A 6 year old boy was found drunk by an ultrasound scanner. Breaking news about drunk boy hit by car

The story of a six-year-old boy who was hit by a car in the suburbs became one of the most discussed topics of the week. The thing is that for a long time the investigators did not initiate a criminal case, and then they issued an examination that the child was very drunk at the time of death. The strangeness of the incident was added by the media, which began to assert that the culprit of the accident was the wife of a crime boss. Medialeaks understood how this story developed.

The strangeness of the case

The accident itself in the town of Zheleznodorozhny near Moscow happened on April 23, and on May 2, journalists drew attention to it. The correspondent of "Radio 1" came to the courtyard where the tragedy happened and talked to neighbors and relatives of the six-year-old Alexei Shimko, who was hit by a car.

The child and his grandfather were walking to their home from the playground, there was an accident. Unfortunately, the grandfather did not have time to do anything, because it was impossible - the child jerked very abruptly. Maybe the driver picked up too much speed in a dead-end courtyard, which was not equipped with pedestrian crossings or signs. I think it is easy to accelerate from the place where the woman turned to the place of the tragedy. We wanted to take the child to the hospital, but after he was run over by all wheels and dragged several meters, it was already pointless to take him there, - said the boy's uncle Sergei Antipov.

The boy's bike and the place where the car stopped after the collision

Even then, eyewitnesses said that a woman was driving the car, but the journalists did not give her name. It sounded in the public “Our Railway! We are for the safety of citizens! ”, Where residents of the city discussed the tragedy and shared information.

A girl with a nickname posted this post Spring ... In the video section on her page, there are several stories about this incident, she is subscribed to Balashikha's publics, the most visited page is the Mash public, which later will give impetus to this story and give it wide publicity. Since the beginning of May, the girl actively discussed the details of the tragedy in the comments in the city public.

Three days later, on May 5, an anonymous post appeared in the public, the author of which announced that he had met the father of the deceased boy. The anonymous author told his father that he had allegedly received a transfer in the amount of 50 thousand rubles from Olga Alisova. A photo of the woman was attached to the entry.

Probably, Alisova soon began to receive threats, because on May 11, the boy's father, Roman Shimko, asked "not to be provoked."

Fact money transfer he confirmed a month later in a commentary to Komsomolskaya Pravda. At the same time, the man told the newspaper that on the day of the accident, to the eyewitnesses, “there were strangers».

The disappearance of surveillance cameras was also discussed in the public of Zheleznodorozhny. One of the residents of the house that had an accident, Anastasia Ivaeva, told Medialeaks about this.

Residents of the house claim that a video camera was previously installed at this place

In addition, residents of the house noticed that after the accident appeared in the yard road signs, the markings on which say they are set retroactively.

In the public, they constantly discussed the inaction of law enforcement officers and, as a result, themselves spent something like an investigative experiment. They took the car, marked the starting point and tried to accelerate. In the very place where the child was shot down, the speed reached 50 kilometers per hour.

The father complained about the inaction of the investigators and, according to messages in the public , even contacted representatives of political parties so that they take control of the case. He told KP that he was summoned to the Investigative Committee and handed a summons to initiate proceedings only on May 26, that is, a month after the death of his son.

A bottle of vodka for a six year old child

June 13th in the case appeared new turn... The father was handed the conclusion of forensic experts, according to which at the time of the accident the boy was in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication - the experts found 2.7 ppm of alcohol in his blood. It's like a grown man drinking a bottle of vodka.

Life. she was taken by a well-known lawyer who participated in many high-profile cases.

Why does the publication call Olga Urakina, who gives comments to the media in the case of Alisova, an influential lawyer, it is not clear. If you type her name into search engines, they only give out news related to this case.

An examination carried out after the accident showed that the amount of alcohol in the child's blood allegedly corresponds to 0.5 liters of vodka. New scandal flared up in the town of Zheleznodorozhny near Moscow around an accident in which a six-year-old boy died. According to media reports, an examination carried out after the accident found 2.7 ppm of alcohol in the child's blood. On the eve of the case, the Investigative Committee became interested. According to information that appeared in the media, in the city of Zheleznodorozhny, a car ran into a boy and dragged him at least 10 meters before stopping. At the same time, it is noted that 2.7 ppm of alcohol was found in the blood of a six-year-old child who died as a result of an accident. The report of the Investigative Committee also notes that the family of the deceased requires a second examination, and also says that pressure was put on witnesses during the investigation of the criminal case, the criminal case itself was not opened for about a month, and part of the evidence was destroyed. According to eyewitnesses, the woman driving the Hyundai Solaris was driving in the yard at a speed of at least 70 km / h. “We have a playground and a dead end there, it’s very difficult to drive and no one has ever driven there, but here arriving, non-local ... Instant death. We stayed for 3 hours, all structures arrived, except for the ambulance, the ambulance arrived only an hour and a half after the events, "- said an eyewitness to the accident in the community" Our Railway! We are for the safety of citizens! "

According to another witness, quoted by Gazeta.Ru, a woman driver dragged the child about 10 meters before stopping. “She dragged him through two bodies of parked cars. The child ran along the path at the photo. There is a dead end behind her. She began to accelerate from a dead end. Acceleration, not movement. The police barely protected them from lynching, ”he said. On the eve of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Moscow region reported that a criminal case was opened against the woman who hit a six-year-old boy on April 23. “A criminal case has been initiated under Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of Russia (violation of the rules road traffic and the operation of vehicles, resulting in the death of a person by negligence), ”the press service of the regional department of the department told Gazeta.Ru. The Interior Ministry official added that the driver has already been charged and a preventive measure has been chosen in the form of recognizance not to leave and proper behavior. According to Life, a certain Olga Alisova, whose husband is a member of a criminal group, was driving a foreign car. This fact, the newspaper believes, could have influenced the fact that the case was not opened for almost a month. Currently, the parents of the deceased child intend to carry out an exhumation procedure in order to prove the sobriety of a six-year-old boy at the time of the accident.

Investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee Russian Federation in the Moscow region, the issue of transferring a criminal case on the fact of an accident, as a result of which a child died, was initiated. According to information that appeared in the media, in the city of Zheleznodorozhny, a car ran into a boy and dragged him at least 10 meters before stopping. At the same time, it is noted that 2.7 ppm of alcohol was found in the blood of a six-year-old child who died as a result of an accident. The family of the deceased demands a second examination, and also says that pressure was exerted on the witnesses during the investigation of the criminal case, and the criminal case itself was not opened for about a month. Some of the evidence was destroyed. The main investigation department of the ICR in the Moscow region, in the event of a transfer of the case from the police, will check all the facts stated in the media, will conduct a re-examination in order to establish all the circumstances of the incident.

Secrecy of the investigation.
Experts-narcologists are surprised by the version of Kleimenov and the official investigation, which is now being conducted by the Balashikha division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
- 2.7 ppm found in the blood of a six-year-old child is approximately equal to 400 ml of vodka drunk. If the child really drank so much, he would be in an unconscious state, would not react to anything, and he would have to call an ambulance, - said Oleg Stetsenko, a narcologist. - Well, then, in the case of a child, he would theoretically not be able to drink all 400 ml, because after 200 ml he could not continue drinking. That is, it turns out that alcohol was injected intravenously? Rave! Such laboratory data are questionable. An expert could sign such a conclusion, only without looking at it.
According to parents, experts are simply trying to shield themselves and avoid responsibility by any means. The fact is that the Investigative Committee has already opened a criminal case based on the results of a strange examination under the article "Negligence". First of all, experts, as well as carriers of biological materials, can become its defendants.
Kleymenov's words about the examinations carried out say only one thing: "He meant: two test tubes, the main and control samples, showed alcohol, which means that two samples are crap."
The child's family also explained what their confidence in that the baby did not drink is based on.
- If the son drank alcohol, his trachea would be burnt and there would be alcohol vapors in the intestines, they are not, alcohol is only in the blood, - said the father, confirming his words with the conclusion of experts.
We don't hand over ours
For an objective investigation, back on Saturday, the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, asked to transfer this case to his subordinates.
- In case of refusal of the supervisory authority to regional level in satisfying the petition, the issue of transferring the criminal case will be resolved with the leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office, - said then the official representative of the ICR Svetlana Petrenko
However, the investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and prosecutors are not eager to transfer this case to the ICR, which says a lot. Either the police defend the honor of the uniform and are afraid of an objective investigation, or for some reason they are trying to shield the culprit of the accident.
- If there is something unclean in this case and experts and investigators played in favor of the accused, then the participation of the TFR may end very much for them. serious problems, - says one of the employees of the TFR. “It’s easier for them to send the case to court with the conclusion that the boy was drunk, so that this removes questions about the quality of the investigation, and the judge can also interpret this fact in favor of the accused.
Let us recall that the tragedy broke out on April 23 in the Pavlino microdistrict of the city of Zheleznodorozhny. After lunch, six-year-old Alyosha and his grandfather went to the playground. The boy walked in front, and the grandfather carried his bicycle. The site was a stone's throw away - you just had to cross the road near the house. Alyosha did not have time to step on the asphalt when he was hit by a black Hyundai Solaris.
31-year-old Olga Alisova, who was driving a foreign car, was charged under Article 264 of the Criminal Code ("Violation of traffic rules resulting in the death of a person"). For her, they chose a preventive measure in the form of a recognizance not to leave the place.

In the city of Zheleznodorozhny, a woman in a Hyundai-Solaris car hit little Alyosha Shimko right in the yard. And then she said that he was drunk. Expert opinion: 2.7 ppm, which corresponds to a bottle of vodka.

An expert opinion appeared after the accident. According to the documents, the boy was very drunk. And the investigator, based on these documents, concluded that the six-year-old fell under the car himself, according to Mash.

The car ran into the boy near house 39 in the Pavlino microdistrict and dragged him under the bottom a dozen meters when Alyosha and his grandfather were returning home from a walk. The boy died on the spot from his injuries.

Eyewitnesses told law enforcement officers that at the moment of hitting the baby, the woman behind the wheel was talking on the phone and moving very fast: the car's speed reached 50 km / h.

However, Olga Alisova, 31, claims that the child is to blame for being shot down.

A conclusion appeared in the case: 2.7 ppm of alcohol was found in the child's blood. According to the papers, the child somehow consumed a bottle of vodka. Seeing this conclusion, the family of the deceased boy demanded a second comprehensive examination.

In the conclusion it is written that my child's blood contains 2.7 ppm of alcohol, it is a bottle of vodka, that he could move in this state and he himself fell under the wheels of a car. This is chaos, - said the boy's father Roman Shimko.

In addition, there were attempts to influence the witnesses of the accident, recordings from street surveillance cameras disappeared from the scene of the accident, evidence was destroyed, and a number of key examinations were not carried out.

On the fact of the accident in which a six-year-old boy died, a criminal case was not opened for a month, the woman who drove a foreign car is in the status of a suspect.

Olga Alisova works in a cell phone shop in the Moscow region, her husband is a member of an organized crime group, who is responsible for murders, kidnappings, extortion, robberies and rape.

I have no time to talk about it, - Alisova told Life.

The family is offered an exhumation procedure to prove the sobriety of a six-year-old boy at the time of the accident. The child's family was forced to turn to the heads of the RF IC, the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs and the General Prosecutor's Office.

The Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Balashikha" against the driver who hit the child in Balashikha on April 23, initiated a criminal case under Art. 264. The driver was charged and a preventive measure was taken in the form of recognizance not to leave and proper behavior. Now the investigating authorities are preparing the necessary procedural documents for the exhumation of the body and additional forensic and biological examination, - commented in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow region.

Are preparing now required documents for exhumation of the body and additional forensic and biological examination.

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