Minimum wage. Minimum wage (minimum wage) How much is 1 minimum wage in

The abbreviation MRO stands for minimum wage and is used in the modern economy for many purposes. Consider the dynamics of the minimum wage, as well as the features of the indicator.

What is it and why is it necessary

The minimum wage is the minimum wage set by federal level. He can pay for a certain period of time- hour, day, week, month, year.

It is the amount that is established that the employer undertakes to pay his employee, no less (or more). This bar can be established legally and informally.

Although this indicator is used in most countries of the world, there is no unequivocal opinion regarding the benefits and harms of its use.

There is multiple tasks, for the solution of which the minimum wage indicator is used:

  • optimal regulation of labor remuneration;
  • the possibility of determining the amount of benefits for a temporary process of disability;
  • settlement activities for the payment of benefits related to pregnancy and childbirth;
  • compulsory social insurance.

Regulations and planned innovations

The regulations for one order or another are established in the Labor Code, article 133. According to the current provisions of the law, the monthly payment for the work of an employee who has fully worked out this period, cannot be lower than the minimum wage.

The establishment of the optimal indicator is carried out within the framework of federal legislation. If we talk about the data for 2015, then this parameter was 5965 rubles, and from next year it increased by 250 rubles. In 2017, this criterion increased even more. In 2018, in January, the minimum wage was 9489 rubles, from May 1 - 11,163 rubles.

According to part 1 of Art. 133 , the national minimum wage cannot be smaller value than the living wage.

If the employer pays employees wages that do not exceed the minimum wage, then in the future this threatens with administrative responsibility.

Minimum wage in Russia

Consider a table that reflects the growth dynamics of the indicator by year - from 2008 to 2018.

Annual period for setting the minimum wageThe value of the minimum wage, rubles
Since 2009, since January 14330
Since 2011, since June 14611
Since 2013, since January 15205
Since 2014, since January 15564
Since 2015, since January 15965
Since 2016, since January 16204
Since 2016, since July 17500
Since 2017, since July 17800
Since 2018, since January 19489
Since 2018, since May 111 163

Based on the tabular data, it can be concluded that last years observed active growth rates this indicator . The closer to 2017-2018, the more the minimum wage increases. Practice counts several occasions, at which the recalculation of this value was observed 2 times a year, in particular - in 2016, 2018, and also changes occurred twice a year in 2001, 2005.

How much is from the living wage

In Russia, there is a law according to which the minimum wage must be no less than the subsistence level. In 2018, in this regard, there was the equation, and the quantities have the same value.

Since the beginning of 2018, the minimum wage has been 85% of the subsistence level and equaled the amount of 9,489 rubles. As of May The minimum wage was equal to the living wage.

Federal minimum wage

In general, on the territory of Russia it is established two indicators- for settlement activities on wages and for calculating penalties, penalties, benefits.

For payroll

From January 2002 to early 2010, the minimum wage indicator was used to regulation of wages and determination of the dimensional values ​​of various benefits.

Until 2002, this criterion was also used to solve other problems. For example, to accurately determine the amount of benefits for temporary disability, to compensate for harm at work, occupational diseases and other injuries. In order to solve these problems, since 2018, the indicator has been used in 11 163 rubles.

In many Russian regions, to determine the payment for labor actions, it is also used regional minimum wage. That is, it turns out that the legislators of certain regions have the right to establish their size wages.

There is multiple parties, by which the optimal minimum wage is determined:

  • the government, which is responsible for the economy of a particular subject, in its role can be a locality, region, region or region;
  • associations related to employers, these can be unions of artisans, industrial workers, entrepreneurs;
  • trade union federation.

After the reservations of all agreements, employers are offered to join the new rules.

For fines, taxes, penalties

If it is necessary to determine precisely these quantities, then earlier for this purpose it was practiced to use base amount. Its size has undergone numerous changes since 2001 and has remained equal to 100 rubles.

But at present, the dependence of the penalty amount on the minimum payment amount is established by law, which regulates these amounts in fixed amounts. For example, fines for offenses of an administrative or criminal nature are not considered in terms of the minimum wage, but are expressed in the form specific amount.

It turns out that currently penalties and other sanctions, according to general requirements Russian legislation, are subject to calculation in fixed amounts and are not related to the minimum wage. In connection with this reason, the base amount, which was previously used in the process of calculating and calculating penalty values, is currently considered irrelevant.

But today, the minimum wage is relevant in the course of determining the minimum wage rates and calculating the amounts of social benefits due.

Minimum wage in major regions

If we consider the data for 2018, then in almost all regions there is a level of 11,163 rubles. Some are higher.

85 regions of Russia have established a minimum wage.

Living wage and consumer basket

The subsistence minimum is the minimum income, which is the amount necessary to ensure and maintain the average standard of living in the country. This indicator represents approximate cost of a consumer basket.

The cost of living is calculated separately for each region. Also, its definition is made for various categories of the population - pensioners, children, able-bodied citizens.

approximate estimated list of commodity items, which characterizes the typical structure of the annual consumption of one person. Also, this value can be calculated for the whole family.

It is advisable to use this set for settlement operations on the minimum consumer budget (living wage). This is a kind of base for comparing the calculated and real consumer levels.

If we consider the structural composition of the annual consumer basket, then an able-bodied person includes next annual set of products:

  • potatoes - 100.4 kg;
  • bread products (bread and pasta in terms of cereals, flour, legumes) - 126.5 kg;
  • vegetables and melons - 114.6 kg;
  • fresh fruit - 60 kg;
  • meat products and semi-finished products - 58.6 kg;
  • fish products - 18.5 kg;
  • milk and dairy products - 290 kg;
  • vegetable oil, margarine and other fats - 11 kg;
  • eggs - 210 pcs;
  • other products (salt, tea, spices) - 4.9 kg.

In addition, it is worth considering also non-food items, which include half the amount spent on food. In addition, it is worth considering utility bills with other services, which are conditionally taken as a norm of 50% of the value of the food basket.

Responsibility for paying salaries below the minimum wage

If an employer pays an employee a wage below the subsistence level, he is liable certain responsibility.

  1. Administrative- in this case we are talking on a fine in the amount of 1000 to 5000 rubles. For legal entities these figures increase and range from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. It is possible to suspend commercial work for 3 months.
  2. Criminal. It implies the need to pay a fine in the amount of 100,000 to 500,000 rubles. or deprivation of the right to hold leadership positions for 3 years. In some cases, punishment includes imprisonment.

Thus, the minimum wage plays important role in the life of the country and regions. A competent approach to its calculation guarantees the people good level life.

Important news about the minimum wage. In 2017, the level of the minimum wage will be indexed in July, and not in January. At the same time, the increase is provided for by only 4%, instead of the promised 17.33% of the last set value of 7.5 thousand rubles.

What happened?

At the end of December 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law of December 19, 2016 N 460-FZ"On Amendments to Article 1 federal law"On the minimum wage", aimed at increasing the minimum wage. The government proposed to increase the minimum wage (minimum wage) from July 1, 2017 by 4% to 7,800 rubles. As a result, there was no traditional increase in the minimum wage from January 1, 2017. Nor will it increase by 17.33%, announced before the elections in September. Then the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian government for the social bloc Olga Golodets told reporters that the budget for 2017 already included new level SMIC.

It turned out that there is no money for such excesses in the budget and an increase in the minimum wage is possible only by the level of actual inflation at the end of 2016, namely by 4%, and only in the summer. It is possible that such a decision is also related to concern for entrepreneurs, since with an increase in the minimum wage from January 1 by 17.33%, the amount of insurance premiums for them would immediately increase by 42%. The increase in the minimum wage in July 2016 was reflected in the amount of insurance premiums only in 2017, when contributions “for themselves” amounted to about 28 thousand rubles a year instead of 23 thousand rubles that entrepreneurs paid in 2016. True, the Ministry of Finance has already taken care of this and developed a bill to freeze the minimum wage for these purposes for two years.

When considered by the profile committee of the State Duma, the deputies noted that:

An increase of 300 rubles is better. Although initially the Ministry insisted on indexation in the amount of 5.2%. But the budget situation is difficult. In addition, in 2016 we managed to take a serious step by increasing the minimum wage by almost 21%.

The new law concerns about 890 thousand people, of which 72% are employed in the public sector.

The minimum wage and its importance for the economy

The minimum wage is established by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of. Amendments are made to the law, which are approved by the State Duma and the Federation Council, and then signed by the President of Russia. Usually, the change in the minimum wage occurs once a year, however, in 2016 this figure was changed twice:

  • From January 1, 2016, the minimum wage amounted to 6 thousand 204 rubles
  • From July 1, 2016, the minimum wage amounted to 7,500 rubles.
It would seem that the authorities are acting for the benefit of citizens, because wages cannot be paid below the minimum wage. However, for businesses, such an increase may not be affordable. The fact is that in addition to the federal minimum wage, there are regional ones, and most of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when controlling the level of wages, are guided precisely by them. The federal minimum wage is used to calculate various social benefits and payments, as well as to determine the level of security Russian citizens. In addition, on the basis of the federal minimum wage, fixed insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs are calculated in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 N 212-FZ "On insurance premiums to the Pension Fund Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund". An increase in the minimum wage automatically entails an increase in the amount of the "for oneself" contribution, which all registered individual entrepreneurs are required to pay.

The increase in the minimum wage in July 2017 will not affect the amount of insurance premiums, since the legislation provides for only a one-time recalculation during the calendar year. About this entrepreneurs earlier

Not only individual entrepreneurs, but also many citizens of the Russian Federation are trying to carefully monitor various changes in Russian legislation. One of the important issues is the minimum wage. And far from an idle question is whether this indicator will be indexed next year? What will be the size of the minimum wage from January 1, 2017 in Russia? How will the minimum wage affect wages and benefits?

All these issues are very relevant, because the minimum wage affects not only wages, taxes, but also various payments, such as unemployment benefits and sick leave. In our article, we will consider the size of the minimum wage from January 1, 2017 in Russia and how this will affect payments and benefits to citizens.

Minimum wage from January 1, 2017 in the Russian Federation

The size of the minimum wage from January 1, 2017 in the Russian Federation will not be increased. MPs State Duma did not begin to increase the size of the minimum wage from January 1 next year. At the same time, most accountants are used to the fact that the increase in the minimum wage occurs at the beginning of the year.

From January 1, 2016, the minimum wage was increased, and its value, in accordance with Article 1 of the Federal Law of December 14, 2015 No. 376-FZ, amounted to 6204 rubles. In 2017, from January 1, there will be no increase in the minimum wage.

The previous increase in the minimum wage, in accordance with Article 1 of Federal Law No. 164-FZ dated June 2, 2016, to 7,500 rubles took place in July 2016. This led to changes in the amount of benefits.

From January 1, 2017, due to the fact that the minimum wage remains at the level of 7,500 rubles, the amount of benefits will not change.

Minimum wage from January 1, 2017 and wages

In accordance with Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the minimum wage is the minimum wage that an individual entrepreneur or organization must pay to employees for the full month they have worked. At the same time, the employee may receive an amount less than the minimum wage (for example, due to the deduction of alimony or personal income tax).

Thus, starting from January 1, 2017, the employer will not be able to pay the employee less than 7,500 rubles.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the total salary cannot be less than the minimum wage, which includes:

  • remuneration for work;
  • compensation payments (including surcharges and allowances);
  • incentive payments (bonuses).

That is, from January 1, 2017, the total amount of the above payments cannot be less than the minimum wage - 7,500 rubles.

Minimum wage from January 1, 2017 and benefits

To calculate the amount of benefits from January 1, 2017, the minimum wage in the amount of 7,500 rubles should be taken into account. It affects the amount of benefits in two situations:

1. The length of service of an employee in an enterprise or organization is less than six months.

2. The employee's salary is below the minimum wage.

Minimum wage from January 1, 2017 and regional authorities

From January 1, 2017, local authorities in the regions have the right to set their own minimum wage in a special agreement. Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a rule indicating that the size of the regional minimum wage may be higher than the federal one.

The regional minimum wage can be waived. To do this, it is necessary to draw up a reasoned refusal and send it to the local branch of the Committee on Labor and Employment.

Responsibility of the employer for wages below the minimum wage

Note that if from January 1, 2017 the employee's salary is less than the minimum wage - 7500 rubles, then the employer may be held liable in the form of fines. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the following fines:

  • for an organization (with primary detection) - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles;
  • for an organization (with secondary detection) - from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles;
  • for the director or chief accountant of the organization (in case of initial detection) - a warning or a fine from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • for the director or chief accountant of the organization (in case of secondary detection) - a fine from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles.

According to the norms of Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the director or chief accountant of an enterprise may be disqualified for a period of one to three years.

Increase in the minimum wage from July 1, 2017

The increase in the minimum wage is planned from July 1, 2017. The minimum wage should increase by 300 rubles, and its size will be 7,800 rubles. The relevant bill provides for the indexation of the minimum wage by 4%. This is due to inflation forecasts in 2017.

Will there be an increase in the minimum wage in 2017? How much will the minimum wage increase from July 1, 2017? Let's bring latest news on the increase in the minimum wage in 2017.

Growth continues

At the beginning of 2017, many Russians were interested in the question - will the minimum wage be increased in 2017? This question was justified, since from January 1, 2017, the minimum wage was not increased. At the beginning of 2017, the minimum wage remained at the amount that was determined from October 1, 2017 - 7,500 rubles. Cm. " ".

Throughout 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation was arguing about the indexation of social benefits. The main task facing the social and economic departments of the Government was to regulate the correspondence between the minimum wage and the inflationary situation.

The Ministry of Labor and the entire social block were on the side of Russian citizens, but one can also understand the difficulties that arose before the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance has repeatedly refused to index the minimum wage and pensions due to lack of budgetary funds. However, at the beginning of 2017, the decision was nevertheless made. From July 1, 2017, the minimum wage has been increased by 300 rubles to the amount of 7,800 rubles. This is provided for by Article 1 of the Federal Law of December 19, 2016 N 460-FZ.

Features of promotion for employers

The main feature of the minimum wage for work is that the employer cannot pay the employee less than the minimum wage.

It is worth noting the fact that the minimum wage exists not only in Russia. All states that signed international convention number 131 (in 1970) are required to monitor the minimum wages for workers.

On the other hand, the minimum wage is criticized by a huge army of specialists around the world - professionals in the field of economic development. The most important disadvantage, in their opinion, is Negative influence The minimum wage to the employment market and, as a result, the upcoming increase in unemployment. However, everyone has their own opinion. Like it or not, in 2017 the minimum wage was increased by 300 rubles. Further in the table you can see how the minimum wage increased from 2006 to 2017.

Raising the minimum wage
Period Minimum wage, rub.
From July 1, 20177800
From July 1, 20167500
From January 1, 20166204
From January 1, 20155965
From January 1, 20145554
From January 1, 20135205
From June 1, 20114611
From January 1, 20094330
From September 1, 20072300
From May 1, 20061100

Increase by region

The regional minimum wage may differ from the federal (nationwide). Throughout the country, the minimum wage from July 1, 2017 in Russia will be increased. This means that the size of the regional minimum wage from the specified date also cannot be less than 7800 rubles. To establish a regional minimum wage, the regions sign a tripartite agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation, the Administration of the subject of the Russian Federation and the association of employers. If employers do not refuse to join such an agreement, they will not be entitled to pay employees between than the established minimum wage at the regional level.

From May 1, 2018, the minimum wage will be 11,163 rubles (+17.6%), i.e. will be equal to the federal living wage for working people. Vladimir Putin stated this at a meeting with the workers of the Tver Carriage Works.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on raising the minimum wage (minimum wage). According to him, the minimum wage from July 1, 2017 will be increased by 4%, from 7500 rubles. up to 7800 rub. per month.

Table of the regional minimum wage in 2017 for the subjects of Russia. More precisely, this is called the Minimum Wage in the Regions (MW). Not all regions have raised the minimum wage above the federal level.

In fact, the salary of an employee, given out on hand, may be lower than the minimum wage of the region, since the minimum wage is calculated from the accrued salary, i.e. before withholding income tax. Accordingly, with an accrued salary of 1 minimum wage (7,800 rubles), the amount of payment to the employee in hand is reduced by the amount of personal income tax. Also, the calculation of the sick leave may not be lower than the calculation based on the local minimum wage.

date ofminimum wage% change
from 07/01/20177800 4%
from 01.07.20167500 20,89%
from 01.01.20166204 4%
from 01.01.20155965 6,6%
from 01.01.20145554 r.6,71%
from 01.01.20135205 r.12,88%
from 06/01/20114611 6,49%
from 01.01.20094330 88,26%
from 01.09.20072300 109,09%
from 01.05.20061100 37,50%
from 01.09.2005800 11,11%
from 01.01.2005720 20%
from 01.10.2003600 33,33%
since 01.05.2002450 50%
from 01.07.2001300 50%
from 01.01.2001200 51,23%
from 01.07.2000132 -
Yearinflation rate
2016 11%(forecast)
2015 12,9%
2014 11.4%
2013 6,7%
2012 7,0%
2011 6,1%
2010 8,8%
2009 8,8%
2008 13,3%
2007 11,9%
2006 9,0%
2005 10,9%
2004 11,7%
2003 12,0%
2002 15,1%
2001 18,6%
2000 20,2%

Rice. Dynamics of inflation in Russia 2000-2016

You can find out about the size of the minimum wage and its changes in 2016 in the article