How to deal with white spots on cucumber leaves? The leaves of the seedlings of cucumbers turn white The leaves of the seedlings of cucumbers turn white what to do.

White cucumbers are a fairly common problem faced by summer residents who grow everyone's favorite gourds on their site. White plaque on vegetables may appear due to various reasons, which will be discussed below. Diseases, improper care of the plant and other factors contribute to the appearance of a white coating on greens and leaves of plants. How to deal with this, and what the consequences of this raid may be, needs to be considered in more detail.

Why do cucumbers get white bloom? This is due to the occurrence of fungal diseases in the plant, which can destroy cucumber bushes, reduce the amount of the crop and affect its quality. Therefore, it is very important to detect the infection in time and effectively eliminate it. Fortunately, now there are a lot of means and methods for combating fungi and other diseases, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of harmful microorganisms, to properly plant and care for the bushes.


Cucumbers in a greenhouse can sometimes find white bloom or spots, this can be a sign of several diseases at once. If the disease is not recognized in time, then the cucumbers can dry out and stop bearing fruit. Frequent use of nitrogen fertilizers can promote the development of powdery mildew.

The so-called white rot occurs due to improper care. If the plant is not cured, the bush may die completely.

"In order for white cucumbers to never appear in the garden, it is necessary to properly care for them, do not overfeed them with fertilizers, water them adequately and plant them in prepared soil."

As already described above, the leaves of cucumbers in a greenhouse can acquire white spots and plaque due to various reasons. Often, due to the vital activity of fungi, cucumber leaves turn white, this requires treatment so that the plant can bear fruit in the future.

White cucumbers are a manifestation of the following diseases:

powdery mildew;

false dew;


Often found not only in cucumbers, but also in many other cultivated species. It manifests itself in the appearance of white plaque on leaves, stems and fruits in cucumbers in a greenhouse. First, a small white speck appears on the sheet, and then it covers it completely. Dew quickly spreads throughout the plant, the leaves dry up and fall off. The plant slowly dies, may cease to bear fruit.

The cause of this disease is improper watering with cold water. It is necessary to moderately water cucumbers, get rid of weeds in time.

Dew also appears due to temperature changes, so cucumbers in a greenhouse should not be supercooled and suffer from drafts. If the plant has been ill with powdery mildew, then next year cucumbers cannot be planted in the same soil again.


One of the most common diseases in greenhouse cucumbers is white rot. This is a fast-moving disease that develops in 2-3 days, in a week it can completely affect the entire crop, which will cause rotting and death of the leaves. White rot is caused by a fungus, after appearing on the leaves, it also captures the fruits. The affected areas begin to get wet, white cucumbers are obtained, the leaves of which become soft over time, become covered with mucus and die. The cause of white rot is excessive watering and low temperature in the greenhouse.

White rot strikes from the inside, something like cotton wool forms on the roots, it can destroy even strong stems and fruits of cucumbers.


It is considered one of the most dangerous diseases of cucumbers. The fungus covers everything from the inside, penetrates the stem, leaves and seeds. The plant dries up instantly, the leaves rot and fall off. This is very dangerous, the disease develops instantly and in just 3 days it can completely capture the plant, which can no longer be saved.

The difference between true powdery mildew and the false species is that in the first case, white bloom on cucumbers is the starting and main symptom, and in the case of false dew, it is the last. If cucumbers are sick with downy dew and have acquired a white coating, then it is no longer possible to save the bush.


It is necessary to treat the plaque that appeared due to powdery mildew in a comprehensive manner. First of all, you need to plant only strong and resistant varieties of cucumbers, at the first signs of infection, the leaves with a bloom must be cut off, you can spray them with mullein, and increase potassium fertilization.

In case of infection of cucumbers in the greenhouse with white rot, the affected areas must be removed immediately. Treat the cut places with charcoal, if the bush is completely affected by the fungus, then it is necessary to remove it without sparing. To prevent infection of other fruits, you need to pour them with a solution of copper sulfate.

To overcome downy mildew, it is necessary to replace or disinfect the soil. At the first sign of damage, remove leaves and stems.

If cucumbers grow in a greenhouse, then treatment should begin with its complete disinfection, it is best to do it in the fall. You can use blue vitriol or spill the earth with boiling water and cover with a film.

It is necessary to disinfect not only the ground, but also all garden tools.

Dead plants must be removed and burned outside the garden to avoid infecting others.

In stores for summer cottages and gardens, there is a sufficient range of chemicals to combat the fungus, these are Hom, Topaz, solutions of copper, mullein, and colloidal sulfur.

For the treatment of white rot, there is a good remedy - weekly spraying the bushes with a solution of soda and soap.

In order to get a good harvest, you can not do without proper care for cucumber bushes. The bushes should be examined, if the leaves began to turn yellow or turn white, spots or plaque appeared on the stems, then treatment should be started as soon as possible.

"In all cases, to prevent the defeat of cucumbers by any fungi, it is necessary to plant only hybrids resistant to pests and diseases"

Bushes should not be close and densely located to each other. It is necessary to regularly weed the beds, to provide cucumbers with sufficient ventilation. It is necessary to maintain the correct temperature in the greenhouse, not to let it fall below +23°C. Water cucumbers only with warm water, avoid drafts and temperature changes. Cucumbers should be planted every year in a different place due to the fact that possible pathogens remain in the soil for a long time.

If you follow all the above instructions, then cucumbers in the greenhouse and in the garden will always delight summer residents with good and healthy fruits.

In the spring, starting to sow seeds for seedlings, summer residents dream of a future harvest of crispy cucumbers. But suddenly they notice spots or cobwebs on young leaves and do not know what to do. Don't panic. It is necessary to carefully examine the cucumbers, identify the cause of the change in their appearance and try to help them defeat the disease.

Optimal conditions for seedlings

It is not difficult to grow strong seedlings, providing it with favorable conditions: choose suitable soil and good seed material, observe light and temperature conditions, regularly water and fertilize.

The entire period of growing seedlings should maintain the optimum temperature: at night not lower than 18C, in the daytime + 22C. Plants need light. In a dark room, the shoots will turn pale and stretch. The soil must be sufficiently moist. However, excess moisture can lead to root rot. Seedlings require good nutrition, but excessive micronutrient application can adversely affect their development. Plants should be well ventilated and not interfere with each other. Too dense sowing of seeds can lead to stretching of sprouts.

Strong healthy seedlings have good immunity, but sometimes, if the rules of care are violated, they can be affected by diseases. Excessive moisture contributes to the development of powdery mildew, rot. Too dry air contributes to the defeat of the spider mite.

Major diseases and pests - table

Diagnosis of diseases

If you regularly carefully examine the plants, you can identify painful changes in appearance and urgently take action.

Symptoms of diseases: leaves turn yellow, turn pale, turn white, etc. - table

Symptom care mistakes Diseases Pests
Seedling not growingWatering with cold water, low air temperature.Root rot.Nematode.
Leaves turn yellowLack of power, poor lighting.Black leg, fusarium.Aphid, spider mite, fusarium wilt, scab.
Seedlings witherInsufficient or excessive watering, temperature changes.Aphids, spider mites, fusarium wilt.
Pale/white leavesLack of light and trace elements, drafts, waterlogging of the soil.Aphid, mite.
Leaves are curlingLack of moisture and nutrition. Aphid.
Dry edges of leavesOver-fertilization, improper watering, poor lighting.
Seedlings are stretched and thinnedToo dense planting, lack of light and nutrition, waterlogging of the soil, heat. Podura.
White spots on leavesThe temperature is below normal, stagnant water.Powdery mildew, peronosporosis.
Damaged sproutsUse of contaminated soil and seed material. Sprout fly, fools.

Seedlings do not grow

This occurs as a result of the death of the root caused by watering with cold water or too low a room temperature. Plants stop developing and die, it is impossible to save them. Only re-planting seeds will help out, if the time of planting has not yet been missed.

seedling yellowing

Seedlings wither

With rare watering and overdrying of the soil, the seedlings wither. It is necessary to water the seedlings daily, keeping the soil moist.

Excessive moisture contributes to the stagnation of water in the root area and also leads to wilting of plants. It is necessary to reduce watering, pour dry soil into cups.

Temperature stresses can cause negative changes. Fragile shoots should be protected from drafts and temperature changes.

Leaves curl into a tube

The leaves curl into tubes and dry as a result of lack of moisture. Regular watering is necessary, spray very dry air, loosen the soil. Plants will recover fairly quickly and begin to develop normally.

Another reason for twisted leaves is a lack of trace elements, in particular nitrogen, magnesium, manganese and sulfur. It should be fed with complex fertilizer.

Leaf curl is also observed when seedlings are affected by aphids. You can detect an insect by examining the plants. Spraying with insecticides will help rid the seedlings of the pest.

Dry edges of leaves

The dried edges of the leaves are a chemical burn obtained from a high concentration of fertilizers. Seedlings should be fed carefully. To save the seedlings, water it only with clean water before planting in the ground. Leaves should not be cut off.

Weak or excessive watering also leads to yellowing and dryness of the edges of the sheets. Irrigation needs to be adjusted.

The reason may be the lack of trace elements. Do not forget about the additional nutrition of cucumbers.

The leaves began to dry - a signal that the plant has little light. Seedlings are placed closer to the light or use fluorescent lamps.

Leaves turn pale or white

Sometimes the leaves change their color, turn pale, and then fall off. One of the reasons is insufficient lighting. The plant must be placed closer to the light, but not under direct sunlight, or use additional lighting.

Low air temperature, drafts can cause whitening of the leaves.

Leaves turn pale and with a lack of nutrition. You can correct the situation by making a balanced top dressing.

The reason may be waterlogging of the soil. It is necessary to reduce watering, pour a little earth into the cups.

White spots

When plants are affected by fungal diseases - powdery mildew and peronosporosis - white spots appear on the leaves. The occurrence of the disease is facilitated by a decrease in temperature below 15 ° C, excessive humidity. As preventive measures, they maintain the desired temperature regime, avoid flooding seedlings. Treated with Topaz, Kuprosat.

Pulling seedlings

Pulling cucumber seedlings occurs as a result of:

  • Insufficient lighting. In a dark room, the shoots reach for the light, become pale, elongated.
  • Temperature disturbances. Too high temperatures can cause weakening and stretching of plants.
  • Wrong watering. With excessive moisture, long seedlings become thin and weak.
  • Excessive density of seedlings. With dense sowing, the shoots become crowded, they stretch out and become thinner.

Seedling diseases

Cucumber seedlings are very fragile, under adverse conditions it can get sick.

A fungal disease that affects seed sprouts and young seedlings. The leaves turn yellow. A blackish constriction on the shoot is formed at the level of the soil, the stalk falls. Such seedlings die or stop growing, their roots develop poorly. Frail seedlings will hardly take root in the garden and will give a small harvest.

The development of the disease is promoted by high humidity and low air temperature.

For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to disinfect the seed material in Fitosporin, shed the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate, do not thicken the seedlings, regularly remove the film in the greenhouse with planted seeds for ventilation, remove condensate, and maintain the temperature no higher than +22. It is useful to add ash to the soil before sowing.

Affected seedlings are removed, the remaining ones are not watered for several days. The top layer of soil is removed, fresh soil is added. Treated with Fitosporin, Fitolavin.

The spores of the fungus disperse only in a humid environment. The plant begins to wilt. Root rot of cucumbers occurs when watering with cold water and lowering the soil temperature. The leaves of the seedlings wither, the roots become soft, rotten. It is easier to prevent a disease than to get rid of it. Therefore, when planting, do not sow the seeds too thickly, carry out proper watering, avoiding stagnant water, observe the temperature regime, and do not fill the root high when loosening. Root rot is fought with Fitosporin. Single affected plants are best removed.

A fungal disease in which a white coating forms at the base of the stem, the stem gradually dries out. White mucus appears on the leaves, their edges dry out. The reason may be dense sowing, excessive humidity, stagnation of air in the room, temperature fluctuations.

Treated with a biological product Fitosporin.

The first sign of this disease is the withering of the top of the plant and leaves. The root rots in the basal part. The disease is most dangerous when the ground temperature cools to less than +15 degrees.

The Fusarium fungus is transmitted through contaminated soil and seeds. Therefore, before planting, the seeds are kept in a solution of manganese, the soil and containers are disinfected.

They maintain optimal temperature values ​​\u200b\u200band the necessary humidity, watering is carried out only with warm water. Spray the stems and soil with Fundazol. Severely infected plants are removed and destroyed.

The causative agent of the disease can persist in the seeds and become more active in a humid cold environment. The leaf from above is covered with yellowish spots, from below it acquires a gray coating. With a strong defeat, the seedlings die. It is possible to reduce the risk of plant damage by treating the seeds and soil with Fitosporin before sowing, maintaining the desired temperature, and applying top dressing. Having found the first signs of the disease, the plants are treated with a solution of ash (2 cups of ash per 2 liters of boiling water, strain and dilute with water 1: 5), sprayed with fungicides.

A white coating forms on the leaves. The disease actively progresses with temperature changes, insufficient lighting, frequent drafts. Causes the leaves to dry out. At temperatures above + 20 ° C, the development of powdery mildew stops. It is necessary to maintain the temperature necessary for cucumbers, air humidity, fertilize, because weakened seedlings are very vulnerable. Affected plants are treated with diluted whey (1:10), copper sulphate.

You can identify a diseased plant by white spots on the leaves, which begin to curl. The stem of the plant cracks with the further development of the disease. Plants showing mosaic symptoms should be removed immediately. The viral disease is often seed-borne. Therefore, the seed material is disinfected before planting by soaking in hot water (+50°C) for 20 minutes.

White rot is a fungal disease that manifests itself with white bloom Plants with mosaic symptoms are best removed Preventing root rot is easier than getting rid of it Powdery mildew provokes temperature fluctuations The causative agent of peronosporosis is activated in a humid environment Fusarium fungus is transmitted through the soil and seeds perishes

Cucumber pests

Strong seedlings are rarely affected by pests. For weakened, elongated seedlings, insect invasions can be fatal.

melon aphid

Sprayed with insecticides (Fitoverm - 5 ml per 0.6 l, Intavir - 1 tab. per 10 l, Neoron - 1 ampoule per 3 l).

The pest, feeding on the juice of plants, entangles them with the thinnest cobwebs. Light dots appear on the leaves, gradually the leaves turn yellow and dry. With severe mite damage, the plant may die.

The pest loves dry air and heat - seedlings should be regularly irrigated with warm water. Plants are treated with a solution of laundry soap, trying not to get on the ground. Spraying with infusion of garlic (20 g of husk per 1 liter, leave for 5 hours), Fitoverm (5 ml per 0.6 l) helps.


Small bright spots appear on the leaves. The whitefly falls on cucumber seedlings from indoor flowers. Therefore, you should carefully examine the plants. For the purpose of prevention, seedlings should be sprayed every 10 days with a Bud solution (1 g per 1 liter). In case of damage by a pest, seedlings are treated several times with dandelion infusion (60 g of leaves and roots per 1 liter, leave for 3 hours). To combat the whitefly, Fufanon, Aktara are used with a small addition of shampoo to prolong the duration of the drugs.

The insect harms germinating seeds and shoots. The fly penetrates into the middle of the stem of cucumbers, sucking out the juice of the greens. Damaged seeds germinate poorly, in the future such plants give a poor harvest. As a preventive measure, the seeds are treated with a solution of manganese before sowing, covered with a film until germination, the seedlings are fed with mineral fertilizers for rapid growth. Fufanon, Spark are used against the pest.

The pest penetrates the roots. The toxic substances that it releases form blisters and growths. Infected shoots are stunted. Nutrients are not absorbed, affected roots can become infected with fungal and bacterial infections. Over time, the plant dies. It is easier to prevent the appearance of a root-knot nematode than to get rid of it. Only clean tools and healthy seed should be used. It is advisable to choose varieties of cucumbers that are resistant to this pest.

Podura (springtails)

Podura cause great harm to seedlings. These are small, 1-2 mm, wingless insects living in the surface soil layer. Springtails damage germinating seeds and seedlings of cucumbers. They eat the cotyledons, and then the young leaves along the edges, holes appear on the leaf blades. Weak plants die as a result. Podurs are especially active at high soil moisture and low temperatures. Therefore, it is important to observe the temperature regime, to create the necessary microclimate for seedlings. The soil is sprayed with 0.05% methylethylthiophos.

The whitefly falls on cucumber seedlings from indoor flowers A small insect sucks the juices from the plant Springtails cause great damage to seedlings Gall nematode penetrates the roots If a spider mite is severely damaged, the plant may die The sprout fly causes great damage to germinating seeds and young shoots Leaves of plants affected by thrips dry out

Causes of seedling death and how to save it

If the seedlings are sick, do not rush to throw them away. If you know the causes of the disease, you can take the necessary measures in time and save it.

Selection of seed material

To obtain good seedlings, high-quality seeds that are genetically immune to diseases are needed. In addition, seed material must be disinfected before sowing.

Presence of an infection

Often pests are brought in with the soil. Therefore, a new substrate is used for seedlings, it is advisable to shed it with a solution of manganese. In addition, seed material must be disinfected before sowing. It is better to remove infected seedlings so as not to infect all plants.

Temperature regime

Seedlings react painfully to temperature changes, are afraid of drafts and cold. At temperatures below +15 degrees, they stop growing. If the seedlings have suffered from the cold, they are moved to a warmer room, watering is reduced for a while, and they are fed with Zircon solution to increase stress resistance.

In extreme heat (above +28), seedlings wither, dry, become vulnerable to infections and pests. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the optimum temperature of air and soil + 22–25 degrees.

On a note. You can restore wilted seedlings by spraying with Epin's solution.


Seedlings need a lot of light. In a dark room, the shoots will stretch. Weakened seedlings need to provide additional lighting. Typically, fluorescent lamps are used, which are installed above the seedlings.

soil moisture

Cucumbers love moisture. They should be watered abundantly. However, stagnant water in the soil is detrimental to the roots and leads to diseases. Excessive moisture contributes to the growth of vulnerable seedlings with a weak root system, which will be difficult to take root in the garden.

Air humidity

For the growth of cucumbers, an increased humidity of the environment is needed - 75–85%. The plant does not tolerate drought well: its growth slows down, immunity is weakened. Therefore, when growing seedlings in an apartment, the air must be moistened, especially on hot days. But too humid microclimate contributes to the occurrence of infectious diseases of seedlings.

mineral nutrition

Weak plants are more susceptible to disease. To strengthen the immunity of young sprouts, they are fed with mineral and organic fertilizers: when the first leaf appears and a few days before transplanting into the ground. Timely feeding forms healthy plants and ensures high yields. However, excess nutrition can provoke diseases. Therefore, fertilizers must be applied carefully, strictly following the instructions.

Planting density

If cucumbers grow very densely, they will lack nutrition and light. Sickly plants are more prone to disease, can die when attacked by pests. Therefore, too dense planting must be thinned out by pinching off or cutting thinner seedlings. In comfortable conditions, young shoots will quickly gain strength.

Cucumber seedling - video

By observing the rules of agricultural technology, you can grow healthy and strong seedlings, which in the future will give a good harvest of greens. But if for some reason the plants get sick, they can always be helped. The main thing is to correctly determine the cause and immediately take the necessary measures.

Pale green leaves on cucumbers are a sign of trouble. This can be a simple reaction to external conditions, and the beginning of the disease.

Cucumber leaves can lose color for many reasons: cold, lack of sun, lack of nutrition, illness. Before taking action, you need to understand what exactly led to this state of affairs. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can harm cucumber bushes.

The first thing to do is to carefully examine the tops and find out the nature of the deviations from the norm. In addition to the pallor of the leaves, there may be other deviations that will accurately indicate the cause. Only having full information, you can start treatment.

Causes of blanching seedlings

The most common cause of pale leaves in cucumber seedlings is a lack of light. In these cases, the shoots begin to stretch, trying to get as much light as possible. Only additional illumination can save, since in winter and early spring there is much less sun than is required for the full development of sprouts.

The second reason is the wrong temperature. If the aerial part can still survive a slight cooling, then the roots of the seedlings cannot get food from the cold soil.

The leaves of cucumber seedlings may turn pale due to a disease or pest invasion. But still, the third of the most common reasons that the foliage turned pale is a lack of nutrients, especially nitrogen.

Signs of deficiency of macro- or microelements in seedlings are manifested and treated in the same way as in adult plants. But when feeding or treating diseases of young sprouts, all solutions are made weaker.

Why do the leaves turn pale in the greenhouse

The leaves of greenhouse cucumbers can turn pale green due to weather conditions or if the rules for caring for plantings are violated. In most of these cases, the situation is quite easy to fix by creating suitable conditions for cucumbers.

On depleted soils, cucumber bushes, not receiving sufficient nutrients, lose strength. Their stems become sluggish, the foliage turns pale. By the nature of the change in color or shape of leaves and fruits, one can quite accurately determine what exactly cucumbers lack.

Signs of malnutrition:



  • helps in the structure, development and strengthening of cells;
  • participates in the synthesis of amino acids and proteins;
  • takes part in the formation of chlorophyll;
  • strengthens the tops;
  • helps increase yield
  • pale stunted leaves;
  • the tops of the shoots change color, dying areas are visible on the lower leaves, and the veins remain green;
  • slow growth;
  • small leaves;
  • thin stems that harden over time;
  • flying flowers;
  • few ovaries;
  • fruits are pale, pointed at one end
Note Absorbed in the form of nitrates and ammonium
  • participates in the formation of fruits;
  • helps metabolism in cells;
  • promotes the synthesis of proteins and sugars
  • yellow-brown foliage, dark veins (the process begins with old leaves);
  • shriveled leaves (on peaty soil);
  • drying and "burning" of the edges of the foliage
Note It often occurs when there is a lack of phosphorus in the soil.
  • necessary for metabolism in plant cells;
  • helps the development of the root system;
  • participates in the process of photosynthesis;
  • helps plants absorb oxygen
  • small and narrow hard leaves;
  • the appearance of a bluish or purple hue on the leaves;
  • dark green veins on foliage;
  • watery, drying yellow-brown spots on the foliage;
  • drying of the edges of the leaves;
  • cessation of shoot growth
Note Not absorbed from alkaline soil
  • affects protein metabolism;
  • increases resistance to diseases;
  • affects the content of chlorophyll
  • the edges of the leaves lighten and dry;
  • foliage turns pale in the middle of the shoot;
  • tops of seedlings weaken;
  • flowers and ovaries crumble;
  • growth is unstable;
  • bushes are very small
Note Appears on swampy ground
  • helps cell division and formation;
  • participates in carbohydrate metabolism;
  • affects protein metabolism
  • young foliage is small, dark green;
  • leaves turn pale in stripes from the edges and from the center, bend;
  • the veins remain green;
  • edges curl up
Note More common in salt marshes and sandy soils
  • helps in the formation of chlorophyll;
  • participates in photosynthesis;
  • strengthens plants;
  • improves fruit formation
  • the color of the underside of the leaf turns pale;
  • the process goes from the veins, starting from the lower leaves;
  • the edges of the foliage become burgundy;
  • part of the tissues of the tops dies off;
  • shoot growth stops
Note Typical for sandy and sandy soil

For cucumbers, not only a deficiency is dangerous, but also an excess of elements.

Some substances block the receipt of other elements by plants from the soil. For example, calcium prevents plants from absorbing potassium, copper, manganese, and zinc. Phosphorus inhibits the production of nitrogen.

What to feed if the leaves began to turn pale

When choosing top dressing for cucumbers whose leaves turn pale, you need to take into account the acidity of the soil and chemical composition: different types of soil require different fertilizers.

At the beginning of the vegetative period - before flowering - it is better to use foliar top dressing, since the nutrients are completely absorbed through the foliage. With the formation of ovaries, they switch to root feeding.

Fertilizer solutions are poured over wet soil, spending a bucket of liquid per 1 m2 of soil. After you need to water the cucumbers again to prevent burns of the roots.

Sometimes dry top dressing is carried out, scattering the substrate around the stems. This is done before rain or watering the soil. The fertilizer is gently mixed right in the bag, breaking up the lumps. After that, a corner is cut off, and the granules are scattered through the hole in a thin layer between the cucumber bushes.

Compositions for strengthening cucumbers

If the cucumber leaves are pale due to low temperatures or lack of sun, it is useful to use top dressing to strengthen the shoots:

  • ammonium nitrate - 5 g;
  • potassium chloride - 5 g;
  • superphosphate - 5 g;
  • water - a bucket;
  • the time of infusion of the mixture is a day.

When the fruits began to form, use the composition:

  • ammonium nitrate - 10 g;
  • potassium sulfate - 15 g;
  • double superphosphate - 10 g;
  • water - bucket.

Quickly returns a bright color to faded greens and promotes the formation of ammonia ovaries. Once a week, cucumbers are watered under the root with a solution:

  • ammonia - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - bucket.

It is desirable to add phosphorus fertilizer to this mixture.

The lack of individual elements

When it is precisely clear what element is missing in the soil, it is better to use a mono fertilizer. For irrigation, take 30 g of the desired element per bucket of water. For spraying - 10 g of element per bucket.

1. With pale leaves due to a lack of nitrogen, planting cucumbers is fertilized:

  • urea;
  • azophos;
  • diammophos;
  • nitrophoska;
  • ammonium sulfate;
  • ammonium nitrate.

It is good to use organic fertilizers - compost, mullein, bird droppings, herbal infusion.

Preparation of infusion of chicken manure:

  • fill the bucket 1/3 with litter;
  • to fill with water;
  • stirring, insist a week;
  • dilute: 0.5 l of infusion in a bucket of water;
  • consumption - 1 liter under the cucumber bush.

As soon as fruits begin to form, fertilizers containing nitrogen are stopped to be applied to the soil and used for spraying.

2. With a lack of potassium, "Kalimagnesia" is used.

3. If there is little phosphorus in the soil, "Superphosphate" or "Phosphorus flour" will do.

The lack of potassium and phosphorus is well compensated by wood ash (for irrigation):

  • ash - 300 g;
  • water - bucket.

Nitrogen fertilizers are not applied simultaneously with ash, since they neutralize each other's action.

4. If there is not enough magnesium in the soil, the plants are sprayed with magnesium nitrate (100 grams per bucket of water).

5. Iron is replenished with iron sulfate (500 grams per bucket).

6. With a lack of copper, copper sulfate is sprayed (500 grams per bucket).

7. If the cucumber bushes do not have enough manganese, they are watered with a solution of potassium permanganate (3 mg / 1 l).

When using fertilizers, you need to follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Complex fertilizers for cucumbers with pale leaves

Sometimes it is difficult to determine what exactly is missing in cucumbers, and sometimes plants lack several elements. In this case, it is useful to use ready-made complex fertilizers. It is good if they contain in their composition all the trace elements necessary for cucumbers.

It can be:

  • "Crystal";
  • "Hera";
  • "Lubo-green";
  • "Mar Bor";
  • Molibion.

Use fertilizer according to instructions. Spray cucumber beds in the absence of bright sun, rain and wind.

Pale leaves of cucumbers due to diseases and pests

If cucumbers have pale leaves due to a disease, they are sprayed with soapy water at the initial stage of the disease and for prevention.

You can use a mixture:

  • water - 10 l;
  • iodine - 30 drops;
  • milk - 1 l.

The tool is used throughout the season 3-4 times a month.

To strengthen pale cucumbers, a mixture is suitable:

  • urea - 20 g;
  • copper sulfate - 2 g;
  • boric acid - 2 g;
  • potassium permanganate - 2 g;
  • water - bucket.

Laundry soap is added to the composition - 40 grams per bucket.

Such funds not only protect against fungal diseases, but also drive away pests.

What to do for prevention

Prevention of color loss in the leaves begins with the care of seedlings. First you need to create comfortable conditions for growing.

It helps cucumber seedlings to get stronger reflected light, since seedlings absorb ultraviolet light from it more easily. To do this, foil is fixed on the slopes of the windows or mirrors are installed.

Illuminate seedlings according to the scheme:

  • around the clock - 3 days after germination;
  • by 18 hours - the next 5 days (or before diving);
  • 16 hours before replanting;
  • for 14 hours - if possible after landing at a permanent place.

If there is not enough light, it is better to maintain a cool temperature in the room where the seedling boxes are located (but not lower than + 14 ° C). Then the cucumbers will not turn so pale and stretch.

Feeding seedlings of cucumbers begins 10 days after the first shoots - when the first three leaves appear. In the future, the sprouts are fertilized every 2 weeks after watering the seedlings. The best time to fertilize is in the morning. You can use the same fertilizers as for adult plants, making the concentration of the solution lower.

Humic preparations "Fertility", "Orton-seedling" are suitable for seedlings.

Seedlings are planted in a garden bed or in a greenhouse when the earth warms up to 15 ° C.

Care rules

So that the leaves do not turn pale, cucumbers require constant care.

Since autumn, ash and copper sulfate (1% solution) have been introduced into the soil. This will enrich the earth with useful substances and serve as a preventive measure against fungal diseases.

Watering rates:

  • before flowering - 4 liters per 1 m2;
  • during fruiting - 10 liters per 1 m2.

In hot weather, it is advisable to periodically spray cucumber leaves with clean water.

Basic growing conditions:

  1. Cucumbers should not be planted in their original place earlier than 4 years later.
  2. You can not plant cucumbers after pumpkin crops.
  3. Humidity in the greenhouse should be at least 85%.
  4. When the heat is above + 35 ° C, the bushes in the open field need to be shaded.
  5. Cucumbers are fed every 2 weeks. Mineral fertilizers alternate with organic, and spraying - with watering.
  6. It is desirable to mulch the soil with non-woven materials, peat, grass or sawdust.

The mulching layer, like all plant residues, is removed from the beds after harvesting. If cucumbers are grown in a greenhouse, which excludes the transfer of plantings to another place next year, then the top layer of soil is also removed.

Harmful insects, especially aphids, can be controlled with ammonia. The underside of the leaves is sprayed with the composition:

  • water - 10 l;
  • ammonia - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • grated soap - 40 g.

This mixture also serves as a good top dressing. After about a week, the treatment is repeated to consolidate the result.

Only after establishing the true cause of white spots, you can begin to eliminate the problem. Illiterate actions can cause the death of plants.


  • 1 Causes of white spots
  • 2 Methods of dealing with the problem

Causes of white spots

Cucumbers are one of the most popular vegetable crops. Many vegetable growers want to see her in their gardens, even despite some of the difficulties associated with growing her. Cucumbers are very sensitive to adverse growing conditions: incorrect temperature conditions, lack of light, insufficient watering, poor ventilation. Plants react to the mistakes of gardeners with various changes: withering, twisting of leaf plates, changing their color.

One of the biggest problems when growing cucumbers is the appearance of white spots on the leaves.

This problem can be caused by various factors, but most often it is a fungal disease powdery mildew. The virus infects the entire leaf plate, and it looks like it was sprinkled with flour.

In addition, the disease harms young shoots and stems. The affected bush withers, dries, and if measures are not taken quickly, the plant will die.

Mostly powdery mildew develops in greenhouses. Especially if the room has too high humidity from frequent and abundant watering and poor ventilation. And if the temperature regime is still poorly observed and the air temperature in the greenhouse is low, then these are the most favorable conditions for the development of powdery mildew.

Affected leaves completely change their color, wrinkle and die. The stems are far behind in development and also fall off over time. If fruits appear on infected lashes, they ripen ahead of time. They are distinguished by underdevelopment, bad taste and low sugar content.

Gardeners are also aware of other diseases, as a result of which the leaves of cucumbers turn white.

Such an unpleasant phenomenon can cause a white mosaic - a fungal-viral disease that covers the leaf plate with spots in the form of white stars. With a strong infection, the leaves of the plant may turn completely white.

The affected bush ceases to bear fruit or gives a meager harvest of small fruits that have a bumpy surface and are painted with white-yellow stripes.

The appearance of white spots can cause infection with ascochitosis.

The affected part of the leaf dries and cracks. With the development of the disease, white spots turn brown, the plant turns black and dries.

A white, flaky coating may appear on cucumber leaves, the lower part of the stems, fruits and roots as a result of infection with white rot.

The areas affected by the disease become soft, the plant withers and dies. In contact with diseased areas of the plant, the fruits become infected.

The yield on such a plant drops sharply.

Methods for dealing with the problem

After it became clear why the leaves of the cucumbers in the greenhouse were covered with white spots, you can begin to treat the plants.

To combat powdery mildew, mullein infusion is used.

To prepare it, you need to mix 1 kg of manure with 3 liters of water. The mixture must be infused for 3 days. Then strain it, add 3 liters of clean water and spray the diseased plant with the resulting solution.

Plants affected by white mosaic should be removed from the garden immediately.

All garden tools used for working in the greenhouse should be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Next year, before planting seedlings, you need to treat the soil with disinfectants.

When signs of white rot appear on the plant, it is necessary to remove the affected leaves, and sprinkle the stems with fresh soil to form additional roots.

Plants affected by ascochitosis must be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.

With a strong infection, it is necessary to remove diseased bushes from the garden and burn them.

To prevent the occurrence of diseases and get a good harvest of cucumbers, you need to strictly adhere to certain rules for growing this crop.

Advice! When planting seedlings, do not place them too close to each other so that the planting does not compact in the future.

For normal growth, the bush needs good ventilation. In the process of growth, it is better to remove all lower leaves so that fresh air freely penetrates to the bottom of the bush.

Closely monitor compliance with the temperature regime. Large temperature fluctuations have a detrimental effect on plants and their fruits. The greenhouse must have good ventilation.

For irrigation, use only warm water. It is better to carry out these activities in the morning or evening hours. Do not get too carried away with various dressings. Cucumbers do not tolerate nutrient overload. During the entire growing season, preventive spraying should be carried out, for example, with a solution of urea. This will strengthen the plants and prevent diseases.

Leaves turn white on cucumber seedlings

How disappointing it is when cucumbers turn yellow in a greenhouse. What is the cause of this trouble, and what can be done to save the day and still get a good harvest?

If the yellowing of the leaves is not accompanied by wilting, the cause is most likely a lack of nutrients.

Why do fruits and leaves of cucumbers turn yellow? Experts identify several of the most common causes.

Non-compliance with the technology of growing cucumbers in greenhouses

Cucumber is a very moisture-loving plant (like pepper), so you should not neglect the rules for watering this vegetable. These rules are simple: so that the cucumbers do not start to hurt and turn yellow, the water for irrigation should not be cold (watering from a hose is not good). Water should be defended. During the fruiting period, watering should be increased. In cool weather, plants are watered during the daytime, and on sunny warm days - in the morning. If the days are hot, then in the morning watering is done only refreshing, and in the evenings - normal. The depth of the moistened earth should be sufficient so that the root system of cucumber plants develops in depth, and not superficially.

The regularity of watering is crucial: it is only a few times to go astray and skip watering the plants, and this will immediately affect the quality of future fruits. So, the lack of moisture entails the yellowing of the plant itself and the new ovary of cucumbers.

Yellow spots indicate a lack of potassium, and light green spots are a sign of magnesium deficiency. So, cucumbers need to be fed.

Weather conditions are often the reason why cucumbers turn yellow. Cold and wet weather caused by late frosts can damage plants. If rotting of the ovaries appears, it is urgent to remove the already faded flowers and treat the cut with potassium permanganate (solution). To prevent further bacteriosis, spraying is carried out with either 1% Bordeaux mixture or 0.4% copper oxychloride. It is worth noting that peppers can also turn yellow and lose leaves if they are in temperature conditions up to + 120 ° C for a long time.

Soil composition is critical. The lack of nitrogen and the scarcity of the soil is a common reason why the development of the plant is disturbed. It is important to ensure that there is no overdose in the amount of fertilizer, which, in turn, leads to oppression and yellowing of seedlings and their fruits. Before planting cucumber seedlings and after the harvest is harvested, mandatory manure is introduced into the soil. And during the growing season, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus, fluorine and potassium, and liquid mullein is considered mandatory.

Damage to plants by various diseases or pests

Fungal diseases:

Powdery mildew. If light spots resembling white plaque were found on the leaves, gradually increasing in size, then this is a sign of infection. The leaf dries and turns yellow. How to deal with this trouble? If you do not worry about measures to destroy powdery mildew, next season it will certainly make itself felt. Fungicide preparations "Topsin", "Bayleton", "Karatan" will help.

The main cucumber disease in our area, in which the leaves turn yellow, is downy mildew (downy mildew).

It is also worth paying attention to varieties of cucumbers that are resistant to this disease.

Fusarium wilt. A dangerous fungal disease that causes the death of cucumbers in a greenhouse. Penetrating into the capillaries of the plant, the spores of this fungus completely block the access of nutrition to the fruits and leaves. In greenhouses where infection has occurred, a complete replacement of the soil is required. In addition, you need to regularly change the variety of plants.


Root rot. The leaves, both in young plants and in adults, begin to turn yellow from below. This is caused by significant temperature differences between day and night. The reason may be watering too "cold" water. Weakened plants fall ill first, then infection through the soil begins to be transmitted to other cucumbers. Preventive treatment (twice) with Previkur in the root area can prevent this unpleasant disease.

Downy mildew (pernosporosis). This disease, common in gourds and cucumbers, appears in greenhouses in conditions of high humidity of air and soil, against the background of dense planting of seedlings. Affected fruits shrink and turn yellow. The first signs of damage may appear immediately with the onset of the fruiting period. In this case, the crop can be completely destroyed. How to determine that the plants are sick? Sharp-angled, dark green spots appear on the lower leaves. Preparations for combating pernosporosis - Bordeaux mixture or copper chloride oxide (for the first treatment), "Bravo", "Avixil" (for the second treatment after 7 days).

Other reasons:

Plants are overloaded with ovaries. In a greenhouse, cucumbers and peppers develop very quickly. But, in order for the fruits not to turn yellow, you should not leave more than 25-30 ovaries for further development. By removing new shoots in time, delays in the development and formation of greens can be prevented. If you do not follow this rule, the result may be underdeveloped, small and yellow fruits.

The process of fertilization was insufficient. This happens when hybrid varieties are used in the greenhouse that require artificial pollination.

Cucumbers, like peppers, also turn yellow naturally when they reach their maturity, but only green-colored cucumber fruits are mainly used for food.

This list of reasons why cucumbers are turning yellow in your greenhouse will help you choose the best way to preserve your crop.

Cucumbers grown in the country are fragrant and healthy. They differ significantly in taste from vegetables bought in the supermarket. But growing healthy cucumbers is not so easy, the plant is prone to many diseases. Often summer residents are faced with the problem that the leaves of cucumber seedlings turn yellow.

The problem starts when the second true leaf appears. The second leaves grow, and the first begin to change pigmentation. Moreover, the matter may not be at all in the substrate in which the seedlings are planted. So why do cucumbers get sick at an early stage of development?

Why do cucumber leaves turn yellow?

There can be several reasons for burning leaves, the main ones include:

  1. Lack of potassium, nitrogen, sulfur, calcium, manganese in the soil. An imbalance of nitrogen and potassium, the correct ratio of elements is 1 to 2. An excess of nitrogen affects the pigmentation of the foliage and can lead to ammonia poisoning.
  2. Insufficient watering affects the yellowing of seedlings in the same way as severe waterlogging.
  3. Temperature fluctuations. If the temperature in the root zone drops below 17 degrees, then the plant is not able to take micro and macro elements from the soil. At this temperature, even if all the useful elements are in the soil, they do not enter the stem.
  4. Toxin poisoning. Some farmers put seedlings on foam boards. Yellowing can be caused by poisoning with chemical compounds that the insulating layer releases, since the roots of the plant are in contact with it. Fertilizer, getting on the foam, can lead to the release of harmful substances, which is dangerous not only for seedlings, but also for the crop.
  5. Seedlings can be crowded in a peat cup, so many summer residents immediately sow seeds in the ground. Roots need space and good nutrition. Yellowing leaves may indicate that the plant is time to repot.
  6. Lack of light.

Cucumber leaves turn yellow: what to do?

  • Balance the doses of fertilizers, do not exceed the ammonia content in the solution. With a lack of nitrogen, you need to fertilize the plant with Vermistim or Azogran.
  • If a foam substrate is used, then lay it on top with a film.
  • If the seedlings grow on the balcony, then you can use the backlight.
  • Do not forget to monitor the microclimate. Cucumbers love water, so don't skimp on watering. However, remember that the plant should be watered only with warm water, street temperature. If you water the plant with cold water, diseases cannot be avoided.
  • At the seedling stage, the plant is especially sensitive to a lack of potassium; if development is not followed, cucumbers will grow irregularly. The best solution for seedlings of cucumbers is a nutrient solution based on complex fertilizers. For example, Kemira Hydro.

If the cucumbers are round and narrow at the stem, there is not enough potassium, 1 glass of ash per bucket of water, 1 liter per plant.

The whitefly or spider mite sucks out all the juices from cucumber leaves, as a result, the leaves turn yellow and die. In this case, the recommendations are obvious: a good pest is a dead pest.

You will either have to spray the bed with "poison", or save yourself with folk remedies. The fifth reason is the lack of nutrients. The most unlikely, but still occurring, cause of yellowing cucumber leaves.

If the cucumber leaves turn yellow and the edges dry, they may not have enough potassium or magnesium. Dark green veins against a background of yellowness can signal an iron or manganese deficiency. Yellowing upper leaves occur with a lack of copper.

Feeding will help to correct this situation. Well, the last reason for yellow leaves is old age. Over time, the cucumber leaf coarsens, ages, stops photosynthesis, turns yellow and dies. Most likely, by this time you have already eaten cucumbers to satiety, and the aging lashes do not bother you.

But if you want a fresh cucumber right from the garden until autumn, there are ways to “prolong the life” of cucumber lashes, and we will talk about them later.

What to do if cucumber leaves turn yellow

The best cure for anything is prevention, and cucumber leaf yellowing is no exception. It is easier to prevent this from happening in your garden than to treat it later. Therefore: 1.

Try to keep crop rotation. Do not plant cucumbers in the same place year after year, do not plant them after zucchini or pumpkin, otherwise the likelihood of “catching” a fungal disease increases significantly.2. Water your cucumbers regularly and generously.

If you visit the site only on weekends, do not be too lazy to mulch the beds well with weeds or mowed grass. A thick layer of mulch will not allow moisture to evaporate, as well as provide cucumber roots with additional nutrition and warmth.

After germination in the phase of 3-4 leaves (and then every 10 days), spray the cucumbers with the following composition: 20 grams of laundry soap, 1 liter of milk and 30 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water.5. Another option for preventive spraying: in the evening, soak a loaf of bread in a bucket of water, knead the bread in the morning and add a small vial of iodine.

If you notice white spots on the leaves of cucumbers, then know that this may be a viral or fungal disease. So, for example, white mosaic affects only greenhouse plants: with this disease, star-shaped spots are clearly distinguished on the leaves of cucumbers. With the development of the disease, the entire leaf may turn white, only green veins will remain on it. Fruits are practically not formed, and if they grow, they look very bad: they are mostly small and tuberculate. In addition, cucumbers acquire a peculiar color, consisting of stripes of yellow and white. If you notice the development of such a cucumber disease in a greenhouse, the photo of the affected fruits, which is presented in the article, will definitely not hurt you. This will help you identify the disease in the future and remember its first symptoms for a long time.

It is possible to feed the cucumbers with potash fertilizers before fruiting (20 g per 10 liters of Takuya). water top dressing repeat 3-4 times a month, if required by the condition of the plants. A solution (in 10 liters of mullein) of 1 kg of water, 30 g of phosphate fertilizer, 20 g potassium, 2 g of copper permanganate and 1 g of potassium vitriol and boric acid also serves as a good mineral-organic top dressing with micronutrient fertilizers.

If the cucumber lashes are thin, the leaf is small and pale, then feed with nitrogen. With a strong growth of lashes and fruiting delay, give top dressing with phosphorus and potassium. ovaries If there are few, it is necessary after feeding with bird (mullein droppings) to reduce the temperature in the greenhouse to 18 to ventilate (degrees at night). If there are a lot of ovaries, they require enhanced feeding with mullein (if), then a change in the feeding scheme is a transition from alternating organic matter and mineral fertilizer to two 2: 1 (organic fertilizer once, mineral fertilizer once).

Apply both mineral and liquid organic fertilizers to the root, without polluting if, the leaves, of course, are not foliar top dressing.

Do not foliar and forget about top dressing, especially those that prevent the development of dangerous diseases - downy powdery, mildew, etc. Such a top dressing can serve as a solution (per 10 liters of water) 20-30 g of urea and 2 g of copper sulfate, boric acid and potassium permanganate.

The fruiting period requires cucumbers to have special nutritional conditions. When growing in greenhouses and greenhouses, water cucumbers every 3-4 days, spending 3-4 liters of water. During fruiting - 1-2 days through 10-20 liters of water per 1 square meter. combine watering with top dressing. Keep in mind that both indoors and outdoors, the soil under cucumbers should never dry out, otherwise bitter fruits will form.

To raise the yield by increasing the number of female flowers and accelerating the growth of cucumber ovaries in the greenhouse, keep a tank (barrel, bucket or other container) there with fermenting mullein or bird droppings that you prepare for feeding: the carbon dioxide released is very useful for the development of cucumbers, and all for other greenhouse and greenhouse vegetable If. cultures in this container throw a little dry or a handful of sawdust, then fermentation is the case.

It will intensify if there are few male flowers on the plants or they are absent at all, stop watering the cucumbers on the 5-7th day to stimulate the laying of such flowers, and then give plenty of watering.

For better pollination and increase in plant ovaries, sprinkle the flowers with the following composition: 2 g of zinc sulfate and manganese sulfate per 10 liters of water, you can add boric acid and 2 g of acid. Spray no more than 2-3 times at 2-3 week intervals.

The maximum yield is achieved by manual pollination of the flowers. The pollen of male flowers-stigmas and barren flowers on female flowers (with ovary) ripen in buds in still. The flowers open early in the morning, cloudy at 5-6 (at 8-10 o'clock in the afternoon). For pollination, take a thin stick (twig) with cotton wool, collect male pollen anthers and transfer to female flowers. it is better to do it at 9-12 o'clock.

This is a fungal disease of tomatoes. The disease affects leaves and stems. First, single off-white spots with a dark rim and black dots on a light background appear on the lower leaves of the seedlings. From the lower leaves, the disease passes to the upper ones, the spots on the plant become more and more, then they merge and cover the entire leaf. Affected leaves turn brown, dry up and fall off. The causative agent of this disease is preserved in the remains of diseased plants. A leaf that died from white spotting fell to the ground, it was not taken away from the garden by you, it was not destroyed, and the disease will remain until next spring in the soil, and from here it will fall on seedlings and infect it. In order to prevent the disease, to prevent it from taking root, it is necessary, at any suspicion, at the first guess that this disease has looked at you, remove and destroy all diseased leaves, and then destroy the diseased plants. Potassium permanganate helps to contain almost all tomato diseases very well - we will tell you about this when the time comes to get to know tomatoes better.

Cucumber problems

Growing cucumbers on your site, you probably had to deal with various problems. Have you ever wondered why cucumber seedlings turn yellow and how to deal with it? You must have faced a similar problem. So, when the leaves of cucumber seedlings turn yellow, this indicates the presence of various kinds of features. For example, the leaves of seedlings can turn yellow, provided that it simply does not have enough space. For example, when the seeds were sown in tiny cups. Even 0.5 liters of volume is not enough for a cucumber. The minimum container size should be about 0.75 liters. If the cup size is too small, the plant cannot fully develop. The second reason is lack of nutrition. When cucumbers lack nutrients, the leaves begin to turn yellow. To remedy the situation, use fertilizers such as Azogran or Vermistim.

Often, powdery mildew plants are affected when night temperatures are low, at the end of summer with sufficiently high humidity.

Her signs:

a) first, brown dots appear on the lower leaves; b) they gradually grow into white spots with a yellowish edging; c) dark dots appear on the surface of these spots; d) over time, the disease process passes to young upper leaves.

Damaged parts of the bush must be removed. Treat the whole plant with Fitosporin.

late blight

Calcium deficiency. Light spots appear on the leaves, wrapped in the bottom. Later they become yellowish-green, necrotic spots appear along the edges. Calcium is poorly absorbed in cold weather.

iron deficiency. Symptoms of chlorosis are visible on the main and side shoots. Only the main veins retain the green color. The leaves turn yellow, later the edges begin to dry.

Is it possible to pick off leaves from cucumber seedlings if they are very thick?

Zhanna S

If you grow powerful plants, they should be planted less often. Picking off the leaves is not an option. Only sick people should be removed.

Ludmila Blinova

you need and ventilation at the roots will be better and more convenient to water

Evgeniya Taratutina

The lower leaves from time to time, especially yellowed ones, are best cut off.


Do not cut off young leaves! There will not be enough photosynthesis for the plant and this will affect the fruits. The leaves gradually age themselves, begin to turn yellow, turn white and dry. These leaves, which have lost their color at the bottom, must be removed. And they turn white from a lack of nitrogen, which in the process of growth and intense

Cucumbers take away strong photosynthesis, i.e., the whitening of the lower leaves is a signal of a lack of nitrogen.

Cucumber seedlings - leaf diseases. Why does it fade, the edges of the leaves dry, turn yellow, fall, seedlings of cucumbers die: what to do?

Descriptions of diseases of seedlings of cucumbers and methods of their treatment.

Fragrant cucumbers are a tasty and low-calorie vegetable that dieters adore. Ground cucumbers can be obtained as early as mid-summer, but if you want to enjoy fresh cucumber salads early, plant seedlings.

Why do cucumber seedlings turn yellow?

Yellowing of seedlings is a common problem faced by gardeners. And not necessarily the culture is sick with something.

Sometimes cucumber seedlings are decently stretched, while the leaves become small. This significantly reduces the yield and prevents the formation of fruit ovaries.

Reasons for pulling cucumber seedlings:

  • High temperature and lack of light. At high temperatures and lack of light, the seedlings become long, the leaves are small and stretch towards the light. To prevent stretching, lower the temperature to 17°C and light the culture with fluorescent lights.
  • Dense seeding. Initially, the gardener cannot know about the germination of seeds, so he sows the seeds tightly. With excellent germination, there are a lot of seedlings in the boxes and the bushes interfere with each other. It is enough to remove some of the bushes.
  • Wrong watering. Watering is done with warm water with a temperature of 22-24 ° C.

Elongated seedlings of cucumbers

Who eats cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse, how to process?

Despite the closed ground in the greenhouse, there are a lot of diseases and pests that significantly damage cucumber seedlings. Pests enter the soil along with seeds or directly from the garden, which is located near the greenhouse.

Most often, the leaves of the seedlings dry for the following reasons:

Most often, seedlings wither and fall due to rotting of the root system. This may be due to a number of reasons:

  • Excessive and frequent watering. Contribute to the stagnation of water in the root area. Reduce watering, spend them less often, but in large portions.
  • Frequent fertilizing with manure and organic fertilizers. This encourages root rot. Stop fertilizing with organic fertilizers for a while.
  • Changes in day and night temperatures. If the seedlings grow in a greenhouse, then install a temperature sensor, when triggered, the heating will turn on.

Why cucumber seedlings fall, wither and die: what to do?

White spots appeared on cucumber seedlings: what to do?

There are many reasons why white spots appear on the leaves. And to find out the reason, the gardener will have to try.

Causes of white spots on cucumber seedlings:

  • Powdery mildew. This disease affects most plants in the greenhouse and garden. This is a fungal disease that appears when the temperature in the greenhouse drops to 15 ° C and excessive soil moisture. You can fight the disease with the help of "Kvadris", "Topaz", "Jet".
  • Peronosporosis. This is also a fungal disease that can destroy the plant in a short time. Most often, it begins to develop even at the stage of seedling growth. The fight is carried out with the use of "Ridomil Gold", "MC", "Kuprosat".
  • Sclerotinia. The same applies to fungal infections. At the initial stage, a fluffy mold appears on the leaves, which then develops into black spots and the culture rots. The fight is carried out with the help of Fitosporin-M.
  • Corner spotting. A dangerous disease that is transmitted from plant to plant with the help of insects. Often occurs when planting untreated seeds in the soil. It is treated by spraying with a 1% solution of Bordeaux salt.

White spots appeared on the seedlings of cucumbers

The leg dries up at seedlings of cucumbers: reasons

Most often, the leg dries up at the initial stage of a fungal disease, it is popularly called the “black leg”. The spores of the fungus grow very quickly, so you need to fight as early as possible.

Ways to deal with a drying leg:

  • The soil should be moderately moist. It is better to water infrequently, but plentifully, than often and little by little. If you water like this, then there will always be moisture inside the lump, despite the drying outside.
  • The black leg grows in high humidity conditions, ventilate the greenhouse accordingly and avoid stagnant water. Buy TMTD or Planriz preparations and soak the seeds in them.
  • Mulch the soil around the seedlings. You can sprinkle the top of the soil with sand or turf.
  • Damaged bushes are watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Next, the soil is fluffed with the introduction of sand.
  • For the purpose of prevention and at the first signs of the disease, the bushes are treated with biological preparations (Baktofit, Planriz, Fitosporin, Fitolavin).

Seedlings of cucumbers dry leg

Frozen seedlings of cucumbers: what to do

Of course, if the damage is significant, then there is nothing left but to reseed the seedlings. Cucumbers do not survive the cold very well, so do not rush to plant them in open ground. But if the damage is small, then you can independently and in a short time cure the culture and restore it.

Ways to cure frozen seedlings:

  • Stop watering for a while. It is necessary to not water the sprouts for a couple of days.
  • Carry out the treatment with Epin. This drug removes heavy metals and restores the leaves.
  • You can water the roots with a small amount of Zircon solution. Watering is carried out only when the ground is slightly damp. This keeps the roots from burning.

Frozen seedlings of cucumbers

There are not so many reasons for the whitening of cucumber seedlings, and an experienced gardener will be able to find out which disease affects the seedlings.

Causes of whitening seedlings of cucumbers:

  • Powdery mildew. This is a fungus that can be fought with a 0.5% solution of soda ash with laundry soap. A 0.5 - 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid is also effective. You can use decoctions of plants - horsetail, marigolds.
  • Lack of minerals. Often the tip turns white from a lack of copper. In this case, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is advisable.
  • Tick ​​or aphid. In this case, it is advisable to spray with Arrow or Zitkor.

Why did cucumber seedlings turn white?

Cucumber seedlings are very fragile, so they require careful care. Maintain a stable temperature in the greenhouse and do not over-moisten the crop.

VIDEO: Cucumber seedling diseases

Why cucumber leaves turn white around the edges and how to save them

A common cause of this is the appearance of aphids or herbivorous mites. In the same way, bacteriosis can also manifest itself. The plant is treated by spraying with special solutions.

Sometimes it looks like chlorosis with a lack of certain nutrients. With a lack of copper, the tips of the leaves turn white.

The most common cause is powdery mildew.

Disease prevention:

  • the culture grows poorly for many years in a row on the same bed, so the landing site needs to be changed;
  • shoots can not be planted densely;
  • leaves and stems should be removed after harvest.

Powdery mildew often affects plants at low night temperatures at the end of summer, when air humidity is quite high.

For treatment use:

  • 0.5% mixture of soda ash and soap;
  • 3% solution of ferrous sulfate;
  • 0.6-1% solution of Bordeaux mixture;
  • decoctions from plants - marigolds, horsetail.

If the leaves of cucumbers turn white - the first sign of damage to the culture by powdery mildew. This is a fungal disease. Its appearance is associated with an excess of moisture and uncomfortable temperature. Experienced gardeners advise not to sow cucumbers in one place for several years in a row, but to alternate with different crops after two or three years.

You can treat the affected leaves by applying a solution of potassium permanganate (one teaspoon of the drug per ten liters of water). Factory products are also used: Tilt, Topaz, Fitoverm and others.

Cucumber seedling leaves dry: what to do

If the plant as a whole is frail and weak, with drying tips of the leaves, this may indicate that the seeds were of poor quality initially. In this case, you need to start all over again. This seedling will not bear fruit. Purchase new seeds, check their quality and hurry to reseed the plant.

The second reason for the drying of seedling leaves may be the use of unsuitable soil. There are the following options for the composition of the land for cucumbers:

  • overripe sawdust, humus, peat (1:2:2) with the addition of urea, wood ash, potassium sulfate and superphosphate;
  • peat, sawdust, humus, mullein, sand (6:1:1:1:1);
  • sod land, compost or humus (1:1) with the addition of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and wood ash;
  • peat, sod land, old sawdust, humus (1:1:1:1).

Perhaps your seedlings did not fit the planting land, or it is not enriched with nutrients. Change the soil by very carefully transplanting the sprouts.

The cause of dry leaves is also improper watering. Both excessive and insufficient degree of soil moisture can harm. Among other factors due to which the ends of cucumber leaves dry are poor lighting, drafts, temperature inconsistencies, as well as the presence of pests on the plant and in the soil.

If you are growing cucumbers at home on the windowsill for the purpose of harvesting and have begun to notice that their leaves are drying, then immediately take measures to save them.

Pests can cause disease in cucumbers grown in a room. For example, aphids, which are introduced along with planting soil and pots. The leaves damaged by the insect begin to dry, curl, the flowers fall off, and the plant itself gradually dies. Treat infected plants with Actellik, Phosbecid, Intavir or garlic infusion.

Cucumber seedlings grown in greenhouses and in the open field are subject to various fungal diseases and pest attacks. The ovaries and leaves are covered with white, yellow and brown spots and dry. If the leaves of your plants turn white, there may be several reasons.

If you notice signs of powdery mildew, then the seedlings should be immediately treated with fungicide preparations. Spray should be in calm, dry weather. You can also use solutions of copper oxychloride and colloidal sulfur.

If powdery mildew has switched to ovaries or you are against chemicals, then you can use folk remedies: mullein tincture, a solution of sour milk, or a mixture of baking soda with laundry soap.

Affected parts of the plant should be cut to a healthy place. If the disease has passed to the ovaries or affected most of the plants, they must be removed completely. Lime or crushed charcoal is used to process seedlings. Next, cucumbers are fed with a solution of warm water and urea with the addition of zinc sulfate and copper sulfate.

If the seedlings were attacked by a spider mite, it must be treated several times with insecticides. Affected leaves and ovaries are cut off and burned. Biopreparations will help get rid of the whitefly.

It is no secret that the problem is easier to prevent than to solve. Therefore, you should take care of proper cucumber care and prevention. People who do everything according to the rules rarely encounter all sorts of plant diseases.

So that your cucumbers do not get sick with powdery mildew, you need to change the planting site every year, remove all residues to prevent the fungus from developing in them. You should also observe the correct irrigation regime and use only warm settled water. In greenhouses or greenhouses, periodic disinfection should be carried out.

The correct planting method will help you prevent white rot from infecting plants. You can re-plant cucumbers in the same place no earlier than after 4 years. In no case should you thicken the crops. Do not forget about the timely formation of bushes and pruning.

Etching planting materials, disinfecting the soil and tools, and replacing the soil in the greenhouse will help to avoid the appearance of a mosaic. Before planting, it is recommended to carry out thermal disinfection of seeds and their treatment with potassium permanganate.

To prevent the appearance of whiteflies, it is necessary to loosen the soil more often and sprinkle it with humus or peat. Planting tobacco in the garden with cucumbers will also help.