Essential oil jojoba. Jojoba oil

Jojoba is a branchy powerful shrub, whose height can well reach three meters. This beautiful plant has seated opposite leaves. Elegant two-fallen flowers - without petals. Women's flowers consist of a pestle with fallen columns, men carry 12 stamens. Dark green leaves of ovoid shape at the very bottom covered with light fluff. The sicks are available in each of the three nests of the top wound. The fruit is an interesting box with three faces.

Jojoba grows in Japan, in Asia, in Transcaucasia, as well as in China. Yellow-red fleshy fruits contain a large amount of ascorbic acid. Acid fruits are pleasant to taste. Each fruit has one solid wrinkled seed. Such a common plant can be found in the deserts and wild forests, as well as at low hills.

Useful properties of Jojoba

Jojoba fruits have a tonic effect, and also used as an expectorant. In addition, the uniqueness of this plant is that it has long been applied with nausea and as an antidote during aconite poisoning.
The properties of unsurpassed oil are due to special amino acids that are included in its composition. Protein and collagen are a necessary means for dry, sensitive, fading, peeling, inflamed and flabby skin. Such trace elements are able to easily cope with acne, small injuries and skin cracks.

Application Jojoba

Fragrant fruits are used in Japanese and Chinese cuisines. On the basis of jojoba, many spicy spices, mousses and kisins are manufactured. Along with this special fame uses jojoba oil, which without exaggeration is liquid wax with good air-conditioning properties. The oil of this unmatched shrub has a thick consistency. Despite this, it is able to easily absorb and not leave the fatty shine on the skin.

Jojoba oil is effectively as a nutrient and moisturizing agent. It is capable of smoothing wrinkles, destroy the angry rash, relieve irritation, normalize the production of melanin, remove redness and inflammation, and most importantly - to give the skin an unusually beautiful and even shade.

Jojoba oil

Today, jojoba oil is in high demand in modern cosmetology due to its amazing properties. Such an exceptional agent is a liquid wax that is produced by cold pressing of shrub fruits. Collagen, which is part of the oil, is a guarantee of improving skin elasticity. It should also be noted that the special value of the oil of jojoba is that the barbell does not threaten him after a long time.

Hair jojoba

This amazing oil is a truly functional ingredient in many recipes for care for naughty and whims. Jojoba oil can remove the frozen formation of the skin on the head, allowing you to open the hair follicles. When applying this tool, it is completely absorbed, without leaving an unpleasant greens on her hair. After using jojoba oil, hair becomes soft, clean and obedient, and their structure is significantly improved. Even dull and brittle hair under the influence of this effective agent becomes healthy and beautiful. To make your hair become more magnificent and brilliant, it is necessary to rub jojoba oil into the hair of about 15 minutes before washing the head.

Jojoba oil for face

Jojoba oil is considered one of the best treatments for the care of a problem. This agent is distinguished by an incomparable fine structure and delightful penetrating ability. Such highly efficient oil has a regenerating and moisturizing effect. With regular use, the skin rejuvenation and the elimination of wrinkles occurs. With deep wrinkles, you can use a combination of one part of the jojoba oil and one part of the avocado oil and almond oil.

Jojoba essential oil

The composition of the essential oil of jojoba includes proteins and amino acids, as well as vitamin E, due to this, such a means boasts vividly expressed antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The thick viscous consistency of this means can easily penetrate into the skin saturated with its nutrients. Such essential oil is indispensable for inflammatory processes and redness. In addition, it quickly removes acne, acne, eczema and other dermatitis.

Extract Jojoba

Jojoba extract can be called one of the best lipid materials in modern cosmetology. This unique remedy is similar in its structure with wax, but this does not interfere with its light penetration into the skin. Such extract is able to revive the pores and moisten the epidermis. The exceptional spreadability of this oil gives the skin a matte healthy look. Cell regeneration occurs due to collagen, which is located as part of this plant. When using a jojoba extract, complete control of the water balance of the epidermis is carried out, as well as improved skin turgora.

Since the ancient times, women cared for their appearance to remain attractive to old age. Unlike contemporaries, they used extremely natural tools. Herbs, vegetables, fruits, cereals, vegetable oils and other ingredients performed their base.

To date, the cosmetic industry offers a wide range of products capable of satisfying even the most adept taste. Despite such an abundance, the specialists are still returning to the fact that it is better than the nature of nothing takes care of the external beauty and human health.

Physical properties and jojoba oil composition

Recently, a large popularity of jojoba oil has gained. It is mined from seeds concluded in the shell of the fetus of Chinese Symedia. The plant is distributed and cultivated specifically for production purposes in South and North America, Argentina, Egypt, Australia and other countries. Raw materials are extracted by cold spin.

It contains composed of:

  • amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • collagen;
  • fatty acids (monounsaturated omega - 9, olein, omega -3, gadolein, erup);
  • fat alcohols;
  • fatty acid esters;
  • vitamin E.

According to the physical properties of jojoba - a unique means:

  1. His color is nice-golden.
  2. Consistency is liquid, but more thick than other oils. The substance is structurally close to wax. It can harden with a decrease in temperature below the zero set of Celsius. At the same time, it easily returns to the initial state when the thermometer column is suitable for ten degrees. It does not lose because of this its useful properties and is ready for use through any time.
  3. Jojoba can be attributed to a number of natural preservatives, since it is not oxidized. By adding it to various cosmetics, women prolong their service life. It helps to preserve the freshness of the cooked creams, shampoos, masks in which oils that do not have such a property are added. The product found its application in pharmaceutical, the process of creating a variety of fertilizers. In culinary purposes, the oil is not used, because it is not able to effectively absorb themselves in the human intestine.
  4. Ready for use, the agent almost does not smell. Allergys are actively used for such a quality. In addition, this is a successful base for oil and other compositions, which allows you to preserve their own fragrance without interrupting.

Beneficial features

Due to its physical characteristics, this tool has a number of positive impacts on the appearance of a person:

  1. Due to its similarity with waxes, jojoba, when applied to the skin or hair, creates a thin film that protects against damage, an aggressive external environment. At the same time, it nourishes and does not score them by whether the cells can obtain the necessary level of oxygen.
  2. Does not leave the feeling of fatness and stickiness.
  3. It acts a good anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antioxidant and normalizing agent. Recommended for use with diseases and states:
    • various dermatitis (including, pellery), psoriasis, wet eczema, neurodimer;
    • hyperemia of skin and inflammatory processes in them;
    • discomfort in the joints;
    • irritation of mechanical skin;
    • sunny burns and bark unevenness;
    • different problems associated with skin on lips, hair, nails.

Cosmetic equipment of jojoba oil

This remedy effectively eliminates many disadvantages associated with female beauty. With it, in a fairly short time, you can achieve the desired result. Regularity of application and compliance with recommendations is a key to success.

When using oil, a number of changes are observed:

  1. The skin becomes much softer, fresh.
  2. After applying there are no complaints about the feeling of stickiness, a feeling of film. The means also according to the composition resembles skin fat. Therefore, it freely absorbed and helps in this other means applied in the complex.
  3. Due to the creation of a thin lipid layer on the skin, which does not interfere with its breathing, oil helps to keep the existing moisture and assimilate the resulting. In this way, it is good to eliminate the consequences of incorrectly selected cleansing agents, soap, cream and other cosmetic finds.
  4. The tool is actively used in courses of massage procedures, since it restores the impaired blood circulation and drains the stagnant lymph. Those who struggle with the manifestations of cellulite will appreciate its effectiveness.
  5. The presence of vitamin E helps to normalize the processes of self-updating of the dermis cells and timely exfoliation already dead.
  6. The proteins contained in oil and vitamins A, E, stimulate the production of own protein protein, contribute to improved skin tone, achieving elasticity, smoothing small wrinkles. Deeper - become less noticeable. Such a complex tightens qualitatively, rejuvenates the skin.
  7. Jojoba helps to align the complexion of the face, brightens pigment spots, traces from squeezed acne. In addition, the tool significantly improves the state of scars (even postoperative), making them less noticeable. Oil has a positive effect on the formed stretching, reducing their manifestations and restoring damaged areas.
  8. The product is effectively struggling with skin diseases, it has sedatives for her properties, regulates the secretion of sebaceous glands, reducing the manifestations of oily shine. The tool suppresses the growth of golden staphylococcus, the fungus of the genus Candida and other pathogenic microflora. It has found its use in medicine as an antiseptic for processing wound and burn surfaces, helping to heal them faster and reduce the degree of scarring.
  9. Jojoba acts as protection against ultraviolet rays, stimulates better production of vitamin D.
  10. With regular use, it moves the time of the occurrence of aging processes, reduces their manifestations already. Jojoba oil is a good prevention of oncological diseases of the skin.

Application in cosmetology

Having so wide spectrum of action, jojoba oil allows you to create a lot of treatments for the care of the whole body:

  1. Various creams, face masks, neckline zone, solving skin fatty, rash, wrinkles, its accusation, pigmentation, scars. Recipes are provided for the area under the eyes and above them in the form of applications.
  2. To protect lips from the tempering, cracking, the effects of the sun and cold air in winter, cosmetologists recommend using special balms based on this fund.
  3. To restore the skin of the hands and legs after detergents, land works in the country areas, cold allergies, cracks and corns, apply compresses with wrapping for better action.
  4. Adding an oil into massage tools or simply rubbing it into small areas of the body, reduce the manifestations of cellulite and stretch marks of different origin.
  5. The tool will effectively heal many skin problems if they do not have infectious nature.
  6. Running oil compositions in the nail plate and cuticle will improve their condition.

It will make many women and girls the fact that the use of jojoba is allowed from any age, regardless of the type of skin. Ideally, it will suit those who feel dry dryness and depth.

If we talk about the benefits of the hair, then it is obvious here:

  • the tool moisturizes, nourishes, restores damaged painting, twigs, catch or iron, their sections;
  • it is used to strengthen the roots during falling;
  • it does not waste hair, does not leave the feeling of the unwashed head, and, like a thin film, protects them and does not allow you to lack moisture.

To make care of them better, enough in the finished shampoo or balm (you can both in both means at the same time) add a few drops of oil.

To enhance the effect - prepare masks based on it and applied for the entire length of the hair.


Jojoba oil is not an allergenic product and is allowed to use absolutely everything.

There are cases when individual intolerance does not allow them to use it.

It should be more careful to apply a means of women who have a masculine type occurs because it can provoke the process gain.

In this case, it is impossible to use oil as basic and in pure form too. As a basis, they take some other, which does not provide such actions, and add a tenth of jojoba to it.

Recipes use

Facial care:

  1. To improve the quality of the corporate cream, you can add jojoba oil into it, guided by the proportion of 1 g: 10 ml.
  2. If the skin is problematic, effectively means based on jojoba oils (1 tbsp. L.) And several drops of a mixture of cedar and lavender. They need to handle wounds and acne to two times a day.
  3. To make wrinkles under the eyes less noticeable, mix the oils of avocado and jojoba, taking them on the tablespoon, and complement with several drops of sandalwood and pink. The means is applied to two times a day. If necessary, avocado oil is replaced by almonds.
  4. With pronounced signs of aging, a mixture of chamomile, sandalwood and patchuli taken in two droplets are added to the jojoba oil.
  5. For moisturizing a dry or sensitive skin type to one piece of jojoba oil, two peach, apricot or grape seeds are added.
  6. The tightening effect can be achieved with a mask for which you will need:
    • yogurt;
    • cosmetic clay suitable for skin type;
    • jojoba oil;
    • whipped protein.

These ingredients are taken at one part, and the oil is ½. You need to add a sophisticated banana to the finished mixture. The mask is not more applied than twenty minutes on face, neck and zone. Then it is easily flushed with warm water. It is enough to carry out the procedure up to two times a week.

Lip care:

For the preparation of the nutrient balm, jojoba oil, bee wax and squeezed lemon juice are mixed. It is especially effective in winter.

Body care:

  1. Reducing the manifestations of cellulite will help the mixture of oils: jojoba, orange (lemon or grapefruit). With them you need to pass 10-15 massage procedures. Courses are periodically repeated to secure the effect.
  2. A similar composition (can add avocado oil) is applied to stria, which appeared during pregnancy or because of sharp weight loss. They will become less less.

Hair care:

  1. For nutrition and moisturizing hair prepare a mixture of a teaspoon of jojoba oil and several lavender droplets. With the help of the calculation evenly distribute the tool throughout the head.
  2. For the mask you will need:
    • two chicken yolks;
    • 5 h. L. Oil jojoba. The tool is applied for forty minutes, and then is washed off.
  3. From hair loss effectively applying a mixture of oils: a rayan and jojoba, take them in equal shares. Before use - warm up. Apply for forty minutes, then wash off.
  4. To return the hair lost shine, you can apply a mask of several spoons of jojoba oil and a pair of orange droplets. In the pharmacy, you need to purchase oil solutions of vitamins A, E and add them three drops there. The mixture is for forty minutes, then wash off.
  5. In order for the hair to grow more stronger, they are applied to half an hour a mask from the grated ginger root and oil jojoba. Ingredients are taken in equal shares. After that, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the hair with shampoo.
  6. When the hair is damaged and overwhelmed - an efficient mask from aloe juice and jojoba oil, taken equally. The mixture in heated form is applied to the hair and leaves for forty minutes. At the same time you need to wear a polyethylene cap and bite your head. The remedy is well washed off with shampoo.

A lot of information is known about the usefulness of jojoba oil. It is universally in many criteria: ranging from age, and ending with the type, skin.

Each woman will find his recipe that suits her, and will be able to achieve the desired result. The main thing is not to overdo it in the efforts.

From time immemorial, the greatest woman, immortalized in history as an extraordinary beauty, Queen Egypt Cleopatra knew the price of oils and actively used them to preserve youth and radiance. In the modern world, natural oils for the extension of beauty are at the peak of popularity. According to its exceptional properties of the improvement of the structure and among oils, the championship belongs to oil Jozoba.

Chemical composition of jojoba oil

For hair it is an indispensable natural growth accelerator, which will help if or. It effectively copes with the purification of hair follicles, while soothing and softening the scalp. Therefore, often manufacturers of shampoos, balms, masks and hair air conditioners include jojoba oil products.

Helps cope with:
Owners dry skin The following recipes can help:
A stunning effect has jojoba oil in oil creams for the skin around the eyes.

This mask allows you to get rid of the folds in the eye area. You need to mix 5 ml of symondism fruit oil and 10 ml of peach oil. Suitable from Apricot. Mix the constituents thoroughly and soda the wrinkles around the eyes.

For body skin

If you dream of a velvety skin, to which I want to touch, stroke, as if silk, try a rather simple recipe: to the already existing body lotion, which you are used to using, add a zozhoba wax at the rate of every 100 ml of means - approximately 1, 5 tablespoons of oil elixir. The effect will be amazing!

Did you know? In the wild, the shrub Symmonistration Chinese can live about two centuries. At the same time, during the season with a bush, up to five kilograms of nuts per year are removed.

For hair

Oil elixir creates magic not only with skin. Jojoba oil is very helpful and for hair, the main thing is to know how to use it correctly for various types or to eliminate hair defects.

  • Take 5 ml of honey and scroll with one yolk. Add 2.5 ml of alcohol tincture to components and 5 ml of heated jojoba oil. This suspension is to continue in the roots of the hair and the skin of the head, and then rinse with warm water, holding the mask about half an hour.
  • To activate hair growth. Mix of mustard powder and liquid wax of jojoba is used. But be careful because it burns the skin and stops. You follow the powder of mustard in the amount of 20 ml to grind with an identical amount of sugar, add water and dilute the mixture to a creamy consistency. Before applying the composition in the mask, 20 ml of symondism fruit oil is poured. Cover your head with a cap for the shower and hand over a quarter of an hour. Then you need to abundantly rinse with water.
  • For oily hair. Jojoba wax is stirred with a cedar wax in an equal proportion. Oil lotion rubbed into the skin of the head, hold for an hour, and then wash their heads with shampoo.
  • For glowing hair. You will need a wax of jojoba and cocoa - on one tablespoon. Add 5 ml of brandy. Apply on the hair along the entire length and disperse for a more uniform distribution of the lotion. Cover your head with a film and hold 15 minutes, then wash your head. The procedure should be repeated twice a week.

For lips

So that your lips are not dilapidated and not crashed, there is one popular means for the lip with the addition of jojoba oil. Take one tablespoon of wax of symondism fruit and pour two drops of mint essential oil and melissa. Mix the components and spread the lips with a mixture before going to the street in the morning and in the evening.

For nails

Go to creating a complete image of a beauty with well-groomed. Jojoba oil is ideal for those who want to soften the cuticle and at the same time get long nails. For aesthetic appearance of the fingers, you should prepare components for a mask: 4 teaspoons of the fruit oil of symondism mixed with essential oils of the Ladan, and the Mirra (all components take 10 drops each). It is desirable to store this mixture in a dark glass container. You can use twice a week, rubbing an oily mask in the nail plates and cuticle.

For massage

Very popular oil infusion for massage is Macerat, Which is prepared using base oil and various spices. Wax jojoba will perfectly cope with the role of the main component. But for warming up all parts of the body, take some multicolored fragrant peas. The vanilla wand will help to overcome the depressive autumn Handra, which is also added to our oil infusion. The second emphasis will be a cinnamon stick, which in Matserat plays the role of a powerful Aphrodisiac. All components merge into a dark glass jar and put in the refrigerator for several days.

Before using the oil infusion you need to warm on a water bath for 5-10 minutes, and then apply to the palm and rub into the skin with light massage movements. The magic of toning relaxes will make spices flavors, and the divine velvet leather will give the elixir of jojoba.

For Tan

It is amazing, but it is possible to achieve bronze color of the skin and without solarium, and without special tonal creams for. All secret - in proper preparation before entering the beach and after the solar procedures. To put on the skin exactly, before entering the sun, it is necessary to clean the skin with the help of peeling. With this perfectly cope with ground, added to your shower gel. Next, the skin is moistened. You can add 1 teaspoon of olive oil to a pulverizer with water and distribute the composition on the surface of the skin. But after the tan, it is impossible to make a moisturizing mixture based on the wax of jojoba with the addition of vitamin E and

How to choose when buying

If you think about the acquisition of this elixir youth, you will have recommendations for the choice of the real natural wax of jojoba.

  • Carefully examine the composition on the back of the jar. Of course, the manufacturer can go to cunning and not specify the presence of some foreign flavor. It is better to open the bottle and listen to your sense of smell. Natural pure oil elixir jojoba slightly resembles the smell of fat. If you blurt out something fragrant, you are exactly trying to slip fake.
  • Pay attention to the color of the oil: it should be golden yellow. The consistency has a kind of melted wax.

Important! Jojoba wax at room temperature +20° C does not harden, but remains liquid wax. Consider this when buying a product.

  • Genuine jojoba oil from Northern Mexico, Southern California, Argentina, Arizona and Israel. Therefore, the cost of the product in our latitudes can not be too low.
  • It is best to acquire jojoba oil elixir in specialized cosmetology stores from proven manufacturers.

How to store jojoba oil at home

Jojoba wax has such a unique chemical composition that it can go, as in the case of Egyptian pyramids, in a dry dark place, 4 thousand years old and not lose their magic regenerating and rejuvenating properties. If you adhere to simple rules for the storage of this elixir youth, it will be a good cosmetologist for many years.

So, the storage capacity must be necessarily made of glass. No plastic! The storage location should not be covered with sunlight. If you put a jar with wax in the refrigerator, it thickens, but will save all its utility. If it is then to put a container with wax on the room temperature, it will warm up a little and will become liquid.

Contraindications and precautions

The only contraindication to the use of this oil can be individual supersensitivity to its components. It is worthwhile to use wovers of jojoba to women with elevated vegetation on the face, since this liquid elixir is characterized as a powerful hair growth activator that on the face is an extremely unwanted effect. Cosmetologists advise such women to use miracle wax in a divided form by adding a jojoba of nine servings of any other cosmetic oils to one portion of the oil elixir.

Nature took care that the beautiful half of humanity always looked stunningly. And it does not matter what an eyelid in the courtyard. Natural oils are always appreciated by women of any age and era. What can we talk about such a magic in your properties of oil, like jojoba?

In ancient times, this wax boldly could be exchanged for precious stones or gold. So why do we, modern women, do not adhere to this elixir youth and not start using his gifts? The main rule is a systematic in use, and the rest of the miracle will create jojoba oil!

Botanical characteristic Jojoba

Jojoba is a branchy powerful shrub, whose height can well reach three meters. This beautiful plant has seated opposite leaves. Elegant two-fallen flowers - without petals. Women's flowers consist of a pestle with fallen columns, men carry 12 stamens. Dark green leaves of ovoid shape at the very bottom covered with light fluff. The sicks are available in each of the three nests of the top wound. The fruit is an interesting box with three faces.

Jojoba grows in Japan, in Asia, in Transcaucasia, as well as in China. Yellow-red fleshy fruits contain a large amount of ascorbic acid. Acid fruits are pleasant to taste. Each fruit has one solid wrinkled seed. Such a common plant can be found in the deserts and wild forests, as well as at low hills.

Useful properties of Jojoba

Jojoba fruits have a tonic effect, and also used as an expectorant. In addition, the uniqueness of this plant is that it has long been applied with nausea and as an antidote during aconite poisoning.

The properties of unsurpassed oil are due to special amino acids that are included in its composition. Protein and collagen are a necessary means for dry, sensitive, fading, peeling, inflamed and flabby skin. Such trace elements are able to easily cope with acne, small injuries and skin cracks.

Application Jojoba

Fragrant fruits are used in Japanese and Chinese cuisines. On the basis of jojoba, many spicy spices, mousses and kisins are manufactured. Along with this special fame uses jojoba oil, which without exaggeration is liquid wax with good air-conditioning properties. The oil of this unmatched shrub has a thick consistency. Despite this, it is able to easily absorb and not leave the fatty shine on the skin.

Jojoba oil is effectively as a nutrient and moisturizing agent. It is capable of smoothing wrinkles, destroy the angry rash, relieve irritation, normalize the production of melanin, remove redness and inflammation, and most importantly - to give the skin an unusually beautiful and even shade.

Jojoba oil

To date, jojoba oil is in high demand in modern cosmetology due to its properties. Such an exceptional agent is a liquid wax that is produced by cold pressing of shrub fruits. Collagen, which is part of the oil, is a guarantee of improving skin elasticity. It should also be noted that the special value of the oil of jojoba is that the barbell does not threaten him after a long time.

Hair jojoba

This amazing oil is a truly functional ingredient in many recipes for naughty and whimpering hair. Jojoba oil can remove the frozen formation of the skin on the head, allowing you to open the hair follicles. When applying this tool, it is completely absorbed, without leaving an unpleasant greens on her hair. After using jojoba oil, hair becomes soft, clean and obedient, and their structure is significantly improved. Even dull and brittle hair under the influence of this effective agent becomes healthy and beautiful. To make your hair become more magnificent and brilliant, it is necessary to rub jojoba oil into the hair of about 15 minutes before washing the head.

Jojoba oil for face

Jojoba oil is considered one of the best treatments for the care of a problem. This agent is distinguished by an incomparable fine structure and delightful penetrating ability. Such highly efficient oil has a regenerating and moisturizing effect. With regular use, the skin rejuvenation and the elimination of wrinkles occurs. With deep wrinkles, you can use a combination of one piece of jojoba oil and one part of an avocado oil and almond oil.

Jojoba essential oil

Extract Jojoba

Jojoba extract can be called one of the best lipid materials in modern cosmetology. This unique remedy is similar in its structure with wax, but this does not interfere with its light penetration into the skin. Such extract is able to revive the pores and moisten the epidermis. The exceptional spreadability of this oil gives the skin a matte healthy look. Cell regeneration occurs due to collagen, which is located as part of this plant. When using a jojoba extract, complete control of the water balance of the epidermis is carried out, as well as improved skin turgora.

By chemical properties, jojoba oil is unique - it contains amino acids, fatty acids, collagen, antioxidants, vitamins E (a huge number) and other groups.

The properties of jojoba oil found use in cosmetology and other areas of human vital activity:

  • personal care;
  • extension of youth and beauty of skin, hair, nails;
  • preventing various skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis and others);
  • healing of skin gaps;
  • babies skin care;
  • getting rid of problems with joints and many others;

In cosmetic equipment and leather, jojoba oil is an indispensable ingredient, and can be used as an additive to caring means and be the basis for their preparation.

Making the product will not work independently. First, the plant from which it is mined, grows in Israel, North America, Argentina. But even if you try to grow a shrub in our latitudes, getting useful oil without the use of special technologies will not work.

The whole "salt" is precisely in the method of treating nuts and obtaining their miraculous "juice". If the technology is broken, jojoba oil loses its properties and becomes a useless substance in which there are no beneficial substances.

Apply it "in the case" will not work. So it is necessary to waste the gifts of nature, making a lot of effort, it is very optional - jojoba oil is available in an open sale, its cost is quite adequate, so every person can afford to buy a hood.

If you pay attention to list of problems that can solve jojoba oil, and compare it with a list of drugs necessary for curable, it will become clear that the price of jojoba oil is simply meager, and its effectiveness is already proved even scientifically. Doctors, adhere to traditional medicine, are now actively prescribing the use of jojoba oil to their patients.

Sometimes you should not wait for the moment when you have to turn to doctors. After all, it is possible to use the product daily, in order to reduce the risk of obtaining all sorts of skin diseases.

Widespread use of oil also received in caring home procedures for, eyelashes and, the cost of which will be much lower than when visiting beauty salons.

Jojoba oil properties received use in home cosmetology for:

1. Growth, strengthening hair and eyelashes, giving them vitality, shine;

2. As an anti-spare reducing agent that protects from irradiation with ultraviolet means (you can easily use instead of finished funds from / after tanning);

3. Eliminating skin skin problems (aging, wrinkle formation, acne rash, dehydration, irritation, color change);

4. Removal of inflammation of the joints;

5. Preparation of massage oil;

6. Care for children's skin;

7. elimination of colloidal scars, stretch marks, cellulite manifestations;

8. giving the skin density, cell regeneration;

9. Moisturizing such parts of the body, like feet, heels, elbows, knees;

10. Care of delicate skin of the lips;

11. Cooking natural cosmetics (daily / night creams, "Washing" makeup, after shaving lotion, gels for the shower, hair masks and face);

12. Healing dermatitis;