How many Russian citizens died due to the war in Syria. How many Russian citizens killed because of the war in Syria sick and zurkan after captivity

The authorities of Ecuador were deprived of Julian Assange asylum in the London embassy. The founder of WikiLeaks was detained by the British police, and this was already named the largest betrayal in the history of Ecuador. What do Assange be merged and what awaits him?

The programmer and journalist from Australia Julian Assange gained broad fame after in 2010 the WikiLeaks website founded the secret documents of the US Department of State, as well as materials concerning hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But to know who the police officers, supporting under his arms, was taken out of the building, it was quite difficult. Assange released the beard and was not at all looked like an energetic man, as still appeared in the photos.

According to Ecuadorian President Lenin, Moreno, the Asiange refuge, due to the repeated violation of the international conventions.

It is expected that in the police station in the center of London, it will stay until it appears in the Westminster Magistrate Court.

Why president of Ecuador accused of betrayal

Former President of Ecuador Rafael Correa called the decision of the current government to be the largest betrayal in the history of the country. "The fact that he is (Moreno - approx. Ed.) Made, is a crime that mankind will never forget," said Correa.

London, on the contrary, thanked Moreno. In the British Foreign Ministry believe that justice triumphed. Representative of the Russian diplomatic department of Maria Zakharova Other opinion. "The hand of" democracy "squeezes the throat of freedom," she noted. The Kremlin expressed the hope that the rights of the arrested will be observed.

Ecuador covered Assange because ex-president He adhered to left-center views, criticized US policies and welcomed the publication of Wikileaks secret documents on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even before the Internet activist needed asylum, he managed to personally meet Correa: he took his interview for the Russian TV channel.

However, in 2017, power in Ecuador changed, the country took a course for rapprochement from the United States. New President Named Assange "Stone in the boot" and immediately made it clear that his stay on the territory of the embassy would not delay.

According to Correa, the moment of truth has arrived at the end of June last year, when Vice-President of the United States, Michael Pens, arrived in Ecuador. Then everyone decided. "You can not doubt: Lenin is just a hypocrite. He has already agreed with the Americans about the fate of Assange. And now it tries to make us swallow the pill, saying that Ecuador is allegedly continuing the dialogue," said Koryaa in an interview with Russia Today.

How Assange has profited new enemies

Day before arrest chief Editor WikiLeaks Christine Khufnsson said that a total surveillance was carried out for Assange. "Wikileaks revealed a large-scale spy operation against Julian Assange at the Ecuador Embassy," he said. According to him, around Assange, the cameras and voice recorders were monitored, and the administrations of Donald Trump were transferred received.

Saverasson clarified that Assange was going to expel the week before. This did not happen only because Wikileaks announced this information. The plans of the Ecuador authorities of the portal reported a high-ranking source, but the head of Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry José Valencia denied rumors.

The expulsion of Assange was preceded by a corruption scandal around Moreno. In February, WikiLeaks published the Package Pacham Ina Papers, where the operations of the Ina Investment offshore company, founded by a brother Ecuadorian leader, was traced. Quito stated that this is a conspiracy of Assange with the Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro and the former head of Ecuador Raphael Korraaa in order to overthrow Moreno.

In early April, Moreno complained about the behavior of Assange in the London Mission of Ecuador. "We have to protect the life of Mr. Assange, but he has already moved all the boundaries in the sense of violation of the agreement to which we came with him," the president said. "This does not mean that he cannot speak freely, but he cannot lie and do hacking. ". At the same time, in February last year, it became known that Assange in the embassy was deprived of the opportunity to interact with the outside world, in particular, he was disabled access to the Internet.

Why Sweden stopped persecution of Assange

At the end of last year, Western media, referring to sources, reported that Assange was charged with the United States. Officially, this was not confirmed, however, because of the position of Washington, Assange had to hide in the Ecuador embassy six years ago.

Sweden in May 2017 ceased to investigate two rape cases in which the founder of the portal was accused. Assange demanded compensation of court costs in the amount of 900 thousand euros.

Earlier, in 2015, the Swedish prosecutor's office also took three charges with him over the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Where led to the investigation of the case of rape

Assange arrived in Sweden in the summer of 2010, hoping to protect against the American authorities. But he fell under the investigation of rape case. In November 2010, a warrant was issued in Stockholm for his arrest, Assange was announced to international wanted list. He was detained in London, but they soon released secured in 240 thousand pounds.

In February 2011, the British court decided to extradite Assange to Sweden, after which a number of appeals were successful for the founder of WikiLeaks.

British authorities placed him house arrest Before deciding on extradition to Sweden. Violation of this authority promise, Assange asked asylum at the Ecuador Embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich was granted to him. Since then, the United Kingdom has its own claims to the founder of WikiLeaks.

What awaits Assange now

According to the police, the man was re-arrested at the request of the United States on extradition for the publication of classified documents. At the same time, the deputy head of the British Foreign Ministry Alan Duncan stated that Assange would not shift to the United States, if he was to threaten the death penalty.

In the UK, Assange, most likely, will appear before the court in the afternoon of April 11. This is stated on the WikiLeaks page in Twitter. Probably, the British authorities will seek the maximum term of concluding in 12 months, the mother said with a reference to his lawyer.

At the same time, the Prosecutor's Office of Sweden is considering the possibility of renewing an investigation on rape charges. Lawyer Elizabeth Massey Fritz, which represented the interests of the victim, will achieve it.

Turkey's sun began operations in Syrian Idlib.

"On October 8, the Turkish Armed Forces began intelligence work to create observation points as part of the operation, which should be held in the province of Idlib," the statement said.

This step complies with the rules of interaction agreed within the framework of the Astana process.

The United States supports the efforts of the Turkish side to combat terrorism, as well as steps to protect government borders. This was stated by the representative of the American defense department of Eric Pakhon, commenting on the decision of Ankara to start military operation in the Syrian province of Idlib, reports Russian Dialogue.

The representative of Pentagon noted that the North-West of the Syrian Arab Republic became a stronghold for Al-Qaida terrorists (prohibited in the Russian Federation), whose actions are dangerous for the entire region.

The American side stressed that it does not intend to change its position in relation to the grouping "Jebhat An-Nusra" (prohibited in the Russian Federation) - Washington considers the organization of the Syrian wing Al-Qaida and recognizes its terrorist.

The Syrian army again accuses the United States in the supply of weapons to terrorists, RIA Novosti reports. As the chief of the main operational department of the Syrian army, General Ali Al-Ali, said during the demonstration of the weapons captured from militants, from June 5 to September 15, Washington was putting 1421 militants with military property and weapons.

Demonstrating the weapon captured by the militants, Al-Ali said that it was intended to fight terrorists, but in the end he fell into the hands of Militants IG and Jebhat An-Nusra (terrorist organizations prohibited in Russia).

According to the general, weapons are bought to radicals in Syria, which buy American defense companies Chemring and Orbital ATK in the state program of the Pentagon Assistance to the US Allies.

As Al-Ali explained, this weapon is delivered to the Middle East by the sea. It enters Syria through the border areas, which the troops of the Syrian army do not control.

Ali Al-Ali also noted that in Eastern Gut and in the eastern quarters of Damascus there are irrefutable evidence that terrorists use foreign weapons and ammunition.

The general stressed that fragments of foreign-made ammunition with serial numbers were found. The militants can regularly fill the residential districts of Damascus and its suburbs regularly.

It is noted that when clearing the Sahur-2 quarter in the eastern regions of Aleppo, the military found and neutralized 193 ammunition, among them grenades to the Grenade Grenade M203 and 60-millimeter mines produced by the United States.

The Syrian military has repeatedly stated that part of the weapon, which the United States transfers opposition, turns out to be in the hands of militants. In August, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Syria stated that the poisoning substances found on the warehouses left by militants were delivered to terrorists from the United States and the United Kingdom.

Investigation: How did the international coalition gave to terrorists in Syria weapons?

The Pentagon denied the information that the United States supply weapons to the militants of the Islamic state (IG, the organization is prohibited in the Russian Federation) and other radical groups, and not the so-called moderate opposition. The statement of the Ministry of Defense of Syria correspondent TASS commented on the official representative of the American defense department of Eric Pekhon.

"Without a doubt, these statements are ridiculous and not correspond to reality," he noted.

Pekhon claims that such information "is a propaganda campaign of Russia and the regime in order to discredit the United States and the successful combat of the coalition against the IG in Syria." According to the representative of the Ministry of Defense, the US Armed Forces "exercise its tasks in Syria on the basis of the fight against terrorism." "They will continue to advise and help partners while IG" remains a threat, concluded Pekhon.

"The video is visible to the Roman Zabolotny - trying to talk with a militant, says he has information about weapons. Grigory Tsurkana sits back to the cockpit, with a bandage in his eyes. Also, Roman says that they went to headquarters with information, were not in Deir-Ez-zorma, "the Conflict Intelligence Team reports.

Within the framework of the implementation of the Memorandum on the creation of deseculation zones in SAR, monitoring the monitoring of the cease-fire regime continued.

The situation in deseclalation zones is estimated as stable.

The Russian part of the representative office recorded 8 cases of firing in the provinces: Aleppo - 3, Homs - 3, Damascus - 1, Dara - 1.

The Turkish part of the representative office recorded 1 violation in the province of Damascus.

During the day, the Center for the Reconciliation of the Armuring Parties in SAR held one medical humanitarian action in the Mugamba Military Hospital, Aleppo, was assisted by 71 soldiers of SAR SAR.

A total of humanitarian actions were carried out - 1640, the total weight of the humanitarian cargo delivered - 2221.3 tons.

Medical assistance during the day was provided - 126 residents.

In total, medical care turned out to be 59055 inhabitants.

During the day, 4 agreements on joining the cessation of hostilities were signed.

The number of settlements that joined the reconciliation process increased to 2248.

The number of armed formations that declared their commitment to the adoption and fulfillment of the cessation of combat operations has not changed - 234.

The heads of the foreign policy of Russia and the United States Sergei Lavrov and Rex Tillerson held telephone negotiations, within which the course of the implementation of the Minsk arrangements was discussed, as well as the functioning of the declarations created in Syria, declares the press service of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

The Russian Foreign Minister during the conversation pointed out the need to strictly comply with the principle of territorial integrity of Syria in combating terrorist groups in the country.

Idlib. The long-range artillery of Turkey from the province of Hatay fits the positions of Islamist militants in Syrian Idlib, where one of the declaration zones in Syria should be created. Artillery strikes, which began on Sunday, October 8, are applied to support the ground operation in the Idlib of the Prothet's militants of the "Free Syrian Army" (CSA), transfers the Associated Press agency.

The militants "Hayat Tahrir Ash-Sham" (HTS) beat off the city of Armanaz (Armanaz) in the north of the province at the Akhrar Al-Sham group.

Also "Hayat Tahrir Ash-Sham" called on to support the offensive of the "Turkestan Islamic Party" grouping (Tip).

Grouping "Ansar Al-Furqan" announced a war of Turkey and CSA (FSA).

Propertile aviation attacked militants in the city of Khan Sheikhun.

Hama.The militants of the Ahrar Al-Sham group have released 40 rockets of the RSZO "Grad" towards the air base of the city of Hama as returning for the attacks of the Syrian Air Force in Idlib and Aleppo provinces.

According to government sources, the rockets fell on the farm, not affiliates before the aircraft.

The major grouping of militants ig, broke out of the boiler, whose complete stripping information was premature, and, passing through the SAA position, attacked HTS militants, capturing settlements: Abu Lafa (Abu Lafa), Al-Yumlan (Al-Jumlan), Yub- Al Tabkalia (Shakushiya), Shakushia (Shakushiya), Hasrat (Hasrat), Ras Al-Ahmar (Rasm Al-Ahmar), Sarha (Sarha), Wadi Curb (Wadi Zarla), Sarha Shamaliya, al Mostari (Al Mostariha), Murjajib Um Al-Fawr, Nafila (Nafila), located in the eastern part of the province. Also captured a missile base of grouping HTS.

HTS militants accused of Russia and Assad, which allowed the militants to go through the SAA positions, for HTS attack.

In the village of Abu Dali (Abu Daleh), Igilovtsy robes and shops of local residents, some of which are kidnapped by jihadists.

Video militants from Abu Dali.

Damascus.Jordan officially announced that the borderline NISIB will begin work in early 2018.

Cunter.The 42nd team of the 4th mechanized SAA division is derived from the eastern suburb of Damascus - Jobar and deployed in the district of the Golan Heights.

Hasaka.Video. Residents of the village of Tal Jazeera described the horror of life in the so-called Islamic state.

Deir-Ez-Zor. There are battles west and south of Al-Meridine. Government forces are taken under the control of Al-Matar Al-Mahjur, Makef Al-Ghanam, Promzone and several quarters on the western outskirts of the city, according to Sana.

The 4th mechanized division and the 5th legion of Saa was released by the city of Hatla-El-Sharkia (Hatla Al-Sharqiyah), located near the oil fields al-Umar.

The Syrian army reached the Siaiasius bridge (Siyasiyah).

Government troops resumed offensive operations along the Sukhnaya Track - Deir-Ez-Zor, attacking the militants IG near N.P. Al-Shule (Al-Shoulah).

Video: The work of car demining sappers.

A number of sources report that the Militants of the IG move heavy weapons and tanks from the contact line with SDF in the direction of the front with the Syrian army.

SDF took N.P. Tsguyr Kabira (Zughayr Kabira), Huwayj Diyab, Abu Gamin (Abu Ghaminah) and Mukhaimida (Muhaymidah).

Coalition Aviation At the city of Abu Kamale destroyed the tactical unit and the IG vehicle.

Day earlier: the city of Abu Kamale destroyed the tactical unit and the IG car; The city of Deir-Ez-Zor destroyed the commander IG.

Rakka. Special Representative of the United States in the coalition to combat Igil Brett McGerk (Brett McGurk), stated in his tweet that the battle for the Rakka fits the final phase. Coalition Aviaudas For the last 48 hours prepare the ground for the onset of SDF for the remaining strengthening of the militants IG.

On social networks, a possible IG from SDF is discussed regarding the delivery of the city of Rakka and the movement of the remaining Igilovsev to the fronts with government troops. According to sources, negotiations on the safe leaving of the militant militants, go through the mediation of tribal leaders.

Coalition Aviation At the city of Rakka destroyed two tactical divisions, 15 combat positions, 11 vehicles, IED vehicle, machine gun and four Command points ig.

In the afternoon, four tactical units, 50 combat positions, a tactical vehicle, six vehicles, the UKU and four Command Points of IG were destroyed in Rakka.

According to official data of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, in two years in Syria during the fighting, 44 military were killed. According to data voiced in the media, it can be a minimum of five hundred victims. This is not counting two plane crash, which took the lives of another 131 people. On March 6, at the airfield of Hmeimim in Syria, an an-26 cargo aircraft crashed at the landing. All those who were on board 39 people were killed, including 27 officers. The preliminary reason for the Ministry of Defense called the technical fault. The department stressed: the aircraft was not shot down. At the same time, the participants of the Syrian group "Jake Al-Islam" stated that the fall of the An-26 aircraft was the result of the attack.

Directly died during a plane crash in Syria Military not called victims military operation. But together with such "random" the deceased, the expense is already on hundreds ... analyzed the official and unofficial reports of the death of Russians. How many people paid to their lives in the name of the fight against terrorists - in one understandable infographics.

This is how the official and unofficial statistics of the Russian Federation inheritance in Syria of the Russian Federation are officially the participation of Russia's armed forces in combat actions on the side of the Government of Syria in the late September 2015, and ended in December 2017, looks like this. Despite the fact that most of the soldiers have already left the Middle Eastern country, the Russians continue to die. According to official data of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, from September 30, 2015, 44 servicemen were killed in Syria as a result of combat operations. In addition, one nebanie loss was recorded - in October 2015, the agency officially confirmed the death of a contract serviceman Vadim Kostenko, who had committed to Himmim's airbase.

Last to date, the pilot of the Russian attack aircraft SU-25 Roman Filipov became died directly during hostilities. His aircraft was struck by a shot of a portable anti-aircraft missile complex. Filipov, who managed to catapult, was eventually forced to undermine himself with a grenade, so as not to get pronounced militants. At the same time, the Reuters Agency reported that only in 2017 131 Russian died in Syria - all of them mercenaries. At the same time, the Ministry of Defense of Russia denies that private military units operate in Syria. In February, during the United States coalition air strike, Syria died in various data from several tens to several hundred Russians. Among them are volunteers from the Urals who previously fought in the Donbas. In an interview with, Ataman Stanitsa Svyato-Nikolaevskaya in Asbest (two volunteers who died during the air strike, Oleg Surin said that only during the US airline 217 Russians died. Bloomberg and The New York Times reported 200 victims among volunteers. The Ministry of Defense stated that none of the citizens of the Russian Federation did not die.

In the Russian Foreign Ministry clarified that Russians and citizens of the CIS were killed at the air strike, but they were not military personnel. From the official report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: - In Syria, there are Russian citizens who went there in their will and with different goals. Not the case of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to estimate the eligibility and legality of such solutions. The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharov also reported that it could be about five Russians. Two more people - Roman Zabolotny and Grigory Tsurykanov - captured the militants for the Islamic State forbidden in Russia in Syria in October 2017. Both men eventually executed. For victims of military operations can be attributed not only to the aircraft crash with the participation of An-26. In December 2016, Tu-154 broke in Sochi, which was heading to Syria. On board were 92 people - including the artists of the Aleksandrov song and dance ensemble, journalists, executive director of the Fundamental Help Foundation Elizabeth Glinka. For obvious reasons, it is not possible to bring exact numbers yet. According to the official version, in two years in Syria killed 45 military personnel, according to the unofficial - hundreds of those who left to fight without the knowledge of the Ministry of Defense.

Last updated: 09.10.2017 at 17:21

Syria today, News October 9, 2017 - Summary. The aircraft group of the Russian Federation supports the onset of government troops in the province of Deir-Ez-Zor. In the Syrian Arab Republic, the Aviation, VKS Russia continues to assist government forces in the elimination of armed groups of international terrorist organizations.
The battles for the release of the right bank of the province of Deir-Ez-Zor entered last week in the decisive phase. The epicenter of the battle - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Maeydin, located downstream Evfrata is 45 km from the provincial center. Updated!

The official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Major General Igor Konashenkov, reported on Saturday that in the last days of the action of the aircorder of the Russian Federation of Russia in Syria was focused on the dermist of ISIL terrorists (the terrorist group prohibited in the Russian Federation. - Ed.) With a large number of foreign mercenaries arriving From Iraq to the district of Abu-Kemal from the Syrian-Iraq border.

"Russian military intelligence in Syria within a week was opened areas of their concentration and command posts in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Abu-Kemal, as well as the routes of nomination to the city of Maeydin and further to the southern outskirts of the left bank of the city of Deir-Ez-Zor, - said the general Major Igor Konashenkov. - After the deferment and confirmation of the goals by the Command of the Russian grouping in Syria, an operation to destroy the rocket and aviation strike of command points, live strength and armored vehicles of ISIL in the area "was planned.

According to the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, as a result of strikes in the Abu-Kemal area, the supporting point and about 40 Igilovsev - immigrants from Tajikistan and Iraq, as well as 7 cars of increased cross-country armament (12,7-mm Machine guns DSHK and PSU-23 -2). In the city of Maedin - a command post and up to 80 militants, including 9 immigrants with North Caucasus. There were also 18 SUVs with large-caliber weapons and 3 warehouses of ammunition.

From the area of \u200b\u200bthe American base, Et Tanf "How devils from Tabakcoque make sabotory-terrorist bars against the Syrian troops and the civilian population of Mobile groups of ISIL."

Syria: video capture captured Zabolotny and Tsurkanov militants ISIL

Frames of video appeared on the Internet, on which two Russians who previously captured the terrorists of ISIL appeared. Judging by the video, it was removed immediately after Zabolotnyh and Tsurkanov captured. The militants ask them a lot of questions to understand who they are dealing with.

Turkish troops began operation in Idlib

Turkey's armed forces have begun operations in Syrian Idlib, intelligence is being conducted to establish observation posts to control the truce. This was reported on Monday at the General Staff of the country.

"According to the agreements achieved in Astana, agreements on the creation of the Deeschalation zone in the Idlib area, Turkey, as one of the Garant countries began on October 8, an intelligence operation for establishing observation posts for the purpose of monitoring a truce," the document says.

The Turkish parts that are part of the Mission to control the deoxylation of tension, from the eighth of October, began intelligence in the framework of the steps to create observation points in Idlib, the General Staff of the Turkish Sun.

At the militants "An-Nusra" found weapons from the USA, Belgium and France

The terrorists "Jebhat An-Nusra", which attacked on September 18 in Syria, the supervisory post of the Russian military police, had a weapon of the US, Belgium and France with them, said the soldier of the Syrian Army of Valid Hali during the demonstration of the weapons captured from the militants. "Here is a weapon withdrawn from the militants a few weeks ago. It was supplied illegally from abroad. There are more than 100 units of small arms and hand grenade launchers of the US, Belgium and France, "says the Syrian military.

He reported that the militants independently refined serial samples. As the head of the main operational department of the Syrian Arab Army, Division general Al Al-Ali, said, "there were irrefutable evidence that foreign weapons and ammunition were used by terrorists.

"Photographed fragments of foreign-made ammunition with serial numbers. The militants and suburban residential areas of Damascus and suburbs regularly fill the militants' ammunition, "Al-Ali said.

According to him, while in the course of mine clearance, Sakhur-2 in the eastern regions of the city of Aleppo, 193 ammunition was discovered and neutralized. There were found such ammunitions of the USA, as grenades to the Grenatometer M203 and 60-millimeter mines to mortars. According to Al-Ali, the United States delivers weapons to terrorists in Syria, not opposition. "We know that the United States put terrorists in Syria from June 5 to September 15 of this year, 1421 trucks with military property and weapons. This weapon was allegedly intended to fight terrorists, but ultimately it fell into the hands of Militors ISIL and "Jebhat An-Nusra", "he said.

According to him, most of the weapon, which falls towards Syrian radicals in this way, buy American defense companies Chemring and Orbital ATK according to the state program of the Pentagon Assistance to the US Allies. Al-Ali explained that this weapon is delivered to the Middle East by sea and enters Syria through the border areas, which government troops do not control.

We will remind, earlier it was reported that "An-Nusra" arranged a large-scale offensive in the position of the Syrian army north and northeastern city. At some point, terrorists managed to surround the platoon of the Russian military police. A detrocating squad was put forward to the rescue, which was supported by two SU-25 attack aircraft. As a result, the surroundings were broken, only three Russian special forces were injured.

Situation under Deir-Ez-Zor

In the province of Deir-Ez-Zor, the division of the Syrian army, together with the Allied Forces, was liberated by the settlement of Mrat Al-Fowka, part of the village of Hatla At-Takhtani and a number of quarters of Maedin. At the occurrence of the army, terrorists retreat, throwing their positions.

In addition, aviation and artillery destroyed the strengthening of militants in the city of Muhasan, settlements al-Jenen, Al-Husinia, Al-Husan, Huzadijet Sacre, and Ar-Rushydia quarters, Al-Hamidiy, Al-Dom, Almmal and Ash - Some Yasin of the city of Deir-Ez-Zor. In the city of Maeyadin, the army was surrounded by Igilites, destroying a large number of terrorists.

The south of Deir-Ez-Zora in the Valley of the Euphrate River Foreign mercenaries of more than 60 militants - immigrants from the CIS, Tunisia and Egypt, were destroyed by 12 SUVs with large-caliber weapons.

For several days, the results of the results of the previously applied rocket-aviation strike in the village of Es-Sukkariya (Northern Outline of the city of Abu-Kemal) were carried out, as a result of which the management of the formations of the "Islamic state" was destroyed with more than 30 militants who were in him, including from the North Caucasus. "According to the information obtained on several channels and confirmed" on earth ", the influential field commanders ISIL were destroyed for a long time - immigrants from the North Caucasus: Abu Omar Ash-Schishani, Alauddin Ash-Shishani and Salahuddin Ash-Shishani," said Major General Igor Konashenkov.

Day earlier, on Friday, the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense that the US military base in this Tanfe, covered with a living shield from Syrian refugees, turned into a "black hole" on the border between Syria and Jordan, from where the mobile groups of the fighters of the terrorist group are executed "Islamic state". "The further Syrian troops, with the support of the CVC of Russia, are moving to the east, destroying ISIL in the province of Deir-Ez-Zor, the increasing challenge the presence of the American military base in the settlement of Et Tanne," he noted.

An illegal deployment in April 2017 of this US military base on the Syrian-Jordan border was publicly justified by the "the need to conduct operations against ISIL", Major General Igor Konashenkov explained. However, as he stressed, "for six months the existence of this database is not aware of the same operations of Americans against ISIL. Representatives of the Pentagon repeatedly stated that under the cover of tactical aviation and RSZO instructors of the United States, Great Britain and Norway are engaged in the preparation of the militants of the "New Syrian Army".

This tan, pointed out the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, "turned into a 100-kilometer" black hole "on the Syrian-Jordanian state border. And instead of the "New Syrian Army", as devils from Tabakcoque from there, sabotage-terrorist bars against the Syrian troops and the civilian population of Mobile groups of ISIL are committing. "

Major General Igor Konashenkov drew the attention of media representatives to the fact that there is another problem associated with the presence of an American base in this Tanfe. In the zone of "security" next to the base, almost in the desert, there is a largest refugee camp Rukban. According to the minimum estimates, there are more than 60 thousand women and children from the provinces of Rakka and Deir-Ez-Zor, to which Americans do not let humanitarian convoys from the Syrian government, nor from Jordan, nor from the UN and other international organizations.

"Rubban refugees today are essentially hostages, or rather, a living shield of the American base," the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Russia stated. - Let me remind you that there are only those with these "protective" barriers, except those with whom they came there to fight, - terrorists. "

Our reference: In June 2017, the Western media appeared reports that the US military command was deployed in the area of \u200b\u200bHimars Large Twee, designed to supposedly ensure the safety of this database. Himars, depending on the configuration, either 227 mm reactive shells can be applied (six rockets from 45 to 70 km depending on the modification), or the ATACMS operational tactical missiles with a range of up to 300 km. The basis of the preparation of the militants of the pro-American group "Jake Magair AT-Taura" (the total number of this anti-government group approximately 1.5 thousand militants are at the disposal of which up to 200 pickups with machine guns).

Syria, Martal Map in Syria 09.10.2017. USA NET-TANF

On weekends from Syria, there were reports on the successful actions of government troops and the Allied forces on the right (Western) bank of the Euphrates River. Mobile divisions of the Syrian army, enhanced by armored vehicles and supported from the air and artillery, approached the outskirts of the Mesadian and tied the battles for this city. His liberation will open the road to the city of Abu-Kemal on the border with Iraq. The militants, among whom a lot of experienced mercenaries, have fierce resistance, trying to move in counterattacks. Militants ig continue to keep part of the inhabitants to use them as a living shield.

But the fire superiority of government forces makes itself felt. According to correspondents from the scene, the crews of the drum helicopters of the Russian production by unmanaged missiles are clearing the path of the upcoming units.

Last week, government forces completed the elimination of the "Acherbat boiler" at the junction of Hama and Homs provinces. Having lost weight of heavy weapons under the blows, Ogile detachments left all the settlements held by them. Released a total of more than 1800 square kilometers of territory. The fragmented group of Igilov residents no longer represent a serious threat and are doomed to destruction.

At the same time, the desert character of the central districts provides gangs to the ability to perform sudden halt in the stretched communications of government forces. It also affects the fact that in the settlements recently liberated from the armed formations of the IG, there are "sleeping cells" of radical Islamists. This leads to the fact that the complex atmosphere remains along the Palmyra strategic highway - Arak - Es-Sukhne - Esh-Shola - Deir-Ez Zor, as well as the city of Karyatine (southeast Homs Province). Bandagroups are valid using the classic tactics for the deserted terrain - raid with mobile groups on SUVs on the checkpoints and settlements. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe leadership of ISIS is obvious: it makes it difficult to cross the reinforcements and material resources to the Deir-Ez Zora area, where stressful fighting are now going.

The south of Deira-Ez-Zora is an air strike of an aircroup of the VKS Russia, the detachment of foreign mercenaries is the number of more than 60 militants - immigrants from the CIS, Tunisia and Egypt.

Syria, Martal Map in Syria 08.10.2017. Situation under Deir-Ez-Zor

As for the situation in the former capital ISHIL city of Rakka, then there, the detachments of the Pro-American Alliance "Syrian Democratic Forces" (SDS) still failed to completely break the resistance of ISIL militants, although the most combat-ready groups of Igilovtsev for another month - the other back was leaked towards the province of Deir Ez-Zor. The remaining militants in the city - (estimated their less than a thousand) This is mostly local extremists who have stuck under the black banners of ISIL. They persistently hold a number of central quarters, including the area of \u200b\u200bthe stadium and hospital, despite the rocket bomb strikes of aviation international Coalitionwhose crews that even Western human rights defenders recognize are not very safe for the civilian population.

The delay in the capture of the city is partly due to the fact that the management of the SDS, apparently with the submission of US emissarov, transferred some of the Kurdish detachments from the Rakka to the left-bank (northeastern) part of the province of Deir-Ez-Zor, seeking to preempt the Government forces of SAR and put under their own Control oil and gas fields.

... in the ranks of the formations of ISIL, fighting today against government forces in the province of Deir-Ez-Zor, there are many not only former Iraqi "Saddam Fedains", but also foreign mercenaries from North African countries, including with experience in the French Foreign Legion. But ultimately, as most experts recognize, "Califat" in Syria is doomed to full military defeat. And then the case of measures of socio-economic stabilization and the struggle for the minds of ordinary Syrians, which were due to various reasons in captivity of the demagogy of radical Islamists.

The situation in Syria is quite complicated. In the suburbs of Damascus, government troops storm the anklava of jihadists. The BandGroups of the II periodically attack the Palmyra - Deir-Ez Zor area, which leads to blocking supply. In the north of the chams grouping " Hyat Tahrir Ash-Sham"Moved to counteroffensive. In the province of Deir-Ez-Zor, the Syrian army expanded the springboard on the East Beach of Euphrates and surrounded the city of Al-Meridine. More detailed information You can learn about the events in Syria from our daily reports.

  • Damascus Province:

Western Guta

On Saturday, the division of the 4th Tank Division, several hours subjected the positions "High Tahrir Ash-Sham" with a powerful rocket shelling. After that, the security forces began assault.

During the battle, the Syrian military managed to capture the heights of Tal al-Dabaa and Lisan al-sugar, cutting the jihadist supply lines between the villages of Beit Tim and Kafr-Khavar.

The helicopters of the Syrian Air Force dropped the barrel bombs on the city of Bates Ginn. The bombardment was carried out in the foothills of Mount Hermon.

Eastern Guta

In the area of \u200b\u200bAnklavov, Jobar and Ain Tarma are practically unchanged. Government troops have brought once again a blow on the positions of jihadists with 30 elephant missiles. Territorial acquisitions over the past day, none of the parties have been fixed.

In the headquarters of SAR SAR there was information that a new commander will be appointed to the front of the front in East Guta. He must offer a plan for the liquidation of band formations in the east of Damascus.

Homs province:

The situation in the east of Homs is quite complicated. Raid Bandagroups MI make attacks on the checkpoints and transport along the Palmyra - Deir-Ez Zor highway, because of what command Sun Sar. Forced to distract significant forces to unlock the motorway.

Once again, the terrorists captured the village of Khuribshah, cutting the strategic highway. Yesterday, government troops, with the support of their allies, discarded jihadists from the settlement, restoring traffic on the strategic road. ().

Video: Syrian army restores control over Palmyra highway - Deir-Ez-Zor

The fierce battles continues at the Karyatina. Units SAR SAR from all sides surrounded the city, not letting the terrorists get out of it. Army team knocked out militants from several heights from the settlement and keep part of areas under fire control.

  • Deer Ez-Zor Province:

On Sunday, the divisions of the 4th Mechanized Division were expanded by a bridgehead on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River. Busy N.P. Marat al-Fauca. Government troops were also able to free the village of Hatla Fokkani, as a result of which the grouping of the IG, located in the city of Deir-Ez-Zor, was cut off from the main forces.

Video: The Syrian army expands the bridgehead on the East Shore of the Euphrate

In the Syrian press, it is reported that SAR SAR freed most of Al-Maydin. This was achieved by introducing into battle by large number of armored vehicles. However, this information is not confirmed by official sources.

At the same time, it is argued that Al-Milladine is surrounded by government troops from all sides.

Video: Battle for the city of al-Mason

In the north deir-ez zora Syrian democratic power» ( SDF.), practically without meeting the resistance, last weekend took the villages of Weavikha, Al-Sava and Zhipgeir Jazeera. During this operation, according to the SDF command, 8 ig militants were killed.

  • Idlib Province:

The rebels caused conrtudar, with the support of the tank. At the same time, 50 Syrian soldiers defeated the village, could not effectively use armored vehicles.

During the battle, the security forces lost about 10 killed, the prisoners of 8 military personnel. In addition, the trophies of jihadists were 2 tanks and a weapon warehouse. At the same time, during the capture of the militants, the militants lost killed three field commanders.

Video: Frames of fighting in the Abu Dali area, shot by the press service "An-Nusra"

Currently, jihadists attack the positions of SAR SAR N.P. Tulaysia. In this area there are fierce battles.

Eastern Hama

In the east of the Hama separate BandGroups of militants " Islamic state"I tried to break into the province of Idlib in the area of \u200b\u200bN.P. Wadi Auzaib. The army team noticed the nomination of terrorists in time and caused Art Dog on the cluster of Igilov. As a result, several dozen jihadists were destroyed.