You can handle with bitumen mastics. Waterproofing Wooden Floor: How to Protect Natural Material from Difficult Moisture

There are many materials that are an alternative to natural. But despite this, the floors continue to create out of wood, and not only in wooden houses. This is an explanation: the floor of the tree has a number of unique properties, such as low thermal conductivity, good sound insulation and aesthetic appeal. In addition, this material is environmentally friendly, harmless to humans. However, in order for such a floor to serve as longer as possible, it is necessary to take a number of measures to protect against the harmful effect of high humidity in the room. Waterproofing of wooden floor is required. It does not matter what it is from: from Feds, Chipboard or OSB: Any porous structure absorbs moisture, which subsequently leads to the formation of cracks, warping and reinforcing wood. To prevent it, it is necessary to apply a solid protective layer with an approach to a vertical surface - up to 30 cm. We will describe in more detail, with what and how it is performed.

Floor Waterproofing B. wooden house, as in the built of any other material, can be performed various methods: There is an inlet, impregnating, painting and cast.

The occasional assumes the creation of a solid multi-layer carpet from bitumen, bitumen-polymer or polymeric materials. Before laying the first layer, the base ( concrete slab Overlapping or blackboard from boards) It is necessary to clean, align and handle the primer. In the case of a board or log cerass - antipirens and antiseptic means. After that, the sheets of waterproofing material are stacked. If it is not possible to use a solid cloth - different parts are laid out with an adhesive of at least 100 mm. The joints are definitely sick. The next layer is laying on top of the mastic, which is handled by a previously laid material. The type of mastic is selected depending on the waterproofer used.

Equile waterproofing floor with a material with a foil surface

After such preparation, it is possible to mount the finishing floor of the tree, not forgetting that it is also necessary to process the rear-side protective means. Last Stage - Application protective coating on the facial floor surface.

The painting waterproofing is simpler: for this, it is necessary to apply for a base of several layers of polymer or bitumen varnish. It will fill all cracks and pores, not giving moisture to penetrate the structure of the material. But this method has some disadvantages: when measuring the overlap of the lower level, the protective layer is covered with a grid of cracks. The service life of the paint waterproofing is not large: even under normal operating conditions, it must be updated every 5-7 years.

Painting waterproofing reliably clogs the pores of natural material

The impregnating insulation is to process the draft woods popular for many years with water-repellent substances - tar, olifa or relatively new, created acrylic, silicone or other synthetic binders. The base before applying should be absolutely dry and clean.

Lata waterproofing is the most expensive and difficult for execution. But its effectiveness deserves to think about protecting the wooden floor in this way. The technology of its creation is as follows. To begin with, cleaning and processing of the ground base is performed, after which the laying of the applied or glued rolled material is styled, which is suitable for hydrohoteloisol, rubberoid, etc. Then preparing cement-sandy solutionwhich add liquid glass: the screed is made by this solution. The thickness of the screed is at least 5 cm, while the metal grid is placed for strength in it. After drying, the resulting surface is coated with a waterproofing mixture made on the basis of waterproof cement. Additional strength is a basis of such a base with a special substrate, on top of which the wooden floor is mounted.

Cast waterproofing is the maximum effective way protect wooden floor

It is important for a wooden house.

The house from a bar or logs can be constructed on any foundation, except for the columnar. For the floor device, the horizontal lags are first laid out of a bar. After that, the draft floor is constructed and then clean. In order for the boards to be unusable and served for a long time, it is necessary to envisage the following:

  1. Between concrete (brick) foundation and log (timber) lower Crown Horizontal waterproofing is necessary, which is performed using rolled materials and bitumen mastic.
  2. In places, the lag is also satisfied with waterproofing.
  3. In order for the underground room the condensate (for houses without basement), it is necessary to provide ventilation holes in opposite walls.

It is worth paying attention to the quality of the insulation of the walls of the house from the foundation: the capillary lifting of the liquid on the walls will inevitably cause the spread of dampness to a significant part of the structure of the house, including the floor. More about this - in the next section.

For waterproofing, materials are used in rolls that are fixed with cold and hot mastic

How to protect from moisture foundation

Concrete or brick foundation from the outer side is covered with film and liquid waterproofing materials. On the inside also provides for the waterproofing device. Thanks to this, the basement in the house will remain dry even during spring floods, which means that the source of humidity will disappear, which is a threat wooden semi.

Protection of the foundation from the rifled water is an important condition for good isolation of the wooden floor from the destructive impact of moisture. Protection of the base of the building from groundwater is called anti-Filtration Waterproofing. It is especially important in the case of the presence in the house of the basement, as well as in the case of building a house in the area with high humidity and high levels of groundwater supplying a significant retaining load. There is also such a term as anti-corrosion insulation: it is necessarily provided for the buildings of any type. It happens bent, impregnating, inlet, mounted and plastering: it all depends on the type of material used. Each of these methods effectively protects the foundation from the inside.

Protecting foundation roll Materialsprerequisite To prevent moisture penetration into the structure of the wooden floor

Protection of modern wood flooring

A parquet board and laminate already have a protective layer from the front side. From the bottomside, the manufacturers also use waterproofing, but the end sides of these materials are usually protected less (exceptions are only materials whose locking devices have a silicone coating). Therefore, in order to protect flooringBetween it and the base necessarily laid waterproofing material based on a polyethylene film. Such insulation should be monolithic. In the case of laying it with several strips, it is planned to be latter and additional sealing with the help of tape.

It is necessary to lay a film (a thickness of at least 50 microns) so that its edges at least 100 mm enter the walls. Excess material is neatly clipped after mounting the plinth.

For waterproofing of the wooden floor, a conventional runner or special cereal moisture insulation is suitable

Floor Waterproofing on Lagas

If the design of the house does not allow waterproofing of the horizontal surface, and the floor is mounted directly above the soil, special support columns are built for laying the lag. They can be made of brick, monolithic reinforced concrete or metal pipesconcrete filled with concrete. In order for dampness to be lagged, pieces of rubberoid, polyethylene or toli are stacked on top of these columns. Better - in several layers, while the area of \u200b\u200bsuch isolation should be a larger area of \u200b\u200bcontact between supports and lags.

The end ends of the lag, hiding in the material of the walls, turn on the rubberoid from all sides. Lags are arranged only from well-dried and processed by antiseptic means of BRUSEV. Flooring wooden floors It is performed only with dry weather and positive temperature. Otherwise, it is possible to swell the boards, which will lead to its warping and cracking.

There is a moisture protection barrier between lags and wooden floors

Before laying the floor, processing the boards with polymer or bitumen varnishes. Earlier for this used olive or spent engine oil. However, modern means is more reliable: bituminous varnish, for example, completely covers wood, and during seasonal changes, its volume is also expanding or narrows. Such a means is applied very easily: for this, flush brushes, rollers and pulverizers are used. The waterproof arranged in this way also performs the heat insulating function. In addition, such an impregnation gives the material additional mechanical strength.

So that the wooden floor served as long as possible, take care of its protection against the harmful effects of moisture.

The wooden floor is very beautiful and practical, but needs reliable protection. So that he served as long as possible and preserved an attractive appearanceYou should contact for help from experts: they will select the most acceptable method for processing the material, will work efficiently and quickly.

When it comes to the construction of a private house, the second most important issue after the foundation device and it is the need for insulation of the floor of the first floor from moisture, which can penetrate from the base of the floor. Especially if we consider that the most affordable and comfortable flooring for the floor is a tree - an eco-friendly, beautiful, warm, but highly susceptible to the destructive effects of moisture.

As a result, in a few years the wooden floor of the first floor can start rotting and decompose.

Therefore, the main conditions for its comfort operation are the following:

  • mandatory treatment of the wooden elements themselves with protective compositions;
  • the device of high-quality waterproofing designed to protect the floor from the impact of soil moisture.

Many people believe that it is enough to simply arrange a cement screed, on which the lags are then mounted. And this guarantees the protection of the floor from moisture. Unfortunately, this is not so. And I. cement strainer Perfect moisture practically without harm for yourself. But the tree, not protected additionally, absorbs it as a sponge.

All, without exception, the elements of the wooden floor should be previously treated with moisture protection compositions. They penetrate the structure of the tree, making it immune to the effects of water.

If you bought unprocessed, you will have to independently process it with a special tool. Usually these are complex impregnations that protect the tree not only from moisture, but also from mold, fungus and insects.

They are divided into two types:

  • film-forming - require periodic processing (once every 5 - 6 years);
  • penetrating - form a reliable moisture barrier.

It is better to use the second impregnation option. The composition is applied using a sprayer or just a brush. It penetrates well into the structure of the tree and for two to three hours completely dries. For reliability, it is better to handle several times.

By protecting the floor from the direct impact of moisture, it is equally important to ensure that its design does not even hypothetically have a direct impact on floor elements. To do this, use some constructive methods for preparing the base of the floor.

Even if you build a house on a completely dry area with a deep groundwater running, the base under the house must be conscientious.

Preparation is the mounted three-layer base:

  • The first and the lowest layer is a compacted primer, which is trambed using hand-made traamings or using special equipment.
  • The second layer is the sand laid with a layer of about 10 cm (if the ground on the dry area, if it is pumped, the sand pillow must have a thickness of 20 cm). He is in itself good waterproofing.
  • The last layer of preparation is a cruise pipe made of a layer of 10 cm and thoroughly rammed.

The execution of this preparation creates an obstacle for moisture and does not allow it to rise to higher layers of the future floor design.

Making the layers makes the base of the floor more durable. If the groundwater is located at a depth of 2 m or more, then instead of rubble you can use clayzit, which has good thermal insulation characteristics.

The further order of work depends on which the design of the floor is chosen.

Most often, the first floor floor is performed in one of the following ways:

  • paul on support columns;
  • paul on a concrete base.

Floor Waterproofing Activities Putting

For comprehensive protection of wooden logs and gender:

  • Inside the mounted base of the future house at a distance of 0.8-1.5 m digs are digging. This is the meta location of future columns. At the bottom of each pit, a sand-chicken pillow is arranged. From above it is placed with a polyethylene film, which should go to the surface of the soil at 25 - 30 cm.
  • The support columns are laying out or cast from concrete. After drying out the solution or curing of concrete, they are treated with special waterproofing mastic.
  • The entire surface of the underground is lined with rubberoid so that it can be 20 cm on the walls of the base. Ruberoid sheets are connected by mastic. In the corners, the material is better not to cut, but gently fold into the folds. Thus, something like hermetic capacity is formed in the subfield.
  • The upper cuts of the columns are lubricated with bitumen and glue pieces of rubberoid slices, designed to protect the beams of basement or logs from contact with brick or concrete.

  • On the columns laid overlap beams.
  • Each beam is equipped with two cranial bars designed for styling the draft floor.
  • Mounted black floor. Usually these are low quality boards or even a hill. But it is worth remembering that the review must be purified, and the boards themselves are treated with waterproofing impregnation.
  • Often the surface of the draft floor, especially if it is shriven, is wetted with clay mortar. It is an additional waterproofing layer.
  • In the beams mounted lags.
  • Then the entire draft floor is covered with rubberoid or film so that the joints be overlapped by 10 - 15 cm. The joints are fixed with scotch.
  • If the insulation of the floor is provided, the insulation is placed on the film, which is closed on top with a vapor insulating film fixed on the lags.
  • The lags are mounted from the prepared and treated flooring.

Compliance with the above technology of work allows the triple protection of the floor from moisture: rubberoid on the ground, clay chernovoy Semi, Film and vaporizoation directly under the sex.

If you decide to use a concrete screed as a base of the floor, then you need to act as follows:

  • A rolled waterproofing material is placed on the prepared primer base (most often - rubberoid) so that it goes to the wall of the base by 10 - 15 cm. If the base is wet, then you can put the material in 2 layers - along and across the house.
  • Ruberoid sheets are combined with a heated bituminous mastic, achieving maximum tightness.
  • Under the rubberoid mounted the insulation - extruded PPS or clay.
  • On top of the insulation, the waterproofing layer is again placed - polyethylene film. It is also cast on the walls.
  • Next, the reinforcement grid is mounted and installed lighthouses.
  • On beacons poured and leveled a layer of finishing concrete screed And expect her complete drying.

Sometimes for reliability there are two layers of screed, separated by a layer of waterproofing and. The surface of the screed is strengthened by the strengthening, impregnating and waterproofing compositions that create a strong moisture protection film on the surface. To do this, use asphalt concrete, bitumen, liquid rubber, concrete. After that, you can start by installing wooden structures Floor.

Thus, the protection of the wooden floor from moisture is not only and not so much in the processing of the wood itself, but is a whole complex of events, which guarantees multilayer waterproofing of the future gender.

Tree is beautiful construction materialFrom which many structural elements are manufactured in residential construction.

It is the floors from the tree that testify to the status of a house or apartment, they create warmth, comfort, fit well into the interior, but are subject to adverse effects of high humidity, the damage to pests, resulting in their destruction.

With which means it is possible to protect the wooden floor? We will understand the article.

Material processing methods allowed to highlight such groups of wooden floors:

  • moody floor out massive board (flooring);
  • piece parquet;
  • parquet board;
  • mosaic floor.

In the wooden structural elements of a person attract such qualities as durability, easy mount, environmental friendliness, durability, excellent appearance, interior adaptation.

Elements for the arrangement of parquet, parquet BoardThe mosaic floor is undergoing preliminary antiseptic, moisture protection and fireproof processing. Unlike them, the boardwalk is sometimes susceptible to negative processes, which subsequently destroy it.

How to protect wood from moisture

Ideally, this problem is solved at the stage of the material workpiece. For wood drying in vivo, it will take at least 1 year.

The level of moisture of the tree for use in construction is 15%. Exceeding the threshold threatens to premature the destruction of the floor.

What contributes to the defeat of the floor mold, fungi, and then rot? Excessive moisture and temperature diversion: sharp drops from cold to heat, incorrectly arranged ventilation. It is moisture that causes further formation of rotting wood.

Ways to protect against rotting

Prerefficers of the process of rotting - the formation of mold and fungi on the surface. Fungal organisms not only spoil the appearance of the tree, but also harmful to health can cause allergic reactions.

The protection of the wooden floor from rotting begins in the first hours after the wood harvesting - it is then recommended to carry out the processing of blanks by soaking with the use of the woodcutting agent, which prevents the formation of fungus blue and mold.

To protect the wooden floor from adverse effects, structural and chemical methods are used. Constructive represents the protection provided for by the construction project:

  1. Waterproofing and vaporizolation - for the floor placed indoors. Isolate the constructive from the effect of soil, metal, concrete, stone - on the one hand and from the pair formed in the room - on the other.
  2. Ventilation. Prevents the cluster and stagnation of wet air, contributes to its exchange and maintenance of the necessary humidity in the room.
  3. Special design solutions: Gamestek, drainage systems. In open premises (verandas, terraces, balconies) are used visors, canopies.

The chemicals presented in the market are aimed at combating fungi, rotting - varnishes, paints, antiseptics. This group is water-soluble, organic-soluble, oil substances and antiseptic pastes.

There is a group of flames, created on the basis of liquid glass, which protects the tree from moisture and gives it fire resistance.

Chemicals for protection

To protect the wooden floor from rotting, chemical methods are used: penetrating and film-forming solutions.

Among the penetrating agents, Aidol Langzeit Lasur is isolated - an azure that does not contain biocides made on the basis of alkyd resins with a wide range of tones.

With its help, it is possible not only to finishing surface opening, but also reliably regulate the moisture content of wood - the solution has water-repellent properties, absorbed into the material.

Aidol Langzeit Lasur is used in residential premises, hypoallergenne.

BELINKA INTERIER SAUNA is a film-forming substance based on acrylic resins. It is recommended for use to protect the floor in wet rooms (baths, saunas).

The singularity of the solution - forms a moisture-repellent film on the treated surface. Belinka Interier SAUNA when painting does not change the pattern of the tree structure, in fact, is a varnish.

It is important to protect not only visible parts of the flooring, but also hidden wooden elements - lags, beams. For this, used chemical composition Pinotex IMPRA is a solution to protect the tree from penetrating moisture.

It contains biocides that prevent the formation of mold and blue. It is not recommended to use in residential premises, as well as for constructs under direct sunlight.

Pyrelex-suite vehicle has water-repellent, fire and insecticidal properties.

Coroed - the name of the insect speaks for himself: it feeds on the bark of the tree. If the construction is used with the presence of a cortex (lags, support beams), pests can settle in it.

On the presence of larvae of the beetle-tree make-up semi Sripping Haldows. The pest requires the adoption of urgent measures, since the larvae is capable of turning any wood in a short time into dulk.

Huge harm brings both chaisels-anchival. His feature is omnivorous. Sometimes it is possible to get rid of it only if you burn spoiled wood.

By purchasing building materials, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of strokes formed by larvae.

Modern methods of drying blanks in high-temperature furnaces allow you to perfectly protect the wood from pest defeat.

Prevention measures

BELINKA IMPREGNANT is also a universal means in combating fungal mold and pest insects. It can be used for indoor work.

We present a brief overview of the methods and means of protecting the wooden floor. It is not difficult to do this, and the result of the work will be rejected and your grandchildren who have been inherited cozy house in perfect condition.