Expert training systems in education. Expert and study systems

Topic1. EOS as a component of intensive training of specialists.

Lecture 8. Expert training systems.

Scope of application of expert systems in management.

The cost of expert systems.

Development of expept systems.

Over the past twenty years, specialists in the field of intellectual systems conduct active research work in the field of creating and using expert systems intended for education. A new class of expert systems appeared - expert training systems - the most promising direction of improving program pedagogical means to the side of the knowledge procedural.

The expert system is a complex of computer software that helps a person to make informed decisions. Expert systems use information obtained in advance from experts - people who in any region are the best specialists.

Expert systems should:

  • keep knowledge of a specific subject area (facts, descriptions of events and patterns);
  • to be able to communicate with the user in a limited natural language (i.e., ask questions and understand the answers);
  • have a complex of logical tools to remove new knowledge, identifying patterns, detecting contradictions;
  • put the task on request, clarify its production and find a solution;
  • explain to the user how the decision was obtained.

It is also desirable that the expert system can:

  • report such information that increases the user's confidence in the expert system;
  • "Talk about yourself, about your own structure

The expert training system (EOS) is a program that implements a particular pedagogical goal based on expert knowledge in some subject area, while diagnosing training and management management, as well as demonstrating the behavior of experts (subject specialists, methodologists, psychologists). The EOS's expense is in the presence of knowledge in it according to the training method, thanks to which it helps teachers teach, and students to learn.

The architecture of the expert training system includes two main components: the knowledge base (knowledge storage) and a software tool for access and processing knowledge, consisting of the mechanisms of conclusions (solutions), acquiring knowledge, explaining the results and intellectual interface obtained.

Data exchange between trainees and eos performs the program of the intellectual interface that perceives the messages of the student and converts them into the presentation of the knowledge base and, on the contrary, translates the internal representation of the processing result in the student format and gives a message to the required carrier. The most important requirement to the organization of the dialogue of the EOS dialogue is natural, which does not mean literally formulating the needs of the student of the proposals of the natural language. It is important that the sequence of solving the problem is flexible, complied with the ideas of the student and conducted in professional terms.

The presence of a developed system of explanations (CO) is extremely important for EOS, working in the field of learning. In the learning process, such an EOS will perform not only the active role of the "teacher", but also the role of the reference book that helps the trainee study the internal processes occurring in the system using the modeling of the applied area. Developed CO consists of two components: active, including a set of information messages issued to the trainee in the process of operation, depending on the specific way to solve the problem fully defined by the system; Passive (main component of CO), focused on initializing the actions of the trainee.

The active component of CO is a detailed commentary accompanying the actions and results obtained by the system. The passive component of CO is a qualitatively new type of information support inherent only in knowledge based on knowledge. This component, in addition to the developed HELP system, caused by the trainee, has a system explanation of the problem of solving the problem. The explanation system in existing EOS is implemented in various ways. It can be: a set of information references on the state of the system; Full or partial description of the distribution path system passed; List of hypotheses of verified hypotheses (grounds for their formation and the results of their verification); List of target management targets, and ways to achieve them.

An important feature of the developed CO is to use the natural language of communication with the trainee. The widespread use of the "Menu" systems allows not only to differentiate information, but also in developed EOS to judge the level of training of the trainee, forming its psychological portrait.

However, the student may not always be interested in a complete output of a solution containing many unnecessary details. In this case, the system should be able to choose from the chain only key points, taking into account their importance and level of knowledge of the student. To do this, in the knowledge base, it is necessary to support the knowledge model and intentions of the learner. If the trainee continues not to understand the received response, then the system should in a dialogue based on a supported model of problem knowledge to train it or other knowledge fragments, i.e. Special concepts and dependencies are disclosed in more detail, if even these parts are not used directly in the output.

Expert systems are one of the main applications of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is one of the sections of informatics, which addresses the tasks of the hardware and software modeling of those types of human activity that are considered intellectual.

The results of studies on artificial intelligence are used in intelligent systems that are able to solve creative tasks belonging to a specific subject area, the knowledge of which is stored in the memory (knowledge base) of the system. Artificial intelligence systems are focused on solving a large class task, which include so-called partially structured or unstructured tasks (weakly formalized or informalized tasks).

Information systems used to solve partially structured tasks are divided into two types:

    Creating managerial reports (performing data processing: search, sorting, filtering). The decision-making is carried out on the basis of information contained in these reports.

    Developing possible alternatives to solutions. Decision making comes down to the selection of one of the proposed alternatives.

Information systems that develop alternatives to solutions can be model or expert:

    Model information systems provide the user of the model (mathematical, statistical, financial, etc.) that help ensure the development and evaluation of the alternatives to the solution.

    Expert information systems provide development and evaluating possible alternative by the user by creating knowledge-based systems received from experts.

Expert systems are programs for computers that accumulate expertise experts in specific subject areas that are intended to obtain acceptable solutions in the process of processing information. Expert systems transform the experience of experts in a particular industry in the form of heuristic rules and are intended for consulting less qualified specialists.

It is known that knowledge exists in two types: collective experience, personal experience. If the subject area is represented by collective experience (for example, the highest mathematics), then this subject area does not need expert systems. If in the subject area most of the knowledge is the personal experience of high-level specialists and these knowledge are low-resistant, then such an area needs expert systems. Modern expert systems have been widely used in all areas of the economy.

The knowledge base is the core of the expert system. The transition from data to knowledge is a consequence of the development of information systems. Databases are used to store data, and for knowledge storage - knowledge base. In the database, as a rule, large data arrays are stored with a relatively small value, and in the knowledge bases are stored small by volume, but expensive information arrays.

The knowledge base is a totality of knowledge described using the selected form of their presentation. Filling the knowledge base is one of the most difficult tasks that is associated with the choice of knowledge of their formalization and interpretation.

The expert system consists of:

    knowledge Base (as part of the working memory and the Rules Base), designed to store the original and intermediate facts in the working memory (it is also called the database) and storing models and rules for manipulation models in the rules

    task solvers (interpreter), which ensures the implementation of the sequence of rules to solve a specific task based on the facts and rules stored in the databases and knowledge bases

    subsystem explanations, allows the user to get answers to the question: "Why did the system adopted such a decision?"

    subsystems of acquisition of knowledge designed to add new rules to the base of new rules and modifications of the existing rules.

    user Interface, Complex Programs, implementing the user dialog with the system at the information entry stage and obtaining results.

Expert systems differ from traditional data processing systems in that they, as a rule, use a symbol method of representation, character output and heuristic solution of solutions. To solve weakly formalizable or informalized tasks, neural networks or neurocomputers are more promising.

The basis of neurocomputers constitute neural networks - hierarchical organized parallel compounds of adaptive elements - neurons, which provide interaction with real-world objects in the same way as the biological nervous system.

Big neural network use is achieved when creating self-learning expert systems. The network is set up, i.e. Train, passing through it all the well-known solutions and seeking the required responses at the exit. The setting is the selection of neuron parameters. Often use a specialized learning program that is engaged in network training. After learning, the system is ready to work.

If its creators preliminarily lay on the expert system in a certain form, then in neural networks it is unknown even to developers, how knowledge is formed in its structure in the process of learning and self-study, i.e. The network is a black box.

Necrocomputers, as an artificial intelligence system, are very promising and may be infinitely improved in their development. Currently, artificial intelligence systems in the form of expert systems and neural networks are widely used in solving financial and economic problems.

  • Specialty of the WAK RF1.00.02
  • Number of pages 192.


Chapter 1. Computer training systems in

Education process

1.1. A brief overview of the introduction of computer learning technologies.

1.2. Expert systems: their fundamental properties and application.

1.3. Application of expert systems in the learning process. Expert training systems.

1.4. Conducting and analyzing the basic results of a stateing experiment.

1.5. Prospects for the use of expert systems in the educational process.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Chapter 2. Theoretical Questions of Building

Expert Training Systems

2.1. EOS architecture.

2.2. Presentation of knowledge in EOS.

2.3. Learning model.

2.4. EOS classification. 89 Conclusions on the second chapter

Chapter 3. Educational System Built by

The principle of action of expert training systems, focused on solving the problems of body movement

Noah plane

3.1. Software learners solving physical problems.

3.2. Building and working a training system based on the principle of action of expert-learning systems focused on solving the problems of body movement on an inclined plane.

3.3. Tasks solved using the developed expert training system.

Conclusions on the third chapter

Chapter 4. Experimental verification of students' training techniques using developed software

4.1. Conducting and analyzing the main results of the search experiment.

4.2. Conducting and analyzing the main results of the training and control pedagogical experiment.

Conclusions for the fourth chapter

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Methods of applying expert systems to adjust the learning process and evaluating the effectiveness of PPS 1997, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Snivil, Elena Aleksandrovna

  • Didactic computer environment as a component of technology for the formation of generalized skills of students in performing experimental research 2002, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Koksharov, Vladimir Leonidovich

  • Computer technology for training and conducting training sessions 1999, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Gray, Svetlana Pavlovna

  • Didactic specificity of information technologies in high school educational process: on the material of the Astronomy course 2002, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Rynin, Mikhail Leonidovich

  • Principles of construction and use of expert training systems in the course "Theoretical Fundamentals of Informatics" 2000, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Kudinov, Vitaly Alekseevich

The dissertation (part of the author's abstract) on the topic "Computer training systems, built on the principle of action of expert training systems: Development and application in teaching a solution to Piz. Tasks "

Traditionally, the learning process in general and the learning process of physics, in particular, is considered bilateral, which includes the activities of the teacher and students. Active use of computer in the educational process makes it a full-fledged third partner of the learning process. Computers provide almost unlimited opportunities for the development of independent creative thinking of students, their intelligence, as well as independent creative activities of students and teachers.

Active work on the search for new forms and learning methods has begun in the 60s. Under the leadership of Academician A.I. Berg organized and carried out work on programmed learning issues, the introduction of technical means of training and training machines. Programmed learning was the first step to intensify learning activities. Deep studies on the theory and practice of programmed learning were held by V.P. Bespalko, G.A. Bordovsky, B.S. Gershunsky, V.A. Cabesters, E.I. Mashbits, D.I. Penner, A.I. Raev, V.G. Razumovsky, N.F. Talyzin and others.

Issues of efficient use of computer in the educational process and research on the development of effective methods and means of computer learning remain relevant and at present. In our country and abroad, appropriate works are conducted in this field. However, there has not yet been formed a single view on the use of funds for computing equipment in the field of education.

Initial period The use of computer in the learning process is characterized as a period of intensive development of programmed learning and developing automated training systems. The developers of automated training systems proceeded from the assumption that the learning process can be carried out by a well-organized training sequence of training and controlling information. The first experiments on the use of computer in the educational process found their embodiment in the form of training programs with deterministic training scenario. This class of educational programs are inherent in the following flaws: a low level of adaptation to the individual characteristics of the student; Minding the task of diagnosing knowledge of the student to the task of determining the belonging of his answers to one of the classes of reference responses; Large labor costs to prepare educational material.

An alternative approach to the learning computerization process is the creation of so-called learning environments. In the curriculum, the concept of training through the opening is being implemented. The fundamental difference of this approach from the considered above is that in this case the student refers as a certain autonomous system capable of having their goals. For this class of educational programs, the following features are characterized by the following features: the curriculum provides learning training materials and other resources necessary to achieve the curriculum supplied by the teacher or themselves; Lack of student's actions from the system. The main purpose of the learning environment is the creation of a favorable, "friendly" environment or "world", "traveling" according to which the student acquires knowledge.

Research in the field of psychology of thinking, achievements in the field of artificial intelligence and programming technologies have expanded the scope of the computer in the educational process, allowed to check in practice new concepts of computer learning intellectualization.

A sharp increase in the amount of information in the educational process makes new requirements for a cybernetic approach in learning, and, therefore, to pedagogical software. They should help effectively solve the main task - managing the learning process using feedback on the basis of detailed diagnostics of students' knowledge, identify the causes of errors with simultaneous explanation of the teaching problem proposed by the computer. The noted features are most effectively implemented, first of all, educational systems built on the principle of action of expert training systems, which determines the relevance of theoretical and practical study of this problem.

The introduction of expert systems into the educational process is a natural logical continuation of the computerization of education, its qualitatively new stage that lays the basics of education informatization. This process was made possible by deep research conducted on computerization of education by scientists and teachers. Given that the use of expert systems to solve problems in physics gave positive results, research on the development and application of expert systems is relevant not only in scientific, but also in pedagogical activities, including training in physics.

The use of training programs built on the principle of operation of expert training systems, in the learning process will give new high-quality jump in education. Their implementation in the practice of training will allow: to change the learning style, turning it from the informational and explanatory in cognitive, educational and research; Reduce the timing of mastering the necessary knowledge.

The object of research is the process of teaching physics.

The subject of the study is the process of learning to solve problems in physics using a training system built on the principle of operation of expert training systems, and the formation of the general way to solve problems.

The purpose of the work was to develop and create a training system built on the principle of the action of expert-learning systems focused on solving the physical objectives of a certain class, and the study of the possibility of forming a common way of solving the decision in teaching problems in physics using data specially developed pedagogical software .

The research hypothesis is as follows: the introduction of training systems built on the principle of operation of expert training systems will lead to a more efficient assimilation of the general way to solve problems in physics, which will increase their performance, deepen their knowledge of physics and will contribute to Quality of knowledge on the subject studied.

Based on the formulated hypothesis, the following tasks were delivered to achieve the goal of the study:

Analysis of modern methods and means of developing educational programs. Focusing on those of them that correspond to the purpose of work;

Study of the possibilities of using a computer to implement the formation of a general way to solve problems in student;

Development of the structure and principles of building a training system built on the principle of action of expert training systems focused on solving the physical objectives of a certain class;

Checking the hypothesis of the study, evaluating the effectiveness of the developed technique developed by pedagogical software during the pedagogical experiment.

The following research methods were used to solve the tasks:

Theoretical analysis of the problem based on the study of pedagogical, methodological and psychological literature;

Survey and survey of students, students, teachers of schools and universities;

Studying the process of learning to solve problems and developed methods during a visit and conduct of classes in physics, observations of students, talks with teachers, conducting and analyzing tests, testing students;

Planning, preparation, conducting a pedagogical experiment and analysis of its results.

Scientific novelty of the study consists in:

Development of a training system built on the principle of action of expert-learning systems focused on solving a certain class of tasks in physics;

Theoretical and practical substantiation of the possibility of forming a general way to solve problems in the process of learning developed pedagogical software (training system built on the principle of operation of expert training systems);

Development of the foundations of the method of using the training system, built on the principle of operation of expert training systems, while teaching the solution of physical problems.

The theoretical significance of the study is to develop an approach to learning to solve problems in physics concluding in the implementation of the management of students in solving problems through specially developed pedagogical software (a training system built on the principle of action of ex-pervert-learning systems).

The practical significance of the study is to create software and methodological support for physics training (training system built on the principle of action of expert training systems), the definition of its role and place in the educational process and developing the basics of the method of using data of pedagogical software when conducting classes in solving physical Tasks using computer.

The defense is taken out:

Justification of the possibility of applying a developed training system built on the principle of action of expert training systems, in the process of learning to solve problems in physics;

Development of approach to managing students through specially developed pedagogical software (training system built on the principle of action of ex-person-training systems) when teaching solving problems in physics;

Fundamentals of the method of using a training system built on the principle of action of expert training systems, when conducting classes to solve problems in the process of teaching physics.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main results of the study were reported, discussed and received approval at meetings of the Department of Teaching Physics Teaching MPGU (1994-1997), at the conference of young scientists (Mordovian State University, 1996-1997), at the MPGU conferences (April, 1996).

The main provisions of the dissertation are reflected in the following publications:

1. Gryzlov S.V. Expert training systems (literature review) // Teaching physics in high school. M., 1996. No. 4. - P. 3-12.

2. Gryzlov S.V. Application of expert training systems in the process of teaching physics // Teaching physics in high school. M., 1996. No. 5.-C. 21-23.

3. Gryzlov S.V., Korolev A.P., Soloviev D.Yu. An expert training system focused on solving a complex of problems of body movement on an inclined plane // Improving the educational process based on new information technologies. Saransk: Mordovian state. Ped. In-T, 1996. - P. 45-47.

4. Gryzlov S.V., Kamenetsky S.E. Perspective areas of use of computer equipment in the educational process of the university and school // Science and school. 1997. №2.-C. 35-36.

Structure and scope of the dissertation. The dissertation work consists of an introduction, four chapters, conclusion, a list of used literature and applications. The total volume of 192 of the pages of the typewritten text, including 25 drawings, 8 tables. The reference list includes 125 items.

Similar dissertation works specialty "Theory and Methods of Training and Education (by Areas and Education Levels)", 13.00.02 CIFRA VAC

  • Didactic conditions for the application of automated training courses in the process of study by high school students of natural science disciplines 1999, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Belous, Natalia Nikolaevna

  • Development of object-oriented mathematical and software information technologies for managing individualized training in a correctional school 2003, Candidate of Technical Sciences Kremer, Olga Borisovna

  • Theoretical foundations of the creation and application of didactic interactive software systems for general technical disciplines 1999, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Zainutdinova, Larisa Hasanovna

  • Methods of learning geometry in 10-11 grades of secondary school using a computer 2002, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Mehdiyev, Muradhhan Gadzhikhanovich

  • Computerized pedagogical support for student's actions when working on an extensive program 2002, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Tsareva, Irina Nikolaevna

Conclusion of dissertation on the topic "Theory and Methods of Training and Education (by Areas and Education Levels)", Gryzlov, Sergey Viktorovich

Conclusions for the fourth chapter

1. Based on the analysis of possible areas of use of a computer, the training revealed the shortcomings of existing pedagogical software, the need to create and apply in the educational process of training programs built on the principle of operation of expert training systems.

2. A methodology has been developed to conduct classes with the application of developed software (training system built on the principle of operation of expert training systems).

3. During the search experiment, the content was determined and the structure of the developed pedagogical software was adjusted.

4. Conducting a search experiment made it possible to work out the final version of the methodology for conducting classes using the developed training system aimed at forming students of the general way to solve problems.

5. A comparative analysis of the results of a control pedagogical experiment indicates a significant impact of the methodology of conducting work on solving physical problems using developed pedagogical instruments for the formation of a common way to solve problems.

Thus, the justice of the hypothesis has been proved on greater efficiency of our methods of conducting work on solving physical problems using developed pedagogical software compared to traditional.


1. Pedagogical, methodological and psychological literature and dissertation studies on the method of using a computer in the learning process were studied and analyzed. On this basis, it was revealed that the most effective pedagogical software are educational programs built on the principle of action of expert training systems.

2. Expert-training systems focused on the formation of students in general methods of decisions are the most effective means of learning to solve problems.

3. The prospects for the use of expert training systems in the educational process are determined, directions for the use of expert systems in the learning process.

4. The structure of the training system built on the principle of action of expert training systems focused on the formation of general methods of solving problems has been proposed and justified.

5. A training system designed on the principle of action of expert training systems, focused on the solution of the problem of body movement in the inclined plane. Management of students in the course of solving the problem using the developed training system is implemented by: a) computer modeling, which allows you to identify the essential properties and attitudes of objects that are in question in the task; b) heuristic tools that provide students with the opportunity to plan their actions; c) step-by-step control of the student's action on the part of the training system and presenting a student of the reference solution to the task, developing the ability to evaluate their actions, choose the criteria for this assessment.

6. The methodology has been determined to conduct classes to solve problems using developed pedagogical software, their role and place in the educational process. The main provisions of this technique are as follows: a) an independent selection of teacher learners to assimilate a common way to solve problems of a certain class; b) the use of developed pedagogical software (training system built on the principle of operation of expert training systems) to form a general way to solve problems; c) a combination of self-solving problems by each student with a collective discussion of the decision plan; d) allocating the algorithm for solving the problems of this class based on the generalization of already solved problems.

7. The results of a pedagogical experiment showed that the formation of students in a general way to solve problems in experimental groups, where training was conducted using developed pedagogical software (training system built on the principle of operation of expert training systems), significantly higher than in control groups where training was conducted using the most common types of computer programs (modeling and training), which confirms the accuracy of the hypothesis extended.

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Expert System for Training - This is a software system that implements the learning function based on expert knowledge.

EOS capabilities:
  • Network view of training courses

  • Traine models

  • Generation of control issues and data for analyzing answers to them

  • Ability to build up the bases of knowledge, skills and skills

Tasks of the expert system:
  • provide learned clear criteria for achieving training objectives (control system),

  • help him build an optimal individual learning schedule.

  • sust the results of previous consultations.

  • Expert system to solve problems in the subject matter under study

  • Expert system for the diagnosis of trainee errors

  • Expert system for planning the teaching management process

1. Doctrine

1. Doctrine . Creating a knowledge acquisition environment.

2. Training. Performing the functions of the teacher upon presentation of the material, control of its assimilation and diagnostics of errors

3. Control and diagnostics . Providing test questions, evaluation of responses and identifying errors.

4. Workout . Creating a medium that allows you to acquire and fix the required skills and skills.

Expert shell

Expert shell designed to organize learning in the "Computer-Student" mode. Training in the composition of the information and educational environment "Chopin" occurs according to the individual curriculum and in an individual pace. The expert shell in the environment performs the role of the counselor, which, on the basis of real achievements of the student, recorded in the database of testing and training results, is building a study plan and decides on achieving a learned knowledge of the subject area. Vipes - Hybrid Sheath

Vipes is designed to work on the network. This shell is multiplayer. This system uses a graphical user interface. Subject specialists and teachers can independently create and edit knowledge bases for the VIPES shell.

  • Sheath testing

  • Data Analysis Console

  • The membrane of a multi-user EC with a visual interface

  • Training and Testing Database

  • Test and training courses file system

  • Learning shell

  • Service module.

Testing source data

Testing source data includes verification of factual information serving the basis for examination.

Logical knowledge base testing lies in the detection of logical errors in the system of products that do not depend on the subject area; missed and intersecting rules; Dissent and terminal clauses (inconsistent conditions).

Conceptual testing It is carried out to verify the general structure of the system and take into account all aspects of the task of solved.

1. Easy to solve the source task of building a system.

2. The possibility of adding the test system during use.

3. A fairly simple practical use scheme.

4. Attractiveness for the user due to the time and effort spent on the test of knowledge.

the proposal of several options for answers indirectly stimulates the user to analyze various solutions, more deeply explore the task.

Review of the expert system.

One of the ways to solve the problem is the problem of intensifying the education process - the use of the latest information technologies in the training and internship of young professionals.

To solve this problem, a project has been developed for creating a reviewing expert system that performs the functions of an expert - consultant and teacher at the same time.

The expert system is a program that is intended to simulate human intelligence, experience, the process of knowledge.

With an expert system based on a reviewing approach, the user provides a larger amount of data, as well as its own solution or action plan.

The system estimates the user's plan and provides a critical analysis.

Critical analysis includes alternatives, explanations, excuses, warnings and additional information for consideration.

The reviewing expert system implements two types of abilities:
  • The system can function like a conventional expert system.

  • The system can analyze any of the possible plans proposed by the user, in the context of the script of possible actions, and produce a practical critical analysis.

1. The user enters information regarding the current action and presents its operational plan or a set of actions.

2. Analysis of the introduced

3. The user receives the required result.

4. If the user asked an action plan as an unknown, a reviewing expert system will function as an ordinary expert system and give a plan to a recommended expert.

All expert systems perform various functions, but they pursue one single goal - to compare this task with the available information in the database and fulfill the function that this expert system performs.

  • What is an expert study system?

  • What 3 aspects are allocated in testing expert systems?