Conspiracy So that the debtor is returned. Effective reports of leaders for debt refund - magical ways of saving money

The main rules of monetary magic:

  1. Do not attempt to get financial stability at the expense of people.
  2. Do not tell about the witchcraft for money in someone else's people. The surrounding will not perceive seriously and laugh, and maybe you will try to harm.
  3. For rituals conducted on material benefits, apply only personal amulets and attributes. Do not take other people's accessories - they will not help, but only harm.
  4. Magic is associated with money energy, therefore a positive attitude is directly related to the performance of the rite.
  5. Put realistic goals: the millionaire will not work, but improving the financial condition is quite real.
  6. Confidently pronounce prayers and spells, thinking in every word.
  7. When you give a debt mentally thanks to a person with prayer, good words.
  8. If the prayer has affected the holy, and the debtor returned the money, order a prayer service in the temple in honor of whom they appealed.

How to convince a person to return debt

When a person decides to take a certain amount of money to a friend or a friend, he, of course, hopes that this money will once come back. And very rarely people have the idea that a borrowed amount goes forever.

However, due to circumstances, or simply because of the spiritual impurity debtors sometimes do not hurry to return the amount taken on time. The spiritual kindness of the audience turns around for him, in such cases, problems and experiences.

Choosing options for how to make the debtor return debt, a wide variety of ways come to mind, up to criminal. However, you should not immediately throw in extremes. There are legitimate options, how to make a person return debt. This requires some legal knowledge and psychological approach.

How to convince a person to return duty? If the money was given to debt on receipt or with the contract, then the easiest way to solve the case through the court. However, at first it is worth talking to a person and tell about the plans. Maybe the debtor decide to give money without applying to courts.

If the question is how carefully ask to return the debt, then you should try to put pressure on pity. We must tell about your problems, a catastrophic situation associated with the lack of money.

During the conversation, it is necessary to mention that the interlocutor occupied the money, and he will save the situation if they return them. So it is possible to save the relationship, and money back to get.
In the absence of receipt, it is necessary to think about the search for other evidence over the existence of debt.

If the debt is large, you can hire a private detective or a lawyer who could find such information that would help answer the question of how to make this person return duty. Information should help put pressure on the debtor so that he agrees to pay.

Taking money, it is worth remembering that they can leave forever. Therefore, it is worth a debt only such an amount that will not be sorry to lose.

Rituals to return money

Make a person to give money that do not want to return, you can with both white and black magic.

The most effective rituals for the return of money:

  • rite with a chair;
  • conspiracy on a coin;
  • rite with matches on the full moon;
  • spell on the candle;
  • rite with bath brooms.

Rite with stool

Returning money will help the old chair or stool.

The rite is executed in this way:

  1. We bow the leg without the help of tools, bare hands.
  2. Sitting exhibit for the threshold of the apartment.
  3. We pronounce three times the spell over a broken leg.

After these words, break the leg on the chips and scatter them on the road.

Conspiracy on a coin

For a slight conspiracy, which will not harm the person who has taken interest, the coin made of white metal will be required.

The algorithm of actions is:

  1. The coin should be burned under the fir at dawn, saying: "I'm buried coin, to return debt. So that the money returned, and for a long time. How will the debt come back to me - all the insults will not be offended and offended. "
  2. Within three days, call the debtor and remind your loan.
  3. Soon he will return all the debt, and you dig a coin. Leave it yourself as a talisman.

Rite with matches on the full moon

To carry out a rite to the full moon, you will need:

  • matchbox;
  • new candle bought in the church;
  • soccer.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Seeing the Round Lick of the Moon, open the window and say: "Darkness Night, the moon is bright. I urge, debts get out, give money to return. Like the moon is full and my pockets let them be filled with money. Amen".
  2. Light each match and put on a sieve.
  3. While they are burning, pronounce the spell several times in a row: "Flame red, clean, helping debts to return. So that (the name of the debtor) conscience was tormented, and the Duma bitter tormented, as long as he would not give away. I want to get better. "
  4. Spicker's candles and ashes of matches hide. When the debt returns you can throw out the remnants of the ritual.

Spell on the candle

Spell on 40 candles will help if urgent debt refund is needed. Candles (40 pieces) need to be purchased in the temple and free to light. Read the prayer until the last candle is woops.

The rite will act quickly, the debtor will apologize for the delay.

Rite with bath brooms

Forcibly returns money ordinary brooms (old and new). Ritual is better to spend if the debtor lives near.

In the full moon, act in this way:

  1. Go to the house of the debtor.
  2. Mark garbage from the door of his house with a new broom.
  3. Say the first part of the spell: "New brooms, green helps, money returns."
  4. Overlook the old broom.
  5. Burn three twigs and leave them in place.
  6. The final stage is the reading of the main spell. Do not be angry and do not show intolerance. After the completion of the ritual, the debt will return within a month.

Speaking brooms follow:

Rules for rituals

To returned the stolen conspiracy will be effective if simple rules are observed:

Do not tell anyone about how to use magic for your own purposes.
Do not be distracted during rites, do not be knocked out, it does not change anything yourself and not add.
Rituals are allowed at any period of the moon and at any time of the day, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions.
It is important after the detection of theft to spend the rite as quickly as possible until the owner's energy is preserved at the stolen item.
It is impossible for anyone and never boast, especially if you succeeded to achieve the desired goal. Magic does not like boasting and publicity, otherwise you can be punished by poverty.
Remember that you can force with the help of magic to return money or things if you are exactly sure of their abduction

It is impossible to waste magical resources or to negotiate an innocent person.
If you read the words of the conspiracy, it is better to learn them by heart. But if the text is too long, you can read it from the leaf, just without stopping and not stuffing.
If you store the houses large amounts of money, it is necessary to put protection for the lock, on the door, on the keys and to the place where you store funds.

When you need help magic

If a person is firmly confident that his property or thing is really stolen by anyone, it is recommended to perform a plot that the thief returned the stolen as soon as possible. How does such magic act? Experts in the field of esoterica argue that the thing is capable of a long period of time to store the energy charge of its owner, which is why the conspiracy to return the stolen is very effective.

It is important to remember that before using magic you need to make sure that the thing or money was stolen. If you are not sure that the theft has happened (for example, we could put somewhere or forget or lose it), you should not hold rituals

Otherwise, the highest strength perceive them as a deception and can punish the artist, for example, he can have problems with health or financially.

The statute of the statlar is absent. Even if she happened for a long time, the thing still carries energy communication with its owner. But still, experts recommend carrying out such rites as quickly as possible. So the likelihood that you can return the stolen thing, much higher. Rituals will adversely influence the stolen, as a result of which the thief will experience only troubles and problems from its actions. With timely, the magical actions, the thief will try to return the stolen owner stolen. It will be a curse, and he will understand it. To get rid of such a curse, he needs to return what he kidnapped.

Prayers and conspiracies to pay for debts

Mighty prayers for paying with a loan read:

  • Nikolai Wonderworker;
  • Ksenia Petersburg;
  • Spiridon trimifuntsky.

To give debt you can also hold:

  • rite with a wallet;
  • candle ritual.

Nikolay Wonderworthy

This saint really worked wonders in life, so even now believers are in a hurry to contact him for help in prayer. To contact Nikolai the Wonderworker must be regularly, it is advisable to pronounce the words before his icon.

Prayer Ksenia Petersburg

Pay money taken by interest will help the prayer of Ksenia Petersburg. The Holy will help only with sincere repentance, so sorry sincerely, it does not work in time to give money to the lender.

Spiridon trimifuntsky

It is to this holy, more often than to the rest, people who dream of financial well-being are treated. In order for money to return debt, it is necessary to read the prayer presented below.

Simple conspiracies

Simple conspiracies will help attract finances and pay off the debtor. Morning and evening rites are considered the most effective.


Algorithm of actions:

  1. Ritual Perform a week in a row, in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  2. Pour water into a glass, read the prayer and smell it.
  3. The remaining water drink and say the conspiracy: "Clean, bright and fast water. You run, I am shattering the earth and never evaporate. I am OMO's face, you will fill with you. Give a way from debts to free yourself, sin with the soul to remove, start a new life. "



  1. Conspiracy is recorded on paper.
  2. Words are read over a glass of baptismic water, in the evening, after sunset daylight.
  3. After reading, burn a piece of paper, ashes, hind into the water and proceed.

The text of the conspiracy is:

Rite with a wallet

Effective rite for debt returns - rite with a wallet and a candle.

The ritual is held at sunset:

  1. Light a candle and put in front of you.
  2. Get your personal wallet and put content from it and say: "The wallet is empty, my loans in dust turn."
  3. Leave the wallet empty until the morning, and with a dawn put money back.

Conspiracy with candles

For a conspiracy, to return the money will need:

  • 4 candles;
  • 13 coins of a single nominal value;
  • a piece of white cloth;
  • a knife with a wooden handle;
  • salt handy.

To help yourself give a debt or credit necessary:

  1. To the full candle moon to build a square (each angle symbolizes the side of the light).
  2. For each edge of the square, we read different prayers, turning clockwise. You need to start from the east.

Turning to one side of the world sentenced:

  1. "Sudar-East, let go of the breeze, let blow in the face, will come to the porch."
  2. "South, loyal friend. I help me, take away the debts. "
  3. "West, cute, aid came, I will have enough prosperity."
  4. "North mighty, give me the power and power so that the desire to catch up is away."
  1. We approach the window leaving the candles to burn.
  2. A knife cut the fabric to the equal parts, saying: "The rag cuts, as if debts, I cut off."
  3. In one piece of fabric, we write the salt into another coin.
  4. The fabric with the contents wrap so that there are bags.
  5. Hide to the next full moon.
  6. With a round night luminaire, pull out the piles from the secluded place.
  7. We take to the street taking them with you and carry in the field where people do not go and instress. I pronounce the final words of the ritual: "Slagely I will let go, I will give up, I clean my soul, the coins are bought off."
  8. We leave home without care.

What are the results of magic

Often, complaints about the ineffectiveness of conspiracies are caused by the fact that people do not understand exactly how the magic works. Inexperienced magicians are in naive confidence that the debtor will definitely bring money. In fact, everything is more complicated. Do not build plans on how busy funds return if you use a conspiracy to refund. Reviews of practitioners of wizards say that real miracles occur with them. Money comes from the most unexpected sources. And the amounts coincide with the busy. This is a rather subtle moment.

Before holding a rite, decide on the intention. If you want to get your money, it's one thing, and when the goal is to punish the offender - another. Magic energies themselves determine how to correct the situation. You have taken one person, for example, and they organize that this amount will come as a result of winning. But this does not mean that the debtor will not suffer. He will lose as much, but perhaps quite in a different situation. When Burn, trust magic and do not decide for it, how exactly the money will come. If you want to punish the unfair borrower, then use a black plot. But keep in mind, he may be double-edged. The person who has a ritual has its own defense. Do not be able to punch it, get yourself trouble. As a rule, an unsuccessful rite leads to even greater loss of funds.

How to do

Conspiracies for material benefits relate to household magic and are used by people in everyday life throughout the centuries. The rites have their own definite clear rules that are not recommended to violate to get the long-awaited result and not encounter a negative magical impact.


  • make money conspiracies from white magic to return debt it is necessary only to a growing moon;
  • it is better to use exclusively light techniques, black will bring a lot of evil, both the performer and the object of divination;
  • thoughts should be positive, without malicious intent and wishes;
  • go before conspiracy to church and pray;
  • after completing the witchcraft, to mentally thank the one who occupied and forgive him if there was a resentment;
  • during the ritual, there should be no one in the premises.

Proven ways to make a person return debt

If someone should, but in no hurry to return money, this article will help solve the problem. For example, a person did not pay for the work, disappeared and stopped responding to calls and letters - this does not mean that it's time to say goodbye.

In my practice there were cases when a person returned a debt after half a year or more than the delivery of the project! In this article, I will describe the soft ways to return debt. They can help if you have a client - oral agreements, and there is no possibility to go to court to return money. It will also be useful to those who lent money to familiar or friends and cannot return them.

A warning!

Remind about debt, but in moderation. If a person is not a frank deceiver, the debt is it. There are different situations in life, and people do not always pay for work specifically. Sometimes a person really has problems forcing to pull the debt return.

Your task is periodically, but not impartially remind of debt. Do not bend a stick, do not conflict. Just call from time to time and ask how you are doing with a person, and when he can return the amount.

If the customer is an adequate person, periodic calls will make it start returning money. The main thing is to understand that you do not intend to "forgive" the debt, even if the amount is insignificant.

Offer to return debt in parts. If a person has a really complicated position, offer to return debt in parts, even if very small amounts. Let 100 rubles per week, but some money to give. Thus, you will start receiving some amounts back, and the amount of gravity grave will decline. It is better than not to get anything.

Before the new year, I wrote another letter in which I recalled the need to pay for the work, because the customer promised to transfer money for a long time, and here the new year on the nose and everything in such a spirit.

I did not answer anything, but what was my surprise when the fee came to the account! Therefore, right now make a list of all your debtors and remind them of obligations before the New Year holidays. Probably, in this way, you will make some people return debts.

Changed the phone? Call from another number! Sometimes people see that you are calling them, and do not take the phone. If the client suddenly stopped responding to calls, just dial him from another issue after a while. A person will understand that not to take the phone is not an option, and he will have to communicate with you.


Ask help from common acquaintances. In our age of development of social networks it is not so difficult to find common acquaintances

If your debtor has common friends, think about contacting them and support. In the sense that common acquaintances can talk to the debtor, to shake him and ask to pay for work.

This method is not universal, but sometimes it can make a person return duty. After all, if you have common acquaintances, for the client you become not someone unknown freelancer, but in a sense "my" man. To delay with the return of debt will be doubly inconvenient.

Remind the debt publicly. For example, you can come to a person to work and loudly ask for colleagues to hear when he plans to return the debt? A person will become uncomfortable, and the question can move from the dead point.

In the company of friends you can raise a similar question and remind the debtor about the amount that he must return (if you have to friend). But do it gently to not offend and not hurt your friend.

Lay out a list of not paid work on your website. If the client did not pay for your work, lay out information about the project on your website and indicate that this work is not paid by the client. Naturally, it is impossible to lay out information constituting a commercial secret, even if the customer pulls with payment.

But, for example, the screenshot of the text written for the client site can be posted. Or an example of a design made. The client will be ashamed that he delays payment, and money can pay.

If the debt is not returned, then you warn other colleagues that you need to work with this customer

On debt refund

Conspuses are simple, do not require special training, they can be carried out at home.

Color candle

Held in the debtor living nearby.

In the evening light the candle and say:

Extinguish the fire and hide the candle. Every day, spend a ritual evening until the debt returns.

Daily in the evening you need to spend the ritual until the debt returns


Take two brooms, one used, another new. Given a new broom at the door of the debtor:

Then hesitate the second, previously used broom, and break out several branches. To quit them under the door and say:

These actions can force a person to return the money. After return, wish the man of good.

Candle and matches

Buy boxes of matches. In the evening, burn from the church candle on one all matches, the burning match must be put in the scenery and setting the next candle. While they burn, talk:

The ashes stored in a white handkerchief, tied with a knot, in a bag until the debt returns.


In the morning, the coin is buried on a tree, better under fir. Read:

After the return of debt, the coin is digging and stored.

In the morning, the coin is buried on a tree, better under fir


From the old wooden chair (stools) to break the leg. Slitches are taken from a broken leg and text pronounced:

The chips are attributed to the intersection, and the chair is not stored, throw out.

Strong rituals

For the debtor gave money taken faster, turn to strong rituals. They are carried out if ordinary rites did not give results.

Make the return debt will help conspiracies for food. The dish is very salted with the words:

Conspirational food is imperceptible to debtor. The same plot is well done on water.

Still hold rites with an empty wallet to a new moon. Words are pronounced above the wallet:

Wallet carry with them to those times until money is returned.

Wallet carry with them to those times until money is returned

Special conspiracy to the nominal (named debtor) icon. For holding a small mirror, a cloth (tablecloth, shawl) of black. The table is covered with the table, lay the mirror down reflection, icon from above.

The impact of the rite is very strong and unsafe for the participant of the rite and the debtor. Resort to the rite as a last resort, if the usual did not help. Upon completion, visit the church.


No special attributes are required, pronounced:

This option is used when the negative in relation to the debtor reached a maximum.

Income wife

The rite is spent so that the husband gave all the money to his wife.

Stand up in the headboard of sleeping husband and quietly, so as not to wake up, pronounce:

On the shirt of her husband on the wrong way to embroider a couple of invisible stitches. Sew with words:

On the shirt of her husband on the wrong one to embroider a couple of invisible stitches

Get retardant salary

White magic appeals when the employer owes money for work.

Over the church candle pronounced:

Candle attributed the next day to the church and put for the health of the debtor:

Moon cycles

Conspiracy to refund is better with observance of the lunar periods, on such days, white magic has a strong action.

Conspiracy to refund better with the observance of the lunar periods

On a nascent moon. Under the morning at the window with a candle and read the plot:

Candy leave on the grave.

Delivering money, think about the possibility of no return of your funds. A person who does not inspire confidence is better to refuse. If all the money lent and they did not give them, then make the return duty will help a conspiracy to refund. Conspiracies affect the reference of the debtor, causing remorse of conscience, anxiety. In such a state, a person uncomfortable lives and he will strive to return the debts.

Strong conspiracies on the return of money taken

  1. A simple prayer for the return of the money lent you, carried out through the Black Cat. Take a red woolen thread and tie twelve knots on it. Tie the nodes, for each knot, read the plot: "Dark strength of you, (name), spell, I launch fear in you. Let fear torments you, tormented, blowing and burning until I won't remember the debt. My words are strong, indestructible, lumpy. Amen". After twelve knots are tied and read the conspiracy twelve times, make a magic thread on the neck of the cat, take the debtor's house and release there.
  2. A simple conspiracy on the return of money produced in the rainworm. After the shower, find the rainworm closed on the surface. Pre-boil the water, throw a handful of aspen sawdust there, then cool the water and start it. Prayer for the return of money taken in the debt: "As this worm is tormented in the water, suffocating, and you, (name), Miazya, suffer, suffocate, scaring white light, I don't find anywhere and the place that I did not find - Vernel! Amen". Potted water Leite on the worm, uttering a nine times. Then take this worm to the debtor's house and release there.
  3. Prayer for a refund, pronounced on a decreasing moon. On the last day of the decreasing moon, when a thin sickle is visible, turn to the moon with your back and through the left shoulder, read a plot. "As the moon leaves, and returns back, so let my money return to me. Amen. Amen. Amen". Now expect when a thin sickle of the growing moon appears on the sky, and also tell me through the left shoulder: "As the moon returned, and my money will come."

In addition, the money can take off, they can be stealing.

This case also has a conspiracy to return the money stolen thief

This is a rigid impact, forcing the thief to return the stolen. Cover the table with a black cloth, put a bowl with water, in the water, drip three drops of our own blood. At midnight, sit down at the table, thirteen turn the church candle to the black thread, for each round utor the word "thief". Catching the candle, ignite it, make circular movements against the clock arrow over the bowl and read the spell to refund. "Pie, blood, if, tear, if, this water, boiling water in the eye of the thief. Warm gray and fire, let his blood boil, shower shouts, his body rotates and will be fatal. Money stolen, not my hands donated, let in it black roots, rummage, grow up, in his entire stomach, in his dirty mouth, torment, complaint, let the stolen return, or with the death of the death. May I be according to my word. " This checkout for returning to read out until the candle burns. Grook throw into the water that needs to be attributed to the intersection and pour out there, then throw three coins, say: "paid" and then quickly go home.

The fact is that some people have a very powerful protective field. These are evil, insensible people. Only black magic may be affected on them, which is beyond the usual people. In the event that you conducted a rite, but he did not affect and during the lunar month the debtor did not return your money, then it is necessary to seek help from professional MAG. The practicing magician will use more serious prayers and conspiracies to return money taken into debt, which are not safe at home. This is a very difficult job, because there is a possibility to harm the debtor, that in no case cannot be allowed.

A free conspiracy to refund has a very powerful impact and sometimes it is the only way to return its money. Therefore, people are increasingly and more often turn to magicians with a request to make such a rite. In order for the debtor to bring money, and the magic does it really help them.

Of course, it is better to apply in a difficult situation for help to the MAG. Independently do magical rituals and conspiracies are quite dangerous. They can not only help you, but also harm.

A powerful conspiracy to refund is very effective and can help you in a similar situation, especially if the money is considerable and the debtor hides and evades the payment of debt. So despair to return money, you never need. It all depends only on your desire. Magic will definitely help you.

Conspiracies and prayers for debt refund

Household magic rituals will help return the missed money. Orthodox prayer is considered the easiest way to pick up duty at home. You can read it anywhere, thinking about the debtor and God.

The text of the prayer is:

If he deceived the employer and did not want to pay a salary, getting money to help brooms: old and new.

Taking them in the hands act like this:

  1. Calm off the twig from each broom.
  2. Squeeze the door of the chief.
  3. We whip the old rod on the door jacket and read the prayer, to refund by the employer: "Good deed to plot, I take my money!".

You can get money from the debtor in the shortest possible time by spending a magic ritual with an icon and a strong plot.

For the rite will need:

  • black shawl;
  • name icon with the name of the debtor;
  • mirror.

Prepare all attributes, act as follows:

  1. Ship table with cloth.
  2. Put the mirror with a reflective side down.
  3. Put the icon from above.
  4. Keep your palms over the icon and read the conspiracy: "Vernelize me (name) that I took. Otherwise, the troubles, and the disease will take away all the benefits, and they do not have any rest on the century. Strong word, firm base. "

Conspiracy of the Siberian Healer.

Grandma Gladia, living in Siberia, helps a proven plot on a thing. Take any object of the borrower and say the words of the conspiracy.

The thing should be imperceptible to throw back the owner.

Conspiracy Stepanova

For a powerful conspiracy, the stepan ingredients are not easy to get enough, but when the ritual works, the borrower will bring money without reminder.

To punish the debtor, you will need:

  • three needles;
  • three chopping ash;
  • three spoons of salt;
  • three feot of any bird;
  • three shred wool from three dogs;
  • three blocks from different cats;
  • dark tissue;
  • a piece of dry soap;
  • knife with black handle.

Having obtained all the components of the ritual we make such a lining:

  1. From the fabric, cut the square with a hand size - a pentacle.
  2. Soap writing the name of the debtor.
  3. We put the needles, ashes, salt, feathers, dog and cat wool in the pentacle.
  4. Mix all components with a knife, counterclockwise and read a plot.

The lining is hiding in the debtor's house or at the entrance.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworthy

Asking help from the saint, you need to abandon the cornsis and pride, do not blame the debtor and do not want him evil. Remember that the financial test is sent by God to quench the soul.

The prayer for the return of debt and deliverance from loans to Nikolai The Wonderworker is presented below.

Prayer Spiridon Trimifuntsky

Appeal to Spiridon Trimifuntsky in Orthodox Christians is considered one of the most effective. It is praying to this saint in the event of a delay in obtaining money.

Appeal to the saint can be viewed in the video. Shot by the Sviatoslav Makieiv channel, with subtitles.

Prayer grateful after the return of debt

Do not be angry with a person who returned a debt: let him do it not on time, but still returned. The debtor did not leave someone else with him, and it should be thanked.

Tell these words about yourself when the money returns, but think another time, take money to him or not.

Hello my students and readers randomly falling into my school. Today I will give a few good rites in the debtor, it happens very disappointing that our kindness often turns against us the same And the results were, so if there are questions, write, I will explain.

Rite in the photo

Conspiracy on the return of debt must be done in all the rules, go to work responsibly differently you can harm yourself.

You will need:

  • Printed photo of the debtor or his name icon

Photos in any rites can be replaced by a personal icon and vice versa.

  • Gypsy needle (new)
  • Coal taken on the day corresponding to your sex.

Moon anyone except New Moon. During the day, -

"At the sea, on the okayne, on the island on Buyan,

there is a cast-iron chest, and bouquet swords lie in that chest.

Wid you, bouquet swords, to Warma name,

rubit his body, colitis his heart,

so that he, the thief volit, tormented the whole I will paint to the slave your name,

so that everything, everything brought and did not swell and blue powder.

Whether you, Vorchech, cursed by my strong word, righteous conspiracy.

If you do not turn you, lobby, your name is stolen,

then I will send you to you, for the blue of the sea, in hell is pitch,

in the resin, the water, in the ash hot, in the fire is smoldering,

in Tina, the marsh, in the hummue is bottomless, in the house is uninhabited.

I will come to the ceiling of high, the head of the head is varnish,

having got my legs wicked, I will come to Kolom Gorky Osinov,

issuing you Aki Obnochka thin, the corrosion you with ice bass,

and you will disappear to the propagation as a worm of worthless.

Neither to you with people to jacket nor to live in good

and you will be, Aki Eternal Jam, in the light of fuddle. "

Council - visualize the torment of this person, his cries and moans and so ...

After they spoke - stole a pretty photo of the object. Do so after each time - total 7 times.

At the end: "Gods, you saw my work, give her strength!".

When the object returns money or a punishment will happen to him - jump his photo to the ground or put a seaside from the new pack (or a large salt) for a week and the negative will leave him.

Another conspiracy on the photo

"I will return myself what belongs only to me (name).

I attract it back.

Let it return to me

I don't need anything more from you.

I have to get what he gave.

This is my word.

Return of debt on smoke

Grieve aspen rays three in a row, speak smoke:

"As a bench is burning and you, the slave (name),

You will smooth and burn.

Water with the saint will not fill

While me will not be right.

Conspiracy on the return of debt on stone

Throw a stone into the water against a wave or wind, then read the following conspiracy:

77 waves, 77 fish, 77 roots.

Top you came the chambers, bring roots, climb the waves,

thoughts slave () Play, throw off the shore.

How water is not worthwhile,

So there is no place of rest at the slave of God ().

I would think and wondered, my heart was sick and suffered,

While (I) did not give a debt.

Would give his longing, like a stone board.

His conscience would eat, the soul was sled.

He would not have found himself from thinking until (I did not find me.

As long as the debt (I) did not give, I would suffer and suffered.

I spell his longing, stone heavy board.

Stone in the river, sand in the sand.

Water, water, take that I gave.

Give what I, Slave () swam.

Be my words of black, conspired, strong and modeling.

The sharp knife is sharp, stronger things strong.

Now and donated to the century of the last person.

On the return of debt. More

First, say the phrase loud:

"For all times of the will of God, and for this hour." Further

read the text:

"Rubbing a slave () on the land of walking, the Duma of thinking, the soul of this world.

Roman a slave () in the land of the lounge, the whole body of the ceased, the soul of the world of the hourly.

If the slave of God (), walking on the ground, the debt will not return, it does not show in sin,

that with a slave (), in the land of the lying, will meet, in the dust will be contacted, burns in hyena fiery.

Be on my word. "

After that, go to church and put the debtor three candles: 1 - for health, 2 - for the rest, 3 - again for health.

I didn't like the result of this conspiracy, not everyone will help.

Conspiracy on the trash

Another faithful means to wait for the debtor. If your house has old furniture reminiscent trash, then this plot for you.

Any object of old furniture (best of the table is best) Burn the leg. "Overall" subject to put in the evening from the quartral or at home. Better place the object where it can be held. On the same night, a broken leg is shot on the sins, of which you will build a shagola. Salacs need to speak. Read the plot without a break 12 times in a row:

Devils wear debtors

They will ask the debtor.

If the debtor is a fool, then the cap will receive.

The cap will bring a violence,

The debtor for three days is worn out.

In order not to go out, debt - return.

Money home on the threshold,

Damn with a cap buoy. Amen.

If the broken thing has not yet been taken, together with the sins, take it and carry it on the intersection, and no one should see you.

Ritual with egg and castle

Pass the egg using a sharp needle a few holes - an even amount, put the egg to cook. The lock close the key. The key is boiled together with the egg. At the same time it is necessary three times a conspiracy:

The troops of Ivan the Terrible for the lifts went,

Neither the peasants or children did not spare.

How money took - did not give back.

I'm his priba that my will take it.

I do not give pity, he does not see help.

Without money, there is long to live without debt.

I waited a long time, my hour has come! Amen.

After that, go to the cemetery, find the grave of a man with the name of your debtor. On this grave, leave the egg and the castle, then find the grave with the name like you - on it, leave the key from the castle. Will not go and the week as your debtor will appear with all debts.

Rituals and conspiracy on debt refund

If after a triple appeal to the debtor, the debt does not return the debt, then try to do the following.

Buy without bargaining and without taking the surrender, one wax candle, it is possible in the church.

At sunset he burn her, holding in his left hand, let it burn. In the flame of the candle 13 or 26 times such a plot:

"You (the name of the debtor) Take, do not return debt,

kohl do not return, then you completely melt.

Debt return, no longer Tha!

Let you, so my proven word!

Sealed (a) with fire, in the evening, and not the day (its full name). "

The next day, in the afternoon, it will certainly be on foot (on foot) to go to the church and put the grinding of this candle for the health of your debtor with the words:

"I forgive you for today, tomorrow, forever.

God witness. Now and from now on the Lord you (the name of the debtor) Sudya.

I myself do not judge - I ask for help, bare, prayer, God (your name). Amen".

Debt refund. Credit on black moon

To carry out this ritual on the Black Moon (that is, before the new moon). At sunrise, burn the wax candle, go to the window located in the eastern side of the house (apartments), and read the spell on the exhale three times:

"I send to the slave (y) (the full name of the debtor) starts.

Let this show the slave (y) (Name) burns and bake,

In the corners she chases, bones to him (she) breaks.

Does not eat, does not sleep, does not drink until (name) will not return a debt!

In the name of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen!"

Conspiracy to the name icon of the debtor.

Bed black handkerchief on the table, put the mirror down on it,

and put it on the registered icon of the debtor.

Keep hands over the icon as if he warms them over fire. Read forty times. Nothing should interfere with the spell. Do not be distracted by calls and on the knock. After that, travel to the church and put three candles for health, then three for the rest and again three candles for health.

"Bread, blood, salt. Amen.

On Friday, I rose, got up, without crossing, I'm not poring the Lord.

I span, I'm going to lunch, I'm sick, I lower the coffin in the coffin,

now and in the eyelids. Amen.

On the Okyan-Sea stands a fiery house: it does not wash it with water, the wind does not bloom.

And it sits Nightly a man, he has no hands, no legs, no strength.

So I (name) from the slave (name) take force, squeezing blood out of it,

i drank the heart, I close my eyes. Self! Self! Self!

If you, the enemy (name), I won't give a debt,

that grave betray your body. I conquer, I ... Oban.

Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

To nobody to spend my speech, not to count in any church.

Holy Wood words are not flushed.

As I swam, so be.

Take two eggs, piercing the needle on both sides, put in boiling water.

Then close the key lock, and the key is thrown into the water with boiling eggs

and they speak three times

"Like the Khan army tribute,

People killed for money

Not sparing not gray, nor young

So I closed the lock, the key in the grave buried,

I took the debt or killed.

Angel was, the debtor forgot,

The guard will leave, will find the spell.

The debtor of the debt will return or die.

Conspiracy on the lining

Cut the square of black tissue with your hand size (pentacle), draw the name of the debtor with dry soap.

Three spoons of salt in the middle of the pentacle, three needles, three slices of ash, three row of any bird, three shred wool from different dogs, three shred wool from three cats.

Very slowly, against the clockwise, all the above items are mixed with a knife, saying:

"RVI, SCHI, if, pain, sudi, hernia, burn;

happy day all day, night all night.

And an hour and half a day, and a minute, and half a minute,

and at all time, in the heart, in the dark, in the liver, in the stomach.

Will not pass, will not heal.

Not from Lekary, not from the sign

not from the rule, not from the heathen, not from whisper.

There will be a slave (name) to root, an hour from the hour to rot and christmas.

Not there is not to sleep, moan, suffer, Belo Light will not be silent.

Will not release the evil side, until he gives (name) of his debt.

Amen. Amen. Amen."

Make a lining where the debtor lives.


It can help a conspiracy that is read on the torn third bottom of the Long Branch of Osin.

"Jesus Lord got up in the morning

His father prayed his

three times finished off.

Became a key water to wash

yes, I have nothing to quit.

Mother Mary soon came to him,

towel brought Christ.

So would my debtors (names)

brought me a slave (e) of God (name),

debt all before a penny.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Among Osin to find a stump and tie it with this branch. Get off without looking around. Do not forget to distribute alms.

Almighty As well as the sputter is part of any rite, if you do not distribute the plot will not come out.

These conspiracies in the debtors are certainly not the strongest, but if everything is correctly done completely workers. It will turn out, write. I will not post here, they do not lay out here, they are for masters.

Good luck to you and smaller thanks of ungrateful people on the way.

Sincerely your Svetlana Vasilyeva

In severe life situations, people await help from each other. To help out, you can give a debt. Such money helps to live to salary. However, some people do not return debts. If a person does not give you money, read a strong conspiracy on the return of debt.

Return debt is sometimes quite difficult

The specificity of the Wolshbi vs debtors

Conspiracy on debt refund - white magic. It can be used, not afraid to harm yourself and others, without fear of return. There are conspiracy for debtors from the Siberian healer N. Stepanova. If you urgently need to return the money borrowed to someone, prepare and spend any ritual. Text is often read on baptism.

Make sure the money is not so easy. If you want someone to do this, calm down in front of the ride. Do not spend rituals with a feeling of anger, resentment, anger. It will harm another person. Instead, concentrate on the feeling of reception of goods, which were once lost, and soon returned.

Conspiracies on the moon

The moon is the most powerful in the magic plan. Rites carried out in the right lunar cycles act more, the debt will be returned faster. Impact on the conscience of debtors is difficult, so you have to resort to white magic.

On a new moon

This rite will help punish a person who does not return debt. In the morning, a new wax candle should be lit. Then come with it to the window (you need to do it at sunrise) and read a plot three times:

"I am sending to the slave of God (Full name. Debtor). Now let my debtor give and burns, bake and beats, the bones breaks him and removes life from it. I can not now (the name of the debtor) sleep, will not be able to eat, it will not be able to drink, while the debt does not turn me away. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Be careful, such a conspiracy can destroy a person. The ritual should awaken conscience in the debtor, and soon he will return to you.

Rite of descending moon

This rite spend at night. After him, the debtor will soon return the debt.

  1. In a clear night (when a month is seen), open the window.
  2. Read the text of the conspiracy, looking at the luminous:

    "The Sky Black Moon Clearly Illuminated, the moon dying decorated, on the (name) gaze my dead, went to the dream to (name), the girl became young, the body (the name) hugged, for his hands (name) grabbed a knife to the heart of Bila, Vlasa pulled out, the legs broke and everyone said: "To return that someone else's, give, what I took, do not hold that it is not yours, and then live in eternal fear to you, in eternal sorrow, in eternal pain." The moon went to the rest Honored, hid from the sky, and the name) in tears woke up, I thought about me, I came to me, I crawled on my knees, I beat myself to make a duty to accept, so that the resentment did not hold yes before the moon .

  3. Close the window and go to bed.

This debt refund is safe for the debtor, so if you need close friends or relatives, do not worry about them and safely spend this rite.

Conspiracy on debt refund

In full moon

If the debtor does not work on the conscience, do this rite. It is quite complicated in performance, but has a lot of strength: after a couple of days, the debt will occur. You will need:

  1. candy;
  2. sharp knife;
  3. photo of the debtor.

This conspiracy from debts is carried out according to the algorithm.

  1. On the cemetery, find the older's older grave with a wooden cross.
  2. Near the Cross to say:

    "Not you, dead man, alarming, a (name)."

  3. It is required to awaken the spirit of the dead man and tie him to the debtor. Then, with a cross, flicker a small chips. Leave candy on the grave.
  4. In a little place, dig a small pit. Place the chop, wrapped in the photo of the debtor, and start the conspiracy during the instillation:

    "The dead in the grave is not to sleep, and you sit at your bed, you look into your eyes, your thoughts penetrate, while you, (name), do not return me a debt while you won't come."

Let you not frighten the rite with the cemetery subject. This is white magic, and the consequences will be non-hazardous to humans. He will return the debt, which will help him get rid of the spirit of the dead man.

Full moon give extra power ritual

Ritals with objects for lenting money

These rituals can be carried out regardless of the time of the lunar cycle - in this their advantage. They are read on the refund of their property and money. These are plots-prayers (white magic). For them, household items are used: brooms, matches, chairs, eggs, candles.

Ritual with a candle

To carry out this ritual, you will need a green candle (green - a symbol of money) and a photograph of the debtor. The rite scheme is shown below.

  1. Take a lit candle in the working hand (if you are right-handed - right, and if left-handed to the left).
  2. Imagine how a person with a photo gives money or thing. It is necessary to submit the transfer process, and not like things just appear with you.
  3. While you need to read the text of the conspiracy:

    "I charge you Jupiter, I charge you earth, I charge you with the sun, moon and stars. Bring back my money to me. Welfare, money to me, welfare, money to me, welfare. "

  4. Wait until the chopper candle.

Candle can burn in a few days, but if the rite fell to the new moon, it should be shown on the same night. Soon you will wait for your property.

Magic of old chair

This rite from debt is simply carried out without prior preparation. The most loose stool or chair is suitable. For him you need:

  1. broken the leg from the old chair (hands without using tools);
  2. the chair without a leg is out of the house (set out for the entrance door, on the staircase; the balcony will not fit);
  3. from the legs of the chair, hesitate to be shedding, read the conspiracy on them:

    "If anyone asks, the features of back brings. I gave money, and took the borrower in my hands. If he will not return money on time, let his devil will take himself, and I will bring money for him. May it be so. Amen";

  4. in order for the plot to have a strong effect, read twice, in the last words read in the reverse order.

After the rite, the chair is thrown out. Slips should be scattered at the crossroads of three roads.

For the rite you will need an old chair

With two brooms

After that, the rite of debt will be returned within one month. You will need old and fulfill the rite, only if you know where the debtor lives. The ritual is especially effective if the distance between the two houses is insignificant.

  1. Send a new broom the debtor's threshold strictly towards your threshold (try to calculate unmistakably).
  2. During the process, repeat the words:

    "Good broom! With you, I will sweep with you, the money of my debtor (his name) is picking away from him! ".

  3. Following this goes to the old broom. She will also sweep the threshold of the debtor.
  4. From the old broom, several rods are pulled out and left under the threshold. Need to say these words:

    "Old broom! With you, I will sweep with you, I leave you on this threshold, to my debtor, (his name), I didn't give to sleep, but I didn't leave my thoughts, I made my thoughts about me to give me a debt! ".

On the way home keep silence and do not go through the middle of the intersection.

Claims with matches

This ritual is the most popular to get rid of unpaid debts. The rite is carried out when it is necessary to quickly give a debt, which no longer hopes to get back. When it is possible to make a return debt, mentally thank this person.

  1. You need to buy a thin church candle and matches of matches. In the store it is advisable not to take the delivery from the seller.
  2. Every night from the candle, set up a match, put it on a saucer and see how she burns. During this, read the words of prayer:

    "My friend, my brother, fire! Make God's slave (his name) return me a debt. Trying his conscience, the Loggy His Soul so that he could not sleep, neither could not, until I would return my duty! "

  3. Ashes from each burned match, fold in another boxes. Collect until you return debt.
  4. After the money returned to you, entee the ashes at the cross with the words:

    "Wind friend, wind brother! From the castles from four gates, we have a good news in all parties about that I returned a debt that the truth is! ".

Go home completely different expensive, do not talk to anyone.

Debt refund rite

With registered icon of the debtor

Note that this is a powerful rite. His holding can or entail a large number of problems for him. The rite strengthens the mystery of the name, nominal icon and the magic of the mirror. Do not make this ritual in debtors who are close to you and who do not want trouble.

In addition to the nominal icon (it is sold in church stores) you will need a mirror, black fabric on the table. Spend the rite of the algorithm.

  1. Tab with table.
  2. Place the mirror with a reflective side down.
  3. Place the icon on the mirror.
  4. Hands make such movements seem to warm them over fire.
  5. Read the plot 40 times:

    "Let the slave of God (the name of the debtor), will return everything that I took. And if it does not return, let him lose 100 times more, his health is confused, the rest does not know, the unfortunate and beggar will be forever! So be it! Amen!".

This rite is applied only when other rituals turned out to be powerless.

Prayer grateful to the debtor

Debt Return Prayer


To someone returned the debt, first ask him about it. Conspiracies will help make the debtor return the money or a valuable thing. Reimbursement will occur shortly after the rite, and the negative consequences will not affect the debtor, if it is a relative or a close friend. Be sure to mentally thank the person after.

In this article:

Perhaps, each person meets that he will not return debt for too long.

Sometimes to force the debtor to return the money is not so simple, especially if it is a close man or an old friend. In such a situation, I do not want to resort to legal proceedings and even more threats. Conspiracy on the return of debt is an excellent remedy that will help get out even such a difficult situation.

Today everyone is trying to say that they do not believe in magic and various occult sciences, however, when a difficult period comes in life, even pragmatists are ready to appeal for help to the forces, the existence of which they were so stubbornly denied. This is not surprising, in war, as you know, there are no atheists.

What is this plot

Ritals designed to help return debts, practically no different from other magic rituals. They also send the performer's energy to the right direction and affect the subconscious of the debtor.

The simplest rites are capable of calling the borrower of fear, remorse of conscience and longing, he can remember the good thing that you did and return money in the near future.

Less conspiracies literally make the goal to return all the debt, and if he does not do it as soon as possible, he will begin to hurt much. Some black rites can even lead to the death of the debtor, however, it is not recommended to use such magic, because after the death of the borrower to return its money much more difficult.

Rite with an old chair

For the ritual, it is necessary to break the leg from the old chair, to do it with bare hands, without using any tools. Stools without a leg to put out the threshold of the house (or on the flat site of the apartment).

An interesting rite that works on the personal power of the artist

From the legs need to break down a few slivers using a knife or snatch them with nippers. Now you can go directly to reading a conspiracy to refund. The words:

"If anyone asks, the features of back brings. I gave money, and took the borrower in my hands. If he will not return money on time, let his devil will take himself, and I will bring money for him. May it be so. Amen".

To enhance the effect, you can read this conspiracy twice, and, and the second time you need to read the words as a thief. After that, the chair should be thrown away, and pinch attributed to the intersection of three roads and scatter.

Ancient plot to return debt

To carry out this rite you will need:

  • three gypsy needles;
  • three tablespoons of large salts;
  • three feot of any bird (it is better to collect on the street yourself);
  • three shred wool from different cats (or cats);
  • three shred wool from different dogs;
  • a small square of dark fabric.

Klove wool can be carefully cut with animals with scissors.
When all the ingredients are collected, put the fabric on a flat surface (table or altar), write on the fabric the name of the debtor with soap, then you need to put all the collected components there, mix them with a knife with a black knob counterclockwise. After that, you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

"You hear me, you're by the debtor, puny and roar, her hernia and the fire is hot wait. In the morning start, and then all day. All evening and night all dark. For a minute of peace of God, the slave (the name of the goal) from this may not find it until everything that I have to return. To suffer to him, moan, nor there, nor drink, nor sleep, the light of white does not see, not knowing life, do not experience good. As stated. So will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Strong conspiracy with icon to return debt

To carry out this magic ritual, you will need a personal icon of your debtor. Such icons are sold in all temples and church shops.

Christian egregor will definitely make your debtor return debt

Now you need to store the table with a black tablecloth or black handkerchief. Top lay mirror, face down, on the mirror - icon.

You need to lay hands on the icon as if you warm them on an open fire, and read the text of the conspiracy forty time. The words:

"Let God return the slave (name) to me everything that I took, and if I would not return, so that he was a hundred times more than the health, so that he did not know the health, so that he did not know the peace and unhappy. May it be so. Amen".

Effective debt refund plot

First you need, without trading buy one simple wax candle. It is also not recommended to take surrender from the seller. The candle will be lit immediately after sunset and read the words for it 13 times:

"This is not a candle melts, this is the slave of God (the name of the debtor) melts, it does not return me a debt. Since the debt will not return me soon, you completely melt. I will return a debt to me and no longer than Thai. My word is true, the word is verified. I sealed (name) fire, in the evening, and not the day. As I said, it will turn. Amen".

The next day, after noon, you need to go to the church (best on foot) and put the remainder of the candle for the health of your debtor. In the church you need to say:

"I forgive you for today and yesterday, at now for tomorrow. God is a witness. And he (the name of the debtor) since then the judge. I do not judge you anymore, I ask God's help, I (name) Slave God is true, crank and honest. May it be so. Amen".

Plot to new moon to give debt

At sunrise, you need to light a new wax candle, go with it to the window (better, if it is located in the east) and read the exhalation of the plot three times:

"I am sending to the slave of God (Full name. Debtor). Now let my debtor give and burns, bake and beats, the bones breaks him and removes life from it. I can not now (the name of the debtor) sleep, will not be able to eat, it will not be able to drink, while the debt does not turn me away. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Strong rite with eggs

You need to take two raw eggs, make small holes in them on both sides of the needle and put in boiling water. Now close the entrance door of the house on the castle, throw the needle to cooking eggs and read the words:

"Considering your own, the debtor of his (the name of the debtor) is sentenced. To cook you like eggs, in boiling water you dig. True debt, or your age will be a short. RVI of his chips, pain, sudi, if, and all morning, and day, and evening, and all night. And you will not have a calm minute, everything will be sick, and the heart, and the belly, and the skin, and the teeth, and the liver. No sore will come with you, nothing will pass and will not heal. Do not be saved to you, not a sign, not a sign, not a lead, not a pagan who is not whispering. You will be sick now, healing to rot, weaker and christmas. Neither eat to you and not sleep, just moan, and suffer. As stated, it will come true. Key. Lock. Language".

After pronouncing words, wait until the eggs are welded, one of them hide at home, the other is not far from the house of the debtor.

The strongest plot

If none of the rituals listed above did not give results, you can try one of the strongest magical rites to the return of debt. Conspiracy is read on the candles 40 times:

"Salt, pain, bread, blood, amin. On Friday I will climb, I will not cross the courtyard from the courtyard, I will go, God does not pierce. I will immediately relieve, I will dare to lunch, in the evening I will let the coffin, from this day and forever. Amen. At sea-ocean, there is a fire, the water does not wash it, the wind does not bloom. Sits in that house the person is invisible - without hands, without legs, without power. So I'm at the slave of God (the name of the debtor) I pick the strength, squeezing blood out of it, I knock out my soul from him, I drink him my heart, I closing him forever. I converge you, the slave of God (the name of the goal), I conquer, sob. If you are an enemy to me, if you don't give me a debt, you betray your body, and give the soul to hell. I converge you, the slave of God (the name of the goal), I conquer, sob. From this day and until the end of times. To anyone of this conspiracy, do not remove anyone in the church, nor the sorcerer to knock down, not to wash the holy water. As I swam, so be. Amen. Amen. Amen".

During reading the words of conspiracy, you need to contact the debtor and concentrate on all negative emotions that it causes you.

If the debt is given, it will be necessary to light the candle in the evening and calmly say that the debt is given and you forgive your debtor and take off all the accusations from him. It is necessary that negative energy does not cause it too much harm.

All rites relating to the material benefits belong to household magic. Most often, those who are desperate to improve their material state or recovering money are resorted to such witchcraft. Prayers and conspiracies for the return of debt - a high, but effective measure to which you should contact if all other options are already triggered.


Rules of monetary magic

The main rules of monetary magic:

  1. Do not attempt to get financial stability at the expense of people.
  2. Do not tell about the witchcraft for money in someone else's people. The surrounding will not perceive seriously and laugh, and maybe you will try to harm.
  3. For rituals conducted on material benefits, apply only personal amulets and attributes. Do not take other people's accessories - they will not help, but only harm.
  4. Magic is associated with money energy, therefore a positive attitude is directly related to the performance of the rite.
  5. Put realistic goals: the millionaire will not work, but improving the financial condition is quite real.
  6. Confidently pronounce prayers and spells, thinking in every word.
  7. When you give a debt mentally thanks to a person with prayer, good words.
  8. If the prayer has affected the holy, and the debtor returned the money, order a prayer service in the temple in honor of whom they appealed.

Conspiracies and prayers for debt refund

Household magic rituals will help return the missed money. Orthodox prayer is considered the easiest way to pick up duty at home. You can read it anywhere, thinking about the debtor and God.

The text of the prayer is:

Lord, helping the slave of God (the name of the borrower) to make. In his mind, the thoughts are bright, it is impossible to build suites to close people, and to hide from them. Reward on affairs (name), yes help to return the money to us. Save and save sin soul. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If he deceived the employer and did not want to pay a salary, getting money to help brooms: old and new.

Taking them in the hands act like this:

  1. Calm off the twig from each broom.
  2. Squeeze the door of the chief.
  3. We whip the old rod on the door jacket and read the prayer, to refund by the employer: "Good deed to plot, I take my money!".

You can get money from the debtor in the shortest possible time by spending a magic ritual with an icon and a strong plot.

For the rite will need:

  • black shawl;
  • name icon with the name of the debtor;
  • mirror.

Prepare all attributes, act as follows:

  1. Ship table with cloth.
  2. Put the mirror with a reflective side down.
  3. Put the icon from above.
  4. Keep your palms over the icon and read the conspiracy: "Vernelize me (name) that I took. Otherwise, the troubles, and the disease will take away all the benefits, and they do not have any rest on the century. Strong word, firm base. "

Conspiracy of the Siberian Healer.

Grandma Gladia, living in Siberia, helps a proven plot on a thing. Take any object of the borrower and say the words of the conspiracy.

How the slave of God (the name of the debtor) is fooling, do not pay debts, they will immediately leave his strength and jump. The soul with stups for glans will be filled. Heartburn and spasms will be punished. Happy (name) will not go, as long as my money will lie with him.

The thing should be imperceptible to throw back the owner.

Conspiracy Stepanova

For a powerful conspiracy, the stepan ingredients are not easy to get enough, but when the ritual works, the borrower will bring money without reminder.

To punish the debtor, you will need:

  • three needles;
  • three chopping ash;
  • three spoons of salt;
  • three feot of any bird;
  • three shred wool from three dogs;
  • three blocks from different cats;
  • dark tissue;
  • a piece of dry soap;
  • knife with black handle.

Having obtained all the components of the ritual we make such a lining:

  1. From the fabric, cut the square with a hand size - a pentacle.
  2. Soap writing the name of the debtor.
  3. We put the needles, ashes, salt, feathers, dog and cat wool in the pentacle.
  4. Mix all components with a knife, counterclockwise and read a plot.

Logs, Flaw, Pain, Sudi. Day until night and night to light. And an hour, and a minute, and a moment, and all the time. In the heart, in the lungs, in the ribs, in the mouth, in the eyes. Does not remove the pain neither the enemy, nor the grandmother, nor the sorcerer, nor Venuner. It will be (the name of the borrower) to sneak, light white curse. Neither drink nor have a long time until he returns his debt.

The lining is hiding in the debtor's house or at the entrance.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworthy

Asking help from the saint, you need to abandon the cornsis and pride, do not blame the debtor and do not want him evil. Remember that the financial test is sent by God to quench the soul.

The prayer for the return of debt and deliverance from loans to Nikolai The Wonderworker is presented below.

On all-grade Father Nicolae, Shepherry and the teacher of all, faithfully trying to your intercession and the heat of the prayer for you, soon sweat and relieve the flock of wolves, whipping E, and all the country, Christian fences and save the holy prayers from Mirskago Mircago, Cow, invasion Incillachnikov and internecine brass, from glad, flood, fire, sword and in vain death. And Jacns pardoned the Treek of the husbands, in the dungeon of the grayers, and delivered them to the Tsareva Angel and the post of swordso, taco, in the darkness of the sins of the sins, and save me the wrath of God and the eternal execution, IKO and your petition and Help, with its own mercy and grateful, Christ is a quiet and sinless life will give Mi, an excitement in Either Sech and will relieve the Schuyago standing, it will prompt the Sandago with all the saints. Amen.

Prayer Spiridon Trimifuntsky

Appeal to Spiridon Trimifuntsky in Orthodox Christians is considered one of the most effective. It is praying to this saint in the event of a delay in obtaining money.

ABOUT SPLATE SPIRIDON! The misconceptions of God's thoroughly, and they will not condemn us on our lawlessness, but will create with us for their grace. We succeed in us, the servants of God (names), Christ and God our peaceful serene lives, the health is spiritual and physical. Get rid of us from all sorts of mental and bodies, from all languages \u200b\u200band the diatoles.
Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and the mind of the Lord, but I will give many of our sins forgiveness, there is a soulless and peaceful life yes, the death of the abdomen of the restless and peaceful and bliss ever in the future will prompted us, yes incessantly releasing glory and thanks to Father and son and spirit The saint, now and is dreaming, and in the eyelids.

Appeal to the saint can be viewed in the video. Shot by the Sviatoslav Makieiv channel, with subtitles.

Prayer grateful after the return of debt

Do not be angry with a person who returned a debt: let him do it not on time, but still returned. The debtor did not leave someone else with him, and it should be thanked.

I let you go today, yes tomorrow. God saw you (the name of the debtor) he is a judge. I (my name) is honest, gracious and pious. Let it be so!

Tell these words about yourself when the money returns, but think another time, take money to him or not.

Rituals to return money

Make a person to give money that do not want to return, you can with both white and black magic.

The most effective rituals for the return of money:

  • rite with a chair;
  • conspiracy on a coin;
  • rite with matches on the full moon;
  • spell on the candle;
  • rite with bath brooms.

Rite with stool

Returning money will help the old chair or stool.

The rite is executed in this way:

  1. We bow the leg without the help of tools, bare hands.
  2. Sitting exhibit for the threshold of the apartment.
  3. We pronounce three times the spell over a broken leg.

Believing works, fails do not give. Whoever does not return debts, that fate pounds in the coffin. Himself (the name of the debtor) will suffer, nothing benevolent does not work. If (name) I will not return a debt, then you will take it with it. Believe the law!

After these words, break the leg on the chips and scatter them on the road.

Conspiracy on a coin

For a slight conspiracy, which will not harm the person who has taken interest, the coin made of white metal will be required.

The algorithm of actions is:

  1. The coin should be burned under the fir at dawn, saying: "I'm buried coin, to return debt. So that the money returned, and for a long time. How will the debt come back to me - all the insults will not be offended and offended. "
  2. Within three days, call the debtor and remind your loan.
  3. Soon he will return all the debt, and you dig a coin. Leave it yourself as a talisman.

Rite with matches on the full moon

To carry out a rite to the full moon, you will need:

  • matchbox;
  • new candle bought in the church;
  • soccer.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Seeing the Round Lick of the Moon, open the window and say: "Darkness Night, the moon is bright. I urge, debts get out, give money to return. Like the moon is full and my pockets let them be filled with money. Amen".
  2. Light each match and put on a sieve.
  3. While they are burning, pronounce the spell several times in a row: "Flame red, clean, helping debts to return. So that (the name of the debtor) conscience was tormented, and the Duma bitter tormented, as long as he would not give away. I want to get better. "
  4. Spicker's candles and ashes of matches hide. When the debt returns you can throw out the remnants of the ritual.

Spell on the candle

Spell on 40 candles will help if urgent debt refund is needed. Candles (40 pieces) need to be purchased in the temple and free to light. Read the prayer until the last candle is woops.

On the fifth day I will not cross the courtyard. I will gather a debt, and the debtor's grave is to represent. I conquer my cheap, I forget the gravily. Forces of the celestial debtor trust. If the debts are not given to me, then the soul will go underground, it will not return.

The rite will act quickly, the debtor will apologize for the delay.

Rite with bath brooms

Forcibly returns money ordinary brooms (old and new). Ritual is better to spend if the debtor lives near.

In the full moon, act in this way:

  1. Go to the house of the debtor.
  2. Mark garbage from the door of his house with a new broom.
  3. Say the first part of the spell: "New brooms, green helps, money returns."
  4. Overlook the old broom.
  5. Burn three twigs and leave them in place.
  6. The final stage is the reading of the main spell. Do not be angry and do not show intolerance. After the completion of the ritual, the debt will return within a month.

Speaking brooms follow:

An old broom at the entrance, bring me a lot of money. What took - Torius, until you give - BDI! You won't sleep, you will burn in hell! Conscience will syntify you, you need to give out other people's money!

Prayers and conspiracies to pay for debts

Mighty prayers for paying with a loan read:

  • Nikolai Wonderworker;
  • Ksenia Petersburg;
  • Spiridon trimifuntsky.

To give debt you can also hold:

  • rite with a wallet;
  • candle ritual.

Nikolay Wonderworthy

This saint really worked wonders in life, so even now believers are in a hurry to contact him for help in prayer. To contact Nikolai the Wonderworker must be regularly, it is advisable to pronounce the words before his icon.

Oh Holy Nicholas, pleases the preigenous lord, warm our intercession, and everywhere in the grief of the fast assistant! To me, sinful and dull to me, in the real life, the mind of the Lord God to lease all my sins, Elico Sogrechy Moj's youth, in all lives, business, word, thinking and all of my feelings; And in the outcome of the soul, the Muya Pomping, the Okayannoye, the mind of the Lord God, the All Creature Tarry, eliminate the air solarms and the eternal torment; Yes, I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your graciousness, now and is also confessed and forever in centuries, Amen.

Prayer Ksenia Petersburg

Pay money taken offensive. The Holy will help only with sincere repentance, so sorry sincerely, it does not work in time to give money to the lender.

Oh Holy All-Said Mother Ksenia! Under the cover of the Most High, living, led and strengthened by the Mother of God, hunger and thirst, the cold and heat, renovation and persecution undergoing, the gift of the witness and the miracles from God received, and under the sense of Almighty. Now, the Holy Church, Yako bullshit, glorifies you. In the forthcoming place of your burial, in order to your holy, Yako, living with us, pray: we will accept our petitions and bring them to the throne of the Merciful Father of Heavensnago, Jaco Consciousness to Him, I am as soon as you succeed to you And the undertakings are our generous blessing, from all sorts of troubles and sorrow. Represent holy prayers to the all-consant savior of our about us, unworthy and sinful. Pomoz, the Holy Blessed Mother Ksenia, infants with the light of the Holy Baptism of Ozarith and the sector of the gift of the Spirit of the Holy Administration captain, the randoms and the sorties in faith, honesty, the God-fearing Education and progress in teaching them to give; The sickness and illustrative heales, family love and the consent of Nisposli, who were common to the feat of the good, hurt the ward and from the approval of the fence, shepherds in the fortress of the Holy Spirit, the people and the country of our world and serenesting the saints of the Saints of Christ the Saints. You are our hope and hope, fast hearing and getting rid of Thanks to you, and with you, Slavm Father and Son and Saincho spirit, now and are still confessed, and forever. Amen.

Spiridon trimifuntsky

It is to this holy, more often than to the rest, people who dream of financial well-being are treated. In order for money to return debt, it is necessary to read the prayer presented below.

Oh all-bless to St. Spiridon, the Great Humanity of Christ and the Pressenger Miracle! The throne of God from the face of God from the Little Angel, the proud of the merciful Okom on the upcoming Cre by the People and the Susking Strong Help. The impetus of the prudettobia of the man of God, and it will not condemn us on the lawlessness of our, but will create with us in the grace of yours! We ask to us from Christ and God of our peaceful and serene love, the health of the spiritual and bodily, the earth of prosperity and in all of all abundance and prosperity, and yes, not in evil, we turn the good, giving us from the genergo of God, but in the glory of him and in the glorification of your intercession ! Razy all the faithfully incommunicable to God coming from all sorts of spiritual and bodily souls. From all languages \u200b\u200band diabolian navaloves! Budi sad comforter, an affected doctor, in the assistant assistant, nagimat the patron, widowers, a siema defender, baby feeder, old strengthener, wandering a trip, swimming feeding and creating all the striking assistance, which requires everyone, useful! Yako, yes, let your prayers and observe, will achieve in the eternal peace and buying you to glorify God, in the Trinity of Slavimago, Father and Son and Saint Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Simple conspiracies

Simple conspiracies will help attract finances and pay off the debtor. Morning and evening rites are considered the most effective.


Algorithm of actions:

  1. Ritual Perform a week in a row, in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  2. Pour water into a glass, read the prayer and smell it.
  3. The remaining water drink and say the conspiracy: "Clean, bright and fast water. You run, I am shattering the earth and never evaporate. I am OMO's face, you will fill with you. Give a way from debts to free yourself, sin with the soul to remove, start a new life. "



  1. Conspiracy is recorded on paper.
  2. Words are read over a glass of baptismic water, in the evening, after sunset daylight.
  3. After reading, burn a piece of paper, ashes, hind into the water and proceed.

The text of the conspiracy is:

I will stand, the slave (a) of God (Iya), blessing, go, cross, out of doors in the door, from the gate to the gate, under the east side, in the clean field, to the ocean, the sea, to Saint God Island. At this island lies Alatyr-stone, and on the stone there is a prechival of the Virgin Mary, asks and praying incessantly the Lord Jesus Christ about our sinners. I apologize and pray, the Mother's Most of God, stand up for me, serving God (her). Camping poverty, poverty for thirty lands, in the thirtieth empty kingdom, discharge and donate God's man (his name). The key to the sea, language in the mouth.

Rite with a wallet

Effective rite for debt returns - rite with a wallet and a candle.

The ritual is held at sunset:

  1. Light a candle and put in front of you.
  2. Get your personal wallet and put content from it and say: "The wallet is empty, my loans in dust turn."
  3. Leave the wallet empty until the morning, and with a dawn put money back.

Conspiracy with candles

For a conspiracy, to return the money will need:

  • 4 candles;
  • 13 coins of a single nominal value;
  • a piece of white cloth;
  • a knife with a wooden handle;
  • salt handy.

To help yourself give a debt or credit necessary:

  1. To the full candle moon to build a square (each angle symbolizes the side of the light).
  2. For each edge of the square, we read different prayers, turning clockwise. You need to start from the east.

Turning to one side of the world sentenced:

  1. "Sudar-East, let go of the breeze, let blow in the face, will come to the porch."
  2. "South, loyal friend. I help me, take away the debts. "
  3. "West, cute, aid came, I will have enough prosperity."
  4. "North mighty, give me the power and power so that the desire to catch up is away."
  1. We approach the window leaving the candles to burn.
  2. A knife cut the fabric to the equal parts, saying: "The rag cuts, as if debts, I cut off."
  3. In one piece of fabric, we write the salt into another coin.
  4. The fabric with the contents wrap so that there are bags.
  5. Hide to the next full moon.
  6. With a round night luminaire, pull out the piles from the secluded place.
  7. We take to the street taking them with you and carry in the field where people do not go and instress. I pronounce the final words of the ritual: "Slagely I will let go, I will give up, I clean my soul, the coins are bought off."
  8. We leave home without care.

The consequences of monetary conspiracies

The consequences of magic that helps return duty may be:

  • deterioration of well-being and health in general;
  • bad luck, which will accompany for a long time;
  • monetary and material losses;
  • poverty.

Sincere repentance and prayers for forgiveness of the soul will help to avoid consequences. For this, there is a universal and effective prayer "Father Our".

Our father, izh, at Heaven!

Yes, it will hire your name,

yes, your kingdom will come

may will be your will

yako in the sky and on the earth.

Bread our urgent grandfather to us;

and we leave our debts,

jacques and we leave our debtor;

and do not enter us in temptation,

but you save us from Lucavago.

For yours is a kingdom and power and glory forever.