How to do what you want to do. Doing what you want is the only way to live life right Life guidelines, or Why we act in one way or another

Today, a completely crazy article about the dangers of yoga hangs in the top. Something like "how yoga can destroy your body." I do not even want to give a link to it, so as not to contribute to its popularity. The author of the article states that all yogis do not shine with health, and that during classes you can get a lot of injuries. And that, they say, some people were crippled. In my opinion, you can just as well write about how harmful it is to ride a bike or ski - that's where you can oh-oh-oh how to break.

Here at first I wanted to write what we yogis are, in fact, cool, cheerful, look young and even shine with health :)) But then I thought that if you read me, then you probably already know this :))

Personally, I have been doing yoga for seven years, and I feel much healthier, more alert and more energetic than seven years ago. I am sincerely surprised by people who say that, they say, at the age of thirty, health is not the same, because my health is very even that, and it cannot be compared with the health of the age somewhere from 25 to 30, when I was leading, frankly, not the healthiest way of life.

I would like to talk about why yoga does cause injuries, and how to avoid them. Of course, the best thing is to study with a good teacher. By the way, fitness centers do not necessarily have bad instructors. I know that many of my Teacher's students teach in fitness clubs.

The main thing is to understand that yoga is not physical education, and asanas are not gymnastics.

I have already written about this many times, so I advise you to read:
- ;
- conversation with the teacher: .

From personal experience and the advice of the Teacher, I would make the following rules of safe yoga:

  • always tune in before class, meditate for at least five minutes. You need to leave and forget all the troubles, worries, plans, events of the day and set yourself up for the fact that at the moment there is nothing but practice. Ideally, the entire session should be done in a state of meditation;

  • always do a warm-up;

  • always be present in the asana, i.e. not to hover somewhere in thoughts, but to focus on the sensations in the body;

  • at the same time, it is necessary to observe the body, as it were, from the outside, relaxed, without getting emotionally involved, to be in the state of an "observer", and even calmly observe emotions from the side;

  • enter into slopes, deflections and twists gradually, smoothly, without sudden movements;

  • do not overtighten, never bring yourself to a sharp pain, stretching pain should be light and pleasant;

  • if unpleasant pain nevertheless arises, immediately leave the asana, stretch your hands, rub the sore spot, track emotions, return to the asana very carefully;

  • do not do complex asanas, headstands / handstands, complex twists, lotuses, splits, etc. without a good preliminary warm-up and study of the joints; in general, if you are not confident in yourself, it is better not to do difficult things at home, practice in the hall, under the supervision of a teacher;

  • never look at others, never compare yourself with others and never try to "catch up" with a more flexible neighbor; do not chase results at all, in yoga the main thing is the process, and the result will come by itself; be grateful to your body for what it already knows;

  • choose the optimal time spent in the asana. On the one hand, the body needs about 30 seconds to get used to and adjust. On the other hand, the longer we stand in the asana, the more effective it is, and the less, the safer. At first, one should avoid staying in one asana for a long time;

  • without fanaticism! You need to enter yoga gradually, in a measured rhythm, why - again, it is told in a post about
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There is a certain percentage of site visitors who are faced with a paradox where they really want to do meditation at a distance, but do not. Those. they read the experiences of meditation practitioners, read my recommendations and descriptions, they are very interested in this, but to their own surprise - they are still in place, they still haven’t done a single meditation, although they really want to do it, while such For some, the conflict lasts for weeks or even many months.

If you follow these simple steps, you will very soon be engaged in meditation and it will become for you as natural and simple as breathing.

There are five steps in total. The fifth step is the meditation itself. Those. if you set aside one day for each step, then in four days you will begin to practice meditation.

Step one

step two

Now, when it's time for meditation, for example at 22.00, you sit comfortably, for example, in an armchair and just sit. You don't need to do anything from my descriptions of meditations. You just sit for 30 minutes and that's it. If you want to think about something about yourself, if you don’t want to think, you can close your eyes or not close them, you can move in your chair, for example, move your arms, legs, etc.

Step Three

Repeat step two, but now sit completely still, do not move or move. Try not to think about anything, not to enter into any internal dialogues. You just need to try to do it, i.e. it may occur, but you are constantly trying, again and again, to cut off any dialogues and thoughts. As before, you do not need to do anything according to the description of meditation. You just sit there doing nothing and that's it.

Many people go through their lives without even knowing what exactly they want to do. They go to jobs they hate, do projects they hate, and report to the person they hate with all their heart. And they don't even think that things could be different. After all, we have one life, and it is clearly not worth wasting it on disgusting work. Decided to change everything right now? This is excellent, but then you will face the problem of any person. What do you really want to do? It seems that yesterday you understood this very well, but today you are confused. If you can not decide, then we will help you find your destination. Just follow our advice and you will be able to find the best activity for you.

Think about yourself

Have a healthy selfishness. Do not try to help everyone at once, but take care of yourself. How do you decide what is interesting for you in life if you are constantly preoccupied with other people's problems? Forget about those around you for a while. Ask yourself: if you were now completely alone, without friends and family, without a job you hate, and you were not limited in your choice, then what exactly would you like to do. Don't be afraid to be selfish. If you do not put your interests above the public, then no one will.

Don't regret anything

Don't be ashamed to be selfish. This is your life. It is time for you to choose a path that will please you, and not your environment. Don't regret anything. If you constantly regret what you did or didn’t do in the past, then you are just standing still. Don't live in the past. Live for today. Live your future.

Think about what you need the most

We do not always understand what we really need in life. And it's extremely difficult to find out. Just sit down and think about it. What is important to you? A family? Freedom of expression? Financial well-being? You can make a priority list if that helps.

Determine what's bothering you

It is really sensible to decide what you want to do, you can only if nothing will hold you back. If you are upset about something or your head is full of things, then you will never be able to choose sensibly. Plus, find out what exactly annoys you at the moment. Needless to say, office work pisses you off. Think about what aspect of your work gives you concern. Are you annoyed by your boss? What is your schedule? Your position? Or all at once? Now think about how you can change that? Perhaps you are satisfied with the current situation, and changing only a couple of its aspects will make you the happiest person.

Now find out what makes you happy

Pleasure is the key to a happy life. If you enjoy life, then you are not just living your years, but filling them with meaning. Pick a couple of moments in your life when you were truly happy. What gave you pleasure? Travels? Communication with children? Campaign management? When you understand what really makes you happy, it will be easier for you to choose your future path.

Tell everyone around you about your dream

There is no need to hide from family and friends that you have decided to drop everything and go towards your dream. Tell your friends and family about everything. If you share your thoughts, then they will definitely support you in your endeavors and help you as much as possible. You will also get many interesting ideas. After all, one head is good, but two is better.

Get in a good mood

Life does not always go according to the script we have written. There is no need to fall into apathy if something did not work out for you. Instead of mourning and doing nothing, get up and continue with a vengeance. Not immediately, but success will come to you. This is just a small delay, not a complete failure. Do not give up. Just think positive and do what you have dreamed of all your life.

Just don't think that finding your destination is so easy. Many people have been looking for it all their lives. The main thing is not to stop and keep looking. One day, the muse will come down to you and help you find your life's work. Until then, keep trying. Try it without feeling sorry for yourself. Try different professions and occupations. After all, if you don't try it, you'll never know if it's for you or not.

Do you think you have found the perfect job for you?

Each of us at least once, but was engaged in the creation of something very important on the Internet. And when you started doing something, you probably thought about whether you should play on the computer. When you, for example, create a paid book or when you write an article.

A lot of things depend on this choice in your business. In this article, I want to express my opinion to you, but it is up to you to decide whether you should wind it on your mustache.

Of course, you can work for a whole month on creating your first electronic product and do nothing else. This is what newcomers usually do, but in the end it usually turns out that the newcomer will release his book much later than his competitors.

Then the question arises, “Why did I try so hard and write my book much later than my fellow competitor?”, After all, I wrote a book all day long, did not play, did not watch films, and why were my competitors ahead of me?

This happens very often for all beginners and it happens for experienced ones too;)

And if you think carefully and look back, then the mistake can be found in you. Usually you always have to look for the error in yourself.

Of course, you are not a robot and every person needs a rest, and if you only work, then this will definitely not lead to good things. Usually, after 3-5 hours of work in front of the computer, your pace of work begins to slow down a lot, and you are already starting to do something that is not at all what your brain needs.

For example, when I chose such a kind of right path, as it seemed to me then, I seemed to work normally at first, I even thought that everything in these books was complete crap and if I didn’t rest, I would do much more than everyone else and even overtake them.

But then a terrible thing happened to me, I just couldn’t do anything at all, I was so lazy to work.

Then I decided to take a break from this business and, of course, I did not rest near the computer. Then, when it seemed to me after a week that I had already had enough rest, I decided to do business and at the same time watch movies and play on the computer.

Of course, you don’t need to get carried away with it and have fun every 3 minutes :)

And now, finally, I want to prove to you that everything I have said above really works in practice, and I will take myself as an example.

Previously, I had only one project that was updated once a week, and I did not write a single article, did not publish a magazine, and could not properly promote the site, since I did not have time for this at all ...

And now, I already have about 10 projects, a good newsletter with author's content, articles and audio-video lessons. The site is updated personally by me once a day, and I publish a magazine. Yes, plus all this, the site has excellent traffic, the site is in the top ten in Yandex.

And believe me, this is not a complete list of the benefits that I get from combining the useful with the pleasant. Well, how you do it is up to you!