Horoscope for November 5 Gemini. Horoscope Family - Gemini

Personal life in the last month of autumn 2017 will cease to calmly follow the planned path. Now you will be surrounded by the vortices of passion. In November, the stars foreshadow you an interesting time when bright and memorable events will occur in personal life.

Mars in the House of Love twins is full of energy and desire, so you are not easy for you to restrain love gusts. If someone attracts your romantic interest, you will be ready to conquer and seduce. Lonely twins have good chances to start a new love relationship. It is quite possible, you will get acquainted with a very attractive person, whom you immediately want to call your second half.

The position of the planet of love Venus in the twin sector hints at the possibility of a service novel. If this happens, you need to pay attention to the fact that the amournables do not interfere with the qualitative performance of working duties.

In the last decade of November 2017, the Sun reaches the Gemini partner houses, which speaks of significant events in relationships. Perhaps your beloved or spouse will achieve success, it will have a positive effect on you.

As for marital relations, some of you have the impression that in marriage you deserve more. A discrepanated Saturn in the Tenets partner house calls for measuring their requests with reality. Give your spouse more tenderness and warmth so that the feelings flourished again.

Horoscope Career and Finance Gemini for November 2017

The month marks the beginning of a period of change in the professional sphere. All that you have long been postponed for a long time, loudly declared itself in November 2017 and will make you begin immediate actions.

You are waiting for an active time in terms of work and career, because through the work of the twins pass the Transit of Venus, the Sun and Jupiter. This is a successful combination of planetary influences, indicating an attempt to change the order of things in accordance with its needs and aspirations.

However, not everything goes smoothly, since the impact of Neptune in your career house is manifested. You will come across traps, errors in judgments and confusing circumstances caused by aspects of the above-mentioned planets with neptune. But it is possible to achieve a lot - clearly requires clarity and caution. Even if you do not get fast results this month, then lay the basis for further career development.

For finance, the period is successful. With support for Venus and Jupiter, you can count on decent payment of your work and even for additional amounts of money. But keep in mind that in the first half of the month you need more carefully in cash, since deception is not excluded.


It is expected that the state of health throughout November 2017 will not deliver concern. Neither stress, nor headaches nor any problems that occur due to fatigue will not be felt. A favorable period for contacts with the medical world. If you contact your doctors, the correct diagnosis will be made, effective methods of treatment are selected.

Clearly distinguish your true friends from false, who only harm their advice!


Grass, as you know, greener where we are not. Today, temptation to move to that very terrain with such green vegetation can be so big that in the evening you can wake up on the plane, next to New Zealand.


Do not expect too much from this day. Especially in the plan of love and all that concerns your beloved person. Most likely, disappointments in this area are not avoided today, so the stars advise to prepare for the worst, and if this is the worst comes, it will be a very pleasant surprise for you!


Today you have to make a difficult choice, which will fundamentally change your attitude towards your professional activity or place of work. However, perhaps tomorrow it will change in the opposite direction and is as rapidly, but no one has reported to you before.


On this day, feel free to apply for additional advice to the doctor or for clarifying the knowledgeable people: it will help you avoid unpleasant consequences and protect yourself from diseases.

Gemini, try to dedicate to today's home affairs - it's not so scary as it seems. And with the skillful organization of the process, it is possible to get the pleasure of getting - the relatives are looking forward to the instructions. But do not overstrave and find the time for entertainment - for example, in the evening you will meet a warm company of friends and fans.

Twins. Weekly horoscope from 12/26/2017 to 01/01/2017

Gemini, all week you will not give rest the main question: where to celebrate the New Year. The promising plans will be canceled, new, no less interesting will come to their place, you will be waiting simultaneously in several places, and here there are also a long-time acquaintance that you have not seen years will remind yourself of yourself. And only your ingenuity will allow you to find a successful compromise for all this Bedlama. On Thursday, the lunar month will begin, which will bring an important event that makes it beyond and in the root changing your life. Singing change, you will not be your New Year's Eve. Stars recommend going to New Year abroad: there you will relax, feeling that the troubles and anxieties remained far at home. Or maybe it is abroad that you are waiting for changes that will change your life?

Twins. Financial horoscope for 12/26/2017 to 01/01/2017

Gemini, you will discuss the topic of money all week and solve financial issues with other people, negotiate, discharge to expound, distribute and collect debts. You need to dying your affairs with tax and regular payments, so as not to go to the new year with debts. In the first half of the week you will be vigorously engaged in some one, the most important thing - obviously related to preparing for the holiday. In the middle of the week you will find that I forgot about old debt, or find out about the delay in the desired financial document. Check, if you have everything in order with accounts, best on Wednesday, all missions will become quickly noticeable. At the weekend you will be pleased with gifts not only from relatives and loved ones, but also from people from afar.

Twins. Love horoscope from 03/03/2019 to 03/18/2019

Gemini, perhaps more than others, prevents retrograde Mercury, and they are trying to create a holiday with all their forces, including in their personal life. But, as it often happens, you will pay more attention to the external shine, and after a short time your relationship look like the burnt marriage.

Twins. Love Compatibility from 02/22/2016 to 02/28/2016

Gemini, the basis of your novel will be friendship and common interests. And what kind of element appreciates friendly mutual understanding almost above love? Who wants to see in a partner not only a loved one, but also a good interlocutor? Who is important to be boring in the relationship? Of course, this is your element, air element. Choose twin partners, scales or aquarius to find the perfect "half". If you are already a member of such relationships, it's time to refresh feelings, searching for common interests. Go together to courses or visit an interesting excursion so that you have new topics for conversations!

The week will begin with a growing moon, astrologists recommend not to succumb to panic and bustle. It should be carefully planted free time and try to use it with maximum benefit, a favorable time for traveling and implementing risky plans. November 4 - Full Moon, this day is worth spending in the company of close people and try not to take close to the heart of trouble.

Horoscope for the week from October 30 to November 05, 2017 for all signs of the zodiac:

Horoscope Aries for a week from 30 to 5 November 2017

Born under this sign of the zodiac should be as cautious as possible when handling cutting and stitching objects, is high, the likelihood of obtaining domestic injury. Surrounded by Aries there are people who know too much about them, try to minimize communication with such personalities. This week is favorable for training, you can safely sign up for courses and attend additional classes. Do not forget about the personal front, if you really want, you can even independently organize yourself a date.

Horoscope Taurus for a week from 30 to 5 November 2017

The psychological and physical condition of the tanks will be at a mark at least on Monday. You will feel empty, chronic diseases can be aggravated. Representatives of this sign of the zodiac will make an important conclusion for themselves, in this life stage they are difficult to conduct a dialogue with people. You will begin to doubt the love of your partner, you will feel that something important is hidden from you, but the lover is unlikely to withdraw the beloved conversation. Do not dwell on emotions and feelings, everything will definitely clear up, but a little later. The second half of the week will delight with new acquaintances, do not miss the opportunity to carry out the process of resolving financial issues.

Horoscope Gemini for the week from 30 to 5 November 2017

You rarely take care of your health, the prevention of infectious viral diseases should be done. The weakened twin organism can cause apathy, poor mood and even attacks of aggression and anger. Try to spend more time to rest and sleep, postponing parties and meetings with friends. It will not be possible to control the level of health, it will rapidly fall. The second half of the week will delight interesting events on a personal front, a romantic date is just what you need.

Horoscope Cancer for a week from 30 to 5 November 2017

Cancers became closely following their partner, it constantly seems that he hides something. You need to learn how to keep your emotions under control, jealousy can destroy any relationship. This depressing feeling has not yet made anyone happy, so it is so important to think about everything and place in its place. A favorable time for homework, you can safely arrange repairs or general cleaning. At work, it will be possible to defeat the ruins, and the boss will surely pay you for the manifestation of enthusiasm.

Horoscope Lev for a week from 30 to 5 November 2017

Representatives of this sign of the zodiac love to be initiated, even in those moments when it is completely inappropriate. It is necessary to learn to listen to the opinion of parents and other family members in solving controversial issues. The second half of the week will delight you with romantic dating, and there will be time to reflect on the topic of relationships. You should not immediately rush into the omute of love feelings with your head, take a look at the chosen one and only then make your own conclusions.

Virgo horoscope for a week from 30 to 5 November 2017

There is an incredible amount of information around you, only here is one "but": most of it is false and it clearly distorts reality. Try not to make any important decisions this week, you should carefully check all the facts and this applies primarily to the people who surround you. In the middle of the week, you will want to shout on someone, express everything that boiled on the soul, but it is worthwhile to behave the most restrained and the way out of itself.

Horoscope scales for the week from 30 to 5 November 2017

In the second half of the week you will feel that Fortuna is on your side and want to experience good luck. Try to be extremely careful with the online casino, the stars advise to refrain at this time from any gambling. Scales love clock to talk with a loved one, tell him about all his emotions and experiences. The most important thing is not to discuss finance and the larger shopping. A partner may not appreciate your gust and it will end the scandal. Week favorably for traveling for the city, you can at the weekend to get together with friends and arrange the evening of meetings and memories.

Horoscope Scorpio for the week from 30 to 5 November 2017

The zodiac born under this sign was accustomed to accept impulsive solutions, they are constantly ahead of the rest of the world. Stop rich in close people, this behavior is in habit, but it characterizes you from a bad side. You constantly want to flush your aggression, so it is worth finding a way to do it better. Sign up for boxing, drums or yoga - and feel much better. Scorpions can not learn how to save, it's time to start controlling your income and expenses.

Horoscope Sagittarius for a week from 30 to 5 November 2017

Do you have so much desires and catastrophically lacking time to implement them? Sagittarius constantly experience discomfort if there is some external factor that does not allow to act freely. Any restriction can make you turn back and abandon your dreams. The archers need the most motivation that will behave, but until they still cannot detect it. It is not worth it in such moments to closes and consciously wasolate from society, it is better to talk to a friend in souls and tell everything. You will definitely become easier, and you will be able to achieve the desired one.

Horoscope Capricorn for a week from 30 to 5 November 2017

You are waiting for disappointment in the other you trusted. It is necessary to overestimate the relationships that have developed and decide for themselves how to act further. Usually due to financial issues, hasty conclusions have to do and then it is hardly possible to establish contact. Remember that you can always fix it all and turn back time, just talk to a person. Refrain in the second half of the week from far-sighted plans and, even more so no psychological analysis should be.

Horoscope Aquarius for a week from 30 to 5 November 2017

Do not take important solutions that concern the career ladder. You have and so strained relationships with the boss and these days there may be quite unpleasant conflict situations. It is better not to fantasize and do not invent anything, then you will definitely succeed to succeed, even if small, but confident steps. Friends and like-minded people are ready to provide all questions in solving any questions, do not refuse her. Trust your intuition, she does not advise exactly bad and does not lead to trouble.

Horoscope Fish for the week from 30 to 5 November 2017

This week, you are better not to go to pass exams and credits, difficulties may arise with the understanding of the material. It is better to postpone this important mission for a more favorable period. At work, you will find a long-awaited encouragement and a boss. On the other hand, if you have long dreamed of changing the work, but still did not decide to do this - you should go on her searches. Fish lacks confidence in themselves, and they do not know where they draw it. It's time to find a source of inspiration that allows you to roll the mountains.

The energy of these days contributes to the accumulation, fertility, love, joy. As of November 5, 2017, he says that this is the best day for celebrations, marriage. In business - a very favorable day. Suitable for construction, business meetings, commerce. Behavior is activated, the speed of the reaction and the speed of thought increases.

Horoscope on November 5, 2017 Aries

In the first half of the day, the Aries will be characterized inertia. Activity, mobility, free communication may interfere with their own laziness or a number of external circumstances. Any events, including trips, searches, joint stocks and the beginning of the negotiations, it is recommended to postpone until the second half of the day. It is not worthwhile to hurry with final decisions, categorical judgments, buying info products, a choice of route: During the day, something will change, the calculations will need to be verified, information in confirmation.

Horoscope for November 5, 2017 Taurus

Taurus can survive the period of disorientation. The likelihood of losing clear benchmarks is higher if you lean in everything on another person, count on solid agreements, trust the usual information source. Today, it is not worth blindly believe in someone else's words, neither in advance to suspect others in deliberate deception: it is possible that the interlocutor himself is at the crossroads and is not going to mislead you at all. It is recommended to postpone with any choice, with optional spending.

Horoscope for November 5, 2017 Gemini

Twins today can make a lack of confidence or in a partner. During the day, your opinions and intentions will repeatedly change, miscalculations, illusions, are not excluded. The second half of the day will create good conditions for activity, but the result will largely depend on the information component. It is not necessary to take important stocks, to enter into a dialogue or to start cooperation until you received confirmation of rumors, did not see the transparency of the situation and honesty of other people's motives.

Horoscope on November 5, 2017 cancer

Morning for most cancers comfortable. Perhaps idyllic attitude, not excluded laziness, complete passivity, the future can be drawn in rainbow paints. This is a good time to relax. In the second half of the day you can be drawn in other people's affairs, or to inspire a stranger example. Stars caution from copying samples, if it is not related to learning and "pen break", and for important it is advised to choose another time. Expanding the horizons, it is worthwhile to beware of spiritual delusions and temptations.

Horoscope on November 5, 2017 lion

For Lviv, the period of adaptation and clarification of the course continues. It is useful to consider events from different sides, finding new facets in them. For all the multivariates of the future, none of the familiar scenarios may not approach the current situation, and you will have to seek a fundamentally different way for an effective solution to your task. The weak point of any plans will be safety. Thinking about the future, you should not sacrifice the present. For communication, parties, dates, light adventures are good afternoon.

Horoscope on November 5, 2017 Virgo

Deev should not take key irreversible actions. The course of events pushes to the next change of the course, it may be necessary to correct the habits, views or a circle of communication. Also excluded the permutation of roles in everyday life, in family and related relations. It is possible to change the route or location. In the afternoon, the risk of error increases, even the result of competent and timely action may be ambiguous. It is useful to have a friendly helper, financial and technical support.

Horoscope on November 5, 2017 Scales

In the morning weighing should be restrained. It is advisable to make the right choice in financial matters. It is better not to postpone the decision of the current economic tasks, minor purchases and mutual settlements. In the afternoon, long-awaited inspiration and the field for individual activity will appear, while you can apply your energy to business and romantic purposes. Your actions will be intuitive if you are spontaneous, you will not start to build too difficult strategies and routes.

Horoscope on November 5, 2017 Scorpio

Scorpions on this day more questions than answers. Attention can require the level of knowledge or income, the order of mutual settlements, security, resource management style. Not too clear can be the alignment of roles in personal life. Stars suggest that everything changes for the better for you, but they advise not to hurry. It makes sense to refrain from promises, recognition, statements, conclusions of contracts, paperwork. It is not recommended to organize communities, head them or adjust them.

Horoscope on November 5, 2017 Sagittarius

It is not worthwhile to rush with new acquaintances, a performance before the audience and voicing their ideas, with the publication of books, diaries, research results. If you were asked a question or made a proposal, it is better to take time on thinking. Today, many statements are premature, you may not be ready for dialogue or are not informed enough. Cooperation, a date, a visit to the event is more effective in the afternoon, provided that approvals and explanations are not required.

Horoscope on November 5, 2017 Capricorn

The beginning of the day Capricorn should be held in calm mode. It is better not to succumb to the temptation to continue the conversation to no longer relevant theme. Hurry up with the discussion of new ideas is also not worth it until you specify your own goals and plans. The second half of the day will add useful information and will give food to reflections, but any information and calculations will not interfere with the risen. The picky approach will require data related to health, career, study, long-distance travel, remote contacts.

Horoscope on November 5, 2017 Aquarius

In the first half of the day, water will restrain much. You may have to stay at home, additionally reflect on the burning theme. If you went to a dead end or bored, it is worth waiting for the second half of the day: by this time you will have fresh witty thoughts and options for interesting pastime, can get a new original circulation of a business idea or event scenario. It is possible that you will go on a visit, get a chance to freely go to your personal life or hobby.

Horoscope on November 5, 2017 fish

For fish, the most favorable first half of the day. At this time, it is unlikely to want to hurry somewhere and change something. Many fish will be comfortable in a state of uncertainty, will delight the presence of an alternative, the possibility of combining different interests. The second half of the day will make attention to the home environment, make you more sensitive to the atmosphere in the family or a group of like-minded people. It is not necessary to ignore the emerging questions and suspicions, in a hurry to use untested data.