earth civilization can be salvation for everyone else?

MM Power of Light, which will put the highest horseback horses at the head of the corner, completely stroop all the attempts of gray to get the right to the same equal role as Earthhood. They are not related to the growth of the mind of the spirit, because biorobots are bodies endowed with unlimited memory, but not possessing the highest light nature of the mind of the mind of the spirit!

Compared to a bodily bag for storing memory and software, a person is a potential Creator of the Universe. And if he realizes itself as through all the favorable conditions created for this inside the power of the light, then no technological swive, in the face of gray, will not be able to overcome the strength of freedom of light will. And the gray will be forced to get out of the planet on the first orders of a person endowed with all the rights of the Creator from the Light!

Order - that's what they listen to gray. They do not need persuasions or logical judgments. They are slaves, but slaves who want to become gentlemen over earth mankind through their technologies.

If you look at them, it becomes clear that they are all kind of crutches of the undeveloped consciousness. The man with a developed mind of the spirit prevails over any technologies of gray because it does not need the taking digital trap baits.

Over a developed man, approached with a radiant state - perfect over the creature, which has the skills of creative gods of the universe. People must pass the stage of their physiological evolution, and enter the new level, which will make them owners of all those qualities they admire, playing computer games, or using the technical capabilities of communication on distant distances.

Knowledge of the theory of absolute light and the application of new technologies from this area will make a person stronger in relation to the possibilities of gray. They are a collective form managed from one center, and every person is the creator of his own reality. And that's it. Ask gray, what is he dreaming about? It's like to ask the crocodile, which always only wants to eat and multiply. There are no other needs for gray.

And the person surpasses this primitive form of life according to so many parameters that the monstrous seems to be the desire of gray stand on one step with a person on Earth.

Save your children from this terrible fate! And make the right choice in favor of the Light Power
Thank you!

Robots do not think and do not feel!
They consider and mimicher!
<от друга>

I was going to write this article for a long time and, in general, I wrote it for a long time, almost collected in pieces (although not all puzzles still have been established). There were big doubts whether it is worth publishing it. But in the end, I decided to add it and place a blog. And it was necessary for two reasons. Firstly, an understanding of the one who exists with us is useful and important for its own development, and also helps to understand how safer to interact with such creatures, since we cannot isolate from them. Secondly, I was asked to write this article by people who are really interested in. There was also an internal need to state what was tracked for many years. (and not only by me). Perhaps after reading someone will consider this information to be incredible nonsense or author's imagination, and someone may cause a strong emotional reaction (attack of anger, covered offense, fear, attack of aggression or desire to talk to the author). It is not scary, it happens. Any such reaction to an external or internal stimulus is a signal of a hidden problem, which is undoubtedly worthwhile.

In any case, the article may be useful or timely, and perhaps someone will make it very much and start analyzing.

The versions of the origin of biorobots.

There are several different types of creatures on our planet, which looks outwardly everyone looks like ordinary people. They interact with each other, eat, sleep, go to work, having fun, fight, breed, etc. In short, just live. What is this creature? These are just people, and reptiloids, and gray (type of aliens), as well as insectoids (type of insects, seen several times), bioreobot and a bunch of different other biological and not very species. Each at one time arrived on Earth with definite goals and tasks, and some were already created on the planet. This article will be discussed only about one most common type - about bioreobot (not to be confused with robots).

So, biorobot (or other bots, creature creatures). Who are they? Where did they come from, who created them, and why do they exist? Oddly enough, but the data on this form of "creatures" is practically absent on the network, and with deep "theme digging" on the Internet you can find only small crumbs of information that do not give a complete picture. Almost no one mentions about it and does not write (is it, and). Only a few people who knew about it almost from birth known about bioreobot (and some - and to him).

Consider several available versions of their origin.

Version 1 (historical).

In some Sumerian manuscripts, there are data that can be interpreted as information about the origin of a reasonable life on our planet. According to this data, the genus "Homo Sapires" was created artificially (presumably Annunakov) As a result of the use of genetic engineering about 300 thousand years ago (conventional figure). Left by Annunaki on the planet these "creatures" at first continued to work in mines / careers on the program laid in them. But over time, mating with earthly person like and humans, overcoming painful mutations arising from this, they have lost many of their main unearthly habits and programs. The environment, generating cataclysms, reformatted biorobots by making them obedient manufacturers of sociocults of earthly origin.

Version 2 (Computer).

Since the planet Earth is something like a very complicated game platform (as in computer games)then come here (embodied, or in a different way, loaded) Creatures with soul (on earth - people) In order to obtain a certain experience, some interaction skills with other creatures. Naturally, the platform itself is fully equipped with higher developers and programmers - there are already very thoughtful and extensive map of terrain (locations), nature, animals, civilizations, special hard conditions for embodied players have been created. And by itself, as in any computer game, on the platform, the Earth has a huge number of creatures, pre-created as a massive (background) - in particular, these are "people" - biorobot (or creature creatures). Apparently, that embodied players are more interesting and hard (although not all players appreciated).

Version 3 (religious).

What is the difference between people and "mans"? The same as between God / Creator and the Lord! Everything is very simply described in the Bible - people created God / Creator and breathed a soul in them, and the man created the Lord "in the image of his own and likeness" and forbade to know the Tree of Life ... or even easier - "people" from people differ in the absence of a soul and ignorance of its origin. Why do they live on earth and those and others? What is the meaning of expressions "live in human" and "live in human"? People here learn to live in harmony with nature, and "humans" exist in order not to give people to know the true God / Creator (their part of the basic program).

What are bioreobot different from real people?

Biorobots in the world about 90% of the entire population of the planet (!), The rest are people (or embodied players). Externally and internally, these bots are mainly the same as real people. That is, inside them there are organs, blood, fabrics, bones, liquids, and so on. They can multiply, raise children, work and so on. Some part of these "creatures" have inorganic in their body in the form of chips or electronic systems (you can read it. But there is that biorobot differs fundamentally from real people.

Here is a description of the main type of bots:

  1. There is no bioreobotand can not be real soulwhich is originally in humans (given by the Creator). It is just puppets of a system that are not connected with space. There can be no spirituality (and souncered) in the bioreobot society. Accordingly, they have no real feelings, there are only emulation (cheap imitation).

  1. The biorobot intellect is determined those challenges that are supplied " managing programs"Initially embedded in it. Biorobot, as part of knowledge embedded in him, may even be a scientist, but he will never be able to go beyond his program, which determines the meaning of his "wisdom". It is not led by learning and self-improvement, has no motivation, as it goes beyond the base program laid in it. He cannot even understand his own device, as it is not laid in his program.

  1. Bioreobotics are not able to create (have a hobby). Since they do not have a soul (clause.), Which is capable of seeing beautiful and generate creative ideas, they cannot create real objects of creativity with deep meaning. Biorobots can only partially imitate the actions of people who are engaged in creativity, and this imitation is rather rude and often ugly.

  1. Biorobots are completely subordinated to the system (Matrix) and manage either through egregors (for example, religious)or through certain creatures-manipulators. The bots always protect the system because it is entirely dependent on it. Apply collectively, consumer predatory attitude to everything (They strive to always look for their benefit), at the level of survival instincts. This is a kind of "cannon meat" for any species of revolutions, coups, maydanov, rallies, research, etc.

  1. Biorobot do not think and do not reason. They only consider and calculate, act within the framework of the program laid down. At all, they can not sit without a case, absolutely do not understand the phrases "sit in silence", "to be alone", "Make". For them it is an empty sound, a waste of time. They can either actively act something to do (work, cleaning, cooking, shopping, etc.)or be in sleep mode (as a computer). Personally observed such moments (I will mention below).

  1. Biorobot can be flashing. Instrumerate to expand functions, but not bypassing the basic program.

  1. Borobot can be controlled (about this below, case 4), although I suspect that not everyone and not at any time (Although this moment is still at the Stage Stage).

  1. Borobot act always strictly for some kind of schemelaid in their basic program. These people have a particle of chaos in their structure (unpredictability factor).

There is another kind of bots - these are embodied players in an unconscious state (such as "hibernation") - blocked or disconnected at many levels system (matrix), i.e. Temporarily defective people who can become full players, if they begin to gradually leave the destructive "hibernation". But such "sleeping" - no more than 10% (conditional) from the total number of bioreobots. By the way, paragraphs 4, 5, 7 are partially applicable to this type. You can wake them up, but this is a rather difficult task. Most often, only units manage to awaken to the conscious full-fledged life.

"Life" of biorobots.

The bot can be easily recognized by constant standard behavior in the same situations. Examine your surroundings carefully. Just do not scare them and do not scare yourself. "Creative Being" should always behave equally, whatever happens around him. Each stimulus follows a definite reaction. Once at once bots, like on the rolled, show the necessary reaction to what is happening. We must smile - smiled, you have to keep silent - they knew, I must say - they said. This, in a sense, retains their relationship with the outside world from destruction.

When meeting two bioreobots, the following may occur:

If their programs are very different - they will simply go past each other;
- If there are similar parts of the program - they welcome each other, at the same time thinking "and who was it?";
- One of them will try to sell something to another;
- One of them will try to deceive the other;
- One of them will offer to another drink. Agreeing, they will go to look for the third. The alcohol introduces the consciousness of the biorobot to a changed state for a certain time, so it is necessary to drink no less on the safety technique to keep the performance of their programs together;
- both will appreciate the possibility of creating a family or simply temporary relations;
- examined each other, everyone will decide that he is more "cool" model;
- seeing each other's features, both of the Upgrade will have an envy;
- if there are no resources on the upgrade - anger will arise;
- One bioreobot must in any case fear another biorobot so that they are not disassembled on parts.

Sometimes some bots attempt to go beyond their program if they at least in the distant backyards of their mind begin to understand that something is wrong with them. To do this, they accumulate some overwhelming and without that small power to short-live themselves. But this, in general, does not affect their program, and they do not cease to be biorobot. They are "included" again, and they continue to function further.

If some kind of bioreobot (most often from the second category) It begins to operate bypassing the basic program, the reaction of the system on such behavior passes through three stages:

1. First, it causes a universal laughter as the first reaction of society to the unusual behavior of the bot (bypassing the program). Laughter is intended to distract the bioreobot from the situation when its program gives failure. So the system is trying to return the bot into his usual state.

2. Then the biorobot society is trying to destroy the "infected" copy to protect themselves like the "free behavior" virus. Previously, it was called the interesting word "sabotage".

3. As a result, it realizing that "to fight is only to attract attention to the situation", intelligent biorobots begin to show respect for a suspicious bot, watching his unusual behavior. Statistics shows that the greatest popularity gained religion in times of persecution. Biorobot understands well that the best way to fight is ignoring.

Personal observations.

I have been able to interact with bioreobot many times. It is not surprising, because their most of the world's population, even in my family they are. I will tell you some interesting cases from life.

I served somehow one state. Contact for a long period of time. In the reception office there was one woman who periodically caused me to update the antivirus, then the viruses are removed, then the cartridges to pick up the refill. And in one such challenge I was sitting and puck in their PC. And this woman spoke with someone in the reception. I almost finished work, I go to the reception to pick up money and saw that it would have hung over the table. That is, it seems to be in sleep mode, because apparently there were no current tasks for execution. It's like a robot to turn off and he will freeze in one pose. The aunt did not sleep. As soon as I turned to her, she immediately "came to life" (as if she was included) And I began to talk to me ... I subsequently noticed this in the behavior of biorobots.

Here is another curious moment. In one private firm near the radio bank, which also served on the technical part, I somehow had a negligence to speak with a girlfriend biorobot to the abstract topics, attracting it to dialogue and reasoning. But as soon as I started to tell her something, as she simply hovered, as if she had connected contacts inside. And then I looked into her eyes. I was so overhaul then then! For in the eyes of the bot I did not see anything, no depth, meaning, space (like real people)... only a cold emptiness, as if I looked into the eyes of an ordinary robot. After that, I stopped communicating with "creative creatures" on the abstract topics, and even more so stopped watching them (although there is another reason in the eyes).

There was another memorable unusual case associated with this topic. I was somehow 77 bus, from our office to call to customers. Despite the large number of people, the bus was free from the back of the Pazika, where I sat down. I thought about my, I decided to close my eyes and relax a little. As a result, I went to the changed state of consciousness. And only I closed my eyes, as I "saw" the buses, which was almost empty, except for me and three or four people. As if all other passengers evaporated somewhere. I opened my eyes - everything is in place again. Closed - again almost an empty lounge of the bus, even the driver was not. And then I realized that in fact in such a state I saw only real people, which are very small, and bioreobot simply did not affect (by virtue of paragraph 1).

By the way, just a couple of months ago, when I was driving in the train to Moscow (standing in Tambour), I decided to spend a small experiment. Chose one biorobot among standing in the vestibule (pretty brutal type) And, tuned to part of his brain (specifically - cerebellum), I began to mentally transfer him quite harmless teams like "Tilt heads", "Honor Nose", "Correct the Solo." And this person really began to fulfill these teams, albeit a little more than a minute with a small delay. I did not really expect a specific result, and therefore was a little surprised when I did everything. Such an experiment subsequently repeated once again and was again the result. Which once again proves paragraph 7.

With bioreobota, you can interact solely for some working moments. Trying to communicate with them, as with real people - is at best a waste of time and strength, and at worst it will just be a nervous.

Cemeteries in China arose literally in the middle of the 20th century. Prior to this territories with burials and shrines, the Chinese simply did not. There is no burial and graves of the Mongoloid race on the territory of modern settlement. That is, there was not even recently there!

They appeared quite recently: four or five generations ago, and instantly multiplied, destroying the former population, from which burial grounds and archaeological monuments remained.

Now create the legend of its existence and myths about "antiquity" to consolidate and right in the territory!

All archaeological surveys by foreigners in China are prohibited after the breakfast of 2003, when the found mummies turned out to be Russian burials, and this firmly established archaeologists and US scientists!

And the "biorobot-clones" of China are Chinese, who, assuring the world in their "ancient" history in tens of thousands of years and incredible intellectual achievements of the past, cannot indicate the places of their burials and cemeteries, burial grounds or other material traces of their stay on the planet. There is an opinion that they disassemble their bioreobots on parts.

About 250 people kill in China daily for illegal bodies. "Approximately 250 people are killed daily in China for their organs. Most of them are prisoners of conscience, no court, there was no sentence in relation to them. They are simply killed to sell their organs and blood to those who can pay for this huge money. They are simply shooting like Lobster in the restaurant, and the authorities are transferred to the rich client, "Kilgur said.

As an example, he led the case associated with transplantological tourism. "One man went to China to acquire the kidney. He arrived in Shanghai, to the most important hospital of the city. They brought him four kidneys, and no one came up. He returned home somewhere for three months, then came to China again, and four more kidneys were brought, one of which came up. We contacted this man, he feels good, but eight people had to die so he get his kidney, "Kilgour told.

David Kilgur, lawyer, David Maytas and Journalist Ethan Gutman, in the summer of this year published a new joint book "Bloody Vintage / Slaughter: Supplement" on the extraction of bodies from prisoners of conscience in China.

In his report, they provided data on hundreds of Chinese hospitals engaged in the extraction of bodies since 2000. For 16 years, China's surgeons conducted 1.5 - 2.5 million transplants, that is, 60,000 - 100,000 transplants per year. And despite the fact that in the country the system of voluntary donation of organs practically does not work, since this is contrary to the traditional ideas of the Chinese in relation to the dead.

"The main conclusion of this new report, which in principle we did before, is the fact that the Communist Party is involved in the large-scale killings of innocent people," said David Maytas at a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington David Maytas on June 22.

The new report consists of well-known centers of transplantology in China, which has more than 700, provides detailed data on the number of beds, surgical personnel, recipients of bodies, postoperative consequences of transfers and others. Waiting time for patients to receive organs is from several hours to several days.

The Chinese military doctor spoke about trade in hospitals. "Yes, I did it, so what? Yes, it was Falun Gong disciples, so what now? ... We did it many times, you have not yet investigated everything, very many times, "says the doctor, according to audio recordings.

The second call was also made in the same hospital, but in the evening, after 12 hours. The tube shot another doctor who also did not hide his crimes. When he was asked how many supporters of Falun Gong, he cut off organs, he stated: "The random number", and repeated this phrase twice.

In the January report, Vorpf for 2016 it says that in the "black transplantology" in China, a minimum of 7402 doctors and 865 medical institutions are involved, and their entire activities are sanctioned by the authorities. In early reports on this issue, the existence of live donors in the PRC has been reported, which is the "Chinese specificity" in the field of transplantology. There is no such anymore and can not be in any country.

Murders are continuing

It was about this that Edgar Casey clearly spoke in his prophecies, when she argued that the leaders and residents of China would have to revise many of their priorities and views on the world. They say, they will have a tendency to consider themselves not an exceptional nation, but part of the general human civilization. In 2017, this will not happen, but the processes will acquire a certain dynamics. We will pay attention to the wording: "consider yourself not an exceptional nation, but part of the general human civilization."

Today, China is a civilization of clones

"In China, the place in the cemetery is more expensive than the apartment." By law, the entire land in China belongs to the state. The plot on the cemetery is rented for 20 years for a one-time payment. The place in the Chanyan Cemetery in Shanghai in the area of \u200b\u200bZia region costs from 50,000 to 80,000 yuan per square meter depending on the quality of the site. For comparison: rental housing for 70 years in the same area to do 10,000 - 20,000 yuan (see

It does not say that the Chinese, having learned from other peoples, began to create a cult of dead ancestors, quite recently, up to this getting rid of the corpses in other ways. And it has to be explored, unbiased scientists.

And so there is a logical riddle or justified assumptions that the ross of China's clones and the surroundings, not having material traces of their human existence and no history and mythologists, originated from nowhere 150 - 200 years ago, staying in the Stone Age. The Chinese lived and existed with the developed Institute of Cannibalism-cannibals, as reported by even the "World History", published under the auspices of UNESCO in the middle 2000.

All this wild life continued by I. Stalin from the USSR and R. Nixon from the USA did not bring China from the Stone Age to the detriment of his peoples and countries, playing criminal geopolitical parties.

On February 14, 1950, an agreement was signed on friendship, union and mutual assistance between the USSR and the PRC for a period of thirty years. And the historic visit of Nixon to China took place in 1979, after which technology and equipment from around the world flowed into the country of biorobots. At the same time, the peoples and the countries themselves donors are donor "Chinese civilization"! Donald Trump is sharply opposed to such a criminal policy, and he will try to exercise and even close the "open" China!

Nixon Tribunal: China attacks US (see

The "ancient" history of China and the surrounding area began to go to the consciousness of the population of the planet, as axiom of paid agents and accomplices of the project "Ancient China", in the era, when there was no Internet yet. And we are enthusiastically and amazementing while together with the authorities and the media on paper a new silk path, only on fake Chinese maps considering the "old silk path".

But on this fabulous route, which is issued for the "ancient" path there are no traces of the stay of the Chinese and the material traces of their "ancient" civilization? These are old Russian trading paths, our very ancient civilization. And there was no possibility to trade with the Chinese, since they simply were not. And as scholars found out, Marco Polo was in Russian land. And then this journey, if it was, transferred to a non-existent China, about this in detail at Academician A. Fomenko and the city of Nosovo.

To confirm its suspicion in the inhuman and other nature of the Chinese, who should stop "considering themselves not the exclusive nation, but part of the general human civilization."

Europe, being in the vice of biorobot and clones from Africa and Asia, dreams of legislatively curb electronic robots.

Before some in Europe has become an obvious danger of admission to their lives on equal robots and human-like creatures. The legislators of the European Parliament dream of limiting only human-like and "reasonable" electronic creatures, giving them the status of an "electronic personality".

It is quite strange, despite that they cannot find a board for millions of individuals, which, under the guise of refugees, fill the EU lands, and many of them, obviously do not belong to any of the types of humans or are biological mutants.

The European Parliament is considering entering the legal rights and responsibilities of robots - carriers of artificial intelligence.

The European Parliament, with the filing of the deputy from Luxembourg Madi Delvo-eR, begins to discuss the draft law, according to which the carriers of artificial intelligence (AI) can be legally endowed with rights and obligations. This electronium contingent includes robots (androids) and other devices that have the opportunity to independently making decisions based on programs and instructions laid down in them.

This bill has already received a positive conclusion of the Committee on European Parliament. The need for its adoption is explained by the technological jerk, which radically changes public relations in countries on all continents.

The author of the draft law predicts in the near future an offensive of the AI \u200b\u200bsuperiority era over human with the receipt of almost humanoid self-awareness robots, and, accordingly, wants to progress the change in legislation in such a way as to oblige robots to follow the universal requirements, standards and regulations.

At the same time, the future law plans to oblige creators and robot manufacturers to establish the possibility of a complete shutdown of IA carriers, in order to avoid making problems.

Madi believes that it is time to create a kind of European institution on AI, which will be explored by the relationship between robots and people.

The author considers it necessary to introduce incorrect programs and instructions in the programmers embedded in the II programmers, due to the execution of which the AI \u200b\u200bcan damage people. The case can reach the fact that manufacturers and owners of IA carriers will be obliged to insure that damage that can potentially cause people robots.

If you throw off the liberal nonsense about the rights and obligations of robots from the bill, then it has the right to life because it raised really important questions. It remains only to wait for the voting of eurreptates, from which the further legal fate of European robots will depend on (see

Until now, with all our technical development, we cannot repeat, reproduce what someone has already been done, for example our body.

It is well known that a person is thinking. This is the main difference.

Alive can be seen immediately, in energy, words and behavior.

I used to distinguish biorobots from normal people on behavior and
Just looking into their eyes (I do not advise!). But the other day I discovered an experienced way another option. You just ask the subject matter: can you stay for a long time alone with yourself in full silence?
- Everything, this is enough! The answer is already becoming clear. Biorobot simply cannot stay with them alone, like real people, because they have no connection with the Creator

Biological fabrics of the biorobot are the same as a real person, it also has intelligence, but its brain is different - it is replaced by an electronic machine.

Biorobot never thinks about the meaning of life and will not look for it.
It can be distinguished from human only on behavior, but it is not easy to do. Here you have to be a subtle psychologist.

How to distinguish a person from biorobot?
Very simple.
Biorobot lives according to the program and almost always acts automatically.
External impact - reaction.
Moreover, the reaction is the same, since the robot is a program in human form, but still the program.

Man has a choice. How to react to the impact.
For example: I came home, and my wife in tears.
There are two options: to get your wife more questions and bring to your hysterics or immediately hug it, listen not to asking, and then when she calms down to say that everything will be fine.
And how does the robot go?
Only by its program ... Biorobot does not feel the emotion of another person.

Well, of course, I do not know the true differences, as I did not participate in their creation, I just want to reflect. Firstly, in essence, we are all bioreobot, we are created (and this is the main thing) in the image and likeness of our creators, I dare to assume that our creators also have a virtual memory (consciousness) Vincherster (subconscious, superconscious).
We have a program is our genecode, well, and a bunch of anybody's boring of the accomplishment of such a proud name Biorobot! As you know, in the 80s, the legendary film Matrix went to the rental. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe film that the race of people created cars, i.e. Such an idea is still visiting and no reason, because the likeness of the computer in our creation is obvious. We have a super technological body, our scientists for a long time in all of our technological development will not be able to reproduce anything like that. Amazes the energy of our body. As you know, all our body works on a simple form of energy - electricity, so everything works in the body and over low voltage. As is known to our brain, (Megasozing creation), consumes only 10 watts of energy, we are very low-energy creatures, today our scientists to create a similar brain need a whole city of power plants and a brain to get a skyscraper.

But even this is not the case, who settles our bodies? After all, the population growth is progressive. Our bodies make themselves similar bodies, and where do the souls come from? Also somewhere there is a conveyor for the production of shower? Reading Lobsang Rampo (and some other writers) in his books noticed a footnote to the fact that the astral world was populated by robots, the robots are presented on all plans. Such entities are not in their will, most likely by order from the main center, embodied in the body on Earth, to settle the body by someone it is necessary, the reproduction is in full swing, so the question is how to distinguish mental robots embodied in bodily cars from human consciousnesses ?

I still think the answer to the surface, the robots are created for work, this time! Robots can not not obey, it is robots, suffering and saying everything and everyone lives on earth and make everything they say, it is robots to build clear strokes - whether it is a business or state. It was at the head of such structures that the same robots have the same robots who are given power and money, it is given that they do not deserve it, who are directed in life, the green light everywhere, as they must fulfill their appointment, it is the robots to unleash wars, they themselves go On barricades, dying there, because the team is coming from above. I think there will be no sensible person who will not fight with another sensible person, no living soul will not obey anyone, and the robots have no choice, nothing depends on them, it seems that there are differences, of course it is briefly, and this is just my reasoning.

A person lives with emotions and experiences, the biorobot of these feelings are not familiar. A person thinks his head, any information is subject to careful analysis, on the basis of which makes his own conclusions. Biorobot completely trusts external sources of information receipt, such as TV, ..

How to distinguish if all people are on the ground borobot. No matter how much we reflect on and do not philosophize our brain, initially we proceed from what we have and nothing more. Even our fantasies and then artificially we are given to us not boring. My theory of creating a bioreobote of other civilizations has already been confirmed by my life experience many times, a person is not homo Sapirens, a person is a controlled object, but sometimes regulated by his instincts, emotions, etc. This is a whole science that is waiting for us if Our creators will certainly want it, it can have enough that people are born and multiply to a certain number of biomass and then we have allegedly sensible creatures suddenly happen and we kill each other to maintain the balance of our number. (???)

A person is a reasonable creature, with emotions and not predictable. And he is a robot robot. Even programmed to different situations, he has emptiness in the eyes, and there are no real sensory emotions. Systemity in all actions.

Any robot has its own program and acting on this program, it performs a minimum of errors or rather, does not make mistakes at all.
A person has the right to make a mistake.

Further, the emotions of the robot can again be programmed as a reaction to some incentive. A person is also possible, but they may not have an external incentive, but internal as the result of internal reflection and reasoning.

I believe that a person is engaged in creativity, has its own opinion that does not depend on politics and news, he reads some traditions, then he is real. And bioreobot, these are people to perform routine and clear tasks.

Yes, biorobots exist to recognize them are not easy but still possible. They are all - they still have a glass view on you, they will never regret a person with soul. And yes, robots are always in power!