What to give to the authorities. What to give to the Director-General

In almost every team, difficulties arise with the choice of a gift for the chef. This is understandable, because the bidder must be selected with particular care. First, it should reflect its status, secondly, it must be original and, thirdly, must correspond to the taste and preferences of the chief.

We have prepared a collection of interesting, fun and creative ideas Gifts, thanks to which you can please the boss and raise his mood for a long time.

What to give the chief for a birthday from the team?

Ideas VIP gifts

Surely, the Chief already has awards for various achievements. Add one more original to his collection! Just imagine how the boss's eyes light up when you give him an exact copy of the Oscar, the Golden Cup or Hollywood Star with his name! Of course, such a present will not leave anyone indifferent, and you can count on the favorable attitude of the chef after such an unusual gift!

Your own, special handle should be every manager. Of course, she should reflect his status and always be next to his owner, because to sign important papers often fall away from the working office. The original registered handle with engraving will be an excellent gift of the chief, his personality will emphasize and will bring practical benefits. The famous pens "Parker" are in constant popularity, which the most influential people of the world leave only positive feedback. But even an inexpensive handle with name engraving will become a wonderful gift to your supervisor, be a man or woman.

Gift books

As you know, the book is the best gift. But not all books are equally good. Your boss is worthy of only the best, so unique books in the gift packaging will take a worthy place in the office or the house of the boss and will scream his leisure. Of course, the boulevard novels or detectives are given to the leaders - this is the top of an inadvertising, but the good classic edition in the leather binding will become an excellent choice. Often you have to pick up the present of the chief that everything has everything, and the gift book in this case will be as if it is impossible!

Press papier

Each leader loves to equip his workplace so that he was comfortable and everything you need at hand. Press papier - the desired attribute on each boss table. Even if there is no big need for its use for direct purpose, the presence of this attribute on the desk is a tribute to fashion, a necessary element of the business situation and just decorating the workplace. Stylish press papier will become an excellent gift to the leader from loving and respected by his team.


Beautiful and original panels will become a worthy decoration of the walls of the working office of your chef. The creative design of the author's gold-plated nominal panel will not leave any person indifferent, and it will always please the eyes, stuck out eyes and bring good luck! The certificate confirms the content of gold, which makes this gift with elite and status.


Desktop watches can often be found in the office cabinets. But your boss has no such stylish and beautiful hours! Completed in the traditional vintage style, they are a real work of art, reflect the style of the owner and its impeccable taste, and the name engraving makes a personal gift. As you know, time is money. Let your chef always know the exact time, because these prestigious hours are never mistaken!

Original gift sets

Gift sets are a universal gift to any leader. Pite or coffee set will delight lovers of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, the set for cheese will become a pleasant surprise for true gourmets, and the set for cooling drinks will be quite by the way on the next "hot" negotiations!

Named sets for wine

Personal sets for wine in a gift box will definitely benefit their owner and delight it with their appearance and excellent performance. This gift will surely like the chief if he likes to enjoy the deep taste of fragrant wines, and engraving will always remind him of a wonderful team that made such a beautiful present!

Sweet gifts

Yes, bosses also love sweets! Gift set of honey in a nominal box will help for a long time to preserve the health and youth of your boss. And if the chef loves to drink coffee in the break, then the set of real delicious Belgian chocolate will become an excellent addition to this meal. The gentle thin taste of elite chocolate will not leave anyone indifferent, but original design Boxes and personal engraving will probably surprise the chef and he will surely praise the creativity of his subordinates!

Inexpensive gift boss for birthday

Personal dishes

You can not always be presented to the boss of the dear Present, but you still need to congratulate and somewhat. Do not be sad, there are many good and inexpensive gifts that can surprise your boss. For example, registered dishes. Practical automotive thermal service, a glass for beer or whiskey with a personal engraving, a gift plate with the name of your boss - all these presents from the budget price category is not worse than elite and expensive.

Funny memory gifts from employees

Unfortunately, not all the bosses are all right with a sense of humor. But if your chef is a merry, who loves unusual things, then boldly give him funny presents, such as an unusual flash drive in the key shape, a cool apron, a nominal lighter or wall clock with his photo - he will definitely appreciate your choice!

For each boss, the attention of the team is very important. Manage it with the help of nominal gifts with engraving, and your boss will shine from joy!

You can buy original chief gifts in this online store:

The bosses are different - men and women, charming and not very, strict and loyal, with a sense of humor and without open and closed. But all of them are people! All of them, as a rule, work a lot and rarely rest. There are in constant stress, since the leading post always assumes a lot of problem, nervous situations. And, despite the fact that many of us rarely experience positive emotions in relation to their leader, there are days in which you need to forget all your resentment on the boss, and just try to make him pleasant. All team. Namely - birthday, or another, memorable day for him! One of the main conditions is to choose a gift to the boss!

Let's begin with that…

It is better to try this day not to be late. After all, as you know, the boss is a man who comes to work on time that day when you are late, and late in those days when you come on time.

Prepare a congratulation and a gift for the boss must, of course, in advance. It will be wonderful if the whole team connects to the process, or most of it. The brainstorming of several light (the brightest, as, for example, Anatoly Efremovich Novoseltsev in the "service novel") of your organization's heads can prevent the mass of surprises to your head. As they say, one head is good, and ten - better!

There are several types of gifts for chiefs of men.

Universal gifts

These are various business accessories: an exclusive handle, a leather purse or a business card holder, etc. Also to this category of gifts include desktop sets, figurines, paintings. When choosing the latter, however, it is still worth considering the individual taste of your boss. Such presents will suit almost any leader, but do not apply to this particular person. They emphasize the status of the head, which will definitely enjoy almost all the supervisors, as they are ambitious and ambitious. Such gifts are more appropriate to prevent official holidays, professional, for example. If you pick a gift for New Year boss, very the best way - present the elegantly packed basket with tea, coffee, wine, chocolate and fruit.

Gifts for soul

If you pick up a gift to the boss on a birthday, it is better, of course, proceed from his personal features and hobbies. For example, if your boss leads an active lifestyle and is engaged in any sport, you can give it a good sports suit (you need, naturally, to know the size), or a tennis racket, or windsurfing board, or skis. If he even has it, with active classes, sports equipment is rapid enough, or the opportunity to introduce someone from home to his passion! The boss who is fond of hunting will certainly appreciate the skillful commercial knife from the famous master. The leader's type is a hidden artist: in the afternoon he is posing you about improving sales, and at night selflessly draws or manifests photographs. Such a person will be very nice to get good brushes or canvases as a gift, or a new mirror camera.

Original gifts

Or, in other words, gifts in which your attitude to the boss is felt. Such a gift is the result of joint, collective creativity. In this sense, a successful gift will be a photo book, or a collection of pleasant memories, which includes all the brightest victories, achieving your company. Such a gift to the director will join pleasant memories and deliver a lot of positive emotions! In the collection you can include not only photos, but also positive customer feedback, thankful letters, letters, awards, etc.

Bouquet of flowers

You can add a bouquet of flowers and a postcard with congratulations to a gift for a male chief with congratulations from the whole team. Maybe it's not quite usually, but men can also be given flowers! Flower compositions should be in a bright color scheme, for example, burgundy green. A suitable option will be roses, gladiolus, exotic flowers. You should not give a man "Spring" flowers (tulips and daffodils), as well as miniature bouquets. Design a bouquet should be using bows, tapes and noble wrapping paper.

What to give a woman to the boss?

With gifts for a business woman, or other female leaders are more complicated, since in this case it is necessary to clearly remember that in front of you - a woman whatever iron it seems.

Conditionally gifts for women managers can be divided into the same categories as gifts for men.

Universal gifts

In this case, it is also possible to name interior items for the office: paintings, photo frames, vases, office fountains. At the same time, it is necessary to study in detail the interior so that all these things are well and tastefully fit into it. Pens, written sets will be quite a decent gift. For ladies it is worth making engraving, they will be much more pleasant to sign the most important documents by their own named handle.

Everyone without exception, women will be pleased if you give this feminine and beauty on this holiday. Excellent gifts in this case will be, jewelry boxes, road kits, etc.

Gifts for soul

The soul of a woman, of course, the riddle, but still some options for gifts can be solved and solved. If you are closer and obstivative! Your boss loves coffee - Boldly give her elegant coffee set and good coffee. It is a connoisseur of antiques - will be delighted with a gift "with history". He loves the comfort - he will enjoy the plaid and handmade covers.

Original greetings and gifts

Such marks of attention The bunch of ladies as representatives of a weak, sensitive gender will appreciate much more of their male colleagues.

Flowers as a gift

And, of course, what holiday for the lady - without flowers? Flowers as a gift to a woman manager can be a different one.

Find out in advance what flowers do your director love, so as not to hear the phrase: "Why did you knee this broom ???".

Although, hardly anyone, besides the heroes of the film, can afford a similar statement. Still, our chiefs are people, as a rule, educated and educated. Anyway, I would love to be so so it was!

What can not be given to the boss?

And a few more advice on what gifts certainly cannot be given to your leader under any circumstances.

  1. Not a cat nor a dog nor a crocodile. Although our top leadership consistently bestows each other with Labradors and Nevskaya masquerade. Probably, the etiquette was poorly studied.
  2. Clock. Bad sign. If it turns out that your head is superstituted - do not see you add to your salary for another ten years.
  3. Personal things are underwear, perfume, swimsuits, cosmetics. Such a gift you violate the subordination.
  4. Jewelry is too expensive a gift that can perceive as a bribe.
  5. Kitchen tools. No matter what good mistress was your boss, it is unlikely that she will take a smile as a gift from the team with a saucepan, wafelnitsa or fryer.

The most beautiful for the whole team on the birthday of the boss would be universal relaxation, removal of this annual tension, weakening subordination. This, of course, does not mean that you can go to your chief walking to your chief and, a friendly slamming on the shoulder, put up: "From the birthday of you, the boss!" Either grabbing your boyfriend or to pull it for the ears for the Osin's waist. Once 50. But it will be great if on this day everyone will create a festive mood and your team led by the boss is aware of what you are doing a common cause! And correctly selected, or the gifts created with your own hands for your boss will help you with this!


Make gifts to perform a truly ancient tradition. At first, this was done only for the sake of high-ranking faces before the Nativity of Christ.

Such a custom wanted to adopt lessly secured people, and so, over time, giving gifts to each other with some kind of granted.

Unusual gifts to Chef

Give someone a gift, you were a full member of society.

In those days, it was believed that a donator donated from his strength, mood and general energy, because the main thing is not a gift, but attention.

And it was very nice if the gift was well decorated.

So let's consider today that you need to give birthday from the team.

Choosing a gift to the chef on the anniversary is a matter that takes time. If you choose a gift to the chief, try to do it from all my heart, good and sincerely.

Give me what makes sense. Many people are idle for hours at the counters, think: what to buy?

But in our XXI century the gift industry is so well developed that it will be easy to choose an unusual and useful gift to the chief.

Tip: Flowers will always be a universal option. If you do not know the chef, but still want to make a pleasant, then give a beautiful bouquet.

Consider the hobby

Tip: Make a gift to the boss for your own hands - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Council is not bad. So, he will also appreciate the love and respect of the collective, and perhaps you even make friends, and the relationship will become closer.

Give emotions

Therefore, try to please your chief with an infectious laugh, excellent mood and original gift. In return, he will give you his excellent attitude and words of gratitude!

Viewed: 979.

Reed Hasanova October 13, 2018, 01:11

Choose gifts to a man-chief for a birthday is always difficult. Even the most stress-resistant colleagues may not cope with this task.

It is enough to choose a present that simultaneously bring the boss and does not break the working subordination. Therefore, to choose a gift you need to approach

What to give the boss on the birthday of himself: the ideas of gifts

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to know well Tastes and chief preferences. There may be problems for those employees who recently came to work in the organization. In this case, you can talk to staff and learn detailed information About the chief. The following options may come as a present:

  1. Personal purse-clutch. Creative gift to the young boss. This thing will be nice not only to receive, but also to give. Purse-clutch is a stylish accessory for every day. It is combined with a business manner or casual wear. For the manufacture of high-quality materials are used. With the outside, any name is applied, and inside there are compartments for cards, bills, documents and smartphones. Purse-clutch is usually made under the order.
  2. Personal handle with flash drive. Good gift for a man leader from a man for a birthday. This useful present may become loyal assistant in business. It is compact, stylish and looks solid. You can order a handle of any color with the engraving name of the chef.
  3. Gift seal "Wise Chief". An excellent option for a liberal leader who has a wonderful sense of humor. The thing does not have a serious practical value. This is quite an inexpensive, but cool souvenir to the office in the Cabinet.

Photo Gift Chef for Birthday: Clutch Purse

Pen with flash drive

Print "Wise Chief"

What to give the boss on the birthday from the team?

The main ticket of the business boss takes place in the office. Employees should consider this factor to find the right present

Also choose neutral options that will delight the boss. Birthday gifts for the chef from the team can be the following:

  1. Tablet diary. Such a present looks stylish and allows a business person to effectively plan his time. Only in this case he will have time to do everything during and will not forget. The basis is a convenient planning system that will help develop the skills of successful time management. The leader of a man for his birthday from the team is necessarily suitable.
  2. Desktop organizer. It stores stationery, documents and gadgets. Most tries to give a man's director inexpensive version of the office organizer, but the boss must be presented only to prestigious modifications. Otherwise, he will have an unfavorable impression of his employees.
  3. Brand handle in a case. Her boldly can be given to the head of a man for a birthday from the team. Stationery is a win-win option. The director will be very pleased to sign the paper and documents with a solid handle. This will emphasize his importance in the organization.

Tablet diary

Desktop Organizer

Ballpoint pen Parker Urban Premium Silvered Powder CT, Parker (price for reference)

Often at the head of the company stands a person aged. Such a leader to pick up a gift is more difficult, especially if the employees are young

They may have some other ideas about the presents that may not coincide with the desires of the head. It is especially difficult to choose the present of the chief on the anniversary, which has everything. In this case, you need to show a little imagination and creativity.

As a gift, the manager on the 40th anniversary can be presented:

  1. Globe bar. Such a present can perform several functions at once. The globe will become an excellent supplement for the office of the head, and if you look inside, you can see a comfortable niche with a minibar and glasses. it original gift Boss for the birthday, which he will definitely appreciate.
  2. Photo printing on canvas. Currently, this gift is gaining great popularity. He can give comfort in the interior and dilute the routine atmosphere. To do this, you need to pick up the best photo of the chief and order his portrait. It is recommended to apply only to proven people who can quickly and qualitatively execute the order. At the same time it is necessary to choose the style of execution in advance. To do this, it is worth repelled from the preferences of the chief. Some like realism, and someone pop art. The head will be exactly surprised by such a gift and happily hang him in his office.

Globe Bar as a gift

On the anniversary of 50 years as a gift is suitable:

  1. Book in the gift publishing. Often, male-chiefs love literature. Most often it is detectives, fantasy or novels. Therefore, you can find out what kind of genre it is my soul, and choose the relevant book. The usual edition will not work, especially as a present on the anniversary. Luxury books are performed from leather binding, have a small circulation and differ in quality of printing.
  2. Casket for watch. In the wardrobe, each solid man has a clock. Resperating director will never buy a cheap accessory or fake. Therefore, storage box must comply with the status of the chef. It is recommended to select an eco-skin version, as it reminds maximum natural material. During the purchase, pay attention to the condition of the fittings and seams.

Casket for watch

You can give a boss for 55 years:

  1. Professional Case for Creativity. Quite often, company executives possess artistic talent. Perhaps they visited classes in art school Or dealt with creativity for yourself. But over time, the views changed, business began, and the early hobbies moved to the background. Therefore, you can pick up a professional artistic case. Usually it includes: oil paints, tassels and a palette. As a supplement it is worth buying a canvas. Such a gift will be unexpected for the boss, but pleasant.
  2. Name Coffee Set.Each coffee lover will confirm that ground coffee, cooked in the Turk, is a delicious drink. However, not every person may have a suitable inventory for its preparation. Usually the coffee kit includes: a mechanical coffee grinder, a spoon on a long handle and a copper turkey with a removable handle. Such sets are made under the order. On a wooden box make engraving name of the chief.

Set for coffee

As a gift, the boss on the anniversary of 60 years will fit:

  1. Figurine in the photo. Such a present is a unique option. To do this, it is necessary to choose a successful photo of the chief, discuss the details and size of the statuette. This thing must be ordered in advance so that it is ready for sure. The boss will be able to put it in his office or at home.
  2. Likebox. Perfectly suitable as a present on the anniversary. Lightboxes are made of any size using various photos. For example, use the family photo of the chief. The most popular option is a mosaic from hundreds of photos. Likeboxes make to order for 1-2 days. The gift will perfectly decorate the interior or office office.

Many people do not know what to give a man-chief for 70 years for his birthday. At that age it is difficult to please and not make a mistake with the presentation

The presents may be the following ideas:

  1. Personal album.The gift is great for storing photos and important entries. The name of the head and congratulatory words is applied to the cover. You can choose the color and style of execution. It can host photos of any size. Employees can already attach a memorable photo in advance so that the boss does not forget about them when he retires.
  2. Gifts for hobbies. Here, employees can be guided by the hobbies of the chief. For example, if he likes fishing, give a fishing rod or an inflatable boat. For a lover of giving, constructs a gazebo or give a rocking chair.


How to make a gift to the boss on his own birthday?

To please the head, you can not only buy a gift, but also prepare it yourself. Basic ideas:

  1. Name cake. In each team there are cooks that can bake the cake to the boss on the birthday. You need to choose a suitable recipe in advance, buy products and develop design dessert. You can clarify everything from my wife's head. She knows exactly the taste preferences of her husband.
  2. Funny birthday poster. The staff placed memorable photos, write congratulatory words, decorate with decor and appliqués.

Pick up a gift for the boss is a difficult task. Especially the situation is more complicated if a man stands at the head of the organization

It is problematic to guess with the present and not mistaken with the choice. It is recommended to give the head-man practical gifts that he can use in work. At the same time, do not forget about business ethics so as not to break the working subordination. The main thing is not to buy cheap souvenirs or stationery, otherwise the manager will have a bad impression of the staff.

The head soon, the anniversary, name day, and you knocked off the legs in search of the present? After all, I want to present him something more than a mug with the inscription "Best Boss"! That's just what? Undoubtedly, a person signing your salary deserves a worthy gift. Therefore, in this article collected 20 best ideasWhat to give a man to the head for a birthday. Learn options, and forward, shopping! But remember, you should not count on gratitude in the form of a bonus. Although miracles still meet!

Calm, only calm - 3 gifts to the boss to 3,000 rubles to remove stress

People holding senior positions are very susceptible to stress. And the nervousness of the chief negatively affects the team! Therefore, a birthday is an excellent reason to hint the boss that he needs to be able to relax.

Option number 1: Portable table tennis. You need to solve conflicts in a game form! Can't find a compromise with the director? Play the party in ping pong is just on the desktop. After all, the retractable grid is adjustable in width. And it can be attached to any surface. A gift can be bought for a day for 2,300 p.

Option number 2: Table slingshot. Dourbatries with a basketball ring have long become a remnant of the past. Where more fun to shoot on them crumpled paper from slingshot! Receipts, old accounts and unnecessary paper may be ordered to clutch the table. Get rid of it (and at the same time from negative emotions) can be in a couple of seconds. It is enough to load a paper ball into the slingshot, aim and let go of the gum. You can buy for 2,800 rubles.

Option number 3: Japanese mini-garden. Nothing soothes the nerves like sand! In psychology, there is a whole direction of therapy based on working with this material. Relax does not prevent your boss. From the whole team, the boss can be given a miniature zen-set. It consists of a container with sand, robble, smooth pebbles and figures. You can buy for 1 800 p.

Technological breakthrough - 4 gadgets that will bring boss delight

The head of the head fell a huge amount of information. Help it competently save it, I do not miss the main thing - a great idea! Birthday Gifts:

  • alarm clock with projector and notes;
  • autonomous password storage;
  • scanner built into the handle.

Important call, meeting or list of mandatory cases? Remember all this will help the projector alarm clock with a built-in notes board.

It is enough to write on the transparent stand information with a felt-tip pen and set the reminder time. At the moment of the alarm, the projector with backlit recording will turn on. Gift can be bought for 1,100 p.

What to give the boss to a man for a birthday? Safe offline password storage! Business maintenance requires registration on a variety of Internet resources. As well as memorizing PIN codes and other important information. Store it in the computer - unsafe. After all, through a network connection, data can be stealing!

Another thing is an autonomous gadget that retains up to 400 passwords consisting of 8 characters. It consists of a keyboard and LCD display and can be stored in the table drawer. The input is sealing and with incorrect Introduction code storage is blocked for 30 minutes. The price of pleasure - 2 750 rubles.

Does your leader's table are leaving with reminders? Help him clean up! You can give a LCD notebook to the Birthday to the head of the collective. This is a tablet that makes it possible to record the necessary information on the screen. And it is easy to remove notes if necessary. After all, its surface is sensitive to pressing the handle.

Compatible with tablets, smartphones, PCs and laptops of all brands. Equipped with Bluetooth. You can buy for 7 000 r.

Let the boss feel like James Bond can be just 5,500 rubles. It is enough to prevent a man to the boss for a birthday handle with a scanner and a built-in flash drive.

An interesting announcement in the newspaper, a list of documents or a sample of filling in state institutions? Instead of carrying it with you, you can now simply bring the handle and save the image. And later - transfer the file to a computer via USB.

What to give a man to the head for a birthday party - the club in interest

The more the present in the interests of the birthday officer, the more valuable. Therefore, before choosing a gift to the man manager, learn his hobbies!

Top 3 presents to an amateur of outdoor activities

Does your leader follow yourself? Is fond of fishing, hunting or sports? Then these ideas will definitely like it!

Option number 1: 3D fish pillow. Ideal for trips, overnight stays in a tent. And it will be the pride of the birthday room.

Option number 2: Lighting for shoes. Jogging in the evenings can be unsafe, because it is easy to stumble on the pit or clinging for the branch. The head of the man can give mini spotlights with clips that are fastened to sneakers. They provide visibility where it is necessary, and make a runner noticeable for passing cars.

Waterproof and shockproof, you can buy for 4,000 rubles.

Option number 3: Travel Jacket. Your boss often flies to other countries? Then he will like clothes designed for flights. There is:

  • branch for tablet;
  • headphone holder;
  • holder for drinks in breast pocket.
  • stylus and handle embedded in Lightning Castle;
  • inflatable pillow inside the collar;
  • gloves built into cuffs;
  • departments for passport, phone, sunglasses.

Everything that may be needed on the journey is easy to get in 1 second. it excellent gift Chief for his birthday!

The jacket is made of water-repellent material and costs 8,800 p.

What will delight king party

Your head is often suitable for gatherings with friends, picnics? Then he will appreciate the following gifts.

Glasses for whiskey with an engraved city map. Go through your favorite streets now easier than a simple! Price - 900 rubles.

Constantly turning over the bottle, trying to get into the glass, everything is more difficult with each toast. It is much easier to install it 1 time and bring wine glasses to brass crane. Such a useful birthday gift to the boss can be bought for 5,500 rubles.

It is enough to connect a smartphone with your favorite music and a party will cease to be quiet. Price - 1 100 rubles.

Cheap gifts for car enthusiast

What can I give the owner of the Iron Horse?

Option number 1: Tactical flashlight. The roads on the road often happen in the dark. Therefore, such an inexpensive gift to the head by a man will definitely be valuable.

Streloboscope mode can disorient the attacker. And the ability to adjust the scale of the light spot will reduce exactly where it is necessary. Price - up to 500 rubles.

Option number 2: Rear or lateral mirrors without blind spots. Male boss can give a panoramic rear view mirror that uses police and professional riders. It allows you to see all 5 lanes and is attached to glue. And the side superstructures greatly facilitate parallel parking. Cost - from 100 rubles.

Presents in the style of OLD School for impeccable appearance and rich content

The appearance of the head, his speech and behavior are very important. After all, a presentable person trust more! The following ideas of gifts man for birthday will help maintain an image at the height:

  • tie Case;
  • set for shoe cleaning;
  • books for self-development.

Dirty shoes can spoil the most positive impression. But the process of cleaning sometimes happens so tedious! Therefore, the supervisor can give an elegant wooden box with a contour footrest. It accommodates several brushes for cleaning and polishing shoes. Price - 2 700 rub.

The book is still the best gift. But only the one that will be useful in business. For example, Biography Warrrena Buffett - investment genius. Or the media magnate Ted Turner. Gift cover will add values \u200b\u200bto the presentation.

2 stunning gifts that your boss will never forget

Get ready to surprise! You have never seen this.

Idea number 1: Bouquet of salami. Flowers for a birthday love not every man. A set of elite varieties of sausages decorated in the form of a bouquet will appreciate anyone. This is the best birthday party to the head personally.

So that the surprise can manage the bouquet can be packaged in a gift box, in which flowers usually send.

Idea number 2: Gift card you need to free from concrete. A boy who loved to blow up the petard, is now an adult man. He was not stuck to loud on his way. What to give a man-director for a birthday? The ability to destroy the shackles with a smile on the face.

Choosing a gift is an important gesture that can say a lot about your attitude to the authorities. Be careful to the trifles, and your present will accurately like the birthday girl. And with the above prompts, the success is guaranteed!