When mosquitoes and midge are completed. Rest and fishing on the Volga in June: Best remedies from midge

06.26.2013 | Rest and fishing on the Volga in June: Best remedies from midge

Rest and fishing on the Volga in the period of midge

In the Astrakhan region, about May 25, an unpleasant period begins - the departure of the famous Astrakhan midge. And if local to this phenomenon of nature is almost accustomed, then for the holidays on the Volga or fishing, the test of midges can be a surprise. But everything is fixable and there are means from midge. So the rest and fishing on the Volga in June will be not very comfortable, but fascinating: JOR predatory fish compensates everything. However, I will understand where the midge comes from and how it can be useful.

Where does midge come from

The larvae of the midges live in running water, by the end of May they turn into the midge and climb up to postpone the eggs. But for this they should be drunk with fabric liquid, they need a protein to postpone eggs. The larvae serve as food for fish, without midges in the Volga, the fish would not be found.

Rest and fishing on the Volga in June

If you are going to rest on the Volga in June, then you do not scare midge. And you know that during the midges in June on fishing on the Volga, the most Zhor in the predatory fish and how the crazy coars the rhe. In addition, if you are going to relax in the Astrakhan region in June, then you know that from May 25 to June 25, there is a discount on the midge, reaching 50% on the Volga on the Volga. So your holiday on the Volga will, albeit somfinite, but economically beneficial.

Best remedies from midges

Vanillin. Diluted vanillin in water. Helps the first few minutes. Quickly disperse.

Special repellents. There are creams and sprays from midges. The price of the question is within 200 rubles. Enough for an hour - two. Moshkara is wary around, but does not bite.

Clove oil. Question price - 90-100 rubles. Act about an hour. Advantages in comparison with vanilla - not wiping so easy.

Masks Mesh, Mesh Jackets. If the appearance is not such an important question as a question of comfort. This is the best option. Question price - 350-450 rubles.

In addition, local will prompted the local remedy for you.it is necessary to mix any bold cream (for example, children's) with vaniline and apply on face and bare parts of the body. It works such a composition from Astrakhan Midges for 4 hours, after which the application must be repeated.

And one more proven method from midges: Damn the usual carnation cologne and throw on the shoulders. Midges guaranteed will fly away to you. Over the night again, soak the avoska in the cologne. Using this simple way you follow your fishing on the Volga from the midge.

When midge disappears

Those who ignored discounts on the Volga holiday during the midges can quietly come to fishing on the Volga about numbers from June 27, because the end of the mass departure of the midge is approximately approximately on June 25-27. But, alas, from this date fishing on the Volga in June enters its usual channel and Zhor predators ends. Choice for you: a comfortable vacation on the Volga after the midge period or a luxurious fishing on the Volga with an unpleasant imagination in the form of moshcars.

Other articles on fishing on the Volga and Rest on the Volga:

Spring comes, and people seem to awaken together with nature. Smiles appear, a good mood, waiting for a summer holiday ... At the end of May, there are pleasing trees, early flowers. It's a shame that our mood is changing when midges, annoying blood circulats appear in the late spring or early summer. Everyone is waiting for time when midge disappears.

Most of all them happen in Astrakhan and Siberia. People during the appearance of these bloodsuckers go to special masks,

try to close the body of clothes.

Moshka - insect, developing in flowing waters: Fast rivers serve as a place of development of its larvae. From mosquitoes, it is characterized by less long stronger legs and a short trunk. Midge has short mustache and wings. The length of its body is not more than 6 millimeters. Together with the mosquitoes and the Mocresses, the midges form the hordes of the Gnus, which attacks animals and man.

Adults feed only in sunny hot days. Cloudy weather and night twilight is a time when midges disappear. Only females are bloodsuckers, males collect food on colors. I wonder if the midge always existed, biting people and animals? It turns out that scientists have proven that its activity depends on how their larvae developed: if they have formed in adverse conditions, the supply of nutrients has not accumulated.

Astrakhan Midges Such substances replenishes the blood of living beings. Therefore, different years are distinguished by the activity of the Gnus. But among them there are species for which blood circulation is the necessary stage. It is not by chance that it is necessary to carefully meet the data "guests", because they can be carriers of various diseases, and their damasses in many people cause an allergic reaction. Saliva midges poisonous. Sometimes an outer or internal swelling appears on the site of the bite, signs of poisoning, the temperature rises, hemorrhage occurs, which can lead to death. If small midges bite, then in this place burns the body and itching appears.

In Russia, such bloodsicles are distributed in the Taiga zone. As soon as they do not call the midge! "The horror flying on the wings", "Blood", "Killer". Pharmacies offer many funds promising to facilitate the suffering of people. Folk remedies are used in the fight against midges, for example, vanilla, cologne, chemical - spray, gels, aerosols and lotions. Know - when midges disappear, dragonflies appear! After all, they feed on these harmful insects.

It should be remembered that children and allergies suffer from the midges. You need to try to reduce the number of walks during their greatest cluster. When midges disappear, it seems to be dangerous and discomfort, the streets are re-filled with people and pets.

It is good that this period goes pretty quickly. In the 80s, the midge was not so active. Because of the wrong work on the rivers (the construction of canals, dams, etc.) has changed its livelihood. Currently, there is an area processing, where midges are especially many, but the chemistry kills not only the gnus, it damages the flora and fauna.

When midges disappear, only mosquitoes and ticks make us a company right up to frosts. Reserve the appropriate means, strengthen the protection and do not let any little things spoil your summer!

Because of cool weather and wind, this year, bloodsuckers in Volgograd appeared later than usual. And now the water is might and there is midges, and the mosquitoes flock fly around the city and eat all in a row. Having foaming the branches, the townspeople are tangled at stops and in the parks. Although the bloodstrokes still did not feel themselves to fully. Whether there will be, when water falls in the Volga. Increased reset at the Volga HPP in 2017 extended until June 10. Because of this, the Volgograds will have to survive two invasions of midges.

Moshki is derived in the coastal zone of a reservoir with pure running water. The reel depends on the water level in the Volga, Akhtube and small rivers. By average year statistics, the midge season in Volgograd is lasting about two weeks. But due to the fact that the Volga HPP extended the discharge, the deadlines moved. So the number of midge will increase at times and two peaks of its activity will be waiting for us, "said" KP-Volgograd " entomologist "Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology" Galina Melnikova.

And if a wind blows from the Astrakhan region, then Moshka can fly to Volgograd from there. These bloodsuckers easily overcome hundreds of kilometers in the wind.

Midges are common phenomenon for the Volgograd region. She was on this territory and 10 and 100 years ago. This year the average flood. So midge will be no more than, for example, in 2016. She will end by the end of June, "says the associate professor of the Department of Zoology, Ecology and the General Biology of the Volgograd Social and Pedagogical University Oleg Brekhov.

How to escape from midge and mosquitoes?

While the midges and mosquitoes are not at all overwhelmed, there is a time to look for protection from them.

From mosquitoes there are many rather effective protective equipment. Spirals, sprays, special devices are in every supermarket and pharmacy. Price range - from 40 rubles to several hundred.

Proceed from mosquitoes and reservoirs. Only in our Volgograd region, treatment is carried out poorly and in insufficient quantities. Therefore, their number catastrophically increases. But processing from midge is not conducted at all. It is quite expensive and only gives a short-term effect, "Galina Melnikova notes.

So the main means of midges are a mosquito net, vanillin dissolved in water or cream (necessarily natural, and not synthetic), vanilla and cloves. Last, though it smells abruptly, but acts a little longer than Sweet Vanilla. But vanilla can be sprayed and animals - they also require protection.

The funds have long been known, so the foremost olders have already rushed to buy saving oils. In many pharmacies, even the announcements have already hung: "vanilla and navitic oil". But the grocery stores are still enough vanillina.

From the bite of moshcars, people do not die. We just looked off from nature and perceive her as an enemy, "said Oleg Brehov. - If there is an allergy to the bites of these insects, go around in a dangerous period without walking.

But what if these "fighters" attack even in short distances?

Residents of Volga-Akhtubinskaya floodplain, where Moshcara whole hordes, found another way of struggle. It is necessary to take 6% of vinegar, vegetable oil and children's shampoo in equal proportions. And this mixture is soothered before going out. They say it helps!

In general, the midge is good. Where she is there Fish Fish. Well, it remains to us to stock folk remedies and wait for the invasion of bloodsicles.

The time of the year's change determines many rhythms in the life of insects: the awakening of the winter rest of some types of mosquitoes, hatching of the larvae from the eggs overwhelmed under the layer, the appearance of heated bloodsuckers. Although many seasonal phenomena are naturally repeated from year to year, they may not be strictly calendar, but a few days before or later. Therefore, insect development cycles, periods of their activity sometimes occur a little earlier or a little later than in previous years.

Some researchers studying the world of animals allocate six seasons: winter, early spring, late spring, early summer, late summer and autumn. Insects from year to year develop on a certain schedule caused by the calendar of these animals.

There is also a daily rhythm of insect activity, due to periodic change in illumination, temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, and other factors.

In the middle lane of Russia, 29 types of mosquitoes are known. The genus Aedes dominates (Aedes). Eggs pending with females of these mosquitoes, winter under the cover of snow. Mass departure in late May or early June.

Malari Komar Anopheles Maculipennis (Anofeles Makulipenis), founding in the southern areas, as well as representatives of Culiseta (Culiset) and Culex (Kulex) clay (culiset) with adults, taking into basements, stables, rodent holes, striking stone and other refuge. They wake up after the "winter hibernation" in the spring, immediately after warming: in the years with an early warm spring - in mid-May, with a cold protracted spring - in the last days of May - early June. Their greatest number is observed in June and July (the warmest summer period). In hot weather in open places, mosquitoes are attacked only in the morning and in the evening, and during the period of the extended day - and at night. By the fall, mosquitoes is becoming less and less. Ends in September.

Especially it should be said about Culex Pipiens Molestus (Pipiens Moletus Course), which is called an ordinary mosquito. He adapted to existence in urban environments, can multiply throughout the year in gray basements, where the temperature is always plus. His larvae is capable of developing in dirty water (puddles, barrels, etc.). And one more feature: females of the urban mosquito begged for the first egg laying, not even dismissing blood. They are sufficient to those nutrients that have accumulated larvae in the dirty water of basements. However, these mosquitoes can do the second egg laying only after receiving the blood or animal blood portion. And if the conditions allow females to penetrate residential and office space, they attack people even the upper floors. In summer, this is not surprising. In winter, traces of females' injuries are often taken for bite bugs.

In the middle of Russia, over three dozen midge species lives. The departure of them is timed to the beginning of May. They cause the greatest concern from the end of May or from the beginning of June. The highest activity is exhibiting at a temperature of 16-24 °. The manifestation of their activity, as a rule, begins at dawn, decreases at noon and drops sharply after 18-19 hours. At night and in the hottest clock, midges are hiding in the crowns of trees. Ends in September.

Hrugasov in the middle lane of Russia there are 15 species. All of them belong to the genus Culicoides (Kulicoids). Spring departure is usually observed at the end of May, and in the years with late spring - in early June. Mass flip coincides with the period of blossoming cherry. The hoops can give two generations over the summer. Therefore, by autumn, their activity is noticeably increasing. The hoops fly until October.

Of the 36 species of the blinding family Tabanidae (Tabanide), in the middle lane in Russia, in the first place are the so-called blind way, on the second - raincoats, in the third place - Zlataglasiki.

In years of early spring, blindrooms fly out in the recent days of May, with late spring - in early June. 5-6 days after departure, they are already attacked by animals and people. Blindly very thermal-loving insects, so they are active in the summer, especially on hot days. At a temperature of 12-13 °, they stop them. On a man blindfold attack less than animals. Ends in a whip usually usually in mid-August.

Such weather conditions as a strong wind, rain, fog, freezing to a strong degree reduce or at all stop the activity of all components of the Gnus.

This question is asked almost every fisherman, who decided for the first time to visit Akhtuba in June. You can find not enough information about the midge and its atrocities on the pages of fishing sites, but since the midge does not evenly be at the territory of the Astrakhan region, we decided to describe what happens on Akhtuba, specifically at the location of our recreation center.

So, in 2007, the first midge appeared on May 25, although the local population, with an important type of beekeepers, stated that the midge was not! The explanation of this we found pretty quickly - in the cities and villages really midges were not yet! I must say that for our base "Rock Fisherman" 2007 was first, and we, three inhabitants of the Moscow region did not know what awaits us! Locals, having seen us in mid-May, immediately stated that they would put a monument to us if we would not feed in Moscow, during the first two weeks, and most likely posthumously!

Days, the midges became more and more, the increase in its number was not smoothly, but rather jerks, however, we found that its increase coincides with the drop in the water level! Spring flood ends, and while water stands at the highest point, there is no water, as soon as the water begins to fall, please be kind - dress! On some sites, smart people (probably scientists) suggest that the midge appears from the water, and hatching if the water temperature exceeds +20? C, and in cities and villages appears from the water supply system (the water is swinging from the river) - Do not believe! I could say that we really observed a decline in the amount of midges at temperatures below +20? With on the street, and the midge hatches from the shore waterproof when dropping the water level, and accordingly, the water drops, the longer the period of the midge and on the contrary, with a sharp drop in the level Water midges crashes so much that just guard! Hopefully, for the period of falling the water level will be cool, (below +20? C) is not worth it. From May 20 and until August 10, it was (in daytime) from +30 to +45? C and only a couple of days was cool.

Approximately June 15, the local population began to cover his heads with a large-scale grid (apparently from old masonry), in a mixture of them in fuel oil or kerosene and immediately became similar to the ancient knights (with a chain on the head). Obviously, the midge scares a sharp smell. Sinky ointment, sprays and other liquids help, really not for a long time, on average for 20 minutes, although it is of course for everyone individually, the time of the repilent depends on sweating (flashed, sweated, everything was flushed), and the smell of fuel oil and kerosene is extremely stable. We did not use this miracle to the means, but this every one decides for yourself. There are different, strictly secretly told recipes, for example: a mixture of vanillin and triple cologne - full nonsense! I know because all these recipes are painted with this means - midges on the drum.

As the panic of the local population grew, the feeling of pride for us grew - the sons of the Moscow region. By June 20, we have already smiled, looking at the walking "knights", chaotic handwritten hands over your head and began to be interested in the monument account, because we were clearly not going to run. What is the secret? Yes, it is extremely simple - in clothes! For the period of midges you need to forget about shorts, shirts with short sleeves and sandals on a boss foot. In the daytime (midges at dawn until the sunset, with the onset of darkness, it completely disappears) we dressed up: Light long pants, a long sleeve shirt and fastened on all buttons, a mosquito net on the head, and to dragged on the neck with a raised collar Socks on top of the pants, and if the shirt sleeves are fastened not tight (to the wrists), then the elastic band is pressing the sleeve to the wrist. And in general, I would like to notice that the midge is certainly not pleasant, but who visited the forests of the Moscow region or Karelia for example, may consider that they were in the worst situation! The midge cannot bite even through a thin fabric, while the mosquito can and through the sweater to plant, and the midge is much greater.

The decline in the size of the midge began on June 30 and was also not smooth! On a day, it seems to be it, but for tomorrow there is a lot again. Midges completely disappeared by July 20, in the cities and towns, for example in Kharabali or Selitreny, midge appeared on June 5 and on June 20 there was no longer it.

On some sites they write that there is no midge on the water, or almost no - it is not true !!! She is there as much. Now, I will answer the main question "what is eating it?" - with tea, beer, porridge, meat, fish and in general with any food. Moshka is a universal seasoning, especially for those who want to relax and give a "savage". Perhaps discomfort from food intake is the most significant disadvantage of the "Moski period". On our base in the 2007 season, despite the tents where the kitchens were located, there was a day, to put it mildly, it was not easy, on this to the beginning of the 2008 season, there will be a dining room, completely inaccessible for midges.

So, let's summarize: fishing in the period of midges "Stunning", the best in the year and therefore many fishing lovers seek to come to Akhtuba during this period so that the impressions of the trip are not spoiled for those who want to go fishing during the "midge" Carefully treat personal equipment.

P. S. Moshka - the beast with which you can fight and fishing is worth it!