What is the "Diksha Unity" Phenomenon? And the ball shines like gold of love here. Practice without photography.

You must be attuned before taking this course. The course and settings are completely free (like everything on the Tvoya Yoga website). You can read more details.

General rules for customization:

  • Five minutes before the specified setting time, you need to take a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax as much as possible.
  • After a minute or two, you will relax - then say mentally (to yourself) or aloud (for example, in a whisper) the mantra (it is enough to say it once): "OM Shanti Shanti Shanti OM" (this should be done before each setting - if you do not do this - this will mean that the course has not been completed completely and you need to apply for it again and again to pass it in the right way).
  • The duration setting takes 30 minutes.
  • All 30 minutes of tuning, you must try to adhere to the description given in the following material.

First of all, please read the following material carefully. And thoroughly analyze your attitude to this practice. It is possible that you feel that this practice is not for you, then leave this practice. This practice is for those who are open to any help and who truly believe in their Teacher.

You also need to understand that this practice is not in any way a violation of the desire of any of the Teachers, all true Teachers are like the Sun and are ready to shine and give light without hiding anything, therefore - if any student decides to study and receive Knowledge and new abilities, then none of the true Masters will be against it.


  1. You sit in a comfortable position (in the lotus position, Turkish or just in a chair). You can also lie down.
  2. Imagine a bright ball of golden color in front of you (you can just imagine the sun). The ball is very close to you - at a distance of about 3-5 meters. The ball has a diameter of about the size of a human being (about 2 meters).
  3. From the center of the golden ball (the sun) comes a powerful beam of bright golden light.
  4. The golden ray enters exactly in the area between the eyebrows and passes further - to the center of the head.
  5. In the center of your head, imagine-feel a small golden ball (you can imagine a small sun). The diameter of this sphere is approximately 10 cm.
  6. The golden ray saturates this small golden ball in the center of your head with golden energy, and the golden energy from excess spreads pleasantly throughout your body.


  • Be constantly relaxed. Concentration is passive, without tension.
  • It is possible that for many it will be more convenient to receive this setting while lying down - because when a large golden ball is visualized above you, then the golden beam emanating from it will also enter you thanks to the feeling of gravity.


Further practice largely depends on who your teacher is, how many teachers you have, and whether your teacher is human. Therefore, choose the item of this practice that suits your situation.

photography practice

Suppose your teacher is Ueshiba Morihei. Below is his photograph. You can take any photo of any of your Teachers or any person who had (or has) the abilities you need. For example, if it is clairvoyance, then it could be Vanga and Edgar Cayce; if it is mystical superpowers, then it could be Sai Baba and Karmapa, etc. Those. just keep in mind that you are able to meditate on any person in order to acquire their characteristic features.

  1. So, in front of you is a photograph of your Teacher and you look at it with open and relaxed eyes throughout the entire practice.
  2. Relax and feel deep affection, openness and gratitude to your Teacher.
  3. Practice for 10-30 minutes.

Practice without photography

This practice has no restrictions. You can choose absolutely any Teacher for this practice. This may be a person living now or long gone to other spheres of being. It can be absolutely any person: Shiva, Buddha, Krishna, Babaji, OSHO, Sri Chinmoy, Edgar Cayce, Vanga, etc. This is up to you to decide.

  1. Imagine in front of you the Teacher on whom you will meditate (if this is the Teacher of antiquity - and it is natural that there are no photographs of him and you have not seen him - then simply imagine a human image in any meditative position and mentally realize that this image is precisely this Teacher, if this Teacher has a personal mantra or spiritual name - then repeat his mantra or name several times).
  2. Relax and feel a deep disposition, openness and gratitude to the Teacher.
  3. Next, imagine in the center of his head a bright golden ball (maybe a small sun) with a diameter of about 10 cm.
  4. From the center of this golden ball, through the space between the eyebrows of the Teacher, a powerful golden beam emanates, which enters your space between the eyebrows, reaches the center of your head, which also contains a golden ball with a diameter of about 10 cm.
  5. The golden ray saturates the golden ball in your head with golden energy, and it spreads pleasantly throughout your relaxed body.
  6. Practice for 10-30 minutes.

Meditation on many Masters

Some of you will not be limited to one Teacher, and this is good. Someone will wish to meditate on 10 or more Teachers at once. To do this, my advice is to do meditations in turn, i.e. first meditate, for example, for 7 days on one Teacher, then on another, etc. Don't do it all at once.

Meditation on the Higher Self

  1. Imagine a human image in front of you, sitting in a lotus position, in golden clothes, on a golden lotus in a space surrounded by golden light (the lotus seems to be hanging in this space and is not located on anything and does not rely on anything).
  2. Relax and feel deeply disposed, open and grateful to this image, which is the Higher Self.
  3. Next, imagine in the center of his head a bright golden ball (maybe a small sun) with a diameter of about 10 cm.
  4. From the center of this golden ball, through the space between the eyebrows of the Teacher, a powerful golden beam emanates, which enters your space between the eyebrows, reaches the center of your head, which also contains a golden ball with a diameter of about 10 cm.
  5. The golden ray saturates the golden ball in your head with golden energy, and it spreads pleasantly throughout your relaxed body.
  6. Practice for 10-30 minutes.
  7. The eyes are open or closed throughout the practice - as convenient, at your discretion.

Course Notes

  1. You limit the time of practice yourself, for someone it can be just one day, for someone the whole life.
  2. When the golden ray enters your mideyebrow, feel that it is as if your whole being draws the energy of the Teacher into itself, you are like a dry sponge absorbing water. Those. the movement of the golden ray occurs 50% of the fact that the Teacher radiates it and 50% of the fact that you seem to draw it into yourself.
  3. Try to perceive these meditations on the Teachers as their grace and, of course, thank them for the gift that they selflessly give you.
  4. Treat this practice with special respect, as this practice is very unusual and requires special spiritual etiquette. Therefore, try to do it in clean clothes, after taking a bath and with a consciousness detached from the hustle and bustle.
  5. This practice is a bit like transferring data from one computer to another, as well as lighting one candle from another. No one in this practice loses, and does not decrease from the source, but only significantly increases at the "destination". Appreciate it.
  6. It is very likely that abilities will not appear immediately, and this is natural, but you can be sure that if the practice is done well, the result will invariably appear.

OM Shanti Meditation

  1. Imagine a human image standing in front of you in snow-white clothes, the image is not big and not small - it just exists in the space in front of you, a little transparent, as if temporarily manifested from space in order to disappear into it again (you can imagine this image against the background night starry sky - so it will be easier for you to get a sense of space).
  2. Relax and feel that this image is connected to me (or that it is me).
  3. Say to yourself: OM Shanti Shanti Shanti OM-M-M (let the last sound of M be long, slowly weakening, gradually disappearing into silence).
  4. Next, imagine a bright golden ball (maybe a small sun) about 10 cm in diameter in the center of the head of this image.
  5. From the center of this golden ball, through the space between the eyebrows, a powerful golden beam emanates, which enters your space between the eyebrows, reaches the center of your head, which also contains a golden ball with a diameter of about 10 cm.
  6. The golden ray saturates the golden ball in your head with golden energy, and it spreads pleasantly throughout your relaxed body.
  7. Practice for 10-30 minutes.
  8. The eyes are open or closed throughout the practice - as convenient, at your discretion.

These settings were received by me in a state of deep meditation and have been passed on by me for many years without the ability to transfer these settings further, therefore, any attempts to conduct these courses by other individuals clearly indicate a violation of the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthese courses and a complete lack of understanding of this process.

Veretennikov Sergey(OM Shanti)

From Sanskrit, the word Diksha is translated as divine love or divine grace. This refers to unconditional love, which is the foundation of every living being, the original nature of everything we see and feel. What is the action of Diksha can be understood by touching the experience that lies beyond the usual dual perception, in the space of which we divide the world into parts and look for superiority between them.

This is an experience of unity, where there is a return to a holistic perception of life. Just for a moment imagine a world in which there are no tangible boundaries, and each of its manifestations is an extension of yourself. Where everything you see has one nature and one limitless source that is within you. If you can draw this picture for yourself and feel it, then you can say that you have got an idea of ​​what Deeksha is and how it works. But no matter how vivid an idea we have, it is just an idea, therefore, only living experience remains a direct way of knowing such a beautiful phenomenon as Diksha.

Diksha will help you find God within yourself, dissolve the obstacles that stand in the way of true realization, find inner peace, get rid of bad habits, resolve conflicts with people close to you and those around you.

Diksha opens the heart and awakens the boundless love that accompanies us from birth.

Unity Deeksha:

  • It heals psychosomatic diseases, freeing you from the emotions that caused it.
  • Leads you to a heightened awareness of your body and helps you discover love and acceptance of your body.
  • It helps to fully feel the flow of life flowing through your body.

Diksha is the force that breaks the shell of contradictions, problems and neuroses and fills the heart with peace and love. It helps to open inner forces, to feel your potential and fill your life with the energy of joy. Duality gives way to unity.

A very important quality of Deeksha is that her energy in no way negates your individuality. The result is natural inspiration and strength.

It is the divine wisdom and grace that awakens the chakras as well as the physical condition in the brain, in addition, they awaken the DNA to its true potential. This is a divine program that helps remove all filters between you and reality. And reality, to put it simply, is ecstatic love, joy and peace.

Diksha of Unity returns the original state of perception of this world, allows you to release the feelings from the constant assessments of the mind and brings you closer to the natural purity of sensations, inner peace and integrity.

A very important quality of Deeksha Unity is that its energy helps you see and feel what is most interesting for you, no matter what you do in life. It fills with strength and energy any of your activities.

Perhaps Deeksha is exactly what you are looking for without even knowing it. And perhaps, after receiving Diksha, the answers to questions that have tormented you for a long time will be revealed to you, and you will begin to live in that state of love and unity that you have been looking for for a long time.

"Diksha helps to see the joy and feel the satisfaction of being yourself."(Sri Bhagavan, founder of Oneness University)/

In all ancient traditions, the diksha ceremony was part of the sacred rituals.

The one who accepts this gift of Divine grace begins to discover himself and experience a direct, undistorted perception of reality. During this great sacrament, at the moment of transferring diksha, this energy takes on in a person the form and properties that are necessary for his spiritual awakening.

This new energy merges with the human body, while retaining its basic quality of the Higher Mind, producing biological and energy changes in the way that this particular person needs.

Looking back at the men and women who had enlightened experiences and were considered the sages and mystics of the past, we find that at some point in their lives they received this gift-blessing through their spiritual teacher or from the Divine source itself.

They attained this state not because they followed any teaching or through austerity. Their examples show that such spiritual experiences could not be achieved by any means whatsoever and were perceived by them as the highest blessing bestowed from above.

"... To better understand Unity, look at children. Children are born in complete unity and harmony with the world, they have no beliefs, principles and concepts of the mind. At the same time, they experience very bright and sincere feelings, joy from simple things, are open and filled with interest They are creative and can tirelessly go about their "important things."

The Deeksha of Unity dissolves everything superfluous in you, everything that closes this initial pure perception. And while maintaining your knowledge and experience, you become more aware and spontaneous, cheerful and interested in life ... "

Diksha is a phenomenon of energy transfer that connects a person with that divine nature that is hidden in each of us. It returns a person to a natural state of harmony, which is given to him from birth, but over time it dissolves in fears, resentments, suffering, rigid mindsets.

The word "Diksha" in Sanskrit means "blessing" or "initiation", which, in fact, is a gift of cosmic energy. The one who accepts this gift of Divine grace begins to discover himself and experience a direct, undistorted perception of reality. During this great sacrament, at the moment of transmission of Diksha, this energy takes on in a person the form and properties that are necessary for his spiritual awakening. This new energy merges with the human body, producing biological and energetic changes in the way that this person needs right now.

When receiving Deeksha, some feel that their consciousness expands, others have very mystical experiences, some experience a deep sense of joy or peace, many experience a strong love for themselves and the world. Experiences differ depending on the person, but they all have something in common: Deeksha gives exactly what a person needs most at this moment in life.

Most recently, I came from the Phenomenon and Gift process - the Golden Ball Phenomenon, which was led by monks from the Golden City in India from Oneness University. The process was a very powerful, concentrated experience from the teachings and processes, its depth is possible because of the most powerful field that has ever been available right in the city, outside of special, sacred places and without long preliminary preparations. This is a series of internal liberations, which leads to a completely different perception of reality, which changes our lives, filling us with energy, freedom, love, openness, creation, gaining new opportunities in life, those opportunities that were previously inaccessible to us due to internal limitations, bad experience or injury.

After this process, being in the flow, I wrote poems:

Love, she was looking for a way out, wandered around, everywhere.
I was looking for the right road, I was looking for friends in silence.
I went into the process with hope, fell in love with everyone who was on it,
I received a spiritual uplift and many hearts with him.
And she caressed them and brought them to happiness and joy spilled inside,
It's great that everyone is like-minded here today,
They go one way to the intended dream.
Dream that the Soul fills with the radiance of stars in the stillness of the night.
As in a fairy tale, Golden removes all suffering, puts things in order here!
And the Ball shines with the gold of love, filling the whole space with kindness.
He lives in everyone's heart - he is a friend from Heaven, your messenger.
He makes a couple with you, he loves everyone in whom he has.
Like a star shining in the night, he is the Highest Light in your destiny.
He can fulfill any request, you just merge with him,
Follow the nine steps according to the scheme and about nothing, then you do not regret it.
Consider the request and all the pros and cons, there was no mistake in the mind so that,
And motivate and visualize what you want to get here in the end!
When you have done the work, whatever pleases the Soul,
You release this into space and expect miracles from the friend that is in you.

We plunged into the process of "The Phenomenon and the Gift",
What is it called. Flew like birds here
From different parts of the world,
And like nests - leaving families.
We plunged headlong into the process,
And everything around spun in a whirlwind.
Such energies came out that the hall groaned, roared,
From the negativity that has been sitting in everyone for a long time.
I did not see a way out or did not look for it at all.
The soul aspired here to fly, it lacked here
A love that can move mountains
Peace to find inside.
A monk from the Golden City, which has been standing in India for a long time,
In connection with hearts in the portal of Love with all
entered here. Having redeemed everyone with Unconditional Love,
Shared knowledge, teachings from Heaven.
And generously distributed to all of us, he gave his precious experience.
And there was "Oh, a miracle!" we found a friend from the Higher Light here.
From now on, we are a family, we are together, we are a common force inside!
The space was filled with harmony and shone with the purity of tears,
It is ready for the miracles of creation, for a change for the better in destiny!

Namaste, beloved Bhagavan, we are over 10,000 people. From 110 different cities. From different countries. These are Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Estonia, Belarus. Italy, Germany also joined us.

We are very, very glad to hear your answers, Sri Bhagavan.

We would like to ask for blessings for all who watch you, for the families who participate in this event, for all our countries, for the whole World.

And now the difficult political situation in our countries. And in some regions on the territory of Ukraine there are hostilities. Civilians suffer and die. But, despite all this, even in these regions of Ukraine, groups have gathered and are taking part in this Darshan. We are very worried about this region of Ukraine, for the whole of Ukraine. For all our countries. We want Peace to come to our Earths, to our families. So that our hearts overflow with love and that we live in joy, friendship and abundance.

And we ask for your blessing, Bhagavan.

Sri Bhagavan: Yes. (blessing)

  • Thank you Sri Bhagavan

Dear Bhagavan, thank you for the gifts you have given me in the 8 years since I have been in Oneness and for your wonderful teachings. They really work. My question is about the 64 flowers of the Golden Ball phenomenon. One of which should bloom soon. Tell me, what needs to be done to make these flowers bloom in our lives too? Please bless us for receiving this gift. Thank you.

Dzhanonbobekova Uaris. Almaty.

Sri Bhagavan:

Each year one of the flowers will bloom, and this will continue for the next 64 years. That is, there will be 64 flowers. This is the evolution of Oneness.
And this cycle will repeat itself. Over the next 1000 years. And then we will enter the real Golden Age. And at that moment in time that we now understand as "civilization", this will not exist. And in the next centuries, technology will grow at an incredible rate. And in 1000 years from now there will be no more technology. There will be only the technology of consciousness. The whole world will become a green village. There will be no buildings, no schools, no factories, no universities. No government, no courts, no police, none of that. And also there will be no nations, no countries. People will live among huge trees. And they don't seem to eat anything. It seems that they will drink a certain kind of liquid, similar to honey from large flowers. And there is no need for transportation. People will just fly.

And they don't wear clothes. And all this exists in the world. People and animals live in the world. And man lives in the world. And already people began to fly. They fly much faster than rockets. And now people are starting to live with wild animals. Not tamed animals, but real, wild animals. This is already starting to happen in some parts. And 1000 years later there are no more religions. There is no more God. Man became God. Here is the goal. Now we are launching this process in India.

We didn't have time to start this process outside of India.
But from next year we will launch it in your countries. And, of course, you will begin to grow rapidly. Staying with what is will become natural. And you will become yourself. You will not look at a teacher or at any teaching. You cough up all the teachings, all the teachers. You will be yourself. To be yourself is to be awakened. You are unique. You are perfect. You are complete on your own. The problem is that you want to become someone else. And you cannot be anyone else. You must be yourself. Only then are you awakened. You will give it all away and you will discover that you are God. You will create your God. Eventually, you will become that God. And this process will be launched by such a huge process from this year. But the real process for you will begin next year.

And so it will allow you to be yourself. Religions, teachers, teachings do not allow people to be themselves. People should be completely left alone. In their natural state. This is what it means to be awakened. It is the simplest thing on earth, but there is conflict. emanating from society, from human civilization.
From all teachers and teachings. You should just be yourself.

Dear Bhagavan, I feel dead inside. There is no interest in anything, in what is happening around. I feel the loss of life energy. I work, I have friends, a husband, relatives. I live outwardly more or less, but inside apathy. I turn to my Divine, I ask for a state of joy, interest inside, inclusion in the present moment. What else needs to be done or is it not necessary to ask? I understand that this may have something to do with ancestors. Thanks Bhagavan.
Yulia Putintseva (St. Petersburg)

Sri Bhagavan:

The truth is that you are not truly involved in life. Life is constantly challenging. When you meet a challenge, another starts to come. You must be ready for the next challenge. But you are not ready to face challenges. Then these challenges will never end. This is the nature of things. When you have met one challenge, another comes. Ask for your divine so that you can get involved in life. Then all things will soon change.

Dear Bhagavan! I am not yet awakened and have never been to India. But after visiting seminars with Oneness trainers, I manage to be in a state of awareness for some time, see the inner truth and stay with what I have. I begin to live for real, do practices, sadans, pray and meditate. But after a while, all my enthusiasm disappears and I again fall into a state of apathy and lethargy. Dear Bhagavan, tell me, will this go away with awakening? Or after waking up, will I live from process to process? What can I do myself to get rid of the ever-recurring lethargy? And do I need to do something or should I just accept this state and stay with it until it goes away by itself? Thank you, beloved Bhagavan, for all that you have done for the world and for me.
Zhukova Polina (St. Petersburg)

Sri Bhagavan:

The problem is that you think there is somewhere to go, but there is nowhere to go, and you cannot go anywhere. All that is is the only reality. You must have the correct understanding regarding "being with what is." Being with what is is not a means to an end. This is the end in itself.

This is the first and last step. You have nothing else to do. And you can't do it. But you are constantly trying to change what is. In the outside world, you need to change what is. In the inner world you see what is. And that vision is everything. You should not try to see this or that. What is, it doesn't matter. You just need to see what is there. If you do this, you live. If you don't, then you are the living dead. You should just see what is happening.

You have envy, you have anger, hatred. You have fear, frustration.

Just look at it the way you look at a movie. This is a great experience that brings pleasure. Just to see what is happening. Just when you see what is happening, you are awakened. Everything else is automatic. You don't need to think about these things. Just see. The problem is that it's so simple that you miss it. It's the simplest thing on earth. Once you start seeing, you won't be able to control your laughter. You will wonder, “How did I miss this all these years?” It's so simple. Even when I'm talking, you can do it. Just see what's going on inside.

Dear Bhagavan!!! I express my deep gratitude for my awakening and process in India, for the high states that I experienced there, for the processes, events and situations that are happening to me now in my life, about which I could not even think that such a thing could happen at all. I have been in Unity for a long time and went through many processes and practices, visited sacred rooms, constantly perform rituals and sadanas, but for some reason my main prayers and requests to the divine are not fulfilled. Many people share strong experiences of perceiving life, communicating with the divine, that they feed the divine, receive answers, someone even physically sees the divine ... .. but I don’t have any of this, no one eats apples on the altar, no one talks to me, I not to mention physical manifestations, I see emptiness in everything, and, most importantly, I have ceased to feel an inner connection with the divine, why does Bhagavan happen like this?
Novikov Sergey (Vyborg)

Sri Bhagavan:

In fact, deep down you have made a decision that these things will not happen to you. Be with what is. It will become that you will see what is.

And then you will actually discover it. When you open it, you will be free from it. And then your Divine will become physical. You must know that you yourself are preventing this from happening. Somewhere deep inside you feel that this is not for you. You should see it. And then things start to happen.

Dear Bhagavan, thank you for the mercy and protection of me and my family. Every day I feel that you are near. It is you who directs us to material well-being. A lot has changed in me, but for a long time I have been trying to overcome the fear of big money. I see how narrow my view is, in connection with this, many of my undertakings wither without having time to bear fruit. Tell me, dear Bhagavan, what I do not see and why I am running. Thank you.
Koptev Alexander (St. Petersburg)

Sri Bhagavan:

As you said yourself, you are afraid of big money. You think you don't deserve it. You need to develop wealth consciousness. This means focusing on everything you have. Keep doing this. Your emotions will change. You are emotionally stuck. Therefore mercy does not help you. When you get out of this emotional impasse, then things start to happen. When you create wealth for yourself, it is just a game. When you change inside, it becomes very, very simple. You yourself are preventing wealth from coming to you. So get wealth consciousness. And you will see how everything will change. Because the inner world creates the outer world.

Namaste, dear Bhagavan. Thanks to you and Unity, I have received many gifts. I believed in God, my relationship with my wife and parents improved. My mind stopped pulling me into the past and the future. But two questions still worry me.

First. My income practically does not increase, and I have a lot of desires, for the implementation of which money is needed.

Second. I am terrified of losing what I have. My health, my family and friends. Bhagavan, please explain what needs to be done to achieve the desired financial well-being and accept the fear of loss. Thank you so much for leading me through life.
Shikhov Ivan(Kirov)

Sri Bhagavan:

In your case, I will not give you a teaching. I will directly bless you and change your programs. All things will start to change for you soon.

Dear and beloved Bhagavan, you have helped countless people by making them healthy, happy and joyful in their lives. We are grateful to you for the mercy pouring on us. But around us there are many unhappy people who arrive in anxieties, fears, problems, who do not see and do not want to accept the possibilities of the Unity University. How can you help them move towards awakening? Will there be new ways and opportunities to change the lives of these people? Is awakening possible for them? What can we do about it now? Thanks Bhagavan.
Elena Kasyanova (Yekaterinburg)

Sri Bhagavan:

We have a sufficient number of Oneness people in your country. Now is the time for you to work collectively to raise the levels of consciousness in your country. You must collectively decide. Select a date and time for each month. And wherever you are in your homes, you must create one common intention for your country. Be it an economic decision or a political one. Or whatever you want. Collectively create the same intent for your country. Have a map of your country in front of you. And all together give collective diksha of carriages to your country for 21 minutes. The levels of people's consciousness will rise. More and more people will be able to awaken naturally. And you will see how smoothly the problems in your country are dissolving. You don't need the strength to make these changes. As ordinary people, you can do it. You can inform us about the date, about the time. We will join your meditation. And you will see how soon huge changes will begin, results will occur. Whether it is about the conflict in Ukraine or something else. But this can only be done if we all act collectively. Otherwise it's too difficult. You can do it.

Namaste, Bhagavan! Please tell us about your relationship with your partner. Should I try to find a partner (husband/wife)? How do you know it's the right/suitable partner? Thanks Bhagavan!
Arsentieva Diana (Moscow)

Sri Bhagavan:

If a partner gives you energy, then that partner is the right partner.
If a partner takes energy, then it is not a suitable partner.
All relationships are an exchange of energy. If it gives you energy, go ahead. If it doesn't give you energy, then work on it. If no effect, then leave it.

Dear Sri Bhagavan, when I came to Oneness 7 years ago, I had an inner feeling that it could help me in life, but now I have lost all hope and the feeling of abandonment, real life did not bring the expected results. The problems remained the same. If not to say that they have increased. I visit sacred rooms, I was at 4 processes, including two in-depth ones. When will the thing you talk about come to me? My condition is close to physical suicide. Please help me be free from suffering. Thanks Bhagavan!
Kuzmina Elena (Ramenskoye)

Sri Bhagavan:

It looks like you have an emergency. I will directly intervene and help you.

Dear Bhagavan! Thank you so much for waking up! Thank you for the grace that brings about the transformation of humanity.
Thank you for your work on earth. And please accept special gratitude for your participation in the life of Russia. Today we got married. A new person is already growing inside us. Dear Bhagavan, what advice and wishes would you give to parents? Please tell me the right upbringing, the setting of parents for the upbringing of children in our transitional time. Bhagavan please bless us for its realization, we love you Bhagavan!
Ekaterina and Dmitry Smolyaninov. (Moscow)

Sri Bhagavan:

Both parents should become like children with this child. Keep doing it. It may be difficult at first, but soon there will be great results. And try to be as honest as possible with your child. And then you will produce a great man.

Dear beloved Bhagavan. I thank you for everything that you have given me, for all the lessons and teachings that I receive, for the fact that my life is illuminated by your presence. Bhagavan, please tell us about desires, where they come from and why. Why do some desires come and go, while others do not leave us all our lives? Some are fulfilled immediately, others after some time, others are never fulfilled, no matter how much we ask for them. Why do some wishes come true at the wrong time and not as we imagined in 3D? Does the fulfillment of desires depend on our efforts? Thanks Bhagavan.
Efimova Olga(Moscow)

Sri Bhagavan:

There is no such thing as "my mind" or "your mind". There is just the mind. And it is very ancient, and Desires are a property of the mind. There is no such thing as "my self" or "your self". There is just "I". There is no such thing as "my suffering" or "your suffering". There is just suffering. We are all connected. We are all one. We are not the same, but we are one. Therefore, this movement is called Unity, not sameness. In fact, we are a collective being.

And depending on our society, at any given time, some are so-called "good people," others are so-called "bad people." Some bullies, some thieves, some just really bad criminals. Someone is a rapist, and someone is a murderer. And these things, they adjust, they change. Let's say you take all the good people, form a new society. under the same conditions. Some of them will automatically become "bad people". Some become hooligans, some become murderers. It will automatically be organized this way. Similarly, these desires come to us. From the collective. Your problem is that you identify yourself with your desire. Or with your thoughts or with your emotions and feelings. As you become less and less identified, it will become very, very easy to see what is. What you have to understand is that this desire comes to you. You are in no way responsible for this. The problem is that you think desire is wrong. And you were also told that it is wrong to desire, leave these desires. This is the problem. But the collective mind wants you to fulfill these desires. And there is nothing wrong with fulfilling your desires. This is the easiest way to grow if you fulfill your desires. However, there are many ways to grow. And also you can renounce all your desires and become the person who gave up everything. But Unity stands more for the fulfillment of desires. Fulfilling your desires is the easiest way to grow.
If you have clarity in your perception, then grace will help you. This is how you should meet the challenges of life. We call it - live! When you do not meet these challenges, it is to exist. That is why Unity is the movement from existence to life.

Our dear father, in India, for people, the divine began to manifest physically so quickly. And how will the divine manifest itself among the rest of the peoples of the world? At the same time all over the world or first in the Eurasian countries or among the Russian speakers? In the Siberian city of Omsk, we are actively working on ourselves, many communicate with their divine. Coaches regularly run processes on all aspects of awakening. Paramatma in the sacred rooms responds to our intentions, and declares his love to me. We look forward to the physical manifestation of the Gods. I would like to hear from dear Sri Bhagavan when the divine will manifest physically for our countries. Thanks!
Svetlana Feofanova(Omsk)

Sri Bhagavan:

This is not India, not Russia, or any other country. It depends on your cultural and personal conditioning. There are many people outside of India for whom the Divine is very physical. In India it is easy because there is a tradition where the Divine becomes physical. And it's different in other countries. But soon everyone will. This will become more and more common. This is a culture shock of sorts for the West. When people deal with it, everything will happen very naturally. This should happen soon.

Dear Sri Bhagavan, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that is happening now with me and with my loved ones, and with the whole World. He blossoms. More and more people wake up from sleep and think about their inner state. Recently I was on the processes, and I returned awakened. And there were big changes in my life. She became happier. But all the same, there are moments when the pain rises, and it is so strong that it is impossible to survive. What to do in such moments?
How to help yourself? Perhaps there is a way to make pop-up charges feel softer?
Tarakanova Olga(Ufa)

Sri Bhagavan:

I expect that in the next few months you will fully master "stay with what is." When this happens, it will become irreversible. You will simply see and live.

Dear Bhagavan, in one of your darshans you spoke about how we now have a short path through the Divine and a long path through the various stages of awakening. Logically, I understand that the short way is more profitable in all respects. But in fact, I see that I am an uncommunicative person, I rarely communicate with the divine, and therefore it will not become physical for me. I tried to communicate more often, but it ended with the fact that outwardly I was talking, but in my thoughts I was in a completely different place. Dear Bhagavan, do I really have a choice which way to go or is everything predetermined by my unconscious and other factors? Won't my clumsy journey down the short path turn out to be longer than the long one? I beg you, Bhagavan, please give me more clarity and bless me for what is destined for me. With respect and gratitude. Andrey.
Anishchenko Andrey (Omsk)

Sri Bhagavan:

You have a very interesting question. It was written very well. But the short cut is actually the short cut. Since you have come to this point, you will soon be on a shortcut. I also bless you for this.

Namaste, beloved Bhagavan! Tell me why some people have vivid experiences in sacred rooms, while others have nothing at all. Or not so bright. Maybe we are not working well with fifteen points, maybe the time has not come. What needs to be done for God to manifest physically? Answer me, eat my food, touch me. And tell us, please, when will specialization of rooms appear in our country? I love you Bhagavan.
Natalia Antonova(Moscow)

Sri Bhagavan:

When the Divine becomes physical, it ultimately depends on your level of kundalini. Kundalini is changing all the time. It depends on the temperature, on atmospheric conditions, on your emotions, feelings, on your relationships and how the karma of the place affects your karma. There are so many complex factors that are involved in this. You must first be with yourself. The more and more people go into the rooms, the more and more people get involved in spiritual activities, the level of kundalini rises more and more for people. When this happens, it becomes easy for all people. Therefore, now is the time for you to collectively perform spiritual sadhanas. Some are done individually and some collectively. Executing collectively makes it very fast. If you can do this, you will grow at an incredible rate. Seeing what is will be child's play for you. And then nothing will stop you. Your Divine will quickly become physical. When your Divine is your friend, what more do you need? It can be worldly things, it can be spiritual states, you can get anything. That's why we call it the shortcut. Now is the time for you to do sadhanas collectively. And you will see the difference yourself. You will be able to realize and receive everything that you were told, what you were taught. This will become your truth. And your life will change dramatically.

Namaste, beloved Sri Bhagavan! If I have negative emotions, fear, resentment or physical pain, what is more effective today? Stay with what is, or invoke your Divine to heal the situation or pray “Jay Bolo…” With love.
Yuri Shimilin. (New Kakhovka)

Sri Bhagavan:

The fastest is the Jay Bolo prayer, the next is to call on your Divine, and the last is to stay with what is.

Beloved Bhagavan, we watched many darshans with other countries where you talked about your retirement with Amma. Despite all your answers, we are excited. We understand that you will support and protect us. Please, tell us once again about the changes that await us at the Unity University and the meetings with you. And also share your vision of how the phenomenon will unfold further. Thank you for your endless love and compassion. You and Amma will always be in our hearts.
Natalia Polyakova, Elena Rudenko(Moscow)

Sri Bhagavan:

Amma and Bhagavan have already retired, they have retired from their functional duties. We are completely with you. All the time with you. For us, you are us. We do not see you as separate from us. We are constantly working for you. We will see you when you come to India. We will interact with you. The future of Oneness is to make all of you spiritual teachers. Spiritual masters. In your own place. With your own understanding. When the power of your diksha increases tremendously and your personal God is very strongly present in you, your lives will be completely transformed. And you can transform the lives of thousands of people. What AmmaBhagavan is doing, you will be able to do it. So Unity will move in that direction. We will silently work on this.