How to prepare tomatoes peeled in our own juice. How to prepare tomatoes in tomato sauce for the winter on a step-by-step recipe with a photo

Tomatoes with a dense pulp thoroughly, remove spoiled, crumpled and fruit with rot. Cut the skin of tomatoes with a sharp knife, put in a bowl. We pour steep boiling water to them, we leave for 30 seconds or a little more if the peel is dense.

In purely washed half-liter banks lay the halves of vegetables cut down.

Tomato juice overflow into a saucepan, bring to a boil. Juice is suitable or can be made at home from fresh tomatoes.

Fill in cans with vegetables boiling juice, leave for 10 minutes so that the vegetables warmer. Then we put on the can a cover with holes and drain the fill in the pan.

To tomato juice, add sugar and a table salt. We try tomato marinade taste. If you use ready-made salted juice, then salt and sugar must be put less than indicated in the recipe.

We fill the vegetables with boiling juice. We screw the banks with boiled covers.

In the container for sterilization, we put a piece of x \\ b fabric or towel. We put the blanks on the fabric, we pour water heated to 60 degrees. We bring water to a boil, sterilize 12 minutes. Tightly wechind the container, turn over the bottom on the lids.

There is one universal dish, a wonderful snack that uses specially popular in winter time. We are talking about tomatoes in own juice. What it is? How to cook it? Everyone will learn in this article. Let's start cooking tomatoes in our own juice or tomatoes in Tomato.

Tomatoes in their own juice are such marinated tomatoes, brine for which tomato juice is served. In the classic version, in addition to salt and tomatoes, no other ingredients are used, which makes this snack much more useful than similar billets, filled with a large number of vinegar.

According to the consistency, these tomatoes are very tender, and how much to taste "Marinade" from them - fingers losing!

This is usually used both as an independent snack, and as some addition to the main dishes. Also, soups are prepared on the basis of tomatoes in juice, vegetable stew and various sauces.

Below are 5 popular cooking recipes at home. We are preparing for the winter and not only. Just with tomatoes or with the addition of additional vegetables, with spices and spices or without them. Also here and a couple of videos, where everything is detailed and describes.

Tomatoes in Tomat Recipes

Classic tomatoes in their own juice (without salt and vinegar)

This recipe can be called the simple and most natural, since we do not use vinegar and even the usual salt. Tomatoes in tomato everything for natural taste.

As already spoke earlier, these tomatoes are suitable for stew, sauces, tomato Soup And other things, as there are no additives that affect the taste.

We will be prepared with sterilization, if without it, then stored only in the refrigerator and not for a long time.

Tomatoes in tomato Ingredients on 0.5 liter can:

  • Tomatoes - 400 g.
  • Tomatoes for juice - 300-400 g.

How to cook tomatoes in your own juice

  1. Tomatoes ideally should be small, such fleshy varieties. They and the form will keep, and just tastier in any conservation.
  2. The same, what goes for juice may, on the contrary, be mint, non-zeroshist, even unreliable. We skip them through the juicer or through a meat grinder. In the extreme case, you can just take tomato juice in boxes.
  3. The resulting mass is placed on fire and is brought to a boil. Next, cook on medium fire, constantly stirring, remove the foam. Total cooking time is about 45 minutes.
  4. We return to solid tomatoes. We rinse them and make a shallow cross-shaped incision at each top.
  5. Pour boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. Further we drag the water, with tomatoes we remove the skin. Someone is preparing with her, but, as for me, this peel then resembles a cellophane package.
  6. The bank is sterilized, put the peeled tomatoes into it. If you wish, they can be chopped into slices - it will get so bigger.
  7. Pour boiling tomato juice, cover with screw lids and put on water bath. Sterilize about 15 minutes in practically boiling water. Next, we twist, turn the jar, cover with a towel and leave until complete cooling.

By the way, earlier I published an article about how . This is the case if you have many immature tomatoes, well, or simply, if something delicious and original wants.

Simple recipe tomatoes in its own juice for the winter without sterilization

I consider this option not only simple, but also the most delicious! And all because besides tomatoes there are still Bulgarian peppers and different spices.

For convenience, we use tomato paste. We divorced it and get juice, and in it already we will cook tomatoes. Yes, all the ingredients will be held long cooking so that later it does not have to sterilize.

Tomatoes in tomato Ingredients:

  • The fleshy tomatoes - 6-7 kg. (immediately for several cans);
  • Sweet Bulgarian pepper - 14-16 pcs.
  • Tomato paste - 20 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar - 15 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Carnation - 2 tbsp. spoons;

We start cooking tomatoes in our own juice

  1. Bulgarian pepper clean from the core and finely chopped out. You can even skip through the meat grinder.
  2. Pour water in the pan, stir there Salt, sugar and tomato paste. There are also pouring and carnation. Turn on the stove and wait for boiling.
  3. At the end, pour 3 spoons vegetable oil, preferably refined.
  4. To put crushed peppers into a large pan, washed tomatoes (whole), gently pour hot tomato juice to them. I mix a little and bring to a boil again.
  5. We include minimal fire and tomatoes for about 15 minutes. While the tomato mass coperates, sterilize jars and covers with boiling water.
  6. Fill with tomatoes along with the tomato fill of the can, immediately tighten with the covers. Further, everything is standard: flip, bite and wait for cooling. Then we remove into a dark cool place.

Spicy tomatoes in tomato juice

And here is the whole raisin in the addition of a large number of spices. Also here we will bypassed without vinegar and other preservatives. Sterilization and long shelf life will be provided with careful cooking and just rinse with boiling water.

By default, we ride one-piece tomatoes, but if you wish, you can cut them and slices.

We need:

  • Small tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Tomato juice - 3 l.
  • Salt - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Bay sheet - 6-8 pcs.
  • Black peas pepper - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Carnation - 1-2 Art. spoons;


  1. Tomators rinse with water, then in each to make a few punctors for a fork or toothpick. This is for the heating they do not burst.
  2. Boiling water, pour her to the top of the banks, cover top with the covers. Let it still stand so far.
  3. Now go to juice. Pour it into a saucepan, add all spices and spices (pepper, laurel, salt, sugar, carnation). Stir, bring to a boil, cook for about 5-7 minutes.
  4. From the cans merge hot water and immediately pour boiling tomato juice. Filled, rolled out covers. Here, actually, and that's it! It remains to be removed in a dark place, cover with something warm, well, the jars themselves should stand the bottom.

Piquant with the addition of garlic

Just, fragrant and slightly sharply - everyone! If you wish, you can also add sharp moltot peppers.

Required products:

  • Beautiful fleshy tomatoes - 1.5 kg.
  • Tomatoes, which are not a pity - 1.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 12 teeth;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sunflower oil (odorless) - 1 cup;
  • Vinegar (70%) - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Black pepper pepper - 10 peas;

Cooking process

  1. My good tomatoes, cut out the fruits, cut on the quarter.
  2. The rest of the tomatoes twist through the meat grinder (can be in a blender or even in the juicer). We pour into a saucepan, add salt, butter, sugar, pepper. We turn on the middle fire and wait when it boils, while often fit and mix.
  3. So far we put on the banks for the tomatoes and cloves of garlic.
  4. Tomatoes boiled, boiling 15 minutes, at the end add acetic essence, mix and spill on banks.
  5. We cover with the lids and for the warranty additionally sterilize about 15 minutes (in the microwave, a double boiler or simply in a water bath).
  6. Turn the covers, turn the banks, bite the blanket and wait for it to cool.

Recipe for tomatoes in its own juice for the winter (original with onions)

Here the same is, but with a small nuance, which will pleasantly surprise, anyone who has decided to try this snack.

The whole chip is that we start our lok every tomato. As a result, it is impregnated with onion juice, and the deceit itself retains pleasant crust.


  • Tomato - 3 kg.
  • Tomato juice - about 2 liters;
  • Salt - 50 g. On each liter of juice;
  • Lavra sheets - several;
  • Garlic cloves - 5 pcs.
  • Onions - 2 large heads;

How to make this workpiece

  1. Tomatoes clean from the fruits plus make another small recess for a piece of onions.
  2. Garlic's cloves are a little nourishing, also cut onions on small pieces.
  3. Glass cans pour for 5-10 minutes with boiling water, then water water and begin to lay tomatoes in them. We take the first, insert inside a piece of onions and a piece of garlic. We do so with everyone.
  4. The remaining pieces of the bow sprinkle the contents of cans.
  5. I will bring the juice to a boil, dissolve salt in it, then quit pepper and bay leaf. How boils, cook for another 10 minutes.
  6. Now we remove the covers, quickly spill on the jars and immediately close. Since sterilization will not do, then storing these banks after cooling should be in a coolness, preferably in the cellar or in the refrigerator. So longer we preserve and do not scatter.
  • As it was somewhere at the beginning of the article, choose tight varieties of tomatoes and preferably a small size if you want them to save their shape and after several months of conservation.
  • Remove or remove the peel - the personal matter of everyone. Someone does not like this skin, because it then becomes very dense, prevents. Someone is not fundamentally. To make the skin quickly filmed, pour the tomatoes with boiling water for a couple of minutes, while making a shallow incision on them.
  • In addition to red, you can use green tomatoes. The cooking technology does not change from this, but the taste becomes another, and someone such an option may even like it.
  • See video how to cook tomatoes in tomato

A very easy recipe for making ordinary tomatoes in sterilization tomato. They will greatly keep all the winter, you can use juice without seeds, but I have just been overwhelmed by the fruit on the meat grinder. Approximately 3 cans of 1.5 liters left 2.5 liters of tomato. The amount may be slightly changed, depending on the density of laying tomatoes and their size. No herbs, garlic, horseradish and other leaves are not added.


  • tomatoes;
  • 2.5 liters of tomato juice;
  • 2.5 salt spoons;
  • 2.5 sugar spoons;
  • pepper pepper;
  • 1 tsp. vinegar (essence).

Cooking method

  • To the skin does not burst from boiling water, you can pierce tomatoes in several places toothpick. This technique will also help them quickly sprout.
  • It is possible to stick a piece of garlic in each tomato from the side of the frozen, the fragrance of the workpiece will be different.
  • If you need to cook tomatoes in your juice for lasagna and other similar dishes, it is better to remove the skin. To do this, on each fruit, incision to the skin of the cross, dip in cool boiling water, is cooled in cold water, purified and decomposed on banks.

Elementary proportion and minimum components. Per 1 liter of juice - 1 tbsp. Spoon salt. We take a large grinding, domestic producer, without iodine and other additives.

We need (two liter banks):

  • Tomatoes (small) - about 1.2 kg
  • Tomatoes (for juice) - up to 2 kg
  • Salt - about 2 tbsp. span
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. Spoons (regulate by yourself!)
  • Vinegar (9%) - 2 tbsp. Spoons

Important details.

  • You can use tomato juice from the store. This is the fastest and also a delicious algorithm.
  • The calculation for any batch is simple: on a liter can - about 500 ml of juice. It, when boiling, brought to taste sugar, salt and spices - at will.

How we are preparing.

Brief algorithm without sterilization.

Washed vegetables and divided into medium and large. Average - by banks: Make 1-2 pouring boiling water. Large - in juice: cleared, killed in a puree, boiled on low heat for 20 minutes. Poured the juice with a warm vegetables and closed hermetically closed.

Now step by step - with photos and important details.

My all fruit in running water, with a brush.

We distribute tomatoes on banks and warming up 1-2 pouring boiling water.

In the main characters choose samples with dense skin, medium or small. Piercing each vegetable toothpick - 1-2 times, better in the field of fruits to a depth of up to 1 cm.

We declare them tightly by banks. We love to cook in liter: just one is sitting for the whole family.

Boiling water pour jars to the top and let stand 10 minutes. We merge the cooled water into the kettle, let me boil again and once again fuel the future conservation - for 2-3 minutes. We merge the second water and immediately fill with boiling tomato juice.

If the tomatoes are small, with a delicate skin, just one fill.

While vegetables are heated, we prepare tomato juice for final fill.

It is better to take a larger vegetables, a fleshy grade, you can slightly overreached. In general, all those that will not go to the banks for the order of the whole. We put the fruits in boiling water into a large saucepan and keep on weak boiling - 2-3 minutes. We rearrange the saucepan under cold water. So the skin will go away from the pulp and it will be very easy to remove it.

It remains to make simple tomato juice from purified tomatoes. We cut arbitrarily, medium slices and interrupt the immersion blender - until homogeneous mass. You can scroll pieces and through a meat grinder.

We put the juice on the stove, add salt, sugar and optional - spices. Classic genre: fragrant pepper, bay leaf and carnation.

We are waiting when the mass boils, mix well and let me stretch on a weak heat - 15-20 minutes. Foam will appear: carefully remove it from the surface. At the very end, add vinegar.

Pour the tomatoes with juice and closed for storage.

For a couple of minutes, we wander the midst, which we will work.

We recruit the failed boiling mass and to the top fill every jar with tomatoes. We are tightly closed and put slowly cool in the bitten form.


Banks with turnkey covers need to turn up upside down for wondering. And the tanks with screw lids (twist off) leave stand at the bottom.

Tomatoes in tomato juice from paste: recipe for winter

This option may compete not only on the title of the most delicious from the "Fingers!" Series! ", But also for the medal" awesome and simple! ".

We need:

  • Tomatoes (small size) - how much will be included (we have 7 liters of total cans)
  • Water - 1.5 liters
  • Tomato paste (if without thickeners) - 1.5 kg

Per 1 liter of juice:

  • Sugar - 1 h. Spoon on liter of juice
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. Spoon on liter of juice
  • Black pepper (peas) - 6 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Preservative - vinegar (9%) - depending on the volume of cans:

  • On a liter - 2/3 h. Spoons (incomplete tea)
  • 1.5 liters - 1 h. Spoon
  • 2 liters - 1 dessert spoon

Carefully read cooking with an important nuance for calculating tomato paste - And the luxurious result is guaranteed!

How to cook in steps with photos.

Sterilize banks (). Put in the banks of tomatoes. Fill the gifts of the garden of boiling water, not forgetting to measure the volume of boiling water. In our case, it was gone three liters. It means that we will need exactly the same amount of tomato juice. Cover the cans with covers and let it stand - 15 minutes.

During this time, we make tomato juice from pasta. The proportion of breeding paste in water depends on the type of product:

  • If the paste with starch is 1: 1 (one piece of paste on 1 part of the water)
  • If no thickener - 1: 2 (one piece of paste on 2 parts of water)

We dilute the paste the desired amount of water to get 3 liters of juice, as we understood at the previous stage with spilled boiling water on jars. Add salt, sugar, pepper and laurel. Adjust to taste salinity and sweetness of the solution.

The solution put on the stove - to boil for 10 minutes. You can shoot a foam or not - if desired.

Drain water from cans and add portion of vinegar in size of capacity. Fill out the freed volume just cooked boiling juice. Hermetically close the jars with a lid. Wrap the blanket, let it cool. Store in a moderately cool place.

Cherry Recipe in Tomato Juice for Winter (other varieties are suitable)

Cherry - super-tomato babes, quickly gained popularity in sophisticated salads. They broke through both the list of favorite billets. Purified tomato on one bite is especially appetizing. However, this sterilization sterilization You can repeat on any grade.

On the party of delicate tasty we need:

  • Cherry for each 1 liter bank - up to 600 g (how much will it)
  • Tomato juice - 3-3.5 liters

For each liter of juice:

  • Salt - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Sugar - to taste: from 2 to 5 tbsp. Spoon (babies worth trying sweet!)
  • Vinegar (9%) - 2 tbsp. Spoons

Spices per 1 liter of juice:

  • Garlic - to taste: we have 1/3 of the middle head (the size of a chicken egg)
  • Pepper scented (peas) - 2-3 pcs.
  • Carnation - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Preparation with sterilization.

How to easily clean Cherry from the peel? In a large saucepan, boil water and throws the baby literally on half a minute. Catch off the noise and ship under cold water. It will stop the effects of heat and allow a thin skin easily to separate from the pulp.

Suffered for a weak boiling for 5 minutes, dissolving all additives. Purified tomatoes distribute to banks and pour boiling juice.

Filled jars sterilize in a pan with a towel at the bottom. Water pour on the shoulders cans. We interfere with water boiling depending on the volume:

  • 500 ml - 8 minutes
  • 1 liter - 15 minutes

The video below is another quick elementary algorithm, how to put the baby into the skin without sterilization. Everything is very similar to our first classic recipe With pouring boiling water, and then hot tomato juice.

Recipe for winter halves without vinegar + video

You can also cut slices and arbitrary pieces. It is suitable as luxurious large copies that do not fit into the clock and all suitable, but non-conforming externally with roughness on the skirt.

We need a liter bank:

  • Tomatoes are cut - how many halves and slices (after cutting and cleaning from irregularities on the peel)
  • Sugar - 1 h. Spoon with a slide
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. Spoon without slide
  • Black pepper (polka dot) or a mixture of peppers - 5-8 peas
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece
  • Easy pepper (to taste) - 2 grains
  • Lemonic acid (for better storage) - on the tip of a teaspoon

How to cook.

At the bottom of clean liter cans put black and fragrant peppers, laurel. Cut tomatoes in half or large slices and most closely lay them in the jar. I fall asleep over the sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables sugar, salt, citric acid.

We cover the tank with clean covers and put in a saucepan for sterilization. We are waiting for a curious process! In the course of heat treatment, vegetables in banks are losing in the volume, highlighting juice.

Add pieces, sealing, and continue sterilization until the surface of the tomatoes does not cover completely juice. It is impossible to predict the exact time of sterilization. Still from 40 minutes.

When the jars were filled with juice close to the neck (for 1-2 fingers from the vertex), we get and tightly rush. Wrap and give cool. Lemon acid will allow the workpiece to be perfectly withstanding the conditions of the apartment and to breathe until the spring itself.

Video S. step by step instructions It will inspire the experiment with the cutting tomatoes of those who seem complicated. But it is just a longer - with a very tasty result.

Two more recipes "Finger Losing!": Sweet and garlic and horseradish

Spicy sample B. tomato juice It will seem the most delicious for those fans who do not think the spreadshades for the winter without garlic. And the sweet proportion will surprise any guest.

Close according to any one of the algorithms above:

  1. The first recipe in the selection we described as carefully as possible. You can easily orient how to make vegetables in the skins without sterilization.
  2. And the second recipe with Cherry will help you cook purified tomatoes of any size, After all, the time of sterilization of filled cans depends only on their volume

1) For sweet tomatoes in its own juice on 1 liter of juice, it is necessary to put 6 tbsp. Sugar spoons and 1 tbsp. Salt spoon.

Other additives at will.

  • You can only classic: black pepper, laurel, carnation.
  • Or make accent garlic, including the company with Khrenn.
  • Cinnamon (1-3 pinchs per liter of fill) is perfectly suitable from the wicker.

However, with sweetness and new notes, everything is to taste, in a small lot on the sample.

2) To marternize tomatoes in juice with garlic and horseradish, we use this calculation:

  • Tomatoes - how much will fit when laying without pressure
  • Tomato juice (prepare or from the store): about 500 ml of juice for each liter jar

For each liter of juice:

  • Khrena root (cleaned and three on a small grater) - 1/3 of Art. Spoons
  • Garlic (cleared and skip through the press) - 1/3 of Art. Spoons
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l. without slide
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. Spoons (with / without a slide: try!)

We hope you pleased the diversity of our suggestions. Choose yourself delicious recipe For the winter: Tomatoes in tomato juice - a simple billet with a luxurious result. Truly and in the PIR, and into the world - to decorate the weekdays and glorify your talents on the festive table.

Choosing vegetables for the workpiece, it is necessary to give preference to dense fruits. Ideally go sorted cream and the like. Tomatoes should be small, about the same shape with dense, but not too thick skin.

Be sure to preserving you need to carefully examine the fruits. They should not be spots, dents and even more so damage.

The mistake that most owners perform is the use of "non-thendition" for the preparation of tomato. Such a workpiece, even if it will be well stored, will not have a good taste. So do not try to save, buy only high-quality conservation products.

Banks and covers must be sterilized! Do not be afraid of this. It is enough to wash banks with soda (even after use detergent), And then put in the sun for several hours. Residents of high-rise buildings can be placed banks for sterilization directly on the windowsill. Through the glass, the sunshine is also well "supporting". This is the easiest "rustic" option. Well, and so, clean banks need to hold over the ferry.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the whole whole

Very tasty tomatoes are obtained by this recipe. And most importantly - when opening a jar, you immediately feel the real smell of summer.

You need to take a 3-liter jar:

  • 2 kilo small tomatoes and larger fruits;
  • dill seeds or one inflorescence;
  • khrena leaf;
  • 2-3 garlic teeth;
  • several black chuckles. and shower. pepper;
  • bud carnations;
  • on a sprig of parsley and estradon;
  • vinegar - 2 spoons;
  • salt (3 tbsp) and sugar (5 tbsp).

Small tomatoes with greens and seasonings lay out in a jar. With large remove the skin and cut them into them with pieces, pecking 30 minutes. You can pre-grind up to uniformity.

Tomato pour into two approaches boiling water for 15 minutes. Then add vinegar, sugar and salt into the jar, gently introduce a boiling tomato mass and roll.

Take a note!

If the bank is not a tomato, but the juice cooked with the help of a squeezing, then there will be quite a lot of cake. Do not throw it. You can add a little garlic or acute pepper And your favorite spices will work out beautiful Adzhika.

Rezanny tomatoes for the winter in their own juice

This recipe is suitable for large-sized tomatoes. Ideal is the variety of Malinovka, but any other, most importantly, so that the fruits are dense and well kept the form.

They must be cut into 2-4 parts, lay out in a jar. Soften cleanse from the peel and suppress in a deep bowl with hands or puree for potato mashed potatoes.

Skip through a sieve to remove seeds, although if they remain, nothing terrible.

Cook juice for about an hour, stirring regularly. Add salt to each bank (in 2 liter 1 tbsp), sugar (in 2 liter 4 tbsp) and aspirin tablet. Pour tomato and roll.

If you are not sure about the quality of fruits, before pouring the cans tomato, the first time you use boiling water. 15 minutes enough to carry out additional processing.

Cherry tomatoes in their own juice

Very simple recipe, but the taste of the workpiece is such that even gourmets will appreciate. Be sure to prepare several portions. In winter, you will not only surprise our guests, but you can enjoy the amazing taste of tomatoes.

On the floor, a liter jar will be needed:

  • about 400 g Cherry;
  • approximately 500-600 g of tomatoes on juice;
  • ch. Suk Salt;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • basil (It is desirable to take a fresh twig, but you can also use and seasoning, then enough chopping).

Cherry lay out in a jar, pour boiling water. Large fruit grind into a tomato, pecking 15 minutes, add salt, sugar and basil, boil another quarter of an hour. Water from the jar to merge, pour tomato and sterilize about 15 minutes, roll.

For tomatoes do not burst, you need to make 2-3 neat screws needed on each.

But how can you cook cherry tomatoes with cucumbers for the winter.

Tomatoes with pepper in their own juice

The workpiece can be called "2 in one". Vegetables can be served separately, and use the gravy for the side dish. It turns out very tasty, especially with pasta. Feel yourself with real Italians!

Two kilos of a small amount of tomatoes will be needed:

  • 1-1.3 liter of finished tomato;
  • 1-2 pcs. Bulge. pepper;
  • salt (1 tbsp) and sugar (3 tbsp);
  • garlic and fresh greens to taste.

Tomatoes with garlic and greens lay out in banks, twice pour boiling water, withstanding for 5-7 minutes. In Tomato send chopped pepper, salt and sugar straw. Boiling pour banks, roll.

Take a note!

For additional confidence, you can add vinegar to banks (art. Spoon in a liter bank).

Tomatoes without vinegar in their own juice

For this recipe you can use both yourself prepared juice and purchased. But shopping products should be high quality.

Three liter jars will be needed:

  • 2 kilo cream tomatoes;
  • liter of juice;
  • 1.5 liters. salts;
  • 2 liters Sahara;
  • lavrushka, garlic, shower.

Juice boil, add all seasonings and spices, pecking about 15 minutes.

If you take the store juice, salt and sugar may need less. Be sure to taste.

Tomatoes decompose on banks, pour boiling water and wrapped in a warm blanket until a complete cooling. Water merge, and tomatoes pour boiling juice and roll.

Tomatoes with bow in their juice for the winter

For this recipe, vegetables are obtained very tasty, but the gravy is even tastier. Very much reminds to taste the famous Sauce "Ancha Benns", only thicker. If there is no time to prepare food, it is enough just to pour them any porridge or pasta.

Three kilo tomato cut into slices and put on fire. Send two crushed bulbs to them, on a branch of basil, chablie, juice of one lemon. Peel 20 minutes, salt to taste and turn off.

2.5 kilo of small fruits clean the skin and fruits, cut in half and decompose on banks. Sauce strain through a colander, pour tomatoes for 2-3, sterilize liter half an hour and roll.

If you add a Basilica to each bank to each jar, the blank will acquire even more refined taste and fragrance.

Tomatoes with tomato paste

Express version of the favorite workpiece. One nuance - it is impossible to save on paste. If you take not high quality, the taste will be hopelessly spoiled.

In a liter jar, put one or two cloves of garlic and tomatoes. Not tight, but almost to the top. To pour about 700 ml of water in a saucepan, dilute 4 tbsp. Paste, bring to a boil. In 5-7 minutes. Add to Ch.L. Salt and sugar, ½ CHL. UKS. Essences, several pepper peas.

Pour tomatoes and roll. If the workpiece is stored in the room warm, it is better additionally in front of the clock to sterilize it 5-7 minutes.

Tomatoes in their own juice with lemon acid

For this recipe, in contrast to the previous ones, not too ideal tomatoes can be used. Yes, and the juice of tomato harvest is not necessary, which is an undoubted advantage.

On the bottom of each liter can be put a laurel, 5-7 peas of pepper, Ch.L. sugar, st. l salts and a pinch of lemon. Top to lay sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes sliced. Water not add!

Tomatoes cut with a margin. All by banks do not lay out.

Banks cover with covers and put sterilize on very slow heat. Tomatoes will begin to let juice, settle. In the liberated place to report "spare" tomatoes. So you need to do several times, until all tomatoes fall in the seeding juice.
Approximately the time of sterilization takes 40-50 minutes.

The method of workpiece is verified. Such jars can be kept even in the apartment without feet.

Tomatoes can be used as self snacks, as well as add to various dishes, for example, borsch, stew, etc.

Tomatoes without leather in their own juice

For this recipe, you need to choose ripe, but not familiar cream tomatoes. Fruits must be very dense to keep the form well. With them you need to remove the skin. To do this, after washing, it should be lowered into boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then immediately shifting into ice water. So the skin will be removed perfectly.

Purified tomatoes lay out in banks.

Tomato juice should be prepared from larger fruits. They should be cleaned, cut into slices and peel to soft. After cooling, wipe through the sieve, add a laurel, a pinch of Chern. pepper and salt to taste. Boil a few minutes.

Immediately pour banks, put tomatoes for sterilization (0.5 l - 5 minutes, 1 l - 10 minutes).

Freshly prepared tomato juice must be used for an hour. After this time, fermentation processes begin.

Recipe for tomatoes in its own juice in liter banks

A spicy snack that will be appreciated by gourmets. Secret use in addition to the usual ingredients of cinnamon. It is she who gives the harvest of original notes.

On 5 liter cans other than dense tomatoes, the medium sized will be needed:

  • 3 L. Soka;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 20 g salts;
  • 5 pcs. shower and cloves;
  • table. l. with a slide of grated garlic;
  • chopping cinnamon;
  • ch.L. UKS.OSsense.

Tomatoes wash, put together toothpick, lay out in banks. Juice boil, add spices, salt and sugar, pecking about 5 minutes. Stir with essence and garlic, pour tomatoes.

Sterilize 40 minutes after water boiling.

Tomatoes in their own juice without sterilization

Tomatoes on this recipe retain the most natural taste. And the fruits are very tasty, and the juice is simply incredible.

Three kilo cream should take three kilos of large fruits. They cut them, peel and grind through the sieve. Add salt and sugar to the taste, bring to a boil.

On the fruits to make Nakola, put them in a jar, pour boiling water for 20 minutes. Water merge, pour boiling tomato and roll.


The workpiece must be stored only in the coolness. Otherwise, it is necessary to pour 25 ml of 9% vinegar to each liter bank in front of the sewer.

Simple tomato recipe in its own juice with sterilization

In fact, an incredibly simple method of workpiece. Tomators twisted on the meat grinder and strain, or immediately use the juicer and make juice. Two jars at 750 ml are enough 1.5 kg of tomato tomatoes.

On the jars to decompose your favorite spices. It can be peas pepper, laurel, carnation, etc. Place tomatoes from above.

To boiling juice, add salt and sugar to taste, pour them banks. Sterilize about 15 minutes. Immediately roll.