Church Orthodox Day of January. Church Orthodox Day January Birthday Coffee Molders

Published 03.01.18 00:24

Today, January 3, 2018, also celebrate the birthday of the straws for cocktails and other events.

What is the church holiday today, January 3, 2018: the day of memory of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, the Wonderworker

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On January 3, the Russian Orthodox Church recalls St. Peter, the first of the Russian Metropolitans, who lived in Moscow. During the lifetime of the saint, it was possible to put it in one row with St. Vasily Vasily, Gregory Theologian and so on.

The saint was born in the second half of the 13th century on Volyn. His family was the most common and pious. When Peter was 12 years old, he joined the monastery. Oh intkbbch Jealousy performed all the monastery obedience. A lot of time, Peter paid a sacred scripture and iconography. After Peter reached the priesthood, he left the monastery and founded the abode of the Rats River. The place was deserted. It was there that the wonderworker was famous for his acts and exploits. He became known for all Volyn. I would also like to note that this person at the request of the Grand Prince John Kalita in 1325 was able to postpone the Metropolian department to Moscow from Vladimir.

Cocktail straw birthday is celebrated in 2018 on January 3. On this day in 1888, the owner of the Factory for the production of paper mouthpieces for Cigarettes Marvin Stone received a US patent for the invention "Cocktail straws". The first patented tube was made of simple paper. Instead, they soon applied manila paper, which includes hemp. Thanks to such a refinement, the straw has ceased to grind upon contact with drinks.

In 1937, Joseph Friedman patented a tube with a corrugated plot, thanks to which there was an opportunity to bend it for greater use of use. In the second half of the 20th century, the owner of the sewing machine shop in Baltimore Otto Daifenbach invented the cellophane (plastic) drink tube.

Day of memory of the fighters of the liberation war in Estonia

Every year on January 3 in Estonia, the day of memory of the fighters of the liberation war. The war for the independence and liberation of the state took place by the Estonian people against Soviet Russia from November 28, 1918 to January 3, 1920. The Red Army on November 28, by the border of two divisions, decided to invade Estonia. The army had about 12 thousand fighters. The Red Army managed to go through the Estonian cities of Narva and Tartu. By the end of 1919, the number of soldiers of the Estonian army was equal to 85 thousand people. Then it was proposed to conduct a truce with whom the Soviet authorities agreed. After that, in 1920, the Tartu Coulieral Agreement was concluded. It was February 2. It is worth noting that in such a war, Estonian troops had to keep two fronts and fight not only with Russia, but also with the Germans - the troops of the Landezver.

Leonty, Mikhail, Nikita, Peter, Sergey, Ulyana.

  • 1799 - Signed the Russian-Turkish Agreement, issued Turkey's entry into the Anti-Manzu coalition.
  • 1850 - In St. Petersburg, the drainage of Petrashevtsev execution took place.
  • 1959 - Alaska received the status of the 49th state of the United States.
  • 1963 - was the first flight of the IL-62 aircraft in the USSR.
  • John Tolkien 1892 - English Writer Fantasy Genre.
  • Alexey Stakhanov 1906 - Soviet miner.
  • Grigory Mkrtchyan 1925 - Soviet hockey player and coach.
  • Nikolay Rubtsov 1936 - Soviet poet.
  • Alexander Lazarev 1938 - Soviet and Russian actor film and theater.
  • Mel Gibson 1956 - American-Australian actor.
  • Michael Schumacher 1969 - German Ranker and Multiple Recordsman and Champion of Formula 1.
Published on 04/03/18 00:10

Today, April 3, 2018, also celebrate the Great Tuesday, Mobile Phone Birthday, Coffee Grid Birthday and other events.

What is the holiday today: April 3, 2018 there is a church holiday Kirill Catchkin

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On April 3, 2018, the People's Day of Cyril Cabin is celebrated. The church on this day recalls St. Cyril Katan (Sicilian), Bishop.

In the people, the day was called "Catalog", as he "closes" the winter season. In the old days, this holiday was called "keys". According to the popular belief, the well-well water is blessed by the most Queen of the Heavenly Virgin Mary.

According to legend, Cyril lived in the I-II centuries. He was from the Syrian city of Antioch (modern Turkey). He was lucky to become a student of the Apostle Peter, who subsequently appointed him with a bishop intkbbch In the Sicilian city of Katan.

The Lord awarded Cyril in the gift of the wirals for the piousness, wise man office and all sorts of help to its parishioners. In one source, the water had a bitter taste. She was impossible to drink. After the bishop Cyrill read prayer over him, she lost bitterness and became suitable for use. Thanks to this case, many idolaters accepted Christianity and believed in the Lord.

Bishop Kirill Kathansky lived a long life life. In the world, he was departed in deep old age. Buried him in Sicily.

According to signs, if the thunder is born today, it means that the year will be given very yield.

The clouds are painted in blue - wait warm, but rainy weather.

If this day birch gives a lot of juice, it means that the summer season will be rejected by rains.

Great Tuesday in 2018

It is believed that on this day Jesus Christ preached in the Jerusalem temple. He talked about his second coming, parables about Dani Cesar, the resurrection of the dead, terrible court, ten devies, about talents. Pharisees tried to embarrass and obey the Savior. But the wisdom of his answers did not leave them chances.

The birthday of the mobile phone is celebrated annually on April 3. The first experimental model of this device was collected in the Soviet Union at the end of the 50s of the XX century. The invention weighed 3 kg. In 1973, the first workable model of the mobile telephone - Motorola Dyna Tac appeared. The phone did not have a screen. On the front panel there were 12 buttons: 10 with numbers and 2 to start and end the call. On April 3, 1973, his inventor - Martin Cooper, who at that time was in the state of Motorola, made the first call on mobile communications into a competing firm. This day and became the birthday of a mobile phone.

Birthday Coffeemolki

The birthday of coffee grinders is celebrated annually on April 3. It is significant unknown who and when constructed the first manual coffee grinder, which resembled a mini-version of the mill and consisted of two cerebrals. The official day of her birth is considered April 3, 1928. On this day, the invention was patented called "Mechanical Coffee Grinder".

Vladimir, Kirill, Yakov.

  • 1860 - In the United States, a regular transcontinental postage of Pony-Express has opened.
  • 1874 - Ilya Repin told Pavel Tretyakov, which began to work on the portrait of Ivan Turgenev.
  • 1879 - Sofia was proclaimed the capital of Bulgaria.
  • 1892 - Birthday of ice cream Sanda.
  • 1933 - Russian Surgeon Yury Voronene held the world's first kidney transplant operation.
  • 1973 - Srih-code birthday.
  • 1976 - The first presentation of the French Cinema Cesear was held.
  • Leonid Pasternak 1862 - Russian painter and schedule.
  • Stanislav Valasevich 1911 - Polish athlets.
  • Yuri Nagibin 1920 - Soviet writer and screenwriter.
  • Marlon Brando 1924 - American film actor.
  • Rose Shanina 1924 - Soviet Sniper.
  • Vladimir Nostek 1948 - Russian actor film and theater.
  • Valentin Dikul 1948 - Russian doctor, weightlifter.
  • Alec Baldwin 1958 - American film actor and theater.
  • Eddie Morphy 1961 - American film actor, director.

The People's Day "Prokopiev Day" is celebrated on January 3 (according to the old style - December 21). Other holiday titles: "Harvest", "Peter", "Peter-Hydborn", "Proofius", "Ulyana".

In Russia, the peasants of the puncturing the day were called a half-born, since half the feed, harvested for the winter for livestock consumed. Prokopii was born in the peasant family in 1578 and, according to legend, at the age of 12 fell under the shock of lightning. The boy experienced shock and badly damaged by the mind. Parents brought him to a cure to Assumption Trifonov monastery, where the child came out and cured. In 1595-1598, he lived and helped his father Hollarion in the Church of St. Catherine in Slobodsky. In 1598, she went to the hlyunas and began to crude. He predicted the recovery or death of patients, warned for fires, raising the taxes by the Moscow authorities. For this ability, people began to honor him as saint.

What church holiday today is January 3: traditions celebration of this day in the people

On this day, OVIN was checked, the haystacks were recalculated, the Sousse was crushed - they moved a wooden shovel so that the grain was not pleasant. In addition, Souski listened: attached ear. If in Sousse, Gudelo, it foreshadowed the angry summer. On Peter - half the winter feed is eaten.

Smoke from a fire or from a chimney is a pillar - to frost clear weather. Morning dawn quickly goes out - the weather will be cold, without precipitation. The wind changes the direction clockwise - to the cloud and relatively warm for January weather. Sustainable refinement of frost - to cloudy and snowy weather.

Sedmian 31st Pentecost, christmas post, per day.

The following memorable dates are installed:

The day of memory of the martyr Julia and with her 500 husbands and 130 wives, in Nikomidia victims;

The day of memory of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow, All Russia, the Wonderworker;

Memorial Day of the Blessed Princess Julia Vyazemsky, Novotorzhskaya;

The day of memory of the blissful proofer, Christ for the sake of whisk, Vyatsky;

The Day of Memorial of St. Filaret (Amphitheatrova), in Shima Feodosia, Metropolitan of Kiev;

Day of Memorial Martyr Millicine Feminist;

Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Mikhail Kiseleva, Presbytera;

Memorial Day of the Sacred Martyer Sergius Tsvetkov, Diacon;

Memorial Day of the Sacred Care Nikita (Profitkov), Bishop Belevsky;

Memorial Day of the Holy People of Leonthia Stroke, Diacon.

What church holiday today is January 3: there are signs on the weather

Winter is a magical time when the highest forces give many signs, thanks to which you can find out your destiny. After all, many winter signs can predict the future. Be careful to the prompts of nature and weather to make friends with luck and avoid trouble.

In the puncturing the day of the girl did not leave the house, and from the early morning the floors of the floors. The more grain will notice - the more happiness is collapse. After the grain of the crowned flour, from which the lean damn damn was baked and cooked Kisel. All this was supposed to do in full silence. Damn eaten, drinking with a kissel and without anyone without changing. It was believed that if at the same time make a desire - it will surely come true.

The girls on this day did not leave homes. Without tired, from the very morning sweeping the floors, so that neither the branches do not miss, because, if you suffer a lot - there will be a lot of happiness. The rich grain was grinding on the flour and cooked sweets and pecked leaves. It was necessary to eat himself, without sharing with anyone, and besides, the whole rite, from sweeping the grain to the last crumb of pancake, the girl should be silent, waiting for happiness. You can prepare such a cook today. To do this, in cold milk there is a wheat flour, after which the boiling milk is added and, reflecting sugar and salt, boil, while Kissel does not become like porridge.

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2018 came. Someone pleased the arrival of the new year, and someone looks after the past year of the Red Rooster. There are a lot of everyday life in our lives. In January of this year, a lot of church holidays.

2018, this is a yellow dog, according to astrologers, this year a lot of people will be happy.

Church Orthodox calendar for January 2018: Holidays in January

January 3 Martyrs of Juliania and with her 500 husbands and 130 wives, in the nicomide of victims. This is a holiday, let him not be very great, but in the church, the memory of the martyrs of Julia, which in 304 was engaged in the worn with Elves. Girls at that time were only nine years old, but his father decided to marry. When the time was approaching the wedding, the girl refused to engage. For the violated this word, Iuliany was brutally beaten. According to eyewitnesses, all her wounds were healing. God gave her life and strength. The future groom and father decided to kill the girl.

4 January The church calendar celebrates the feast of the christmas post. It is also called Philippova post. Also on this day, celebrate the celebration of the Great Martyr Anastasia. January 5 celebrate the Christmas post and Vasil Presser.

Church Orthodox calendar for January 2018: Christmas of Christ

6th January The beginning of a big holiday of the Christmas Christmas Eve. On this day, many people go to visit and begin to celebrate Christmas Christ. Before the first star appeared in the sky, it is not customary to begin to heat and serve different goodies on this table. First you need to start consupping only lean food. As soon as the twilight begins, the entire family is going to celebrate and begin to celebrate the holiday. On January 6, the girls are guessing on a narrowed, dressed, try to look into the future and see a person who is designed by the fate.

Jan. 7 One of the biggest holidays is Christmas. On this day, go to visit, celebrate the holiday with the whole family. It is customary to visit relatives and congratulate Merry Christmas.

January 18. Mark the Epiphany Christmas Eve. On this day, believers do not take food before the onset of twilight. On January 19, 2018, the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated, this holiday is considered one of the most important holidays of January. It is impossible to do anything around the house. Repairs, washing, cleaning is best to postpone the next day.

January 19 The Son of God was baptized by John the Baptist on the waters of Jordan. Many people on this day before sunrise go to the ponds and begin cleansing. These days, water is charged with pure energy, has power.

Today is January 3 (December 21st Style) - church, Orthodox holiday today:

Christmas (Philippov) post from November 28 to January 6. The pretreatment of the Nativity of Christ.

* Martyrs of Julia and with her 500 husbands and 130 wives, in Nikomidiy of the victims (304). *** St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, the Wonderworker (1326). Blessed Princess Julia Vyazemsky (1406). Blessed proof of Vyatsky, Christ for the sake of whorehouse (1627).
Martyr Feminoclayer (251). St. Feofan, Bishop of Monemvasy. Mikhail (Kiselyeva) of the Archpriest, Perm (1918); Nikita (Profitkov), Bishop Belevsky (1938); Leonty Daucion (1940).

St. Peter's Day, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, the Wonderworker

Saint Metropolitan Peter was born on Volyn in a pious family. At the young age, he left to live in the monastery. After ordination into the sacred san, he retired from the monastery for the blessing of his mentor and founded the monastery in a secluded place on the banks of the Rati River. Here he was so famous for the feats of piety, which became famous on the whole of Volyn. In 1308, Patriarch of Constantinople, Athanasius, elevated St. Peter to Russian Metropolitan. Many difficulties experienced the First Printer in the years of management. In the Russian land suffering from the Tatar igor, the true faith argued, urged hostile princes to peace and unity. In 1325, SVT. Peter at the request of John Kalita suffered a metropolitan department from Vladimir to Moscow, which was essential for the whole Russian land. Saint died in 1326. Outstanding church-state activities of St. Peter already contemporaries gave reason to compare him with St. Vasily Vasily, Gregory Theologian and John Zlatoust. The main feat of St. Peter is the struggle for the unity of the Russian state and the blessing of Moscow as a collector of Russian land.
In 1339, in the saint Feoganoste, it was undertone to the face of saints. The coffin of the princes kissed the cross as a sign of loyalty to the great prince of Moscow. As a particularly sensible patron of Moscow, the saint called on witnesses in the preparation of government contracts. Novgorod, who had the right to choose Vladyk at the Hagia Sophia, after joining Moscow, in John III, I wonderfully promised to put their archbishops only at the coffin of St. Peter the Wonderworker. With the coffin of the saint, Russian finnights were elected and elected.

Other Orthodox holidays and holy worships:

The Cathedral of the Holy Prophet, the Forerunners and the Baptist of the Lord of John. January 20th. Orthodox church calendar
Rev. Martinian Athenssky. Rev. Simeon Mymounty. February 26. Orthodox church calendar
Saint Grigory Doboes. Rev. Simeon New theologians. Rev. Confessor Feofan Sigrian. March 25. Orthodox church calendar
Sacred Martyr Mark, Bishop of Arefinsky. Reverend ions and Mark. Memory of St. Eustafia Confessor, Bishop of Viphinsky. 11 April. Orthodox church calendar
Holy Martyr Timofey. Martyrs Alexander and Antonina. June 23. Orthodox church calendar
Saint Tikhon. Rev. Tikhon Lukhovsky. Martyrs Tigrius Presbyter and Evtropy Chetz. June 29. Orthodox church calendar
Holy Martyr Athenogen. Martyr Virgin Mauliya. Icon of the Mother of God Chirskaya (Pskov). July 29. Orthodox church calendar