Why white spots appear on the leaves of colors. What if the plant was covered with a grayish-white rode? Treatment and prevention of plants from pulse dew

The appearance of pumerals on the foliage of the vine - a bad sign. This is a serious illness. There will have to make a lot of effort. But only so you can save the bush. Having done everything you need for a speedy recovery of the plant, a person will receive a good harvest as a reward - this year and next. In one season, the fragility of the vine will fully show itself, in another season its strength will appear. Gardening, winegarts, the daccier must be worked without losing optimism.

Dense hillocks in a considerable amount on the sheet give the felt item, more known as grape tick, phytoptus. Signs of its appearance from the consequences of sheet filoxkers should be distinguished. The folk wisdom says: "It's easier to say than to do." And indeed it is. A symptom with a good disguise - vintage on the leaves of grapes. Not everyone can choose the correct treatment. However, grape diseases by verts are accompanied only sometimes.

The main feature, a characteristic feature - when the tick started, the plate changes. The upper layer of the outer part remains intact. The pest penetrates from the back. When it takes about the sheet filoxcere, everything is different. These are the growths on the plate. The snag is that this feature is not immediately manifested. The first symptom is spots in the penetration places of the tick. Their color depends on the variety. The leaves of grapes can be covered with brown spots or yellow when light grade is chosen. Red stains appear if the red variety preferred. It is impossible to distinguish them from stains arising from nowhere during other diseases. Pumps on a sheet of any grape variety later and on the outside of the plate will change the color, turn into crimson, brown. Then the sheet fades, losing moisture, twisted, falls. Together with him, representatives of the population of grape ticks are also dying.

What is a tick? Felt ferry is a representative of gallic ticks. The adult score reaches 0.15 mm sizes. This is very small. It is transparent. It is easy to crush, that's just too rapidly population grows. Special substances will be destroyed to destroy everyone. Time, of course, will be lost. Should I regret it? The classic technique of combating these ticks, which is popular, generally accepted - cut branches, leaves and burn.

Perseverance is justified

Is it possible to erase the gun? If yes, it means, this is Mildew. If not, it means that the case of phyttus managed to be diagnosed at the very beginning. This is a great achievement. Little sheets suffered. It is time to cut them down and throw it into the fire, processing the tools with a disinfectant. There is a chance to destroy all individuals without spraying.

Where the pest was wintering

The leaves were to be covered with verses. Dense tubercles - inevitability. The fatal random is impossible to be called. Another autumn events were predetermined. Winter the pest in the kore near the kidneys. Vine began to grow, the tick began to look for a place on it for himself. At this stage he is invisible. Only the microscope dispels all doubts. Last season infected occurred. Distributed larvae through the air together with the wind. They can get on clothes. They can bring to the rain area.

The search for the source of the larvae is better to exclude from the list of planned cases, immediately begin to examine the grapes, as soon as spring came. Perhaps vintage on the leaves of grapes, stains, fluffy raids have already appeared. Visual inspection is the main diagnostic method in the dacket arsenal. What if there is a problem? In May, the tick will begin to multiply. Eggs in size of 0.039 mm will fall on neighboring branches. A week, a maximum of ten days, larvae will appear from eggs. After two weeks later they will be able to multiply. The life cycle will continue, the reproduction will resume in July. By early September, the number of eggs accumulates in the Core near the kidneys. Respectively, optimal time For the use of drugs - two weeks after the blooming of the kidneys, the beginning and middle of August. All season will have to fight.

Preparations from phyttus

When the diagnostics is completed, you need to act, and before this choose drugs, buy everything you need to save the harvest, varieties, the best vines. How to treat a plant? Among the most popular, efficient, secure funds:

One of the most popular and effective tools from it sulfur

  • sulfur is a classic method that has been used for several centuries in a row;
  • "Neon" - modern technology, as the main acting substance, the manufacturer chose a brompropylate;
  • "Phytoverm" - a mixture of anosctin C, an avermetic complex of the variety of bacteria of streptomycetes;
  • "Apollo" - clofenthesine is used as a active substance.

These drugs refer to a potent, while they are safe for bees, birds, OS. Established in demand as well:

  • "Athletic";
  • Sanmight.

They can harm other inhabitants of the locality. Treat grapes they need in extreme cases. If safe funds were tried, and they could not destroy grape ticks, having studied carefully instructions for use, you can use them. It should be done on the last week of July, in the first half of August, when the pest is preparing for wintering. Perhaps the leaves in grapes are covered by sinks only this year. If in the new season, the young leaves were covered with hints, it is necessary to repeat the procedure, treat the plant with maximum efficiency. Spring risk for bees, OS is minimal: they love flowers and berries. Some species of birds consider the best delicacy of grape ticks. But as long as there is a tax, but there are no pillows, they can hardly be poisoned.

The consequences of the wrong choice

How to treat is an important decision. It is impossible to treat it frivolous. The poisoning substances require attentiveness, because it is easier to break the law, a breast of grapes. Even if the hopes are melted, it seems that the battle is lost, it is not necessary to take offense, angry, do not need to risk. Grapes will weaken over the season, but it will be restored next year.

Among hazardous drugs, there are high-quality and poor-quality, suitable and irrelevant at all, from any point of view. After examining the properties, you need to choose the best. It is required to take into account such a factor as safety for others, including - for people who will have grapes or honey from the apiary. Pet can eat poisoned bird. In this case, someone else's property will suffer - a favorite cat, a dog. If a bird is reserved to the reserve, a representative of the extinction species can die, eating it.

After examining the components, it will be possible to assume how the eaten poison will affect the water in the stream, into which the poisoned bird will accidentally fall. How many birds will it be able to poison? This is an important question.

Problems of application

Each gardener and winegrowor, finding a felt neighbor, buying the substance necessary to destroy it, will face another problem - it is desirable to spray the inner side of the sheet plate. Preparations act when entering the parasite. They must penetrate the sheet. There is only access to the inside. Have to try.

Many flower products complain about the leaves of petunias are covered with white raid. Why is this happening. Let's try to figure it out in this article.

Petunia leaves are covered with white nails for several reasons. In this article we will analyze the main causes of an unpleasant phenomenon.

White raid is not a very good symptom. He testifies to Petunia's disease.

If the petunia leaves were covered with white raid, then most likely it is puffy dew. It can also be a false mildew.

How to distinguish tormentous dew from false torment?

Puffy dew is one of the most common diseases of plants, including Petunia. This disease is fungal. It manifests itself in white ride on the leaves, stems and colors. If you do not accept any measures, then the plant dries down and dies. The emergence of pulse dews leads such factors as:

  • High humidity.
  • Large temperature differences.
  • Lack of nutrients.

The false torment of dew shows itself practically. In order to distinguish false tormentous dew from the present, attention should be paid to the bundles. Also, real powdery dew as it should be chosen by the plant entirely, and false torment dew amazes the green parts of the plant. False powdery dew has a very characteristic "fluffy" white row.

You can also distinguish according to the conditions. Puffy dew appears in conditions of high humidity, and the false appears in conditions of lack of moisture.

Fighting torment dew on Petunia: What to do?

If you have determined that your flowers were covered with white nails due to malfunctive dew, then the following funds are perfect for the struggle:

  • Fundazoll;
  • Topaz;
  • Acrobat MC;
  • Preview;
  • Soon
  • Vitaros;
  • Amistarextera.
  • Phitosporin.

These drugs are well helped with mildew. Follow the instructions on the package.

Fighting false torment dew on Petunia.

If the petunia leaves were covered with white bending due to false mildew, then the following means can be applied:

  • A solution of iodine and milk. (Kapa 10 drops of iodine in 1 liter of milk and mix in 10 liters of water. This solution spray petunia). This means It helps very well.
  • Polycarbacin.
  • Copper blear.

All these funds can be easily buying in a gardener store. They help well and white raids will disappear very quickly.

Leaves are covered black sage raidwhich quickly forms crust. This is a very common disease. It is sometimes called the mobile due to the similarity with the soot. It is caused by numerous fungi: Cladosporium, Torula, TripOSPorlum.

These fungi develop on weakened plants, affected byphids, trips, cruise, blonde, shield. Single dew of these sucking insects becomes fertile soil for a sage laid.

By themselves, the sage mushrooms do not cause much harm to the plant. Black raid on the leaves interferes with the normal process of photosynthesis, and, consequently, the growth of the plant. The entire sheet is gradually covered by the similarity of the black powder forming the crust, while the appearance of the plant is worsening.

Plants, most susceptible to a sage fly: azaleas, citrus fruits, diffenbahia, camellia and palm trees, flick rubber. Fungicides are useless against black plaque. You need to fight with insectsleaving sticky allocations.

Get rid of black plants on indoor plants will help washing all leaf In turn. Wash the leaves need a solution of alcohol to remove the sticky dew of insects. You can use fresh beer. In addition, it gives shine to leaves. It is possible to make a plating a warm shower, covering an earthen room with a film.

Large plants (including trees) treat copper-soap solution (5 g of copper mood and 150 g of soap on 10 liters of water). You can process trees with a bordrian liquid solution or copper chlorocycism, as in the case of a brush. Do not allow excess soil moisture And thin the thickened crowns of trees.

Most often, homemade plants suffer from diseases of the fungal nature and insect-pest activities. First of all, the leaves and the root system are affected. According to characteristic features of lesions, it is possible to determine the cause of the diseases of indoor plants and to eliminate it in a timely manner.

High temperature and increased humidity - a wonderful environment for the development of bacteria. For this reason, spray and water the flowers should be moderated, since the excess moisture increases the likelihood of the spread of pathogens of microorganisms.

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    Alternaria treats fungal diseases, in which the leaves, tubers and stalks of the plants are covered with brown spots. Pathways - mushrooms of the genus Alternaria. First, the disease affects the lower leaves, and then the defeat rises above the concentric circles. Over time, the stains are black and grow. Alternariasis is particularly progressing with sharp drops of temperature.

    The best environment for the development of microorganisms - warm and raw microclimate, when the humidity in the room is 90%, and the temperature of + 30 ° C.

    Prevention of such a disease is good ventilation. Ventilation helps to combat mold. It is also impossible to allow high density of shoots to eliminate the source of the occurrence of bacteria: extra branches with leaves should be deleted in a timely manner.


    The disease causes deuteromycetes of GloEosporium, Colletotrichum, Kabatiella. The stains on the affected leaves can have a different shade: sometimes they are gray-yellow, in other cases brown or purple. Running, stains acquire a brown tint. They are the formation of disputes that manifest themselves in the form of hairs. In these places, the surface of the sheet is rough.

    The fungus is resistant to frozen and spreads with watering. Developed with high humidity and elevated temperatures.

    At the initial stages of the disease, affected leaves are removed, watering plants in order to reduce humidity. Plants are sprayed with a burglar mixture, a copper vigorous, a fungicidal drug.


    Phytopathology is accompanied by the appearance on the leaves of small brown spots with a diameter of 1-2 mm. Running, they darken, on the edge of the spot is formed yellow kaym. When the disease strikes the stem, then its fracture occurs in the place of infection. The first signs of the disease are manifested in the form of drying the tips of the leaves. On the border with a healthy part, a darkened, brown strip occurs.

    The fungus - the pathogen is very stable, well withstands frost and drought. It is transferred with water drops when spraying. The struggle measures are the same as during the anthracnose.

    False mild dew

    The disease is provoked by the activities of mushrooms - oomycetes. At the initial stage of the disease on the top of the sheet plate, yellow spots of incorrect configuration appear. Through time, they become brown, and then drill. On the bottom half of the sheet, a gray flare appears, which then draws. Sick leaves are collected in corrugations, yellow and fall. In later stages, the disease amazes vascular system plants. On the cut, this is manifested in the form of darkened vessels.

    The ideal conditions for the development of phytopathology are:

    • high acidity soil substrate;
    • high humidity;
    • limited fresh air access, poor ventilating room.

    The source of the disease is the poor disinfection of seeds and soil. In order to prevent the seeds before planting, it is kept in water at a temperature of + 50 ° C for 20 minutes. Warm seeds fall for 3 minutes in cold water, and then dried in air.

    The room maintains low humidity. Bushes require constant thinning to improve air access. In order to disinfection, the soil periodically needs to be changed.

    When the disease swallowed on the plant, then the contaminated leaves and side branches are removed. Spraying is carried out by the Bordeaux liquid, bravo or quadris preparations. If the soil is already infected, the spraying is excluded.

    To avoid malical dew, home plants should not be fertilized by nitrogen fertilizers, especially when the bootonization process is underway. As disputes easily overcome considerable distance, bacteria are listed with trees located outside the window. The development of the disease affects the lack of air, however, drafts are also contraindicated. Processing the affected buds can be gray, whey or milk.

    Rust on leaves

    In this case, rusty spots appear on the leaves. If they are confused in hand, powder is formed. Such a disease also relates to fungal. It appears as a result of abundant irrigation, the lack of sufficient lighting and lack of fresh air.

    Sometimes the disease falls into the ground with seeds. It is impossible to recognize it in advance, so before planting the soil and sowing material are treated with manganese. Spore fungus can be brought by the wind, if the pot with a flower stands on the window. Therefore, in the spring, all plants should be treated by the Bordeaux mixture for prevention. If rust has struck a minor piece of leaves, they should be removed.

    The appearance of rusty spots can be caused by improper dosage of fertilizers. If the substrate of the soil has long changed, it should be completely replaced by the soil.

    Gray Gnil

    The fungal disease caused by the activities of conidium and sclerotics on dead areas of plants. First, the stem is defeated, which is covered with a grayish-olive raid. Later, the disease turns into leaves and flowers.

    Such pests can be:

    • Aphid. Insect, which sucks juice from plant tissues.
    • Cyclamenite tick. It is embarrassed to the surface of the leaves, the large cluster of the ticks looks like dust.
    • Nematode. It is difficult to fight these pests, but also affect indoor flowers rarely.
    • Mealybug. This is a small beetle, covered by Pup.
    • Shield. Protected by a shield from wax, so the drugs on the insect do not work.
    • Grape elephant. Beetle feeding with leaves.
    • Caterpillars Rarely amazed houseplants.

    The content of indoor plants requires constant care and maintaining the necessary climatic conditions. It is necessary to monitor the main factors: humidity and indoor air temperature. It is impossible to allow a sharp drop or increase these indicators. It is necessary to change the soil more often and check its acidity. So you can avoid damage to indoor plants with fungal diseases and pests.

Since at home the pests extend very quickly, all cultures should be periodically examined to detect the problem in time. Diseases of indoor flowers require immediate treatment, since in a limited space, the disease quickly applies and can hit all cultures in the house. Diseases can cause viruses, fungi and bacteria, and if pests appeared, they can always be removed manually and take measures that will not allow the spread of insects. Preventive measures include isolation of the affected plant and the monthly treatment of all vase cultures with special solutions.

From the article you will learn what diseases and pests most often occur on indoor colors and learn them to recognize characteristic symptoms. In addition, we will provide useful information on the effective treatment of diseases and the most popular ways to combat pests.

Types of diseases of indoor plants

Flower indoor crops are subject to various diseases. For example, white velvety flask may appear on the leaves or buds. This is a disease called a powdery dew, which is caused by a special kind of fungi. The development of the disease contributes to stagnation of water, a sharp decrease in temperature and irregular irrigation. The affected leaves need to be removed, adjust the temperature and watering mode, and the culture itself should be treated with fungicide (three times with a period of 10 days).

The most common diseases include (picture 1):

  • Mycosis (gray rot) Causes the formation of mold, after which the leaves simply rot. The disease appears increased level humidity, too dense content and insufficient ventilation. It is possible to struggle with mycosis of fungicides only if the lesions are small. But most often the rone is simply thrown away.
  • If the leaves are covered with black soot, quickly forming a crust, this means that the culture is damaged by the mobile. Flight does not harm directly, but spoils its appearance and interferes with photosynthesis. Fighting with fungicides is meaningless. The only means to eliminate it is to regularly wipe the leaves or rinse them under the shower. You can use a weak alcohol solution or beer.
  • Phytoophluorosis Also cause mushrooms. The stalks and leaves are covered with purple brown spots, faded and gradually die. Warning disease may be too intense irrigation or a dense substrate. It is useless to fight phytoophluorosis, and the affected copy is simply thrown together with the substrate. In order to prevent the appearance of the disease, the vases need to be planted only in a specially prepared ground mixture, and in the winter it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room.

Sometimes located nearby the leaves begin to adhere and become brown. This process is caused by a special fungal disease, with which it is almost useless to fight. The affected flower needs to be thrown as quickly as possible so that the fungus does not shut up for neighboring cultures.

Figure 1. Common area of \u200b\u200bindoor plants: 1 - mildew Rosa, 2 - gray rot, 3 - black soot, 4 - phytoofluorosis

Another sign of the disease is cinnamon or black spots on the leaves. It may be a pair, churchosposition or ancronta. As correct, the usual spraying of fungicides helps, but if the leaf fabric began to die, all damaged parts will have to be removed. The most effective means is the Bordeaux fluid, which can be used not only in therapeutic, but also in preventive purposes.


Some cultures are striking viruses. Leaves begin to discolor or deform. The effective method of struggle does not exist, so the patient flower needs to be destroyed so that it does not infect the remaining cultures.

The most common virus facilities include (Figure 2):

  • Mosaic - The leaves are covered with spots of various colors and shapes that form a bizarre pattern. At the same time, the mosaic does not bring serious harm, but can spoil the appearance.
  • Jaundice - Dangerous viral disease, since the affected culture quickly begins to fade, crack, ceases growth and dies. The treatment of jaundice is not yet designed, so the infected flower is better to destroy immediately.

Figure 2. Signs of viral lesion

There are also such varieties that are not at all susceptible to diseases. These include aspidas, Caladium, Cyperus and many others. Examples of such crops are shown in Figure 3.

From the video you will learn how to deal with the most common diseases of indoor plants.


Bacterial diseases also pose a danger to household cultures, as they not only slow down the growth of the plant, but also spoil its appearance. There are several types of diseases of this group.

Figure 3. Examples of crop disease resistant: 1 - aspidistra, 2 - Caladium, 3 - Cyperus

The most common bacterial diseases are considered (Figure 4):

  1. Rot Especially often affects varieties with fleshy leaves and stems. Provocating factors can be increased humidity and excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers.
  2. Withering First strikes the stems, gradually switching and on the leaves.
  3. Spotted It is manifested by the formation of the sacrificed areas on the leaves. In contrast to the spotting of fungal origin, the spots of bacterial have clear contours.
  4. Bacterial cancer Provokes the formation of growths on roots and young shoots. As the disease spread, the culture is weakening and gradually dies.

Figure 4. Bacterial diseases of indoor flowers: 1 - rot, 2 - wadering, 3 - spottedness, 4 - bacterial cancer

To combat bacterial diseases, it makes no sense to use chemical preparations, as they do not have sufficient efficiency. With a strong damage, the plant is destroyed along with the soil and the pot, but much more efficient to take preventive measures and moderately use fertilizers.

Puffy dew on indoor plants: treatment

Puffy dew may appear not only on cultures open soilbut also on indoor plants. The causative agent of the disease is a special kind of fungi, which form a fungouncing on the leaves and stems.

Puffy dew requires treatment after the detection of the first symptoms, because the infontalued development of the fungus will lead to the fact that culture will begin to weaken, slow down growth and may even die.

The reasons

The causes of pulse dew are very diverse. But most often this disease causes elevated humidity and temperature. In addition, improper care and impact of pests can provoke disease. For example, if the plant is weakened after an insect attack or ticks, it becomes more susceptible to fungi.

Figure 5. Symptoms of pulse dew on indoor colors

The beginning of the disease can provoke excessive feeding with nitrogenous fertilizers and low calcium content in the soil. In addition, the disease may appear in the event that water drops remain on the leaves and stems for a long time after irrigation.


A characteristic symptom of malical dew - the formation of a dense white plaque on the leaves and stems. This raid contains the spores of the fungus, but it is easy to manually (Figure 5).

If you do not start treatment, the flare will begin to spread over all parts of the culture, and gradually change the color from white to brown. This testifies to the nearingness of the disease and the need to use special fungicides. At the initial stages of the defeat, you can do folk remedies: tincture of garlic or soap solution with copper vigorous.

Rooms Diseases: Sticky Leaves

Under normal conditions, the leaves of indoor plants are smooth and dry. But, if they were covered with a sticky raid, this testifies to pathology, which requires immediate treatment (Figure 6).

Among all domestic diseases, sticky leaves deliver the flower in the most trouble, because this raid is not only spoils the appearance of the flower, but also worsens his general condition. Let's try to figure out which reasons can cause a sticky plaque, and how to eliminate it.

The reasons

The main reason for the occurrence of sticky plaque is the impact of pests that may not be visible to the naked eye, but at the same time they feed on the flower juices and weaken it.

Sticky leaves appear in the event that the culture settled the shields or spoors, aphid, ticks or whiteflies. All these insects cover the leaves with their livelihoods, which form an unpleasant sticky flare.


Determine the presence of sticky plaque is very easy - just touching the leaves. It is not necessary to underestimate the problem, because the plant, the leaves of which are covered with sticky vital products of pests quickly lose moisture and nutrients and becomes more susceptible to fungal and viral diseases. In addition, sticky substances clog pores in the leaves, and the flower cannot breathe normally.

Figure 6. Sticky leaves of room colors and methods to eliminate pathology

If you do not take measures to eliminate the plaque on time, the flower will quickly wake, stop the growth and can even die if earlier this flower suffered a disease or a transplant.


Since the main factor provoking the formation of plaque on the leaves is pests, it is necessary to take measures to combat insects. First, you need to treat flower insecticides or acaricides (if mites were detected on the stems). The culture itself needs to be thoroughly wrapped with a solution of the economic soap, carefully, but neatly flushing the raid from each sheet.

If the flare has already spread throughout the culture, folk methods The struggle will not be enough. In this case, it is better to wash the leaves with clean water and treat the culture with the preparation of phytodeterm, dissolving the contents of one ampoule in water.

Diseases of indoor plants: Dry leaves tips

If the vason began to dry the tips of the leaves, most likely in the room too dry air or the culture is incorrectly taken (Figure 7).

In fact, the reasons for the appearance of dry tips on the leaves are quite a lot, so it is necessary to objectively evaluate all the factors and take appropriate measures to eliminate pathology.

The reasons

As mentioned above, dry leaf tips appear if there is a low level of humidity in the room. But this is not the only reason.

Among the factors capable of bringing the leaf drying on the tips, allocate:

  • Watering with rigid tap water;
  • Violation of the scraper of watering: excessive moisturizing or drying off the earth coma;
  • Increased or reduced fertilizer content in the soil;
  • Increased indoor temperature or direct sunlight effects;
  • A close pot in which the roots completely wrapped the ground and formed a dense earthen com.

In addition, dry leaf tips may appear when exposed to pests. To eliminate the problem, you need to evaluate the degree of exposure to all factors that could lead to pathology and take appropriate measures to eliminate them.


At the initial stage, only a small part of the tip of the sheet begins to dying. It is at this stage that it is necessary to inspect the plant for the presence of pests and revise the culture schedule.

Figure 7. Indoor plant diseases: Dry leaves tips

For example, if the wave appeared on the flower, you can notice the colonies of small insects on the stems or the bottom of the leaves. If ticks settled on the flower, a small web between the nodes appears, and when the shields are exposed to the leafs on the leaves, small dense and fixed insects can be noticed.


If the tips of the leaves began to dry under the influence of pests, it is necessary to process with chemicals, and a few days later repeat the procedure to eliminate young individuals hatched from the larvae.

But much more often the tips of the leaves dry out due to improper care. First of all, it is necessary to improve water quality for watering. For this purpose, it is better to use Tluu or rainwater, but if you do not have such an opportunity, you can defend the usual water supply. In addition, it is necessary to increase the moisture in the room, spraying the leaves with boiled water room temperature or setting a stationary humidifier.

It is also necessary to feed the plant, or vice versa, reduce the number of fertilizers. Often the leaves begin to dying if the flower is in a close pot. In this case, a transplantation or transshipment is required (for large copies) in a more tank.

Shielding on indoor plants: treatment

Detect insect pests simple enough, inspected the surface of the stems and leaves. Below is information about the most common insects that can damage or completely destroy the indoor flower.

Most often appears in the spring or at the end of winter. Externally insects are very small, can be black, gray or green. The TLA feeds on the juices of the plant and highlights the adhesive poisonous juice. As a rule, the pest is located on young shoots and buds. Especially high risk of lesion, if the flower was taken out into the garden (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Examples of plants, affected

To save the flower, immediately remove and burn the affected parts. You can also try to wash off insects with strong water pressure. After that, we carry out the processing with special insecticides for indoor crops. Roses and chrysanthemums become the main victims of Tly, but it's not terrible cultures with dense and fleshy leaves.

  • Pincers

The main sign of the defeat is a web, which appeared between leaves and stems. Since the size of individual individuals is less than 1 mm, it is almost impossible to consider them. But with a large cluster of insect, the leaves gradually lose color and become gray. Especially intensively ticks multiply in dry hot weather (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Defeat of indoor plants by ticks

For prevention, a high level of humidity is maintained, so the leaves of the colors are found to spray with clean water as often as possible. But if the ticks still appeared, special funds are used to eliminate them - acaricides.

  • Bellenki.

This is a separate subspecies. Insects are very quickly multiplied, and adult individuals take off the pack as soon as you touch the leaves. They feed on the juices of stems and leaves and quickly lead to their death. Therefore, as soon as you discovered whiteflies, treat the flower with a special insecticide. The procedure must be repeated every 8 days, as the drug affects only adult individuals.

  • Weevils

Insect length is up to 2 cm. They eat leaves and young stems. The larvae resemble small worms and feed on roots. Insecticides are applied to treatment, which spray plants four times with a weekly interruption. For the prevention you need to buy only specialized substrates of industrial production, in which there are no pests or their larvae.

Indoor plants can be exposed to other pests (Figure 10):

  1. Cycades: These are small insects that bounce as soon as you touch the leaves. Feed juice. To fight, it is enough to remove damaged leaves and stems and rinse the flower well under the shower. As a rule, this is sufficient and processing with special chemicals is not required.
  2. Caterpillars: On the household colors, they rarely appear, but the likelihood of lesion still exists. They are deleted manually and regular prophylactic spraying.
  3. Cherwec: Food primarily juice with dense fleshy leaves. It is necessary to remove insects by hand, washing the leaves with water-alcohol.
  4. Red cobweb tick: Quite often found in urban apartments. It is difficult to notice the insect, but its presence can be determined on spots on the leaves in places where insects eat. In addition, the ticks leave a thin cobweb. To combat ticks, it is necessary to increase the humidity of the air and constantly spray the outer and inner side of the leaves.
  5. Mokritsa They damage the roots by entering them. However, they do not have time to apply a serious damage, as pests are easy to detect and eliminate manually.

Figure 10. Common pests of indoor plants: 1 - whiteflies, 2 - caterpillars, 3 - shields

Also cultures that are grown in pots can damage multicacies and mih-miners. To combat multipurpses, it is enough to have a transplant. Determine the presence of fly miners easily in the leaves that tear the insect larvae. Since indoor plants are rarely subjected to mass attacks, it suffices to conduct a prophylactic monthly spraying insecticides.

Note: On the back of the leaves often you can notice dense brown spots. These are the so-called shields that drink plant juice. To combat them, it is enough just to neat pest scraps and treat damaged leaves with a weak soap or beer solution. If a lot of boards are repeated after 10-15 minutes.

When using a garden raw land in a pot, rainworms may appear and pins (minor jumping insects that do not cause serious harm, but spoil the aesthetic plant type). It is possible to fight with them only a crop transplantation in a special substrate industrial production substrate. More useful information about the fight against pests you will learn from the video.

Shield - one of the most common pests of indoor plants. These insects represent a greater danger, as they feed on the juices of the plant, and notice the shields at the initial stage of the lesion difficult.

The reasons

Causes provoking the invasion of the shields are very diverse. As a rule, on the household colors, they appear with improper care that weakens the culture.

In addition, pests can settle on the colors weakened after illness. Most often, the shields are transferred with soil or water, but in some cases it can be distributed by the person himself, if the infected inventory was used for the care and transplantation of plants.


It is possible to determine the presence of a panel by characteristic features (Figure 11). The first of them is the appearance of dense brown or bright growths on the leaves. Externally, they resemble scales and are seriously separated from the plant.

Note: This is how adult pests look like, and it is impossible to discover the larvae, as they are not visible to the naked eye.

In addition, the plant affected by the shields gradually slows down growth and weakens, its leaves are covered with a sticky flare (the result of insects), and brown spots appear in the places of severe damage. Gradually, these stains increase in the amount and, if measures were not taken to combat pests, the plant dies.

Figure 11. Shields on indoor colors: lesion symptoms

Treatment of the Shield - not easy taskSince outside the pest is protected by a dense shield that does not pass into the chemical means of struggle. At the initial stage of the lesion, you can try to remove the shields manually using the old toothbrush, moistened in alcohol or soap solution. With a strong damage, several steps of spraying with the preparation of accuters (1 ampoule per liter of water) or phosbecide (20 ml per 10 liters of water) are needed. The last drug is toxic, so the processing can be carried out only on the street.

Room Flower Diseases: White Flaw

White raid, which suddenly appeared on the leaves or buds of indoor plants, indicates that the flower is infected with pulse dew (Figure 12).

This is a fungal disease, and the white bloom is a mycelium, which contains the spores of the fungus. The danger of the disease is that it quickly spreads, so when the first symptoms are discovered, therapeutic measures must be taken immediately.

The reasons

The reasons that can cause infection with malievous dew, not a lot. Firstly, the disease provokes the wrong and irregular watering when water accumulates from the roots or remains on the leaves.

In addition, an increased temperature in the room may become the reason for the development of malical dew, in a high humidity complex. It is especially often happening in summer, but signs of pulse dew can also appear in winter if the plant suffers from sudden temperature drops.


A characteristic symptom of mildew is a white flare, which first covers individual parts of the plant. But without treatment, it will quickly spread throughout the culture.

Figure 12. White bloom on home colors and its treatment

Puffy dew not only to spoil the appearance of the plant, but also weakens it, since the fungus slows down the absorption of water and the beneficial substances in the culture fabric. If the fungus spread strongly, the brown spots will begin to form the brown spots on the site, and the plant may die.


Treatment of malical dew depends on the lesion stage. If the disease has just begun, it will be enough to remove and burn damaged parts, and the plant itself spray with any drug against fungus (for prophylaxis).

With severe damage, a solution of fungicides is used. The culture spray up to three times with an interval of 10 days to completely destroy the fungus.

Prevention of diseases and pests of indoor plants

Most often, indoor plants suffer from diseases and pests due to improper care. Much less often the pathogens of diseases and larvae pests penetrate from outside, for example, when using conventional garden soil for growing colors.

So that plants remain strong and healthy, simple preventive measures should be performed. First, moderately fertilize and water the plants, not allowing severe drying or the convergence of the Earth Koma. Secondly, each species need to ensure optimal conditions of cultivation: the level of humidity, lighting and temperature. In addition, it is necessary to cut regularly and transplant the bedroom flowers so that they have enough space for growth.